Subido por Soraya Brightside

3D FEA of Three Phase Power Transformer

EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
3D Finite Element Analysis of a Three Phase Power
Dorinel Constantin, Petre-Marian Nicolae, Cristina-Maria Nitu
Electric, Energetic and Aero-spatiale Engineering Department, University of Craiova
Romania, Craiova, Blvd. Decebal, st. 107
Romania, Craiova, Blvd. Romanescu, st. 37C
Abstract—The purpose of this study was to validate a designed
three phase power transformer with modern software that use
finite element method, by analyze it from two points of view:
magnetic and thermal. For that, on the analysis it will be used
two modules from ANSYS software, ANSYS Maxwell 3D and
ANSYS Mechanical, both coupled in the same environment,
ANSYS Workbench. It has used the latest versions from ANSYS,
Workbench 14.5 and Maxwell 3D 16. [1] On the same time, it can
be seen the 3D magnetic nonlinear behavior of this three phase
power transformer and thermal effects for the ferromagnetic
core. Also it can be found the magnitude of B field, the regions
with problems and the value of the total core losses for the same
transformer but at 3 types of voltages: 330 kV, 400 kV and 430
Keywords: ANSYS Maxwell 3D, ANSYS Mechanical, B field, Finite
Element Analysis, three phase power transformer, nonlinear
Many years on the past, power transformer designers had
done their job using only the pencil, the paper and their guide
of designing transformers. With time, it seems that those
things are not enough. [2] Soon appeared analytical software’s
that are doing multiples calculation on the same time and
comes with an optimized transformer, minimum of materials,
minimum of cost and short time of calculation. A second
problem was how to see this new transformer working
connected at the network without constructing a prototype.
And this problem has found the answer: finite element or
volume analysis using dedicated software. The most used
software for almost all domains is ANSYS, a powerful tool for
One of the new acquisitions for ANSYS was Maxwell, a
high-performance interactive software package, accurate and
powerful tool that uses finite element analysis (FEA) to solve
transient, AC electromagnetic, magnetostatic, electrostatic,
eddy current and electrotransient problems solving the force,
torque, capacitance, inductance, resistance and impedance, as
well as generate state-space models. Maxwell solves the
electromagnetic field problems by solving Maxwell's
equations in a finite region of space with appropriate
boundary conditions and – when necessary – with user-
978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
specified initial conditions in order to obtain a solution with
guaranteed uniqueness. Starting with future versions of
ANSYS from 14, Maxwell is fully integrated on the
environment called Workbench. On ANSYS Workbench, the
user can connect very simple and easy more then one type of
analyze (magnetic with thermal or thermal with mechanic,
About this transformer must be said that it comes already
designed, but not yet validated with a finite element software,
like ANSYS Maxwell 3D from an electromagnetic point of
view, for three types of voltages: 330 kV, 400 kV and 430 kV.
For that it must solve a transient problem and find the B field
magnitude for each case, the pick for total core losses and also
the highest value of the temperature on the core.
Some of applications for ANSYS Maxwell are: motor and
generator, linear or rotational actuators, relays, MEMS,
sensors, coils, permanent magnets, transformers, converters,
bus bars, IGBTs and similar devices, etc.
This module of ANSYS software are using for solving all
the problems, Maxwell's equations:
• Faraday's Law of induction:
z *E=‚ B6
• Gauss's Law of magnetism:
• Ampere's Law for current:
z *H J D
• Gauss's Law of electricity:
From those general equations, after the user select type of
problem for solving, then it will automatically change in the
behind of the software. For spatial discretization, Maxwell 3D
are using tetrahedrons, working the best for the 2nd order
quadratic interpolation between nodes.
A z x,y =a 0 +a 1 x+a 2 y+a3 x +a 4 xy+a 5 y
This transformer is a three phase power transformer, fivelegs magnetic core, laminated steel, having 31 steps, 5 steps of
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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
325 MVA Transformer
HV winding
LV winding
Type of connection
Rated power
195 / 260 / 325 MVA
Cooling system
Rated voltage
400 kV
17.5 kV
Voltage variation
330 kV – 430 kV
17.5 kV +/- 10%
Rated frequency
50 Hz
Number of turns
90 turns
(Tap winding)
690 turns
55 turns
Fig. 2, dimensions that were analytical calculated, without an
optimization software. Another observation is that regulation
is doing on the HV winding.
