Technology for smarter trains integration automation communication safety 1 Meeting the challenges of modern train management systems 2 Modern trains are equipped with sub-systems on-board, the higher can interface with any other sub- an increasing number of intelli- the costs for train design, manu- system on-board for centralized gent sub-systems to cope with facturing, operation, maintenance control and diagnostics. The idea the demand for improved perfor- and refurbishment. behind Trainnet® is to provide a single platform for the integration mance, safety, energy efficiency and comfort. This evolution brings EKE developed Trainnet® to be and automation of all train-borne a number of challenges to train a versatile and comprehensive intelligent systems. The Trainnet® manufacturers, operators and sys- answer to all those challenges. concept enables us to offer an tem integrators. For instance, the Trainnet® is what I would like to open, flexible, and cost-effective lack of interoperability and inte- call a “Super TCMS”, a Train Con- solution for any train, and provide gration between the sub-systems trol and Management System you with turn-key integration ser- may lead to complicated system that can fully integrate communi- vices. Our target is to make your architecture and various techni- cation and safety systems such life easier. cal challenges. We can say that as PIS, PA, PEI, JRU/ER, HMI, the higher the number of separate GPS, 3G/WIFI and CCTV, and that Pekka Kuusela, Chief Executive Officer 3 Contents Our solutions EKE develops specific solutions for High Speed Trains, Commuter Trains, Metros, Trams, Passenger Coaches and Locomotives. You can simply choose the functionalities you need to develop the perfect solution for your project. Please note only the most common features are described in this section. Thank you to contact us to discuss your requirements. 6 Technology for smarter trains 7 Our promises 8 Our references 12 High Speed Trains 14 Commuter Trains 16 Metros 18 Trams 19 Passenger Coaches 20 Locomotives Our systems EKE provides turnkey systems such as TCMS, TCN, PIS and CCTV to name a few. All systems are part of the Trainnet® family and use a common platform. Systems can be used standalone but are best used together with other Trainnet® Systems for maximum synergies and a cost-efficient setup. 4 22 Train Control and Management System (tcms) 24 Train Communication Network (tcn) 26 Event Recorder 27 Passenger Information System (pis) 28 Public Announcement System (pa) 29 Video surveillance (cctv) 30 Passenger Emergency Intercom (pei) 31 Train-to-Wayside communication 32 Mobile applications Our products The product section provides advanced technical information on a selection of EKE’s Hardware and Software modules. Some functional module combinations are also presented. Should your organization have the technical expertise to develop its own systems, EKE is able to provide the necessary Hardware and Software for your project. 34 TCN gateways Central Processing Units (CPU) 35 Central Processing Unit with Graphical Display Controller (cpg) 36 Central Processing Unit with Serial Links (cps, cpf) Train and Vehicle Bus Interface Modules 37 Wire Train Bus Interface Module (wtb, wtf) 38 Multifunction Vehicle Bus Interface Module (mvb) 39 CAN Vehicle Bus Interface Module (cvb) 40 Ethernet Router Unit (eru) 41 Ethernet Switching Unit (1u esu) 42 Compact Ethernet Switching Unit (3u esu) I/O Modules 43 Remote Input/Output Module (riom) 44 Analogue Input Module (aim) 45 High Speed Analogue Input Module (hsa) 46 Digital Input/Output Module (dio) 47 Digital Relay Output Module (dro) 48 Analogue Output Module (aom) 49 Pt100 Temperature Sensor Input Module (pti) Power Supplies 50 Power Supply Unit for VME (psv) 51 Power Input Unit (piu) 52 Event Recorders 53 Human Machine Interface (hmi) Software 54 Train Inspection Program (tip) 55 Portable System Tester (pst) 5 Technology for smarter trains EKE provides leading technologies for train manufacturers, operators and integrators to improve train manufacturing and operations. We provide tailored solutions for Our expertise ranges from devel- We also offer advanced TCMS in- EKE is IRIS certified and our system integration, train automa- oping complete Train Control and tegrating Passenger Information products comply with the railway tion, train communications and im- Management System (TCMS) or Systems (PIS), video surveillance industry standards such as EN proved safety. We have solutions Train Communication Networks (CCTV) and wireless communica- 50155. for high speed trains, commuter (TCN) to providing specific technol- tion devices for a complete turn- trains, metros, trams, passenger ogy such as gateways or event key solution. coaches and locomotives. recorders (JRU). integration automation communication safety Integrate on-board systems Automate systems and Communicate with Improve safety with SIL certified via a versatile Train diagnostics by developing passengers and staff via technology, redundancy and Communication Network (TCN). a powerful Train Control and audio announcements and safety systems such as video Management System (TCMS). displays in the train and beyond. surveillance and event recorders. 6 Our promises PERFORMANCE → Most advanced technology… … that works together with older technology! → Improved train operation reliability and safety → Improved comfort and services to passengers FLEXIBILITY → Modular system to match your needs today and tomorrow → Open platform and open standard for easy and unrestricted developments → Integrate any system, even from third parties COST EFFICIENCY → Lower cost of design, installation and operation → Faster diagnostics and maintenance to optimise train use → More compact solution with reduced cabling and weight 7 Our references EKE has extensive experience with high speed trains, commuter trains, metros, trams, passenger coaches and locomotives. We have already installed more than 12,000 systems around the world and continue to serve our customers with the highest quality and reliability. source: VR group Contact us for more information on our Talgo AVRIL High Speed Train São Paulo Metro experience and capabilities: TCMS platform with Train Commu- Metro trains provided with TCMS, nication Networks. Includes WTB, Train Communication Networks, EKE-Electronics Ltd MVB, CAN, Ethernet, I/O modules PIS, CCTV, Video and Event Re- Piispanportti 7 as well as SIL-2 functionalities. corders (RMM). FINLAND London Underground Finnish Pendolino Tel. +358 9 6130 30 TCMS, Driver display modules, Se- Gateways, Brake diagnostics data Fax. +358 9 6130 3300 rial links to ATO, ATP, Train radio transmission system, Speedome- and brake controllers. ters, Displays and Event Recorders. 02240 Espoo 8 Germany Regio-Shuttle Berlin Metro Stuttgart Trams Austria ÖBB Locomotives United Kingdom London Underground Channel Tunnel Locomotives Virgin Cross Country Trains MML Hull Trains Sweden Stockholm Commuter Trains Skåne Commuter Trains Czech Republic Škoda Locomotives Commuter trains Finland Flirt Commuter Trains Pendolino Trains Intercity Coaches Double Deck Intercity Coaches Sm1, Sm2, Sm4 EMUs Track Maintenance Machines City Trains Locomotives Poland Commuter Trains Locomotives Romania Double Deck Coaches Intercity Coaches Trams Ukraine Kiev Metro France AGC Regional Trains Kazakhstan Hotel Trains Spain Talgo AVRIL Trains Talgo Dual Trains CAF Urbos 3 Trams Barcelona Metro Russia Karelian Pendolino Trains Passenger Coaches High Speed Moscow-Kyiv USA NJ Locomotives Brazil São Paulo Metro Line 2 and 3 São Paulo Monorail Metro Line 2 VALE Passenger Coaches Israel Double Deck Coaches Locomotives Low Floor Push Pull Coaches Saudi Arabia Haramain high speed train India Locomotives China Metro Trains Hong Kong MTR Locomotives South-Korea G7 High Speed Trains Australia Waratah Commuter Trains Hunter Rail Car Cairns Tilt Train for Queensland Rail Some of our reference projects We have helped our customers with both new trains and refurbishment projects, from the frosts of Finland to the heat of Australia. 9 Top picture: Waratah Passenger Information System Bottom picture: the Waratah train at a station Waratah Australia EKE aims to always be at the All sub-systems were integrat- forefront of innovation to guar- ed into the Trainnet® TCMS for antee unparalleled product per- comprehensive train control and formance. Sydney Double-Deck diagnostics system. Deliveries in- Suburban Waratah Trains were cluded TCMS, Driver Display Unit the first trains in the world using (DDU), Guard Display Unit (GDU), a communication network fully TCN (including Ethernet Switching based on Ethernet and industry Units with Power-over-Ethernet), standard IP-protocols. 78 trains of Event Recorders with Rugged 8 cars (624 cars) were equipped Memory Modules, automated Pas- with Trainnet® systems between senger Information System and 2007 and 2012. Radio link interface. 10 Solutions Solutions 11 references Talgo AVRIL (Spain) Talgo Dual Trains (Spain) Haramain Trains (Saudi Arabia) Cairns Tilt Train (Australia) G7 High Speed Train (Korea) Pendolino Trains (Russia, Finland) Eurotunnel Le Shuttle (UK, France)* Moscow-Kyiv/Berlin Trains (Russia) Solutions Virgin Cross Country DEMU (UK)* * not high speed trains (speed <200 km/h) Solutions for High Speed Trains High Speed Trains are at the forefront of technology to ensure safety and optimal performance. We can help you simplify your train architecture and improve train efficiency, thus saving costs. system integration smoothly thanks to automatic faster while increasing reliability High Speed Trains are equipped train inauguration: the train is quic- and safety. with a large number of sub-sys- ly and automatically configured tems of ever increasing com- and ready to resume operations. The Trainnet® TCMS provides a plexity. EKE’s unique technology We design Train Communication unique point of control over all enables the integration of all Networks (TCN) that match your train sub-systems. It monitors sub-systems into one common needs perfectly, easily combining sub-system status and provides platform. Our platform, Trainnet®, bus technologies (e.g. WTB, MVB, diagnostics in real-time to the allows integration of EKE sub-sys- CAN, S/L ,Ethernet) as well as driver, train crew and maintenance tems as well as virtually any third- providing large bandwidth when depot via conventional displays or party sub-systems, thus greatly necessary. mobile devices. The Trainnet® Mobile TCMS gives access and con- simplifying your high speed train architecture. Cabling can be dra- Our personal commitment and trol over the train management matically reduced and mainte- deep technical expertise guaran- system to the train crew’s own nance simplified reducing costs of tees the best possible system mobile devices. design, installation and repair. integration and system design, minimizing onboard equipment as The TCMS automatically takes well as man hours, for cost-effi- action and issues relevant in- ciency. Our reliable and innovative structions, simplifying train components as well as production management and improving Trainnet® Ethernet Remote methods minimize train life cycle customer comfort. Performance Input/Output Module (eRIOM) costs and make maintenance in- and efficiency can be improved with SIL-2 certified I/O modules expensive. by analysing collected data and train automation implementing corrective actions or processes. With Trainnet®, you can develop 12 a complete Train Control and Trainnet® allows automation of Our technology allows opera- Management System (TCMS) to almost any sub-system, from tors to adjust operations to their automate your High Speed Train. control of air conditioning to passenger demands by adding or Automation provides the means lights, from bearing temperature removing train sets or coaches to make operations easier and measurement to lateral vibration monitoring, from door control to tion enables passengers to access We provide SIL-2 certified (Risk tank level monitoring and bat- travel information, infotainment Reduction Factor 100-1000) func- tery charge supervision. Please and onboard services from their tionalities for safety-critical fea- revert to the illustration on the own mobile devices like smart tures, including the monitoring of opposite page for most common phones and tablets. train speed, bearing temperature communications safety and lateral vibration. The higher the speed, the higher The Trainnet® Event Recorder is Trainnet® also takes care of Train- the risks. High speed trains more easily integrated to the Trainnet® to-wayside communications, for than any other require outstand- platform, for a cost-effective solu- instance sending train data (e.g. ing reliability and safety features. tion to protect critical train-borne system diagnostics) to the depot. With more than 97% of prod- information. Video surveillance Train fleet management and main- ucts not experiencing any failure systems and emergency inter- tenance is facilitated, helping the over 10 years of use, Trainnet® coms can also be integrated to operator to maximize train avail- product reliability places EKE train Trainnet® to improve passenger ability. management systems among the safety. most reliable in the world. In adTrainnet® can also be used as dition, we provide support for at working with eke Passenger Information Systems least 30 years for all EKE prod- Our extensive experience working (PIS) and Public Announcement ucts to ensure customer satisfac- with High Speed Trains combined Systems (PA). Safety messages tion during the entire lifetime of with the outstanding quality of and travel information can be an- the project. We are experts in min- our products and processes guar- nounced via displays and loud imizing risks. EKE product designs antee you an unparalleled level of speakers. Given the relatively long include unique safety features service during the life time of your time spent on board High Speed and we have extensive experi- project. Because no train projects Trains and long distance trains, ence implementing redundancy at are the same, we place flexibility infotainment (e.g. news, weath- both the Software and Hardware at the heart of our products as er forecast, videos) can also be level. Redundancy ensures that in well as our way of working. displayed to enhance customer the unlikely even a module fails, satisfaction. Advertisment can another takes over its duties al- help generate additional profits. lowing the train to continue to The Trainnet® Mobile PIS applica- operate seamlessly. Solutions examples. 