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Barcelona Interzones AC 20Meeting 30March2012

Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
“Supervising Troubles”
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
9.30. Welcome by Prof. Teresa Auguera, Vice-Rector for teaching and scientific policy of
the University of Barcelona, Prof. Amparo Cortès, Director of Doctorate Programmes and
Policies, and Prof. Laura Borràs, Interzones local-co-ordinator at the University of
Teresa Auguera, after giving some basic data on the Universitat Barcelona, emphasizes
the importance of internationalization policies in Spanish universities and more particularly
in Catalunya, she also mentions the fact that her university has been ranked first for
research excellence across Spain last year. She also explains the groundbreaking
initiatives that the UB is implementing in degree-awarding procedures. For this reason, the
UB is particularly honoured to host a meeting which marks the beginning of a new phase
for the Interzones EMJD and expresses pride in being part of such a big elite and
cosmopolitan network. (A more strictly technical meeting as regards quality enhancement
policies, assessment methods, external audits, and degree-awarding protocols took place
between the Interzones general co-ordinator and the highest representatives of UB for
such matters).
The General Co-ordinator pays a tribute to the vice president and to the host university for
their hospitality on behalf of the whole consortium and its coordinating university, the
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, its rector, Professor Stefano Paleari, its scientific coordinator, Professor Alberto Castoldi, and Professoressa Franchi, Director of the
Implementation of the programme. DG then excuses the members of the consortium who
were not in a position to join the meeting in Barcelona or simply could not make it because
of flights being cancelled (Bilcewski from Krakow; Galinier from Perpignan; Milanesi and
Viviès from Aix; Franco-Ferraz from Rio de Janeiro, Bhaduri from New Delhi; BonafousMurat from Paris).
Didier Girard communicates that from now on 5 associate members of the Interzones
Consortium will be able to deliver degrees to non-fellowship students and establish cotutelle degrees with any of the other degree-awarding institutions of the Consortium (10
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
out of 16). DG congratulates the new partners and explains, with concrete examples, why
this represents a fantastic added value to attract excellent students who cannot apply
under the EM fellowship scheme (because of linguistic combinations not eligible for the
EM fellowship, or mobility options made impossible because of their previous academic
Some remarks on the importance (and duties) of becoming degree-awarding partners
follow. DG confirms that he will have bilateral meetings with every one of the new degreeawarding partners (through the person in charge of such matters locally, usually the
director of the doctoral school or the Vice President in Scientific matters, or Registrar
director) to inform them technically about the specific standards of an EMJD (a degree
awarding package - already prepared and accepted by the rest of the consortium - will be
sent in the course of April 2012 to the new degree-awarding partners so that they can
prepare themselves before students actually start their doctoral studies with Interzones).
DG reminds everyone that the Interzones Consortium Agreement (ICA, available on-line
on the official website) has a whole section on the specificities and requirements for the
establishment of co-tutelle protocols, hence heads of doctoral schools should use this
document approved and signed by all the partners of the Consortium as a starting point for
discussion to implement degree-awarding policies and not let themselves be led astray by
their own local authorities to think that they should negotiate co-tutelle contracts from
scratch. The Interzones programme awards multiple degrees consisting of 1) two co-tutelle
degree certificates from the two universities where the PhD student has spent two
consecutive semesters, 2) 2 diplomas/certificates from the remaing two insitutions where
he/she has spent one semester, 3) academic transcripts and one diploma supplement that
have been finalized in accordance with the Treaty of Lisbon. DG insists on the fact that the
Consortium has always defended the idea of a multiple degree (and not an idealized joint
degree) fully recognized by all the universities and national governmental authorities of the
consortium involved in the education of the student considered.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Questions follow which lead DG to recap the main differences between multiple, double
and joint degrees, as understood in the EU terminology which might differ greatly from
what it means in different countries.
