BJ1089VDJED-C(1089VDJED-0CZA03)整车产品明细表(车身与 BJ1089VDJED-C(1089VDJED-0CZA03)vehicle product spare part list ( 序号 Item 层号 Lay NO. 零件代号 Part NO. 零件名称 Chinese Part Name 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 1102211400002 1102211400066 1102734000019 1102811400006 1102911400073 1102917200003 1102935600025 1102935600026 1102936200061 1103636100012 1103636100013 1103636100020 1103916300003 1103916300004 空心螺栓 顶蓬U型装饰条 空心螺栓 组合密封圈 橡胶护圈 锁片Ⅱ 三线油管卡 单管卡 线卡子1 蓄电池防护罩 压板 蓄电池支架总成 离合总泵总成 离合总泵进油管总成 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1104311900135 1104311900213 1104311900221 1104312000002 1104312000003 1104312000004 1104312000055 1104312000080 1104312000318 1104313200026 1104316200129 1104316300011 1104316300013 软管接头 连接胶管 气泵进气钢管 橡胶软垫 衬套 吊板 支撑板 球面接头 消声器总成 拉杆调节软垫 联接软管总成 储油杯总成 离合总泵出油管总成 30 1104317300021 前变速操纵机构总成 31 32 33 1104334000014 1104335400002 1104335600130 转向油罐支架 制动离合踏板总成 卡套式隔壁直角接头体 34 35 1104335600149 1104335600193 调压阀总成 卡套式隔壁直角接头体 36 1104335600483 37 38 1104335600486 1104335900008 39 40 41 1104335900018 1104335900019 1104335900020 四回路保护阀后储气筒尼龙管总成 储气筒总成 制动阀―气压表尼龙管总 成(一) 放气弯管 卡套式隔壁直通接头体 后储气筒制动阀尼龙管总成 42 1104335900021 43 1104335900022 前储气筒制动阀尼龙管总成 快放阀-制动阀尼龙管总成 44 1104335900023 继动阀-制动阀尼龙管总成 45 46 47 48 1104335900024 1104335900025 1104335900026 1104335900027 密封圈 四管卡 五管卡 串列式双腔制动阀总成 49 50 1104335900028 1104336230017 固定支架总成 正负极连接线 51 54 55 1104336230019 1104613200008 1104635000006 56 57 58 1104635600006 1104635600007 1104635600008 59 60 1104635600009 1104635600010 61 1104635600011 62 63 1104635600012 1104635600015 64 1104635600019 65 1104635600020 66 1104635600021 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 1104635600022 1104635600029 1104635600055 1104635600056 1104635600059 1104635600070 1104635600071 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 1104635600076 1104635600168 1104635900002 1104635900010 1104635900011 1104635900014 1104636600020 1104639200028 1104911100009 蓄电池正极线 散热器支撑软垫 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (二) 放水阀 快放阀 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (一) 卡套式端直角接头体 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (二) 卡套式隔壁直角接头体( 一) 卡套式直通接头体 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (三) 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (五) 卡套式隔壁直通接头体( 二) 卡套式隔壁直角接头体( 二) 锥螺纹直通接头体 密封垫 储气筒支架总成(三) O型密封圈18 六角头锥形螺塞 继动阀 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 (六) 护套(四) 后气室胶管总成 卡套式端直角接头体 密封垫 O型密封圈16 紫铜平垫 气压过低报警器 工具箱总成 燃油箱盖总成 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1104911700001 1104911700004 1104911700017 1104911700026 1104911700027 1104911900128 1104911900141 油门操纵机构总成 油门踏板组件 手油门拉线总成 密封圈 密封圈 减振垫组合件 空滤器堵塞报警灯开关 90 91 92 93 94 1104917300047 1104934200125 1104934200191 1104935300006 1104936230013 塑料卡钉组合 转向管柱支架焊合 防尘套 固定卡钉 底盘线束固定支架1 95 96 97 1104936230016 1104936230017 1104936230022 蓄电池搭铁线 发动机搭铁线 底盘线束固定支架7 98 99 1104936230032 1104936230033 线卡子2 底盘线束固定支架2 100 1104936230035 底盘线束固定支架4 101 1104936230038 底盘线束固定支架总成 102 1104936230039 底盘线束固定支架6 103 104 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1104936230046 1104936630013 1105311100001 1105311400005 1105311400007 1105316200017 1105316200027 1105329200004 1105335600008 1105335600011 1105934000026 1106335600005 1106610100003 1106610100004 1106611100001 1106611100005 1106611100007 1106611400005 1106611400006 1106611400008 1106611400009 1106616200005 1106617200011 1106622000006 1106629200003 1106629200004 穿线护套 大继电器 燃油箱总成 后输油管总成 前输油管总成 离合软管总成 离合助力器总成 限位块 卡套式端直通接头体 卡套式端直通接头体 组合密封垫圈(Φ16) 一管夹组件 发动机后悬置软垫总成 螺栓-发动机后悬置 油箱拉带焊合 油箱垫带 燃油箱支架 燃油粗滤器 管接头 橡胶护圈 两管夹组件 一管夹组件(二) 联结销 传动轴螺栓 弹簧销定位螺栓 前钢板弹簧销 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 1106629200009 1106629200010 1106629200011 1106629500011 1106629500014 1106629500029 1106629500039 1106629500044 1106629500048 1106631500002 1106631500003 1106631500004 1106631500005 1106631500008 1106635600039 1106635600061 1106635600093 1106635600517 150 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 1106635613001 1106635615001 1106910000024 1106910100041 1106910100042 1106910100046 1106911400026 1106911800012 1106911900020 1106911900022 1106911900026 1106911900029 1106911900030 1106911900034 1106911900035 1106911900036 1106911900040 1106911900041 1106911900042 1106911900062 1106911900075 1106912000028 1106912000039 1106912000074 1106913100020 1106913100021 1106913100022 1106913200005 1106913200006 1106913300030 1106913300035 1106916200015 1106916200019 1106916200029 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 吊耳(左) 吊耳(右) 吊耳销 吊耳带套总成 限位块总成 后减振器带套总成 减振器下支架 减振器下销 减振器销套 备胎固定梁 衬套 防尘套 摇杆总成 备胎升降器总成 直角接头体(二) 锥螺纹直通接头体 一管夹组件㈠ 继动阀-后储气筒尼龙管总成 储气筒 四回路保护阀总成 YZ4105ZLQ柴油机总成 发动机后悬置右支架 发动机后悬置左支架 发动机前悬置支架 回油管总成 油门拉线总成 高位进气管总成 空滤器支架焊合 进气胶套总成 进气接管1 支架 空滤器连接胶管 气泵进气软管1 气泵进气胶管2 中冷器进气管 发动机进气管 增压器进气管 空滤器总成 中冷器总成 排气管焊合 排气管支架 消声器卡箍 铝散热器带护风罩总成 铝散热器总成 护风罩 散热器撑杆支架 散热器拉杆总成 发动机出水软管 发动机进水软管 离合助力器支架焊合 离合分泵油管总成 离合软管支架 183 1106917100014 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 1106917200012 1106917200013 1106917200014 1106917300007 1106917300010 1106922000021 1106922000023 1106922000026 变速器总成(6T46M2Q04单 ) 换档软轴总成 换位软轴总成 软轴支架总成 变速操纵护罩总成 手柄球总成 后传动轴总成 中间传动轴总成 中间传动轴连接板 192 193 1106922000031 1106922000032 传动轴护圈 传动轴护圈横梁 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 1106929500026 1106929500027 1106931100015 1106934000025 1106934000039 1106934000044 