13 references Sydney Waratah EMU (Australia) Hunter Railcar DMU (Australia) SL X61Commuter Trains (Sweden) Flirt EMU Trains (Finland) Regio-Shuttle DMU (Germany) AGC Regional Trains (France) EMU EWU60 Trains (Poland) Czech Railway EMU (Czech Rep.) Solutions MML Hull Trains (UK) Sm1, Sm2 and Sm4 EMU (Finland) Solutions for Commuter Trains Commuter Trains can be in service up to 20 hours a day. This means reliability, operational efficiency and quick maintenance are necessary to ensure viable operations. We can help you improve train operation and serviceability. integration lowering the costs of design, trol of air conditioning to lights, Commuter Trains are equipped installation and repair. Trainnet® from door control to tank level with a large number of onboard modular design also contributes monitoring and battery charge sub-systems to meet the demand to speed up maintenance: Train- supervision. Please see illustration for flexibility and high frequency of net® Modules can be replaced for the most common examples. urban transportation while provid- within minutes for quick turna- ing speed and comfort for longer round times. journeys. automation EKE’s Trainnet® platform al- Operations and processes can also be automated: some examples, important to commuter trains, are described below. lows you to develop a complete Trainnet® MVB Train Control and Management Every now and then, train sets gateway (redundant) System (TCMS) which will make need to be added or removed operations easier and faster while to adjust to the demand. If the increasing train availability. The train communication backbone is EKE’s technology enables the inte- Trainnet® TCMS provides a unique based on either Ethernet or WTB gration of all sub-systems into one point of control over all train sub- bus technology, automatic train common platform, Trainnet®, thus systems. It monitors sub-system inauguration can be performed. greatly simplifying your train archi- status and provides diagnostics This means your train is instantly tecture. EKE has extensive experi- in real-time to the driver, train configured and ready for opera- ence integrating third party sub- crew and maintenance depot via tions. Train sub-systems communi- systems to Trainnet®, including conventional displays or mobile cate with each other and can also sensors, brakes, traction, batteries, devices. The TCMS automatically automatically take over duties of displays, speakers, cameras and takes action and issues relevant failing systems. MVB does not al- air-conditioning, to name a few. instructions, simplifying train low automatic inauguration, but With Trainnet® you can develop management and improving cus- EKE has developped a solution to hybrid Train Communication Net- tomer comfort. Performance and dynamically configure trains using works (TCN) which combine differ- efficiency can be improved by MVB bus as backbone. ent bus technologies such as WTB, analyzing collected data and tak- MVB, CAN, S/L and Ethernet. ing corrective actions. Cabling and Hardware in general Trainnet® allows automation of tion, which will run a pre-defined are dramatically reduced, thus almost any sub-system, from con- in-depth check of all the critical EKE has also developed a fully automated Train Certification solu- 14 PIS/PA from the most simple to have extensive experience imple- is passed, the log can be printed the most complex. Trainnet® PIS/ menting redundancy at both the out, signed by the driver, and PA can include displays, line maps communication network and hard- placed in the log-book. If again the and speakers to share safety mes- ware level, for risk reduction. test fails, the system will highlight sages and travel information. With the problem, and advise what the Trainnet® Mobile PIS applica- We can provide you with up to could be done to solve the issue. tion, passengers can get real-time SIL-2 certified (Risk Reduction information on their journey, info- Factor 100-1000) functionalities tainment and additional services when required, for instance for As described earlier, Trainnet® from their mobile devices via the speed measurement. TCMS controls sub-systems and onboard WiFi. communication The Trainnet® Event Recorder is handles communications throughout the train. It makes sense to Trainnet® also takes care of easily integrated into the Train- use the same communication and Train-to-wayside communication, net® platform, for a cost-effective automation capabilities to build for instance sending train data solution to protect critical train- other systems onboard the train. (e.g. system diagnostics) to the borne information. Video surveil- By using Trainnet® as TCMS, TCN, depot. Train fleet management lance systems and emergency Passenger Information System and maintenance is facilitated, intercoms can also be integrated (PIS), Public Announcement Sys- helping the operator to maximize into Trainnet® to improve passen- tem (PA) and Train-to-wayside train availability and customer ger safety. Communication System you dra- satisfaction. matically reduce the system footprint and save on material and development costs. Solutions elements of the train. If the test safety working with eke Our extensive experience working Trainnet® product’s proven robust- with EMUs, DMUs, and Commuter Passengers increasingly expect ness place EKE train management Trains in general combined with travel information to be provided systems among the most reliable the outstanding quality of our in trains as it can help them plan in the world, thus maximizing the products and processes guarantee their journey better. Infotainment serviceability of your Commuter you an unparalleled level of ser- (e.g. news, weather forecast, vid- Trains. For all our products, we vice, during the life time of your eos) can also enhanced passenger provide at least 30 years support. project. Because no train projects satisfaction and even help gener- are the same, we place flexibility ate additional revenues through EKE product designs includes at the heart of our products as advertisements. Trainnet® can run unique safety features and we well as our way of working. 15 references London Underground (UK) Berlin Metro (Germany) Barcelona Metro (Spain) MTR Metro (Hong-Kong) São Paulo Metro (Brazil) São Paulo Monorail (Brazil) Solutions Kiev Metro (Ukraine) Solutions for Metros Planning a new Metro train or refurbishing existing ones? We can help you gain a competitive edge by cutting the cost of development, operation and maintenance of your Metro trains as well as maximizing their availability. integration lar structure also means that any agement System (TCMS) which To be competitive and meet de- module can be replaced by anoth- will help automate your metro mands, metros are used intensively, er for quick repairs, thus increas- trains and increase their reliability. sometime up to 20 hours a day. Ex- ing metro serviceability. Automation provides the means to make operations easier and faster treme reliability is required to meet schedules and ensure continuous Trainnet® was developed with flex- operations. An efficient train design ibility in mind. It is an open platform and architecture provide a competi- enabling easy integration of All metro sub-systems can be tive edge for the operator by sim- sub-systems, including third party monitored and controlled by the plifying manufacturing, operations systems. It enables you to choose Trainnet® TCMS. The control can and maintenance. exactly what you need. In addition, be made fully automatic by set- it makes it easy to combine existing ting up rules in the Software. sub-systems with new sub-systems Examples can be the automatic in the case of a refurbishment pro- management of door opening, ject. EKE has extensive experi- lighting, battery charge or coach Trainnet® Ethernet-WTB ence integrating third party sub- temperature. See illustration for Gateway systems to Trainnet®, including some common examples of con- displays, speakers, cameras, sen- trolled sub-systems. In addition, sors, brakes, traction or batteries. protocols such as brake testing or while increasing train availability. train certification can be made auThe Trainnet® platform from EKE Our technology allows opera- enables the integration of all train tors to adjust operations to their sub-systems into one single sys- passenger demands by adding or The Trainnet® TCMS provides in- tem. All sub-systems can use the removing train sets or coaches depth diagnostic information in same communication networks thanks to automatic train inaugu- real-time to the driver and main- (you can freely combine WTB, MVB, ration. This is especially important tenance depot. The status of sub- CAN, S/L, Ethernet etc.) and the to easily optimize metro capaci- systems is constantly monitored same control systems to optimize ties between and during peak and warnings issued when limits efficiency. The result is a simplified times, for cost-efficiency. are crossed. It is also possible to metro train architecture, with less 16 tomatic or semi-automatic. program the TCMS to automati- cabling and equipment which reduc- automation es maintenance, saves space and The Trainnet® platform provides a provide instructions when a prob- lower costs. Trainnet® modu- complete Train Control and Man- lem arise. This diagnostic intel- cally take corrective actions or With Trainnet®, you can develop The Trainnet® Event Recorder can but also reduce costs by improv- simple or complex PIS/PA sys- be used to protect critical train- ing maintenance and speeding up tems using displays, line maps borne information, including vid- repairs. and speakers matching your re- eos. It integrates seamlessly with quirements. Passengers with mo- Trainnet® for a compact and cost- bile devices such as smart phones efficient setup. communication Metro passengers benefit from and tablets can take advantage receiving clear and real-time infor- of the Trainnet® Mobile PIS ap- Video surveillance systems are mation about their journey. Travel plication. Passengers can get becoming almost standard equip- information enables them to plan real-time information on their jour- ment for metros, improving better and is an important satis- ney, infotainment and additional passenger’s and driver’s safety. faction factor. Communications services from their devices via the Trainnet® can fully integrate and can be varied and can include: sta- on-board WiFi and the Mobile PIS control CCTV systems as well as tion names, line-maps, schedules application. emergency intercoms. updates etc. These communica- Finally, Trainnet® Train-to-wayside working with eke tion channels can also be used to communication System allows Our extensive experience working convey safety-related messages. sending train diagnostic data to with metros and trains in general, Finally, infotainment (e.g. news, the depot. Metro fleet manage- combined with the outstanding weather forecast, videos) can be ment and maintenance is fa- quality of our products and pro- displayed to enhance customer cilitated, helping the operator to cesses, guarantee you an unparal- satisfaction and help generate ad- maximize metro train availability leled level of service during the life ditional revenues through adver- and customer satisfaction. time of your project. Because no and real-time traffic conditions tisements. safety Solutions ligence contributes to train safety train projects are the same, we place flexibility at the heart of our Trainnet® can not only be used as Trainnet® systems are recog- products as well as our way of TCMS or TCN but also as a com- nized for their high reliability. working. plete Passenger Information Sys- Furthermore, EKE has expertise tem (PIS) or Public Announcement in implemeting redundancy both EKE provides supports for at least System (PA). The benefits are obvi- at the Sofwtare and Hardware 30 years to ensure customer sat- ous: no need to purchase and inte- level. When a system fails another isfaction during the lifetime of the grate a separate PIS/PA system. automatically takes over, thus dra- project. You reduce the overall system matically reducing risks of metro footprint and reduce the costs of immobilization. materials and development. 17 references CAF Urbos 3 Trams (Spain) Stuttgart Trams (Germany) Solutions Astra Trams (Romania) Trainnet® Digital Input/ Output Module (DIO) Trams Nowadays Trams are equipped with as many sub-systems as any other train, including TCMS, PIS, Event recorder and Air conditioning. We can help you to design a single system for easier and more cost-efficient tram operation and maintenance. integration tecture is greatly simplified and ca- ing diagnostics in real-time to the communications with passengers. In trams more than any other pub- bling reduced, thus enabling costs driver and maintenance depot. The Travel information and safety blic transport, space is scarce. savings at the system design, op- TCMS automatically takes action messages can be shared via dis- Trainnet® enables you to develop eration and maintenance levels. and issues relevant instructions, plays, loud speakers and mobile simplifying tram management. devices. Train-to-wayside Commu- Trainnet® allows automation of al- nications are also supported. a very compact system to manage your train by integrating all tram automation sub-systems (including third party The Trainnet® Train Control and most any sub-system: see illustra- sub-systems) into one common Management System (TCMS) is tion below for the most common safety platform for maximum synergies responsible for the automation examples. Trainnet® can also include Event and efficiency. Hybrid Train Commu- of your tram, making operations nication Networks (TCN) combin- easier and faster while increasing communication ing different bus technologies (e.g. safety and reliability. The Train- Trainnet® Passenger Information (CCTV) to improve safety. Train- WTB, MVB, CAN, S/L and Ethernet) net® TCMS gives one point of Systems (PIS) and Public An- net® dead man’s switch functional- be created, for instance in a case control over all sub-systems, mon- nouncement Systems (PA) can be ity can also increase safety. of refurbishment. Your tram archi- itoring their status and provid- used to implement and control 18 Recorders, emergency intercoms and video surveillance systems references Talgo Hotel Train (Kazakhstan) VR Intercity Coaches (Finland) VR Commuter Train Coaches (Finland) CFR Double Deck Coaches (Romania) CFR InterCity coaches (Romania) Israel Railways Coaches (Israel) Solutions VALE Passenger Coaches (Brazil) Trainnet® HMI Passenger Coaches Rising passenger safety and comfort requirements lead to more complex coach equipment. Wether you look for a standalone system for your coaches or require controls from the locomotive, we can help you develop a complete management system for your coaches. integration ernet. Automatic inauguration ena- times can be greatly reduced as and safety messages via displays, Trainnet® enables the integration of bles the operator to easily add or spare-parts can be available when audio announcements and even all your coach sub-systems. It pro- remove coaches: the train is quickly the coach arrives at the depot. mobile devices. PIS/PA system vides a unique point of control over and automatically configured. Rules can be set in the Software controls can be made available in for fully automated sub-system the coaches from HMIs or mobile management, reducing human in- devices. Train-to-wayside Communications are also supported. all sub-systems (including thirdparty systems) and facilitate com- automation munications across the train via a Trainnet® Train Control and Man- tervention. Almost any sub-system common Train Communication Net- agement System (TCMS) is re- cab be automated: see illustration work (TCN). The train architecture sponsible for the automation of for the most common examples. is simplified and cabling is reduced, your coaches, facilitating opera- enabling cheaper development, tions. It gives control over all sub- communication installation and maintenance. The systems, monitoring their status Trainnet® can also include Passen- Systems (CCTV) can help improve Trainnet® TCN allows combination and providing diagnostics in real- ger Information Systems (PIS) and onboard safety. of various bus technologies includ- time to the crew and control cent- Public Announcement Systems ing WTB, MVB, CAN, S/L and Eth- er. The maintenance turn-around (PA), sharing travel information safety Trainnet® Passenger Emergency Intercoms and Video Surveillance 19 references ÖBB Locomotives (Austria) VR Locomotives (Finland) NJ Locomotives (USA) China Railways SS3 and SS4 Locos (China) Israel Railways Locomotives (Israel) Solutions Škoda Czech Railway Locos (Czech Rep.) Trainnet® Event Recorder (with Rugged Memory Module) Locomotives Trainnet® enables you to develop a single, fully integrated system to manage your freight, passenger or shunting locomotives. With Trainnet® you gain in simplicity, save space and thus lower costs. integration that you need. Locomotive-to-train systems can be controlled from a communication EKE’s technology enables the or locomotive-to-steering car com- single system. Sub-system status Trainnet® can integrate a Train-to- integration of all locomotive sub- munication capabilities can be im- and diagnostic information are wayside Communications System, systems (including third party sys- plemented at the coach computer monitored in real-time and provid- for instance to send diagnostic tems) into one common platform, level to build a train-wide system. ed to the driver and control cent- data to the depot. Trainnet®, providing a unique point Please revert to the Coaches, High er. When set limits are reached, of control. Cabling can be reduced Speed, and Commuter Trains sec- actions can be taken automati- safety and maintenance simplified reduc- tions for train-wide solutions. cally or warning messages issued. Trainnet® can also include video Trainnet® allows automation of surveillance systems (CCTV), for almost any sub-system, from the instance to control the railway ing costs of design, installation and repair. Trainnet® supports the con- automation current use of various bus tech- The automation of your locomo- synchronisation of traction efforts, tracks. The Trainnet® Event Re- nologies (e.g. WTB, MVB, CAN, tive can be achieved with the to battery charge supervision. The corders can be use to store and S/L, Ethernet) to build the Train Trainnet® Train Control and Man- most common examples are listed protect important trainborne data. Communication Networks (TCN) agement System (TCMS). All sub- in the illustration below. 