DG also takes advantage of the presence of Vice-Presidents in the meeting to make a
synthesis of the new framework project “Erasmus for all” starting in 2014 in the context of
“Horizon 2000” (as described to all EMJD co-ordinators in Brussels on March 16th 2012):
there will be no difference made any more between European and non European partners
OR candidates; and in their efforts to ensure a simpler management and an increase of
the overall budget, the Commission for Education and Culture will take care of all
programmes under the same Framework (Erasmus, Mundus Master Courses, but also
Tempus, LifeLongLearning or Youth in action, to name but a few). An important thing to
bear in mind is that EMJoint Doctorates will be not part of this overall “Erasmus for All”
package. Representatives of the EACEA insisted that this would make it possible for them
to have a separate and generous budget for EMJDs.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Every local-coordinator of the new five degree-awarding partner universities takes the
floor. Prof. Laura Borràs acts as a spokesperson for the legal representative of Entre Rios
University (Parana, Argentina), as she reads the Rector’s official declaration in Spanish
(See Annex 1). Prof. Christine Savinel (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle, head of the Doctoral
School EAGE) shares the same conviction on the importance of this new position and
expresses her gratitude on behalf of her institution. She insists on the fact that her
university is eager to develop international doctoral agreements especially with foreign
universities, and also adds as head of a doctoral school including English, German and
European Relations departments, that she is thinking of opening the collaboration to
Interzones to many other dpts potentially involved (especially Performative Arts and
Comparative Literature). Prof. Camille Dumoulié (Paris Ouest-Nanterre) first underlines
that the Interzones doctorate is, for his own university, a real “gift”: a comparative
programme that from now on will be in a better situation (with the degree-awarding
formula) to attract more pupils to join the programme without depriving his university of
excellent PhD students. According to top researchers of his research centre, Interzones is
not only one of the best Doctorate around, but the only one in France to specialize in
Comparative Literature. This also is encouraging him, as Director of the Research Centre
“Poétiques et littératures compares” to welcome top researchers in his own university but
coming from different faculties to contribute to the success of the programme. Finally, Prof.
Francesca Manzari (Aix-Marseille University) expresses, on behalf of Profs. Claudio
Milanesi and Jean Viviès, the same gratitude for their new institutional status. The
plurilinguist dimension (Hispanic, English-speaking, German, Slavic and all Romance
languages) of the programme means a lot to Aix Marseille. Last but not least, Laura Borràs
(Universitat Barcelona) sums up the UB’s position and shows to the audience a video
that will soon be available on-line on the Doctorate’s website.
The representatives of the core partners of the consortium then take the floor to welcome
the new degree-awarding institutions and share with them their 2-year experience with
Interzones: Ingrid Hot Davies (Karls Eberhardt Universität, Tübingen) insists on the
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
inventiveness of the programme and the fact that it has forced and helped the whole
university (from academia to administration) to go truly international. Franca Franchi
(Università degli Studi, Bergamo) introduces herself as the critical consciousness of the
Doctorate and insists on thanking the University of Barcelona for the warm welcome and in
particular Prof. Laura Borràs who has always been an operative and collaborative
colleague from the start; Jonathan Pollock (University of Perpignan, Head of the
Doctoral School) very generously expresses his pleasure at seeing more French
universities among the degree-awarding partners as Perpignan so far has had the majority
of Interzones PhD students staying with them. He also expresses his joy of celebrating this
new development of the Doctorate in South Catalunya.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
10.30: Break
The Interzones Consortium official photography at the Cloister of the University of
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
11.00-13.30 Work session n°1: Induction semester 2012
Aula Gabriel Oliver- Facultat de Filologia
As usual after the end of any induction semester in Bergamo, PhD students are invited to
collaborate on a feedback report on the seminars they have followed. The 2 nd round
Supervision Co-ordinator, Prof. Kapitolina Federova, has prepared a synthesis of the
weaker points of last year’s cycle of seminars:
1. The importance of establishing a limited bibliography that the new round has to read
and study during the holidays, before they join the Doctorate. Some of the books
recommended last year were never discussed by the professors. So the basic
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
bibliography should be known and discussed thoroughly by all the professors
coming to give a seminar.
2. Professors shouldn’t repeat lessons already done in other contexts; they should,
instead, prepare something special, demanding and difficult even if it does concern
everybody (in relation to their own research) and make sure that there is time for
3. The interactivity during the seminars is an opportunity not to be missed; frontal
presentations or lectures should be avoided altogether to give time for PhD
students to be tested and to make them react one way or another so that they can
benefit to the full of the presence and experience of senior lecturers and professors
who can then point out the weaknesses of the students’ perspectives and
argumentative skills.
