2020 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2020), 21–22 August 2020, Penang, Malaysia SCADA Design System with pH Effluent Monitoring on Sewage Treatment Plant in Mawar’s College at UiTM Shah Alam using Tbox LT-12 RTU Megat Syahir Megat Kamarulzaman Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA 40450 Shah Alam Selangor megatsyahirrr@gmail.com Mahanijah Md Kamal Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA 40450 Shah Alam Selangor mahani724@uitm.edu.my tank failed to operate, it can give bad impact to the quality of the effluent. When blower failed to operate, the aeration tank will unable to treat wastewater, so the impact to the quality of effluent will be bad. This also will lead to undesired range of pH value because pH value is one of the parameter that being measured in effluent. When effluent mix with surface water and become too acidic, it can cause reduction of biodiversity of all structural elements and modification of trophic structure [7,8]. Therefore, the aims of this work is to design a SCADA system for STP of Mawar’s College that enables the operation management to monitor, control and trace the pH effluent value of the system. From that, the user can take any prompt action associated with failure of STP such as pump, blower, compressor, mixing tank and etc. Abstract—The current system for monitoring the pH effluent for Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Mawar’s college in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam is done manually and takes a longer time to get the results. In this work SCADA system is proposed for STP with pH effluent monitoring system using Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) with TBox LT2. This system can speed up and simplify the online monitoring process for data monitoring. To achieve this, the system will send the pH data to the RTU and the data can be viewed via IP address in the form of mimic diagram. This system also gives an alarm notification to the user remotely if the pH value is not in the range of 5.5 and 9.0. Through this SCADA system it will assist user in the process of directly monitoring the pH value of the STP pH effluent. From the result obtained, the developed SCADA system is capable of remotely supervise and data monitoring via mobile phone. Keywords— Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), monitoring, mobile phone II. SCADA SYSTEM From previous researchers, SCADA system enables to revealed in real-time the operation state of the process, which allows to monitor and control any process and rectify the errors if any [9,10]. However, the current technique to measure the pH level is only by using the pH probe [11]. The staff working at UiTM needs to get the sample of the effluent and return back to their laboratory to conduct the pH testing. With the aid of a technology from SCADA that will be incorporated into the STP at Mawar’s College, the user will be able to monitor the pH value in real-time using website and get alarm notification through mobile phone. Besides, user also be able to see and control the system through the mimic diagrams of STP. Hence, prompt action can be taken in order to ensure the pH effluent is always in desired range or any failure happen such as blower. I. INTRODUCTION Generally, there are six Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Shah Alam. One of it is at Mawar’s College. In this work, STP at Mawar’s College was chosen as a case study due to its strategic location and easy to access. For every STP in the world, the effluent will be discharge to the surrounding. Therefore with a good quality of effluent discharge it is important to protect human being, environment and vegetation [1]. For STP in Mawar’s College, there are five parameters that need to be measured by UiTM’s facility which is pH, Biochemical Oxygen (BOD), Chemical Oxygen (COD), Oil and Grease, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) [2]. Effluent’s pH in STP at Mawar’s College at UiTM Shah Alam needs to be ensure always in the limitation range which is between 5.5 and 9.0 because effluent will be discharge to the surface water and if not follow the limitation range, the effluent can give bad effects on the health of aquatic ecosystems [3, 4]. Although pH is a variable that is important to biological processes, its value is especially critical in anaerobic digestion and nitrification where important quantities of protons are released, this leading to acidification and process failure [5]. Generally, in aeration tank, there were bacteria that need for oxygen which is oxygen is produced by the blower. The bacteria used to oxidize or convert the dissolved and particulate carbonaceous organic matter which is sludge into simple end products and additional biomass [6]. So, if this 978-1-7281-7243-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE Fig. 1 shows the overall process of STP’s at Mawar’s college of UiTM Shah Alam. Based on this mimic diagram, the plant will be created so that the user can easily monitor the operation of the system. This SCADA system is easier to the user to display, control, monitor and store information for reporting, trouble-shooting and maintenance purposes. 52 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Downloaded on May 23,2021 at 22:52:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2020 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2020), 21–22 August 2020, Penang, Malaysia Fig.3. Block Diagram C. Software setting TWinSoft is used as the software in this work because it is easy to use and intuitive Windows application which is used to configure TBox RTU LT2. TWinSoft also includes WebForm Studio which allow users to create dynamic embedded HTML5 web pages. In this work it is based on the simulation of the system where two analog outputs will be created, which is ipH_analy and pHInput as in Fig. 4. For the ipH_analy, it acts as a dummy value for the input which produced by the pH sensor while pHInput will acts as a dummy value for the output that been produced by the pH sensor. Fig.1. Overall process of STP’s at Mawar’s College III. METHODOLOGY A. Overall system design Fig. 2 shows the overall system proposed in this work. The pH sensor is located at the end of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Here, the pH sensor is used to measure the pH value from the STP and send the data to the TBox LT2 of RTU. The data from the sensor will be process by the RTU and