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Listening Exercise Transcripts - English Language Learning

Listenings unit 11
So I was at the gym and I saw this guy come in and he was gorgeous. I used to see him every day and I really fancied him, but he never seemed to notice me, but one
day I introduced myself and he asked me if I'd like to go for a coffee later. We went out for coffee and then we went out to dinner and he told me that he was single
and then we started seeing each other. I think I fell in love with him on that first date. He was so kind and clever and funny and we moved in together after about six
months, but we broke up after about a year. I still miss him sometimes but I also like being single again.
Alex whenever there's someone new at work, they always introduce them to everyone in the office. So I was sitting at my desk and they introduced me to Petra. I
immediately thought she was nice and decided to get to know her. I used to talk to her during coffee breaks, but she always talked about her boyfriend. We were really
good friends and I even met a boyfriend and he liked me too, but they didn't know that I was crazy about her. after about six months she broke up with her boyfriend
I've waited for her to get over him and then one day I asked her out. We went out for a pizza and she told me that she'd been in love with me for months. I asked her to
marry me at that moment. We got married two months later. We've been together six years.
11.8 11,8 Hi Joey, it's Sammy. I was just calling to see if you wanted to go for a drink after work tonight. Give me a call back when you get the chance.
To hello Global matters, how can I help you? This is Jack Marshall. I'd like to speak to Melissa, please. I'm afraid Melissa's out visiting a client. Can I take a message?
Yes,. It's about the Lawrence account. Could you tell her to call me back as soon as she can? Sure. I'll tell her. Thanks. Bye.
three I'll arrange it. This is Amanda. I'm just checking to see if you've had a chance to read the report yet. Call me back when you come by.
four Is the York Health Center, please? Leave your name and number after the tone and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. hello, my name is Constance German
that jay-ar maaaaan. And my number is 6 8 7 5 3 to 2. I'm calling about making an appointment to see Dr. Bridges on Friday. I look forward to your call. Thank you.}
five Hello, this is Kathy. No, he's at football practice. Who's this? It's Dave. Oh, hi Dave. Can I give him a message? Just tell him I'll pick him up at 5:00. Okay, Dave your
pick him up at 5:00. I'll tell him. Thanks. Bye. Bye Dave.
11.10 Hi Rosie, how are you? What's going on with you? How are things highly I'm doing well. Thanks and the university now and I really like my classes this term. I
have a lot of friends. So that's fun and we all help each other. Are you still going out with Pete? Yes. He's still living in London, but he wants to move here. I only see
him at the weekends and he said everyone okay in your family. Yes. Thanks. My brother Works in a bank now, and he's getting married next year. My mom and dad still
have the shoe shop. That's good.
11,11 Hey Les, how's Rosie? She's fine. I saw the other day, and she said she was doing really well at University. She told me that she liked her classes this term. What
about her boyfriend Pete? Is it? She said he was living closer to her now. She also said that her mom and dad still had the Bookshop and I brother was working in a shoe
shop now, that's nice.
Unit 12
12.1 conversation one I found this great clip on YouTube last night. Have you seen it the one about the shark attack? Oh, yeah, it's great. Isn't it? Really funny? My
brother sent me the link, of course. It's a fake. Really? Oh, no. I thought it was real.
Conversation two I was the concert last night did a lot of people go. Yeah. It was really full. I mean the venue small, but it was full and the atmosphere was great. Stefan
played really well and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I'd like to see him next time. I'll let you know when he's on..
12.2 When we went to see a movie, I always wanted to wait until the film was completely finished. I used to believe that the credits at the end were a list of the people
that were watching and I used to look for my name. two because we didn't used to have a television when I was little I listen to alot of music when I was looking for
channels. I used to think that am and FM meant America Music & Foreign music three I used to spend a lot of time engaging arcades as a kid. I used to think that the
high scores on the screens of games with a high scores ever recorded in the world. four our son used to think that when you turned it off it used to save your place like
a bookmark in a book.