“AÑO DE LA UNIVERSALIZACION DE LA SALUD” DOCENTE : Calderon Garcia Estela CURSO : Ingles Técnico CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS : Escuela Superior Técnica - SENCICO There is / There are / Some and /Any SENTENCES 1. BRICKS (LADRILLOS) There are some bricks. There aren’t any bricks. Are there any bricks? 2. NAILS (CLAVOS) There are some nails. There aren’t any nails. Are there any nails? 3. SAND (ARENA) There are some cans of sand. There aren’t any cans of sand. Are thre any cans of sand? 4. STONES (PIEDRAS) There are some stones. There aren’t any stones. Are there any stones? 5. MUD (BARRO) There are some cans of mud. There aren’t any cans of mud. Are there any cans of mud? 6. LEAVES ( HOJAS) There are some leaves. There aren’t any leaves. Are there any leaves? 7. CEMENT (CEMENTO) there is some cement on the floor There isn’t any cement on the floor Is there Any cement on the floor ? 8. TILES (LOZAS) There are Some tiles in the warehouse There aren’t any tiles in the warehouse Are There any tiles in the warehouse? 9. CONCRETE (CONCRETO) There is some concrete There isn’t any concrete Is there any concrete ? 10. IRON (HIERRO) There are so m e several inches of iron There aren’t any several inches of iron Are there any several inches of iron? 11. STEEL(ACERO) There is Some Steel There isn’t any steel Is there any steel ? 12. PLASTER (PLASTICO) There is some plaster at the flat There isn’t any plaster at the flat Is there any plaster at the flat ? 13. SANDSTONE (ARENISA) There are some several types of sandstone There aren’t any several types of sandstone Are There any several types of sandstone ? 14. GRANITES (GRANITO) There are Some granites placed on the floor There aren’t any granites placed on the floor Are there any granites placed on the floor ? 15. MARBLE (MARMOL) There are several types of marble There aren’t any several types of marble Are there any types of marble?