1106934000052 1106934000053 1106934000054 1106934000055 1106934000056 1106934000057 1106934000059 1106934200003 1106934200004 1106934200007 1106934200006 1106935000019 1106935000020 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 1106935300006 1106935300007 1106935600024 1106935600053 1106935600055 1106935600074 1106935600078 219 220 221 222 223 1106935600128 1106935600136 1106935600142 1106935600143 1106935600154 后簧骑马前螺栓 后簧骑马后螺栓 轮辋总成 转向器支架 低压油管总成 转向油罐总成 高压油管总成1 高压油管总成2 高压油管总成3 油泵进油管总成1 油泵进油管总成2 油泵进油管总成3 双管夹 转向盘带喇叭按钮总成 转向操纵机构总成 转向传动轴总成 挡圈 排气制动阀 电磁阀四回路保护阀尼龙管总成 手制动尼龙管总成1 手制动尼龙管总成2 管束卡子 前储气筒尼龙管总成1 前储气筒尼龙管总成2 固定支架 快放阀连接胶管尼龙管总成 空压机钢管总成 卡套式端直角接头体 连接胶管总成 连接板支架 空压机-调压阀钢管总成 224 1106935600155 调压阀-湿储气筒钢管总成 225 226 1106935600156 1106935600193 调压阀支架总成 卡套式隔壁钝角接头体 227 228 229 230 231 232 1106935600199 1106935600206 1106936230028 1106936630003 1108335600003 1108335600021 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 1108917300003 1108917300004 1108924000018 1108928000070 1108929200003 1108929200005 1108929200011 1108929200013 1108929200014 1108929200017 1108929200018 1108929200021 1108929200025 储气筒总成 前连接胶管总成 底盘线束总成 熄火控制器总成 前制动胶管总成 继动阀后储气筒尼龙管总成 软轴密封圈 压板 后桥总成 车架总成 前减振器带套总成 前减振器下销轴 碗形垫片(Φ28xΦ53) 碗形垫片(Φ14xΦ53) 前板簧盖板 左前板簧总成 右前板簧总成 板簧骑马螺栓 前减振器上支架焊合 246 1108929200026 右前减振器上支架焊合 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 1108929500003 1108929500004 1108929500038 1108929500041 1108929500042 1108929500043 1108929500103 1108930000021 1108934000033 1108934000046 1108935300002 1108935300005 1108935300006 后钢板弹簧销1 后钢板弹簧销2 碗形垫片(Φ20xΦ53) 左后钢板弹簧总成 盖板 右后钢板弹簧总成 锲形锁销 前桥总成 转向器带摇臂总成 转向油泵总成 手制动阀支架 手制动阀护罩 制动阀直角接头体 260 1108935600007 双向阀-快放阀尼龙管总成 261 262 263 264 265 267 268 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 1108935600031 1108935600052 1108935600077 1108935600224 1108936230005 1109136100001 1110811900013 1117022000005 1120810100007 1124136700001 1124136700002 1315035300005 1417031100003 1417035600120 卡套式直角三通接头体 卡套式三通接头体 连接胶管总成 制动尼龙管束总成 尾灯线束总成 拉杆 环箍 自锁螺母 发动机前悬置软垫总成 高音喇叭 低音喇叭 手制动阀总成 气嘴延伸管及护帽 密封垫 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 1417035600121 1B16937600030 1B16985000380 1B17885000803 1B17885000869 1B17885000870 1B18037100025 1B18037100026 1B18037100033 1B18037100034 密封垫 水温传感器 牌照固定板总成 挡泥板支撑 左前挡泥板 右前挡泥板 24V前顶灯总成(灰色) 前顶灯安装支架 24V奥铃左前雾灯总成 24V奥铃右前雾灯总成 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 1B18037150013 1B18037150014 1B18037200011 1B18037200013 1B18037200015 1B18037300011 1B18037300013 294 1B18037300014 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 1B18037300025 1B18037300027 1B18037300028 1B18037300030 1B18037300031 1B18037300032 1B18037300034 1B18037300052 1B18037400021 1B18037400026 1B18037400027 1B18037400028 1B18037400029 1B18037400047 1B18037400048 1B18037500016 1B18037500019 1B18037500020 1B18037600027 1B18037600045 1B18037800011 1B18050200212 1B18050200224 1B18050500001 1B18050500023 1B18051200005 1B18051200006 1B18051200007 1B18051200008 1B18051200038 1B18051200071 1B18051200073 左前照灯总成 右前照灯总成 24V左后组合灯总成 24V右后组合灯总成 24V牌照灯 组合开关总成 可调组合开关上护罩(灰 色) 可调组合开关下护罩(灰 色) 危险告警开关 后雾灯开关 预热开关 门灯开关总成 制动灯开关 油门开关总成 离合开关总成 组合开关线束支架1 车身搭铁线 左地板线束 地板线束压板 单面海绵胶带 右地板线束 线束固定支架 塑料卡环 24V继电器 24V小继电器 24V三合一控制器 车速里程表传感器 组合仪表总成 24V点烟器 软垫总成 垫圈 奥铃前标 ""FOTON""字样 地垫卡扣总成 左地毯压条 右地毯压条 转向护罩总成 隔热垫卡扣2 堵盖(Φ15) 堵盖(Φ30) 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 1B18051200076 1B18051200078 1B18051200140 1B18052100004 1B18052500011 1B18052500316 1B18053100013 1B18053100033 前空调过孔堵板 堵盖(Φ22) 堵盖(Φ32) 玻璃定位卡子总成 刮水电机总成 洗涤壶总成 插扣总成 左转向灯上装饰件 336 1B18053100034 右转向灯上装饰件 337 338 1B18053100040 1B18053100274 橡胶垫圈 前围下装饰板左塑料套 339 1B18053100275 前围下装饰板右塑料套 340 341 342 343 344 1B18053500012 1B18053500013 1B18053500031 1B18053500033 1B18053500062 仪表罩总成 中控面板总成 烟灰盒本体总成 制动液加注口盖 仪表板加强支架总成 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 1B18053500139 1B18053500152 1B18053500153 1B18053500154 1B18053500155 1B18053500161 1B18053500168 1B18054100001 1B18054100002 1B18054100039 1B18054100091 1B18054100403 1B18054100404 1B18054100408 1B18054100409 1B18057200011 1B18061200034 1B18061200035 1B18061200038 1B18061200041 中间支架总成(有盖) 左侧螺钉闷盖 右侧螺钉闷盖 塑料卡头母 熄火拉线口闷盖 S型簧片螺母 大平头连接螺钉 登车扶手 乘客拉手 塑料膨胀螺钉总成 密封膜I 左前立柱护板 右前立柱护板 左后侧围下饰板 右后侧围下饰板 卡扣 左前车门密封条总成 右前车门密封条总成 前车门框条 左前车门外装饰胶条 365 1B18061200042 右前车门外装饰胶条 366 1B18061200049 左前车门外装饰板总成 367 1B18061200050 右前车门外装饰板总成 368 369 370 1B18061200053 1B18061200054 1B18061200060 左前车门玻璃泥槽 右前车门玻璃泥槽 左前车门前侧条总成 371 1B18061200061 右前车门前侧条总成 372 373 374 375 1B18061200065 1B18061200066 1B18061200067 1B18061200093 堵盖 左前车门玻璃总成 右前车门玻璃总成 左前车门玻璃后导槽总成 376 1B18061200094 右前车门玻璃后导槽总成 377 1B18061200095 前车门玻璃后导槽胶条 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 1B18061200115 1B18061200116 1B18061200129 1B18061200130 1B18061200140 1B18061200141 1B18061200172 塑料卡扣 圆形缓冲垫 左车门下饰件 右车门下饰件 防雨帘罩I 防雨帘罩II 左前车门限位器总成 385 1B18061200173 右前车门限位器总成 386 387 1B18061200337 1B18061200343 塑料卡扣 左前车门内装饰胶条 388 1B18061200344 右前车门内装饰胶条 389 1B18061200415 左前车门支撑扶手总成 390 1B18061200417 391 1B18061200418 392 1B18061200425 左前车门内饰板总成(手动 ) 右前车门内饰板总成(手动 ) 右前车门支撑扶手总成 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 1B18061400011 1B18061400021 1B18061400042 1B18061500285 1B18061500286 1B18068100402 1B18079100016 1B18079100017 1B18079100034 左前车门玻璃升降器总成 右前车门玻璃升降器总成 升降器摇把手总成 左前车门锁总成 右前车门锁总成 驾驶员座椅总成 天线总成 扬声器总成 收音机总成(带AUX接口) 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 