Subido por Laura Villada

English Sentence Structure Practice: Parallelism & Fragments

Licenciatura en Bilingüismo con énfasis en inglés
Upper-intermediate English – 2021_2
Practice for Sentence problem 1
Part 1. Rewrite these incorrect sentences in parallel form.
1. In the spring, summer, or in the winter, we will go to Germany.
In the spring, summer, or in the winter, we will go to Germany.
2. Eric Foreman decorates the Christmas tree, picks up his grandma from the nursing home,
and friends are invited over for dinner.
Eric Foreman decorates the Christmas tree, picks up his grandma from the nursing home,
and invites friends over for dinner.
3. The internet can be used to find word meanings, medical information, and locating hotels.
The Internet can be used to find word meanings, medical information, and locate hotels.
4. Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and to be able to concentrate.
Tennis requires hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and concentration.
5. The teacher has the responsibility of providing supplemental help and to review all test
material with the students.
The teacher has the responsibility to provide supplemental help and to review all test
material with students.
6. Veronica threw the rock at the window, and the glass was broken.
Veronica threw the rock at the window and broke the glass.
Part 2. Parallelism. Complete the following sentences utilizing the clauses given. You may have to
adjust the verb tense or reorder the words in the clause to parallel the form of the first clause
1. Brad and Dennis rode their motorcycles, ___ (swimming with sharks), and ___ (running
with bulls).
Brad and Dennis rode their motorcycles, swan with sharks, and ran with bulls.
leftovers, and create quick meals.
2. The professor scolded the student for failing the test, ___ (come to school late), and ___
(classmates were bullied by him).
The professor scolded the student for failing the test, coming to school late, and bullying his
3. Chefs love to utilize rare ingredients, while homemakers prefer to cook with familiar food,
___ (using leftovers), and ___ (created quick meals).
Chefs love to utilize rare ingredients, while homemakers prefer to cook with familiar food,
Practice for Sentence problem 2
Part 1. Some of the following sentences are run-ons or comma splices, and some are correct.
Check each sentence. If it is incorrect, write = RO or CS in the space at the end of each
sentence. If it is correct, leave it blank. Write the correct version of the incorrect ones.
1. The life of a farmer is a lonely one; his opportunities to socialize are limited because of the
constant attention he must give to the things he cultivates. =
Correct version:
2. Oil imports are very expensive, we must learn to be economical in our use of energy. = CS
Correct version:
Oil imports are very expensive; we must learn to be economical in our use of energy.
3. Advanced methods of communication have made the world smaller people are thus brought
closer together we find ourselves with common interests. = RO
Correct version:
Advanced communication methods have made the world smaller. As we get closer, we find
common interests.
4. Some scientists call the computer essentially "stupid" others fear its capacity to "think." = CS
Correct version:
Some scientists call the computer essentially "stupid”; others fear its ability to "think".
5. College freshmen need help in making the transition from high school as the sheer size of most
colleges can be a problem to new students. =
Correct version:
Part 2. Correct the following run-on sentences by using the strategies discussed.
1. I moved to the United States when I was young it was easy to learn English my parents
were already here, they knew English already.
I moved to the United States when I was young; it was easy to learn English. My parents
were here, so they already knew English.
2. Juan and David recognized each other they had been in the first grade together.
Juan and David recognized each other. they had been in the first grade together.
3. Her car would not start she was late for class.
Her car would not start, and she was late for class.
4. The parents ate, the baby slept in her stroller.
The parents ate; the baby slept in her stroller.
5. Eli wants to quit smoking this habit is too expensive.
Eli wants to quit smoking, for this habit is too expensive.
Practice for Sentence problem 3 – Sentence Fragment
Practice for Sentence problem 3
Part 1. Read the following sentences. Mark them = FRAG if they are sentence fragments or =
SENT if they are complete sentences. Then, rewrite each fragment to make complete sentences.
1. The desire of all mankind to live in peace and freedom, for example. = Frag
Correct version: The desire of all humankind to live in peace and freedom; for example, many
humanitarian organizations work to stop the war in the world.
2. Second, the fact that men are physically stronger than women. = Frag
Correct version: Second, the fact that man is physically stronger than women; therefore, men intend
to dominate women.
3. The best movie that I saw last year. = COMP
Correct version:
4. Born on the Fourth of July was the best movie that I saw last year. = COMP
Correct version:
5. For example, many students have part-time jobs. = FRAG
Correct version: Students cannot join every class in the university; for example, many students have
part-time jobs.
Part 2. Underline the fragment. Then, rewrite each sentence correctly.
Example: Because she ate too much cake. Julie had a stomachache all day.
Correct version: Because she ate too much cake, Julie had a stomachache all day. OR - Julie had a
stomachache all day because she ate too much cake.
1. While she was in Italy. Fran visited her family.
Fran visited her family while she was in Italy. Or while in Italy, Fran visited her family
2. After I finished my homework. I went out for dinner.
I went out to dinner, after I finished my homework.
3. I like to light my fireplace. When it is cold.
when it's cold I like to light my fireplace
4. If the students don’t make it to class on time. They will receive a zero for attendance.
students will receive a zero for attendance if they are not on time to class
5. Since I’m on spring break. I am going to go to Hawaii.
I’m going to Hawaii, since I’m on spring break