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Biomechanical Analysis of Snatch Technique in Conj

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Biomechanical Analysis of Snatch Technique in Conjunction to Kinematic
Motion of Olympic Weightlifters
Conference Paper · January 2018
DOI: 10.2991/isphe-18.2018.30
5 authors, including:
Moh Nanang Himawan Kusuma
Muhamad Syafei
University of Leipzig
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
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Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
The 4th International Seminar on Public Health Education (ISPHE 2018)
Biomechanical Analysis of Snatch Technique
in Conjunction to Kinematic Motion
of Olympic Weightlifters
1st Kusuma, Moh. Nanang Himawan
Department of Physical Education ,
Faculty of Health Science
University of Jenderal Soedirman
Purwokerto, Indonesia
2nd Rilastio D
Department of Physical Education ,
Faculty of Health Science
University of Jenderal Soedirman
Purwokerto, Indonesia
4th Nugroho R
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education
University of Sebelas Maret
Surakarta, Indonesia
Abstract--The snatch requires the barbell to be lifted from
the floor to a straight-arm overhead position in one
continuous motion (Gordon et al, 2012). The increase of
performances is depending on the improvement of proper
technique and training methods (Hung-Ta et al, 2010).
Determining the effects of barbell weight towards to
kinematics profiles is indispensable to find the effective
technical factors of successful lifts [15]. To investigated the
kinematics motion of angle of ankle, knee, hip, velocity and
bar trajectory in two differences weights to performance of
snatch. This study used descriptive with retrospective case
control method by recording kinematic motion of 6 (six) male
olympic weightlifters. The 3 HD cameras (Sony NEXVG30EH) are installed approx 90⁰ on the frontal, dorsal and
sagittal of the platform with 9m distances and analyzed by
SIMI Motion Software. The result will be discussed in three
parts, the first is various lifting phase, secondly is the
compare lifting between success and unsuccessful, and lastly
is to compare the outstanding player with the general.
Conclusion through kinematic analysis can be used to
observe technical insufficiencies that cannot be observed in
the real time malfunction, so that the coach can find the
problem and create specific exercises more accurately.
Keywords: kinematic, bar path, angle, weightlifting
Weightlifting becomes one of the sports that are
expected to contribute to the Olympics in Rio De Janeiro,
Brazil 2016. Achievements earned by Indonesia at 2 times
2008 Beijing Olympics and 2012 London are silver medals
under Chinese achievement as Olympic gold medalist.
Several affecting factors that determine the maximum
achievement in weightlifting are mastery of efficient
3rd Syafei M
Department of Physical Education ,
Faculty of Health Science
University of Jenderal Soedirman
Purwokerto, Indonesia
5th Budiharjo B
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education
University of Sebelas Maret
Surakarta, Indonesia
techniques [14]. The snatch is an event in which the lifter
lifts the barbell from the platform to locked arms with one
smooth continuous movement without stopping, one hand
lagging behind or extra pushing above the head.
The lifter usually uses wide grip which enables lifting
the barbell faster and higher. One try to lift the barbell
from the pull off the platform to the squat does not take
more than two seconds, depending on how exact the
movement is and the level of muscle work. The lifter
usually lifts less weight at the snatch then at the clean and
jerk. Bio-motoric component is a critical need to be
considered for the sport of weightlifting. In addition to
requiring components such as strength, speed and
coordination, the explosive power component is one of the
dominant factors that are crucial to be able to perform
snatch movements perfectly in addition to the required
physical components, mastery of the technique is also very
necessary to obtain an efficient movement [2].
The review of technique and technical training in
weightlifting both in snatch as well as cleand & jerk are
highlighted by the following technical elements such as
technical procedure, style and basic mechanism form of
technical models [1]. The snatch technique requires the
barbell to be lifted from the floor to a straight-arm
overhead position in one continuous motion and it is the
most technical component of a weightlifting competition
[9]. The phases of snatch (first pull, transition, second pull,
turnover under the barbell, catch phase and rising position)
are considered to be the most important phases of the
snatch lifts, and increasing the barbell weight has an
Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
important effect on all biomechanical factors during these
phases [5, 6].
