Subido por bsgyfipkpktrxhpxap

expressions with time - game

In the nick of time
In no time
About time!
Time is money
Just before it is too late
Used to talk about something that
should have already happened
Very quickly
Time is very valuable
Run out of time
Waste time
Give someone a hard
Take your time
Make a situation difficult or
unpleasant for someone
Have no more time to do something
Do something without hurrying
Not use time to full advantage, be
Take time off
Just in time
Be on time
Time’s up!
Not working because of illness or
Neither early nor late
Without a moment more
The time allowed has finished
Time to kill
At the time
A matter of time
Have time for / no time
for someone
Free time, nothing to do
Something certain to happen in the
At the moment when something
was said or done
Really like / dislike someone
Have the time of your
Only time will tell
Ahead of time
Time after time
An incredible experience
So modern that people don’t
understand it
We can’t discover the answer now,
we have to wait
Again and again
At all times
From time to time
No time to lose
… of all time
Always (formal)
Something must be done
Occasionally, sometimes
That has ever lived or existed