Subido por Martin Legnani

Neighbors: Intermediate English Conversation Practice

OVERVIEW: Watch the video. Which opinions do you
most agree with?
Read Val’s introduction. Try and complete it with
the words from the box then watch the video from
0:10 to 0:26 and check your answers.
mood block well neighbours quite
few similar
Hi. I live in a 1
of flats and I know a
of my neighbours really
. We like 4
things so we
socialise 5
a lot. Today, I’m going to ask
people about their 6
. How well do you
know your neighbours?
How well do you know your neighbours?
What about a bad neighbour?
3 A Watch the video from 0:27 to 1:22. How many
people say they know their neighbours well?
B Read the extracts from the speakers’ answers. Use
the prepositions in the box to complete them and
then watch the video from 0:27 to 1:22 again to
check your answers. There are two prepositions that
you do not need to use.
of on by at in (x2) into
1 I know my neighbours quite well. I moved
year ago and I live in the middle flat, and, it’s a
house that’s broken into three flats …
2 It varies enormously. One or two really quite well;
some very close, I don’t even know what they look
like. And that is very typical
this area …
3 Virtually not at all. I’ve a, I live
a flat and I
moved into the flat about six months ago.
4 Yeah, I know them quite well, but I don’t, some I
with and some I don’t …
5 Um, not
all. I’ve never even seen them …
6 A Watch the video from 2:42 to 3:36. How many
speakers describe their worst neighbour?
B Read the statements below and decide if they are
true (T) or false (F). Watch the video from 2:42 to
3:36 again and check your answers.
Speaker 1
1 Her neighbour lived downstairs.
2 The neighbour oen went to see if the speaker
was OK.
Speaker 2
3 The worst neighbour speaker two ever had was
very noisy.
4 The speaker could hear her neighbour all the time.
Speaker 3
5 One night the speaker heard a noise outside his flat.
6 The policeman wanted the speaker to stay in the
4 A Read the phrases in the box. Check any new words
in your dictionary. Then watch the video from 1:23
to 2:05 and tick the phrases that you hear. There
are three extra phrases.
B Read the speakers’ answers. Complete the extracts
with the phrases you ticked. Watch the video from
1:23 to 2:05 again and check your answers.
1 A good neighbour is someone that you can trust,
Part A Z06 SpeakOut Consoli 3 SB CUI 7323.indd 152
Read the extracts from the speakers’ answers.
Choose the correct alternatives to complete each
extract then watch the video from 2:05 to 2:41 to
check your answers.
1 A bad neighbour is someone that 1forget/forgets
that you exist 2also/as well, and has loud music
until 6 a.m.
2 Not respecting privacy, 1interfering/intruding; not
understanding what your neighbour wants and
not 2only/just in that sense, but in the sense of not
participating …
3 Someone who is not 1polite/considerate, who,
whether it’s a lot of 2noise/noisy or a lot of trash …
Tell me about the best or worst neighbour
you’ve ever had.
What makes a good neighbour?
feed your dog take out the rubbish
someone who looks out for you water your plants
being intrusive who doesn’t cause you any grief
someone who’s considerate plays loud music
that you could leave your key with, that you could
ask to
or feed your cat.
I think what makes a good neighbour is
, and you look out for
them as well.
Knowing when to interfere and not to interfere;
being friendly at the right times, but not
A good neighbour would be
– who always keeps in mind that they do have
neighbours …
Someone who you can trust and
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions with your partner.
1 How well do you know your neighbours?
2 What makes a good/bad neighbour?
3 Who’s the best or worst neighbour you’ve ever had?
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28/03/2019 16:40