In order to prepare this much better, professors are invited to communicate to the
group of PhD Students beforehand what is expected from them on D-Day (articles
to be read, questions to be considered, preparations under one form or another)
4. Professors should not think that they have to deliver extremely long seminars but
keep some time to have some time to exchange at length with students whose
research is particularly in the area of specialization of the visiting professor.
Professor Franchi declares she will take all these essential remarks into consideration to
prepare the programme for the next induction semester and takes advantage of this
feedback report to point out the leading role of this early stage in the academic training of
our students, and of the importance of transmitting some universal concepts to the
students. Hence, it becomes necessary and obvious to her that basic modules/sessions
based on common readings must be conceived. Having said that, Professor Franchi points
out that the AC should impose some rules to deeply involve the students into the courses
and to give an official character to the Doctorate. Most students have an employment
contract with a better salary than many experienced professors in countries represented in
the Consortium and, in some cases, should not behave passively during the seminars. DG
quite agrees with that and adds that certain attitudes of a few professors are not to be
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
tolerated either, he takes a good note of this, and announces that he will highlight these
points at the next Inauguration Ceremony. Professor Hotz-Davies comes into the debate
saying that the seminar formula is the most successful one because the students, who
come from different countries and have different cultural backgrounds, feel more at ease
taking part in less formal lessons.
DG asks everybody to express themselves on those issues. A first round of opinions upon
the importance and necessity of a closer and better monitored supervision mechanism and
of a deeper didactic organization follows. Professor Christine Savinel suggests to organize
something in the line of what they do at the Sorbonne, “From student to Scholar”, a twoday seminar on soft skills.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Prof. Müller-Nielaba (University of Zürich) comes into the debate arguing that the
academic theme should be very precise; hence, Prof. Christine Savinel suggests working
on the methodology of the seminars, on HOW to prepare and improve one’s skills to
become global academics. The problem with the updated research projects from the new
PhD students (to be discussed in the afternoon) shows that candidates do not lack
references, but that they lack rigour and juggle with too many and too vague theoretical
notions and concepts. Finally, Prof. Hotz-Davies suggests that an Interzones methodology
is more a matter of testing the limits and the frontiers of many co-existing perspectives
than more lectures on various new theoretical schools or concepts. She suggests that we
consider various “Processes of demarcation” in our seminars to the PhD students.
DG asks details about all these proposals and recommends that we use the first three
weeks of October to actually do “Methodological Demarcations” sessions, and have them
followed by the Inauguration of the cycle of conferences (October 22-24) and many other
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
seminars in November and December on the theme selected. Professor Franchi informs
the AC members that Professor Giulia Sissa (U.C.L.A.) has been invited to give the
plenary Inauguration speech this year for the 3rd round of students, following M. Augé and
C. Severi for the first two rounds. Within hours, she has immediately and enthusiastically
honoured the invitation, suggesting too to give an extra seminar on the following two days
(Inauguration October 22nd, seminar 23rd & 24th). The General co-ordinator, given the
scope and prestige of Giulia Sissa’s academic achievements, says how honoured he is by
Giulia Sissa’s generous support and he strongly encourages all members of the
Consortium to send representatives to attend the Inauguration Ceremony to engage in a
fruitful intellectual debate.
