Subido por David Flores

NOM-035: Psychosocial Risk Factors in Mexican Workplaces

Oct 20, 2020
Objective of the
Establish the elements to identify, analyze
and prevent psychosocial risk factors, as well
as promote a favorable organizational
environment in the workplace
All companies in Mexico oblige the employer to identify, analyze and prevent
psychosocial risks at work
Did you know that 3 out of 10 people are presenting symptoms
of anxiety, stress or depression due to Covid 19
The Secretary of Labor and Social Prevention STPS will visit and review
compliance with the conditions established by this standard
It is mandatory to keep a printed or electronic record for at
least one year as evidence that the company carries out the
identification of risk factors
Penalty fee
In case of not complying with the requirements, the company
can be sanctioned with fines ranging from $ 21,122 to $
422,450 pesos.
Where to begin?
• Analysis of practices and their alignment with the norm
• Preparation of Psychosocial Factors Policies
• Policy communication campaign
• Risk level validation
Guides application
Reference Guide I (All workers)
Questionnaire to identify workers who were subjected to severe
traumatic events in order to channel them for clinical evaluation
Reference Guide II (1-50 workers)
Work environment Factors inherent to the activityOrganization of
working time Leadership and relationships at work
Reference Guide III (+ 50 workers)
Work environment Factors inherent to the activityOrganization of
working time Leadership and relationships at work +
organizational environment