BIENVENIDOS AL ACOMPAÑAMIENTO DE CIENCIAS NATURALES PARA OCTAVO AÑO DE EDUCACIÒN GENERAL BÀSICA (EGB). SEMANA FORMATIVA # 1 DE NIVELACION TEMA PARA NIVELACIÒN FLORA Y FAUNA DE LAS REGIONES NATURALES DEL ECUADOR OBSERVA LA IMAGEN OBSERVA LA IMAGEN OBSERVA LA IMAGEN Los Andes es el nombre de una cordillera en el occidente de América del Sur. Con 7.240 kilómetros de longitud, se trata de la cadena montañosa más larga del planeta. Atraviesa los países de Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia y Venezuela. BRASIL LEE ATENTAMENTE LOS SIGUIENTES PARRAFOS Los Andes, que recorren el lado oeste de Sudamérica, son una de las cadenas de montañas más extensas del mundo. Sus terrenos variados incluyen glaciares, volcanes, praderas, desiertos, lagos y bosques. Las montañas albergan sitios arqueológicos precolombinos y fauna como la chinchilla y el cóndor. Desde Venezuela en el norte, la cordillera de Los Andes recorre Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Argentina y Chile Los Andes son el resultado del movimiento de las placas tectónicas, el que ocurre desde el período Mesozoico. Los Andes se han levantado por la subducción de placas oceánicas por debajo de la placa Sudamericana. Las placas que actualmente son subducidas son la de Cocos, Nazca y la Antártica. DE FORMA ORDENA CONTESTA LAS SIGUIENTES INTERROGANTES: NO TENGAS MIEDO A RESPONDER GLOSARIO OROGÈNICO Los movimientos orogénicos son los movimientos horizontales de la corteza terrestre, (teniendo en cuenta que la Tierra es una esfera). EPIROGÈNICO Los movimientos epirogénicos son los movimientos verticales, de ascenso y descenso, que se producen de manera lenta en la corteza terrestre. Conteste de forma escrita en el chat del Grupo de WhatsAap de octavo C. CUALES SON LOS PAISES POR DONDE PASA LA CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES DONDE SE ENCUENTRA UBICADO EL CINTURON DE FUEGO QUE OBSERVO. SEGÙN EL VIDEO QUE OBSERVO QUE ES SUBDUCCIÒNHAS ESCUCHADO ALGUNA VEZ DEL PERIODO MESOZOICO? EN ECUADOR QUE FORMA LA CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES? CUIDEMOS NUESTRA CASA GRANDE: EL PLANETA TIERRA Ejemplos de relaciones tróficas En el mar, el fitoplancton (vegetal) sirve de alimento a los crustáceos malacostráceos (krill), que son comidos por peces (muy) pequeños. Éstos, a su vez, son depredados por peces mayores como la sardina, que sirve de alimento a depredadores como la barracuda. Éstas, al morir, son descompuestas por carroñeros como cangrejos y otros crustáceos. Los conejos se alimentan de plantas y hierbas, pero son depredados por los pumas, zorros y otros cuadrúpedos carnívoros de mediano tamaño. Al morir, estos últimos sirven de alimento para las aves carroñeras como los gallinazos (zamuros). Las plantas son parasitadas por orugas, que sirven de alimento a diversos pájaros pequeños, a su vez depredados por aves cazadoras como el águila o el halcón, cuyos cuerpos serán descompuestos por bacterias y hongos al morir. Los insectos como la langosta comen hojas de plantas, los sapos insectívoros se los comen a ellos y las serpientes a los sapos. Y por último puede que a dichas serpientes las devoren otras de mayor tamaño. WHOA! This could be the part of the presentation where you can introduce yourself, write your email… “This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired.” —SOMEONE FAMOUS 01 NAME OF THE SECTION You could enter a subtitle here if you need it The Slide Title Goes Right Here! Do you know what helps you make your point clear? Lists like this one: ● ● ● They’re simple You can organize your ideas clearly You’ll never forget to buy milk! And the most important thing: the audience won’t miss the point of your presentation Maybe You Need to Divide the Content Mercury Venus Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon Venus has a beautiful name, is the second planet from the Sun and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous You Could Use Three Columns, Why Not? Jupiter It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System and the fourth-brightest object in the sky Mars Saturn Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast Yes, this is the ringed one. It’s a gas giant, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium A Picture Always Reinforces the Concept Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of long texts A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS AWESOME WORDS This Is a Graph Mercury Did you know that this graph is editable? Mars Click on it, follow the link and change the data Venus 38% 12% 24% Then copy the new graph and paste it here 36% Saturn Don’t forget to delete the old graph afterward You Could Use Four Columns Mercury Venus Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Mars Saturn Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant How About the Percentages? 30% Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun 22% Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant 15% Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 45% Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot This Is a Graph Mars Despite being red, Mars is a cold place To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here Venus Saturn Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant Reviewing Concepts Is Usually a Good Idea Mercury Venus Mars Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Jupiter Saturn Neptune It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Infographics Make Your Idea Understandable… 2018 2016 A Jupiter 2017 Mercury Venus 2019 Saturn … And Tables Do the Same! Mass (Earths) Diameter (Earths) Surface Gravity (Earths) Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38 Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38 Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16 This Is a Map Venus Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s terribly hot A Timeline Always Works Well Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 2019 2017 2020 2018 2016 Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant 4,498,300,000 Big numbers catch your audience’s attention 333,000.00 earths is the Sun’s mass 24h 37m 23s is Jupiter’s rotation period 386,000 km is the distance between Earth and the Moon Reinforce the Concept Using Infographics! 04 MARS 01 Mars is a cold place VENUS JUPITER Venus is terribly hot 03 Jupiter is the biggest planet EARTH Earth harbors life 02 Our Services Basic Pro Premium $35 $60 $85 You can explain your product or your service You can explain your product or your service You can explain your product or your service Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Characteristic Desktop Software You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly Mobile Web You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly Tablet App You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly Our Team Helena Patterson John Doe You can replace the star on the screen with a picture of this person You can replace the star on the screen with a picture of this person Ann Smith You can replace the star on the screen with a picture of this person Thanks! Do you have any questions? +91 620 421 838 CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. Please keep this slide for attribution. Alternative Resources Resources Vector ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Hand drawn notebook with pencils and material Travel pattern with elements and dash lines Hand drawn arrow collection Assortment of arrows highlighter Cartoon math elements background Planning elements sample Collection of colored notes with adhesive tap Online learning background with variety of hand-drawn items Background of mobile phone with hand-drawn items Hand drawn timeline infographic template Hand drawn template timeline infographic Photo ● Top view of graphic designer working with graphic tablet and laptop ● Flat lay of back to school concept with copy space