Prof. Franchi lists every suggestion that has come to her in the previous months from the
various research centres of the Consortium:
1. Transmedia studies
2. Postcolonial legacies
3. Ethics and politics of desire
4. Cultural border crossways
5. In-between mapping
6. Through narratives
A round table follows and it soon appears that proposal n°3 (“Ethics and politics of Desire”)
emerges as the best one. This theme also triggers various proposals for seminars by
various members of the consortium. Franca Franchi takes notes and invites everyone to
send her argumented proposals in the weeks to come. She will also write to the whole
consortium (for those not present in Barcelona) and will suggest a didactic schedule before
the summer.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
12.30 Summary and factual information on the morning Session
It is decided that from October 1st to October 18th some didactic modules will focus on
what has been coined by Ingrid Hotz-Davies as “Methodological demarcations”. The point
of these sessions will NOT be to illustrate more theoretical schools of thought but rather to
point out, concretely, the risks inherent in using too many of them or in too lose a manner;
in other words, the goal of these sessions must be to make our PhD students sharper and
less naïve before choosing a methodological perspective that is not perfectly relevant to
the questions they want to raise
Prof. Borràs and Prof. Hotz-Davies on Reading words and images (8th October);
Prof. Müller-Nielaba on Hermeneutics (9th-12th October)
Prof. X on Images, Imagology, Visual cultures (date to be fixed)
Prof. Savinel on Intermediality (15th October);
Prof. Christoph Reinfelt on System Theories (date to be fixed)
Prof. Dumoulié, Prof. Pollock and Prof. Manzari on Literature, Psychoanalysis
and Philosophy (12th-13th October);
Prof X on Cultural Studies (date to be fixed)
To these sessions will be added a one-day soft skill training, “From Student to Scholar”
which will insist on a certain number of skills that our PhDstudents must acquire : it is sad
to see talented individuals who speak so many languages, unable to communicate without
knowing how to present themselves, discuss issues one way or another without realizing
that argumentative skills must be oriented towards a convincing logical discourse, talk
without reading their notes from start to finish and sometimes focusing on peripheral
literary toenails rather than engage in ambitious topics. In the past 12 months, DG has
asked non-academic personalities working in the economic sector of communication and
Public Relations to go to various venues where our 1st round PhD students were giving
talks and the observations above unfortunately were confirmed.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
EACEA news on EMJDs
As a conclusion to the morning session, DG informs the members of the consortium of
some important news collected in Brussels (Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate General Coordinators Technical Meeting, 16th March 2012):
The Interzones EMJD was praised for its truly international, non euro-centric and
trans-cultural activities and protocols.
students’ initiatives were also appreciated and hyped.
the acceptance letter package, web site, e-platforms and other administrative tools
were praised as best practice to other EM consortia.
Many other EMJD consortia find it very difficult to cope with appeals (to selection
procedures) and support to students’ applications for visas.
More generally speaking, the meeting (34 EMJDs were represented) was a formidable
opportunity to exchange practices.
- Many EMJDs offer topics that are appointed to certain students. Very often, selection and
pedagogic processes are two different things. In other words candidates are first selected
and then research projects are discussed or imposed;
- Some EMJDs publicize the positions offered as job offers.
Eventually, DG officially informs the Academic Council of a certain number of key issues
that preoccupied us recently. Only good news!
1) Aliki Tzatha’s decision to quit the doctorate has been notified, accepted, and
validated by the EACEA who have been very interested in the way we treated this
case not anticipated by anyone at European level. The good news is that we will
soon be in a position to transfer her fellowship to our paying student of the 1st
round, Alessandro Rossi. We spare you the details of the administrative
complexities we had to face to have this accepted and validated but the money will
go to one of our students which is always better than back in the EU coffers. We will
confirm you this but by May 1st A. Rossi should be considered as a Fellow in the B
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
category like any other for his remaining 3 semesters with us.
2) In the same context the UE has expressed no objection to the introduction of a
withdrawal clause in cases of resignations to the Fellowship with no medical
justification as long as the employment contract abides to the coordinating
university’s national legislation. According to the Italian law, resignation clauses in
fellowship contracts, except for medical reasons, are perfectly legal.
The universities of Zürich and Tübingen, which had expressed disapproval at the
introduction of such a clause, are reassured by the news and measures are being taken to
introduce the clause (with modification of the employment contract and all related
documents) as early as next September (3rd round and future 4th and 5th). This clause
cannot be applied to students from the 1st and 2nd rounds.
The withdrawal penalty will be progressive:
Withdrawal during the first semester (Sept 1st - January 31st
year n+1
): no penalty
because the candidate can be replaced by another one from the "shadow" list.
Withdrawal during the second semester (Feb. 1st - August 31st year n+1): penalty of
5000 euros;
Withdrawal during the third or fourth semesters (Sept. 1st year n+1 – August 31st
year n+2): penalty of 8000 euros ;
Withdrawal during the fifth or sixth semesters (Sept. 1st year n+2 – August 31st year
n+3): penalty of 11000 euros.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
15.30 Work session n°2 : Co-supervision mechanism
Aula Gabriel Oliver- Facultat de Filologia
Every one of the 9 research projects is discussed by the whole Academic Council one
after another. Each member present takes notes for one particular candidate, and will
send to the General Co-ordinator a short report on what must be improved or modified in
the project to make sure that the research can be conducted successfully. These feedback
reports will be communicated in late April to the students who will be invited to react in
writing and another session of the AC will take place in Paris (Paris Ouest University, on
June 29th 2012) to reconsider the students’ response (together with the research projects
of the PhD students already with us but who might need refocusing their research,
On October 18th and 19th 2012, the AC will organize a physical bilateral meeting in
Bergamo with every student separately. Decisions will then be firm for all parties for the
rest of their doctoral studies. No change in the research topic, language of writing,
methodology and scope will be tolerated.
