Subido por Patricio Cuevas

Boost Profit with Marketing Funnels: Proven Strategies

4 Proven Ways To Boost Your Profit
If you are involved in Digital Marketing (new or experienced)… this report
will open your eyes to four proven ways to make more money with your
marketing funnels.
Before we dive into the tactics, a quick backstory about how we got here
(and the growing problem we all face today as Digital Marketers)…
Over the past few years, you’ve witnessed a handful of amazing funnel
page builders hit the market.
These tools are so good that anyone with zero technical skills can crank
out a 4-page site in minutes — no HTML coding required.
To add fuel to the fire… Facebook and Google have also made it super
easy for anyone to create an ad, pick a target audience and BINGO…
instant traffic on demand.
Easier funnel page building + easier ad creation, targeting.
But… now there’s more competition + more expensive traffic than ever!
There are now over 6,000,000 advertisers on Facebook.
Herein Lies The Problem…
Today’s super fast funnel builders + Facebook/Google ad creation
platforms have made it easier for you to lose money — faster than ever.
Build and then figure out how to make it profitable… might have worked a
couple years ago…
What’s the solution?
Today (more than ever)… you gotta plan and figure out your marketing
funnel numbers ahead of time.
You see… your success (or failure) with your marketing funnels all boils
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down to one word.
If the math doesn’t work, you lose.
It’s that simple.
If you are paying $1.72 per click on Facebook (which is the average click
cost today), ask yourself these questions.
What is the max I afford to pay per click to be profitable?
What amount can I afford to pay for every customer/lead?
How can I maximize my sales to offset my growing traffic costs?
Is 0.5% sales conversion enough to be profitable when you are paying
$1.72 per click?
Today, having these answers (targets/goals/projections) before you build a
marketing funnel or start paying for traffic is a must.
Not to mention…. once you factor in 3.5% merchant fees, product costs,
6+% refund rates… all this can drastically change the profit you think you
Over the next few pages, you’ll see several ways to make more money
with your marketing funnels.
These are the ‘hidden secrets’ that super successful digital marketers
It’s how they scale marketing campaigns to the moon, while others
struggle to break even.
Let’s dive into how you can maximize your profit and afford to pay more
(than your competitors) to attract new customers and leads.
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The Name Of The Game Has Always Been… Whoever
Can Pay More For Traffic WINS
To be able to pay more for traffic, you must raise the average Value Per
Visitor (VPV).
How do you calculate VPV?
Take the total amount of visitors sent to a funnel and divide them into the
Total Revenue your funnel has produced, and you’ll get the average Value
Per Visitor.
What’s The BEST WAY Increase Your Value Per Visitor?
It’s simple… Expand Your Funnel. Many Digital Marketers (yes, even those
who are experienced) don’t take full advantage of boosting the Value Per
There are many tactics and techniques to expand your funnel so you can
increase the Value Per Visitor. Let’s cover them below, starting with the
first step of building a model…
With expensive click prices today (and growing competition)… before you
start doing anything towards ‘building’ your Marketing Funnel, here is an
important first step.
…the same rule applies if you already have a Marketing Funnel…
Missing this step… is like flying an airplane at night in thick fog without
any controls hoping you’ll land and not crash…
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First… you must create what has become known as the successful Digital
Marketer’s secret weapon…
A Digital Marketing Simulation.
“What the heck is that!?”
A Digital Marketing Simulation is a MODEL of any potential Marketing
Funnel you wish to build & profit from…
It’s not only a visual funnel map that you will design ahead of time to have
an overview of what you’re going to try and create… it’s also something
you can use to RUN THE NUMBERS before you do anything.
A Simulation lets you SEE THE POTENTIAL of your Marketing Funnel.
You create goals, targets and then figure out your numbers to hit those
You can do these calculations manually using a calculator or
spreadsheet. But stay tuned as you’re about to learn about some
powerful “Simulator” software that will automate calculating key
metrics like Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), Earnings Per Click (EPC)
and forecast your potential revenue, profit and more.
The most successful Digital Marketers across every niche & industry know
their numbers really well. This is not a coincidence.