20 Systems Systems 21 Systems Train Control and Management System (tcms) The Trainnet® TCMS improves train safety, train performance and customer comfort while decreasing maintenance and operating costs. The Trainnet® TCMS provides a and maintain. The Trainnet® TCN matically shared with passengers, and automatic switching of light- unique point of control over all supports multiple technologies the train driver, the train captain ing, air conditioning and any other train sub-systems. Train opera- including WTB, MVB, CAN, S/L and remotely located personnel, in desired systems. tions and sub-system diagnostics and Ethernet. Please read the a timely manner. Trainnet® TCMS can be automated, enabling faster Trainnet® TCN section for more can be used to automate any → Trainnet® TCMS can also response times and increased reli- detailed information. train sub-system. A few examples provide a centralized control of are listed below: door opening, closing and ability. Performance and efficiency lected data and taking corrective powerfull train automation actions. The on-board sub-systems gener- tor bearing temperature, speed → Water tanks level can be moni- ate an enormous amount of data and acceleration in real-time (SIL tored and a warning issued when for safety (speed, braking, faults certified functions). Limits can be critically low levels are reached. etc.) and operation purposes (sys- set and corrective actions can be The core of the Trainnet® TCMS tem status, energy consumption, automatically triggered in case of displays and controls is the Trainnet® TCN, the Train video recording etc.). In such a abnormal variation. Data can be displayed to the Communication Network. The dynamic environment it is a chal- Trainnet® TCN is the infrastruc- lenge to sort, analyse and convey → Trainnet® TCMS can also moni- interactive screens which include ture enabling the exchange of in- the right information, at the right tor the train position (e.g. using control buttons for direct actions. formation throughout the train. It time, to the right people. Train- GPS technology) and announce Displays can be conventional HMI connects all the train sub-systems net® TCMS can gather data from forthcoming station names to (Human-Machine Interface) for the together via a common network, the various train sub-systems, passengers via audio announce- driver and train manager. Mobile providing centralized control to analyse it, and send logical com- ments and displays. devices (e.g. smart phone) can the Trainnet® TCMS. The result mands and warnings to ensure is a much simpler overall system optimal performance and safety. → Energy consumption can be maintenance staff. As an example, architecture, easier to develop Selected information can be auto- optimised thanks to a centralized the train driver may be provided can be improved by analysing col- versatile system integration Advantages 22 Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. locking. → Trainnet® TCMS can moni- train driver or train manager on also be used by the train crew or Modularity Only pay for the features you need. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. Systems with a speedometer, a door status EN50128/EN50129) certified and control screen, brake system functions in order to enhance reli- status data, an emergency an- ability and safety. It also supports nouncement interface and so on. the implementation of redundancy: if a device or communication open software path fails, another takes over. Fur- Trainnet® TCMS is a powerful and thermore, automation reduces the highly flexible system coming with need for manual actions and thus an open source software platform the risk of human error. (Linux). It means you are free to develop your own applications as compatibility well as integrate third party hard- Any other Trainnet® System can ware onto the Trainnet® platform. be integrated to the electronic EKE has the expertise to develop rack for a compact and efficient all or a part of the software for solution. It means Trainnet® TCMS you, or alternatively provide train- can integrate PIS, PA, CCTV, ing, tools and guidance to support Event recorder, PEI and Train-to- your own developments. wayside communication systems for a complete turnkey solution. enhanced safety Trainnet® TCMS can also be used Trainnet® TCMS enables the de- to control, automate and inte- velopment of SIL-2 (EN50126/ grate any third party sub-system. 23 Systems Train Communication Network (tcn) Trainnet® TCN is a highly reliable Train Communication Network used all around the world. It complies with the IEC 61375 standard for Train Communication Networks. what is a train communication network Ethernet bus technology is a rela- cations across the Train Commu- networks and technologies, which tive newcomer to Train Commu- nication Network. In the case of leads to complicated architecture, A Train Communication Network nication Network but has gained a fixed train set (e.g. EMU), the including wiring and software. (TCN) is the infrastructure ena- popularity in recent years, provid- automatic inauguration may also The development of a single, fully bling the exchange of information ing larger bandwidth. be required to be able to connect integrated system greatly simpli- several trains together. When a fies train management system throughout the train. It usually consists of a Vehicle Bus for intra- train configuration completely fixed train set is used, architecture and allows significant vehicle communication and a Train Train bus technologies such as a cost-effective train communica- savings. Bus for train-wide information WTB and ETB (Ethernet Train Bus) tion network can be built without exchange. Traditionally the highly enable automatic inauguration. real train bus. standardized WTB (Wire Train Bus) This means that train consists technology is used as train bus can be connected, disconnected and MVB (Multifunction Vehicle Trainnet® Train Communication Network enables the concurrent use of multiple bus technologies or switched without jeopardizing versatile system integration Bus) as vehicle bus. Other bus the Train Communication Network There is often a lack of interoper- CAN and S/L, making it suitable technologies such as CAN, S/L operations. The train configuration ability and harmonization between for new trains as well as for refur- and Profibus are also widely used changes are automatically detect- different train systems. Conse- bishment projects. By selecting as vehicle bus. MVB or CAN can ed and the inauguration allocates quently, it is common to have sev- only the bus technology you need, also be used to develop train-wide to each node its address and ori- eral systems in a train using their you can develop a fully custom- communication networks. The entation thus enabling communi- own separate communication ized system and keep costs down. comparison of train bus technologies: Bandwidth Maximum network length Standard WTB ETB (Wire Train Bus) (Ethernet Train Bus) 1 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s or 1Gbit/s* 32 nodes and a maximum 63 nodes and a maximum length overall length of 860 meters of 100 m between nodes IEC 61375-2-1 IEC 61375-2-5 ** * 1Gbit/s is not standardized but technically available ** the standard IEC 61375-2-5 currently undergoes approval process 24 including Ethernet, WTB, MVB, DYNAMIC TRAIN CONFIGURATION, NO REDUNDANCY Gateway (node) Gateway (node) WIRE TRAIN BUS (OR ETHERNET TRAIN BUS) CONSIST NETWORK (MVB, CAN, ETHERNET) Systems Gateway (node) SUB-SYSTEM DYNAMIC TRAIN CONFIGURATION, WITH REDUNDANCY Gateway (node) Gateway (node) Gateway (node) WIRE TRAIN BUS (OR ETHERNET TRAIN BUS) CONSIST NETWORK (ETHERNET) Gateway (node) SUB-SYSTEM FIXED TRAIN CONFIGURATION, WITH REDUNDANCY Gateway (node) Gateway (node) TRAIN BACKBONE (ETHERNET OR MVB) Gateway (node) CONSIST NETWORK (ETHERNET) This versatility allows the deploy- can be implemented for additional lution. Alternatively, it can be used ment of a single integrated com- reliability, with the possibility to standalone, associated with your munication network across the use a different technology for the own equipment or with sub-sys- train, connecting all the train sub- redundant path if required. Finally, tems from other providers. systems together. Multiple inde- the Trainnet® Open Software pendent networks can of course (Linux) enables you to develop be deployed if that is what your your own applications freely and project requires. keep control over your project at Gateway (node) SUB-SYSTEM all times. EKE also has the experThe Trainnet® TCN provides ef- tise to make all or a part of the ficient and reliable communica- Software for you, or alternatively tion and data-routing between provide training, tools and guid- systems and different networks ance to support your own devel- throughout the train as well as opments. to the way-side. The information conveyed by the Trainnet® TCN compatibility can be accessed from any point For a compact and efficient sys- on the network and even remotely tem, Trainnet® TCN can be used (e.g. from depot). Redundancy as part of a broader Trainnet® so- Advantages Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Modularity Only pay for the features you need. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. 25 Systems Event Recorder (ER) Trainnet® Event Recorder is a highly reliable train data recorder used in high speed trains, EMUs, DMUs, metros, trams, locomotives and track maintenance machines. more than a black box whenever a high level of data pro- video event recorder compatibility Trainnet® Event Recorder (ER) tection is needed. This crash-proof The Event Recorder can record For a compact and efficient sys- is more than the so-called train construction guarantees that video streams from onboard tem, Trainnet® Event Recorder “black box”. It is an on-board the memory board is protected digital video recorders (DVR) or can be used as part of a broader event recorder for collecting and against fire, magnetic fields and directly from cameras. For easy Trainnet® solution. Alternatively, it storing vital train-borne informa- any liquids, as well as against data retrieval, the stream format can be used standalone, associ- tion. Depending on needs, it can any mechanical stress during an can be made compatible with your ated with your own equipment or record all kinds of data including impact or continued pressure. CCTV Software or any other video with systems from other pro- audio and video recordings. Data In practice, the memory board analysis Software that you are us- viders. As an option, additional can be retrieved at any time using is embedded in a protected fire ing. Alternatively, we can develop modules can be integrated to the the Trainnet® TIP Software (Train insulation block, surrounded by a customized video analysis tools to ER rack to record additonal input Inspection Program) which ena- special steel case that is hermeti- fit your needs. and/or output signals. bles system performance analysis cally sealed. small footprint For complete specifications, copied from the event recorder to The design of the Trainnet® Rug- With its compact dimensions and please revert to the Trainnet® a USB stick for convenient trans- ged Memory Module fulfils the its small weight, the Trainnet® Event Recorder Product data- port or storage. Trainnet® Event British (GM/RT2472-1.2002) and Event Recorder can be considered sheet. Recorder proves useful beyond European (EEIG 97E461-3.1998) one of the smallest data record- traditional use following an inci- crashworthiness as well as the ers for railway applications (32TE dent or accident. IEEE (1482.-1.1999) standards. x 3U x160 mm with RMM). It This makes the Trainnet® Event can be installed in a 19”rack with Recorder suitable for trains world- other systems, saving both space wide. and additional mounting costs. and optimization. Data can be rugged memory module for protection Trainnet® Rugged Memory Module Front-panel imprints are available (RMM) is available as an option on request. Advantages 26 Reliability IEEE, EEIG and British RG compliant. Compact Easily integrated to a 19” rack. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. Systems Passenger Information System (pis) Trainnet® Passenger Information System (PIS) provides passengers with information in real-time via a set of displays and audio announcements. display of information and syn- easing orientation and allowing chronized audio announcements Trainnet® PA Trainnet® PIS Software themSoftware to plan their journey better Trainnet® TCN Keeping passengers informed TCMS PIS Displays of your choice The Trainnet® PIS is built upon adapted to match your needs. Trainnet® PEI You can Software Trainnet® TWC freely choose the number Software train location (e.g. using GPS tech- and specifications of screens and satisfaction. The information to be nology), for instance annoucing speaker, and technical specifica- conveyed via the PIS is complete- the next station prior to arrival. Al- tions in general. EKE can select or Trainnet® ly based on your project require- Trainnet® the change of informaternatively Trainnet® recommend third-party hardware ment and can be transmitted via tion can be manually triggered by for you based on your specifica- TCN screens and loud speakers. It may TCN providing the train driver or train TCN tions or use some you have cho- include line maps, entertainment, captain with an interactive PIS sen. Similarly, you can develop advertisements, train current interface where he can select the your own Software applications or position, Speakersnext station, line num- desired let EKE provide you with a turnkey Cameras station or other message Interphones Modem TCMS of your choice ber, train destination, estimated TCMS ofto your choice announce. TCMS choice Similarly, the displayof your system. of your choice of journey related information, time, connections, and informa- safety and disruption announce- pis on mobile devices tion about disruptions. ments, advertisements, enter- A web browser based passenger tainment and any other kind of information service can also be information can be rationalized by set, providing line maps, timeta- Trainnet® PIS is usually used to- providing manual, semi-automatic bles, train connections and other gether with the Trainnet® Train or fully automatic control. desired information over a pro- fully integrated system tected WLAN network. Customers plays and speakers are connected tailored to your needs directly to the Trainnet® Train Over 25 years of experience in their own smart phones or tablets Communication Network (TCN) for train automation has taught us from anywhere on-board. easy and efficient integration. The every project is different. The Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. can freely access the service with Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Trainnet® TCN departure time, estimated arrival Communication Network. All dis- Advantages based on the increases passenger comfort and the powerful Trainnet® platform (TCMS and/or TCN). Trainnet®CCTV can be automated Software Trainnet® PIS technology can be Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. 