Three hours later, all projects have been analyzed and commented on.
DG adds that more protocols must be invented and finetuned:
collecting CVs from every research centre’s potential supervisors (minimum of five).
The idea behind this is a flag ship approach which will give ideas to candidates
about what our experts across the Consortium (not only from an academic point of
view but also individuals who are ready and eager to work in a truly trans-cultural
environment). The one-page CVs will be published on the official website. DG will
soon write to every local co-ordinator to gather these documents.
E-platform or not for supervision? The Interzones website includes an e-platform
that makes it possible for students and supervisors to communicate and follow up
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
what has been done here and there and how the thesis progresses. It is also a
wonderful tool for the supervision coordinator to check that things are being handled
properly by teachers and students alike. Unfortunately so far, the e-platform is very
little used. This Spring DG will make sure that every pool of supervisors for every
PhD student is in contact with one another.
Supervision coordinators and their roles. We still have problems with first
supervisors who seem reluctant to initiate communication with the pool of
supervisors involved in the student’s doctoral mobility
DG wonders whether we should not ask non-academic personalities (PR,
communication, human resources) to form small commissions to listen and assess
every PhD student’s rhetorical and communication capacities.
Recap of the Interzones calendar in 2012
(All academic conferences are described at length on the Interzones official website)
The Interzones Students conference for all EM post graduate students:
“Preoccupied” (28th-29th June, Kulturpark- Berlin);
AC Meeting (29th June, Paris Ouest-Nanterre, contact : Camille Dumoulié). We will
discuss research projects and co-supervision issues for students of ALL rounds
Interzones Conference “Latin Eros” (13th-15th September, Procida Island)
October 18th (afternoon) and 19th 2012 : Bilateral meetings of the AC with PhD
21st October 2012: Inauguration ceremony under the tutelage of Giulia Sissa.
Seminar on October 22-23 October. Members of the Consortium (not only local coordinators) are strongly recommended to attend until the 22nd
N.B. Future World Interzones conferences will be held in 2013 in Tübingen (Irritations,
date to be fixed), Induction semester meeting in late March / early Arpil in Aix Marseille
University and Sydney in November 2013.
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Barcelona, 30 March 2012
List of Presence
Name and University
Prof. Didier Girard
EMJD Gal co-ordinator
Université d’Haute Alsace (France)
(Chairman – no vote)
Prof. Franca Franchi
Professor of French Studies,
Department of Humanities,
University of Bergamo (Italy)
Prof. Laura Borràs
Director of Hermeneia Research Group,
Universidad Barcelona (Spain)
Prof. Luis Felipe Canudas
Division of Humanity and Communication
Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico)
Prof. Camille Dumoulié
Centre de Recherches Littérature et Poétique Comparées,
Université Paris Ouest-Nanaterre-La Défense (France)
Prof. Kapitolina Fedorova
Faculty of Arts,
European University at St Petersburg (Russia)
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Prof. Ingrid Hotz-Davies
Englisches Seminar, Gender Studies,
Karl Eberhards Universität Tübingen (Germany)
Prof. Francesca Manzari
Comparative literature Studies,
Université Aix-Marseille (France)
On behalf of prof. Claudio Milanesi
Prof. Daniel Müller-Nielaba
Head of the Graduate School,
University of Zürich (Switzerland)
Prof. Jonathan Pollock
Director of Département des Etudes Anglophones,
Université de Perpignan via Domitia (France)
Prof. Christine Savinel
ED 514-EDEAGE- Etudes Anglophones, Germanophones et Européenes
Université Sourbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (France)
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Annex 1
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
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De mi mayor consideración:
Me dirijo a usted a fin de agradecerle su atenta invitación para participar del encuentro
organizado en el marco de las actividades del consorcio “Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Cultural
Studies in Literary Interzones”, instancia a la que lamentablemente no podré asistir por encontrarme
participando de reuniones indelegables que hacen a la buena marcha de la Universidad.