1B18081100011 1B18081100033 1B18081100043 1B18081100051 1B18081100103 1B18081100126 1B18081100216 1B18082100005 1B18082100017 24V鼓风机总成 暖风管夹1 过渡风道 暖风箱左侧出风管 暖风放水阀 暖风管夹 暖风箱总成 内视镜总成 左外后视镜总成 411 412 413 414 416 1B18082100018 1B18082200011 1B18082400001 1B18082400002 1B18082600013 右外后视镜总成 安全带总成 左遮阳板总成 右遮阳板总成 卡扣-发动机挡水胶板 417 418 419 420 1B18084300062 1B18084300069 1B18084300070 1B18084300162 卡扣总成―挡泥板 左上延板总成 右上延板总成 左前轮前挡泥皮 421 1B18084300163 右前轮前挡泥皮 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 2 3 4 4 4 1B18085000015 1B18085000108 1B18085000110 1B20037100006 1B20037100008 1B20037200012 1B20037200013 1B20037300010 1B20037400010 1B20037400014 1B20037400015 1B20037400016 1B20037600041 1B20050000007 1B20050000010 1B20051000077 1B20053000029 1B18054000001 前缓冲块总成 "奥铃"车后标牌 ""FOTON""车后标牌 24V左侧转向灯 24V右侧转向灯 24V左侧标志灯 24V右侧标志灯 点火开关总成 车身线束总成 顶棚线束总成 左前门线束总成 右前门线束总成 燃油传感器总成 单排白车身总成 单排车身焊接总成 地板焊接总成 前围焊接总成 左侧围焊接总成 4 4 3 4 3 1B18054000002 1B20056000001 1B20061000001 1B20061000003 1B18061000048 右侧围焊接总成 后围焊接总成 左前车门板装配总成 左前车门焊接总成 左前车门铰链总成 3 1B20061000002 右前车门板装配总成 4 1B20061000004 右前车门焊接总成 3 1B18061000058 右前车门铰链总成 3 1B18053000033 左前围侧板总成 3 1B18053000034 1B20050100030 1B20050100040 1B20050200010 1B20050200020 1B20050200040 1B20050200200 右前围侧板总成 左车身固定支架总成 右车身固定支架总成 翻转机构总成(单排) 左摇臂滑轮总成 右摇臂滑轮总成 锁止机构总成 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 1B20050500020 "OLLIN I 4500"车侧彩条 443 1B20051200001 发动机罩下隔热垫 444 445 446 1B20051200004 1B20052100001 1B20052100002 前地板垫总成 前风窗玻璃(夹层) 前风窗玻璃外饰条总成 447 1B20052100003 前风窗内装饰密封条总成 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 1B20052500012 1B20052500013 1B20052500014 1B20053100029 1B20053100044 1B20053100046 1B20053500003 1B20053500004 连动机构总成 左刮臂刮片总成 右刮臂刮片总成 前保险杠总成 前围下护栅总成 前围上装饰板总成 仪表板本体总成 仪表板安装横梁焊接总成 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 1B20053500032 1B20053500035 1B20056100001 1B20056100007 1B20057200010 1B20061200001 1B20061200002 1B20069100102 1B20081100014 1B20081100043 1B20081100100 1B20081100101 1B20081100103 1B20081100106 1B20081100109 1B20081100218 1B20082600011 1B20082600012 杂物箱总成 右侧下护板本体 后窗玻璃 后窗玻璃密封条 顶盖内护面总成 左车门下饰板 右车门下饰板 副驾驶员座椅总成 除霜风管 过渡风道 暖风水管 暖风水管 暖风水管总成 暖风放水阀支架 暖风支架 24V操纵机构总成 发动机挡水胶板 发动机挡水胶板支架 474 475 476 1B20084300005 1B20084300006 1B20084300021 发动机左上挡泥板 发动机右上挡泥板 前轮防溅板压板 477 1B20084300031 左前轮后挡泥板加强板 478 1B20084300032 右前轮后挡泥板加强板 479 480 481 482 483 1B20084300033 1B20084300034 1B20084300063 1B20084300064 1B20084300067 左前轮后挡泥板 右前轮后挡泥板 发动机左下挡泥板 发动机右下挡泥板 发动机左下挡泥板支架 484 1B20084300068 发动机右下挡泥板支架 485 486 487 488 489 491 492 493 494 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 1B20084300116 1B20084300120 1B20084300219 1B20084300220 1B20084500001 1B20084500005 1B20084500006 1B20084500002 1B20084500007 1B20084500008 1B20085000011 1B20085000012 1B20085000013 1B20085000034 1B20085000240 1B20085900010 1B20085900040 1B20085900045 1B22085000008 1B22085000013 1B24237300026 1B24937100005 1B24951200041 1B24954100018 1B24954100019 1B24957200005 1B24957200015 1D16961200040 发动机左中连接板 发动机右中连接板 左前轮防溅板 右前轮防溅板 左前脚踏板总成 左前脚踏板本体 左前脚踏板裙部 右前脚踏板总成 右前脚踏板本体 右前脚踏板裙部 拉板 后防溅板(左) 后防溅板(右) 货厢总成 骑马螺栓 后防护栏总成 左侧防护栏总成 右侧防护栏总成 骑马螺栓压板 防溅板压板 驻车制动指示灯开关 示廓灯 塑料螺母 卡扣―通风罩 卡扣座―通风罩 卡扣座—顶饰板 塑料螺母-导轨 前门扶手支架塑料螺母 510 511 L8.25-1614L N7A10 轮胎 直通式压注油杯 512 513 514 NMO16×2.65G NMO20X2.65A Q1460616 515 Q1460620 516 Q1460620F30 517 Q1460625 518 Q1460816 519 Q1460816F30 520 Q1460820 521 Q1460820F30 O型密封圈 O型橡胶密封圈 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 490 522 Q1460825 523 Q1460830 524 Q1461025 525 Q1461025F30 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 Q1461240 Q150B0612 Q150B0616F30 Q150B0618 Q150B0620 Q150B0625 Q150B0660 Q150B0816 Q150B0818 Q150B0820 Q150B0820F30 Q150B0822 Q150B0825 Q150B0825F30 Q150B0830 Q150B0830F30 Q150B0835 Q150B0835F30 Q150B0845 Q150B0850 Q150B0860 Q150B0865 Q150B0875 Q150B10110TF2 Q150B1020 Q150B1020 Q150B1020F30 Q150B1025 Q150B1025Q Q150B1030 Q150B1030F30 Q150B1035 Q150B1035F30 Q150B1040 Q150B1055 Q150B12120TF2 Q150B1225 Q150B1230 Q150B1230F30 Q150B1235TF30 Q150B1240 Q150B1245 Q150B1260 Q150B1270 Q150B1270Q 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和 平垫圈组合件 组合螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺拴 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 571 572 573 574 Q150B1435 Q150B1440 Q150B1450TF30 Q151B1060 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓 六角头螺栓--细牙 575 Q151B1240 六角头螺栓-细牙 576 Q151B1440 六角头螺栓-细牙 577 Q151B1895 六角头螺栓-细牙 578 Q151C1025 六角头螺栓-细牙 579 Q151C1030 六角头螺栓-细牙 580 581 Q174B0510 Q174B0616 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓 十字槽盘头六角螺钉 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 Q174B0820 Q1800816 Q1800820 Q1840512 Q1840616 Q1840625 Q1840820 Q2140308 螺栓 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓 六角法兰面承面带齿螺栓 六角法兰面螺栓 六角法兰面螺栓 六角法兰面螺栓 六角法兰面螺栓 十字槽盘头螺钉 590 Q2140408 十字槽盘头螺钉 591 Q2140410 十字槽盘头螺钉 592 Q2140416 十字槽盘头螺钉 593 Q2140430 十字槽盘头螺钉 594 Q2140512T30 十字槽盘头螺钉 595 Q2140516 十字槽盘头螺钉 596 Q2140616 十字槽盘头螺钉 597 Q2140620 十字槽盘头螺钉 598 Q2204813 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 599 Q2204813A 600 Q2214822F30 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉和平 垫圈组合件 十子槽盘头自攻螺钉 601 Q2320625F31 602 Q2320630F30 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫 圈组合件 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫 圈组合件 603 Q2360512 604 Q2360512F30 605 Q2360516F30 606 Q2360616 607 Q2360625 