27 Systems Public Announcement System (pa) Trainnet® Public Announcement System (PA) allows audio announcements to passengers and staff in realtime via a set of loudspeakers. Trainnet® PA Software TCN can be pre-recorded and stored train automation has taught us System (PA) can be used to issue in the system. Announcements every project is different. Train- pre-recorded Softwareaudio messages (e.g. can be manually triggered from Software net® PA technology can be adaptSoftware Trainnet®CCTV Trainnet® TCMS Trainnet® Public Announcement TCMS Speakers of your choice Trainnet® PEI stored within Trainnet®) or make a menu available from a control live announcements. Communi- display. It is also possible to com- select the type and number of cations can include stop names, pletely automate announcements speakers, and technical specifica- on-boardTrainnet® services information as when parameters can be pre-deTrainnet® tions Trainnet® in general. EKE can select or well as traffic and safety related fined. For instance, train location recommend third-party loudspeak- announcements. Such announceTCN TCMS can beTCN provided by GPS technol- ers and TCN amplifiers for you based ments facilitate passenger orien- ogy and station names announced on your specifications or use tation and increase safety, thus automatically right before enter- some you have chosen. Similarly, increasing passenger comfort and ing the station. Trainnet® PA can you can develop your own Soft- satisfaction. of your choice beofcombined with Trainnet® Pasyour choice ware applications or let EKE proof your choice fully integrated system synchronized communication on TCMS Cameras Interphones senger Information System for Trainnet® PA is usually used to- train information displays. When The Trainnet® PA is built upon gether with the Trainnet® Train using the Trainnet® Event Re- the powerful Trainnet® platform Communication Network. Speak- corder, the announcements issued (TCMS and/or TCN). ers and amplifiers are connected in the last hours are automatically to the Trainnet® Train Commu- stored and protected (with RMM nication Network (TCN) for easy option) in case of crash or serious and efficient integration. Audio incident. announcements can be made by Advantages 28 Trainnet® TWC the driver or train crew via micro- tailored to your needs phones. Expecetd announcements Over 25 years of experience in Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. Trainnet® MO Software ed to match your needs. You can TCMS Modem vide you with a turnkey system. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. Trainne TCN W-lan device of your choice TCMS Systems Video surveillance (cctv) Trainnet® CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) is a flexible video surveillance system designed to be integrated into Trainnet® TCN or TCMS. Trainnet®CCTV Software tive displays, for easy monitoring third-party cameras for you based Television) provides the means to by the train crew and the train on your specifications or use monitor passenger traffic as well Software driver.Software The video recording can be some you have chosen. Similarly, Software on-board and in the vicinity of the on Digital Video Recorders (DVR) ware applications or let EKE pro- train. It increases passenger and installed on-board the train. When vide you with a turnkey system. personnel safety as a dissuasion Trainnet® using the Trainnet® Event RecordTrainnet® tool and enables better incident er, the last hours of video record- TCMS analysis TCN and faster response ing are TCN automatically TCMS stored and times. protected (with Rugged Memory Trainnet® PEI as incidents that may take place Trainnet® TCN Trainnet® CCTV (Closed-Circuit TCMS Cameras of your choice fully integrated system Interphones Trainnet® CCTV is usually used of your choice Trainnet® TWC stored at the desired resolution serious incident. Modem of your choice tailored to your needs Communication Network (TCN). Over 25 years of experience in All cameras are connected to the train automation has taught us The Trainnet® CCTV is built upon Trainnet® TCN for easy and ef- every project is different. Train- the powerful Trainnet® platform ficient integration. As an option, net® CCTV technology can be (TCMS and/or TCN). Ethernet bus technology can be adapted to match your needs. You used to simultaneously provide can freely choose the number of power to the cameras to limit ca- cameras per coach, the camera bling and save costs (Power Over resolution, camera movements Ethernet). The video recording (optional), DVR specifications and can be displayed on screens, for technical specifications in general. instance Trainnet® TCMS interac- EKE can select or recommend Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. you can develop your own Soft- Trainnet® TCN TCMS Module option) in case of crash or together with the Trainnet® Train Advantages Trainnet® MOB Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. W-lan device of your choice Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. 29 Systems Passenger Emergency Intercom (pei) Trainnet® Passenger Emergency Intercom is a reliable and straightforward emergency intercom system designed to be integrated into Trainnet® TCN or TCMS. have chosen. Similarly, you can de- tion can be established with the velop your own Software applica- used Software in train vehicles. In case of driver’s cabin or any other desired Software tions or let EKE provide you with emergency, passengers can com- control unit in the train equipped a turnkey system. municate with the train crew via with a speaker and a microphone. the intercom. When using the Trainnet® Event TCMS Interphones of your choice Trainnet® MOB Trainnet® Recorder, the possible conversa- Trainnet® Trainnet® TCN to speak and hear. Communica- Intercom (PEI) is meant to be Trainnet® TWC Trainnet® PEI Software TCMS Trainnet® Passenger Emergency fully TCN integratedTCMS system tions recorded in the last hours TCMS TCN are automatically stored and pro- Trainnet® PEI is usually used to- tected (with RMM option) in case gether with the Trainnet® Train of a crash or serious incident. Communication Network. All Modem Emergency Intercoms are conof your choice W-lan device of your choice nected to the Trainnet® Train tailored to your needs Communication Network (TCN) for Over 25 years of experience in easy and efficient integration. In train automation has taught us The Trainnet® PEI is built upon general, the intercom consist of a every project is different. The the powerful Trainnet® platform switch for the passenger to active Trainnet® PEI technology can be (TCMS and/or TCN). the PEI audio communication to adapted to match your needs. You the train crew or driver: a light- can freely choose the number of emitting diode (LED) is automati- intercoms per coach and technical cally lit to indicate the request for specifications in general. EKE can communication has been sent. The select or recommend third-party PEI also includes a microphone intercoms for you based on your and a speaker for the passenger specifications or use some you Advantages 30 Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. TCMS Systems Train-to-Wayside Communication System Trainnet® Train-to-Wayside Communication System enables wireless communication to operation centres and remote locations in general . Trainnet® TWC Software TCN nance team. Similar data can be munication System (TWC) is an gathered from all trains for fleet emitter-receiver Software used to exchange management purposes. Data can tailored to your needs information wirelessly between be stored at a remote location for Over 25 years of experience in the train and other locations, analysis or for archiving. Finally train automation has taught us typically the operation centre or information can also be sent from every project is different. Train- Trainnet® depot. Information sent to the the operating centre to the train. net® TWC technology can be wayside may include the main For instance train destination or adapted to match your needs. You TCN train performance parameters, the other information for the Passen- can select the wireless technology train location (when equipped with ger Information Systems can be you want to use, and technical GPS), as well as maintenance and set from the depot. specifications in general. EKE can Trainnet® MOB Trainnet® TCMS Modem of your choice networks are not available. Trainnet® Train-to-Wayside Com- TCMS safety information. W-lan device of your choice fully integrated system wireless technologies select or recommend a third-party emitter- receiver for you based on While GSM technology (GPRS, your specifications or use some Trainnet® Train-to-Wayside Com- EDGE, UMTS) is usually used, you have chosen. Similarly, you munication System (TWC) is an WLAN and Satellite communica- can develop your own Software The Trainnet® TWC is built upon extension of Trainnet® Train Com- tion systems are also available. applications or let EKE provide the powerful Trainnet® platform munication Network (TCN). It is GSM allows real-time transfer of you with a turnkey system. (TCMS and/or TCN). connected to the TCN and can important telemetric information. be programmed to send to the WLAN transmission (usually occur- wayside any set of data avail- ring at the stations) can be used able from the network. This timely when large amounts of informa- exchange of information enables tion need to be sent. Finally, satel- remote diagnostic and faster lite can be used in remote loca- response times from the mainte- tions where other communication Advantages Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. 31 Systems Mobile applications Trainnet® Mobile Applications allows sending information to passenger mobile devices. It also enables the train crew to access and control the Trainnet® TCMS. Trainnet® MOB Software Trainnet® CMS TCN The Trainnet® Mobile Applications train management app (MOBs) aim at collecting informa- Trainnet® MOB TCMS enables tion from the Trainnet® TCMS train managers and train crew in and sending it to mobile devices general to access and take con- present in the train via a wireless trol of the train TCMS from their network (w-lan). smart phone. The train manager W-lan device of your choice LINE 7 With Trainnet® MOB PIS, passengers can access travel informa- AIRPORT ---> GREENPARK STATIONS can for example switch lights or passenger app TCMS CityRail Online Services LIVE TRAVEL INFORMATION CONNECTIONS 26.09.2016 12:48 ESTIMATED ARRIVAL 12:39 Airport Museum modify air conditioning from any- Market Square where in the train. Stadium Town Hall maintenance app tablets. Virtually any information System status, faults and alarms can be pulled from the TCMS in- can be sent to maintenance staff cluding train location, line map, mobile devices with the Trainnet® estimated arrival time, speed and MOB FIX application. Any mainte- so on. Safety and journey An- nance related information can eas- nouncements can be displayed in ily be selected and sent. 12:45 12:49 13:02 13:08 Green park tion from their smart phones and 12:43 NEXT STOP HIGHLIGHTED IN GREY MENU SETTINGS HELP Trainnet® MOB PIS provide train The Trainnet® MOB is built upon real-time. Additional services such passengers with travel informa- the powerful Trainnet® platform as onboard restaurant menu, pos- tion and other services for com- (TCMS and/or TCN). sible train connections, news, city fort and entertainment. guide, weather forecast, games and advertisements can also be accessed from the web platform. Advantages 32 Versatility Cover all your needs with one system. Fully integrated Cost-effective and compact system. Open software Keep control over your project at all times. Long term support Get support during the lifetime of your project. Products Products 33 Products WTB - Ethernet Gateway MVB Gateway WTB - CAN Gateway TCN gateways module functions ed in the Product section. The The Trainnet® TCN Gateways Trainnet® TCN Gateway modu- provide versatility and perfor- lar design enables you to select mance to build efficient Train only the features you need for Communication Networks. The a cost-efficient solution. Con- gateways are modular, enabling tact us to discuss your project you to precisely select the train and see how you can develop bus and vehicle bus technolo- gateways that match your re- gies you need. quirements perfectly. key features The Trainnet® TCN Gateways MVB - CAN - Ethernet Gateway with Power A Gateway usually consists of are usually provided as fully over Ethernet, Event Recorder and I/O modules a Central Processing Unit, a integrated systems, fitting in Train Bus interface module and either 44TE or 84TE wide rack. at least one Vehicle Bus inter- The rack height is typically 3U face module. When the gate- or 6U. Trainnet® TCN Gateways way is standalone, a power are designed with ease of use supply is also added. EKE has in mind. Most Trainnet® mod- developed a comprehensive ules have interface connectors range of CPUs and bus inter- at the front and communicate face modules to accommodate with each other via the back- most technical requirements plane (including VME bus). Me- Redundant MVB Gateway and budgets. Trainnet® TCN chanical coding of D-9 connec- with I/O modules Gateway can combine some or tors is available as an option. It all of the following train and can be noted that other mod- vehicle bus technologies: Wire ules such as Event Recorders Train Bus (WTB), ETB (Ether- and Discrete Input and Output net Train Bus), ECN (Ethernet modules can also be integrated Consist Network), Multifunc- to the same rack for a compact tion Vehicle Bus (MVB), CAN and cost-efficient system. Vehicle Bus (CVB) and Serial Links (S/L). technical specifications Technical specifications de- Modules can be freely com- pend on the modules selected. bined for a very flexible and Please read dedicated module modular solution. The most pages for comprehensive tech- common modules are present- nical information. 