Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program This protocol belongs to: (childs name) d Mark L„ Sundberg, Ph.D. VB-MAPP Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program PROTOCOL A Language and Social Skills Assessment Program for Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities M ark L. Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA 2008 AVB Press Advancements in Verbal Behavior 4425-C Treat Blvd. Suite #210 Concord, CA 94521 www. avbpress .com VB-MAPP, Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program - Protocol Copyright 2007-2008, Mark L. Sundberg, Ph.D., BCBA EESA, Early Echoic Skills Assessment Copyright 2007-2008, Barbara E. Esch, Ph.D., BCBA, CCC-SLP AII rights reserved. No part o f this material protected by these copyrights may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or by information storage or retrieval system. ISBN #978-0-9818356-0-0 AVB Press Advancements in Verbal Behavior 4425-C Treat Blvd. Suite #210 Concord, CA 94521 VB-MAPP Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program This Protocol îs designed to accompany the YB-MAPP Guide (Sundberg, 2008). The Guide contains the general instructions and scoring criteria for completing the VB-MAPP Protocol. The Guide also provides placement recommendations for each o f the 170 milestones along with suggestions for IEP goals. In addition, the Guide contains a brief description o f the basic components o f a behavioral approach to language, and defmitions and examples o f the skills and barriers assessed in the VB-MAPP (i.e., mand, tact, intraverbal, scrolling). In order to gain the maximum benefit from the VB-MAPP, it is essential that the assessor use the VB-MAPP Guide. In addition, it is important that the assessor be familiar with behavior analysis, and a behavioral approach to language. The VB-MAPP is based on B.F. Skinner’s (1957) analysis o f verbal behavior, developmental milestones, and field-test data from typically developing children, children with autism, and children with other developmental disabilities. Over the course o f several years, speech pathologists, behavior analysts, psychologists, special education teachers, occupational therapists, and parents o f children with special needs have provided additional input. There are five components of the VB-MAPP*1. The first part is the VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment, which constitutes the core o f the program. It is designed to provide a representative sample o f a child’s existing verbal and related skills. The Milestones Assessment contains 170 measurable Milestones that are balanced across 16 skill areas, and 3 developmental levels (0-18 months, 18-30 months, and 30-48 months). The second part is the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment, which provides an assessment o f 24 learning and language acquisition barriers often faced by children with language delays. The third part is the VB-MAPP Transition Assessment, which provides an overall summary assessment o f a child’s readiness to move to a less restrictive educaţional setting. The fourth part is the VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking, which provides a further breakdown o f the skills (the steps supporting the Milestones) and serves as a more thorough verbal behavior curriculum guide. There are approximately 900 skills in the task analysis that are developmentally balanced and sequenced, and presented in the form o f checklists and charts for skill tracking. The final component o f the overall program is the VB-MAPP Placement and IEP Goals, which is not contained in this Protocol, but is contained in the VB-MAPP Guide. Once a child’s skills and barriers have been identified and analyzed, IEP goals can be written and an intervention program can be designed and implemented to meet those goals. Supplemental materials for the VB-MAPP can be found at References Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. Sundberg, M. L. (2008). The verbal behavior milestones assessment and placementprogram: The VB-M APP guide. Concord, CA: AVB Press. 1 For ease o f reading, the male gender is used as a pronoun for the child being assessed throughout the VB-MAPP. VB-M APP M ilestones M a ş t e r Scoring F o rm Key: Score Child’s name: I Date of birth: 2 nd test : 3 r d test : 4 t h test : flge at testing: 1 2 3 % st test Date Color Tester : L ev el 3 Mand Tact Listener VP/MTS Play Social Reading Writing LRFFC IV Group Linguistics Math 15 14 13 12 0000 00 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000 00 00 0000 O O o 11 Level 2 Mand Tact Listener VP/MTS Play Social Imitation Echoic LRFFC IV Group Linguistics 10 9 8 7 6 [Le w e l 4 VB-MAPP Milestones Maşter Scoring Form D C opyright © 2 0 0 8 M a rk L Sundberg VB-MAPP Barriers Scoring Form Key: Score Child’s name: I st test: Date of birth: 2 n d test: Age at testing: 2 1 3 4 Date Color Tester 3 rd test: 4 th test: Instructional Control Behavior Problems Defective Mand Defective Imitation Defective Tact Defective Echoic 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 Defective VP-MTS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Defective Intraverbal Defective Listener 1 2 3 4 Defective Social Skills 1 2 3 4 1 2 Prompt Dependent 3 4 Scrolling 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Defective Condiţional Discrimination Defective Scanning 1 2 3 4 Failure to Generalize 1 2 3 4 Weak Motivators 1 2 3 4 Response Requirement Weakens MO 1 2 3 4 Reinforcer Dependent 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 SelfStimulation 4 1 2 3 Defective Articulation 4 1 2 3 4 Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior 1 2 3 Hyperactive Behavior 4 1 2 3 4 Failure to Make Eye Contact VB-MAPP 1 2 3 4 Sensory Defensiveness Barriers Scoring Form 5 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m on ths ) ( T ) - D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; ( E ) - E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) = T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Mand Does the child use words, signs, or pictures to ask for desired items or activities? 1. Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS, but may require echoic, imitative, o r other prompts but no physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book) (E) 2. Emits 4 different mands without prompts (except What do you want?) — the desired item can be present (e.g,, music, slinky, ball) (T ) 3. Generalizes 6 mands across 2 people, 2 settings, and 2 different examples of a reinforcer (e.g., mands bubbles from mom and dad, inside and outside, a red bottle and a blue bottle) (E) 4. Spontaneously emits (no verbal prompts) 5 mands — the desired item can be present (T O : 60 m iri.) 5. Emits 10 different mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) — the desired item can be present (e.g., apple, swing, car, juice) (E) I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Tact Does the child tact people, objects, body parts, or pictures? I . Tacts 2 reinforcing items (e.g., people, pets, characters, o r favorite objects) (T ) 2. Tacts any 4 items (e.g., people, pets, characters, o r other objects) (T ) 3. Tacts 6 non-reinforcing items (e.g., shoe, hat, spoon, car, cup, bed) (T ) 4. Spontaneously tacts (no verbal prompts) 2 different items (O ) 5. Tacts 10 items (e.g., common objects, people, body parts, or pictures) (T ) Comments/notes: 6 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level I Copyright © 2008 M ark L Sundberg M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 mon ths ) ( T ) = D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) - E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) s T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st L is t e n e r A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: r e s p o n d in g Does fche chilei attend to and respond to the words spoken by others? I . Attends to a speaker’s voice by orienting toward the speaker 5 times (E) 2. Responds to hearing his own name 5 times (e.g., looks at the speaker) (T ) 3. Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet, or other reinforcer when presented in an array of 2, for 5 different reinforcers (e.g., Where’s Elmo? Where’s mommy?) (E) 4. Performs 4 different motor actions on command, w ithout a visual prompt (e.g., Cari you jump? Show me clapping.) (T ) 5. Selects the correct item from an array of 4, for 20 different objects or pictures (e.g., Show me catTouch shoe.) CD Comments/notes: I st V is u a l p e r c e p t u a l s k il l s a n d m a t c h in g -t o -s a m p l e A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child attend to and respond to visual stimuli and match objects or pictures? 1. Visually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds, 5 times (T O : 30 m in.) 2. Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger, and middle finger (pincer grasp) 5 times (O ) 3. Visually attends to a toy or book for 30 seconds (not a self-stim item) (O ) 4. Places 3 items in a container, stacks 3 blocks, or places 3 rings on a peg for 2 of these or simi­ lar activities (E) 5. Matches any 10 identical items (e.g., inset puzzles, toys, objects, or pictures) (E) VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level I 7 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m on ths ) (T) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E) = Either testing o r observation; (T Q ) s Timed observation I st In d e p e n d e n t A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: play Does the child engage in independent play behavior that ii automatically reinforeing? 1. Manipulates and explores objects for I minute (e.g., looks at a toy, turns it over, presses buttons) (TO : 30 m in.) 2. Shows variation in play by independently interacting with 5 different items (e.g., plays with rings.then a ball.then a block) (TO: 30 m in.) 3. Demonstrates generalization by engaging in exploratory movement and playing with the toys in a novei environment for 2 minutes (e.g., in a new playroom) (TO: 30 m in.) 4. Independently engages in movement play for 2 minutes (e.g., swinging, dancing, rocking, jumping, climbing) (TO : 30 min.) 5. Independently engages in cause-and-effect play for 2 minutes (e.g., dumping containers, playing with pop-up toys, pulling toys, etc.) (TO : 30 m in.) Comments/notes: I st S o c ia l b e h a v io r a n d s o c i a l p l a y A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child attend to others and attem pt to socially engage others? I. Visually tracks and shows interest in people’s movement at least 5 times (TO: 30 m in.) 2. Indicates that he wants to be held or physically played with 2 times (e.g., climbs up on his mom’s lap) (TO : 60 min.) 3. Spontaneously looks (glances) at other children 5 times (TO : 30 m in.) 4. Spontaneously engages in parallel play near other children for a total of 2 minutes (e.g., sits in the sandbox near other children) (TO : 30 m in.) 5. Spontaneously follows peers or imitates their m otor behavior 2 times (e.g., follows a peer into a playhouse) (TO : 30 min.) 8 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level I M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t: L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 ( T ) s D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) - O b s e rv a tio n ; ( E ) - E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; months) ( T O ) - T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st M A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: o t o r im i t a t i o n Does the child im itate the actions of othec people? 1. Imitates 2 gross m otor movements when prompted with, Do this (e.g., clapping, raising arms) (T) 2. Imitates 4 gross m otor movements when prompted with, Do this (T ) 3. Imitates 8 m otor movements, 2 of which involve objects (e.g., shaking a maraca, tapping sticks together) (T ) 4. Spontaneously imitates the motor behaviors of others on 5 occasions (O ) 5. Imitates 20 m otor movements of any type (e.g., fine motor, gross motor, imitation with objects) (T ) Comments/notes: I st E c h o ic ( U sethe E ESA Su btest o n page 24) A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child immediately repeat (echo) vowel and consonant phonemes, singly asud in combinations? Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level I 9 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 mon ths ) ( T ) s D ire c t testing; ( O ) - O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; (T O ) = Timed observation I st Sp o n ta n e o u s v o c a l b e h a v io r A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: IHow often does the child spontaneously vocalize, and what is the naiure of the vocalizations? 1. Spontaneously emits an average of 5 sounds each hour (T O : 60 m in.) 2. Spontaneously emits 5 different sounds, averaging 10 total sounds each hour (T O : 60 m in .) 3. Spontaneously emits 10 different sounds with varying intonations, averaging 25 total sounds each hour (TO : 60 m in.) 4. Spontaneously emits 5 different whole word approximations (O ) 5. Spontaneously vocalizes 15 whole words or phrases with appropriate intonation and rhythm (TO: 60 m in.) 10 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level I M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months ) ( T ) = D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) s O b s e rv a tio n ; ( E ) = E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T Q ) s T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Mand Does the child demonstrate frequent and spontaneous manding prim arily controlled by m otivation (MOs)? 6. Mands for 20 different missing items without prompts (except, e.g., What do you need?) (e.g., mands for paper when given a crayon) (E) 7. Mands for others to emit 5 different actions or rnissing actions needed to enjoy a desired activity (e.g., open to get outside, push when on a swing) (E) 8. Emits 5 different mands that contain 2 or more words (not including, / want) (e.g., Go fast. My turn. Pour juice.) (TO : 60 min.) 9. Spontaneously emits 15 different mands (e.g., Let’s play. Open. I want book.) (T O : 30 m in.) 10. Emits 10 new mands without specific training (e.g., spontaneously says Where kitty go? without formal mand training) (O ) I I st A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: SACT Does the child tact nouns and verfos? 6. Tacts 25 items when asked, What’s that? (e.g., book, shoe, car, dog, hat) ( ( ) 7. Generalizes tacts across 3 examples of 50 items, tested or from a list of known generalizations (e.g., tacts 3 different cars) (T ) 8. Tacts 10 actions when asked, for example, What am I doing? (e.g.,jumping, sleeping, eating) (T ) 9. Tacts 50 two-component verb-noun or noun-verb combinations, tested or from a list of known two-component tacts (e.g., washing face,Joe swinging, baby sleeping) (T ) 10. Tacts a total of 200 nouns and/or verbs (or other parts of speech), tested or from an accumulated list of known tacts (T ) Comments/notes: Copyright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 11 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months ) ( T ) - D ire c t te stin g ; L is t e n e r ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) = E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; (T O ) T im e d o b s e rv a tio n total score: r e s p o n d in g Is the child acquiring more advanced listener skills? 6. Selects the correct item from a messy array of 6, for 40 different objects or pictures (e.g., Find catTouch ball.) (T ) 7. Generalizes listener discriminations (LDs) in a messy array of 8, for 3 different examples of 50 items (e.g., the child can find 3 examples of a train) (T ) 8. Performs 10 specific m otor actions on command (e.g., Show me clapping. Can you hop?) (T ) 9. Follows 50 two-component noun-verb and/or verb-noun instructions (e.g., Show me the baby sleeping. Push the swing.) (T ) 10. Selects the correct item in a boolc, picture scene, or natural environment when named for 250 items, tested or from an accumulated list o f known words (T ) Comments/notes: I st V is u a l p e r c e p t u a l s k il l s a n d m a t c h i n g - t o - s a m p l e TOTAL A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4 th score: Does the child mateh identical and nonddentical objects and pictures? 6. Matches identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 6, for 25 items (T ) 7. Sorts similar colors and shapes for 10 different colors or shapes given models (e.g.,given red, blue, and green bowls and a pile of red, blue, and green bears the child sorts the items by color) (T ) 8. Matches identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 8 containing 3 similar stim uli.for 25 items (e.g., matches a dog to a dog in an array that also contains a cat, pig, and pony) (T ) 9. Matches non-identical objects or non-identical pictures in a messy array of 10, for 25 items (e.g., matches a Ford truck to a Toyota truck) (T ) 10. Matches non-identical objects (3D) to pictures (2D) and/or vice versa, in a messy array o f 10 containing 3 similar stimuli.for 25 items (T ) Comments/notes: 12 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months ) ( T ) - D ire c t te sting ; ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) - E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) s T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st In d e p e n d e n t A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: play Does the child engage in independent play behavior th a t is automatically reinforcing? 6. Searches for a missing or corresponding toy or part of a set for 5 items or sets (e.g., a puzzle piece, a ball for a drop-in toy, a bottle for a baby doll) (E) 7. Independently demonstrates the use of toys or objects according to their function for 5 items (e.g., placing a train on a track, pulling a wagon, holding a telephone to the ear) (O ) 8. Plays with everyday items in creative ways 2 times (e.g., uses a bowl as a drum or a box as an imaginary car) (O ) 9. Independently engages in play on structures and playground equipment for a total of 5 minutes (e.g., going down a slide, swinging) (T O : 30 m in .) 10. Assembles toys that have multiple parts for 5 different sets of materials (e.g., Mr. Potato Head, Little People sets, Cooties bugs, Kid K’ Nex) (O ) Comments/notes: I st S o c ia l b e h a v io r a n d s o c i a l p l a y A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child spontaneously participate in activities w ith other children and sponta» neously verbally interact w ith them? 6. Initiates a physical interaction with a peer 2 times (e.g., a push in a wagon, hand holding, Ring Around the Rosy) (TO : 30 m in.) 7. Spontaneously mands to peers 5 times (e.g., My turn. Push me. Look! Come on.) (TO : 60 m in.) 8. Engages in sustained social play with peers fo r 3 minutes without adult prompts o r reinforcement (e.g., cooperatively setting up a play set, water play) (TO: 30 min.) 9. Spontaneously responds to the mands from peers 5 times (e.g., Puii me in the wagon. I want the train.) (E) 10. Spontaneously mands to peers to participate in games, social play, etc., 2 times (e.g., Come on you guys. Let’s dig a hole.) (TO: 60 m in.) VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 13 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 mo nths ) (T) = D ire c t testing; ( O ) = O bservation; (E) - Either testing o r observation; (T O ) - Timed observation I st M A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: o t o r i m it a t io n Does the child im itate the actions of other people? 6. Imitates 10 actions that require selecting a specific object from an array (e.g., selects a drumstick from an array also containing a horn and a beli, and imitates an adult’s drumming) (T ) 7. Imitates 20 different fine motor actions when prompted, Do this (e.g., wiggle fingers, pinching, making a fist, making a butterfly) (T ) 8. Imitates 10 different three-component sequences of actions when prompted, Do this (e.g., clapping, jumping, touching toes; pick up a doll, place her in a crib, and rock the crib) (T ) 9. Spontaneously imitates 5 funcţional skills in the natural environment (e.g., eating with a spoon, putting on a coat, removing shoes) (O ) 10. Imitates (or attempts to with approximations) any novei m otor action modeled by an adult with and w ithout objects (i.e., a “generalized imitative repertoire”) (T ) Comments/notes: I st E c h o ic ( U se t h e EESA Subtest o n page 24) TOTAL SCORE! Does the child immediately repeat (echo) specific words and phrases? 6. Scores at least50on the EESA subtest (at least 20 from Group 2) (T ) 7. Scores at least60on the EESA subtest (T ) 8. Scores at least70on the EESA subtest ( T ) 9. Scores at least80on the EESA subtest (T ) 10. Scores at least90on the EESA subtest (at least10 from Groups 4 and 5) (T ) Comments/notes: 14 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months ) ( T ) - D ire c t te sting ; L istener ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; ( E ) - E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) " T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st responding by fu n c tio n , feature, an d class A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: (L R F F C ) Does the child understand as a listener words that deseribe or modify nouns and verbs by th e ir funetions, features, or classes? 6. Selects an animal or object from an array of 3, for 5 different sounds made by the corresponding items (e.g., Meow says a...,Toot, toot goes the...) (T ) 7. Selects 5 different foods o r drinks when each is presented in an array of 5 (along with 4 nonfood o r non-drink items) and asked the verbal fill-ins You eat... and You drink... (T ) 8. Selects the correct item from an array of 8, for 25 different LRFFC fill-in statements of any type (e.g., You sit on a...) (T ) 9. Selects the correct item from an array of 10 (or from a book), for 25 different verb-noun LRFFC what, which, or who questions (e.g., What do you ride? Which one barks? Who cari hop?) (T ) 10. Spontaneously tacts the item on 50% of the LRFFC trials (e.g., says dog given the verbal statement, Find an animal, and a visual array containing a picture of a dog) (E) Comments/notes: I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: 1NTRAVERBAL Does the child verbally respond to the content of the words of others? 