608 Q2704213 十字槽盘头螺钉弹簧垫圈 和平垫圈组合件 十字槽盘头螺钉弹簧垫圈 和平垫圈组合件 十字槽盘头螺钉、弹簧垫 圈和平垫圈组合件 十字槽盘头螺钉、弹垫和 平垫组合件 十字槽盘头螺钉、弹簧垫 圈和平垫圈组合件 六角法兰面自攻螺钉 609 Q2714216 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉-C型 610 Q2714813 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉-C型 611 Q2714816 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉-C型 612 Q2714816F30 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 613 Q2714816F31 十子槽盘头自攻螺钉 614 Q2714832 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 615 Q2744816F30 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉 616 Q2763516F30 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉 617 618 619 620 Q32006F30 Q32008 Q32008F30 Q33005 621 Q33008 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 Q340B04 Q340B05 Q340B06 Q340B06F30 Q340B08 Q340B08F30 Q340B10 Q340B10 Q340B10F30 Q340B12 Q340B12T13F2 Q340B14 Q340B14F30 Q341B10 Q341B12 Q341B16 Q341B18 六角法兰面螺母 六角法兰面螺母 六角法兰面螺母 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺 母 全金属六角法兰面锁紧螺 母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母-细牙 1型六角螺母-细牙 1型六角螺母 1型六角螺母-细牙 639 640 Q341C10 Q341C12 1型六角螺母-细牙 1型六角螺母-细牙 641 Q351B14 六角薄螺母―细牙 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 Q351B16 Q351B18 Q360B08 Q363B18 Q363B20 Q381B20 Q40005 Q40005F30 Q40005T30 Q40012F30 Q40104 Q40105 Q40105F30 Q40105F31 Q40106 Q40106F30 Q40108 Q40108F30 Q40110 Q40110F30 Q40112 Q40112F30 Q40114 Q40114F30 Q40116 Q40120 Q40124 Q40206 Q40208 Q40210 Q40212 Q40216 Q40218 Q40304 Q40305 Q40306 Q40306F30 Q40308 Q40308F30 Q40310 Q40310F30 Q40312 Q40314 Q40316 Q40318 Q40512 Q40512F30 Q40514F30 六角薄螺母-细牙 六角薄螺母-细牙 2型六角螺母 螺母 六角厚螺母 I行六角开槽螺母 小垫圈 小垫圈 小垫圈 小垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 平垫圈 大垫圈 大垫圈 大垫圈 大垫圈 大垫圈 大垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 重型弹簧垫圈 重型弹簧垫圈 重型弹簧垫圈 690 691 692 Q40518 Q40520 Q41206 重型弹簧垫圈 弹簧垫圈 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 693 Q41208 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 694 Q41210 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 695 Q41214 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 696 Q41216 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 697 Q41218 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 Q440327 Q5000436 Q5002032 Q5002520 Q5003214 Q5003228 Q5004050 Q5100840 Q5101030 Q5101250 Q671B20 Q67405200 Q67405300 Q67407100 Q67407150 Q67407200 Q675100 扁圆头抽芯铆钉 开口销 开口销 开口销 开口销 开口销 开口销 销轴 销轴 销轴 钢丝型弹性环箍 塑料紧箍带 塑料紧箍带 塑料紧箍带 塑料紧箍带 塑料紧固带 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 715 Q675120 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 716 Q67516 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 717 Q67522 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 718 Q67527 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 719 Q67550 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 720 Q67560 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 721 Q67570 A型蜗杆转动式软管环箍 722 Q67580 A型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 723 Q67627 B型蜗杆传动式软管环箍 724 725 726 Q68612 Q68618F4 Q687142F4 单管夹片 单管夹片 多管夹片 727 Q80216 六角薄螺母―细牙 728 Q80218 729 Q80222 卡套式管接头用六角薄螺 母 卡套式管接头用六角薄螺 母 BJ1089VDJED-C(1089VDJED-0CZA03)整车产品明细表(车身与底盘) ED-C(1089VDJED-0CZA03)vehicle product spare part list (body and chassis) 参图号 特性 英文零件名称 价格 Referenc Characte English Part Name Price e NO. ristic Hollow bolt Roof "U" type trim strip Hollow bolt Combined seal ring Rubber protective grommet Lock plate II Three-pipe clip Pipe clip Wire clip 1 Battery protective cover Pressure plate Battery bracket assy Clutch master cylinder Oil inlet pipe of clutch master cylinder Hose joint Connecting rubber tube Inlet steel pipe of air pump Rubber cushion Bush Hanger board Bracket board Balling connector Silencer assy Adjusting cushion for pull rod Connecting hose assy Brake fluid reservoir assy Oil outlet pipe of clutch master cylinder Front gearshift operation mechanism assy Steering oil tank bracket Brake and clutch pedals assy Bulkhead right angle connector-ferrule type Pressure-adjusting valve assy Bulkhead right angle connector-ferrule type Four-circuit protective valve -rear air reservior nylon pipe assy Air reservoir assy Brake valve – nylon pipe assy (I), air pressure gauge Exhaust elbow Bulkhead union--Body Rear air reservior - nylon pipe assy for brake valve 数量 QTY 2 6 1 4 1 3 1 1 67 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 类别 Class Front air reservior - nylon pipe assy for brake valve Quick release valve - nylon pipe assy for brake valve Relay valve - nylon pipe assy for brake valve seal ring Four-pipe clip Five-pipe clip Series dual-chamber brake master cylinder Fixing bracket assy Connecting wire between positive and negative poles Battery positive wire Supporting cushion for radiator Straight joint-taper thread,ferrule type (2) Water drain valve Quick release valve Straight joint-taper thread,ferrule type (1) Straight joint-ferrule type Straight joint-taper thread,ferrule type (2) Ferrule-type bulkhead union rightangle connecter(1) Ferrule-type direct connecter Straight joint-taper thread,ferrule type (3) Straight joint-taper thread,ferrule type (5) Bulkhead right angle connector-ferrule type (2) Bulkhead right angle connector-ferrule type (2) Taper thread straight connector seal gasket Air reservoir bracket(third) O-ring seal 18 Hexagon