34 EKE-Electronics Ltd RS 485 VME Bus Products ISaGRAF Interface VME Bus Manager PST Interface RTC PowerPC Processor 2 x Ethernet Graphics Blackfin Digital Controller Signal Processor DVI-I Audio 3 x RS 485 Central Processing Unit with Graphical Display Controller (cpg) en 50155 module functions digital signals and can be direct- The ISaGRAF® kernel embedded technical specifications Trainnet® CPG can be used as a ly connected to DVI displays in the CPU acts as the operat- processor to manage train com- with resolutions up to 1024 ing Software of the CPU. Train Dimensions (W x H x D) puters/gateways and sub-sys- x 768 pixels. Touch screens management applications can 8 TE x 3 U x 160 mm tems connected to them. It has can be connected through an be de developed with the ISa- Weight: 300 g two main functions. Firstly, it is isolated RS 485 interface or GRAF® Software to create the Input Power the core of the Train Communi- through the DVI cable when us- desired control and diagnostic 5 V DC ± 5 % (1.5 A max., 1 A typ.) cation Network. It provides the ing Trainnet® Human Machine functions in the train. The open Temperature Range (operational) necessary interfaces and routing Interface (HMI). The audio in- platform runs on the Linux Op- -40 °C…+70 °C capabilities between the Train terface line output can be used erating Software and supports MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) Bus, the Vehicle Bus and sub- to drive audio announcement further Software development 770 000 h (CPG1824A) systems. Secondly, it can act systems such as the Trainnet® in C language, either as an ISa- Video Interface as the brain of the Train Con- PA. The interface is isolated on GRAF® extension or on top of DVI-I; Single TMDS digital output and analogue RGB trol and Management System the digital side to provide best the module’s Linux kernel. The Resolution up to 1024 x 768 (TCMS), providing the means to audio quality. PowerPC processor provides Audio Interface enough processing power for Isolated stereo audio line output develop, store and run applications for control and diagnostics Three programmable isolated demanding applications with 0 – 700 mVRMS to 10 kΩ load of on-board systems. asynchronous or bit-synchro- 400 MHz core speed and 64 Touch Screen Interface nous SCC channels are available megabytes of 64-bit wide 100 Integrated RS 485 on DVI interface The Trainnet® CPG module is a (RS 485) for connection to com- MHz SDRAM. Serial Interfaces graphical display controller mod- patible devices in the train. ule which supports both ana- 2 isolated RS 485 on front A so-called PST interface (usu- (3 if not using the Touch Screen Interface) logue and digital displays. It is Two 10/100 Mbit/s Full Duplex ally serial link or Ethernet) ena- 1 RS 485 on back for I/Obus connectivity suitable to manage the display Ethernet interfaces can be used bles the use of the Trainnet® Ethernet Interfaces of video surveillance recordings. to connect to any Ethernet Portable System tester (PST) Two 10/100 Mbit, M12 connectors The Trainnet® CPG module is Communication Network, typi- as well as other tools for event Boot Flash Memory also capable of storing digital cally connecting the CPG with log operations, maintenance, 8 MB media content such as audio switches or other electronic debugging, downloading and File System Flash Memory announcements in compressed racks. The Ethernet interfaces application development pur- 512 MB (On request up to 2 GB) format for on-board use. can also be directly connected poses. Processor RAM key features to any Ethernet enabled de- 64 MB vices (e.g. network cameras). The Trainnet® CPG real-time Graphics Controller RAM The Digital Signal Processor of Bridge between two channels clock is powered by a back-up 32 MB the Trainnet® CPG is dedicated is also supported. The number capacitor and will run for a mini- Digital Signal Processor RAM for video and audio processing. of Ethernet interfaces can be mum of 30 days from the time 16 MB The Digital Visual Interface (DVI- increased with the Trainnet® power is no longer applied. VME Bus (IEC 821) Interface I) combines both analogue and Ethernet Switching Unit. EKE-Electronics Ltd A24/D16 Master or Slave 35 VME Bus Products RS 485 ISaGRAF Interface Flash Memory VME Bus Manager PST Interface Flash Memory Interface RTC USB Host PowerPC Processor 1 x Ethernet Central Processing Unit with Serial Links (cps, cpf) Controller 3 x RS 485 USB 1 x USB en 50155 module functions can alternatively be directly con- A so-called PST interface (usu- Trainnet® CPS can be used as nected to any Ethernet enabled ally serial link or Ethernet) ena- a processor to manage train devices (e.g. network cameras). bles the use of the Trainnet® Dimensions (W x H x D) computers/gateways and sub- The number of Ethernet inter- Portable System tester (PST) 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm systems connected to them. It faces can be increased with the as well as other tools for event Weight has two main functions. Firstly, Trainnet® Ethernet Switching log operations, maintenance, 255 g it is the core of the Train Com- Unit. debugging, downloading and Input Power application development pur- 5 V DC ± 5 % (1.5 A max., 1 A typ.) poses. Temperature Range (operational) munication Network. It provides technical specifications the necessary interfaces and One USB Host Interface is routing capabilities between provided to connect memo- the Train Bus, the Vehicle Bus ry sticks or other devices for The Trainnet® CPS real-time MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) and sub-systems. Secondly, maintenance purposes. B-type clock is powered by a back-up 950 000 h it can act as the brain of the connector is used to protect capacitor will run for a minimum USB Interface Train Control and Management unattended usage (special tools of 30 days from the time pow- One 2.0 High Speed host, Type B connector System (TCMS), providing the required). er is no longer applied. Serial Interfaces run applications for control and The ISaGRAF® kernel embedded options diagnostic of on-board systems. in the CPU acts as the operat- Event logging memory: Train- Boot Flash Memory ing Software of the CPU. Train net® CPF is simply Trainnet® 8 MB management applications can CPS with extended event log- File System Flash Memory The Trainnet® CPS Module is a be de developed with the ISa- ging flash memory (4 Gb vs 512 512 MB processing unit providing se- GRAF® Software to create the MB). Trainnet® CPF can act as Event Logging Flash Memory rial communication interfaces. desired control and diagnostic a low cost event recorder when 512 MB (CPS2258A) Three (four as an option) pro- functions in the train. The open limited memory and protection 4 GB (CPF3027A) grammable isolated asynchro- platform runs on the Linux Op- are required. All Trainnet® CPS Processor RAM nous or bit-synchronous SCC erating Software and supports features are also valid for Train- 64 MB channels are available (RS 485) further Software development net® CPF. VME Bus (IEC 821) Interface for connection to compatible in C language, either as an ISa- devices in the train. GRAF® extension or on top of means to develop, store and key features the module’s Linux kernel. The One 10/100 Mbit/s Full Duplex PowerPC processor provides Ethernet interfaces can be used enough processing power for to connect to any Ethernet demanding applications with Communication Network, typi- 400 MHz core speed and 64 cally connecting the CPS with megabytes of 64-bit wide 100 switches or other electronic MHz SDRAM. racks. The Ethernet interface 36 EKE-Electronics Ltd -40 °C…+70 °C 3 isolated RS 485 on front 1 RS 485 on back for I/Obus connectivity A24/D16 Master or Slave Products VME Bus VME Bus Slave Logic Local CPU (Z180) WTB Configuration PST Interface WTB LLI WTB Logic (FPGA) WTB MAU Line A Line B 1 2 1 2 Wire Train Bus Interface Module (wtb, wtf) en 50155 iec 61375-2-1 module functions A separate memory area is re- network timing to retain unde- technical specifications Trainnet® Wire Train Bus (WTB) served for message data and graded specifications. modules are used to create maintenance messages as well train-wide communication for Remote Procedure Call type options networks. The WTB module access to the Link Layer primi- Fritting voltage: The WTB bus 8 TE x 3 U x 160 mm (WTF1765A, middle picture) implements the WTB link layer tives. The WTB module is able interface sustains fritting volt- 8 TE x 3 U x 160 mm (WTB1912A, right picture) functions of the IEC 61375-2-1. to provide applications with age. Fritting voltage source is Weight Train Communications Network timing synchronization when a available as an option (Train- 170 g (WTB1822A) standard. The TCN real-time Macro Period finishes. net® WTF, ref. WTF1765A). 320 g (WTF1765A) specifications and the routing The WTB module is realised Redundant connectors: In the Input Power between the WTB and other through the highly efficient basic module, the bus redun- 5 V DC ± 5 % (1 A max., 0.5 A typ.) buses are implemented by the combination of a dedicated mi- dancy is integrated in a single Temperature Range (operational) gateway CPU Module. croprocessor and FPGA logic. In bus connector but separated -40 °C…+70 °C addition to strict compliance to connectors for the redundant MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) the IEC 61375-1 standard, the bus are available as an option 1 140 000 h (WTB1822A) The WTB MAU supports WTB module has the capability (ref. WTB1912A). 490 000 h (WTF1765A) physical cable redundancy as of carrying out enhanced diag- 1 110 000 h (WTB1912A) specified in the IEC 61375-2-1 nostics functions, like monitor- Train Bus standard and uses TCN stand- ing the bit error ratios between IEC 61375-1: WTB ard’s Sub D-9 type connectors individual train coaches in order Data Rate located on the front panel of to identify communication is- 1 Mbit/s (Half speed 500 kbit/s on request) the module. Communication to sues. MAU protocols, the UIC leaflet 556 key features Dimensions (W x H x D) 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm (WTB1822A, left picture) 295 g (WTB1912A) the gateway is done through Transformer isolation shared memory over the IEC To handle incompatible cabling Combined or individual bus connectors 821 VME back plane bus. The or extremely harsh operating VME Bus (IEC 821) Interface WTB link layer functions are im- conditions, the WTB module is A24 Slave with D08(EO)/D16 plemented by the WTB module able to act as a bus repeater 256 kB DP RAM for process and message data local processor. by completely re-generating the data stream towards both The Trainnet® WTB module has extremities. Intelligent repeater static shared RAM memory management is included in the accessible from both the local WTB module’s system Soft- CPU and the VME Bus inter- ware to support the selection face. The TCN standard’s source of an optimal number of con- and sink port handling for WTB currently enabled repeaters on process data is supported. the train bus, thus allowing the EKE-Electronics Ltd 37 Products VME Bus VME Bus Slave Logic MVB Manager (local processor Z180 and MVBC02 asic) MVB Configuration PST Interface MVB MAU Line A Line B Multifunction Vehicle Bus Interface Module (mvb) 1 2 1 2 en 50155 iec 61375-3-1 module functions control more than one Train- has four ST-bayonet fibre con- Trainnet® Multifunction Vehicle net® MVB module to imple- nectors. Bus (MVB) modules are used ment physically separate MVB Dimensions (W x H x D) to create vehicle buses or more networks. 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm comprehensive train communi- technical specifications Weight cation networks. The Multi- The Trainnet® MVB module has ESD: 160 g / EMD: 220 g / OGF: 180 g function Vehicle Bus Module static shared RAM memory Input Power implements the MVB link layer accessible from both the local 5 V DC ± 5 % (1 A max., 0.5 A typ.) functions of the IEC 61375-3-1 CPU and the VME Bus inter- Temperature Range (operational) Train Communications Net- face. A separate memory area -40 °C…+70 °C work standard. The TCN real- is reserved for message data MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) time protocols and the routing and maintenance messages as 1 320 000 h (MVB2791A , looks like left picture) between the MVB and other well for Remote Procedure Call 1 950 000 h (MVB1820A, left picture) buses are implemented by the type access to the Link Layer 720 000 h (MVB2616A, right picture) gateway CPU Module. primitives. Physical Medium key features The MVB module is realised Electrical Medium Distance (EMD, MVB1820A) The Trainnet® Multifunction through a highly efficient com- Optical Glass Fibre (OGF, MVB2616A) Vehicle Bus module supports bination of local microproces- Data Rate physical cable redundancy and sor, FPGA logic and a dedicated 1.5 Mbit/s; Manchester encoding full bus master functionality as MVB controller (ASIC). In addi- VME Bus (IEC 821) Interface specified in the IEC 61375-3- tion to strict compliance to the A24 Slave with D08(EO)/D16 1 standard. Bus administrator IEC 61375-3-1 standard, the 246 kB SRAM and 512 kB traffic memory redundancy is supported on WTB module has the capability for process and message data Software level. of carrying out some diagnostic Isolated Electrical Short Distance (ESD, MVB2791A) functions. TCN standard’s D-9 type connectors (or ST-bayonet fibre options connectors) are located on the Physical interface: the fol- front panel of the module. Com- lowing MVB module physical munication to the gateway is interfaces are available: Electri- done through shared memory cal Short Distance with optical over the IEC 821 VME back isolation (ESD+), Electrical Me- plane bus. The MVB link layer dium Distance (EMD) and Opti- functions are implemented by cal Glass Fibre (OGF) medium. the MVB module local proces- ESD+ and EMD come with two sor. One Trainnet® CPU can sub D-9 connectors while OGF 38 EKE-Electronics Ltd Products VME Bus VME Bus Slave Logic Host CPU Network Configuration PST Interface (Z180) SJA 1000 SJA 1000 CAN A CAN B CAN Vehicle Bus Interface Module (cvb) en 50155 iec 61375-3-3 module functions The CVB module is realised technical specifications The Trainnet® CAN Vehicle Bus through a highly efficient combi- Interface Module (CVB) module nation of local microprocessor, Dimensions (W x H x D) is used to create up to two FPGA logic and two dedicated 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm CAN Buses in the train. The 2 CAN controllers. The Trainnet® Weight CAN ports can be independent- CAN Vehicle Bus Interface Mod- 165 g ly configured as CAN 2.0 A/B ule has the capability of carry- Input Power or CANopen. The Trainnet® CVB ing out some diagnostics func- 5 V DC ± 5 % (500 mA nominal) module implements the CAN tions. Interfaces are Dual CAN Temperature Range (operational) link layer functions. The rout- 2.0 B and ISO 11898 compat- -40 °C…+70 °C ing between the CAN bus and ible with CiA DS-102 standard MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) other buses are implemented pin assignment, implemented 600 000 h (CVB1521A CAN terminated) by the gateway CPU Module. with SJA1000 standalone CAN 600 000 h (CVB2456A CAN not terminated) controllers. CAN Network Interface key features Two CAN interfaces The module has two CAN net- options work connectors on the front- Bus interfaces: The Trainnet® Up to 1 Mbit/s panel, one 9-pin sub-miniature CVB module is available as an Protocol D-type connector for each in- option with integrated bus ter- CAN 2.0 compatible dependent interface. Communi- mination resistors. Electrical Data Rate cation to the gateway is done 24 V compliant, optically isolated through shared memory over Connector the IEC 821 VME back plane 9-pin sub-miniature D-type connector bus. The CAN network access AWG 20 STP cable recommended is implemented with two CAN Bus Termination controller chips and the CAN On board 120 Ohm termination on request link layer functions with the VME Bus (IEC 821) Interface CAN module local CPU. One A24 Slave with D08(EO)/D16 Trainnet® CPU can control more than one Trainnet® CVB module to implement physically separated CAN networks. The Trainnet® CVB module has static shared RAM memory accessible from both the local CPU and the VME Bus