Subido por Jhon wilmer Reyes Rodríguez

tarea 2 redaccion y produccion

Tarea 2: Redacción y Producción
Realizado por:
Jhon Wilmer Reyes Rodriguez
CC. 1.006.518.392
Ana maría corzo Pantoja
CC. 49.797.380
Presentado a:
Paola Andrea arias ramirez
Ingles a2
Código: 900002
Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia UNAD
Escuelas de ciencia de la educación ECEDU
UDR san Vicente del Caguán
30 de noviembre del 2021
Step 1: Do the following Reading and complete the chart, and the activities.
Ruth routine
When I go to bed, I usually brush my teeth at 8:00 o’clock after dinner, but sometimes I
forget it and then I have to get up in the middle of the night to do it. Occasionally when I'm
too lazy, I set up an alarm just for that. Although the thing I'll never be able to do, it's to
wash my face before bed, because that always wakes me up. In the morning I always wake
up and immediately take a shower, I usually put on shorts and a t-shirt, I sometimes wear a
formal dress when I have to go to work. I often have eggs for breakfast, but always I have
to drink a delicious coffee.
a. Complete the chart using the information above.
Ruth´s routine
Frequency adverb
brush her teeth at 8:00 o’clock
wake up and immediately take a shower
put on shorts and a t-shirt
wear a formal dress
have eggs for breakfast
b. Write 10 sentences about Ruth’s routine useesing the frequency adverbs.
Example: She usually brushes her teeth at 8:00 o’clock.
1. She always have a delicious coffee
2. She sometimes she wear a formal dress to work
3. She can never wash your face before going to bed
4. She often has eggs for breakfast
5. She usually put on shorts
6. She always wake up and immediately take a shower
7. she sometimes have to get up in the middle of the night to do brushes her
8. she rarely put on t-shit
9. when she is too lazy, she set up an alarm
10. I have to get up in the middle of the night
c. Write with the following information sentences with frequency adverbs
(always, sometimes, usually, never) also, write a complement to the sentence.
Sophia and Joseph / go
Sophia and Joseph sometimes go to the mall
The dog/ barks
1. The dog always barks in the morning
My father and I / we drink
2. My father and I sometimes drink at the disco
She/ eats
3. She usually eats eggs
Sarah and Luis / buy
4. Sarah and Luis always buy gifts for Christmas
Aaron / write
5. Aaron never writes about his past
Liliana and Santiago / speak
6. Liliana and Santiago sometimes speak in English
Step 2:
a. Organize the following list in the chart below:
Air, anger, beauty, cellphone, Chair, computer, dog, glass of water, horse, love,
man, money, restaurant, rice, sand, shop, student, sugar, table, water, woman.
Chair – table
Air – sand
Cellphone - computer
Dog – glass of water - woman
Horse – man - restaurant
Shop – rice - student
Beauty- wáter
Anger- sugar
b. Write the plural of each word, if the word does not have plural write X
Air x
Anger x
Beauty x
glass of water x
Love x
money x
rice x
sand x
pound of sugar x
water x
c. Write a or an before each word, If doesn’t apply write X
an Air
a Dogs
a horse
a man
a money
a shops
a pounds of sugar
a Cellphone
an airplane
a glass of water
a love
an orange
an egg
a student
d. Look at the following picture of the Circus, and write ten (10) sentences using the
structure: there is / there are / there isn’t / there aren’t / Are there / Is there.
• There is a ball in the circus.
• There aren’t fifteen horses in the circus
There is two lions
There are many spectators
there isn't cats in the circus
are there a tiger in the circus
are There many clowns in the circus
6. there are four horses in the circus
7. there are two balls in the circus
8. there are seventeen dancers in the circus
9. there is one horse in the circus
10. there are two yellow flags in the circus
Step 3: The letter
Read the following letter to my mom and complete the activities below.