tapered plug Relay valve Male connector--Body (6) 1 Shield bush(4) Rear chamber rubber tube assy Straight joint-ferrule type seal gasket O-ring seal 16 Plain copper washer Annunciator of lower air pressure Tool box assy Fuel tank cap assy 3 2 3 9 9 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 3 1 2 Throttle operation mechanism assy Accelerating pedal module Hand throttle cable assy seal ring seal ring Damping washer seaming Warning lamp switch of air filter plug 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 Plastic button assy Steering column bracket welding-on Dust boot Fixing button Fixing bracket of chassis wire harness 1 Battery ground wire engine ground wire Fixing bracket of chassis wire harness 7 Wire clip 2 Fixing bracket of chassis wire harness 2 Fixing bracket of chassis wire harness 4 Fixing bracket assy, chassis wire harness Fixing bracket of chassis wire harness 6 Wire shield bush Big relay Fuel tank assy Rear fuel delivery pipe assy Front oil delivery pipe assy Clutch hose assy Clutch boost assy Limit stop Straight connector-ferrule type Straight connector-ferrule type Combination seal washer(Φ16) Single pipe clip module Engine rear suspending cushion assy Bolt, engine rear suspension Fuel tank fastening belt welding-on Fuel tank rubber belt Fuel tank bracket Fuel unrefine filter Pipe joint Rubber protective grommet Dual-pipe clip component Single pipe clip module Connecting pin Propeller shaft bolt Spring pin locating bolt Front leaf spring pin 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 7 1 8 4 2 Shackle (LH) Shackle (RH) Shackle pin Shackle with bush assy Locating block assy Rear shock absorber with bush assy Shock absorber lower bracket Shock absorber lower pin Shock absorber pin bush Spare wheel fixing cross-mumber Bush Dust boot Rocker rod assy Spare tyre lifter assy Right-angle connector body (2) Taper thread straight connector Single pipe clip module(1) Nylon pipe assy - from relay valve to rear air reservoir Air reservoir Four-circuit protective valve assy Diesel engine YZ4105ZLQ Right bracket, engine rear suspension Left bracket, engine rear suspension Engine front suspending bracket Fuel return pipe assy Throttle cable assy High-mounted air intake pipe assy Air filter bracket welding-on Air intake rubber bush assy Air inlet connecting pipe Bracket Connecting rubber pipe of air filter Air intake hose 1, air pump Air inlet hose 2 of air pump Inter-cooler intake pipe Engine air intake pipe Air intake pipe for turbocharger Air filter assy Inter-cooler assy Exhaust pipe welding-on Exhaust pipe bracket Clamp, silencer Aluminum radiator with fan cowl assy Aluminum radiator assy Fan shroud Strut rod bracket, radiator Radiator pull rod assy Engine water outlet hose Engine water inlet hose Clutch booster bracket welding-on Clutch cylinder oil pipe assy Clutch hose bracket 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gearbox assy(6T46M2Q04 single) 1 Gearshift flexible shaft assy Gearshift changing cable assy Flexible shaft bracket assy Gearshift operation cover assy Handle ball assy Rear propeller shaft assy Middle propeller shaft assy Intermediate propeller shaft connecting board Propeller protective ring Cross member, propeller shaft protective ring Rear leaf spring front U bolt Rear leaf spring rear U bolt Rim assy Steering bracket Lower pressure oil pipe assy Steering oil tank assy High-pressure oil pipe assy1 High-pressure oil pipe assy2 High-pressure oil pipe assy3 Oil pump inlet pipe assy 1 Oil pump inlet pipe assy 2 Oil pump inlet pipe assy 3 Double pipe clip Steering wheel with horn button assy Steering operation mechanism assembly Steering transmission shaft assy Retainer ring Exhaust brake valve Electromagnetic valve -nylon pipe assy of four-circuit protective valve Hand brake nylon pipe assy 1 Hand brake nylon pipe assy 2 Pipe bundle clip Front air reservoir nylon pipe assy 1 Front air reservoir nylon pipe assy 2 Fixing bracket Nylon pipe assy - from fast outlet valve to connecting rubber pipe Air compressor steel pipe assy Straight joint-ferrule type Connecting rubber tube assy Connecting plate bracket Air compressor - air adjusting valve steel pipe assy Pipe assy from pressure-adjusting valve to wet air reservoir Pressure adjusting valve bracket assy Ferrule-type bulkhead union an obtuse angle connecter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 Air reservoir assy Front connecting rubber pipe assy Chassis wire harness assy Extinguishing controller assy Front brake rubber tube assy Nylon pipe assy from relay valve to rear air reservoir Flexible shaft seal ring Pressure plate Rear axle assy Frame assy Front shock absorber with sleeve assy Front shock absorber lower shaft pin Washer (Φ28xΦ53),bowl type Washer (Φ14xΦ53),bowl type Front leaf spring cover plate Left front leaf spring assy Right front leaf spring assy Leaf spring "U" bolt Upper bracket welding-on assy for front shock absorber Right upper bracket welding-on assy for front shock absorber Rear leaf spring pin 1 Rear leaf spring pin 2 Washer,bowl type (Φ20xΦ53) Left rear leaf spring assy Cover board Right rear leaf spring assy Lock pin Front axle assy Steering gear with rocker arm assy Steering oil pump assy Hand brake valve bracket Hand brake valve protective cover Right-angle connector body,bracket valve