interface. EKE-Electronics Ltd 39 Products VME Switch Management Processing Switch Router M12 Ethernet Ports M12 Ethernet Ports ETB Direction 1 ETB Direction 2 Ethernet Router Unit (eru) Ethernet Consist Networks en 50155 iec 61375-2-5 iec 61375-3-4 module functions ERU non-blocking (QoS Layer 2) namic DNS server), so that end The Trainnet® Ethernet Router switching architecture provides devices in vehicles can connect Unit (ERU) is a combination of large bandwidth: its 10 ports to each other through their do- Dimensions (W x H x D) high performance Ethernet rout- are 10/100BASE-TX Mbit/s Full main names, not only the IP ad- 16 TE x 3 U x 160 mm er and switch. It is used as an Duplex Ethernet with auto MDI/ dresses. The ERU provides the Weight Ethernet Train Backbone node MDIX M12 connectors. If re- train topology information to 500 g (ETBN) to create integrated Eth- quired, two Ethernet ports can applications in a train directory. Input Power ernet Train Bus (ETB) and Ether- be replaced by 1 Gbit/s optical net Consist Networks (ECN). It fiber SFP ports or M12 X-coded Port mirroring can be used to Temperature Range (operational) provides connectivity for devices 1 Gbit/s ports for increased copy packet data seen on a -40 °C…+70 °C with an Ethernet connection and bandwidth. The Ethernet ports switch port to another port MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) can complement or replace the are located on the front panel of for diagnostic and monitoring 450 000 h Wire Train Bus (WTB). the module and communication purposes. ERU supports Virtual Ethernet Interfaces to the gateway is done via one Router Redundancy Protocol 4 x 10/100 Mbit/s M12 for ETB The Trainnet® ERU module of the Ethernet ports. An Elec- (VRRP) providing enhanced reli- 6 x 10/100 Mbit/s M12 for ECN implements the ETB link layer tronic Serial Number (ESN) port ability: if a module stops work- (1 Gbit/s M12 or SFP as an option for ports T1 and T2) function of the IEC 61375-2- is available for device identifica- ing, its IP address is automati- Switching Buffer Memory 5 as well as the ECN link layer tion and configuration. cally transferred to a redundant 2 Mbit device, ensuring continuous Management CPU operations. PowerPC 667 MHz function of the IEC 61375-3-4 technical specifications 5 V DC ± 5 % (1.5 A typ. 3 A max.) Train Communications Network The ECN ports of the ERU can Standards. The Ethernet tech- be partitioned to create distinct nology large bandwidth (typical- ECN subnets using a virtual The ERU module ECN switch 512 MB ly 100 MB/s) is particularly suit- router. The device also supports provides connectivity to the RAM able for data intensive systems dynamic routing protocols. Link consist network switches in 256 MB like video surveillance or Pas- aggregation is also possible to a ring configuration (allows senger Information Systems. increase data transfer capa- redundancy), or by connecting bilities but especially to create ports directly to end devices. redundancy. The switch provides services key features Flash Memory such as Dynamic Host Configu- The Trainnet® ERU module routes traffic between ETB and The ERU module automatically ration Protocol (DHCP) in order ECN. 4 ports are dedicated to handles the train inauguration to assign IP addresses to end ETB (2 separate lines in each as consists are connected to devices automatically. The man- direction of the vehicle) and 6 to and disconnected from the train agement processor provides ECN. The bypassing functionality set. There is support for dynam- also VLAN configurations and allows the information from the ically connecting up to 63 train Layer 3 switching. It enables di- ETB to go through even if the backbone nodes. The module agnostic functions such as the car is unpowered. The Trainnet® also has a DDNS server (i.e. Dy- identification of faulty cables. 40 EKE-Electronics Ltd 48 V Products ESU1906A Management DSP Switch PoE Injection and Diagnostics M12 Ethernet Ports with PoE Ethernet Switching Unit (1u esu) M12 SFP SFP en 50155 iec 61375-3-4 module functions The PoE functionality provides ing, its IP address is automati- The Trainnet® Ethernet Switch- power to cameras, intercoms cally transferred to a redundant technical specifications ing Unit (1U ESU) is an Ether- and other low-power equip- device, ensuring continuous Dimensions (W x H x D) net switch used to build Ether- ment via the Ethernet cable, operations. The car can also be 84 TE x 1 U x 160 mm net Consist Networks (ECN). It thus simplifying train cabling. equipped with two redundant Weight can also be used to create an The PoE power supply module Trainnet® 1U ESU modules to 550 g Ethernet train backbone in the (PSE) is used to provide 48 V increase system reliability. If the Input Power case of a fixed trainset with no DC from different train battery principal module fails, the sec- 5 V DC ± 5 % (4 A max., 1.5 to 2.5 A typ.) need for automatic inauguration. voltages to 1U ESU modules. ondary module takes over the Temperature Range (operational) Up to three power supplies functionality. -40 °C…+70 °C The Trainnet® 1U ESU module (PSE) can be used together implements the ECN link layer with two ESU modules in one The 1U ESU provides connec- 550 000 h (ESU1906A) function of the IEC 61375-3-4 3U 19” rack to provide a stan- tivity to the consist network 640 000 h (ESU2250A) Train Communications Network dalone switch with a total of up switches in a ring configuration Ethernet Interfaces Standard. The Ethernet technol- to 30 ports including 24 ports (allows redundancy), or by con- ESU1906A ogy large bandwidth (typically with PoE. necting ports directly to end 12 x 10/100 Mbit/s with PoE, M12 devices. The switch provides 1 x 10/100 Mbit/s, M12 100 MB/s) is particularly suit- MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) able for data intensive systems The Ethernet ports are located services such as Dynamic Host 2 x 1 Gbit/s available in SFP module slot like video surveillance or Pas- on the front panel of the mod- Configuration Protocol (DHCP) ESU2250A senger Information Systems. ule and communication to the in order to assign IP addresses gateway is done via one of the to end devices automatically. key features Switching Buffer Memory Ethernet ports. Ports can be The management processor 2 Mbits The Trainnet® 1U ESU has 15 partitioned to create distinct provides also VLAN configura- Management CPU Ethernet ports which can have ECN subnets using a virtual tions Layer 3 switching. It ena- Blackfin DSP, 500 MHz, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet different properties. Three port router. The device also supports bles diagnostic functions such Flash Memory technologies are available: dynamic routing protocols and as the identification of faulty 8 MB → 10/100 Mbit/s Full Duplex link aggregation (to increase cables and the PoE monitoring. RAM Ethernet port with auto MDI/ data transfer capabilities but es- It features a non-blocking (QoS 16 MB MDIX M12 connectors pecially to create redundancy). Layer 2) switching architecture. → 10/100 Mbit/s Full Duplex Port mirroring can be used to Ethernet port with auto MDI/ copy packet data seen on a options MDIX M12 connectors and switch port to another port for Port combinations (2 options Power-over-Ethernet (PoE). diagnostic and monitoring pur- available to meet different tech- → 1 Gbit/s optical fiber SFP poses. 1U ESU supports Virtual nical requirements): port for larger bandwidth (sin- Router Redundancy Protocol → 12 x 10/100 with PoE + 1 x gle fibre, multimode fibre or (VRRP) providing enhanced reli- 10/100 + 2 x SFP (ESU1906A) copper cables) ability: if a module stops work- → 15 x SFP (ESU2250A) EKE-Electronics Ltd 15 x 1 Gbit/s available in SFP module slot 41 Products VME Switch Management Processing Switch M12 Ethernet Ports ESN ESN Ethernet Consist Networks Compact Ethernet Switching Unit (3u esu) Train Backbone for Fixed Train set (Option) en 50155 iec 61375-3-4 module functions increased bandwidth. The Eth- distinct ECN subnets using a The Trainnet® Compact Ether- ernet ports are located on the virtual router. The device also net Switching Unit (3U ESU) front panel of the module and supports dynamic routing pro- Dimensions (W x H x D) EKE Trainnet® is a versatile Eth- communication to the gateway tocols. Link aggregation is also 16 TE x 3 U x 160 mm ernet switch module suitable is done via one of the Ether- possible to increase data trans- Weight for building cost effective Eth- net ports. An Electronic Serial fer capabilities but especially to 520 g ernet Consist Networks (ECN). Number (ESN) port is available create redundancy. Input Power It can also be used to create an for device identification and Ethernet train backbone in the configuration. case of a fixed train set with technical specifications 5 V DC ± 5 % (1.5 A typ. 3 A max.) Port mirroring can be used to Temperature Range (operational) copy packet data seen on a -40 °C…+70 °C no need for automatic inaugu- The car can be equipped with switch port to another port for MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) ration. two redundant Trainnet® 3U diagnostic and monitoring pur- 690 000 h ESU modules to increase sys- poses. 3U ESU supports Virtual Ethernet Interfaces The Trainnet® 3U ESU module tem reliability. If the principal Router Redundancy Protocol 10 x 10/100 Mbit/s M12 implements the ECN link layer module fails, the secondary (VRRP) providing enhanced reli- (1 Gbit/s M12 or SFP as an option for ports 1 and 2) function of the IEC 61375-3-4 module takes over the func- ability: if a module stops work- Switching Buffer Memory Train Communications Network tionality. ing, its IP address is automati- 2 Mbits cally transferred to a redundant Management CPU Standards. The Ethernet technology large bandwidth (typical- The Trainnet® 3U ESU provides device, ensuring continuous PowerPC 667 MHz ly 100 MB/s) is particularly suit- connectivity to the consist operations. Flash Memory able for data intensive systems network switches in a ring con- 512 MB like video surveillance or Pas- figuration (allows redundancy), RAM senger Information Systems. or by connecting ports directly 256 MB key features to end devices. The switch provides services such as Dynamic The Trainnet® 3U ESU non- Host Configuration Protocol blocking (QoS Layer 2) switch- (DHCP) in order to assign IP ing architecture provides large addresses to end devices au- bandwidth: it has 10 Ethernet tomatically. The management ports which are 10/100BASE- processor provides also VLAN TX Mbit/s Full Duplex Ethernet configurations and Layer 3 with auto MDI/MDIX M12 con- switching. It enables diagnostic nectors. If required the two Eth- functions such as the identifica- ernet ports placed on the left- tion of faulty cables. hand side, can be replaced by 1 Gbit/s optical fiber SFP ports or The 10 ports of the 3U ESU M12 X-coded 1 Gbit/s ports for can be partitioned to create 42 EKE-Electronics Ltd Products Trainnet® eRIOM Trainnet® MVB RIOM Remote Input/Output Module (eriom, mvb riom) en 50155 module functions gateway. By default, the MVB technical specifications The EKE Trainnet® RIOM ena- physical interface is Electrical bles data input and output to Medium Distance (EMD) with the Consist Network within the two sub D-9 connectors. Electri- 44TE option vicinity of the I/O sources. It cal Short Distance with optical 279.8mm x 132.5mm x 214.2mm is an alternative to connecting isolation (ESD+) and Optical (installation width 243mm) I/O sources directly to the con- Glass Fibre (OGF) medium are 84TE option sist gateway and it can lead to available upon request. 482.5mm x 132.5mm x 214.2mm reduced cabling and thus cost Dimensions (W x H x D) (installation width 445,8mm) savings. Weight key features Number of modules: 44TE option → In its most compact version, 2.6 Kg (+ I/O module weights) The RIOM supports both ana- RIOM can use up to 8 EKE 84TE option logue and digital inputs/out- Trainnet® I/O module and be fit- puts. Most EKE Trainnet® I/O ted in a 44TE rack. Input Power module can be used including → A 84TE rack version is also 24…36 V DC -30/+25% AIM, AOM, DIO, DRO and PTI. available as an option to fit up or 48…110 V DC -30/+25% You can find out more about to 18 I/O modules. Temperature Range (operational) 4 Kg (+ I/O module weights) these modules by reading the -40 °C…+70 °C dedicated datasheets or by MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) contacting your EKE Sales rep- Depends on installed I/O modules resentative. Interface Options: Ethernet (eRIOM): The EKE Trainnet® RIOM in- 1 x 10/100 Mbit/s M12 cludes a gateway interface MVB (MVB RIOM): module and is equipped with an Electrical Medium Distance (EMD) independent power supply. with two sub D-9 connectors (Isolated Electrical Short Distance (ESD) and Optical options Glass Fibre (OGF) physical interface upon request) Gateway Interfaces: → The EKE Trainnet® eRIOM is equipped with one Ethernet interface for connectivity with the consist gateway. → The EKE Trainnet® MVB RIOM uses MVB interfaces to connect with the consist EKE-Electronics Ltd 43 Products RS 485 Host I/F Logic Local CPU ISOLATION 4 x Vin 4 x Iin + Vout Analogue Input Module (aim) SIL-2 4 x Vin 4 x Iin + Vout 2 x Vin 2 x Iin 4 x Freq. + Vout en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 module functions ule 10 voltage measurement safety integrity level SIL 2. A The Trainnet® Analogue Input channels can measure voltages non-SIL certified version of the Module (AIM) provides stand- between -10 and +10 V. The module is also available. ard interface for analogue input resolution of the input A/D con- 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm signals. Signals can be current version is sign+12 bits, and the Weight (-20…+20mA) and voltage cut-off frequency of the hard- 160 g (-10…10V). Separate channels ware low pass filter is 10 Hz. Input Power are provided for frequency sig- Both current and voltage chan- 5 V DC ± 5 % (650 mA typ. 3 A max.) nal measurements with the ca- nels are capable of giving over Temperature Range (operational) pability to measure pulse-width range indications which can be -40 °C…+70 °C ratio (PWM). The Trainnet® AIM used for diagnostic purposes. MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) converts the analogue signals technical specifications Dimensions (W x H x D) 500 000 h (AIM2505A) and makes them available to The 4 frequency input chan- I/O Connector the gateway CPU Module. nels can measure frequency up DIN41612-F48 (at front) to 16 kHz, period, pulse width, Host Interface The Trainnet® Analogue Input pulse count and rotary decod- RS 485 serial Module can be located directly ing with direction indication Input Channels, Analogue in the gateway for a compact (compatible with most industry 10 voltage channels, -10…10 V (Vin) and cost effective system. Al- standard tachometers ). 10 current channels, -20…20 mA (Iin) ternatively, the Trainnet® AIM Input Channels, Frequency can be fitted in the Trainnet® The module has its own 32-bit 4 input channels Remote I/O Module (RIOM). embedded processor that uses Frequency Input Voltage Range factory calibration values to 0…36 V DC convert the measurement value Frequency Input Threshold level The Trainnet® AIM has 10 cur- to mV or μA with great accu- Each channel has its own software configurable rent channels and 10 voltage racy. The embedded processor threshold level, fixed hysteresis channels divided in three iso- also implements diagnostics Frequency Input Range lated groups. 