6. Completes 10 different fill-in-the-blank phrases of any type (e.g., song fill-ins, social games and fun fill-ins, animal or object sounds) (T ) 7. Provides first name when asked, What is your name? (T ) 8. Completes 25 different fill-in-the-blank phrases (not including songs) (e.g., You eat...You sleep in a... Shoes and...) (T ) 9. Answers 25 different what questions (e.g., What do you like to eat?) (T ) 10. Answers 25 different who or where questions (e.g., Whose your friend?Where is your pillow?) (T ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 15 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months ) ( T ) = Di re ct testing; (O ) - O bservation; (E) - Either testing o r observation; (T O ) = Timed observation I st CLASSROOM ROUTINES A N D GROUP SKILLS A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child follow the daily routines in a classroom and appropriately participate in group activities, and respond in a group-teaehing format? 6. Sits at a group snack or lunch table without negative behavior for 3 minutes (O ) 7. Puts away personal items, lines up, or comes to a table with only I verbal prompt (O ) 8. Transitions between classroom activities with no more than I gestural or verbal prompt (O ) 9. Sits in a small group for 5 minutes without disruptive behavior or attempting to leave the group (O ) 10. Sits in a small group for 10 minutes, attends to the teacher o r material for 50% of the period, and responds to 5 of a teacher’s SDs (O ) Comments/notes: I st L in g u is t ic structure A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: Îs the child’s articulation becoming clearer? Bs his speaker and listener vocabulary growmg, and is he beginning to em it more 2 and 3 word phrases and sentences? 6. The child’s articulation of 10 tacts can be understood by familiar adults who cannot see the item tacted (T) 7. Has a total listener vocabulary of 100 words (e.g., Touch nose.Jump. Find keys.) (T ) 8. Emits 10 different 2-word utterances per day of any type except echoic (e.g., mand, tact) (E) 9. Emits funcţional prosody (i.e„ rhythm, stress, intonation) on 5 occasions in one day (e.g., puts emphasis or stress on certain words such as, It’s MINE!) (O ) 10. Has a total speaker vocabulary size of 300 words (all verbal operants, except echoic) (E ) Comments/notes: 16 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 I M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months ) I ( T ) = D ire c t testing; ( O ) ” O bservation ; (E) - Either testing o r observation; (T O ) - Timed observation I st M A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TO TAL SCOREî and Does the child mand for inform ation, mand w ith different parts of speech, and give direetions to others? I st 2nd 3 rd 4 th 11. Spontaneously mands for different verbal information using aW H question word 5 times (e.g. W hat’s your name? Where do 1go?) (TO : 60 m in.) I st 2 nd 3 rd 4th 12. Politely mands to stop an undesirable activity, or remove any aversive MO under 5 different circumstances (e.g,,Please stop pushing me. No thank you. Excuse me, cari you move?) (1 ) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 13. Mands with 10 different adjectives, prepositions, o r adverbs (e.g., My crayon is broken. Don’t take it out. Go fast.) (TO : 60 m in.) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Gives directions, instructions, or explanations as to how to do something or how to partici­ pate in an activity 5 times (e.g., You put the glue on first, then stick it.You sit here white I get a book.) (O ) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 15. Mands for others to attend to his own intraverbal behavior 5 times (e.g., Listen to me... I’ll teii you... Here’s what happened... I’m telling the story...) (O ) I Comments/notes: I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TO TAL SCOREî Tact Does the child em it a wide variety of tacts, and do they contam several different parts of speech? I st 2nd 3 rd 4th I I . Tacts the color, shape, and function of 5 objects ( 15 trials) when each object and question is presented in a mixed order (e.g., What color is the refrigerator? What shape is the valentine? What do you do with the ball?) (This is part tact and part intraverbal.) (T ) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 12. I st 2 nd 3 rd 4th 13. Tacts 4 different adjectives, excluding colors and shapes (e.g., big, little, long, short) and 4 adverbs (e.g., fast, slow, quietly, gently) (E) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 14. Tacts with complete sentences containing 4 o r more words, 20 times (E) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. l Tacts 4 different prepositions (e.g., in, out, on, under) and 4 pronouns (e.g., I, you, me, mine) (E) I Has a tact vocabulary of 1000 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), tested or from an accumulated list of known tacts (T ) Comments/notes: Copyright © 2008 Mark L Sundberg VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 17 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months ) ( T ) = D ire c t te stin g ; (O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) - E ith e r te sting o r o b s e rv a tio n ; (T O ) - T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st L is t e n e r r e s p o n d in g A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child understand complex words and sentences involving the different parts of speech? I st 2nd 3 ro 4 th 11. Selects items by color and shape from an array of 6 similar stimuli, for 4 colors and 4 shapes (e.g., Find the red car. Find the square cracker.) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Follows 2 instructions involving 6 different prepositions (e.g., Stand behind the chair.) and 4 different pronouns (e.g., Touch my ear.) (T ) I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 13. Selects items from an array of similar stimuli based on 4 pairs of relative adjectives (e.g., big-little, long-short) and demonstrates actions based on 4 pairs of relative adverbs (e.g., quiet-loud, fast-slow) (T ) I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 14. Follows 3-step directions for 10 different directions (e.g., Get your coat, hang it up, and sit down.) (T ) I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 15. Has a total listener repertoire of 1200 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), tested o r from an accumulated list of known words (T ) Comments/notes: I st V i s u a l p e r c e p t u a l s k il l s a n d m a t c h i n g - t o - s a m p l e A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child complete complex designs, pattems, and sequences? I st 2nd 3 rd 4th I I . Spontaneously matches any part of an arts and crafts activity to another person’s sample 2 times (e.g., a peer colors a balloon red and the child copies the peer’s red color for his balloon) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Demonstrates generalized non-identical matching in a messy array of 10 with 3 similar stimuli, for 25 items (i.e., matches new items on the first trial) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Completes 20 different block designs, parquetry, shape puzzles, o r similar tasks with at least 8 different pieces (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Sorts 5 items from 5 different categories without a model (e.g., animals, clothing, furniture) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. Continues 20 three-step patterns, sequences, or seriation tasks (e.g., star, triangle, heart, star, triangle..) (T ) Comments/notes: 18 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; (T O ) = Timed observation I st In d epe n d e n t A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: play Does the child spontaneously engage in independent play th a t is automatically reinforcing? I st 2nd 3rd 4th I I . Spontaneously engages in pretend or imaginary play on 5 occasions (e.g., dressing up, a pretend party with stuffed animals, pretends to cook) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4 th 12. Repeats a gross m otor behavior to obtain a better effect for 2 activities (e.g., throwing a ball in a basket, swinging a bat at aT-ball, foot stomping to launch a rocket, pumping a swing) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Independently engages in arts and crafts type activities for 5 minutes (e.g., drawing, coloring, painting, cutting, pasting) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Independently engages in sustained play activities for 10 minutes without adult prompts or reinforcement (e.g., playing with an Etch-a-sketch, playing dress-up) (O ) I st 2nd 3hd 4th 15. Independently draws or writes in pre-academic activity books for 5 minutes (e.g., dot-to-dot, matching games, mazes, tracing letters and numbers) (O ) Comments/notes: I st S o c ia l b e h a v io r a n d s o c i a l p l a y A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child spontaneously engage in play and reciproca! verbal interactions w ith peers? I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 11. Spontaneously cooperates with a peer to accomplish a specific outcome 5 times (e.g., one child holds a bucket while the other pours in water) (E) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Spontaneously mands to peers with a W H question 5 times (e.g., Where are you going? What’s that?Who are you being?) (TO: 60 m iri.) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 13. Intraverbally responds to 5 different questions or statements from peers (e.g., verbally responds to What do you want to play?) (E) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 14. Engages in pretend social play activities with peers for 5 minutes without adult prompts (e.g., dress up play, acting out videos, playing house) (O ) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 15. Engages in 4 verbal exchanges on I topic with peers for 5 topics (e.g., the children go back and forth talking about making a creek in a sandbox) (O ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 19 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) (T) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; (T O ) = Timed observation I st A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: R e a d in g Does the child show infcerest in words and books, tact and LD letters, and iread and com prehend a few words? I st 2nd 3rd 4th II. Attends to a book when a story is being read to him for 75% of the time (T O : 3 m in .) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Selects (LDs) the correct uppercase letter from an array of 5 letters, for 10 different letters (T ) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 13. Tacts 10 uppercase letters on command (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Reads his own name (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. Matches 5 words to the corresponding pictures or items in an array of 5, and vice versa (e.g., matches the w ritten word bird to a picture of a bird) (T ) Comments/notes: I st A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4 th TOTAL SCORE: W r it in g Does the child draw, copy letters and numbers, and independently w rite his name? I st 2nd 3rd 4th 11. Imitates 5 different writing actions modeled by an adult using a writing instrument and writing surface (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Independently traces within 1/4 inch of the lines of 5 different geometrical shapes (e.g., circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Copies 10 letters o r numbers legibly (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Legibly spells and writes his own name without copying (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. Copies all 26 upper and lower case letters legibly (T ) Comments/notes: 20 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 Milestones Assessment: Level 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 ( T ) = D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) = E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) s T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st L is t e n e r r e s p o n d in g b y f u n c t i o n , f e a t u r e , a n d c l a s s (LRFFC) months) A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TO TA L SCOREî Does the child understand as a listener m ultiple words th a t describe or modify nouns and verbs by th e ir functions, features, or classes? 11. Selects the correct item from an array of 10 that contains 3 similar stimuli (e.g., similar color, shape, or class, but they are the wrong choices), for 25 different W H question LRFFC tasks (T ) 12. Selects items from a book based on 2 verbal components: either a feature (e.g., color), func­ tion (e.g., draw with), or class (e.g., clothing) for 25 LRFFC tasks (e.g., Do you see a brown ani­ mal? Can you find some clothing with buttons?) (T ) 13. Selects items from a page in a book or in the natural environment based on 3 verbal compo­ nents (e.g., verb, adjective, preposition, pronoun), fo r 25 W H question LRFFC tasks (e.g., Which fruit grows on trees?) (T ) 14. Selects the correct items from a book or the natural environment given 4 different rotating LRFFC questions about a single topic (Where does the cow live? What does the cow eat? Who milks the cow?) for 25 different topics (T ) i 15. Demonstrates 1000 different LRFFC responses, tested or obtained from an accumulated list of known responses (T ) I st i A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th TO TA L SCORE: In tr aver bal Does the child verbally respond to the content of the words of others? I I st 2nd 3rd 4th 11. Spontaneously emits 20 intraverbal comments (can be part mand) (e.g., Dad says, l’m going to the car, and the child spontaneously says, / want to go for a ride!) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Demonstrates 300 different intraverbal responses, tested or obtained from an accumulated list of known intraverbals (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Answers 2 questions after being read short passages (15+ words) from books, fo r 25 passages (e.g., Who blew the house down?) (T ) I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 14. Describes 25 different events, videos, stories, etc. with 8+ words (e.g., Teii me what happened... The big monster scared everybody and they all ran into the house.) (E) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. Answers 4 different rotating W H questions about a single topic for 10 topics (e.g., Who takes you to school? Where do you go to school? What do you take to school?) (T ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 21 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) = D ire c t te stin g ; ( O ) = O b s e rv a tio n ; (E ) = E ith e r te s tin g o r o b s e rv a tio n ; ( T O ) = T im e d o b s e rv a tio n I st CLASSROOM ROUTINES A N D GROUP SKILLS A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: Does the child follow classroom routines and leam in a group-teaehing format? I st 2nd 3rd 4th I I . Uses the toilet and washes hands with only verbal prompts (E) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 12. Responds to 5 different group instructions or questions w ithout direct prompts in a group of 3 or more children (e.g., Everybody stand up. Does anyone have a red shirt on?) (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Works independenţi/ for 5 minutes in a group, and stays on task for 50% of the period (O ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Acquires 2 new behaviors during a 15-minute group-teaehing format involving 5 or more children (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4 th 15. Sits in a 20-minute group session involving 5 children without disruptive behaviors, and answers 5 intraverbal questions (T ) Comments/notes: I st M A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL SCORE: ath Does the child demonstrate beginning math skills involving numbers, quantities, counting, and measurement? (Note: Related beginning geom etry skills, such as shapes, are assessed in other sections) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 11. Identifies as a listener the numbers 1-5 in an array of 5 different numbers (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Tacts the numbers 1-5 (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 13. Counts out 1-5 items from a larger set of items with I to I correspondence (e.g., Give me 4 cars. Now give me 2 cars.) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 14. Identifies as a listener 8 different comparisons involving measurement (e.g., show me more or less, big or iittle, long or short, full or empty, loud or quiet) (T ) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 15. Correctly matches a written number to a quantity and a quantity to a written number for the numbers I -5 (e.g., matches the number 3 to a picture of 3 trucks) (T ) Comments/notes: 22 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 M i l e s t o n e s A s s e s s m e n t : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) = D ire ct testing; ( O ) = O bservation; (E ) - Either testing o r observation; (T O ) = Tim ed observation I st L in g u is t ic s t r u c t u r e A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th TO TA L SCORE: Îs the child em ittlng nnore complex syntax and language structure demonstrated by cor= rect grammatical use of plurals, possessioum, tense markers, and noun and verb nnodifsers? I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 1 1. Emits noun inflections by combining 10 root nouns with suffixes for plurals (e.g., dog vs. dogs) and 10 root nouns with suffixes for possessions (e.g., dog’s collar vs. cat’s collar) (E) I st 2nd 3rd 4th 12. Emits verb inflections by combining 10 ro o t verbs with affixes for regular past tense (e.g., played) and 10 root verbs with affixes for future tense (e.g., will play) (E) I st 2 nd 3rd 4th 13. Emits 10 different noun phrases containing at least 3 words.with 2 modifiers (e.g., adjectives, prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., He’s my puppet. 1 want chocolate ice cream.) (E) I st 2nd 3 rd 4th 14. Emits 10 different verb phrases containing at least 3 words, with 2 modifiers (e.g., adverbs, prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., Push me hard. Go up the steps.) (E) I st 2 nd 3rd 4 th 15. Combines noun and verb phrases to produce 10 different syntactically correct clauses or sentences containing at least 5 words (e.g., The dog licked my face.) (E) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 23 Early Echoic Skills A ssessm ent (EESA) Barbara E. Esch, Ph.D., BCBA, CCC-SLP S corin g G roups 1-3: For each item.score the best response of up to 3 trials X = correct sounds and correct number of syllables (I point) / = recognizable response, but incorrect or missing consonants or extra syllables f i point) Blank = no response, incorrect vowels, or missing syllables (0 points) TO TAL RAW s c o r e : (Groups 1-5) I st A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th G ro u p 1: Sim plie and re d u p lica te d syllables Targets: vowels, diphthongs, consonants p, b, m, n, h, w Probe: t Z bye bye d l ah | wow Z one □ hop Z mama | | bee Z knee m my | | boo G UP m may H pop □ too Z no no m paPa □ me m °° Z moo □ °h ]w e m b°y Z wa wa ZI toy | | baa Sub-total Group 1 G ro u p 2: 2-syllable co m b in a tio n s Targets: Add consonants k, g, t, d, f, y, ng | | baby Z window Z open Z taco 1 1g° eat Z nighttime Z funny Z oh boy Z foo-ey Z meow Z yumm-o Z hankie U p°«y H Pay day m too bad Z monkey | | uh-oh Z cookie |daddy □ kitty Z bow wow Z bunny Z my foot Z mommy O yuc|<y O puppy O p°key O icky | too hot | | hot dog Sub-total Group 2 G ro u p 3: 3-syllable co m b in a tio n s Z tubby toy Z potato Z do high five Z tiny pan Z how many Z banana Z go bye bye Z oh foo-ey Z peek a boo Z potty time Z binky boo Z teddy bear 1giddy-up 1 I fat doggy □ Fee fi foe 1 goofy goat Z yummy food |daddy up Z one cookie | hey me too | open up Z my big toe m in a boat | doggy bone Z peanut hat | wet mitten Z funny king Z teepee boat Z a hiccup Z puppet game Sub-total Group 3 G ro u p 4: Prosody: spoken ph rases (Model: Emphasize syllables in bold italics ) X = emphasis on correct syllables (1 point) I = emphasis on non-target syllables f i point) Blank = monotone response (no emphasis) (0 points) I Ino WAY ZZONE bunny ZZin a MIN-ute ZZTAKE it □ □ □ I I BUG-a-boo bug-a-BOO U H -Oh □ M Y mommy □ bow-WOW my M O M -my Sub-total Group 4 G ro u p 5: Prosody: o th e r c o n te x ts X = response correct or nearly so (I point) Blank = response does not closely match model (0 points) Pitch Z Echoes pitch variations in 1-2 lines o f a familiar song Z Z | Echoes continuous w arble (fire tru c k OO-oo-OO-oo-OO) Loudness Z ] Echoes whispering Q Z Echoes quiet/loud voice (bye-bye vs. BYE-BYE) D uration Z Sustains ahh fo r 3 seconds, echoically 24 TheVB-MAPP Early Echoic Skills Assessment (EESA) Sub-total Group 5 Copyright © 2008 Barbara E. Esch VB -M A PP B arriers Assessment I O = N o p ro b le m ; I - O ccasional p ro b le m ; 2 - M o d e ra te p ro b le m ; 3 - P ersisent pro ble m 4 = Severe p ro b le m I st S. Negative Behaviors 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. score: Does not demonstrate any significant negative behaviors Engages in some m inor negative behaviors weekly, but recovery is quick Emits a variety o f m inor negative behaviors daily (e.g., crying, verbal refusal, falling to the floor) Emits more severe negative behavior daily (e.g.,tantrum s,throwing things, property destruction) Often emits severe negative behavior that is a danger to himself o r others (e.g., aggression, self-injury) 2„ instruetional Control (Escape and Avoidance of instructional Demands) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. • * I A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4th score: Typically cooperative w ith adult instructions and demands Some demands will evoke m inor noncompliant behavior, but recovery is quick Emits noncompliant behavior a few times a day, with m inor ta n tru m s.o r other m inor behaviors Emits noncompliant behavior several times a day, with longer tantrums and more severe behaviors Noncom pliant behavior dominates the child’s day, negative behaviors can be severe and dangerous iST 3. A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4 th Absent,Weak, or Defective Mand Repertoire A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4 th score: 0. The mand repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion w ith the other Milestones !. Mands occur, echoics are strong, but the tact and listener skills (LDs) Milestone scores are higher than the mand 2. Mands are limited to a small set o f consumable reinforcers, despite strong tacts, LDs, and echoic skills 3. Mands are very limited, are prom pt bound, are rote,scrolling occurs, responses do not match the motivating operations (MOs), negative behaviors function as mands, excessive o r inappropriate mands occur 4. N o effective mands, associated negative behaviors, same problems in #3 above may occur I I st 4. Absent, Weak, or Defective Tact Repertoire A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: 0. 