Two way valve-quick release valve nylon pipe assy Ferrule-type right-angled tee-fitting Ferrule-type T-joint body Connecting rubber tube assy Brake nylon pipe bundle assy Rear lamp wire harness assy Pull rod Hoop Locking nut Engine front suspending cushion assy High sound horn Lower voice horn Hand brake valve assy Nozzle jet extension pipe and cap seal gasket 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 14 2 1 1 1 2 3 seal gasket Water temperature sensor License Fixing clip board assy Mud-guard support Left front mudguard board Right front mudguard board 24V front roof lamp (gray) assy Front dome light fixing bracket 24V left front fog lamp assy of Aulin 24V right front fog lamp assy of Aulin 2 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 1 Front headlamp assy(LH) Right front headlamp assy 24V left rear combination lamp assy 24V right rear combination lamp assy 24V licence lamp Combination switch assy Upper cover of adjustable combination switch (gray) Lower protective cover-adjustable combination switch ( gray ) Danger warning swtich Rear fog lamp switch Pre-heating switch Door lamp assy Brake lamp switch Accelerator switch assy Clutch switch assy Wire holder 1 of combination switch Vehicle body ground wire Left floor wire harness Floor wire harness platen One side spongy Right floor wire harness Fixing bracket of wire harness Rubber snap ring 24V relay 24V small relay 24V 3 in 1 controller Odometer sensor Combination instrument assy 24V cigarette lighter Cushion assy Washer "Ollion" front mark ""FOTON"" mark Carpet button assy Left floor pressing strip Right pressing carpet strip Steering protective cover assy Heat insulating mat button 2 Stopper (Φ15) Stopper (Φ30) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 22 1 1 1 9 4 2 Front hole stopper of air conditioner Stopper (Φ25) Plug(Φ32) Locating clip for glass assy Wiper motor assy Wiper water pot assy Button assy Upper decoration part , LH traffic indicator Right steering lamp upper decorative part Rubber washer Left plastic sleeve, front wall lower trim panel Right plastic sleeve, front wall lower trim panel Instrument cover body Centro-control surface plate assy Ashtray body assy Brake fluid inlet cover Reinforcing bracket assy, instrument board Middle bracket assy (covered) Left side bolt cover Right side bolt cover Plastic nut Extingushing cable cover Spring nut ,type S Big flat-headed bolt Ascension handle Passenger handle Plastic expanding bolt assy seal membrane I Guard board , left front pillar Guard board of right front pillar Lower trim panel of left rear pannel Lower trim panel of right rearwall Button Weatherstrip assy , left front door Weatherstrip assy of front right door Edging strip, front door case Outer trim rubber strip on front left door Outer trim rubber strip on front right door Vehich door outside trim panel assy(left,front) Vehicle door outside trim panel assy(right,front) Mud slot for front left door glass Mud slot for front right door glass Front side strip assy of front left door 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 17 2 1 18 27 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Front side strip assy of front right door Stopper Glass assy , front left door Glass assy of front right door Left door glass rear guide channel assy right door glass rear guide channel assy Front door glass rear guide channel rubber strip Plactics button Round damping pad Lower decoration part of left door Lower decoration part of right door Rainproof cuitain I Rainproof cuitain II Limiting device assy , front left door 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 Limiting device assy for front right door Plactics button Inner trim rubber strip , front left door Inner trim rubber strip on front right door Left front door support handle installation assy Inner trim panel assy of left front door(manual) Inner trim panel assy of right front door(manual) Right front suppor handle installation assy Front door glass lifter assy(LH) Right front door glass lifter assy Lifter handle assy Vehicle door lock assy(front,left) Right front vehicle door lock assy Driver seat assy Antenna assy Speaker assy Radio assy(with AUX connecting vent ) 1 24V blower assy Heater pipe clip 1 Transiting wind path Left side outlet pipe of heater Water outlet valve of heater Heater pipe clip Heater assy Interior mirror assy Outside rearview mirror assy LH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Right outside back-view mirror assy Seat belt assy Left sun visor assy Right visor assy Button - water-proof rubber plate for engine Button assy - mudguard Left upper protective board assy Right upper protective board assy Left front wheel front mud-guard rubber sheet Right front wheel front mud-guard rubber sheet Front damping block assy "奥铃" vehicle rear mark "FOTON" vehicle rear mark 24V left steering lamp 24V right steering lamp Left Side mark lamp (24V) Right Side mark lamp (24V) Ignition switch assy Cabin wire harness assy Upper wire assy Left front door wire harness assy Right front door wire harness assy Fuel sensor assy Single row unpaint cabin assy Single row body welded assy Welded floor assy Front wall welded assy Left side panel welding assy 1 1 1 1 7 29 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 生协 ----- Right sidewall welding