4 frequency chan- functions and reports to the DC to 16 kHz, 0.25 Hz resolution nels are also available. system CPU module if it sus- Frequency Input Pulse Width Measurement pects that the input values can- 0.1% resolution not be trusted. Tachometer Supply Outputs (Vout) key features The 10 current measurement channels can measure currents 15 VDC, max. 100 mA between -20 and +20 mA. The sil-2 certified module has the capability to The module development is supply voltage to external sen- based on the railway stand- sors or to supply loop voltage ards EN 50126, EN 50128 and to the current loops. The mod- EN 50129 in accordance with 44 EKE-Electronics Ltd Products VME Bus VME Bus Slave Logic Sharc DSP ISOLATION Vin + Iin + Vout High Speed Analogue Input Module (hsa) SIL-2 Vin + Iin + Vout 4 x Freq. + Vout Vin + Iin + Vout Vin + Iin + Vout en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 module functions measure voltages between sil-2 certified The Trainnet® High Speed -10 and +10 V. The resolution The module development is Analogue Input Module (HSA) of the input A/D conversion is based on the railway stand- Dimensions (W x H x D) provides standard interface for sign+12 bits, and the cut-off ards EN 50126, EN 50128 and 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm analogue input signals. Signals frequency of the hardware low EN 50129 in accordance with Weight can be current (-20…+20mA) pass filter is 150 Hz. Both cur- safety integrity level SIL 2. A 170 g and voltage (-10…10V). Sepa- rent and voltage channels are non-SIL certified version of the Input Power rate channels are provided for capable of giving over range module is also available. 5 V DC ± 5 % (1 A typ. 3 A max.) frequency signal measurements indications which can be used Temperature Range (operational) with the capability to measure for diagnostic purposes. -40 °C…+70 °C pulse-width ratio (PWM). The technical specifications MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) Trainnet® HSA converts the The 4 frequency input chan- 390 000 h (HSA2620A) analogue signals and makes nels can measure frequency I/O Connector them available to the gateway up to 16 kHz, period, pulse DIN41612-F48 (at front) CPU Module. width, pulse count and rotary Host Interface decoding with direction indica- VME Bus A24/D08/D16 Slave The Trainnet® High Speed tion (compatible with most Input Channels, Analogue Analogue Input Module can be industry standard tachom- 4 voltage channels, -10…10 V (Vin) located directly in the gateway eters ). 4 current channels,-20…20 mA (Iin) for a compact and cost effec- Input Channels, Frequency The module has its own 32-bit 4 input channels Floating point Digital Signal Frequency Input Voltage Range Processor for high signal pro- 0…36 V DC The Trainnet® HSA has 4 cur- cessing capability and uses Frequency Input Threshold level rent channels and 4 voltage factory calibration values to Each channel has its own software configurable channels divided in four isolat- convert the measurement threshold level, fixed hysteresis ed groups. 4 frequency chan- value to mV or μA with great Frequency Input Range nels are also available. accuracy. The embedded DSP DC to 16 kHz, 0.25 Hz resolution The 4 current measurement processor can be used to per- Frequency Input Pulse Width Measurement channels can measure cur- form signal processing tasks 0.1% resolution rents between -20 and +20 like filtering. It also imple- Tachometer Supply Outputs mA. The module has the ca- ments diagnostics functions 15 VDC, max. 70 mA each pability to supply voltage to and reports to the system external sensors or to supply CPU module if it suspects that loop voltage to the current the input values cannot be loops. The module 4 voltage trusted. tive system. key features measurement channels can EKE-Electronics Ltd 45 Products I/O Bus Host Logic ISOLATION Local CPU 24 x I Digital Input/ Output Module (dio) SIL-2 8 x I/O 2 x Freq. en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 module functions One special feature of the DIO threshold levels) are accessible The Trainnet® Digital Input/ module is to supports the UIC- by the gateway CPU module. Output Module (DIO) provides 556 sleep mode. DIO can re- standard interface for digital main active with WTB modules, Two separate group voltages 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm input and output signals. The and provide local inauguration with common ground allow split Weight: 179 g Trainnet® DIO receives the digi- and battery voltage monitor- behind two circuit breakers, or Input Power tal signals via its input chan- ing. The module also provides having a mixed voltage system. 5 V DC ± 5 % (500 mA max., 200 mA typ.) nels and makes them available emergency output short circuit Input and Input/Output chan- Temperature Range (operational) to the gateway CPU Module. protection: if the output current nels are split evenly between -40 °C…+70 °C The Trainnet® DIO receives in- exceeds its maximum value, the group voltage 1 and 2. Note MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) structions from the gateway short circuit protection shuts that groups are not isolated 1 500 000 h (DIO2378A) CPU Module and sends digital down the output. The status of from each other. 1 230 000 (DIO2908) (SIL-2) signals to sub-systems accord- the short circuit protection is ingly via its output channels. available to the gateway CPU sil-2 certified Separate channels are pro- module. If the communication The module development is Host Interface: RS 485 vided for frequency measure- between the gateway’s CPU based on the railway stand- Number of Input-only Channels: 24 ments. and the module fails, the mod- ards EN 50126, EN 50128 and Number of Input/Ouput Channels: 8 ule’s output channel goes to a EN 50129 in accordance with Number of Frequency Input Channels: 2 The Trainnet® Digital Input/ state defined in the application safety integrity level SIL 2. A Battery Voltage Monitor Output Module can be located software (emergency output), non-SIL certified version of the Yes, one or two (UIC-556) directly in the gateway for which can be individually set for module is also available. Temperature Measurement a compact and cost effec- each single channel. tive system. Alternatively, the technical specifications Dimensions (W x H x D) I/O Connector DIN41612-F48 (at front) Yes, local CPU Input type: Current sink Trainnet® DIO can be fitted in The module own 32-bit embed- Output Type the Trainnet® Remote I/O Mod- ded processor implements di- High side (FET) from battery voltage ule (RIOM). agnostics functions and reports Voltage Drop: Max. 2 V to the system CPU module if it key features Input/Output Voltage Range suspects that the input values 16.8...137.5 V DC (1 sec 14…154 V DC) The Trainnet® DIO has 24 in- cannot be trusted. Each input Threshold levels put channels and 8 channels channel has a common test cir- Software selectable (both, positive and negative) which can be used either as cuit, which is used for real-time (either V or % Vin) input channels or output chan- diagnostics of the channel. This Software Selectable Wetting Current nels. 2 frequency input chan- test is carried out during power- 0 … 25 mA nels are also available. Up to on and repeated during normal Output Current four outputs can be connected operation. The input and output 1.0 A Continuous in parallel to increase output states, and their configuration current. parameters (wetting current, 46 EKE-Electronics Ltd Products I/O Bus Host Logic Local CPU Digital Relay Output Module (dro) SIL-2 en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 module functions the Trainnet® DRO is unpow- The Trainnet® Digital Relay ered, all relays are in Normally Output Module (DRO) provides Closed state. Emergency states Dimensions (W x H x D) standard relay contacts. The should be defined to match the 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm Trainnet® DRO receives instruc- wiring to Normally Open (NO)/ Weight tions from the gateway CPU Normally Closed (NC) contacts. 190 g Module and controls output relay accordingly. sil-2 certified technical specifications Input Power 5 V DC ± 5 % (500 mA max., 200 mA typ.) The SIL-2 DRO module de- Temperature Range (operational) The Trainnet® DRO can be lo- velopment is based on the -40 °C…+70 °C cated directly in the gateway railway standards EN 50126, MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) for a compact and cost effec- EN 50128 and EN 50129 in ac- 830 000 h (DRO2342A) tive system. Alternatively, the cordance with safety integrity Relay electrical life: 500 000 cycles Trainnet® DIO can be fitted in level SIL 2. I/O Connector the Trainnet® Remote I/O Mod- DIN41612-F48 (at front) ule (RIOM). Host Interface RS 485 Number of Channels options 8 (4 only if SIL-2) The Trainnet® DIO has 8 relay Relay Type output channels located at the Change over (SPDT) AgNi 0.15 Contacts front of the module (4 for the Maximum Switching Current vs Voltage SIL-2 certified DRO). Relays are 24 V DC 3,5 A of type SPDT (Single Pole Dou- 48 V DC 1,4 A ble Throw). Relay contacts are 110 V DC 0.5 A available from the DIN41612F Temperature Measurement connector at the front of the Yes, local CPU module. The module is able to take up pre-set output states in case of emergency. If the communication between the gateway’s CPU module and the DRO fails, the relays go to emergency states that you can define in the application Software. When EKE-Electronics Ltd 47 Products I/O Bus Host Logic Local CPU ISOLATION 4 x Aout 2 x PWM Analogue Output Module (aom) SIL-2 4 x Aout 2 x PWM 4 x Aout 2 x PWM 4 x Aout 2 x PWM en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 module functions on your needs. The Trainnet® The Trainnet® Analogue Out- AOM is able to provide current put Module (AOM) provides loop supply voltage internally: Dimensions (W x H x D) standard interface for analogue there is no need for external 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm output signals. The Trainnet® power supply. Configurable Weight AOM receives instructions from ranges are 4..20 mA for current 165 g the gateway CPU Module and and or -10…+10 V for voltage. Input Power sends analogue signals to sub- Each output channel has pa- 5 V DC ± 5 % (1 A typ., 3A max.) systems accordingly. rameters for calibration (factory Temperature Range (operational) set), and diagnostics to detect -40 °C…+70 °C The Trainnet® AOM can be lo- short or open in current loop MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) cated directly in the gateway and short in voltage output. 770 000 h (AOM2610A) for a compact and cost effec- Outputs are factory calibrated. I/O Connector tive system. Alternatively, the The module has its own 32-bit DIN41612-F48 (at front) Trainnet® AOM can be fitted in embedded processor to man- Host Interface the Trainnet® Remote I/O Mod- age serial communication with RS 485 ule (RIOM). the gateway CPU module. The Current Output Mode embedded processor also im- key features 4…20 mA plements diagnostic functions 1 µA resolution The module has 4 individu- and reports to the system Voltage Output Mode ally isolated analogue output CPU module if it suspects that -10…+10 V groups. All groups are identical the output values cannot be 1 mV resolution and have 4 analogue output trusted. PWM Outputs channels. Each group has two PWM outputs. By default, 2 channels are configured as current loop trans- Selectable base frequency 10 Hz to 10 kHz The module has an RS 485 se- Pulse width adjustable with 0.1% resolution rial bus interface to connect to Output level 15 V the Gateway. mitter with integrated loop sil-2 certified supply (current mode) and 2 The module development is channels as bipolar voltage out- based on the railway stand- put and two digital pulse width ards EN 50126, EN 50128 and modulation outputs (voltage EN 50129 in accordance with mode). The channel configura- safety integrity level SIL 2. A tions can be easily changed non-SIL certified version of the from current mode to voltage module is also available. mode and vice-versa, depending 48 EKE-Electronics Ltd technical specifications Products RS 485 Host I/F Logic Local CPU ISOLATION PT 100 Pt100 Temperature Sensor Input Module (pti) module functions is 0.01 °C, with accuracy better The Trainnet® PTI module is a than ±1 °C, over measurement PT-100 temperature sensor range. input module. It acquires the SIL-2 PT 100 PT 100 PT 100 PT 100 PT 100 en 50126 en 50128 en 50129 en 50155 technical specifications Dimensions (W x H x D) 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm signals from the PT-100 tem- The module has its own 32-bit Weight perature sensors (resistance embedded processor that uses 160 g measurement) and converts factory calibration values to Input Power them into temperature values convert the measurement value 5 V DC ± 5 % (310 mA typ., 400 mA max.) expressed in degree Celsius. to degrees Celsius with the Temperature Range (operational) The PTI module makes the best possible accuracy. The em- -40 °C…+70 °C measured temperature values bedded processor also imple- MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) available to the gateway CPU. ments diagnostic functions and 1 580 000 h (PTI2037A) reports to the gateway CPU I/O Connector The Trainnet® PTI can be locat- module if it suspects that the DIN41612-F48 (at front) ed directly in the gateway for input values cannot be trusted. Host Interface a compact and cost effective The Trainnet® PTI detects the RS 485 system. Alternatively, the Train- temperature sensor as well as Input Channels net® PTI can be fitted in the cable faults and input channel 6 Pt100 sensor Trainnet® Remote I/O Module faults. Connection Type (RIOM). 