If you want to have scalable, growing success with your Marketing Funnel,
the only way to do it is to master the numbers.
The great Stephen Covey said it best….
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“Begin with the end in mind”
In Digital Marketing terms, this translates into…
“What’s YOUR Number?”
Everybody has a number…
What’s yours?
And most important… how will you get there?
Here’s a simple example:
Suppose you have a $97 product sold through a webinar. If your goal is to
hit $30K per month in sales… what would that look like?
Here are some typical back-of-napkin numbers…
$30,000 / $97 = need to sell 309 units
How much traffic would you need to make 309 sales?
4,000 visitors? 10,000 visitors?
Again, some quick math and you can determine some baseline metrics…
Paying $1.20 per click with an average 2% Sales Conversion Rate (CR) on
cold traffic, here’s how the numbers play out…
15,450 visitors @ 2% = 309 units
Your Total Sales = $29,973 (309 x $97)
Minus your Traffic Cost of $18,540 (15,450 clicks x $1.20)
= $11,433 in PROFIT.
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Whoa… not so fast.
A few CRUCIAL steps were skipped here.
Here’s how the math REALLY plays out…
Pushing those 15,450 clicks through this funnel with metrics, here’s how
the final numbers look…
Webinar Registration CR = 40% (6,180)
Webinar Live Attendance Rate = 25% (1,545)
Webinar Sales Page CR = 2% (30)
Order Form CR = 50% (15)
That equals $1,455 In Revenue (15 sales x $97)
BUT remember… that traffic cost you $18,540
This campaign actually lost money :-(
ALOT of money actually… a $17,085 loss to be exact.
What happened to that $11,433 in PROFIT??
Later on, you’ll be introduced to software that automatically handles all the
number-crunching for you. Here’s a small teaser (using the same numbers
I just went through in the example above)…
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Unfortunately, Facebook or Google doesn’t care about your profit. They
still get paid regardless of how much you lose.
Not to mention… we haven’t even factored in the business Expenses here.
NOTE: Many Digital Marketers ignore this at their own peril…
That $17,085 loss does NOT include your expenses such as, web hosting,
autoresponder/CRM, web design or development costs …and any other
monthly operating costs and services you use to run your business.
Those numbers really add up.
It’s not how much money you make… it’s how much you keep that counts,
That’s why you gotta SIMULATE your Marketing Funnels, run “What If…”
scenarios and….
Know ALL Your Numbers
It’s just too risky today for you to build a single webpage, create Email #1
in your sequence, or even think about buying traffic without being able to
SIMULATE to potential outcome FIRST.
Now let’s cover some tips you can use to Expand Your Funnel and squeeze
more profit out of every visitor…
In a perfect world… all your prospects take the EXACT SAME path
through your funnel (as shown earlier…) and spend money the same way
with you…
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But as you already know… that never happens.
It’s no surprise that the majority of people visiting your website or landing
page don’t take action…
Did You Know…
There’s an untapped GOLDMINE
in every website click, visitor, lead
or opt-in who says… “NO”
Your marketing funnel “NO” pathways are now just as important as your
“YES” pathways — and this is something 90%+ of your competitors just
don’t ‘get’…
Most marketers build a “One-Way Funnel.” This is where the funnel only
advances forward for all prospects & customers that keep saying “Yes”
and taking the Call-To-Action.
The only “NO” path some might use is to offer a Downsell product offer if
someone refused an Upsell. But that’s it. No other use of “NO” pathways.
That’s a mistake.
If you want to maximize the amount of money you make from your
Marketing Funnel, you must take advantage of the missing profit hidden in
“NO” pathways.
A quick example…
It’s a well-know fact the Cart Abandonment sequences and Traffic ReTargeting can tremendously boost your bottom line.
Those are only two methods of re-capturing lost sales from “NO”
In fact… I have witnessed an ecommerce business see a 6-FIGURE per
month increase in sales by only adding a Cart Abandonment email
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As the saying goes… small hinges swing big doors
There’s a small fortune to be made from people in your funnel who say
Same traffic volume and cost… yet you squeeze out more sales.
It’s like free money!
Are you maximizing the
sales potential of your funnels by
incorporating “NO” pathways into ALL your funnel maps?
