AVALOS BARRAGÁN DIEGO ALFONSO 1220100708 PRINT THIS EXERCISE OR USE THE FILE TO COMPLETE THE NEXT ACTIVITIES. 1. Complete these questions. Use what, When, How, and Where. Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel a. what time did you eat breakfast yesterday? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel b. where did you eat lunch yesterday? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel c. What did you do last weekend? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel d. How did you get to school (or to work) yesterday? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel e. What time did you get home last night? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel f. Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel How many classes did you have yesterday? g. What did you have for dinner? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel h. What program did you watch on TV last night? Citali, Cesar, Daniel, Miguel 2. Answer the questions in exercise 1 with information about yourself. a. I had breakfast at 10:20 am b. I had breakfast at home with my family. c. I went to work all day in a wine shop. d. I got to school in the truck e. I got home at 8:00 p.m. f. I had 5 online clases g. I had fried chicken tacos for dinner h. I watched a movie called ragnarok. GPI1231