1. 2. 3. The tact repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion w ith the other Milestones Tacts occur, echoics are strong, but listener skills (LDs) markedly outnum ber tacts Tact errors occur, strong echoic and LDs, tacts are prom pt bound o r scrolled, maintenance required Many tact errors occur, echoic and LDs are strong, stuck at nouns and verbs, rote tacts, single w ord tacts despite multiple-word LDs, no spontaneity, fails to generalize 4. Minimal tact skills despite strong echoic and LDs, many failed attempts at teaching tacts I st S. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. Absent,Weak, or Defective Motor imitation 2 nd 3rd 4th score: The m o to r imitation repertoire is growing consistently and is in p roportion w ith the other Milestones M o to r imitation occurs, but the scores are lower than those on the o ther Milestone skills Imitation doesn’t easily generalize, is inappropriate, o r there is a dependence on imitative prompts Imitation is prompt bound physically o r verbally, weak MOs to imitate, has abilities in other areas Has no imitation skills, o r does have imitation skills but they never occur in any funcţional way Copyright © 2008 Mark L. Sundberg VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment 25 VB-M APP B a irie rs Assessm ent O = N o p ro b le m ; I = O ccasional p ro b le m ; 2 = M o d e ra te p ro b le m ; 3 " P ersisent p ro ble m 4 - Severe p ro b le m I st 6. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. Absent,Weak, or Defective Echoic Repertoire score: The echoic repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion w ith the other Milestones Echoics occur, but m o to r imitation is markedly stronger than echoic Dependent on echoic prompts, transfer from echoics is difficult, failure to generalize echoic skills Demonstrates echolalia o r delayed echolalia, requires extensive teaching to acquire new echoics N o echoic skills, but has other skills, uses signs o r PECS, echoic training may evoke negative behaviors Absent, Weak, or Defective Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching-to-Sample I st score: Absent,W eak or Defective Listener Repertoires I st A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th score: The listener repertoires are growing consistently and are in proportion w ith the other Milestones LDs occur, but scores are low er than those on the other Milestone skills, especially tact scores LD errors occur due to scrolling, side o r position bias, poor scanning, o r selects the last item reinforced Negative behavior occurs, no generalization, only small arrays, problems w ith complex verbal stimuli N o LD skills, but has other skills, repeated failed attempts to teach LD, escape and avoidance occurs I st 9. A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th Visual and matching skills are growing consistently and are in proportion w ith the other Milestones Matching occurs, but scores are lower than those on the other Milestone skills, especially LD scores Matching errors occur, due to scrolling, side o r position bias, poor scanning, o r selects the last item reinforced Negative behavior during MTS, no generalization, only small arrays, problems w ith similar stimuli N o matching skills, but has other skills, repeated failed attempts to teach MTS, escape and avoidance occurs (e.g., LD, LRFFC) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th Absent,Weak, or Defective Intraverbal Repertoire A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th score: 0. 1. 2. 3. The intraverbal repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion w ith the other Milestones Intraverbals occur, but scores are low er than other Milestone scores, especially tact, LD, and LRFFC Intraverbal errors occur, rote responding, scrolling, prom pt bound, no spontaneity, o r echolalia occurs Limited progress in intraverbal training, frequent errors, rote responding, intraverbals are quickly forgotten, no peer intraverbal behavior, but has mand, tact, and LD skills 4. N o funcţional intraverbal behavior, o r has strong rote responding, despite mand, tact, and LD skills I st S0. Absent,Weak, or Defective Social Skills 0. 1. 2. 3. A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: Social skills are age-appropriate, growing consistently, and in proportion w ith the other Milestones Social behavior occurs, but the scores fall behind the other Milestone scores Engages in parallel play, but does not iniţiate social interaction, rarely imitates o r mands to peers Doesn’t take turns o r share, does not respond to peer’s mands, o r cooperate w ith peers, does not engage in social o r imaginary play with peers, but has language skills 4. Mostly plays by himself, no verbal o r nonverbal interactions w ith peers, other skills may be high 26 VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment VB -M A PP B arriers Assessm ent O - N o p ro b le m ; I - O ccasional p ro b le m ; 2 = M od erate p ro b le m ; 3 = P ersisent p ro b le m 4 “ Severe p ro b le m I st 1I . Prompt Dependent 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4 th score: Consistently learns new skills, and does not show signs o f prom pt dependency It often takes several trials to fade prompts, but the transfer o f control process is typically successful Some skills become prom pt bound, such as intraverbal, social behaviors, o r listener discriminations It is typically difficult to eliminate prompts, they are often subtle,and verbal skills are limited Prompts are very difficult to fade, m ost skills are prom pt bound by echoic, imitative, o r verbal prompts 12. Scrolling Responses I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: 0. 1. 2. 3. Does not scroll in any o f the repertoires Scrolling occasionally occurs when new words are added, but scrolling stops after a few trials Scrolling is a frequent problem, it takes many trials to stop, but eventually new words are learned Scrolling continues to re-surface w ith previously “ acquired” words, and occurs w ith either (or all) mand,tact, LD, and intraverbal, but not w ith echoic o r imitation, very few new words are learned 4. Scrolling occurs almost every trial, attempts at stopping scrolling may have a long history of failure I st 13. Defective Scanning Skills 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. score: Typically scans arrays if the task requires scanning Large arrays with similar stimuli cause some scanning trouble, but is successful after 2 attempts Scanning is weak, often needs to be prompted, restricted to arrays o f 5 o r less, limited scene scanning Scanning is limited to an array o f 2 o r 3, selection responses are prom pt bound, weak MTS, LD, & LRFFC Does not scan arrays, responds before scanning, scanning tasks evoke negative behavior when pressed I st 14. Failure to IMake Condiţional Discriminations (C Ds) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: Makes condiţional discriminations at a level that is in balance w ith his Milestone scores Mas trouble when the CD requires more e ffort o r attending (e.g., large arrays, scenes, similar stimuli) Limited progress on tasks that involve verbal C Ds (LD, LRFFC, IV), but good progress in other areas Fails at most tasks that involve C Ds (expect MTS), emits negative behavior, history of failed attempts Does not make C Ds, but can do simple discriminations (e.g., single mands, echoics, tacts, imitation) I st 15. Failure to Generaliza 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th A ssessment 2 nd 3 rd 4th score: Demonstrates both stimulus and response generalization at a level commensurate w ith his other skills Demonstrates some difficulty w ith stimulus generalization, o r generalizing w ith certain skills Requires formal generalization training on most skills, but eventually gets it Requires extensive generalization training across most skills, often “ generalized” skills are lost Does not generalize, other than very simple types (e.g.,time, settings) rote responding, slow progress VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment 27 VB-M APP B a rrie rs Assessm ent O = N o p ro b le m ; I = O ccasional p ro b le m ; 2 - M o d e ra te p ro b le m ; 3 - P ersisent p ro b le m 4 = Severe p ro ble m I st 16. W eak orÂtypical Motivating Operations (MOs) 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. score: Demonstrates a wide range o f age-appropriate MOs Adults begin to notice that the motivators are slightly different from those of other children MOs fo r odd behavior patterns, weak MOs fo r age-appropriate reinforcers, weak social MOs A berrant MOs fo r unlearned reinforcers, values of existing MOs decrease quickly, stereotypy strong Very limited MOs, odd MOs that are strong, very few age-appropriate MOs I st 17. Response RequirementWeakens the MO 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th score: Does not typically lose interest in reinforcers when the demands are reasonable Demonstrates some lack o f interest if the demands become slightly higher Has strong MOs, but will only tolerate a small set o f responses before losing interest in the reinforcer Q uick to show lack o f interest after a few responses are required Walks away from his strongest reinforcers if the slightest demand is placed upon him I st 18. Reinforcement Dependent A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th score: 0. 1. 2. 3. Has no problem w ith moving to interm ittent reinforcement o r to social and verbal reinforcers Demonstrates some difficulty w ith moving to social o r interm ittent reinforcers, but eventually does so Requires frequent consumable and tangible reinforcers on an interm ittent schedule D ifficult to w o rk with the child w ith o u t using frequently delivered consumable and tangible reinforcement, exhibits escape o r avoidance behavior 4. Dependent on consumable and tangible reinforcers delivered after each response fo r learning to occur 19. Self-Stimulation 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 28 A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th score: Does not engage in self-stimulatory o r repetitive behaviors Engages in some self-stimulation, but it doesn’t compete w ith other activities Engages in a relatively high rate o f self-stimulation that often competes w ith o ther activities Engages in a high rate o f self-stimulation that competes w ith learning and social activities A lm ost constantly engages in a high rate o f self-stimulation, other reinforcers are weak 20. Articulation Problems 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. I st score: Most adults can understand the child’s existing vocal behavior Some difficulty pronouncing certain words, but usually can be understood, and articulation improves Has difficulty being understood by strangers, despite having mostly Level 2 Milestone scores Very limited vocal skills and demonstrates a wide variety o f articulation errors Non-vocal, o r has completely unintelligible speech, despite other elevated Milestone scores VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment VB-M APP B arriers Assessm ent O - N o p ro ble m ; I = O ccasional p ro b le m ; 2 = M o d e ra te p ro b le m ; 3 - P ersisent p ro b le m 4 = Severe p ro b le m I st 21. Obsessive-Compulssve Behavior 2nd 3rd 4th score: 0. Does not demonstrate any obsessive behaviors that impede learning 1. Some m inor obsessions, but they are easily overcome and don’t interfere w ith learning 2. Several obsessions, emits mild negative behaviors when not met, but will usually comply and participate in the learning tasks w ith o u t fu rth e r disruption 3. Several obsessions, emits negative behavior, but often will not comply w ith o u t completing the obsession, and learning is disrupted 4. Strong obsessions are the major focus o f each day, they may consume a significant amount of time, negative behaviors may be severe if they are not met, and learning is regularly disrupted 22. Hyperactive Behavior I st A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th score: 0. N o t excessively hyper compared to typically developing peers, attends to tasks w ith o u t difficulty 1. Occasionally emits hyperactive behavior o r fails to attend, but the behaviors are not disruptive to learning o r daily activities 2. Moves around the environment frequently, restless, difficulty attending to tasks, learning is disrupted 3. O ften difficult to control the hyperactive behavior, may not wait in lines, sit calmly, o r stay on task Ionger than a couple of minutes, requires frequent prompting 4. Constantly “ on the go,” fidgety, impulsive, climbs o r jumps on furniture, may talk excessively, difficult to keep engaged in any academic o r social activity, learning is seriously affected I st 23. Failure to Make Eye C ontact, o r A tte n d to People A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th score: 0. 1. 2. 3. Makes age-appropriate eye contact w ith others.and attends to other people Adults begin to notice that eye contact is different from that o f o th e r children Does not make frequent eye contact, o r attend to faces o r people in a manner similar to other children N o eye contact while manding, difficult to get any eye contact, typically looks away when talking to others, attends more to objects than people 4. A lm ost never makes eye contact, avoids people, but may have verbal skills | I st 24. Sensory Defensiveness A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th | score: 0. N o problems related to sensory stimuli 1. Adults begin to notice that sensitivity to various sensory stimuli is different from that of other children 2. Certain sensory stimulation may affect the child, but the defensiveness is mild and does not usually interfere w ith learning activities 3. Frequently reacts to specific sensory stimuli w ith escape behavior such as hands over ears, closing eyes, o r getting agitated 4. Consistently reacts to specific sensory stimuli w ith negative behavior such as tantrums and aggression, presence o f certain sensory stimuli competes w ith educaţional activities VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment 29 VB-MAPP Transition Scoring MIMS Key: Child’s narne: I st Date of birth: 2 n d test : 3 rd test : 4 th test : Age at testing: 1 2 4 3 Negative Behaviors and Instructional Control VB-MAPP Barriers Score VB-MAPP Milestones Score Tester Color Date Score : test Independent Academic Work Social Skills and Social Play Classroom Routines Group Skills 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 4 1 Range of Reinforcers Generalization 2 4 3 1 2 4 3 3 2 4 Natural Environment Learning Retention of New Skills Rate of Skill Acquisition 1 1 2 4 3 Transfer Without Training 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 3 2 4 1 4 1 Self-Directed Leisure Time Spontaneous Behaviors Adaptability to Change 3 2 4 3 2 1 General Self-help 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 Eating Skills Toileting Skills 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 30 3 VB-MAPP 4 1 2 3 4 Transition Scoring Form 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 VB -M A PP T ra n s itio n Assessm ent Rate th e Child on a Scale of î to 5 for Each Ârea ! , I. VB-M APP Milestones Assessment Score 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th score: 0 to 25 on the Milestones Assessment 26 to 50 on the Milestones Assessment 5 I to 100 on the Milestones Assessment 101 to 135 on the Milestones Assessment 136 to 170 on the Milestones Assessment A ssessment 3rd 4th Ist 2nd 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. O verall VB-MAPP B arriers Assessment Score Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores 56 to 96 on the Barriers Assessment 31 to 55 on the Barriers Assessment 21 to 30 on the Barriers Assessment II to 20 on the Barriers Assessment 0 to 10 on the Barriers Assessment VB-M APP Barriers Assessment Score on Negative Behaviors and Instructional C o ntrol A total score A total score A total score A total score The child has 2 points on classroom routines and group skills 3 to 4 points on classroom routines and group 5 to 7 points on classroom routines and group 8 to 9 points on classroom routines and group 10 points on the classroom routines and group score: A ssessment 3 rd 4th Ist 2nd score: in the Milestones Assessment skills in the Milestones Assessment skills in the Milestones Assessment skills in the Milestones Assessment skills in the Milestones Assessment VB-M APP Milestones Assessment Score on Social Behavior and Social Play Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores A ssessment 3rd 4th Ist 2nd of 6 o r 7 on negative behaviors and instructional control on the Barriers Assessment o f 5 on negative behaviors and instructional control on the Barriers Assessment o f 3 o r 4 on negative behaviors and instructional control on the Barriers Assessment o f 2 on negative behaviors and instructional control on the Barriers Assessment no behavioral issues, demonstrated by a score of 0 o r I on Barriers Assessment VB-M APP Milestones Assessment Score on CSassroom Routines and GSroup Skills Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores score: A ssessment 3rd 4th Ist 2nd score: 2 o r 3 points on social behavior and social play in the Milestones Assessment 4 o r 5 points on social behavior and social play in the Milestones Assessment 6 to 9 points on social behavior and social play in the Milestones Assessment 10 to 12 points on social behavior and social play in the Milestones Assessment 13 to 15 points on social behavior and social play in the Milestones Assessment Copyright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg VB-MAPP Transition Assessment 31 V B -M A P P T r a n s it io n A s s e s s m e n t R a te th e C h ild on a S ca le o f I t o 5 f o r Each  r e a I st 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. !. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. W o rks Independently on Academ ic Tasks W orks W orks W orks W orks W orks independently independently independently independently independently on on on on on academic academic academic academic academic tasks tasks tasks tasks tasks fo r fo r fo r fo r fo r at at at at at 2nd 3rd 4th score: least 30 seconds w ith no m ore than I adult prom pt least I minute w ith no more than I adult prom pt least 2 minutes w ith o u t adult prompting to stay on task least S minutes w ith o u t adult prompting to stay on task least 10 minutes w ith o u t adult prompting to stay on task G eneralization o f Skills A crossT im e, Settings, Behaviors, Materials, and People I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th I st A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: Generalizes a few new skills to different people and across time, but not easily across materials Generalize to new materials, but only after extensive generalization (multiple exemplar) training Demonstrates spontaneous stimulus generalization in the natural environment on 10 occasions Demonstrates spontaneous response generalization in the natural environment on 10 occasions Consistently demonstrates both stimulus and response generalization on the first o r second trial Hange o f Item s and Events th a t Function as Reinforcers score: 1. Reinforcers are frequent and mainly edibles, liquids, and physical contact (unlearned motivators) 2. Reinforcers are tangible, sensory, o r manipulative such as toys, cause-and-effect objects, music, dolls 3. Reinforcers are social (e.g., attention), peer mediated (e.g., games), related to specific places (e.g., parks, Stores), and less frequent; it is these learned reinforcers that are mainly used fo r teaching 4. Reinforcers are interm ittent, social, automatic, and involve a wide range of items and activities 5. Reinforcers are interm ittent, social, age appropriate, varied, and involve verbal information and change frequently I st 9c State o f A cquisition o f N ew Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. score: Typically requires tw o o r more weeks o f training sessions and hundreds o f trials to acquire a new skill Requires at least one week o f training sessions and 100 o r more trials to acquire a new target skill Acquires several new target skills a week averaging less than 50 training trials Acquires several new target skills a week averaging less than 25 training trials Consistently acquires new target skills daily averaging 5 trials o r less I st 10. Retention o f New Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 32 A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th score: Retains a new skill fo r at least 10 minutes after it has been scored as correct in a teaching session Retains a new skill fo r at least I hour after it has been scored as co rre ct in a teaching session Retains a new skill fo r 24 hours after it has been scored as correct w ith 5 o r less maintenance trials Retains acquired skills after a 24-hour period w ithout maintenance trials Typically retains acquired skills fo r at least I week w ith o u t maintenance trials VB-MAPPTransition Assessment A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th V B -M A P P T r a n s it io n A s s e s s m e n t IRate th e C h ild on a S cale o f I t o 5 f o r E ach  r e a i I st D B . Learning from the M aturai Environm ent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. score: Acquires 2 new m o to r skills in the natural environment w ith o u t intensive teaching Acquires 5 new mands o r tacts in the natural environment w ith o u t intensive teaching Acquires 25 new mands o r tacts in the natural environment w ith o u t intensive teaching Acquires 25 new intraverbals in the natural environment w ith o u t intensive teaching Easily and consistently learns new skills daily in a natural o r group setting w ith o u t intensive teaching 12. D e m o n stra te i Transfer Between the Verbal O perants W ith o u t Training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates I st A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th score: echoic to mand o r ta ct transfer fo r 2 verbal responses w ith 2 o r less transfer trials echoic to mand o r tact transfer fo r 5 verbal responses w ith o u t transfer trials tact to mand transfer fo r 10 verbal responses w ith o u t training tact to intraverbal transfer fo r 10 topics o r events w ith o u t training transfer daily, involving advanced parts o f speech, and all speaker and listener skills i I I st 13.  