Es un orgullo para esta Casa de Estudios formar parte del consorcio a través del Doctorado en
Ciencias Sociales, una propuesta que se destaca no sólo por la excelencia académica, sino por su
génesis y desarrollo interinstitucional, puesto que el dictado se realiza de manera conjunta entre tres
Facultades de nuestra Universidad.
La apertura de esta nueva posibilidad de intercambio académico constituye para la
Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos una celebración, y al mismo tiempo un resorte de
responsabilidades: la de continuar dirigiendo los esfuerzos a la consolidación de redes como la que nos
convoca, permitiéndonos trabajar de manera cooperativa y solidaria en torno a los desafíos comunes
que nos unen.
Es una oportunidad propicia, además, para reconocer a los hacedores de este espacio. Gracias
a la voluntad y esfuerzos de todos ellos veremos cumplido el sueño de una cooperación e integración
internacional basada en el respeto y compromiso mutuo, de un proyecto que, más allá de las
diferencias étnicas, culturales, políticas o sociales, y basándose en problemáticas y desafíos comunes,
reflexiona y acciona sobre la necesidad de trabajar articuladamente en pos del bien común.
La instancia que – aunque a la distancia- hoy celebramos, es parte de ese trabajo que nos
debemos las universidades en torno a la forma de concebir la producción de conocimiento científico,
así como repensar la formación de profesionales para asumir e intervenir sobre las realidades sociales.
Ruego a usted haga extensivo este reconocimiento a todos los presentes, saludo del que
también hago parte a la directora del Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Profesora Claudia Kozak, demás
autoridades y comunidad toda de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina.
Ing. Qco. Jorge Gerard
Rector de la UNER
Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Annex 2
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
e mail:
Cultural Studies
in Literary Interzones
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
Annex 3
Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Room 120 - Via dei Caniana, 2, 24127 Bergamo Italy
e mail:
Morning / Matin
Aula Ramon y Cajal
Claustre de Rectorat
Universitat de Barcelona
Prof. Carles Carreras
Prof. Teresa Anguera
Prof. Enric Canela
Prof. Helena Puigdomènech
Prof. Raffaele Pinto
Prof. Laura Borràs
Dra. Giovanna di Rosario
Welcome from the
Universitat de
Barcelona /
Bienvenue des
autorités de
l'Université de
Prof. Carles
Carreras. Vicepresident of
International Relations
9.45h Welcome by Prof. Laura
Borràs, Interzones Coordinator at
the UB.
10.00h Introduction by the
General Co-ordinator, Prof.
Didier Girard.
10.20h The Interzones
Consortium (official photography)
at the Cloister of the University of
Aula Gabriel Oliver
Facultat de Filologia
10.30- 13.30h
Work session /
Session de travail by
Prof. Franca
Franchi: Next year's
Induction Semester.
Subject, lecturers,
Afternoon / Après midi
13.30-15.30h Lunch / Déjeuner
15.30- 17.30
Work session /
Session de travail:
PhD supervision and
Research Project
13.0117.30- 18.00h
Discussion :
Expanding the
Interzones "degree".
Closing remarks /
Alberto Castoldi
(Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
Franca Franchi
(Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
Ingrid Hotz-Davies
(Universität Tübingen)
Jonathan Pollock
(Université di Perpignan)
Estudis Literaris
i Tecnologies Digitals
Cultural Studies in the
Literary Interzones
Christine Savinel
(Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris3)
Francesca Manzari
(Université Aix-Marseille)
Camille Dumoulié
(Université Paris 10)
Daniel Müller Nielaba
(Universität Zürich)
Kapitolina Fedorova
(University of Saint Peterburg)
30th March 2012
Tomasz Bilczewski
(Jagiellonian University)
Luis Felipe Canudas
(Iberoamericana de México)
Elena Mazzoleni
(Interzones Assistant)
Didier Girard (General Co-ordinator)
Aula Ramon y Cajal
Aula Gabriel Oliver
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
Barcelona 08007
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
Barcelona 08007