will be store into the data chronology. From the data chronology, the user then can access the mimic diagram via IP address for monitoring purposes or get alarm through phones. Fig.4. Declaration of pH parameter For the Webform part as in Fig. 5, it will be at the Web & Report Files in the TWinSoft function. At here, the Webform will be used to display in mimic diagram which contain value of input or output of the pH, the recipient numbers that want to get the alarm of the system and the chronology data of the pH value. Fig.2. Overall System Architecture B. The block diagram By referring to Fig.3, the input for this system is the pH sensor which will transmitted the pH level data of water in the STP. The input will be directly connected to the RTU which is TBox LT2 and later will processed it. The output of this system is the display in the form of mimic diagram through IP address. Alarm notification to the user will be notify via phone. Fig.5. Web Form (Mimic Diagram) 53 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Downloaded on May 23,2021 at 22:52:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2020 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2020), 21–22 August 2020, Penang, Malaysia After that is setting-up the communication link between RTU and sensor. After all the parameters had been inserted in the TWinSoft software, a communication link is used to collect data from the input which is pH sensor and the RTU is needed. In order to set up the protocol, internet protocol version 4 which is the TCP protocol is choose because TBox RTU used TCP communication link to communicate with the sensor. The set-up of the proposed SCADA system can be refer to Fig. 6. Next, the IP address for RTU need to be set-up as shown in Fig. 7. Here, the IP address of RTU is set at Fig.9. Fig.6. When pH value over than 9.0 Internal Protocol Version 4 set up Fig.10. Notification of RTU to user as alarm when pH below 5.5 Fig.7. RTU Setup Fig.11. Notification of RTU to user as alarm when pH above 9.0 IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 shows the Webform of pH value monitoring on effluent. The Webform also show the chronology of pH value. Besides, for the recipient part, user can put any mobile’s number that be in charge to get the alarm. For this STP at Mawar’s College, the mobile’s number can be the staff or workers from UiTM Shah Alam. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 shows the notification or message that RTU had send to the user as alarm. The messages contained the date and time, the alarm description and current value of the pH. A. Monitoring Value of pH Effluent The proposed pH effluent monitoring using TBox RTU are simulated using TWinSoft software with different dummy of pH value. The pH value can be read and change from the webform. However, in this simulation mode the values of pH have been set to get different output from the TBox RTU. The Mimic diagram of pH effluent monitoring can be open by using IP address that has been set which is The result are presented as in Fig. 8. B. Request Status of The Monitoring on pH Value Basically, in this system user can request status on current value of pH. User can directly message the RTU’s number, so that user able to know the status. But user, only can use the recipient number that have been insert in the mimic diagram. From that, user can get the status of the system. Fig.8. When pH value below than 5.5 Fig.12. Request Status from Recipient number (0189731820) 54 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE. Downloaded on May 23,2021 at 22:52:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2020 10th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2020), 21–22 August 2020, Penang, Malaysia Fig. 12 shows when user direct message to the RTU’s number. User able to get the current status for pH value of the effluent. Besides, the status also will show the date, time and input voltage for the system which is 24Volts. GPRS state also will be show to indicate that the line of GPRS is in stable or unstable. Fig.15. Alarm notification when blower failed C. Mimic Diagram of STP at Mawar’s College based on SCADA and Alarm warning This SCADA system able to show the mimic diagram of process for STP at Mawar’s College. Based on Fig. 13, it shows that all the system are in successfully operated. The most important part for this plant is the pumps. This is because when one of the pump is failed to operate, it can effected to the quality of effluent. Besides, the valve also in open condition. This is important because it will control the flow of return sludge. Fig.16. Alarm notification when inlet chamber pump failed Fig.17. Alarm notification when return sludge pump failed Fig. 15, Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 shows the alarm notification that RTU will send to the recipient number that the user insert in the mimic diagram. The alarm that come through notification contain date, time, and some description about which alarm is failed. Therefore, with this system it helps the user to know faster and easier when there is a failure occurred on pumps and etc. V. CONCLUSION As a conclusion, the aims of this work is to develop a pH effluent monitoring for STP at Mawar’s College in UiTM Shah Alam. This is to ensure that the pH value is within the desired range. With the controlled effluent, the effluent is in good quality and would not give any harm to the aquatic ecosystems when it is released to the surrounding. The SCADA system is used to monitor and control the STP’s plant and its operation through a mimic diagram. Besides, the system will also give alarm through notification to the user. From the result obtained, it shows that the proposed SCADA system for the pH effluent on STP was successfully implemented. By setting the pH value in the range of 5.5 and 9.0, the proposed SCADA system able to notify and gives alarm to the user via mobile phone. Fig.13. All pump operated successfully ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thanks the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam Selangor for the support and funding. Fig.14. All pump failed to operate Basically in this project, the digital value whether it on or off is control in simulation mode. So, when the pump is failed, RTU will send the alarm through notification. The mimic diagram in Fig. 14 shows when some of the pump is in failure condition. 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