Fig. 1. BH and BP curves for the transformer core [3]
upgraded insulation and 2 cooling ducts on a side plus another
one on the core centre. The transformer has 3 windings: LV
winding, HV winding and 2 coils for Tap winding. HV winding
has a 690 turns, LV winding has 55 turns and the Tap winding
has 10 disks and 45 turns on each coil.
The type of connection for this transformer is YNd11 and the
transformer frequency is 50 Hz. One other particularity for the
transformer are the cuts at the superior and inferior yoke for
each step, aiming to reduce the core quantity of metal and
implicit the core losses and making it easier to transport.
To find the total core losses and electromagnetic behavior for
3D transformer modeling, it can use a simplified geometry of
physical model, eliminating the tie rods, the box and other parts.
Of course, and other metallic parts are come with their
contribution at losses.
For transformer construction was used copped for the
windings, upgraded paper for the insulation and laminated steel
with the characteristics presented below to Fig. 1 from
As for designing characteristics, you can see them on the
For 3D analyze of the transformer, there must done some
simplification from the designed model. There will take
account the magnetic core with insulation and the spacing
between the steps and also the windings arrangement. For all
3D model was used two types of geometrical figures, box and
cylinder and also the Maxwell subtract function.
First must said that all the simulations are done in time
domain (Transient).
For each winding (LV and HV) or disk (Tap winding) was
created sections to apply excitations. As excitations was
chosen Terminal Coil and putted on the fields the turns
number (see Table 1).
Also was set core losses only to core geometry and
negligible the eddy current effect to the windings.
After this operation, all the terminals was assign to the two
windings (LV and HV winding), Tap winding been introduced
to HV winding. The excitation for windings was Voltage and
selected the Stranded type for the turns and a calculated
with 15 0 . 0214
HV winding
330 kV
400 kV
Fig. 2. Core design and windings arrangement for 325 MVA transformer (red
– LV winding; blue – HV winding; green – Tap winding; gray – core)
978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
430 kV
0 . 4822 HV
0 . 51 R
+ R
0. 5504 R
LV winding
HV and LV
0.002306 7; 8; 9
0.002306 7; 8; 9
0.002306 7; 8; 9
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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
Vpeak· 1‚e
·cos 2··50·time V
·cos 2··50·time+ 23·time
Vpeak· 1‚e
·cos 2··50·time+ 43·time
Vpeak· 1‚e
V (8)
V (9)
*Vpeak is modify once for HV winding and once for each case (330, 400
and 430 kV). For LV winding is always the same because in secondary the
voltage remains approximately constant, 17.5 kV. [5]
The mesh was treated for each type of geometry part and
inside of the parts, setting a length based and having the
number of tetrahedrons presented in Table 3.
60 363 tetrahedrons
HV winding
26 536 tetrahedrons
LV winding
24 638 tetrahedrons
Tap winding
14 037 tetrahedrons
5 425 tetrahedrons
First case: U HVwinding330kV
For this case, HV winding has only 690 turns, without
regulation interfering. For the LV winding, the number of
turns remains for each case the same, 55 turns. Also is
modifying the voltage peak and the resistance. (see Table 1
and Table 2).
After the simulation, it can be seen from the B field graphic
the nonlinear behavior of the transformer, with a minimum of
1.26 T and a maximum of 1.63 T, for 330 kV case.
The total core losses for the transformer are maximum at the
end of the simulation, gradually increasing from 0 until 56.83
kW. For the interval 0.08 ÷ 0.1, the average of the total core
losses are 49.15 kW. [6]
As for the Setup Analysis, the time is set from 0s to 0.1s
(this interval was chosen because if the end value are greater,
the voltage pick is approx. constant and the simulation will
take longer), with a step of 0.0005s. The recording time was
from 0.08s to 0.1s because this is the most important period
were the voltage reached the pick and with a nonlinear
residual of 10
Using ANSYS Workbench, after the simulations are done,
it will connect Maxwell 3D with a problem Steady State from
ANSYS Mechanical (see Fig. 3).
From the Engineering Data, it will create 3 materials:
Copper, Core and Insulation.