If not, you should be… because you are missing out on a lot of extra (easy)
Expanding on our previous example, here’s a revised funnel map with YES
and NO pathways.
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For people who did NOT attend the webinar… I added two email follow
ups sending them to the Webinar Replay.
Not 100% done yet. It’s getting there.
This is a very basic example.
As you can see from the image above… there are still some NO pathways
(red circle “N” images) that we haven’t completed yet.
One step at at time.
There are a few more things to add to that map shown above.
Keep reading to find out what’s missing…
It’s often said in the world of selling that…
“It Takes 7 No’s To Get a YES”
If you apply this to funnel maps… clearly, as Digital Marketers… we’ve all
got some work to do with follow up.
In the trenches of digital marketing, the vast majority of your prospects say
NO the first time they see your offer.
That is… unless you have a pre-existing relationship with them (like a
subscriber or customer who already knows… likes.. and trusts you).
Also, the higher your prices = it’s even more difficult to get to YES quickly.
The key?
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It’s all in the follow up.
Many marketers make the mistake of adding 2 emails to an autoresponder
and calling it quits.
Top marketers know that…
There’s a fortune in the followup
Is the solution to spam your prospects will more emails?
Not at all.
The secret to making your follow up messages work is to make them
Let’s look at a quick example…
Prospect A: Opt-ins to receive your PDF report. But… they never actually
click the download link to read the report. [—sigh—]
Prospect B: Opt-ins to receive your PDF report. They click the link,
download and open the report. [—yay!—]
Should Prospect A and Prospect B get the same email followups?
If you know that people who read your PDF report are qualified leads that
are more likely to buy… your job is to follow up to ensure that Prospect B
actually reads your report.
Makes sense, right?
Picking up on our chat about “NO” pathways… many of your email,
chatbot or SMS followups are trigged by a NO response.
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For example… what if someone attended your live webinar, but did not
buy the product promoted?
You can add an email follow up sequence to address their objections…
highlight more benefits…. and reasons why they should buy.
Here’s how that would look…
Do you think that adding this “NO” pathway… with personalized,
RELEVANT follow up sequences will boost your sales?
You betcha!
Once again… this is a very basic example.
You could go a step further…
Add one Email sequence… for people who only watched the first 30 mins
of your webinar.
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Add another Email sequence… for people who bailed out before seeing
your offer at the end of your webinar.
Different messages for different prospects at different stages.
Don’t treat them all the same.
You getting this stuff?
VERY profitable once you do this.
The big takeaway here…
It’s not only about more follow up… it’s about smart, targeted follow up —
triggered by actions that your prospect takes (or does not take).
Plan these funnel steps out ahead of time and…
You’ll squeeze out more profit & better response from every click and
opt-in that you generate
In the words… you’ll make more money with the same traffic volume and
It’s not uncommon to turn a losing funnel into a winner by applying what
you have learned here so far.
We’re not done yet. This next step explained below
can give you the biggest boost in revenue…
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When it comes to selling online, there are basically two ways you can
increase your sales.
Sales Booster #1: Increase your Sales Conversion Rate or your Opt-In
Conversion Rate or your Webinar Attendance Rate, etc.
Sales Booster #2: Increase your Average Customer Value (ACV).
Google or Facebook doesn’t give a hoot if you make $4 for every $1 you
spend on traffic… or if you lose your shirt.
It’s all on YOU to make the magic happen.
Here’s how you do it…
If you’ve spent any amount of time trying to bump up your Opt-In or Sales
Conversion by another 1%… you already know how tough that is.
There comes a point where split-testing your A/B pages doesn’t improve
conversion that much anymore.
The easy solution?
Sell your customers MORE stuff
Order Bumps… Upsells… Downsells… Continuity… Trial Offers… etc.
Once again… this goes hand-in-hand with everything mentioned in this
report so far.
If someone says “NO” to your initial offer, what do you do?
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You follow up… reframe the offer… add a new hook… highlight a new
benefit they will receive once they order.
What if they say “NO” again?
Maybe the price was too high? Offer them a Downsell.
… and on and on.
Of course, there comes a point of overselling.
