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Gender Research Report Errata: Figure Corrections

Errata for The Researcher Journey Through a Gender Lens
de Kleijn, M, Jayabalasingham, B, Falk-Krzesinski, HJ, Collins, T, Kuiper-Hoyng, L,
Cingolani, I, Zhang, J, Roberge, G, et al. The Researcher Journey Through a Gender
Lens: An Examination of Research Participation, Career Progression and Perceptions
Across the Globe. (March 2020) Retrieved from
Errata List:
Page 63, FIGURE 3.3. Label for the first row should read, “First publication in
1999-2003,” it incorrectly reads, “First publication in 1999-2013.” The
corresponding report and figure legend texts are correct.
Page 63, FIGURE 3.4. Label for the first row should read, “First publication in
1999-2003,” it incorrectly reads, “First publication in 1999-2013.” The
corresponding report and figure legend texts are correct.