d a p ta b ility to Change A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4th score: 1. Adapts to some minor changes w ith verbal preparation, but may demonstrate some negative behavior 2. Accepts m inor changes, shows considerable distress, requires substanţial preparation fo r change 3. Becomes annoyed and complains about changes, may perseverate, but ultimately goes with the change 4. Adapts to change quickly and w ith o u t negative behaviors, but shows signs o f m inor distress 5. The child handles change in routine well.and ignores o r copes w ith o th e r distractions and changes I st S4. Spontaneous Behaviors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. score: Emits some behaviors spontaneously, but most language and social skills are prompted Emits many behaviors spontaneously, but they are mostly nonverbal behavior Spontaneously (no verbal prompts) mands and tacts several times a day Spontaneously emits mand, tact, intraverbal, and verbal social behavior several times a day Emits appropriate spontaneous behaviors across most o f the 16 areas o f the Milestones Assessment 15. Self-directed Play and Leisure SkilIsîVB-MÂPP Milestones Assessment Scores on Independent Play 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4 th Scores Scores Scores Scores Scores I st A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4 th score: 3 points on independent play in the Milestones Assessment 5 points on independent play in the Milestones Assessment 8 points on independent play in the Milestones Assessment II points on independent play in the Milestones Assessment 14 points on independent play in the Milestones Assessment VB-MAPP Transition Assessment 33 R a te th e C h ild o n a S ca le o f I t o 5 f o r E ach A r e a I st 16. General Self-help Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sco re A ssessment 2 nd 3rd 4th : N o independent self-help, but does not engage in negative behaviors when adults provide personal care Requires verbal o r physical prompts to complete most self-help tasks Requires mostly verbal prompts, but will attem pt approximations to several self-help tasks Initiates some self-help tasks and usually attempts approximations, but still requires verbal prompting Is motivated, initiates approximations fo r most skills, and generalizes, but may need verbal prompts I st 17. Toileting Skills sco re A ssessment 2nd 3 rd 4th : 1. Still wears a diaper, but demonstrates to ile t training readiness (e.g., dry periods, sits still fo r 2 mins.) 2. Toilet training has begun, will occasionally urinate when seated on the toilet, but still wears a diaper 3. Daytime bladder trained, uses puii ups, has occasional accidents, needs prompts and assistance to complete the toileting routine 4. Both bladder and bowel trained, but needs prompts and assistance to complete the toileting routine 5. Initiates o r mands to use the bathroom and independently completes all steps of the toileting routine I st 18. Eating Skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 34 sco re A ssessment 2nd 3rd 4 th : Demonstrates some independent eating, but requires many physical prompts to eat, often a messy eater Independently eats finger food, but requires adult arrangement o f food, verbal prompting, and clean up Independently get food from his lunchbox, eats finger food, but requires adult verbal prompting to eat Independently use a spoon, eats w ith o u t prompts, makes a minimal mess, needs prompts to clean up Independently gets food items, eats, and uses utensils, cleans up independently, o r w ith I verbal prom pt VB-MAPPTransition Assessment V B -M A P P Task Analysis and Skills Tracking C hart: Level I (0 -1 8 months) Key: Scote Child’s name: I st te s t: Date of birth: 2 nd test: flge at testing: 2 H 4 3 Date Color Tester 3 rd test: 4 th test: Mand Tact | Listener | VP-MTS | Play | Social | Imitation | Echoic Vocal 5-M 5-M 4-M 4-M 3-M 3-M 2-M 2-M l-M l-M 5-M 5-M 5-M 5-M 5-M 5-M 5-M 5-e 5 -d 5 -c 5 -b 5 -a 5 -c 5 -b 5-a 5-e 5-d 5 -c 5-b 5-a 5-e 5 -d 5-c 5 -b 5 -a 5-f 5-e 5 -d 5 -c 5 -b 5-a 5-c 5-b 5-a 5-a 5-c 5-b 5-a 4-M 4-M 4-M 4-M 4-M 4-M 4-M 4-e 4-d 4-c 4-b 4-a 4-b 4-a 4 -e 4 -d 4 -c 4 -b 4-a 4-b 4-a 4-e 4-d 4-c 4-b 4-a 4 -d 4 -c 4-b 4 -a 4 -d 4 -c 4 -b 4 -a 3-M 3-M 3-M 3-M 3-M 3-M 3-M 3 -d 3 -c 3-b 3 -a 3-b 3 -a 3-f 3-e 3-d 3-c 3-b 3 -a 3 -b 3 -a 3-e 3-d 3 -c 3-b 3-a 3 -c 3 -b 3 -a 3 -d 3-c 3 -b 3 -a 2-M 2-M 2-M 2-M 2-M 2-M 2-M 2 -a 2 -c 2-b 2 -a 2-d 2-c 2-b 2-a 2 -c 2 -b 2 -a 2 -b 2 -a 2 -e 2-d 2 -c 2-b 2-a l-M l-M l-M l-M l-M l-M l-M l-d l-c l-b l-a l-a l-a l-b l-a l-d l-c l-c l-b l-a l-b l-a Copyright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg l-b l-a VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking Chart: Level I 35 V B -M A P P Task Analysis and Skills Tracking C hart: Level 2 (18-30 months) Child’s name: I st te s t: Date of birth: 2 n d test: flge at testing: 1 2 3 4 Color Date Score Key: Tester 3 rd test: 4 th test: Mand Tact Listener VP-MTS Play Social Imitation Echoic 1 0 -M I0 - M 1 0 -M 1 0-M 1 0 -M 1 0 -M 1 0 -M 1 0 -M 1 0 -f 10-e 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 1 0 -f 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-e 10 -d 10-c 10-b 10-a 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9-1 9-e 9-d 9-c 9-b 9 -a 9-e 9-d 9-c 9 -b 9 -a 9-d 9-c 9-b 9-a 9-e 9-d 9-c 9-b 9-a 9-d 9-c 9 -b 9 -a 9-f 9-e 9 -d 9-c 9 -b 9 -a 9 -d 9-c 9 -b 9 -a 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8-f 8-e 8 -d 8 -c 8-b 8 -a 8-d 8-c 8 -b 8 -a 8-d 8-c 8 -b 8-a 8-e 8-d 8-c 8-b 8 -a 8 -d 8-c 8 -b 8 -a 8 -d 8 -c 8 -b 8-a 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M H 7-e 7-d 7-c 7 -b 7 -a 7-d 7-c 7 -b 7 -a 7 -f 7-e 7-d 7-c 7-b 7 -a 7-e 7 -d 7 -c 7-b 7 -a 7 -d 7 -c 7 -b 7 -a 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6-e 6 -d 6 -c 6 -b 6 -a 6-d 6-c 6-b 6-a 6-d 6-c 6-b 6-a 6-h 6-e 6 -d 6-c 6 -b 6 -a 6-e 6-d 6 -c 6 -b 6 -a 6-e 6 -d 6 -c 6 -b 6-a 10-d 10 -c 10-b 10 -a 7-f 7-e 7 -d 7 -c 7 -b 7-a 36 VB-MAPP 6-8 6-f 6-e 6-d 6-c 6-b 6 -a 8 -M 9 -M 8 -M 7 -M JLz___ 7-f 7-e 7 -d 7 -c 7-b 7-a Task Analysis and Skills and Tracking Chart: Level 2 6 -M Group IV Linguistics 1 0 -M 1 0 -M 10-f 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-8 10-f 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a 10-d 10-c 10 -b 10 -a 9 -M 9 -M 9 -M 9-f 9-e 9-d 9-c 9-b 9-a 9-d 9-c 9-b 9-a 9-e 9-d 9-c 9-b 9-a 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8 -M 8-e 8 -d 8 -c 8 -b 8 -a 8 -d 8-c 8 -b 8 -a 8 -d 8-c 8 -b 8 -a 8 -d 8 -c 8 -b 8 -a 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M 7 -M 7 -c 7 -b 7 -a 7-d 7-c 7 -b 7 -a 7-e 7-d 7-c 7 -b 7 -a 7 -c 7-b 7-a 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6 -M 6-d 6-c 6-b 6-a 6-d 6-c 6-b 6-a 1 0 -M 1 0 -M 10 -s 1 0 -f 10-e 10-d 10-c 10-b 10-a io-g 9 -M J k O ____ 9-f 9-e 9-d 9-c 9 -b 9 -a J L g ____ 8-f 8-e 8-d 8-c 8 -b 8 -a 7 -M LRFFC ■ Copyright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg V B -M A P P Task Analysis and Skills Tracking C hart: Level 3 (3 0 -4 8 months) Key: Score Child's name: 1st t e s t : Date of birth: 2 nd test: Age at testing: 1 2 3 4 Color Date Tester 3 rd te s t: 4 th test: Tact Listener VP-MTS 15 -M 15 -M 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 15 -M 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 14 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 14 -M 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 14 -M 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 13 -M 13-f 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 13 -M 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 2 -M 12-e 12-d 12-c 12 -b 1 2 -a 12 -M 12-fi 12 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 l-M 1 l-e 1l-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M ll-h Mand 15 -M 15-e 15-d 15 -c 1 5 -b 15-a 14 -M 14 -d 14 -c 14 -b 14 -a 1 3 -M 1 3 -f 13-e 13 -d 13 -c 13 -b 13 -a is-g 1 5 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a N -S ll-f 1 l- e 1 l- d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a Play 1 5 -M 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a Social Writing Reading LRFFC 1 5 -M 1 5 -M 15-c 15-b 15-a 1 5 -M 1 5 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 1 5 -M 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b i 5 -a 1 4 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 1 4 -M 14-f 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 14-j 14-i 14-h 15-S 15 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a IV 1 5 -M 15 -k ■H 15-i 15-h 15-S 15 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 1 4 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 1 4 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 14 -M 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 13 -M 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 3 -M 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 3 -M 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 13 -M 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 3 -M 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 13 -M 13-h 13 -s 13 -M 13-i 13-h 1 3 -f 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 13-S 1 3 -f 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 12 -M 1 2 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 12 -M 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 2 -M 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 2 -M 1 2 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 12 -M 1 2 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 2 -M 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 12 -M 12 -s 12 -M 12 -s 1 2 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 2 -f 12-e 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 l-M ll-f 1 l- e ll-d ll-c ll-b 1l-a 1 l-M ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M 1 l- e ll-d ll-c ll-b 1l-a 1 l-M 1 l-M ll-c ll-b 1l-a 1 l-M ll-f 1 l- e ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M ll-h N -s Copyright © 2008 Mark L Sundberg N -S ll-f 1 l-e I l-d ll-c ll-b 1l-a VB-MAPP 1 4 -M 1 4 -k 14-E 1 4 -f 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a ll-f 1 l- e ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a Group Linguistics Math 1 5 -M 15-h 15-g 1 5 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 15 -M 15-i 15 -h 15 -g 1 5 -f 15-e . 15 -d 15-c 15 -b 15 -a 15 -M 15-i 15-h 15-g 1 5 -f 15-e 15-d 15-c 15-b 15-a 1 4 -M 1 4 -f 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 1 4 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14 -b 14 -a 14 -M 14-e 14-d 14-c 14-b 14-a 1 3 -M 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 3 -M 13-e 13-d 13-c 13-b 13 -a 13 -M 13-d 13-c 13-b 13-a 1 2 -M 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 2 -M 12 -d 12 -c 12 -b 12 -a 12 -M 12-d 12-c 12-b 12-a 1 l-M ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a 1 l-M 1 l- e ll-d ll-c ll-b 1 l-a Task Analysis and Skills Tracking Chart: Level 3 37 Task Analysis a n d Skills T rack in g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m o n th s ) ( T ) = D ire c t testing; Skill ( O ) - O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; Mand — (T O ) - Timed observation M et L evel 1 l-a Makes eye contact (gaze shift) as a mand for attention or other reinforcers 2 times (O ) l-b Moves close to a reinforcing item to indicate the presence of an MO 2 times (O ) l-c Pulls an adult to get access to a reinforcing item 2 times (O ) l-d Points or gestures towards a reinforcer in order to obtain it 2 times (O ) l-M Emits 2 words, signs, o r PECS, b ut may require echoic, im ita tive , o r o th e r prom pts but no physical prom pts (e.g., c ra c k e r, b o o k ) (E) 2-a Points to 2 different reinforcers in order to obtain them 2 times (E) 2-b Nods or says yes or no when offered a reinforcer 2 times (not an early target) (E) 2-c Emits 2 different mands w ithout echoic prompts — can be with verbal or object prompts (E) 2-d Emits 5 mands w ithout echoic or imitative prompts — can be with verbal or object prompts (O ) 2-e Generalizes 2 known mands across 2 different people and 2 settings (E) 2-M Emits 4 different mands w ith o u t prom pts (except W h a t d o y o u wont?) — the desired ite m can be present (e.g., m u sic, slinky, b a ll) (T ) 3-a Emits 2 spontaneous mands (no verbal prompt); — the object can be present (O ) 3-b Emits 10 mands w ithout echoic or imitative prompts — can be with verbal o r object prompts (O ) 3-c Generalizes 3 mands across 2 examples of a desired item (e.g., mands slide for 2 different slides) (E) 3-d Emits 6 different mands w ithout echoic o r imitative prompts — can be with verbal o r object prompts (E) 3-M Generalizes 6 mands across 2 people, 2 settings, and 2 d iffe re n t examples o f a reinforcer (e.g., mands b u b b le s fro m m om and dad, inside and outside, a red b o ttle and a blue b o ttle ) (E) 4-a Mands for attention 2 times with some identifiable type of response (e.g., a tap on the arm) (O ) 4-b Emits 2 mands w ithout an object present — can be with What do you want? (O ) 4-c Emits 2 mands w ithout verbal prompts — can be with object prompts (O ) 4-d Mands for others to attend to the same stimulus that he is attending to 5 times per day (O ) 4-e Emits 1 mand to remove an undesirable item or activity (e.g., no) (E) 4-M Spontaneously em its (no verbal prom pts) 5 mands — th e desired ite m can be present (T O : 60 min.) 5-a Emits 3 different mands w ithout an object present — can be with a verbal prompt (e.g., mommy) (E) 5-b Emits 3 different mands w ithout verbal prompts — can be with an object prompt (E) 5-c Mands contain intonations that vary and are appropriate to the current MO 2 times (O ) 5-d Acquires a new mand in less than 20 training trials (T ) 5-e Continues to emit a mand 2 times if the reinforcer is not delivered (persistence) (E) 5-M Emits 10 different mands w ith o u t prom pts (except, W h a t d o y o u w a n t? ) = the desired ite m can be present (e.g., a p p le , sw ing, c a r ; ju ic e ) (E) 38 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level I Copyright © 20 08 M ark L. Stindberg Task Analysis an d S kills T rack in g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m on ths ) (T ) = D ire c t testing; (O ) - O bservation; Skill (E ) = Either testing o r observation; T act — L evel (T O ) - Timed observation Met 1 l-a Tacts 1 familiar person, pet, o r object with verbal prompts and motivation present (e.g., mama) (E) l-M Tacts 2 reinforcing item s (e.g., people, pets, characters, o r favorite objects) (T ) 2-M Tacts any 4 item s (e.g., people, pets, characters, o r o th e r objects) (T ) 3-a Generalizes known responses across 2 different people and 2 settings (e.g., tacts kitty for both mom and dad: tacts dada while in bed and in the kitchen) (E) 3-b Generalizes tacts across 2 examples of an item for 2 items (e.g., tacts 2 different phones) (T ) 3-M Tacts 6 non-reinforcing item s (e.g., shoe, h a t, s p o o n , car, c u p , b e d ) (T ) 4-a Looks at family photos and, with verbal prompts, tacts 2 family members (T) 4-b Tacts 2 pictures from a book or picture cârd (2D) (e.g., duck, ball) (T ) 4-M Spontaneously tacts (no verbal p rom pts) 2 d ifferent item s (O ) 5-a Tacts 5 pictures (2D) (T ) 5-b Maintains a newly acquired tact after 24 hours without training (T ) 5-c Generalizes tacts across 3 examples of an item for 5 items (e.g., tacts 3 different spoons) (T ) 5-M Tacts 10 item s (e.g., com m on objects, people, body parts, o r pictures) (T ) s k ill L is t e n e r R e s p o n d in g — L evel 1 l-a Turns head to locate the source of a sound (e.g., beli, squeaky toy, a cell phone ringing) (O ) l-M  ttends to a speaker’s voice by orie n ting tow ard the speaker 5 tim es (E) 2-a Smiles at the sound of the caretaker’s voice 2 times (O ) 2-M Responds to hearing his own name 5 tim es (e.g., looks a t the speaker) (T ) 3-a Interrupts a play activity when his name is called (E) 3-b Responds to no, hot, stop o r other commands in the appropriate context (O ) 3-c Attends to an object or picture when named (without discrimination) 5 times (O ) 3-d Responds to 2 simple (1 part) verbal instructions in context (e.g., sit down, when by a chair) (E) 3-e Discriminates between 2 family members and/or pets when named (e.g., Where’s daddy?) (E) 3-f Discriminates between 2 objects when they are presented at eye level (e.g., looks at, touches, or points to a ball when shown a ball and a shoe and asked touch ball) (T ) 3-M Looks at, touches, o r points to the co rre ct fam ily m em ber, pet, o r o th e r reinforcer when presented in an array o f 2, fo r 5 d ifferent reinforcers (e.g., W h e re ’s Elm o? W h e re ’s m o m m y ? ) (E) M et Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level I 39 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m on ths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; Skill L is t e n e r (E ) - Either testing o r observation; R e s p o n d in g — L evel 1 (C o n t in u e d (T O ) = Timed observation M et ) 4-a Selects the correct item from an array of 2 for 10 different objects or pictures (T ) 4-b Maintains eye contact to a speaker for 2 seconds (O ) 4-c Touches 2 body parts (e.g., Touch your nose.Where’s your ears?) (T ) 4-d Ferforms 2 motor actions (e.g., Show me clapping. Cari you spin around?) (T ) 4-e Selects the correct item from an array of 3 when named, for 10 different items (e.g., dog, hat, book) (T ) 4-f Generalizes in a listener discrimination (LD) task across 2 examples of 5 different items (e.g., can identify 2 different dogs, 2 different cups, 2 different balls) (T ) 4»M Performs 4 different m o to r actions on command w ith o u t a visual p ro m p t (e.g., C an y o u ju m p ? S h o w m e c la p p in g .) (T ) 5-a Identifies (LD) 5 items in a 10 second period (fluency test) (T ) 5-b Demonstrates 6 different m otor actions on command without a visual prompt (T ) 5-c Maintains an acquired listener skill after 24 hours without training (T ) 5-d Spontaneously emits (no direct prompts to respond) a listener response (LD) 2 times (O ) 5-e Generalizes known listener tasks across 3 different people, 3 settings, and 3 times of day (T ) 5-M Selects the co rre ct ite m fro m an array o f 4, fo r 20 d iffe re n t objects o r pictures (e.g., Show me c a t. T ou ch s h o e .) (T ) Skill 40 ( O ) - O bservation; V is u a l p e r c e p t u a l s k il l s a n d m a t c h in g -t o -sam ple — L evel 1 l-a Visually attends to faces and people 5 times (O ) l-b Visually attends to reinforcing objects 5 times (O ) l-M Visually tracks m oving stim u li fo r 2 seconds, 5 tim es (TO : 30 m in.) 2-a Reaches for and successfully grabs objects 5 times (E) 2-b Uses index finger to poke things or for other uses 5 times (O ) 2-c Manipulates toys and objects in a variety of ways for 10 seconds, 5 times (O ) 2-M Grasps small objects w ith thu m b , index finger, and m iddle finger (pincer grasp) 5 tim es (O ) 3-a Transfers objects from one hand to another 5 times (O ) 3-b Looks for an object that has fallen out of sight 5 times (O ) 3-M Visually attends to a to y o r book fo r 30 seconds (n o t a self-stim ite m ) (O ) 4-a Dumps things out of containers, or pulls items out of cupboards 5 times (O ) 4-b Pushes and/or pulls objects 5 times (O ) 4-M Places 3 item s in a container, stacks 3 blocks, o r places 3 rings on a peg fo r 2 o f these or sim ilar activities (E) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level I M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 m on ths ) (T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; (T O ) s Timed observation Skill V 5-a Visually attends to toys or books for 1 minute, 2 times (O ) 5-b Successfully uses a spoon 5 times during a meal (O ) 5-c Completes a 3-piece in-set puzzle w ithout physical prompts (E) 5-d Attempts to scribble with any writing instrument (O ) 5-e Puts two similar items together 2 times (e.g., picks up a matching toy) (O ) 5=M Matches any 10 identical item s (e.g., inset puzzles, toys, objects, o r pictures) (E) is u a l p e r c e p t u a l s k il l s a n d Skill m a t c h in g -t o -s a m p le — In d e p e n d e n t Play — L evel 1 (C o n t in u e d ) L evel 1 l-a Has a favorite comfort item that he might sleep with o r carry (e.g., a blanket, stuffed animal) (O ) l-b Reaches for objects of interest (e.g., keys, cup, ball) (O ) 1-c Transfers items from one hand to another (O ) l-d Looks at a toy when it is picked up by an adult (O ) l-M Manipulates and explores objects fo r 1 m inute (e.g., looks a t a toy, turns it over, presses buttons) (TO: 30 m in.) 2-a Points to a toy or object of interest (O ) 2-b Drops items to watch them fall, or demonstrates other interests in cause-and-effect (O ) 2-c Opens cupboard doors, toy boxes, or reaches in a toy container (O ) 2-d Repeats a play behavior that produces an auditory sound (e.g., squeezes toys, bangs items) (O ) 2-M Shows variation in play by independently interacting w ith 5 d iffe re n t item s (e.g., plays w ith rings, then a ball, then a block) (TO: 30 m in.) 3-a Brings a toy or object of interest to an adult (O ) 3-b Dumps containers of items on floor (O ) 3-c Transfers items in or out of a container (O ) 3-d Generalizes known play behaviors to a novei environment (O ) 3-e Carries toys or objects from one place to another (O ) 3~M Dem onstrates generalization by engaging in e xp lo ra to ry m ovem ent and playing w ith the toys in a novei environm ent fo r 2 m inutes (e.g., in a new playroom ) (TO : 30 m in.) 4-a Enters a playhouse or similar play structure w ithout adult verbal prompting (O ) 4-b Learns to w ork a toy correctly after an adult demonstrates its use (e.g., push buttons on a pop-up toy) (O ) 4-c Mands to an adult fo r assistance with an item (e.g., child holds up something he can’t open) (O ) 4-d Spontaneously dances when music is played (O ) 4-e Enjoys being pulled or pushed in a wagon, on a tricycle, or other toy vehicle (O ) 4-M Independently engages in m ovem ent play fo r 2 m inutes (e.g., swinging, dancing, rocking, jum ping, clim bing) (TO : 30 m in.) