El Alfabeto Con Vocabulario This educational file created by the grace of God and his servant Robert Rose. 01/03/08. A,a Á●gui●la B,b Bi●ci●cle●ta C,c Ca●ma D,d Da●mas E,e Es●cue●la F,f Fal●da G,g Ga●to H,h Ham●bur●gue●sa I,i In●vier●no J,j Ju●gue●te K,k Koa●la L,l Lá●piz Ll Lla●ves M,m Ma●ri●po●sa N,n Sr. Rose’s Na●riz Ñ,ñ Ñan●du O,o O●jo P,p Pan Q,q Que●so R,r Re●ga●lo rr Pe●rro S,s Sa●ca●pun●tas T,t Te●lé●fo●no U,u U●vas V,v Va●so W,w Waf●le X,x Xi●ló●fo●no Y,y Yo●gur Z,z Za●pa●to Educator’s Note • Although the Real Academia in Madrid, Spain, removed the letters ch, ll, and rr as separate entries in 1994 from the Spanish alphabet, I have included ll and rr in this presentation for their unique sound qualities when pronounced. It should also be noted that in in the Americas many Hispanic countries still recognize rr as a separate letter of the alphabet. El Alfabeto Con Vocabulario This educational file created by the grace of God and his servant Robert Rose. 01/03/08.