Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia Modalidad Virtual Nombre de la Asignatura: CAUSA Y EFECTO LENGUA EXTRANGERA Nombre de la Actividad: 1.3 REAL SITUATIONS Nombre del Alumno: • BEATRIZ NATALY BARRANCO RAMIREZ • HERNANDEZ URBANO ALFREDO • YADIRA LEYVA ESCALONA • IRMA MARIA CARRASCO MARTINEZ Nombre del Docente: ELT. Eribeth Karina Pérez Palafox Fecha: SEPTIEMBRE,2021 REGULATION MUSEUM • • • • • 1.-You must know that photographs or recordings are not allowed in the museum. 2.-You must used face mask and antibacterial gel when entering the museum. 3.-You mustn’t touch the museum pieces. 4.-You must keep silence inside the museum rooms. 5.-You must not interrupt the historian. Wait for him to finish speaking to ask your questions 6.- You must not block the artworks. Remember that others also want to appreciate them. 1. 7.-Visitors must leave their handbags and coats in the lockers at the entrance to the museum 2. 8.-inside a museum you must silence your phone 3. 9.-Inside a museum you must be silent and speak in a low voice 4. 10.-inside a museum you must keep a distance of 2 meters and not touch surfaces for your safety TIPS TO LEARN ENGLISH • 1.- You should read real material in English, such as newspapers, magazines or any web page you like. • 2.- You should read real material in English, such as newspapers, magazines or any web page you like. • 3.- You should not only memorize vocabulary lists. You should apply what you have learned in sentences. REFERENCES • Ratm, F. (2020, 16 julio). Must en inglés: verbo modal (mustn’t) explicación y ejemplos. Aprender Inglés Rápido y Fácil. • A. (2019, 13 mayo). Reglas de etiqueta que debes seguir al visitar un museo. Travel + Leisure. • Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo. (s. f.). actividad 1.3.- The modals.pdf. Google Docs. Recuperado 23 de septiembre de 2021, de • Teacher, G. (2015, 11 diciembre). Использование Used to/ Be used to/ Get used to. GreenForest.