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level I M et M et 41 Task Analysis a n d Skills T rackin g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 mon ths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; Skill ( E ) - Either testing o r observation; In d e p e n d e n t P la y — ( T O ) - Timed observation L e v e l 1 ( C o n t in u e d ) 5-a Takes pieces of a set apart (e.g., Duplos, Bristle blocks) (O ) 5-b Spontaneously pulls and pushes items around (O ) 5-c Carries a large play object to a new location (e.g., a toy car garage) (O ) 5-d Emits sounds or words associated with toys (e.g., says vroom vroom with a car) (O ) 5-e Connects things or puts them together (e.g., a car on a track, Duplos) (O ) 5-M Independently engages in cause-and-effect play fo r 2 m inutes (e.g., dum ping containers, playing w ith pop-up toys, pulling toys, etc.) (TO: 30 m in.) Skill 42 ( O ) - O bservation; S o c ia l B e h a v io r a n d S o c ia l P l a y — L evel 1 l-a Smiles when hearing familiar voices 3 times (e.g., his mom or dad’s voice) (T O : 60 m in.) l-b Looks at the faces of familiar people at least 3 times (T O : 60 m in.) 1-c Orients towards or makes eye contact with familiar people 5 times (T O : 30 m in.) l-M Visually tracks and shows in terest in people’s m ovem ent a t least 5 tim es (TO : 30 min.) 2-a Smiles or laughs during physical play 5 times (E ) 2-b Participates and smiles in reciprocal social play 2 times (e.g., patty cake, peek-a-boo) (T) 2-c Seeks out adult attention using eye gaze, sounds, or gestures 3 times (e.g., pointing) (T O : 60 m in.) 2-M Ondicates th a t he wants to be held o r physically played w ith 2 tim es (e.g., climbs up on his m o m ’s lap) (TO : 60 m in.) 3-a Takes a desired item from an adult 3 times (e.g., takes a toy when offered) (T ) 3-b Reacts positively to being approached by other children 2 times (can be siblings) (O ) 3-c Responds to greetings from others with 2 seconds of eye contact 2 times (E ) 3-M Spontaneously looks (glanees) a t o th e r children 5 tim es (TO : 30 m in.) 4-a Approaches other children 2 times with an adult prompt (TO : 30 m in.) 4-b Appropriately stands close by other children in group activities 2 times (TO : 30 min.) 4-c Imitates a wave “ bye-bye” to others when prompted 2 times (E) 4-d Sits next to other children in group activities 2 times when prompted by an adult (O ) 4»M Spontaneously engages in parallel play near o th e r children fo r a to ta l o f 2 m inutes (e.g., sits in the sandbox near o th e r children) (TO: 30 m in.) 5-a Spontaneously follows another child 2 times (O) 5-b Spontaneously imitates the behavior of another child 2 times (O ) 5-c Laughs or smiles when others engage in silly, fun, or entertaining behavior 2 times (O ) 5-M Spontaneously follows peers o r im itate s th e ir m o to r behavior 2 tim es (e.g., follows a peer in to a playhouse) (TO : 30 min.) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level I M et M et Task Analysis an d S kills T rack in g : L evel I ( 0 - 1 8 months) (T ) = D ire c t testing; (O ) - O bservation; M Skill (E ) - Either testing o r observation; otor Im it a t io n — ( T O ) = Timed observation L evel 1 l-a Imitates mouthing movements 3 times (e.g., puckering lips, opening mouth) (O ) l-b Imitates 1 m otor movement of another person on demand (i.e., will imitate when asked) (T ) l-M Met Im itates 2 gross m o to r m ovem ents when p rom pted w ith , Do this (e.g., clapping, raising arm s) (T ) 2-a Imitates 2 actions with an object (e.g., pounding with a toy hammer, rolling a ball) (T ) 2-b Spontaneously imitates 2 different fun activities (e.g., peek-a boo, patty cake) (O ) 2-M Im itates 4 gross m o to r m ovem ents when prom pted w ith , Do this (T ) 3-a Imitates 2 fine m otor movements (e.g., wiggles fingers, opens and closes fist) (T ) 3-b Spontaneously imitates 2 gross m otor movements of another person (e.g., arms up) (O ) 3-c Imitates side-to-side body rocking (T ) 3-d Generalizes known imitation responses to 2 additional people (e.g., claps for 2 new adults) (T ) 3-M Im itates 8 m o to r movements, 2 o f which involve objects (e.g., shaking a maraca, tapping sticks tog e th e r) (T) 4-a Imitates pointing at people or objects (T ) 4-b Imitates transferring an object from one hand to another (T ) 4-c Imitates 5 actions that produce an outcome (e.g., pushing buttons on a pop-up toy) (T ) 4-d Imitates 2 head movements (e.g., nods yes and no) (T ) 4-M Spontaneously im itates the m o to r behaviors o f others on 5 occasions (O ) 5-a Imitates 5 different fine m otor movements (e.g., pokes clay with index finger, a pincer grasp) (T ) 5-b Imitates the gross m otor behavior of other children 2 times when prompted (e.g., running) (T ) 5-c Spontaneously imitates the behavior of others on 2 occasions (e.g., filling containers) (T ) 5-d Demonstrates generalization of 10 imitative responses to 3 new people (T ) 5-M Im itates 20 m o to r m ovem ents o f any type (e.g., fine m otor, gross m otor, im ita tio n w ith objects) (T ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Iracking: Level I 43 ( T ) = D ire c t testing; ( O ) - O b servatio n ; ( E ) = Eith er testing or ob servation; Mand — Slcill ( T O ) - Tim ed observation M et L evel 2 6-a Spontaneously emits 5 mands w ithout an object present and without verbal prompts (O ) 6-b Emits 10 different mands w ithout echoic o r imitative prompts — object can be present (E) 6-c Mands for 5 different missing items w ithout prompts (except a verbal prompt) (E) 6-d Generalizes 4 mands to 4 different people (E) 6-e Maintains a newly acquired mand for a missing item after 24 hours of no contact with the item (E) 6-M Mands fo r 20 different missing item s w ith o u t prom pts (except e.g., W hat do you need?) (e.g., mands fo r paper when given a crayon) (E) 7-a Mands 5 times with 2 words in a phrase or sentence (e.g., Drink juice.) (T O : 60 m in.) 7-b Mands for other individuals to emit 2 different actions with verbal prompts (e.g., go, spin) (E) 7-c Emits 2 mands to remove undesirable items or activities (O ) 7-d Demonstrates response generalization for two different mands (e.g., calls a filled cup both cup and drink; calls a dog both dog and Maggie) (O ) 7-e Mands contain varied intonation appropriate to both positive and negative MOs 5 times (O ) 7-f Mands for help or assistance 2 times (O ) 7-g Demonstrates a high frequency of manding (15 in a 5 minute period) (O ) 7-M Mands fo r others to e m it 5 d ifferen t actions o r missing actions needed to enjoy a desired a ctivity (e.g., open to get outside, push when on a swing) (E) 8-a Mands 5 times with 2 words in a phrase or sentence (T O : 60 m in.) 8-b Mands for information 2 times using what questions (e.g., What’s that?) (E) 8-c Mands with a pronoun 2 times (e.g., My train.That’s yours.) (O ) 8-d Mands occur with 3 different carrier phrases (e.g., 1 want... It’s my... Can /... That’s my...) (O ) 8-e Mands with yes and no 4 times (e.g., Do you want a ride?Yes.) (E) 8-f Mands for information 2 times using where questions (e.g., Where’s Elmo?) (E) 8-M Emits 10 different mands th a t contain 2 o r m ore words (n o t including / want) (e.g., Go fast. M y turn. Pour ju ice .) (TO: 60 m in.) 9-a Spontaneously emits 50 mands per day (can be with objects present, but without verbal prompts) (O ) 9-b Acquires 2 mands from tact or echoic only training (e.g., sees and tacts a live giraffe, and later mands to go back to see the giraffe) (O ) 9-c Mands for information 25 times using any type of question word (O ) 9-d Mands with an adjective 5 times (e.g., big chip, red car) (O ) 9-e Emits 5 mands in 30 seconds (e.g., during a game or fun activity such as water play) (T O : 30 sec.) 9-f Mands contain 3-word phrases 10 times (e.g., That’s my horse.) (O ) 9-M Spontaneously em its 15 differen t mands (e.g., Let’s play. Open. 1 w ant book.) (TO: 30 m in.) Comments/notes: 44 VB-MAPP Task Anal/sis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 Copyright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg Task Analysis an d Skills T ra c k in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 (T ) = D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; Mand — Skill L evel 2 (C o n t in u e d (T O ) = Timed observation ) 10-a Emits 2 new mands w ithout training (e.g., says / want hot cocoa without training) (O ) 10-b Demonstrates response generalization for 2 different mands (e.g., Get me. Chase me. Run.) (O ) 10-c Mands with an adjective 5 times ■— can use verbal and nonverbal prompts (O ) 10-d Mands for inforrnation 3 times using who questions (O ) 10-e Spontaneously mands for others to emit 20 different actions (e.g., Run. Go. Push me.) (O ) 10-f Spontaneously mands to novei and unfamiliar people 2 times (O ) 10-M Em its 10 new mands w ith o u t specific tra in in g (e.g., spontaneously says W h e re k it t y go? w ith o u t form al mand tra in in g) (O ) Tact — Skill months) M et M et L evel 2 6-a Tacts 4 different people, pets, or characters by their specific name (can include mama and dada) (T ) 6-b Tacts 2 actions when asked,for example, Whaî am 1 doing? (e.g.,jumping, clapping) (T ) 6-c Acquires a new tact in less than 20 training trials (T ) 6-d Tacts 5 items in a 15 second period (fluency) (T ) 6-M Tacts 25 item s when asked, W h a t’s th a t? (e.g., b o o k , shoe, car, dog, h a t) (T ) 7-a Tacts 3 body parts (e.g., nose, eyes, mouth) (T) 7-b Tacts 2 auditory stimuli (e.g., phone ringing, siren, dog barking) (T ) 7-c Spontaneously emits a tact containing two words for 5 different tacts (e.g., baby’s crying) (E) 7-d Tacts 2 different actions when asked What he doing? (e.g., drinking, swimming) (T ) 7-e Tacts 40 items when asked What’s that? (e.g., tree, bowl, sock, crayon, apple) (T ) 7-M Generalizes tacts across 3 examples o f 50 item s, o r fro m a list o f known generalizations (e.g., tacts 3 different cars) (T ) 8-a Tacts 2 tactile stimuli (e.g., says ball when feeling a ball in a bag) (T ) 8-b Tacts 5 noun-verb or verb-noun combinations (e.g., dog eating, rolling ball) (T ) 8-c Tacts two or more items from 10 different pages in a book when asked, What do you see here? (T ) 8-d Glances at a listener while tacting on 5 occasions (O ) 8-M Tacts 10 actions when asked, fo r example, W h a t a m 1 d oing ? (e.g .J u m p in g , sle e p in g , e a tin g ) (T ) 9-a Tacts 25 two-component noun-noun relations (e.g., paper and pencil; car and truck) (T ) 9-b Acquires a new tact in less than 15 training trials (T ) 9-c Spontaneously tacts items in a book, on TV, or in a video 5 times (e.g., Cinderella) (O ) 9-d Learns 2 new tacts w ithout direct training (e.g., untrained echoic to tact transfer) (T ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 45 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; Skill (O ) - O bservation; (E) Tact — L - Either testing o r observation; evel 2 (C o n t in u e d (T O ) - Timed observation ) 9-e Shows response generalization for 5 items (i.e., tacts the same stimulus with two different words teacher and Katie; cat and Garfield; dog and Maggie) (E) 9-M Tacts 50 tw o-com ponent verb-noun, o r noun-verb com binations, tested o r fro m a list o f known tw o-com ponent tacts (e.g., w a s h in g fa c e ,J oe sw in g in g , b a b y s le e p in g ) (T ) 10-a Tacts 10 actions (e.g., climbing, playing, coloring, swimming, washing) (E) 10-b Tacts 2 gustatory stimuli (e.g., tacts orange by tasting it) (E) 10-c Tacts 20 items in a 1 minute fluency test (T ) 10-d Tacts 2 different colors (e.g., red, blue) (E) 10-e Tacts 2 different shapes (e.g., circle, star) (E) M et 10-M Tacts 200 nouns and/or verbs (o r o th e r parts o f speech), tested o r fro m an accumulated list o f known tacts (T ) L is t e n e r R e s p o n d i n g — Skill L evel 2 6-a Selects the correct item from a messy array of 5, for 25 different items (e.g., book, car, dog, shoe) (T ) 6-b Acquires a new listener skill in less than 25 training trials (T ) 6-c Discriminates among 6 people, pets, or characters by name (e.g., Find Oscar.) (T ) 6-d Generalizes in a listener task across 3 examples of 25 different items (T ) 6-M Selects the co rre ct ite m fro m a messy array o f 6, fo r 40 d ifferen t objects o r pictures (e.g., F ind c a t.T o u c h b a ll.) (T ) 7-a Goes to 3 specified people on command (e.g., Go to Debbie) (T ) 7-b Points to a named item in a book for 5 items (e.g., Where’s the fire trude?) (T ) 7-c Selects 5 items in the natural environment on command (e.g., get the spoon, while at the table) (E) 7-d Spontaneously demonstrates (no prompts to respond) 5 listener skills in the natural environment (e.g., when someone in the room mentions the rocking horse, the child spontaneously goes to the horse) (O ) 7-M Generalizes listener discrim inations (LDs) in a messy array o f 8, fo r 3 different examples o f 50 item s (e.g., the child can find 3 examples o f a tra in ) (T ) 8-a Goes to 3 specified locations on command (e.g., Go to the kitehen. Show me your bedroom.) (T ) 8-b Selects the correct item from an array of 8 containing 2 similar stimuli (e.g., same color), for 20 items (T ) 8-c Selects an item when given the sound that the item makes for 5 items (e.g., barking: dog, siren: fire truck) (T ) 8-d Selects 2 items from an array of 8 for 5 sets of items (noun-noun) (e.g., Where’s the baby and the bottle?) (T ) 8-M Performs 10 specific m o to r actions on com m and (e.g., S h o w m e c la p p in g . C an y o u hop?) (T ) Comments/notes: 46 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months) ( T ) = D ire c t testing; suni 9-a ( O ) “ O bservation; L is t e n e r (T O ) - Timed observation (E ) - Either testing o r observation; R e s p o n d in g — L evel 2 (C o n t in u e d ) M et Acquires 2 new listener responses w ithout formal training (e.g., someone asks another person to turn on a light, and the child goes over to the light, and no one knew that she knew the word light) (O ) T -L Appropriately responds to 5 different gestures (e.g., finger to the lips fo r quiet, palm out for stop) (E) 9-c Demonstrates 3 specified actions to 3 different people (e.g., Hug Grandma. Give Laura a high-five.) (T ) 9-d Selects 2 targeted items from a scene, book, or natural environment for 20 sets of items (noun-noun) (e.g., Where’s the elephant and giraffe?) (T ) 9-M Follows 25 tw o-com ponent noun-verb and/or verb-noun instructions (e.g., Show me the baby sleeping. Push the swing.) (T ) 10-a Performs tw o consecutive actions for 10 different sets of actions (verb-verb) (e.g., Show me jumping and clapping.) (T ) 10-b Discriminates between 2 colors from an array of 4 different colored objects (T ) 10-c Discriminates between 2 shapes from an array of 4 different shapes (T ) 10-d Generalizes in a noun-verb listener task with a new object for 5 different actions (e.g., after receiving training on spinning and rolling a pencil.the child correctly spins and rolls a straw on the first trial) (T ) 10-e Generalizes in a noun-verb listener task with a new action for 5 objects (e.g., can spin any item) (T ) 10-M Selects the co rre ct ite m in a book, picture scene, o r natural environm ent when named fo r 250 item s, tested o r fro m an accum ulated list o f known words (T ) Skill V is u a l P e r c e p t u a l S k il l s a n d M a t c h i n g - t o - S a m p l e — L evel 2 6-a Connects 2 items or toys together (e.g., Duplos) (O ) 6-b Nests identical objects in a stack 2 times (e.g., bowls, cups, plates) (O ) 6-c Turns 2 pages in a book (E) 6-d Completes 3 different inset puzzles containing 3-4 pieces without prompts (E) 6-e Stacks 4 blocks w ithout help (O ) 6-f Matches identical objects or pictures in a neat array of 3, for 10 items (e.g., matches a hat to a hat) (T ) 6-g Matches identical objects or pictures that are different sizes in a messy array of 6, for 10 items (e.g., matches a big red ball to a little red ball) (T ) 6-h Places 5 items where they belong or in an appropriate context (e.g., puts a cup in the sink) (E) 6~M Matches identical objects o r pictures in a messy array o f 6, fo r 25 item s (T) 7-a Completes 5 different puzzles containing 6 or more pieces w ithout prompts (E) 7-b Matches identical objects o r pictures in a messy array of 8, fo r 25 objects (T ) 7-c Matches identical pictures that have different backgrounds in a messy array of 8, for 25 pictures (T ) 7-d Matches identical pictures (2D) to objects (3D) and vice versa, in a messy array of 8, for 10 pairs (e.g., matches a picture ofThomas theTrain to a toyThomas theTrain) (T ) 7-e Spontaneously matches 2 items together in play or other situations (e.g., picks up a Hulk figurine and selects a matching Hulk from a bin of figurines) (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 M et 47 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months) (T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) - O bservation ; V 7-f Completes identical matches in an array of 8, for 10 matches in less than 20 seconds (fluency) (T ) 7-M Sorts sim ilar colors and shapes fo r 10 different colors o r shapes given models (e.g., given red, blue, and green bowls and a pile o f red, blue, and green bears the child sorts the item s by co lo r) (T ) 8-a Generalizes to 5 new identical matching tasks without formal training (E) 8-b Matches identical objects or pictures to corresponding items in a book for 25 items (T ) 8-c Matches identical objects or pictures to corresponding items in the natural environment for 25 items (T ) 8-d Selects 3 non-identical, but associated, objects from a bin for 3 play activities (e.g.,grabs several farm animals from a bin containing other toys) (T ) 8-e Successfully assembles 5 parts of 5 connecting toys (e.g., Duplos, trains, Mr. Potato Head) (T ) 8-M Matches identical objects o r pictures in a messy array o f 8 containing 3 sim ilar stim uli, fo r 25 item s (e.g., matches a dog to a dog in an array th a t also contains a cat, a pig, and a pony) (T ) 9-a Matches different colored, but otherwise exactly the same, objects or pictures in a messy array of 8 for 25 items (e.g., a red Ford Mustang to a blue Ford Mustang) (T ) 9-b Matches non-identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 8 containing 2 similar stimuli, for 25 items (T ) 9-c Matches non-identical objects or pictures to corresponding items in a book for 25 items (T ) 9-d Matches non-identical objects or pictures to corresponding items in the natural environment for 25 items (T ) 9-e Demonstrates spontaneous funcţional matching-to-sample in the natural environment 2 times (e.g., finds a matching shoe) (T ) 9-M Matches non-identical objects o r non-identical pictures in a messy array o f 10, fo r 25 item s (e.g., matches a Ford tru c k to a Toyota tru c k ) (T ) 10-a Assembles, collects, or groups 5 different toys, characters, or items that go together (e.g., a tea set) (T ) 10-b Matches a picture of a body part to his own body part for 5 body parts (E) 10-c Matches a picture of an action to a non-identical picture of the same action for 10 actions (e.g., matches a picture of a girl swimming to a picture of a boy swimming in a different pool) (T ) 10-d Colors pictures in a coloring book although doesn’t always stay in the lines (T ) 10-e Matches 10 different items that are associated with each other (e.g., a shoe to a sock) (T ) 10-M Matches non-identical objects (3D ) to pictures (2D ) and/or vice versa, in a messy array o f 10 containing 3 sim ilar stim uli, fo r 25 item s (T ) and M a t c h in g -t o Comments/notes: 48 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 -S a m p l e — (T O ) - Timed observation S k iii is u a l P e r c e p t u a l S k il l s (E ) - Either testing o r observation; L evel 2 (C o n t in u e d ) M et Task Analysis a n d S kills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 (T ) = D ire c t testing; Skill ( O ) = O bservation ; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; In d e p e n d e n t P lay — months) (T O ) = Timed observation L evel 2 6-a Carries 2 or more toys while walking (O ) 6-b Independently plays with in-set puzzles for 1 minute (O ) 6-c Engages in sensory play for 2 minutes (e.g., scoops sand, or rice from a tray, plays in shaving cream) (O ) 6-d Splashes water and plays with objects in a swimming o r wading pool (O ) 6-e Plays with sets of toys that have multiple parts for 2 minutes (e.g., farm animals, form ball) (O ) 6-M Searches fo r a missing o r corresponding toy o r p a rt o f a set fo r S item s o r sets (e.g., a puzzle piece, a ball fo r a drop-in toy, a b o ttle fo r a baby doll) (E) 7-a Scribbles on a Magna Doodle, white board, o r paper (O ) 7-b Waits while an activity is being set up (O ) 7-c Independently plays for 2 minutes w ithout adult interaction (O ) 7-d Sorts or separates preferred toy items from others in a bin (e.g., pulls out the Thomas trains) (O ) 7-e Spontaneously imitates an adult’s use of objects (e.g., brushing hair) (O ) 7-M Independently dem onstrates the use o f toys o r objects according to th e ir function fo r 5 item s (e.g., placing a tra in on a track, pulling a wagon, holding a telephone to the ear) (O ) 8-a Independently plays on a playground fo r 2 minutes without adult prompts (O ) 8-b Observes, then imitates other children on play structures (e.g., going down a slide) (O ) 8-c Strings large beads, laces, or similar fine m otor leisure activities fo r 1 minute (O ) 8-d Plays with 2 toy sets as designed (e.g., hammer and tool bench set, kitchen set) (O ) 8-M Plays w ith everyday item s in creative ways 2 tim es (e.g., uses a bowl as a drum o r a box as an im aginary car) (O ) 9-a Mands to go to a playground o r play structure, or otherwise get access to play items he can’t independently obtain (e.g., mands to be lifted up to monkey bars) (O ) 9-b Completes 5 inset puzzles with 5 o r more pieces (O ) 9-c Repeatedly plays with specific components of a play structure (e.g.,goes down a slide several times, goes back and forth on a rope bridge) (O ) 9-d Spontaneously kicks a ball forward (O ) 9-M Independently engages in play on structures and playground equipm ent fo r a to ta l o f 5 m inutes (e.g., going down a slide, swinging) (TO: 30 min.) 10-a Plays with toy sets as designed (e.g., birthday set, tea set) (O ) M et 10-b Allows others to play in close proximity (O ) -. _. . 