assy Rear wall welded assy Assembled front door plate assy (LH) welded left front door assy Left front door hinge assy Assembled right front vehicle door plate assy 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 ------ 3 1 -- Right front door welding-on assy 3 1 -- Right front door hinge assy 3 2 -- 3 1 -- 3 1 side board assy, Left front fire wall Right side board assy of front wall Left bracket assy for body Right body fixing backet assy Tilting mechanism (single row) Left rocker arm sliding wheel assy Right rocker arm pulley assy Locking mechanism assy -1 1 1 1 1 1 Vehicle side colour strip "OLLIN I 4500" Heat insulating mat, under engine hood 2 Front floor pad assy Front windshield(interlining) Outer decoration strip assy for front windshield Inner seal trim strip assy, front windshield glass Combine actuated Mechanism Left wiper blade assy Right wiper arm wiper blade assy Front bumper assy Front wall lower grid assy Upper trim panel assy, front wall Instrument panel body assy Instrument pannel installation cross beam welded-on assy Glove box assembly Right side lower guard board body Rear window glass Rear window glass weatherstrip Roof inner lining assy Lower decoration part of left door Lower decoration part of right door Codriver seat assy Defrosting tube Transiting wind path Heater water pipe Heater water pipe Heater water pipe Heater water outlet valve bracket Heater pipe bracket 24V operating mechanism assy Water-proof rubber plate for engine Bracket for water-proof rubber plate for engine Engine left upper mud-proof board Engine right upper mud-proof board pressure plate of rubber fender for front wheel Rear mudguard fish plate , front wheel assy(LH) Rear mudguard reinforced plate of right front wheel assy Rear mudguard , front wheel (LH) Rear mudguard of right front wheel Left lower mudguard for engine Right lower mudguard for engine Bracket of left lower mudguard for engine 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bracket of right lower mudguard for engine Engine left middle connecting board Engine right middle mud-proof board Antisplash guard ,left front wheel Rubber fender for right front wheel Left front step panel assy Right front pedal body Right front pedal skirt Right front pedal assy Right front pedal body Right front pedal skirt Draw plate Rear mudguard (LH) Rear mudguard (RH) Cargo body assy "u" bolt Rear guard rail assy Left side guard rail assy Guardrail assy, RH "u" bolt pressure plate Rubber fender pressure plate Parking brake indicator light switch Outside lamp Plastic nut Clamp - vent cover Clamp seat - vent cover Button seat - upper trim panel Plastic nut-Guide rail Front door handrail bracket plastic nut Tyre Forced filling oil cup – straight type "O" seal ring Rubber O-ring seal Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M6×16 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and flat washer combination M6×20 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M6×20 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M6×25 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and flat washer combination M8×16 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M8×16 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and flat washer combination M8×20 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M8×20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 20 2 1 2 44 10 2 1 20 2 7 12 2 3 19 10 6 18 3 18 15 20 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and flat washer combination M8×25 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M8×30 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M10×25 Hexagon head bolt, spring washer and washer seaming M10×25 Combination bolt M12×40 Hexagon head bolt M6×12 Hexagon head bolt M6×16 Hexagon head bolt M6×18 Hexagon head bolt M6×20 Hexagon head bolt M6×25 Hexagon head bolt M6×60 Hexagon head bolt M8×16 Bolt M8×18 Hexagon head bolt M8×20 Hexagon head bolt M8×20 Hexagon head bolt M8×22 Hexagon head bolt M8×25 Hexagon head bolt M8×25 Hexagon head bolt M8×30 Hexagon head bolt M8×30 Hexagon head bolt M8×35 Hexagon head bolt M8×35 Hexagon head bolt M8×45 Hexagon head bolt M8×50 Hexagon head bolt M8×60 Hexagon head bolt M8×65 Hexagon head bolt M8×75 Bolt M10×110 Hexagon head bolt M10×20 Hexagon head bolt M10×20 Hexagon head bolt M10×20 Hexagon head bolt M10×25 Hexagon head bolt M10×25 Hexagon head bolt M10×30 Hexagon head bolt M10×30 Hexagon head bolt M10×35 Hexagon head bolt M10×35 Hexagon head bolt M10×40 Hexagon head bolt M10×55 Hexagon head bolt M12×120 Hexagon head bolt M12×25 Hexagon head bolt M12×30 Hexagon head bolt M12×30 Hexagon head bolt M12×35 Hexagon head bolt M12×40 Hexagon head bolt M12×45 Hexagon head bolt M12×60 Hexagon head bolt M12×70 Hexagon head bolt M12×70 4 2 4 4 3 1 8 6 10 12 7 22 5 28 5 10 50 5 5 3 2 8 1 1 7 2 2 4 8 4 1 20 56 44 10 18 8 4 12 3 12 8 6 6 7 2 4 4 2 Hexagon head bolt M14×35 Hexagon head bolt M14×40 Hexagon head bolt M14×50 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M10×60 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M12×40 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M14×40 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M18×95 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M10×25 Hexagon head bolt--fine thread M10×30 Cross-recessed hexagon