The snatch begins from the Lift off position, progresses
through First Pull, Transition and Second Pull phases to
the squat then the finish, or Hold position. The First Pull is
from when athlete lifts the loaded barbell from the floor
until the bar has cleared knee height. The Second Pull is
from when the bar clears the knee and ends with the lower
limbs in full extension. During the Second Pull the athlete
extends the hips and keeps the bar as close as possible to
the body. The Bar Clear is from when the lifter drops
under the bar supporting it on extended arms in the full
squat position to until the lifter stands [16]. The lift
finishes with the bar stable at the Hold position. When the
snatch technique is analyzed as a whole, it can be seen that
the synchronization and perfection of the system
consisting of the body and barbell is the key to a
successful lift.
The snatch begins from the Lift off position, progresses
through First Pull, Transition and Second Pull phases to
the squat then the finish, or Hold position. The First Pull is
from when athlete lifts the loaded barbell from the floor
until the bar has cleared knee height. The Second Pull is
from when the bar clears the knee and ends with the lower
limbs in full extension. During the Second Pull the athlete
extends the hips and keeps the bar as close as possible to
the body. The Bar Clear is from when the lifter drops
under the bar supporting it on extended arms in the full
squat position to until the lifter stands [16]. The lift
finishes with the bar stable at the Hold position. When the
snatch technique is analyzed as a whole, it can be seen that
the synchronization and perfection of the system
consisting of the body and barbell is the key to a
successful lift.
The performance pattern of the snatch technique
requires the barbell to be lifted from the floor to a straightarm overhead position in one continuous movement [9].
Determining the exact effects of the increased barbell
weight on the barbell and body kinematics might help to
understand the effective technical factors and the
biomechanics of successful lifts of higher weights. Several
study explained the Secondary Pull as critical to both the
Snatch and Clean lifts as it is considered the highest power
phase of both lifts [13], and interpretation of bar
kinematics/trajectory could be used as indicative of faults
in lifting technique, therefore needed to be considered [4].
From the kinematic point of view, the basic variables to
influence the success or failure of a single try are the
timing features of individual phases of this movement
structure [10]. Then there are the space features, mainly
the trajectory of the barbell locomotion, changes of its
position by both vertical and horizontal axis, the difference
in the maximum reached height and the final height of the
barbell [5]. The successfully of snatch is depending on
those maximized Pull Height after Second Pull, minimized
the loss in height of the bar during the squat through the
efficientcy of bar trajectory of kinamatic movement [12].
This study was descriptive in nature with Retrospective
Case Control methods with the aims was to investigated
the kinematics motion of angle of ankle, knee, hip, barbell
velocity, bar trajectory as well as bar displacement in two
differences weights to performance of snatch. The 3
(three) high definitions cameras (Sony NEX-VG30EH),
60fps are installed approx 90⁰ on the frontal, dorsal and
sagittal of the platform with 9m distances (fig.2).
It was began with provide informed consent, PAR-Q
(physical activity readiness questionnaire) then
anthropometrical measurement to 8 (eight) Indonesian
male weightlifters team representatives (2.76±20.96 y.o),
(6.79±70.03kg), body mass index (1.56±21,60), Resting
Heart Rate (2.25±74,63 bpm) and Maximum Heart Rate
(9.56±202 bpm), who compete internationally and
conducted as part of the monitoring of athletes preparation
for Olimpic Games Rio 2016.
Fig. 1. The Phases of Snatch : (1) the first pull, (2) the transition, (3)
the second pull, (4) the turnover under the berbell, (5) the catch phase,
and (6) the rising position from squat position.
Fig. 2. The camera set-up
Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
The measurement procedure begins with recording of
the 6 (six) male Olympic weightlifters by perform 2 (two)
times snatch with individual weight of 80% dan 90% from
personal best. The snatch lifts were recorded using
synchronized 3 HD cameras and the kinematic motion of
snatch will be analyzed by SIMI Motion Software.
