Subido por u0602818


* • According to an analysis made by american
psychologist said the men and women are
basically same in their personality, congnitive
ability and leadership.
* • The hypothesis affirms that since childhood
to adulthood, both sexes show more
similarities tan differents.
* • The women seek to be loved so do the men,
every human being need to be loved
* • Men make mistakes, women too. No matter
the gender. Everyone is wrong at times.
* The women haven’t impediment to learn. The
men have not either. With every thing to do.
We learn about anything
* The men are very capable to make Friends of
both sexes. So do the women . In other time
the men has this Liberty and women didn't..
* • The need for survival is natural in women. So
do the men.
* It can be concluded that despite to the
physical differences betweem one and other,
both are human beings trained to carry out any
activity that they propose