Subido por Uli Uli


Analysis of correlation between the variables of Temperature, strength and cycles per minute to
perform horizontal repetitive movements of the wrist
Name-Full Surnames Author A., Name-Full Surnames Author B., Name-Full Surnames Author C*.
Affiliation, e-mail, and country of Author A.
Affiliation, e-mail, and country of Author B.
Affiliation, e-mail, and country of Author C.
*Corresponding author.
Keywords: Maximum of 5 keywords in alphabetical order.
Abstracts submitted to CI2T could have been presented at other conference but must have been modified with present results or
current ideas; we also accept abstracts (not a full paper) that are currently being reviewed at another conference or forum. Every
abstract should be inclusive and citation-free; and should not exceed 1 page.
Abstracts should give a pertinent overview of the work. We strongly encourage authors to use the following sections as the structure
of the abstract: (1) background, place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; (2) methods,
describe briefly the main methods, techniques or treatments applied; (3) results, summarize the article’s main findings; and (4)
conclusions, indicate the main conclusions or interpretations.
Submitted abstracts are to be considered for oral presentation only. Abstracts will only be accepted in English, although, if accepted
for oral presentation, they can be presented in Spanish while the presentation must be in English.
Authors should include acknowledgments AND financial support legend.