The study focused on the evaluation of basic time,
space, and velocity variables which we can subsequently
work with changes in ankle, knee and hip joints, changes
of the barbell position in vertical axis as well as the speed
of the barbell. This Biomechanical analysis of the
Indonesia weightlifters was conducted on the performance
of the National Weightlifting Championship at Senayan,
Based on the set aim of the work, study focused on the
performance evaluation of angle of joints, velocity
variables which we can subsequently work with changes in
ankle, knee and hip joints, changes of the barbell position
in vertical axis, the speed of the barbell and bar trajectory.
The difference in angular characteristics of ankle joints
measured form knee axis to knee during initial position
with two different loads, can be seen from the table and
figure below.
The lists of names of the athletes listed above are based
on their best achievement. It clearly shows the average
values of two attempts, maximal reached ankle angle of
individual monitored persons and time of reaching this
angle. Overall, it can be concluded that the average angle
formed from the right and left ankle when performing
forces with different loads is changed.
The average angle formed by the left ankle on the force
80% of the maximum load is equal to 5 degrees, while the
right leg is 10 degrees. Practically all athletes have the
right ankle angle larger than the left, when it will do the
snatch with a load close to maximum. This is possible due
to consider factors optimal balance of center of gravity
between body weight with the weight of the load to be
lifted. The most prominent right and left ankle angle
difference occurs in the two athletes with the best
achievement with the angle difference above 10 degrees.
This needs to be done further analysis by using
electromyography to determine the maximum contraction
between the right and left, so it can be known the cause of
the difference. Profiles related to the speed and angular
changes of the knee during a snatch are illustrated in the
following table.
Fig. 3. Initial position
Fig. 4. lift-off position
Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
Based on the individual profile, it can be concluded
that there is a change of position of mechanical position of
the body such as the position of hand grip on barbell, the
distance between the positions of the ankle with barbell
where it shows the width of the distance between the legs
on standing, to do the lift-off position. In addition, the
angular position on the joints and waist also changes
along with increasing the load to be lifted.
Maximum values of hip angles, which mean maximum
extension of knee angles and hip angle during the
monitored locomotion were nearly the same in size (95.9°
a 120.6°), for knee angle (61.1° a 93.6°), so were the time
data (0.47 s a 0.73s). A2 has a profile that is different
from most other athletes. It was close to the values with
the degree of extension of knee angles value (137.3° a
169.5°). Extension of hip joints was distinctly greater
(184.5°). The angular changes of knee and hips joint is
shown in graph 1 (fig.6), meanwhile line in these graphs
represent different phase of attempts, red line represent of
knee joint and green line represent of hip joint.
To provide an explanation of the efficiency side of the
barbell, it is evaluated both the barbell trajectory (fig.7) as
well as barbell velocity (fig.8) features form the height of
top dead centre (H1), bottom dead centre (H2) and the
difference between these two positions during two
attempts (tab. 3). Top dead centre comes up at the moment
when the barbell loses contact with the platform – between
phases 4 and 5 and bottom dead centre comes up at the
catch phase (phase 6).
The results of the tests showed that the highest speed of
the barbell was reached in the snatch by A3 (3.42 m•s-1),
then by A3 (2.66 m•s-1) and finally by A2 (2.39 m•s1).
Graphs (fig. 6) show the progress of vertical velocity v(Z),
horizontal velocity v(Y) and absolute velocity v(abs) of the
barbell in time. With A1 and A2 can see that the velocity
has one important peak, while A3 performs locomotion
with nearly constant maximum velocity for the time of
approximately 0.15 s. Pictures (fig. 7) show in which point
the maximum velocity was reached.
The body posture of ankle, displacement of center
gravity, center of body mass at the moment of maximum
extension of A2 is shown in the pictures (fig. 9).
Fig. 6. Angular changes of knee and hip joints.
Fig. 6. Graphs of the barbell velocity and maximum velocity
Fig. 5. Bar Trajectory
Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
128.0° and at the end of the second pull reaches around
162.5°[2]. It is proved by results of average value in the
knee extension in the first phase of 137.45º, the average
value of transition phase of 116.45º and average value of
last phase of 169.5º. In addition, this study also shows the
similar explanation with the currently research related to
the bar velocity as well as bar trajectory changes as the
weight of the load increases.