For Copper, the material for the windings is chosen a density
of 8933kg m , an isotropic thermal conductivity of
400 W m ·°C and a specific heat of 385 J kg ·°C .
For Core, is chosen a density of 7650kgm and an
isotropic thermal conductivity of 5W m ·°C .
For Insulation, is chosen an isotropic thermal conductivity of
4 . 5W m ·°C .
Fig. 3. ANSYS Workbench, the environment were are coupled a problem from
Maxwell 3D to ANSYS Mechanical
978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Fig. 4. B field on the core for 330 kV
Fig. 5. Core losses for the three phase transformer for 330 kV
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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
Fig. 8. B field on the core
Fig. 6. B field on the core for 400 kV
The total core losses for the transformer are maximum at the
end of the simulation, gradually increasing from 0 until 66.55
kW. For the interval 0.08 ÷ 0.1, the average of the total core
losses are 55.94 kW. [8]
Fig. 7. Core losses for the three phase transformer for 400 kV
Second case: U HVwinding 400kV
HV winding has 690 turns plus 16 turns from Tap winding,
and a higher voltage, 400 kV and also different value for the
HV winding resistance. [7]
On the Fig. 5 it can be seen that the minimum B field is 1.29
T and a maximum is 1.64 T, for 330 kV case.
The total core losses for the transformer are maximum at the
end of the simulation, gradually increasing from 0 until 62.86
kW. For the interval 0.08 ÷ 0.1, the average of the total core are
53.41 kW.
ANSYS software has a great working environment that
offers to the users the possibility of combining more than one
module, easy and at a click distance. This environment is
called Workbench.
The thermal analyze has been done for ONAN type of
ventilation and without the oil, only with air, to see if the
transformer can be work with this type of cooling system and
that is the contribution of it, on the measuring stand in the
future. The thermal simulation was done only for the highest
B field value, so for the last case of voltage, and to
Mechanical was imported only Heat Generation as parameter.
The maximum temperature of the core is 94.76 °C (for the
zone were there are those points at the corners for the central
windows). [9] [10]
The simulation was reduced to 2D for a sheet from the
biggest step of the ferromagnetic core.
The value obtain after the simulation are smaller that the
value of 98 °C that are on the IEC standards for this type of
insulation paper. [11]
Third case: U HVwinding 430kV
HV winding has 690 turns plus 20 turns from Tap winding,
but at maximum voltage.
After the simulation, it can be seen from the B field graphic
the nonlinear behavior of the transformer, with a minimum of
1.31 T and a maximum of 1.66 T, for 430 kV case.
978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Fig. 9. Core losses for the three phase transformer for 430 kV
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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia
The highest value of the temperature from the
ferromagnetic core was 94.76 °C.
A first conclusion is that the highest B field is recorded for
430 kV at the corners of the 2 central windows and the pick of
the core losses is recorded for 430 kV. The simulation time is
quite long, but if is used a HPC license and an advanced
computer, can be reduce it.
The highest temperature of the core are found on the same
places were the B field is maximum and were the designers
can come with different solutions to decrease or increase the
distance between core and windings.
After those 2 studies, magnetic and thermal with ANSYS
Maxwell 3D and ANSYS Mechanical, the results can be very
easy sent to other modules from ANSYS for a structural and
fluid dynamic analysis, to see if the designed transformer
resist and what are the effects of the cooling system.
This study and the results obtained validate the designed
product and it can be sent to production.
Fig. 10. The heat generation on the core for 430 kV case
Fig. 11. The thermal distribution on the core for 430 kV case
All the simulations were done using ANSYS Workbench
14.5, and the last version of Maxwell, 16 and a personal
computer with the following characteristics:
CPU: Intel Pentium 4, Dual Core 3.2 GHz/core;
RAM: 4 GB;
Video: 128 MB; 1280×1024.
Number of tetrahedrons after creating the mesh was
130 999 elements;
Solution time for the simulations was approx. 393.44
The maximum B field for 330 kV was 1.63 T; the
maximum B field for 400 kV was 1.64 T and the
maximum B field for 430 kV was 1.66 T;
The core losses pick for 330 kV was 56.83 kW; the
core losses pick for 400 kV was 62.86 kW and the
core losses pick for 430 kV was 66.55 kW;
978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
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