bolt M5×10 Cross-recessed pan head hexagon screw M6×16 Bolt M8×20 Bolt-hexagon flange M8×16 Bolt-hexagon flange M8×20 Hexagon flange bolt M5×12 Hexagon flange bolt M6×16 Hexagon flange bolt M6×25 Hexagon flange bolt M8×20 Cross-recessed pan head screw M3×8 Cross-recessed pan head screw M4×8 Cross-recessed pan head screw M4×10 Cross-recessed pan head screw M4×16 Cross-recessed pan head screw M4×30 Cross-recessed pan head screw M5×12 Cross-recessed pan head screw M5×16 Cross-recessed pan head screw M6×16 Cross-recessed pan head screw M6×20 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping pan head screw M8×13 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping pan head screw M8×13 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw M8×22 Cross-recessed pan head screw and spring washer seaming M6×25 Cross-recessed pan head screw and spring washer seaming M6×30 8 4 8 4 10 2 2 7 2 10 8 16 2 4 2 10 8 2 1 6 2 1 2 4 4 2 5 4 2 6 2 2 Cross-recessed self-tapping screw & washer seaming M5×12 Cross-recessed self-tapping screw & washer seaming M5×12 Cross-recessed self-tapping screw & washer seaming M5×16 Cross-recessed pan head screw, spring washer and washer seaming M6×16 Cross-recessed pan head screw, spring washer and washer seaming M6×25 Hexagon flange self-tapping screw M4.2×13 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw -- c type M4.2×16 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw -- c type M4.8×13 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw -- c type M4.8×16 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw -- c type M4.8×16 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping screw M4.8×16 Cross-recessed pan head self-tapping pan head screw M4.8×32 Cross-recessed countersink selftapping screw M4.8×16 Cross-recessed semi-countersunk selftapping screw M3.5×16 Hexagon flange nut M6 Hexagon flange nut M8 Hexagon flange nut M8 All-metal prevailing torque hexagon nut with flange M5 All-metal prevailing torque hexagon nut with flange M8 Hexagon nut - type 1 M4 Hex nut - type 1 M5 Hex nut - type 1 M6 Hex nut - type 1 M6 Hex nut - type 1 M8 Hex nut - type 1 M8 Hex nut - type 1 M10 Hex nut - type 1 M10 Hex nut - type 1 M10 Hex nut - type 1 M12 Hexagon nut M12 Hex nut - type 1 M14 Hexagon nut - type 1 M14 Hex nut - type 1-fine thread M10 Hex nut - type 1-fine thread M12 Hex nut - type 1 M16 Hexagon nut - type 1-fine thread M18 8 2 2 4 11 2 10 2 14 14 20 2 2 2 14 10 3 2 6 1 6 57 6 197 30 157 2 18 54 3 12 8 8 4 46 4 Hex nut - type 1-fine thread M10 Hexagon nut - type 1-fine thread M12 Hexagon thin nut -- fine thread M14 Hexagon thin nut M16 Hexagon thin nut-fine thread Hexagon nut, style 2 M8 Nut M18 Hex high nut M20 I-type hexagon slotted nut Small washer φ5 Small washer φ5 Small washer Ф5 Small washer Ф5 Plain washer φ4 Plain washer φ5 Plain washer Ф5 Plain washer φ5 Plain washer φ6 Plain washer φ6 Plain washer φ8 Plain washer φ8 Plain washer Ф10 Plain washer φ10 Plain washer φ12 Plain washer Ф12 Plain washer φ14 Plain washer φ14 Plain washer φ16 Plain washer Ф20 Plain washer φ24 Big washer φ6 Big washer φ8 Big washer φ10 Big washer φ12 Big washer φ16 Big washer φ18 Spring washer φ4 Spring washer φ5 Spring washer φ6 Spring washer Ф6 Spring washer φ8 Spring washer φ8 Spring washer Ф10 Spring washer φ10 Spring washer φ12 Spring washer φ14 Spring washer φ16 Spring washer φ18 Heavy spring washer φ12 Spring washer - heavy load Spring washer - heavy load M18 M20 φ12 φ14 4 2 4 3 10 8 8 8 1 12 4 4 12 11 23 10 20 53 14 228 42 162 19 49 6 14 8 47 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 9 22 51 8 240 42 180 19 55 12 6 4 3 6 8 Spring washer- heavy load φ18 Spring washer φ20 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ6 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ8 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ10 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ14 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ16 Locking washer with outer sawtooth φ18 Flat head rivet φ3.2×7 Split pin Ф4×36 Split pin φ2×32 Split pin φ2.5×20 Split pin φ3.2×14 Split pin φ3.2×28 Split pin φ4×50 Axis pin φ8×40 Axis pin φ10×30 Axis pin φ12×50 Steel strip spring clamp D20 Plastic fastening belt 5×200 Plastic fastening belt D300 Plastic fastening belt 7×100 Plastic fastening belt 7×150 Plastic fixing belt 7×200 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D100 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D120 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D16 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D22 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D27 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D50 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D60 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D70 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D80 Worm transmission hose clamp, type D27 Pipe clip D12 Pipe clip D18 Multiple-pipe clip D14×2 8 8 4 3 2 4 1 9 A 4 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 21 6 1 A 2 A 2 A 1 A 4 A 2 A 4 A 2 A 3 B 10 1 2 3 Hexagon thin nut -- fine thread Hexagon thin nut-Ferrule type compression joint M18 Hexagon thin nut-Ferrule type compression joint M22 M16 9 4 3 备注 Note 滤芯型号K203823 与1B18054000001 共图 与1B20061000001 共图 与1B20061000003 共图 与1B18061000048 共图 与1B18053000033 共图