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Cover Letter MCMM.

María Catalina Moreno Medina
Professional in International Affairs
Carrera 45ª # 123-84
Bogotá, Colombia
Cel: 3165797621
EU Delegation
15 July, 2021
Dear EU Delegation,
I am writing to express my interest in the traineeship in the Political, Press and Information
Section (PPI) in the Human Rights Section at the EU Delegation, as it has always been part
of my goals and ambitions to become part of the European Union’s support for Colombia’s
agenda and, specifically, in the area of peace and human rights. I’m a professional in
International Affairs from the University Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario and this
opportunity is my chance to enrich my knowledge and professional outgrowth contributing
to the political, economic, environmental, and regional developments affecting EU-Colombia
From the very beginning of my career, I found real interest in the relations that can be built
between different states all around the world and the importance of an accurate diplomatic
representation of a single nation in a foreign country. Due to my fascination towards political
matters that were affecting the diplomatic relations between Colombia and other nations, I
did my internship in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia. This experience thought me
how powerful, in political matters, is to have stable and strong relations with countries
outside my own. Taking into account this, I think there’s no better place to learn about a
foreign policy that strongly believes in human rights, values, law, economic growth and
democracy than the EU Delegation.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I’m eager to gain new experiences, knowledge and
skills that are going to improve my understanding in human rights and political dynamics in
the international field and I am convinced that doing this traineeship in the EU Delegation is
going to contribute to my professional growth as a specialist in International Relations the
best way possible. I hope to be given this prestigious opportunity as I am confident that I
am capable of exceeding all your expectations.
Thank you so much for considering my application.
Maria Catalina Moreno Medina