1 10-c Demonstrates interest in a peer’s completed project (e.g., a sand castle, Lego structure) (O ) 10-d Mands to peers to not disturb his structure or toy assembly (O ) 10-e Improvises when parts are missing (e.g., still plays with a car that is missing a wheel) (O ) 10-f Helps to pick up toys after an activity with adult prompts (O ) 10-M Assembles toys th a t have m u ltip le parts fo r 5 different sets o f m aterials (e.g., Mr. Potato Head, L ittle People sets, Cooties bugs, Kid K’N ex) (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 49 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months) (T) 50 - D ire c t testing; VB-MAPP (O ) = O bservation; (E ) - Either testing o r observation; Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 (T O ) = Timed observation Task Analysis an d Skills T ra c k in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 ( T ) ~ D ire c t testing; ( O ) - O bservation; M sk iii (E ) - Either testing o r observation; otor Im it a t io n — months) (T O ) = I imed observation L evel 2 6-a Imitates blowing 2 times (e.g., bubbles, candles, balloons) (T ) 6-b Imitates 5 common gestures (e.g., shrugging shoulders, thumbs up, finger to closed lips) (E) 6-c Imitates turning a page in a book (T ) 6-d Imitates 5 actions with a specific object selected from an array of 2 (e.g., imitates hugging puppy from an array of a doll and a puppy) (T ) 6-e Imitates pulling 5 different items apart (e.g., Duplos, Kid K’Nex, lids on containers) (T ) 6-M Im itates 10 actions th a t require selecting a specific object fro m an array (e.g., selects a drum stick from an array also containing a horn and a beli, and im itates an adult’s drum m ing) (T) 7-a Imitates 3 play behaviors in the natural environment (e.g., pushing a car down a ramp) (T ) 7-b Imitates 5 two-step behaviors (e.g., touch head and touch shoulders) (E) 7-c Spontaneously imitates a behavior observed on aTV or video (e.g., dancing, hopping) (O ) 7-d Imitates 5 facial expressions (e.g., kissing, opening mouth, shutting eyes, scrunching nose) (T ) 7-e Maintains a newly acquired imitative behavior after 24 hours without training (T ) 7-f Imitates a new behavior correctly on the first trial (E) 7-g Imitates 5 examples of finger play (e.g., pretend walking on two fingers, finger dancing) (T ) 7-M Im itates 20 different fine m o to r actions when prom pted, Do this (e.g., wiggling fingers, pinching, m aking a fist, m aking a b u tte rfly ) (T ) 8-a Imitates 5 actions in a 10-second fluency test (T ) 8-b Imitates drawing a circle on 2 occasions (T ) 8-c Imitates 5 pretend play activities (e.g., a monster, pouring tea, shooting spider webs) (T ) 8-d Spontaneously imitates 5 fine m otor arts and crafts activities (e.g., cutting, pasting, drawing) (O ) 8-e Acquires 5 new listener skills through transfer of control from imitation to listener (e.g., the child learns to cast a toy fishing pole by first being shown how, then told how) (T ) 8-f Imitates other children during daily activities on 2 occasions (e.g., lining up, pulling a wagon) (O ) 8-g Repeats a fun behavior previously observed (delayed imitation) (e.g., squirting water) (T ) 8-M Im itates 10 different three-com ponent sequences o f actions when p rom pted, Do this (e.g., clapping, jum ping, touching toes; pick up a doll, place her in a crib and rock the crib) (T ) 9-a Imitates a socio-dramatic play activity modeled by peers on 2 occasions (T ) 9-b Spontaneously imitates 5 behaviors in a group activity (e.g., sits when other children sit) (O ) 9-c Imitates 10 two-component actions (e.g., pretend pouring and drinking) (E) 9-d Imitates the same behavior going fast and slow for 5 behaviors (e.g., arms up fast then slow) (T ) 9-M Spontaneously im itates 5 funcţional skills in the natural e nvironm ent (e.g., eating w ith a spoon, p u ttin g on a coat, rem oving shoes) (O ) M et Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 51 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 months) (T ) - D ire c t testing; ( O ) - O bservation; M Skill otor Im (E ) = Either testing o r observation; it a t io n — L evel 2 (C o n t in u e d ( T O ) " Timed observation Met ) 10-a Imitates building items or the construction of a toy set (e.g., Legos, a train set, Lincoln Logs) (E) 10-b Imitates 5 sequences of multi-step funcţional self-care skills (e.g., brushing teeth, washing face, putting on shoes) (E) 10-c Imitates 5 funcţional activities of daily living skills (e.g., setting the table, sweeping the floor) (E) 10-d Demonstrates delayed imitation of adult behavior in pretend play (e.g., driving a car, typing) (O ) 10-e Imitates 50 different m otor behaviors on command (E) 10-M Im itates (o r a tte m p ts to w ith approxim ations) any novei m o to r action m odeled by an adult w ith and w ith o u t objects (i.e., a “ generalized im ita tive re p e rto ire ” ) (T ) skill L is t e n e r R e s p o n d i n g b y F u (N ote n c t io n : T h is , Feature, & C s e c t io n b e g in s a t lass (LRFFC) — L evel 2) 6-M Selects an animal o r object fro m an array o f 3, fo r 5 d ifferen t sounds made by the corresponding item s (e.g., Meow says o... Toot, too t goes the...) (T ) 7-a Selects an item from an array of 5, for 5 different fill-in statements (e.g., Vou steep in a...) (T ) 7-b Selects an item from an array of 5, for 5 different song fill-ins corresponding with the items (e.g., The wheels on the...) (T ) 7-c Generalizes 10 known LRFFC responses to different tones of voice, volumes, prosody, etc. (T ) 7-M L evel 2 Selects 5 different foods o r drinks when each are presented in an array o f 5 (along w ith 4 non-food o r non-drink item s) and asked the verbal fill-ins, You eot... and You d rin k ... (T ) 8-a Selects an item from an array of 6 for 5 different spoken associated words (e.g., shoes and...) (T ) 8-b Selects an item from an array of 6 for 10 fill-in function statements (e.g., You draw with a...) (T ) 8-c Correctly responds to 5 previously acquired LRFFCs when the phrase is reversed (e.g., shoes and... vs. socks and...) (T ) 8-d Generalizes 10 known LRFFC responses to 2 new people (E) 8-e Demonstrates 10 known LRFFC responses in the natural environment (e.g., Get something to draw with.) (E) 8-M Selects the correct ite m fro m an array o f 8, fo r 25 different LRFFC fill-in statements o f any type (e.g., You s it o n o...) (T ) 9-a Selects an item from an array of 8, for 10 fill-in class statements (e.g., A kind o f animal is a...) (T ) 9-b Selects an item from an array of 8, for 10 fill-in feature statements (e.g.,You find wheels on a...) (T ) 9-c Selects an item from an array of 8, for 10 different what questions (e.g., What do you eat?) (T ) 9-d Selects an item from an array of 8, for 10 different LRFFC which questions (e.g., Which one can fly?) (T ) 9-e Selects a person o r animal from an array of 8 for 10 different LRFFC who questions (e.g., Who puts out fires?) (T ) 52 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 (T ) = D ire c t testing; L is t e n e r (O ) - O bservation; R e s p o n d in g b y F u (E ) = Either testing o r observation; n c t io n (C Skill , Feature, & C o n t in u e d lass months) (T O ) - I imed observation (L R F F C ) — L evel 2 ) M et 9-f Generalizes 10 known LRFFC responses to new carrier phrases w ithout training (e.g., Hey! Do you see a...) (E) 9-g Emits 10 known LRFFC responses in an array of 10 in less than 1 minute (fluency) (T ) 9-M Selects the correct ite m from an array o f 10 (o r fro m a book), fo r 25 different verb-noun LRFFC w h a t, w h ic h , o r w h o questions (e.g., W h a t d o y o u ride? W h ic h o n e barl<s? W h o cari hop?) (T ) 10-a Demonstrates LRFFC array generalization with 3 examples (e.g.,When asked, Which one is an animal? the child selects a cow, then on the next trial selects a horse, etc.), fo r 25 items (E) 10-b Demonstrates LRFFC verbal generalization with 3 verbal variations for the same item (e.g., What do you ride in? What has wheels? What does your Daddy drive?), for 25 items (E) 10-c Selects an item from an array of 10, for 10 different LRFFC where questions (e.g., Where’s the miik?) (T ) 10-d Selects 3 members of a class from an array of 10, for 10 different classes (e.g,,Find some dothing.) (T ) 10-e Selects 50 items from a book o r natural environment given any type o f LRFFC task (T ) 10-f Generalizes to 25 novei 2-component LRFFC tasks w ithout training (e.g., Find a red fruit.) (E) 10-g Spontaneously emits 5 LRFFC responses (e.g.,gets a broom after hearing, There’s dirt on the floor.) (O ) 10-M Spontaneously tacts the ite m on 50% o f the LRFFC tria ls (e.g., says d o g given the verbal statem ent, F ind a n a n im a l, and a visual array containing a picture o f a dog) (E) Skill In tr a ve r b al — (N ote: T h is s e c t io n L evel Sta r t s at Met 2 L evel 2) 6-a Provides the sound made by 2 animals o r objects (e.g., A dog says... A horn goes...) (T ) 6-b Gives 2 animal names when given the sounds they make (e.g., Meow says a...) (T ) 6-c Completes 5 different song fill-ins (e.g., The wheels on the...Twinkle, twinlde little...) (T ) 6-d Completes 2 different verbal fill-ins involving fun activities (e.g., Peek-a-... Ready, set...) (T ) 6-M C om pletes 10 different fill-in-the-blank phrases o f any type (e.g., song fill-ins, social games and fun fill-ins, animal o r o bject sounds) (T ) 7-a Completes 5 different in-context fill-ins (e.g., You sleep in your... while at his bed) (T ) 7-b Correctly responds to 5 in-context fill-ins when they are reversed (e.g., In your bed you go to...) (T ) 7-c Completes 5 different out of context fill-in-the-blank phrases (e.g., You wash your...) (T ) 7-d Generalizes 10 known intraverbal responses to a different adult and setting (E) 7-M Provides first name when asked, W h a t is y o u r n am e? (T ) Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 53 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 mo nths ) (T ) - D ire c t testing; Skill (O ) = O bservation; (E ) - Either testing o r observation; INTRAVERBAL — (T O ) - Timed observation LEVEL 2 (C O N T IN U E D ) 8-a Completes 2 eat and 2 d rink classification fill-ins (e.g., You eat...You drink...) (T) 8-b Completes 5 different noun-noun association fill-in-the-blank phrases (e.g., m om m y and...) (T ) 8-c Completes 5 song fill-ins with 2 or more words (e.g., Old M cDonald... had a farm ) (E) 8-d Generalizes 10 intraverbal responses to new carrier phrases (e.g., We bounce a... Let’s bounce a...) (E) 8-M Com pletes 25 different fill-in-the-blank phrases (n o t including songs) (e.g., You eat...You sleep in a... Shoes and...) (T ) 9-a Completes 10 different verb-noun fill-in-the-blank phrases (e.g., You ride the...You play in...) (T ) 9-b Spontaneously emits (no additional verbal prompts) 2 intraverbal responses (O ) 9-c Answers 10 different w hat questions with a verb as the primary SD(e.g., W h a t do you brush ?) (T ) 9-d Answers 10 different w hat questions with a noun as the primary SD(e.g., W h a t’s in the barn ?) (T ) 9-e When asked W h a t do you eat (or d rin k)! provides 2 or more members of each category (T ) 9-f Provides 5 novei responses to previously acquired questions (response generalization) (e.g., when asked to name an animal the child answers bear for the first time w ithout receiving training on bear) (T) 9-M Answers 25 different w h a t questions (e.g., W hat do you brush?) (T ) 10-a Answers 5 different where questions (e.g., W here are your videos?) (T ) 10-b Answers 5 different who questions (e.g., W ho is your teacher ?) (T ) 10-c Demonstrates 2 untrained intraverbal responses (e.g., responds flower when someone says daisy) (T ) 10-d Answers 10 different class questions (e.g., W h a t animals do you like? W h a t toys do you like?) (T) 10-e Answers both color and name questions about 10 visible items (e.g., W h a t is it? W h a t color is it?) (T ) 10-f Answers 10 different function questions (e.g., W h a t do you do with a toothbrush?) (T) 10-g Spontaneously emits 5 intraverbal-mands (e.g., Dad says It’s hot. and the child says Let’s go swimming.) (E) 10-M Answers 25 d ifferent who o r where questions (e.g., Whose your friend? Where is your pillow?) (T ) Comments/notes: | 54 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 M et . Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 mo nths ) (T ) - D ire c t testing; Slcill (O ) = O bservation; C lassro o m (N (E ) = Either testing o r observation; R o u t in e s ote: T an d h is s e c t io n G roup S k il l s — L (T O ) - Timed observation evel 2 M et St a r t s a t L e v e l 2 ) 6-a Adjusts to separation from parents (e.g., does not cry when parents leave) (O ) 6-b Sits at a snack or lunch table when physically prompted for 1 minute (O ) 6-c Lines up with other children when physically prompted (O ) 6-d Demonstrates general compliance for all classroom aides (O ) 6 -M Sits at a group snack o r lunch table w ith o u t negative behavior fo r 3 m inutes (O ) 7-a Does not attempt to move away from a peer when seated next to him (O ) 7-b Puts away personal items (e.g., coat, backpack, lunch box) with gestural and verbal prompts (O ) 7-c Goes to and sits at a table with other children with only verbal prompts (O ) 7-d Cooperates with hand washing with physical assistance (O ) 7-e Does not.engage in negative behavior toward a peer when seated next to him (O ) 7 -M Puts away personal item s, lines up, and comes to a table w ith only 1 verbal p ro m p t (O ) 8-a Goes to a circle group and sits with only verbal prompts (O ) 8-b Goes to and sits at a table or w ork station with only verbal prompts (O ) 8-c Waits while seated at a table, w ithout touching materials, until allowed to do so (O ) 8-d Sits in a circle group for 2 minutes w ithout disruptive behavior or prompts to remain seated (O ) 8=M Transitions between classroom activities w ith no m ore than 1 gestural o r verbal p ro m p t (O ) 9-a Comes inside after recess with only verbal prompts (O ) 9-b Participates in group movement and song activities with only verbal prompts (e.g., Ring Around the Rosy, Duck-Duck Goose, Hokey Pokey) (O ) 9-c Imitates group activities with objects (e.g., tapping sticks together, shaking a maraca) (O) 9-d Sings songs with the group with only verbal prompts (e.g., Head, shoulders, knees and toes) (O ) 9-M Sits in a small group fo r 5 m inutes w ith o u t disruptive behavior o r a tte m p tin g to leave the group (O ) 10-a Takes tray or dishes to the sink and puts items in the garbage, with only verbal prompts (O) 10-b Gets lunch with only verbal prompts (O ) 10-c Puts away backpack, lunch box, or coat upon entering the classroom with group prompts (E) 10-d Gets out and opens most snack/lunch items independently (O ) 10-e Verbally responds in a group setting 2 times during a 5 minute session (O ) 10-f Imitates peers doing a song o r activity in a group setting 2 times in a 5 minute session (O) 10-g W ill sit on the toilet w ithout negative behavior when prompted, but may not eliminate (O ) 10-M Sits in a small group fo r 10 minutes, attends to the teacher o r m aterial fo r 50% o f the period, and responds to 5 o f a teacher’s SDs (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 _ • . 55 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 2 ( 1 8 - 3 0 m o n th s ) ( Ţ ) = D ire c t testing; ( O ) = O bservation; (E ) - Either testing o r observation; L in g u is t ic S t r u c t u r e — Skill (N o t e : T h is s e c t io n Sta r t s at L evel (T O ) s Tim ed observation 2 L evel 2) 6-M The child’s articu la tion o f 10 tacts can be understood by fa m ilia r adults who cannot see the ite m tacted (T ) 7-a Uses recognizable words more frequently than jargon (O ) 7-b Emits 2-3 word carrier phrases w ith o u t“ understanding” each word (e.g., It’s a cat. Go for a ride?) (O ) 7-c Has a total speaker vocabulary size of 50 words (all verbal operants except echoic) (E) 7-M Has a to ta l listener vocabulary o f 100 words (e.g., Touch nose.Jump. Find keys.) (T ) 8-a Emits 2-word mands for recurrence (e.g., more tickle ) (E) 8-b Emits 2-word noun-verb or verb-noun mands or tacts (e.g., Pour juice. Baby crying.) (E) 8-c Adjusts volume of voice on command (e.g., whispers and uses loud voice) (O ) 8-d Echoes 10 different rhythms, intonations, or pitches (O ) 8-M Emits 10 different 2-word utterances per day o f any type except echoic (e.g., mand, ta c t) (O ) 9-a Consistently emits the iniţial consonants of words (O ) 9-b Emits 2-word rnands fo r possession (e.g., M y cookie.That’s mine.) (E) 9-c Emits 2-word mands o r tacts for location (e.g., Come here.There’s Thomas.) (E) 9-d Emits 2-word mands fo r negation or refusal (e.g., N o Barney. N o shoes. N o more.) (O ) 9-e Combines 2 words to make a novei word or phrase (e.g., Ad/ss Betty) (O ) 9-M Emits funcţional prosody (i.e., rhythm , stress, in to n a tio n ) on 5 occasions in one day (e.g., puts emphasis o r stress on certain words a t a ppropriate tim es such as, I t ’s M IN E !) (O ) 10-a Echoes most words o r approximations to words on command (generalized echoic repertoire) but still has articulation errors (E) 10-b Strangers can understand at least 50% of the words emitted by the child (E) 10-c Emits a total listener vocabulary size of 400 words (E) 10-d Emits a mean length of utterance (MLU) of 2 1/2 morphemes (e.g., Push car. W here m om m y go?) (E) 10-M Has a to ta l speaker vocabulary o f 300 words (all verbal operants except echoic) (E) Comments/notes: 56 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 2 Met Task Analysis an d S kills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 mo nths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation ; Skiii (E ) “ Either testing o r observation; M and — (T O ) - I imed observation L evel 3 M et 1l-a Mands to peers 5 times (O ) 1l-b Spontaneously mands for attention 5 times (e.g., Teacher! Hey! Excuse m e.) ( O ) 1l-c The child emits 100 or more different mands in a one week period (T O : 1 w eek) 1l-d Mands contain 3-word phrases 10 times (e.g., Can 1 see?) (O ) 1l-e Mands for a specific quantity of reinforcers 2 times (e.g., two gum m y bears ) (O ) 1l-M Spontaneously mands fo r d iffe re n t verbal inform ation using a W H question o r question w ord 5 tim es (e.g., W hat’s your name? Where do 1 go?) (TO: 60 m in.) 12-a Mands to remove an aversive item o r activity 2 times (e.g., Let go. Give it back.) (E) 12-b Mands for others to perform a two-step action 2 times (e.g., Come here and watch me.) ( O ) 12-c Says please and thank you with indirect adult verbal prompts (e.g., W h a t do you say?) (E) 12-d Demonstrates MO generalization by asking for 2 different reinforcers with the same words (e.g., when wanting attention saying le t’s draw, and when wanting to get out of w ork saying le t’s draw) (O ) 12-e Mands for others to participate in an activity 2 times (e.g., Come play. H elp dig.) ( O ) 12-M Politely mands to stop an undesirable a ctivity o r remove any aversive MO under 5 different circumstances (e.g., Please stop pushing me. No thank you. Excuse me, can you move?) (E) 13-a Spontaneously mands to use the bathroom 2 times (O ) 13-b Mands for others to attend to his own nonverbal behavior 2 times (e.g., watch me) ( O ) 13-c Mands for others to attend to some aspect of the environment 2 times (e.g., Look, it’s a truck.) ( O ) 13-d Mands with 2 different adjectives (e.g., 1 w ant the red gum my bear.) (O ) 13-e Mands with 2 different prepositions (e.g., Put it in the house.) (O ) 13-f Mands with 2 different adverbs (e.g., Slow down.) (O ) 13-M Mands w ith 10 different adjectives, prepositions, o r adverbs (e.g., M y crayon is broken. D on’t take it out. Go fast.) (T O : 60 m in.) 14-a Mands for sympathy or other emoţional support 2 times (e.g., H e ’s mean.) (O ) 14-b Mands for others to deliver a specific object to another person 2 times (e.g., Give it to Sarah .) (E) 14-c Mands for instructions for completing a task 2 times (e.g., W here does it go? H ow do 1 do it?) (O ) 14-d Spontaneously mands with 3 different major parts of speech (e.g., noun-verb-adjective) in one sentence 2 times (e.g., Push the big bike fast.) ( O ) 14-M Gives directions, instructions, o