Subido por Beatriz Izquierdo

Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem Analysis

Beatriz Izquierdo González
The 1960s and The New Journalism-Fall 2020
Slouching towards Bethlehem (Joan Didion)
In her essay “Slouching towards Bethlehem”, Joan Didion represents US society’s
fragmentation ( “atomization”) through the shift of the otherwise activist younger generations
from the traditional American values and a strong family unit to a senseless, drug-dependent
reality that distances enormously from the so-called hippie utopia. Didion supports her
claims regarding social disintegration with stories and examples that illustrate the attempt of
the hippie community to self-anesthetize in order to cope with the tumultuous political and
social context and with the oppressive lifestyle of their parents. Her purpose is to emphasize
the lost notion of family, home, and ultimately, belonging as well as the political potential of
the youth in order to reverse, or at least mitigate society’s spiral of decay. She seems to
have an adult and middle-class audience in mind since her tone although deceptively
objective portrays a harsh and disturbing reality which (perhaps unintentionally) calls for the
necessity of raising awareness towards the national crisis that is ravaging America´s soul.