Subido por Fernando Peraza

Evaluación N° 2. Inglés General

Msc. Kelys Castellanos
I.D Number:
- Una vez descargado el archivo desde Drive, trabájelo y al terminar enviélo a la
dirección de correo:
- Tendrá sólo 4 hrs para la realización del mismo; aquellas evaluaciones que lleguen al
buzón de correo una vez expirado el tiempo no serán evaluadas.
1. Parte I:
- Identifique los diferentes tiempos verbales en el texto, luego subraye o sombree (no
extraiga) por lo menos cinco (5) oraciones o expresiones por cada tiempo verbal
identificado (de no encontrarse un tiempo verbal con el número de oraciones
solicitadas, subraye sólo las que encontró).
- Asignele a cada tiempo verbal un color para el sombreado o subrayado y haga una
2. Parte II:
- Cambie el tiempo verbal del texto al solicitado.
- Si debe omitir expresiones de tiempo, hágalo.
Parte I
Little Red Riding Hood.
There was once a very pretty girl. Her mother had made her a red coat and the girl
often wore it as everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day, her mother asked her to bring some cakes to her grandmother who lived
across the forest, not recommending her to play around because crossing the forest was
very dangerous, as there was always a lurking wolf.
Red Riding Hood picked up the basket with pastry and set off. The girl had to go
through the forest to get to Grandma's house, but she was not afraid because she was
always there with many friends the birds and squirrels.
Suddenly She saw the wolf , which was huge in front of her:
- Where are you going, girl - asked the wolf in his hoarse voice.
- To my Granny’s house, Hood said.
- It is not far - wolf he thought to himself , turning away .
Hood put her basket on the grass and started picking up:
- The wolf is gone, she thought, I have nothing to fear. Grandma will be very happy
when I bring a beautiful bouquet of flowers in addition to the cakes.
Meanwhile, the wolf went to Granny’s house , knocked softly on the door and the
old lady opened thinking it was Little Red Riding Hood . A hunter passing by had seen the
arrival of the wolf.
The wolf devoured Granny and the unfortunate pink hat , got into bed and closed his
I do not have to wait long, as Little Red Riding Hood arrived quickly, all
excited.The girl went to bed and saw that his grandmother was very changed:
- Grandma, Grandma ,what big eyes you have !
- Better to see you , 'said the wolf trying to imitate the voice of Grandmother .
- Grandma, Grandma ,what big ears you have !
- It's better to hear you saying - she followed the wolf.
- Grandma, Grandma ,what big teeth you have!
- Son to you better - and saying, the evil wolf pounced on and devoured the
little girl , as he had done with granny .
Meanwhile, the hunter had been worried and thinking evil thoughts guess Wolf
decided to take a look to see if all was well in the house of Granny. Sought help from a
reaper and together they came to the place. They saw the front door open and the wolf lying
on the bed.
The hunter pulled out his knife and slit the belly of the wolf. Granny and Red
Riding Hood were there, alive!
To punish the bad wolf , the hunter filled his belly with stones and then closed it
again. When the wolf awoke from his deep sleep, he felt very thirsty and went to a nearby
pond to drink. As the stones were heavy, fell headlong into the pond and drowned.
As Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother suffered no more than a scare, but
Red Riding Hood had learned the lesson. She promised her Granny not speak to any
stranger who was found on the road. From now on, follow the judicious advice of her
grandmother and her mom.
Past simple tense
Present simple tense
Continous tense (present)
Future tense (will)
Past perfect tense
Parte II
Cambie el siguiente texto a Pasado Simple.
Jim Sullivan likes music. He plays many instruments. He plays the piano, clarinet,
saxophone, trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes are his favorite instrument to play.
Not very many people play the bagpipes.
Jim plays the bagpipes for celebrations. He also plays the bagpipes in parades. The
audience listens to the bagpipes. They clap for Jim. They enjoy the music of the bagpipes.
Jim also teaches people how to play the bagpipes. He gives lessons to children and adults.
He teaches them the history of the bagpipes. He teaches them how to play music with the
bagpipes. Jim is a good teacher.
Jim Sullivan liked music. He played many instruments. He played the piano, clarinet,
saxophone, trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes were his favorite instrument to
play. Not very many people played the bagpipes.
Jim played the bagpipes for celebrations. He also played the bagpipes in parades.
The audience listened to the bagpipes. They clapped for Jim. They enjoyed the music of the
Jim also taught people how to play the bagpipes. He gave lessons to children and adults. He
taught them the history of the bagpipes. He taught them how to play music with the
bagpipes. Jim was a good teacher.
Cambie el siguiente texto a cualquier de los Tiempos Perfectos vistos.
I get up around 8:30 every morning and I make some coffee. I spend the morning at
home, and I have some lunch at 12 o’clock.
At one o’clock I leave home and catch the metro. I take the metro to the center,
where I start work at 1:30.
I teach five classes everyday, and I finish work late. After work, I usually go home
and make dinner. I eat dinner, read a book and go to bed. Sometimes, I go and have a drink
with my friends after work.
At weekends, I go walking in the mountains or I visit my friends. On holidays I
usually go to Italy or I travel in Spain.
I got up around 8:30 every morning and I made some coffee. I spent the morning at
home, and I had some lunch at 12 o’clock.
At one o’clock I left home and caught the metro. I took the metro to the center,
where I started work at 1:30.
I taught five classes every day, and I finished work late. After work, I usually went
home and made dinner. I ate dinner, read a book and went to bed. Sometimes, I went and
had a drink with my friends after work.
At weekends, I went walking in the mountains or I visited my friends. On holidays I
usually went to Italy or I traveled in Spain.
Cambie el siguiente texto a cualquier Tiempo Continuo.
Peter arrives in Mexico City. He is happy and excited about his new adventure. He
is going to stay at a hotel for a month but first he needs to find a job. He applies for 10 jobs
as an architect but he doesn’t get any of them. So, he is disappointed and sad; he doesn’t
want to go back to Manchester.
One day he sees a job advertisement in a newspaper.
It says: “English teacher wanted”. His mother is a teacher so he probably knows a
little about teaching after all. He applies for the English teacher job. The next day someone
calls Peter and asks him to go to an interview.
He goes to the English language academy. The interviewer is the most beautiful
woman Peter has ever seen: She says: “Nice to meet you, my name is Angela”. Peter falls
in love with her.
Peter is arriving in Mexico City. He is happy and excited about his new adventure.
He was going to stay at a hotel for a month but first he needs to find a job. He is applying
for 10 jobs as an architect but he isn’t getting any of them. So, he is being disappointed and
sad; he isn’t wanting to go back to Manchester.
One day he is seeing a job advertisement in a newspaper.
It says: “English teacher wanted”. His mother is a teacher so he probably knows a
little about teaching after all. He is applying for the English teacher job. The next day
someone calls Peter and asks him to go to an interview.
He is going to the English language academy. The interviewer is the most beautiful
woman Peter has ever seen: She says: “Nice to meet you, my name is Angela”. Peter is
faling in love with her.