Dear Mom
I am really happy to write to you, last week I was in la Guajira, it is a magical place. I
enjoyed every moment there. On Wednesday, the first day I was landing in Riohacha’s
airport at 1:00 pm, I had lunch there in Riohacha and I spent the whole day around. At 3:00
pm I was eating friche in the main park, it is delicious. Then around 3:30 pm I was walking
around to know the place and to buy some souvenirs, around 7:00 pm that day I was doing
the check-in in the hotel, it is a wonderful hotel, with a swimming pool and excellent
service. On Thursday I was waking up really early, I was very excited because I was going
to travel to Cabo de la Vela, it is around 3 hours from Riohacha by bus. There in Cabo de la
Vela, the landscapes are really beautiful, I stopped for a minute and I was drinking a
delicious juice in a Rancheria in front of the sea. Then I continued walking and I stopped
again in the Arcoiris beach an amazing place full of sand colors and very calm, finally, for
that day, I went to Ojo del Agua beach, where I was enjoying of calm and crystal waters to
swim, after that, I went to sleep in a Rancheria, it is a real and marvelous experience. On
the last day, on Friday I was visiting the Faro, the most tourist place in Cabo de la Vela and
I was running because I also wanted to visit Punta Gallinas, before coming back and I did
it. There in Punta Gallinas I was visiting The Taroa Dunes where is amazing to see the sand
mountains and at the end of those mountains, there is the marvelous sea. On Saturday I was
coming back to Cali, were 3 amazing days full of moments and experiences very hard to
I can’t wait to take you there with me dear mum. Hugs.
a) Complete the chart writing the sentences with the correct tense (Simple Present,
Simple Past, or Past progressive)
Simple present sentences
Simple past sentences
Past progressive sentences
I am really happy to write
to you
I was in la Guajira
I enjoyed every moment
I was very excited because
I stopped for a minute
I continued walking
I went to Ojo del Agua
I also wanted to visit Punta
I was landing in Riohacha’s
airport at 1:00 pm
I was eating friche in the
main park, it is delicious
I was walking around to
know the place and to buy
some souvenirs,
I was doing the check-in in
the hotel
I was waking up really early
I was going to travel to
Cabo de la Vela
I was drinking a delicious
juice in a Rancheria in front
of the sea
I was enjoying of calm and
crystal waters to swim
I went to sleep in a
I was visiting the Faro
I was running because
I was visiting The Taroa
On Saturday I was coming
back to Cali
b. Imagine you visited the department of Boyacá, now write 10 sentences using the Past
Progressive tense.
1. I was visiting every single beautiful town in Boyacá.
2. I was visiting the Cucaita church
3. I was walking in the Candelaria desert
4. I was visiting the Guiatica farm
5. I was looking at the Cereperro lagoon
6. I was eating soup
7. I was talking to new people
8. I was walking the streets
9. I was drinking beer
10. I was shopping for clothes
c. Write down sentences in simple past with the following information, also
write a complement.
They / become (+)
1. They became in artists last year.
We / run (-)
2. We didn't run on the beach
She / call (?)
3. Did she call me last week?
He / make (+)
4. He made delicious food
I / sing (?)
5. Where did I sing last Christmas?
You / work (-)
6. You did not work at the hospital
It / jump (+)
7. Did it jump off the table?
She / try (?)
8. Did she try to learn to read?
They / use (-)
9. They did not use the car
We / write (+)
10. We wrote a romance book
d. Write down sentences in past progressive with the following information, also write a
We / bend (-)
1. We weren’t bending the t-shirts.
You / blow (?)
2. Were you blowing in the park?
She / hide (+)
3. She was hiding in the house
He / sleep (-)
4. He was not sleeping in the night
It / bite (?)
5. Was it biting for a dog?
They / drive (+)
6. They were driving in the beach
I / forget (-)
7. I was not forgetting your birthday
We / let (?)
8. Were we letting ugly food at the party?