Subido por Jonathan Lázaro

English Essay & Review Examples: Fashion, History, Buildings

In your English class you have been talking about the fashion industry. Now, your
English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Some people say the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives.
Do you agree?
Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
Notes Write about:
1. whether people’s appearance is important
2. the price of clothes
3. …………………… (your own idea)
One of the things that worries people most nowadays is the uncertain effect of fashion
industry on people's lives. In fact, the buyings chothes are growing up day by day. It is
said that whether people’s appearance is important, but, how much? What are the wrong
effects for the people?
On the one hand, the price of clothes are really expensive. Many years ago anybody
would have spent ninety or hundred euros by a shoes. However, the style and
appearance, nowadays, it is so important in many aspects. For instance, when you want
make a good impresion in a job interview, in a meeting or something like that.
On the other hand, everytime our teachers and parents teach us that the image and
clothes are not specially important to judge people. We must know and trust in the other
one and help him. As a result, the social theory said that appearance is not important.
From my point of view, we should mix the social theory and the reality. While it is true
that our parents said us that image is not the hundred percent of a person, nevertheless,
in special meetings like job, ocasional friends are important make a good image,
because, they don´t have enought time to know us.
Reviews wanted
Have you learnt something about history from a TV programme?
If so, write a review of the programme. Explain what period of history the
programme was about and what you learnt from it.
Would you recommend the programme to your Friends?
The best reviews will be published on our website.
Write your review
Several years ago we had less oportunities to learnt history than nowadays. In adiction,
poeple must buy a lot of books or encyclopedies to study The Roman Empire or their
buildings. Nowadays, it is changing. One example is the TV serie "Ancient Buildings".
In my opinion, the programme make by History Channel is a fantastic option to learnt
about the palaces, temples or castles around the period of The Roman Empire. Indeed,
Ancient Buildings explain us how the romane architect used the maths, some
instruments and theirs brains to build the most famouse constructions of The Roman
Empire like Coliseo, The Britain Wall, Artemisa's Temple and others.
All this reasons are enough to wacht the TV serie.
However, if you do not like this period of History, it is probably that you don't like it. If it is
your case, you must wait a few moths because the next season, about Medieval
Buildings, will start on March.
In your English class you have been talking about buildings. Now, your English teacher
has asked you to write an essay.
‘The design of buildings has an important effect on the people who use them.’
What do you think?
Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
Write about:
1. homes
2. colleges
3. …………………… (your own idea)
Many of people belive that the design of buildings has not an important effect on the
people who use them. They think that buildings only are places to work, live, eat...
Probably, some buildings they are but the most of the constructions had being designed
by a purpouse.
For instance, the houses and flats that are built nowadays must have solar panels or
efficient position to use the most possible light sun. Futhermore, the colleges must have
a good ventilation system and brilliant fire plan. In addiction, the fire plan includes
emergency exits, fire systems, security doors, special types of building elements. The
supermarkets are other huge example, the shape of the building can produce
agglomarations or avoid them and more easy visualation of products.
On balance, the design of buildings has an important effect on the people who use them.
We can say that our lives are more secure, efficient and confortable thank the designers.
A group of British teachers is going to visit your college for two days. The aim of their trip
is to learn about how technology is used in education in your country.
You have been asked to write a report for the group leader. Your report should:
include information about how technology is used to teach different subjects
recommend which lessons the teachers should watch to see technology being used.
Write your report.
Many of people believe that the design of buildings has not an important effect on the
people who use them. They think that buildings only are places to work, live, eat...
Probably, some buildings they are but the most of the constructions had been designed
by a pourpouse.
For instance, the houses and flats that are nowadays built must have solar panels or
efficient position to use the most possible light sun. Furthermore, the colleges must have
a good ventilation system and brilliant fire plan. In addition, the fire plan includes
emergency exits, fire systems, security doors, special types of building elements. The
supermarkets are other huge example, the shape of the building can produce
agglomarations or avoid them and more easy visualation of products.
On balance, the design of buildings has an important effect on the people who use them.
We can say that our lives are more secure, efficient and comfortable thank the designers.