Have you ever bought an online course and went through 6 upsells (often
called upsell hell)?
Not the best customer experience.
Adding an Upsell or Downsell
can turn your losing campaign
into an instant winner.
How will you know?
You need to map out your Marketing Funnel and plan out (simulate) the
numbers ahead of time.
Even if you don’t have an Upsell ready yet… play with the funnel
numbers… tweak your conversion metrics to get a better understanding of
what your sales could be — and ultimately what each Visitor to your funnel
is now worth; so you’ll have a good idea of what you’ll be able to pay for
traffic and still turn a profit.
By now you realize that in order to maximize your success with any
Marketing Funnel… you’ve got to start doing the things mentioned in this
And one of those important things is to PLAN & SIMULATE your potential
outcomes before you go and setup an additional landing page, email,
chatbot, product sales page, or spend another dollar on traffic..
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There’s a bit of Bad News & Some Good News to tell you…
Let’s start with the Bad News…
The ‘bad’ news is that running a proper simulation takes a lot of time &
WORK. You’ll need to create some advanced spreadsheets and
understand how to calculate several Digital Marketing formulas like Cost
Per Action (CPA), Earnings Per Click (EPC), Return On Ad Spend (ROAS),
Profit, etc.
Here’s the good news…
I briefly mentioned this earlier in the Report…
There’s some powerful software that was created to handle all of your
Marketing Funnel planning & simulations for you! This software took over
two years to develop, and is about to be your new “Secret Weapon” when
it comes to Digital Marketing…
It’s the world’s FIRST Digital Marketing Simulator
Here’s why you should start using it right away…
- Save Time: Quickly & easily drag-n-drop to create beautiful Marketing
Funnel Maps no matter how simple or how complex.
- Save Money: Have the ability to completely simulate ad campaigns
without buying traffic. Run the numbers, see what your Marketing Funnel
is capable of before building anything.
- Grow Faster: By being able to create complete funnel models, maps,
and simulations, you’ll quickly learn exactly WHAT you should build and in
what order.
And you’ll always have a grasp on what to do next when you analyze any
results and then start planning & simulating the next phase of your growth.
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What does GERU do?
Yes, GERU creates beautiful Marketing Funnel Maps (you’ve seen a few
screenshots sprinkled throughout this report).
But, that’s just the beginning…
With GERU, you can:
• Start with your Dream Profit Goal and automatically reverse-engineer
a profitable funnel to meet your goal
• Know Your Numbers - Boost your ROI. Auto-calculate and plan out all
your funnel numbers — product prices, traffic costs, expenses,
conversion rates and much more
• Fully map out your “NO” pathways — Boost your profit by adding
Downsells, Upsells, Cart Abandonment Sequences, Traffic Re-targeting
paths and much more
• Map out all your follow up messages— Tap into more sales with
followup including, email sequences, chatbots sequences, SMS, phone
calls and more
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• Add more products or special offers — Profit-stack products & offers,
then see how this impact your revenue and profit (monthly/yearly)
• Simulate Traffic Campaigns before running them — to avoid costly
surprises and know ahead of time how to maximize your ROI
• Easily Create “What If” Scenarios for your business — to better
understand & execute your most profitable campaign strategy
• Create Virtual Marketing Funnels with ease! — no more guessing…
or being in the ‘dark’ or using clunky spreadsheets, complicated math
formulas & sub-par tools
In summary… use GERU to:
Build a Digital Marketing Simulation in MINUTES to test the viability of
your business ideas VS. spend DAYS and/or big $$ to Build a Real Funnel
which includes… creating Page Content, Product Development or
Inventory costs, as well as risking money on Traffic Campaigns.
GERU makes it easier than ever to Plan For Success and constantly
improve, iterate and future-pace your marketing growth and success.
Your next big idea, project, product, campaign or profit stream all
starts first with GERU.
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Page 18
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Thanks for reading this report.
Now that you have these Profit-Boosting Points in your hands…
We hope this information inspires & motivates you to do great new
things… and drastically improve the results with your current (and future)
Digital Marketing!
Yours For Online Profits,
Copyright 2020. GERU, LLC. All rights reserved.
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