SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN DE BOGOTÁ D.C. COLEGIO CARLOS ALBÁN HOLGUÍN I.E.D. Resolución de Aprobación (SED) N° 8879 de Dic. 7 de 2001 En sus niveles Preescolar, Básica Primaria, Básica Secundaria y Media Resolución de Jornada Completa (SED) N° 2068 de Nov. 17 de 2015 DANE 111001002909 – NIT: 830.028.542-3 Docente: FREDDY MORENO Guía de Nivelación de: INGLÉS 1 PERIODO Grados: DÉCIMOS: 1003, 1004, 1005 META DESEMPEÑOS Students will understand some aspects of official testing exams based on the Common Reads and understand texts gathering main and secondary ideas European Framework Listen and get the message given in a song Express orally and in a written way to state points of view. TIEMPO ORIENTACIONES EVALUACIÓN To develop this activity students will You should follow indications and You must send your tasks to the take the time until the deadline develop activities as they are suggested. following e-mail. ACTIVITIES 1. Read the first diagnosis test from the booklet KNOW NOW you can find in the following link: Click on Cartilla “Know Now: Achieving skills, preparing for life”., and download it. 1.1 Read and answer pages 5 -14. 1.2 Answer the 45 questions in a paper. Example; 1: A 2:C 3: C…. etc. 1.3 Click on Hoja de Respuestas de la Prueba Diagnóstica Inicial y Final. And evaluate yoursellf. You can take a picture of your own score and send by E-mail 2. Write a glossary of 300 hundred words from the developed test, if they are not enough you can follow more in the following pages. Example: 1 roof: techo 2. Jews: Judio 3. Here: aqui etc….. 3. SING YOURSELF Listen the song HOLY WAR (Alicia Keys) memorize it, and through and audio file send by email, you can use the karaoke version 4. Translate the song HOLY WAR, and in your own words give your opinion about the message of the it and explain how the message can related to the current reality of the world and all the issues related about the pandemic