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire Measurement Range key features -110 ºC to + 325 ºC The Trainnet® PTI has six PT- Resolution 100 measurement channels 0.01 ºC which can measure tempera- Accuracy ture within the -110 to +325 °C Better than ± 1 ºC (3- or 4-wire) range with over range indication. Each channel is isolated from each other: in case of faults in one channel, the others are not affected. PT-100 temperature sensors can be connected using 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire schemes providing flexibility. The resolution of measurement EKE-Electronics Ltd 49 Products System Reset +12 V DC +5 V DC Sense +5 V DC ACFAIL Output Circuit Power Safe Capacitor Switching Circuit Isolation Transformer In-rush Current Limiter Shut-down Logic EMI and EMC Protection Supply Input Power Supply Unit for VME (psv) module functions rent consumption to prevent The Trainnet® Power Supply deep discharge of train bat- Unit for VME (PSV) is a highly teries. reliable switching mode power en 50155 technical specifications Reference PSV1133B Dimensions (W x H x D) ----------------------- PSV2513A PSV1513A 8 TE x 3 U x 160 mm PSV1018A ----------------------- supply module. It works only The Trainnet® PSV grace supply Weight ---------------------------- 500 g together with the Trainnet® function enables the module Temperature Range (operational) -------------------------- -40 °C…+70 °C --------------------------- PIU module which takes power to continue working for a short MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) --------------------------- 690 000 h ---------------------------- from the train batteries and time when the power is cut off. Input Voltage 24 V DC 36 to 52 V DC 72 V DC 110 V DC transfers it to the Trainnet® The PSV module withstands 10 Input Voltage Range (V DC) 16.8 … 30.0 25.2 … 65.0 50.4 … 90.0 77 … 138 PSV module. The Trainnet® PSV ms input power breaks without Input Fluctuation (1s) (V DC) 14.4 … 33.6 21.6 … 72.8 43.2 … 100.8 66 … 154 module is specially designed for disrupting normal operations. Input Current (<0.1 s/1 s) 5 A max. 4 A max. 3 A max. 2 A max. VMEbus systems. If the break lasts longer, the Input Power 80 W max. 75 W max. 100 W max. 100 W max. power supply is capable of sup- Efficiency ----------------------------- plying a +5 V DC output during Output Power 60 W The Trainnet® PSV can be oper- a minimum of 80 ms after the Output Voltage 5 V DC ated with 24, 36, 48, 52, 72 input power is lost (100 ms Maximum Output Current 8.5 A max. 8.5 A max. *) 12 A max. 13 A max. and 110 V DC coach supply for input power between 24 to Minimum Output Current 0.5 A min. 0.5 A min. 0.5 A min. 0.5 A min. voltage (via the Trainnet® PIU) 52 V DC and 80 ms for 72 and Ripple/noise p-p ----------------------- 50 mVpp (<20 MHz) ----------------------- and provide 5 V DC and 12 V 110 V DC input power). Output Voltage Hold-on --------------------- 100 ms (at nominal load) --------------------- Output Voltage --------- 5.15 V DC ± 2 % (at nominal line, nominal load) --------- key features DC output powers. In practice, The ACFAIL and SYSRESET four input voltage values: 24 signals are activated to ensure V DC (PSV1133B), 36 to 52 proper shutdown of the sys- Maximum Output Current 1.25 A max. V DC (PSV2513A), 72 V DC tems. This feature allows the Ripple/noise p-p ----------------------- (PSV1513A) or 110 V DC (PS- system to record sub-systems Output Voltage V1018A). and modules states during the ------------- diagnostics. circuitry to detect and control the input current in the event of power-up. Controlling the inrush current prevents damage to components. When input supply voltage is below the set minimum value, Trainnet® PSV minimizes cur- 50 EKE-Electronics Ltd -------------------------80 W 80 W 5.00 V DC min. (at line range, load range) ------------- Output Voltage 12 V DC 2.0 A max. *) 1.25 A max. 50 mVpp (<20 MHz) 1.25 A max. ----------------------- -------- 12.15 V DC ± 2 % (at nominal line, nominal load) ------------------- 11.80 V DC min. (at line range, load range) shutdown, thus enabling event The Trainnet® PSV has built-in > 78% 54 W you have to choose between ---------------------------- *) Total output loading must not exceed Output power ------------ 12 V DC From PSV Products PIU To PSV Back Plane Connector Filter Filter 12 V DC Output DC Input To PSV DC Converter Option Back Plane Connector DC/DC Converter Module Filter Filter DC Output DC Input Power Input Unit (piu) en 50155 module functions In the DC converter output op- technical specifications The Trainnet® Power Input Unit tion, a converter is selected (PIU) is used to pass train bat- from a range of readily available Dimensions (W x H x D) tery voltage to the Trainnet® converter modules to get suit- 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm PSV module, thus powering the able output voltage. Weight entire Trainnet® systems. 100 - 150 g Input Voltage key features 24, 36, 48, 52, 72 or 110 V DC available The input voltage of Train- Other on request net® PIU can be 24 V DC Temperature Range (operational) (PIU2056A), 36 to 52 V -40 °C…+70 °C DC (PIU2510A), 72 V DC MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) (PIU2280A) or 110 V DC 44 570 000 h (PIU2219A). A Trainnet® PSV Output Voltage (optional) with a similar input voltage 12 V DC (from PSV) must be selected. Technical Data DC Converter option options Dimensions (W x H x D) 12 V DC Output: 4 TE x 3 U x 160 mm A 12 V DC output connector Weight may be installed as an option. 350 g This connector is located on the Input Voltage front of the module and can be 24 or 110 V DC available used to pass the 12 V DC pro- Others on request vided by the Trainnet® PSV to Temperature Range (operational) desired devices (e.g. interactive -40 °C…+70 °C displays). MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) 500 000 h Isolated DC Converter Output: Output Voltage An isolated DC/ DC converter 16.5 V DC may also be installed as an Output Power option to provide power to ex- max. 50 W. Current limited. ternal equipment. If required, the output voltage may be switched off during the system reset in order to force a hardreset of external equipment. EKE-Electronics Ltd 51 VME Bus Products RS 485 ISaGRAF Interface Flash Memory up yo 16 GB VME Bus Manager PST Interface Flash Memory (Rugged module) Interface RTC PowerPC Processor 1 x Ethernet Event Recorder 4 x RS 485 USB Host Controller USB 1 x USB en 50155 ieee 1482-1.1999 gm/rt2472-1.2002 eeig 97e461-3.1998 module functions and the RS 485 port located British (GM/RT2472-1.2002) and The Trainnet® Event Recorder on the front panel. The module European (EEIG 97E461-3.1998) (ER) is more than the so-called gets power from the VME back crashworthiness as well as the Dimensions (W x H x D): 32 TE x 3 U x 160 mm train “black box”. It is an on- plane. IEEE (1482.-1.1999) standards. Weight: 7 Kg This makes the Trainnet® Event Input Power: 5 V DC ± 5 % (1 A max., 0.5 A typ.) board event recorder for collect- technical specifications ing and storing vital train-borne The Event Recorder can record Recorder suitable for trains world- Temperature Range (operational): -40 °C…+70 °C information. Depending on video streams from onboard wide. MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) needs, it can record all kinds of digital video recorders (DVR) data including audio and video or directly from cameras. For With its compact dimensions and Interfaces recordings. Trainnet® Event easy data retrieval, the stream its small weight, the Trainnet® 3 Or 4 Isolated RS-485 Recorder proves useful beyond format can be made compat- RMM can be considered one of the 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet, M12 connector the data retrieval function fol- ible with your CCTV Software or smallest data recorders for railway USB 2.0 Host for retrieval lowing an incident or accident. any other video analysis Soft- applications (32TE x 3U x160 mm Memory: 2 GB or 16 GB ware that you use. Alternative- with RMM). It can be installed in a Protection Levels ly, we can develop customized 19”rack with other systems, saving Shock: Up to 100 g / 10 ms and 55 g / 100 ms The Trainnet® Event Recorder video analysis tools to fit your both space and additional mount- Crush: Up to 110 kN for 5 minutes in all axes (ER) can store both analogue needs. ing costs. Penetration desired train information can options Memory: an area of 30 mm2 be stored for a predetermined Rugged memory Module (RMM): Memory can be 2GB or 16 GB. Temperature period of time. Data can be Trainnet® Rugged Memory Module retrieved at any time using the (RMM) is available as an option Front-panel Inprints: minutes followed by 300 °C for 1 hour followed by Trainnet® TIP Software (Train whenever a high level of data Localized front-panel imprints 100 °C for 5 hours Inspection Program) which protection is needed. This crash- available on request in Eng- Chemical Immersion enables system performance proof construction guarantees that lish or in the language of your Winter Diesel (*), Summer Diesel (*), Regular Water analysis and optimization. Data the memory board is protected choice. (*), Salt Water (*), Lubricating Oil (*), Transformer can be copied from the event against fire, magnetic fields and Oil (**), Hydraulic Oil (**), Anti Fire Fighting Foam (*), recorder to a USB stick for con- any liquids, as well as against any Refrigerant R134A (**), Alcohol (**), Anti Freeze (**), venient transport or storage. mechanical stress during an impact Battery Acid (**) or continued pressure. In practice, (*) minimum for 48 hours The Ethernet and USB ports the memory board is embedded in (**) minimum for 60 minutes located on the front of the a protected fire insulation block, Magnetic Field module can be used to retrieve surrounded by a special steel case Current flow of 64 kA at rising rate of 107 A/s data from the Event Recorder. that is hermetically sealed. Hydrostatic pressure key features and digital signal data. The The Event recorder can acquire The design of the Trainnet® Rug- but also via the VME back plane ged Memory Module fulfils the EKE-Electronics Ltd Up to 23 kg drop from a height of 1,5 m focussed on Up to 700 °C for 5 minutes and 650 °C for 30 Immersion in salt water at a depth of 15 meter data from the Ethernet port 52 890 000 h (2 GB) and 870 000 h (16 GB) for 48 hours Products 12.1” Full Touch (FT) 12.1” 6.5” Human Machine Interface (HMI) en 50155 module functions sizes are available for flexibility: technical specifications The Trainnet® Human Machine 6.5” and 12.1” with respective- Interfaces (HMI) are interactive ly 640 x 480 and 1024 x 768 Dimensions (W x H x D) displays. They can be used as pixel resolutions. 6.5”: 220 x 170 x 125 mm train driver’s or crew’s interac- 12.1”: 340 x 270 x 106 mm tive information display. They As part of a Trainnet® System, 12.1” FT: 320 x 260 x7 5 mm can also be used as CCTV moni- the HMI is usually configured Weight tor and basically for any Train- and controlled by the Coach 6.5”: 3.7 kg net® applications. Computer’s CPG (Central Pro- 12.1” and 12.1” FT: 6 kg cessing unit with Graphics con- Input Power troller). There is a DVI-I interface 6.5”: 24 V DC or 110 V DC The Trainnet® HMI are flexible and a touch screen interface in- 12.1”: 24 V DC, 72 V DC or 110 V DC devices providing ease of use tegrated into the same cable. 12.1” FT: 110 V and robustness for all Trainnet® The Trainnet® HMI also sends Power Consumption, Typical applications. selfdiagnostic data to the 6.5”: Standby 3.5 W (no image), Full brightness 11 W Coach Computer, such as mod- 12.1”: Standby 4 W (no image), Full brightness 15 W The touch control buttons posi- ule temperature and counter of 12.1” FT: Standby 5 W (no image), Full brightness 15 W tioned around the display area lamp’s operating hours. There Temperature Range (operational) provide great durability with are no moving parts, the lamp -25 °C…+70 °C no mechanical part to wear being the only replaceable MTBF (40 ºC ambient temperature) out. The layout of the keys is component of the display. The 50 000 h designed according to the inter- absence of components subject Display Resolution national UIC 557 standard. You to wear out guarantees a long 6.5”: 640 x 480 (VGA) can easily configure the keys to unit lifetime. 12.1” and 12.1” FT: 1024 x 768 (XGA) key features match your requirements. option Active Display Area 6.5”: 133 x 99 mm The flat displays, including the The Trainnet® HMI 12.1” is 12.1”: 246 x 184 mm touch control buttons, are pro- available as a full touch screen 12.1” FT: 245 x 184 mm tected behind an anti-reflective as an option. It does not have Colour Depth vandal proof safety glass (IK touch control buttons around 262 144 07, IP 65 tightness) for dura- the display area. Viewing Angle (Cr≥10) bility. 6.5”: -50~50(H) -60~30(V) 12.1”: -65~65(H) -75~45(V) Very compact, the displays can Luminance be fitted virtually anywhere in 6.5”: 440 cd/m2 typ. the train and are easy to mount 12.1” and 12.1” FT: 320 cd/m2 typ. (rear fixing for protection). Two EKE-Electronics Ltd 53 Products Train Inspection Program (tip) module functions It is possible to select any num- the normal operation of the The Trainnet® Train Inspection ber or combination of signals Trainnet® Event Recorder. Un- technical requirements Program (TIP) is a Software for analysis, define the time der all conditions, the TIP Soft- Operating System tool used for the download and period shown and scale the sig- ware tool ensures integrity and Windows 8, 7, XP or Vista analysis of the recorded data nals to show exactly the infor- confidentiality of the data. RAM Memory stored in the Trainnet® Event mation required. The user can 2 to 4 GB Recorders. The tool allows visu- locate an incident or particular Hard Drive alizing, analysing and printing information using built-in search 120 GB or more (if large ER files) the records, as well as real-time and statistical functions. Processor monitoring in the train. The Event Recorder data can be Dual core processor archived on the computer and Ports key features each individual registration data Ethernet The Software runs under the file can be retrieved for later Display Windows 8, Windows 7, XP or analysis using the TIP tool. The If laptop is used, external HD display would be Vista operating systems. The TIP Tool also allows saving the preferred to ease the analysis of Event Recorder data. data downloading can be done selected portion of recorded with the TIP Tool running on a data to a new file, without PC connected to the Trainnet® modifying the original data in Event Recorder, or via a USB any way. Several data files can memory stick. be displayed simultaneously. This feature enables easy com- The TIP tool has been designed parison of the recordings from for easy use and customisation. same track sections or it can be The data can be presented in used for driver comparison or several ways: as graphs, nu- to reveal slow changes in sig- meric data, signal states, or as nals (trends). reports. The Trainnet® TIP can be configured to show exactly The data can also be exported the information needed for a in open format (CSV file) for specific task. The user can in- importing to any third party ap- stantly locate points of interest plication. in a large data log, or archived registrations for later use. The The TIP Tool also provides an data views can be adjusted to on-line monitoring feature, al- suit the needs, including colours lowing monitoring any selection and line types. of the signals in the car in realtime, without interfering with 54 EKE-Electronics Ltd Trainnet® TIP Software Multiple View Products Portable System Tester (pst) module functions → Set up operational parame- The PST tool is protected The Trainnet® Portable System ters of the Coach Computer like against unauthorised use with Tester (PST) is a Software tool time, coach number and type or username and password. Users Operating System used to perform diagnostics a wheel diameter. can be arranged in groups, hav- Windows 8, 7, XP or Vista and configure the gateways/ → View I/O channels statuses ing permission to selected func- RAM Memory coach computers. The computer as well as TCMS link status and tions only according to their 2 to 4 GB equipped with the PST tool can signals. role ( e.g. administration rights Hard Drive be connected to any gateway/ → Download system fault/ or different level of maintainer 40 GB coach computer using either se- event log. roles with read/write rights or Processor rial or Ethernet connection, pro- → Keep track of the diagnostic read only possibility). Dual core processor viding a single point access to data (faults) already retrieved, Ports all coaches in the train set. and when performing succes- Ethernet key features technical requirements sive retrievals, it downloads only the new, un-retrieved, por- The Trainnet® Portable System tion of the data. Tester (PST) runs under the → Access to system data, in- Windows 8, Windows 7, Win- cluding the train bus process dows XP or Vista operating and message data, binary tree systems. (Modbus data), etc. → Allows modifying off-line pa- The Trainnet® PST is a tool for rameter files to edit start-up or downloading event history data functional parameters. (e.g. faults and alarms) and pro- → Allows incorporating any vides built-in features for exam- HTML files into the tool, which ining the data. Additionally, it is typically is used to integrate a tool for settings the system User and Maintenance docu- time and other operational pa- mentation. rameters. → Customize functions for creating special reports for se- The tool features are largely lected events, such as Test and based upon customer require- Trend Reports, Maintenance ments and are project-depend- Alerts, etc. ant. However, some of the pos- → Integrate the Electronic Se- sible functionalities are listed rial Number (ESN) Programming here: Tool. EKE-Electronics Ltd 55 EKE-Electronics Ltd Piispanportti 7 02240 Espoo FINLAND Tel. +358 9 6130 30 Fax. +358 9 6130 3300 20140324 56