Subido por Edison Yanchaguano

Zero Conditional Sentences: Grammar Lesson & Exercises

Zero conditional
From Present
to present.
From Present
to modals.
The structure of the zero conditional:
You already know that conditionals are sentences
made up of two phrases. Exactly, the zero
conditional has the following concrete structure:
If + subject + present simple/to-be present, subject
+ present simple /to-be present
The order of the two sentences that make up the
conditional structure can be changed, with that
you have no problem; but remember that if the
phrase with if is second, the comma is not placed
before it.
If water reaches 100ºC, it boils.
If the water reaches 100ºC, it boils.
However, you can also find it with this other
structure: if… then…, if… then…
If you don't study, you fail the semester.
If you eat vegetables, you are healthy
If you eat vegetables, you don´t get fat.
If you eat vegetables, you have good health.
If you eat vegetables, you are vegetarian.
-If you eat too much chocolate, you have
-If you eat too much chocolate, you get fat.
-If you eat too much chocolate, you are happy.
-If you eat too much chocolate, you get sick.
If you drive without license, you get problems
with the police.
If you drive without license, you get a penalty fee
If you are beautiful, you get the job.
If you are beautiful, you can get the job.
If you are in politics, you get the job.
If you are in politics, you can get the job.
If you sleep well, you don´t get
If you drive without license, you can crash the car.
If you go out today, tomorrow you must stay at
If you do all your homework, you can go out with
your friends.
If you work well, we can pay you double.
If you drink a lot of alcohol, you can have
problems with your family.
- If you don´t put things in their place, I can´t
lend you them again.
- If you don´t study for the exam, you can have
- If don’t do exercises, you have bad health.
- If I lend you my car, you don´t return it clean.
- You get fat if you don’t do exercises.
- If you don’t do exercises, you get fat.
- You can have zero if you don´t study for the
- If you don´t study for the exam, You can have
- I can´t lend you them again if you don´t put
things in their place.
-If you drink a lot of alcohol, you can have
problems with your family.
-You can have problems with your family if you
drink a lot of alcohol.
- You never learn English if you don’t practice
- If you don’t practice it, you never learn
- You can have cold if you go out on t- shirt.
If you go out on t- shirt, you can have cold.
Activity in class:
1. - 10 conditionals from your context.
2. - 10 conditionals with modals
3. - 5 conditionals (second idea/phrase as
If you don´t wash your clothes on weekends, you
don’t have them to go out during the week.
You don’t have them to go out during the week if
you don´t wash your clothes on weekends.
If she goes to the beach, she must take care.
If he comes early, we can go to the concert.
They can play soccer if they have a ball.