In addition to the similarity of techniques found
between athletes with literature, in this study also found
significant differences in techniques (fig.9), or commonly
referred to individually malfunction, which is not
discussed in other literature. This factor is believed to be
the main cause difficult to achieve maximum performance.
Fig. 7. Body posture and displacement.
The significant difference between the ankle angle A2
compared with other athletes that impacts the body posture
and the displacement of mechanical factors of the body in
this case is the point of balance between weight and lifted
weights are not in bodyline. This factor then causes the
raised barbell to also be 1 degree angled towards the larger
ankle angle. A difference of 1 degree of the barbell is
lifted, would affect the weight of the barbell is lifted
between the right to the left. With an un-mechanical
position, the imbalance between the weight and the weight
of the raised object becomes very inefficient. Therefore,
angular changes in each body segment such as ankle, knee,
waist need to be considered to get the most efficient body
position based on the principle of biomechanics.
A. Discussion
The result of study shows that mostly athletes have
already technical profile closed to the technical model
which is lifted by literature. Generally it can be concluded
that the quality of techniques owned is in accordance with
the technique based on the principle of biomechanics.
A perfect body equilibrium position will be easily
obtained when the angle at the ankle is widened, thus
obtaining a larger cross sectional area, than ever before as
the weight of the load to be lifted [7]. It shows also the
same explanation of the kinematic principle that in the
ankle angle during the first phase is approximately 70.45º,
the second phase around 80.10º and the last phase around
90.71º [15].
The top lifters move the load from the lower
extremities to the upper extremities efficiently, by
straightening as well as enlarging the knee joint around
145.17º at the first extension, the transition phase about
As seen in Figure 9, the position of the foot between
the right and left in this transition phase experienced the
difference or in an asymmetrical position. The left leg
looks floating and does not touch the floor, while the right
foot still touches the floor to maintain a balance on the
ground. This imbalance of body position causes a shift in
weight (Cog), which should be a line with a body weight
(cob). By having a position that is not a line between the
weight points of the load with the point of weight, then the
body will have difficulty in maintaining the balance while
holding the load. As a result, the body will withstand an
unbalanced load between the right and the left. The
principle of equilibrium explains that if the body does not
have a balanced bodyline position and separate around 1020cm in holding the load, then the load to be lifted
increases to 50% heavier than the actual load [16]. Figure
9 show that the distance between the weight of the object
and the weighted load point separated 16cm apart. With
the imbalance of the position, then affect the barbell
position raised to be not in bodyline and become 1 degree
angled. Based on the principle of equilibrium, it is possible
that the athlete lifting weights 50% heavier.
The Unbalance the body position could be occurs due
to a muscle imbalance of between the right and left. In
addition, investigation related to the history of injury are
also necessary to be able to determine the overall
condition, especially in the lower extremities of the right
which include the ankles, knees and hip that cause the
movement of the body position to be not symmetrical.
Further research related to kinematic analysis by adding
electromyography is needed to be done, in additional can
obtain further data related to the kinematic analysis as well
as provide detail data regarding with potential muscle
contraction or detect the muscle strength imbalance on the
right and left.
The conclusion of this study is that the asymmetry
position of joints leads to technical imperfections and will
effect of the performance. Not only ankle joints but also
knee and hip joints should reach the maximum extension
Advances in Health Science Research, volume 12
nearly at the same time, at the end of the fourth phase,
when finishing the second pull [3]
Therefore, coaches should pay attention on individual
technical malfunction not only based on technical model in
literature and are recommended to provide a specific form
of strength training to cover the muscle imbalance
founded, thus helping athletes to get more effective and
efficient techniques.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Head of High
Performance Program of Indonesia (SATLAK PRIMA),
Ministry of Youth and Sports of Indonesia, who providing
research grant to do this project. I sincerely thanks to
University Head of Sports Laboratory for providing an
opportunity to do this study. I also thanks to, President of
Indonesian Weightlifting Federation who support our
research and to all respondent of my research who gave
their precious time to accomplish the research. Lastly i
would like to thank all those who helped me in anyway in
my research.
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