r explanations as to how to do som ething o r how to p articipate in an activity S tim e s (e.g., You p u t the glue on flrst, then stick it.You sit here while 1 get a book.) (O) Comments/notes: Copyright © 2008 M ark L Sundberg VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 57 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 m on ths ) (T ) = D ire c t testing; Skill (O ) = O bservation; M and (E) - Either testing o r observation; — L evel 3 (C o n t in u e d (T O ) - Timed observation ) 15-a Mands contain 5 word phrases or sentences 10 times (TO : 60 m in.) 15-b Mands for information about future events 2 times (e.g., W hen are we going to the party?) (O ) 15-c Mands for attention to a private event 2 times (e.g., M y stomach h u rts .) (O ) 15-d Mands for information 5 times using why questions (O ) 15-e Mands for information 5 times using how questions (O ) 15-M M et Mands fo r others to attend to his own intraverbal behavior 5 tim es (e.g., Listen to me... H I te ii you... Here’s w hat happened... I’m tellin g the story...) (O ) Skill Tact — L evel 3 1l-a Tacts 2 olfactory stimuli (e.g., cookies, popcorn, flowers ) (E) 1l-b Acquires 5 new tacts in a week w ithout direct training (E) 1l-c Tacts 2 people (not family members) by their first names (E) 1l-d Tacts 5 categories or classes (e.g., animals, drinks, toys) (T ) 1l-e Tacts 5 locations (e.g., kitchen, bedroom, playground, grandm a’s house ) (T ) 1l-f Tacts 25 items and/or activities with yes and no (e.g., Are these your shoes? Is her name Becky?) (part intraverbal because of adding a verbal S to the task) (T ) M-g Tacts the function of 25 items (e.g., Show the child a crayon and ask W h a t do you do with this ?) (part intraverbal) (T) 1l-h Tacts 2 specific features o r parts of 25 items or people (e.g., wheels and doors on a car) (E) 1l-i Generalization occurs to new examples of an item o r action on the first trial, for 5 items (E) II-M Tacts the color, shape, and function o f 5 objects (15 tria ls) when each object and question is presented in a m ixed o rd e r (e.g., W hat color is the refrigerator? W hat shape is the valentine? W hat do you do w ith the ball?) (This is p a rt ta c t and p a rt intraverbal) (T ) 12-a Tacts the class of 25 items (e.g., an adult points to a dog and says A dog is an...) (part intraverbal) (T ) 12-b Tacts what’s wrong or missing from 10 pictures o r objects (e.g., a face without a nose) (T ) 12-c Tacts the class and function of 10 items (e.g., show the child a cookie and say, W h a t do you do with this? And then say to him,A cookie is a type of...) (part intraverbal) (T ) 12-d Tacts 2 prepositional relations (e.g., W here is Oscar? the garbage can ) (part intraverbal) (T ) 12-e Tacts people with 2 different pronouns (e.g., W ho has the hat on? do) (part intraverbal) (T) 12-f Spontaneously tacts the function, feature, or class of an item fo r 5 items (e.g., That goes in the sw im m ing pool.) (O ) 12-g Generalizes feature, function, and class tacting to 10 new members of each set (e.g., after training cow, bird, and monkey as animals, the child tacts a bear as an anim al on the first trial) (T) 12-M Tacts 4 different prepositions (e.g., in, out, on, under) and 4 pronouns (e.g., 1, you, me, mine) (E) Comments/notes: 58 VB-MAPP Task Anal/sis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis and S kills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) = D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; s k iii Tact — 13-a Tacts people by gender using 4 different terms (girl, boy, mari, woman) (T ) 13-b Spontaneously tacts the behavior of others 2 times (e.g., H e ’s crying.) (O ) 13-c Tacts 2 pairs of relative adjectives (e.g., big and little; tong and short) (part intraverbal if questions such as W h a t size is this? are used) (T ) 13-d Spontaneously tacts with 2 different adjectives (O ) 13-e Spontaneously tacts with 2 different adverbs (O ) 13-f Spontaneously tacts possession of items 2 times (e.g., mine, yours) (O ) 13-M Tacts 4 different adjectives, excluding colors and shapes (e.g., big, little , long, short) and 4 adverbs (e.g., fast, slow, quietly, gently) (E) 14-a Tacts people by relationship using 4 different terms (e.g., sister, brother, grandm other, uncie ) (part intraverbal if questions are used) (E) 14-b Tacts 5 adjective-noun combinations in a complete sentence (e.g., That is a big dog.) (E) 14-c Tacts 5 verb-adverb combinations in a complete sentence (e.g., H e is singing loud.) (E) 14-d Tacts 5 preposition-noun combinations in a complete sentence ( The dog’s in the house.) (E) 14-e Tacts 5 subject-verb-noun combinations in a complete sentence (e.g., The g irl is pulling the wagon.) (T ) 14-M Tacts w ith com plete sentences containing 4 o r m ore words, 20 tim e s (E) 15-a Tacts 3 emoţional States of seif o r others (e.g., sad, happy, mad) (part intraverbal if questions such as H o w do you feel ? are used) (E) 15-b Tacts 5 frequently used gestures that have a verbal function (e.g., pinching their nose for a bad smell, finger over the lips for quiet, thumbs up for a good job, a fake yawn for being tired) (T ) 15-c Tacts 5 community helpers (e.g., policeman, fireman, nurse, doctor, garbage m an) (T ) 15-d Tacts with 2 different negation words 5 times (e.g., That’s not a cat.) (T ) 15-e Tacts 5 social, community, or group events (e.g., parade, party, emergency) (T ) 15-f Spontaneously tacts 2 different social circumstances (e.g., They are busy.They are arguing.) (O ) 15-g Spontaneously emits untrained tacts in sentences containing at least 5 words, 5 times (O ) 15-M Has a to ta l ta c t vocabulary o f 1000 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), tested o r fro m an accumulated list o f Icnown tacts (T ) L S kill is t e n e r L evel 3 (C (T O ) = Timed observation o n t in u e d R e s p o n d in g — ) L evel 3 11-a Puts 5 specified items where they belong (e.g., Put the hairbrush away.) (T ) 1l-b Discriminates among 4 colors in an array of 4 different colored objects (T ) 11-c Discriminates among 4 shapes in an array of 4 different shapes (T ) 1l-d Discriminates between 2 different prepositions (e.g., in, on, under) (T ) 11-e Discriminates between seif and others given a pronoun (e.g., your, my) (T ) M et M et Comments/notes: VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 59 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 mo nths ) (T) = D ire c t testing; s k iii ( O ) = O bservation; (E) - Either testing o r observation; L is t e n e r R e s p o n d i n g — L evel 3 (C o n t in u e d (T O ) - Tim ed observation ) i i-f Selects two different colors or shapes from an array of 8 for 10 pairs (e.g., G/ve me red and blue.) (T ) 1 l-M Selects item s by color and shape fro m an array o f 6 sim ilar stim uli, fo r 4 colors and 4 shapes (e.g., Find the red car. Find the square cracker.) (T ) 12-a Follows instructions to take an item to 5 different locations (e.g., Take the tray to the sink .) (T ) 12-b Goes to 5 different locations and retrieves specific objects (e.g., Go to the kitchen and get a cup.) (T ) 12-c Selects items from an array of similar stimuli based on an adjective (e.g., Touch the little bird?) (T ) 12-d Discriminates between the genders for girl and boy and man and woman (e.g., W h e re ’s the girl?) (T ) 12-e Discriminates between males and females given a pronoun (e.g.,he and she ) (T ) 12-f Demonstrates actions modified by 2 different adverbs (e.g., W alk slow.W alk fast.) (T ) 12-M Follows 2 instructions involving 6 d ifferent prepositions (e.g., Stand behind the chair.) and 4 differen t pronouns (e.g., Touch my ear.) (T ) 13-a Demonstrates 3 pretend emotions on command (e.g., Show me a sad face. M ake a happy face.) (T ) 13-b Identifies (LDs) 10 items based on a subject, adjective, and noun (e.g., Show m e the g irl’s red hair.) (T ) 13-c Performs 10 actions based on a subject, preposition, and noun (e.g., Put the horse on the barn .) (T ) 13-d Identifies (LDs) 10 items based on a verb, pronoun, and noun (e.g., Brush his hair.) (T) 13-e Generalizes a pronoun and a preposition to a new situation (e.g., uses his correctly with a new friend) (T ) 13-M Selects item s fro m an array o f sim ilar stim uli based on 4 pairs o f relative adjectives (e.g., big -little , long-short) and dem onstrates actions based on 4 pairs o f relative adverbs (e.g., quiet-loud, fast-slow) (T ) 14-a Performs 10 actions based on a subject, verb, and adverb (e.g., Show me the frog ju m p in g high.) (T ) 14-b Performs 10 actions based on a subject, adjective, and verb (e.g., Show me the big bear dancing.) (T ) 14-c Discriminates among 6 community helpers by category (e.g., nurse, doctor, mailman, bus driver) (T ) 14-d Correctly responds to 10 tasks involving “ one” vs.“ tw o ” vs.“ all” of something (T ) 14-M Follows 3-step directions fo r 10 d ifferent directions (e.g., Get your coat, hang it up, and sit down.) (T ) 15-a Discriminates among items given negation words for 10 tasks (e.g., W hich one is not a food?) (T ) 15-b Discriminates 5 attributes of peers in a small group (e.g., W h o is wearing blue shoes?W ho has red hair? W ho is wearing glasses?) (T ) 60 15-c Correctly responds to 10 singular vs. plural tasks (e.g., Touch the dog. vs. Touch the dogs.) (T ) 15-d Generalizes 5 adjectives to new nouns (e.g., says, Sticky fly s tu ff when first encounters a fly trap) (T ) 15-e Generalizes 5 adverbs to new verbs (e.g., says, Lava moves slow when first encountering lava) (T ) 15-M Has a to ta l listener re p e rto ire o f 1200 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), tested o r fro m an accum ulated list o f known words (T ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) s D ire c t testing; skiii V (O ) = O bservation; is u a l (E ) = Either testing o r observation; P e r c e p t u a l S k il l s and M a t c h in g (TO ) - Timed observation - t o -S a m p l e — L evel 3 1l-a Completes 5 different interlocking puzzles with 10 pieces (T ) 1l-b Completes a 4-component block design with a 2D sample and 3D blocks for 4 designs (T ) 1l-c Uses glue to make things stick together w ithout physical prompts 2 times (T ) 1l-d Matches a picture of a location to a non-identical picture of the same location for 10 locations (e.g., matches one playground to another non-identical playground) (T ) 1 l-M Spontaneously matches any p a rt o f an arts and crafts a ctivity to another person’s sample 2 tim es (e.g., a peer colors a balloon red and the child copies the peer’s red color fo r his balloon) (O ) 12-a Sorts 5 related items from 3 different categories with a sample (e.g., pulls all the vehicles out of a bin of toys) (T ) 12-b Matches non-identical items with a 5 second delay to the comparison in a messy array of 6 (e.g., show the child a tiger, then remove the tiger, wait 5 seconds, and present the array) (T ) I2-c Completes a 6-component block design with a 2D sample and 3D blocks for 8 designs (T ) 12-d Matches a 3D block design with 4 blocks (e.g., a house.tower) (T ) 12-M D em onstrates generalized non-identical m atching in a messy array o f 10 w ith 3 sim ilar stim uli, fo r 25 item s (i.e., matches new item s on the firs t tria l) (T ) 13-a Uses scissors to cut out 5 different patterns or items without physical prompts (T ) 13-b Sets a table for two people with 6 dishes and utensils (T ) 13-c Place 3 sets of items in order by size (seriation) (T ) 13-d Imitates a model block structure or similar assembly of objects with at least 6 parts (T ) 13-M C om pletes 20 different block designs, parquetry, shape puzzles, o r sim ilar tasks w ith at least 8 d ifferent pieces (T ) 14-a Successfully completes a human figure puzzle with at least 6 parts (T ) 14-b Matches 25 items that are associated with each other in a messy array of 6 with 3 similar stimuli (T ) 14-c Completes 10 different seriation tasks (i.e., part-to-whole, small-to-large, etc.) (T ) 14-d Plays a short “ concentration” or memory game with identical pictures (T ) 14-M Sorts 5 item s fro m 5 differen t categories w ith o u t a model (e.g., animals, clothing, fu rn itu re ) (T ) 15-a Completes an A-B pattern for 5 different color or shape patterns (T ) 15-b Completes an A-B pattern for 5 different picture patterns (T ) 15-c Places 3 pictures in the correct sequential order for 5 sets (T ) 15-d Constructs 5 felt (or similar material) scenes with 5 parts (e.g., farm, party) (T ) 15-M Continues 20 three-step patterns, sequences, o r seriation tasks (e.g., star, triangle, heart, star, triangle...) (T ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et 61 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L eyel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 m on ths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; s id ii 62 ( O ) - O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; In d e p e n d e n t P lay — L evel (T O ) = Timed observation 3 1 l-a Navigates a riding toy around obstructions (e.g., moving a tricycle or big wheel around a pole) (O ) 1 l-b Demonstrates 1 to 1 correspondence in play activities (e.g., places plastic eggs in an egg carton, a doll in a bed with a bottle) (O ) 1 l-c W ill get toys and play independently for 2 minutes (O ) 1 l-d Sings, hums, or recites a few words to familiar songs whiie engaged in an activity (O ) 1 l-M Spontaneously engages in pretend o r im aginary play on 5 occasions (e.g., dressing up, a pretend p a rty w ith stuffed animals, pretends to cook) (O ) 12-a Brings an assembly activity to completion (e.g., builds a structure out of blocks, strings beads to make a necklace and wears it) (O ) 12-b Colors in a picture in a coloring book or on paper (O ) 12-c Independently sits and looks at a book for 5 minutes (O ) 12-d Accepts direction from a peer when playing in the same area (O ) 12-M Repeats a gross m o to r behavior to obtain a b e tte r effect fo r 2 activities (e.g., throw ing a ball in a basket, swinging a bat a t aT-ball, fo o t stom ping to launch a rocket, pum ping a swing) (O ) 13-a Uses arts and crafts materials as intended (e.g., cuts with scissors, uses glue) (O ) 13-b Waits for a turn at an activity (e.g., waits for another child to get off a swing, or a turn at an activity table) (O ) 13-c Independently draws recognizable items (O ) 13-d Shows a completed project to an adult or peer (e.g., an art project) (O ) 13-e Colors items mostly within their boundaries in a coloring book (O ) 13-M Independently engages in arts and crafts type activities fo r 5 m inutes (e.g., drawing, coloring, painting, cutting, pasting) (O ) 14-a Demonstrates an appropriate response when an activity is interrupted or stopped (e.g., the child will stop playing when told to do so by an adult) (O ) 14-b Follows safety rules (e.g., does not throw objects at other children o r climb too high on play structures) ( © ’ 14-c W ill pretend to w rite a note (O ) 14-d Independently gets, sets-up, completes, and (with prompts) puts away a play activity (O ) 14-M Independently engages in sustained play activities fo r 10 m inutes w ith o u t adult prom pts o r reinforcem ent (e.g., playing w ith an Etch-a-sketch, playing dress-up) (O ) 15-a Demonstrates a willingness to try physical activities that are more challenging (e.g., ride a bike with training wheels, in-line skates, hitting a golf ball with a club) (O ) 15-b Spontaneously assists in daily activities (e.g., setting the table, planting seeds in a garden, sorting socks) (O ) 15-c W ill engage in a non-preferred activity to earn a preferred activity (O ) 15-d Plays computer or video games and properly operates the equipment (O ) 15-e W ill independently solve problems encountered in play (e.g., pulling on a toy that is stuck) (O ) 15-M Independently draws o r w rites in pre-academic a ctivity books fo r 5 m inutes (e.g., d ot-to -d o t, m atching games, mazes, tracing le tters and num bers) (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) s D ire c t testing; s k iii ( O ) “ O bservation; (E ) = Either testing o r observation; S o c i a l B e h a v io r and S o c ia l P l a y — (T O ) - Timed observation L evel 3 1l-a Participates in cooperation activities with adult prompts 2 times (e.g., parachute holding) (O ) 1l-b Appropriately mands to peers to stop an undesirable behavior 2 times (O ) 1l-c Waits for a turn with a reinforcer without negative behavior 2 times (O ) 1l-d Accepts an invitation to join a social play activity with a peer 2 times (O ) 1l-e Mands to peers with a W H question 2 times (e.g., W here the shovel?W hat’s you name?) (O ) 1l-M Spontaneously cooperates w ith a peer to accomplish a specific outcom e 5 tim es (e.g., one child holds a bucket w hile the o th e r pours in w a ter) (E) 12-a Spontaneously imitates a peer’s behavior in a pretend play activity 2 times (O ) 12-b Spontaneously mands using where for the location of a missing peer 2 times (O ) 12-c Spontaneously mands using w hat related to the behavior of a peer 2 times (O ) 12-d Spontaneously mands using who evoked by an unknown person 2 times (O ) 12-e Has a “ best friend” (i.e., will repeatedly play with a specific child) (O ) M et Engages in at least 3 verbal exchanges with a peer (O ) 12-f ' 12-M Spontaneously mands to peers w ith a W H question 5 tim es (e.g., Where are you going? W hat’s that? Who are you being?) (TO : 60 m in.) 13-a Spontaneously uses please and thank you with an adult or peer 2 times (O ) 13-b Demonstrates any reciprocal verbal exchanges with a peer 2 times (O ) 13-c Follows directions given by a peer in a social play activity 2 times (O ) 13-d Gives directions to a peer in a social play activity 2 times (O ) 13-e Spontaneously offers a reinforcer (sharing) to a peer 2 times (O ) 13-M Intraverbally responds to 5 d ifferent questions o r statem ents fro m peers (e.g., verbally responds to W hat do you want to play?) (TO : 60 m in.) 14-a Participates in a social play game directed by a peer (e.g., red light/green light) 2 times (O ) 14-b Spontaneously mands for a new or unfamiliar child’s name 1 time (O ) 14-c Takes turns and shares reinforcers with peers without prompts 2 times (O ) 14-d Laughs or smiles at the jokes or humor of peers 2 times (O ) 14-e Asks questions about the interests of peers 1 time (O ) 14-M Engages in pretend social play activities w ith peers fo r 5 m inutes w ith o u t adult prom pts o r reinforcem ent (e.g., dress up play, acting o u t videos, playing house) (O ) 15-a Engages in at least 3 verbal exchanges with a peer 2 times (O ) 15-b Engages in a verbal exchange with tw o o r more peers in one setting 2 times (O ) 15-c Demonstrates coping behavior when a peer takes a reinforcer 2 times (O ) 15-d Attends to a peer telling a story for 10 seconds, 2 times (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 63 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 m o n th s ) (T) = D ire c t testing; ( O ) - O bservation; S o c i a l B e h a v io r Skill and (E) = Either testing o r observation; S o c ia l P l a y — 3 ( C o n t in u e d ) 15-e Narrates the activity of a peer with at least 2 tacts, 2 times (O ) 15-f Spontaneously provides sympathy to a peer when hurt 2 times (O ) is-g Negotiates time with a reinforcer with a peer 2 times (O ) 15-M Engages in 4 verbal exchanges on 1 top ic w ith peers fo r S topics (e.g., the children go back and fo rth talking about m aking a creek in a sandbox) (O ) Skill L is t e n e r R e s p o n d in g by F u n c t io n , F e a t u r e , & C lass (LRFFC) — M et L evel 3 1l-a Selects 2 members of a class (e.g., Find two body parts.) from an array of 10, for 25 classes (T ) 1i-b Selects 50 items from a book given any type of LRFFC task (T ) 1l-c Selects 50 items from the natural environment or in a funcţional activity (e.g., setting the table) given any type of LRFFC task (T ) 1l-d Demonstrates 200 different LRFFC responses, tested or obtained from an accumulated list of known responses (T ) 1l-e Selects a picture for the next step in a sequence (e.g., First you tu rn on the w ater in the tub, then you...) for 10 sequences (T ) 1l-f Selects a picture from an array of 10 given a general time question (e.g., when asked, W h a t tim e do you go to bed? the child selects a picture of nighttime) for 5 items (T ) 1l-M Selects the correct ite m fro m an array o f 10 th a t contains 3 sim ilar stim uli (e.g., sim ilar color, shape, o r class, but they are the w rong choices), fo r 25 d ifferen t W H question LRFFC tasks (T ) 12-a Selects an item from an array of 10 given a color and class (e.g., a yeiiow animal) for 25 items (T ) 12-b Selects an item from an array of 10 given a shape and class (e.g., a round food) for 25 items (T ) 12-c Selects an item from an array of 10 given a function (e.g., color on it) and a class (e.g., a rt supplies) for 25 LRFFC tasks (e.g., Find something to color on from the a rt cabinet.) (T ) 12-d Selects an item from an array of 10 given a feature (e.g., wheels, wings) and a class (e.g., animals, vehicles) for 25 LRFFC tasks (e.g., W h e re ’s a vehicle with wheels? W h e re ’s a vehicle w ith wings?) (T ) 12-e Selects an item from an array of 10 given any adjective (but not color o r shape) and a function (e.g., It’s hot and you eat it... spaghetti) for 25 LRFFC tasks (T ) 12-f Selects an item from an array of 10 given any adjective (but not color o r shape) and a feature (e.g., It’s soft and has ears... rabbit) for 25 LRFFC tasks (T ) 12-M Selects an ite m fro m a book based on 2 verbal com ponents: e ith e r a feature (e.g., color), function (e.g., draw w ith ), o r class (e.g., clothing) fo r 25 item s (e.g., Do you see o brown animal? Can you fin d some clothing w ith buttons?) (T) 13-a Selects an item from a book after being read a short passage (10+ words) and given an LRFFC question (e.g., W ho blew the house down?) (T ) 13-b Selects an item from an array of 10 given a preposition and any LRFFC question (e.g., W h a t’s above a roof?) fo r 25 items (T ) Comments/notes: 64 L evel (T O ) = Timed observation VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 mo nths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) = O bservation; L is t e n e r R e s p o n d in g b y F u S kill (E ) - Either testing o r observation; n c t io n , Feature, & C lass (T O ) - Timed observation (L R F F C ) — L evel 3 (C O N T IN U E D ) Net 13-c Selects an item from an array of 10 given a pronoun and any LRFFC question (e.g., W hich toys are his ?) for 25 items (T ) 13-d Selects an item from an array of 10 given an adverb and any LRFFC question (e.g., W hich animal runs fast?) for 25 items (T ) 13-e Selects 10 community helpers from a book when asked what they do (e.g., W ho helps you when you are sick ?) (T ) 13-f Selects 2 different items from an array of 10 given 2 different classes or functions (e.g., Can you fmd a fru it and a meat?) for 25 sets (T ) 13-g Selects a location from an array of 10 given 2 items from that location (e.g., You buy m eat and bread at for 10 locations (T ) 13-h Selects an item in the natural environment that contains 3 similar stimuli when given an LRFFC question for 25 tasks (e.g., Get something to sweep with. Find something to make this stick.) (T ) 13-M Selects item s fro m a page in a book o r in the natural environm ent based on 3 verbal com ponents (e.g., verb, adjective, preposition, pronoun), fo r 25 W H -question LRFFC tasks (e.g., Which fru it grows on trees?) (T ) 14-a Selects all members of a class from an array of 10 when asked (e.g., Find all the clothing.) for 3 members of 25 classes (T ) 14-b Selects an item from a book given a when question (e.g., W hen do you need a tow el?) for 10 items (T ) 14-c Selects an item from a book given a how question (e.g., H ow do you get to school?) for 10 items (T ) 14-d Selects an item from an array of 10 given a preposition after a verb (e.g., eat with, eat at, w rite on, w rite with) for 25 verb-preposition combinations (T ) 14-e Selects an item when asked to find something that is different in an array of 5 (e.g., 4 spoons and 1 fork) for 25 items (T ) 14-f Selects an item from an array of 10 when asked W h a t is missing? from a picture (e.g., a car without wheels, an airplane w ithout wings) for 25 items (T ) 14-M Selects the co rre ct item s fro m a book o r the natural e nvironm ent given 4 different ro ta tin g LRFFC questions about a single top ic ( Where does the cow live? W hat does the cow eat? Who milks the cow?) fo r 25 d ifferent topics (T ) 15-a Selects an item from an array of 10 relating to past events (e.g., W here did you go yesterday?) for 5 events (T ) 15-b Selects an item relating to future events (e.g., W h a t’s happening tomorrow?) for 5 events (T ) 15-c Selects an item from an array of 10 when asked W hich one can’t...? in an LRFFC format for 10 items (e.g., W hich one can’t fly?) (T ) 15-d Selects an item from an array of 10 when asked W hich one is not? in an LRFFC format (e.g., W hich one is not a musical instru m e nt ?) for 25 functions, features, o r classes (T ) 15-e Selects items from a page in a book or in the natural environment based on 4 verbal components (e.g., verb, adjective, preposition, pronoun) for 25 LRFFC tasks (e.g., Whose bed did Goldilocks sleep in?) (T ) 15-M D em onstrates 1000 d ifferen t LRFFC responses, tested o r obtained fro m an accumulated list o f known responses (T ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 65 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 m on ths ) (T) - D ire c t testing; Skill ( O ) - O bservation; (E) = Either testing o r observation; INTRAVERBAL — (T O ) - Timed observation LEVEL 3 1l-a Completes 10 two-component (noun-verb) fill-ins (e.g., For breakfast you eat... For lunch you eat...) (T ) 1l-b Answers 25 two-component where questions (e.g., W here do you find the m ilk? W h e re ’s your wagon ?) (T ) 1l-c Answers 25 two-component who questions (e.g., W ho takes you to school? W ho do you play with?) (T ) 1l-d Answers 25 what questions involving function (e.g., W h a t do you do w ith crayons?) (T ) 1l-e Answers 25 what questions when given the function (e.g., W h a t gets you clean?) (T ) 1l-f Demonstrates 10 untrained intraverbals (e.g., retells what happened in a video without any specific training) (O ) ll- g Demonstrates 5 new intraverbals with just tact training (e.g., tact of computer...Doddy has a computer.) (E) 1l-h Answers / don’t know to questions that the child cannot answer (E) I 1-M Spontaneously em its 20 intraverbal com m ents (can be p a rt m and) (e.g., dad says l ’m going to the car, and the child spontaneously says / w ant to go fo r a ride!) (O ) 12-a Provides at least 3 members of 10 classes (e.g., W h a t do you see on a playground?) (T ) 12-b Answers 25 multiple choice questions (e.g., Does a fish live in the w ater or in trees?) (T ) 12-c Provides 10 categories when given several members (e.g., a horse, cow, and pig are all...) (T ) 12-d Provides the name of 25 items when given a specific feature (e.g., W h a t has wheels?) (T ) 12-e Provides 2 features of 10 items when given their names (e.g., W h a t’s on a fire tru c k ?) (T ) 12-f Provides an answer to 3 emotion questions (e.g., W h a t makes you sad? W h a t makes you happy?) (T ) 12-g Provides at least 25 3+ word responses to questions (e.g., when asked W h a t do you like to play? the child responds / like to play with cars) (T ) 12-M Demonstrates 300 differen t intraverbal responses, tested o r obtained fro m an accumulated list o f known intraverbals (T) 13-a Answers 25 questions with yes o r no (e.g., Is a shoe good to eat?) (T ) 13-b Describes 5 locations not in view (e.g., Teii me about your bedroom?) (T ) 13-c Answers 25 intraverbal questions involving adjectives (e.g., Con you te ii m e a big animal?) (T ) 13-d Answers a question about a single sentence just read, for 10 sentences (T ) 13-e Correctly answers the question H o w old are you? (T ) 13-f Answers 2 time questions with general responses (e.g., W h a t tim e do you go to bed? ...a t nighttim e ) (T ) 13-g Completes a story sequence for 5 stories (e.g., Then w hat happened to the three little pigs?) (T) 13-h Engages in 5 different conversations that contain at least 3 intraverbal exchanges on a single topic (T ) 13-i Describes 2 attributes about himself (e.g., 1 have brown hair. 1 have blue eyes.) (T ) 13-M Answers 2 questions a fte r being read short passages (15+ words) fro m books, fo r 25 passages (e.g., Who blew the house down?) (T ) Comments/notes: 66 VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 Met Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) - O bservation; Skill (E ) - Either testing o r observation; IN TR A V E R B A L — (T O ) s Timed observation LE V E L 3 (C O N T IN U E D ) 14-a Answers 25 different who, what, or where questions that contain 3 or more elements (e.g., W h a t color is a fire truck?) (T ) 14-b Provides at least 3 members of 25 categories (e.g., W h a t do you fn d on a playground?) (T ) 14-c Answers 5 questions about daily or current events (e.g., W here are you going with d ad ?) (T ) 14-d Intraverbally responds at least 25 times in a day to the verbal questions or statements from peers (O ) 14-e Shows generalization by giving the same answer to 10 questions presented in 3 different ways (e.g., answers my house to W here do you live? W here is your dog? and W here do play?) (T ) 14-f W ill say 3 things about a single item for 25 items (e.g., It’s a crayon. It’s red.You draw with it .) (T ) 14-g Provides 3 pieces of personal information (e.g., W here do you live? W h a t’s your b rother’s name?) (T ) 14-h Answers 25 intraverbal questions involving prepositions (e.g., W h a t’s under your bed?) (T ) 14-i Answers 25 intraverbal questions involving pronouns (e.g., W ho has a brown dog?) (T ) 14-j Provides 25 answers to sequence questions (e.g., W h a t do you do a fte r you get to school?) (T ) I4-I< Answers 10 when questions (e.g., W hen do you take a bath?) (T ) ! 4-M Describes 25 different events, videos, stories, etc. w ith 8+ words (e.g., Teii me what happened... The big m onster scared everybody and they all ran in to the house.) (E) 15-a Answers 10 questions about community helpers (e.g., W h a t does a doctor do?) (T ) 15-b Answers 25 different questions that contain 4 or more parts of speech (e.g., W h a t tool do you need to pound nails?) (T ) 15-c Takes turns adding to a story started by others (e.g., And then he saw a boat...) (E) 15-d Answers 5 different how questions (e.g., H ow do you fix the hole?) (T ) 15-e Provides last name when asked (e.g., H arrison ) (T ) 15-f Answers 25 intraverbal questions involving adverbs (e.g., W h a t anim al moves slow?) (T ) 15-g Shows response generalization by describing the same 10 objects, events, pets, people, etc. in 3 different ways (e.g., in reference to a pet dogToby, the child says at different times a dog, an animal, Toby) (T ) 15-h Describes 5 events that happened in the past (T ) 15-i Describes 5 events that will happen in the future (T ) 15-j Summarizes 5 different stories with at least 10 words (T ) 15-lc Suggests a possible solution when presented with a problem (T ) M et 15-M Answers 4 different ro ta tin g W H questions about a single top ic fo r 10 topics (e.g., Who takes you to school? Where do you go to school? W hat do you take to school?) (T ) Skill C lassro o m R o u t in e s and G roup S k il l s — L evel 3 I l-a Sits or stands at an arts and crafts or activity table for 5 minutes w ithout disruptive behavior (O ) 1 l-b Responds to 1 group instruction w ithout additional prompts (e.g., Everybody stand up.) (O ) 1 l-c W orks independently on a task o r activity for 1 minute without prompts o r reinforcement (O ) 1 l-d Comes to the front of the group with 1 verbal prompt (O ) 1 l-M Uses the to ile t and washes hands w ith only verbal prom pts (E) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et 67 Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; sidii C (O ) - O bservation; lassro o m R o u t in e s (E ) s Either testing o r observation; and G roup S k il l s — L evel 3 (C ( T O ) = Timed observation o n t in u e d 12-a Raises hand to take a turn in a group setting (e.g., W ho wants to pick a song?) (O ) 12-b Uses classroom materials as designed (e.g., glue, scissors, crayons, paper) (O ) 12-c Puts away toys and material when prompted to do so (O ) 12-d Stays on task for 1 minute during an arts and crafts activity when an adult leaves the table (O ) ) M et 12-M Responds to S different group instructions o r questions w ith o u t d ire ct prom pts in a group o f 3 o r m ore children (e.g., Everyhody stand up. Does anyone have a red shirt on?) (O ) 13-a Gets necessary materials to complete an activity when verbally prompted (e.g., Get some glue.) ( O ) 13-b Independently transitions between classroom activities with only group verbal prompts (O ) 13-c Responds to group questions w ithout a direct prompt (e.g., W h a t happened to Simba?) (O ) 13-d Mands to use the toilet and has minimal accidents (O ) 13-M W orks independently fo r 5 m inutes in a group, and stays on task fo r 50% o f the period (O ) 14-a Takes turns and shares items with peers (O ) 14-b Discriminates and follows two-component group instructions (e.g., AII the boys line up.) (O ) 14-c Follows safety rules in a classroom (e.g., No running. No pushing.) (O ) 14-d Leads 2 different group activities involving 3 other children (e.g., red-light, green-light game) (O ) 14-e Mands for a specific activity in a group setting (e.g., Let’s play tagI) ( O ) 14-f Assists in picking up after an activity with only 1 verbal prompt (O ) I4»M Âcquires 2 new behaviors in a 15-m inute group-teaching fo rm a t involving 5 o r m o re children (T) 15-a Focuses on a task despite disruptions in the room (O ) 15-b Meets some of his own self-care needs w ithout prompts (e.g., wipes nose, puts on coat) (O ) 15-c Verbally interacts with peers 3 times in a table-top group activity (O ) 15-d Sits back down when his turn is over without prompts (O ) 15-e Keeps hands to seif in a group setting (O ) 15-f Raises hand to indicate he knows the answer to a question during a group (O ) 15-g Completes 2 independent worksheets w ithout prompts at a table with 3 other children (O ) 15-h Sits in a school assembly for 20 minutes without disruptive behavior (O) 15-M Sits in a 20-minute group session involving 5 children w ith o u t disruptive behaviors, and answers 5 intraverbal questions (T ) L S kill 68 in g u is t ic Str u c tu r e — L evel 3 1l-a Emits auxiliary (helping) verbs in a tact o r mand carrier phrase (e.g., do, have, will, can, was) (O ) 1l-b Phrases emitted by the child in one day contain several different “ small” words that were not directly taught, but seem appropriate for the context (e.g., it, that, a, the, an, too, or, but) (O ) 1l-c Uses “ s” vs.“ es” plural markers (e.g., books o r glasses) (O ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) “ O bservation; (E) = Either testing o r observation; (T O ) - Timed observation skiii L in g u is t ic S t r u c t u r e — i i-d Uses irregular plurals correctly (e.g., foot-feet, mouse-mice, tooth-teeth) (E) I l-M Emits noun inflections by com bining 10 ro o t nouns w ith suffixes foi* plurals (e.g., dog vs. dogs) and 10 ro o t nouns w ith suffixes fo r possession (e.g., dog’s coIla r vs. ca t’s coIlar) (E) 12-a Uses is and am appropriately with verbs (e.g., 1 am eating.The dog is barking.) (E) 12-b Emits conjunctions to combine words and phrases (e.g., and, or, but) (O ) 12-c Emits some irregular past tense verbs appropriately (e.g., dug, ran, built ) (E) 12-d Emits present participle inflection with “ verb-ing” (e.g., running, playing, swimming) (O ) 12-M Em its verb inflections by com bining 10 ro o t verbs w ith affîxes fo r regular past tense (e.g., played) and 10 ro o t verbs w ith affîxes fo r fu tu re tense (e.g., w ill play) (E) 13-a Speaks in 3-5 word sentences (O ) 13-b Emits prepositional phrases (e.g., on the table, in the house ), but may not discriminate between prepositional pairs (e.g., on vs. under; in vs. out ) (E) 13-c Emits adjectives to modify nouns (e.g., blue train, chocolate cookie) ( O ) 13-d Emits contractions in a mand, tact, or intraveral context (e.g., can’t, don’t, w on’t) (O ) 13-e Emits pronouns to modify nouns (e.g., M y shoes.Your cup.) (O ) 13-M Em its 10 different noun phrases containing a t least 3 words, w ith 2 m odifiers (e.g., adjectives, prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., H e’s my puppet. 1 w ant chocolate ice cream.) (E) 14-a Adjectives usually precede nouns when appropriate (e.g., a big boat vs. o boat big ) (O ) 14-b Verbs agree with the subjects in person (e.g., he was laughing vs. he were laughing ) (O ) 14-c Verbs agree with the subjects in number (e.g.Joey is home vs.Joey are home) (O ) 14-d Emits adjective inflections with the comparative suffixes “ er” and “ est” (e.g., good, better, best) (E) 14-e Emits adverbs to modify verbs (e.g., Go fast. It’s slow.) (E) 14-M Em its 10 different verb phrases containing at least 3 words, w ith 2 m odifiers (e.g., adverbs, prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., Push me hard. Go up the steps.) (E) 15-a Emits different noun and verb phrases connected by conjunctions (e.g., and, or, but, yet) ( O ) 15-b Demonstrates a MLU of 5 morphemes (5 utterances in one “ sentence” that each have an individual meaning, e.g., She pushed him down — th e “ ed” ending is a morpheme) (O ) 15-c Pronouns agree with gender (e.g., the boy splashed h im se lf vs. the boy splashed herself) (O ) 15-d Pronouns agree with number (e.g., the boy splashed h im se lf vs. the boys splashed himself) ( O ) 15-e Uses quantification in a sentence (e.g., always, never, sometimes) ( O ) 15-f Uses demonstratives in a sentence (e.g., this that, these, those) (O ) 15-g Emits words that describe the certainty of other words (e.g., 1 think... I’m sure... maybe) (O ) 15-M Combines noun and verb phrases to produce 10 d ifferent syntactically correct clauses o r sentences containing a t least 5 words (e.g., The dog licked my face.) (E) - - - -- - - - - - - . - L e v e l 3 ( C o n t in u e d ) - - - -- VB-MAPP - -- - M et - -_______ _ - - Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 69 Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 months) (T) = D ire c t testing; (E) (O ) - O bservation; - Either testing o r observation; R e a d in g — sk iii (N o t e : T h is (T O ) = Timed observation L evel 3 S e c t io n S t a r t s a t L e v e l 3 ) 1l-a Turns pages and looks at books for 30 seconds (T O : 30 sec.) 1l-b Mands to be read stories from books (O ) ll-c Touches pictures in books that correspond to the story (e.g., Where’s the big bad wolf?) (E) ll-M A ttends to a book when a story is being read to him fo r 75% o f the tim e (TO : 3 m in.) 12-a Completes an ABC inset puzzle w ithout prompts (E) 12-b Recites 5 letters from the alphabet with a starting prompt (e.g., A B...) (T ) 12-c Has a favorite book, and can provide the name of it by seeing the pictures on the cover (O ) 12-d Tacts pictures in books while an adult reads the story (E) 12-e Matches to sample all uppercase letters (T ) 12-M Selects (LDs) the co rre ct uppercase le tte r fro m an array o f 5 letters, fo r 10 different letters (T) 13-a Recites (or sings) the whole alphabet with only a verbal prompt to do so (T ) 13-b Mands for what written words say (e.g., What word is that?) (O ) 13-c Pretends to read a book (O ) 13-d Discriminates as a listener (LDs) his own name from an array of 3 written names (T ) 13-e Looks at the written words, rather than just the pictures when stories are being read to him (O ) 13-M Tacts 10 uppercase le tte rs on com m and (T ) 70 14-a Discriminates among most uppercase letters (but may confuse some; e.g., M and N; P and R) (T ) 14-b Matches 5 word cards to the same word written on paper (T ) 14-c Provides the letter name given 5 sounds, and 5 sounds given a letter name (T) 14-d Intraverbally recalls 3 stories that have been read to him (E) 14-e Demonstrates LD and tact generalization for 3 different variations of the uppercase letters (T ) 14-M Reads his own name (T ) 15-a Indicates if 2 words rhyme or not for 10 different rhymes (e.g., cat and hat vs. cat and book) (T ) 15-b Tacts most uppercase letters (may confuse those that look similar; e.g., M and N; P and R) (T ) 15-c Matches 10 lower case letters to uppercase letters (T ) 15-d Discriminates as a listener between numbers and letters (e.g., Which one is a letter?) (T ) 15-e Spells his own name w ithout prompts (T ) 15-f Selects (LDs) the correct w ritten word from an array of 3 words, for 5 different words (T ) 15-M Matches 5 words to th e corresponding pictures o r item s in an array o f 5, and vice versa (e.g., matches the w ritte n w ord b ird to a picture o f a bird) (T ) VB-MAPP Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 M et Task Analysis an d Skills T rack in g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 m on ths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; (O ) - O bservation; (E ) - Either testing o r observation; VB-MAPP (T O ) = Timed observation Task Anal/sis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 71 Task Analysis a n d Skills T rackin g : L evel 3 ( 3 0 - 4 8 mo nths ) ( T ) - D ire c t testing; ( O ) = O bservation; Skiii M (N o t e : T h is ath — ( T O ) = Timed observation L evel 3 M et S e c t io n S t a r t s a t L e v e l 3 ) 1l-a Rote counts to 5 with a verbal starter prompt (e.g., count 1, 2 , ...) ( T ) 1l-b Arranges objects by size (e.g., small, medium, and large blocks) (T ) 1l-c Distinguishes between 1 and 2 items as a listener (e.g., W here are 2 boats?) (T ) 1l-d Distinguishes between 1 and 2 items as a mand (e.g., 1 want 2 cookies .) (E) 1l-e Matches to sample the numbers 1-10 (e.g., puts the number 4 with the number 4) (T ) 1l-M Identifies as a listener the num bers 1-5 in an array o f 5 d ifferen t num bers (T ) 12-a Distinguishes between 1 and 2 items as a tact (e.g., H ow m any shoes do you have?) (T ) 12-b Holds up corresponding fingers for numbers 1-5 (e.g., Show m e 2 fingers.) (T ) 12-c Distinguishes between 1,2, and 3 items as a listener (e.g., Cari you find 3 flowers?) (T) 12-d Counts 2 items with 1:1 correspondence (T ) 12-M Tacts the num bers 1-5 (T ) 13-a Provides age when asked (T ) 13-b Counts out up to 3 items given the verbal prompt H ow m any ? and the related set of items (T ) 13-c Identifies as a listener (LDs) the number of items (e.g.,W hich picture has 2 cars ?) (T) 13-d Demonstrates enumeration in counting (final emphasis on correct number) for numbers 1-3 (T ) 13-M Counts o u t 1-5 item s fro m a larger set o f item s w ith 1 to 1 correspondence (e.g., Give me 4 cars. N ow give me 2 cars.) (T ) 14-a Correctly tacts a collection of 1-3 items as “ 1,” “ 2,” and “ 3” (e.g., H o w m any are here ?) (T) 14-b Identifies (LDs) a collection of items as more or less/fewer than a comparison group (T) 14-c Identifies (LDs) a container as full o r empty (T ) 14-d Identifies (LDs) an item as bigger o r smaller than a comparison item (T ) 14-e Identifies (LDs) an item as longer or shorter than a comparison item (T ) 14-M Identifies as a listener 8 d iffe re n t comparisons involving m easurem ent (e.g., show me more o r less, big o r little , long o r short, fu ll o r empty, loud o r quiet) (T ) 15-a Performs an action a specified number of times up to 5 (e.g., G ap 3 tim es) (T ) 15-b Completes a sequence o r pattern containing 2 elements (e.g., red-green; red-green...) (T) 15-c Correctly Identifies (LDs) the ordinal terms “ first” and “ last” (T ) 15-d Correctly Identifies (LDs) and tacts morning time and night time (T ) 15-e Intraverbally responds to what number is next for numbers 1-9 (T ) 15-f Correctly Identifies (LDs) 3 different coins, and intraverbally States what to do with money (T ) 15-M C o rrectly matches a w ritte n num ber to a q u a n tity and a q u a n tity to a w ritte n num ber fo r the numbers 1-5 (e.g., matches the num ber 3 to a picture o f 3 tru cks) (T) — 72 (E ) = Either testing o r observation; VB-MAPP ------- ------ - Task Analysis and Skills Tracking: Level 3 ------------------------------------------------ — ---------------- --- ---------------------------------------- —