Subido por Miguel Angel Palomino Ugarte

Urbanization: Causes, Effects, and Indian Context

Causes and Effects
Urbanization refers to a process in which an
increasing proportion of a society live in cities and the
suburbs of cities. Historically
Historically,, it has been
been closely
connected with industrialization.
Industrialization is a process that extensively uses
inanimate sources of energy to enhance human
ollowing industrialization, surpluses increased in both
agriculture and industry
industry.. !arger and larger proportions
of a population could live in cities. Economic forces
were such that cities became the ideal places to locate
factories and their wor"ers.
City or Urban #ettlement
$ %city% refers to a place of relatively
dense settlement && dense enough so
that city residents can not grow their
own food resources. $ city
population, therefore, is always
dependent upon its %hinterlands% to
provide it with food resources.
Causes of Urbanization
Industrial 'evolution
Industrialization following the Industrial
Emergence of large manufacturing
(ob )pportunities
$vailability of easy transportation
Chicago in +-
/opulation +0
Chicago in +1
/opulation +2,1,030
Effects of Urbanization
4 /ositive
4 5egative
6enefits include reduced transport
costs, exchange of ideas, and sharing
of natural resources.
 Cities act as beacons for the rural
population because they represent a
higher standard of living
 Cities offer opportunities to people not
available in the countryside
#ocial 7 'eligious taboos8 sanctions
Education is a tool to eradicate social
Industrialization, Urbanization,
Education, !egislation, #ecularizat
se9uence of development
:iffusion of urban culture to rural areas
Industrial cities were difficult places to live in due to;
/ublic health issues resulting from contaminated water
and air and the spread communicable diseases due to
Unemployment and under employment
#evere shortage of housing
sportation&commuting issues, lac" of public
transport, no ade9uate investment
#ocial effects & poverty
poverty,, lac" of opportunities,
psychological problems, alcoholism, drugs, crime,
violence and other deviant behaviors
/ublic health
#anitation & the settlements were ill e9uipped to
handle large populations and their sanitation needs
/ollution = Caused by effluents, smo"e and smog
ire hazards = due to use of flammable materials
and proximity8 congestion
Epidemics & due to spread of communicable
diseases caused by contaminated
contaminated water 7 air
Unemployment is the condition of
willing wor"ers lac"ing >obs or %gainful
employment%. 6efore industrialization
unemployment has been said not to
have been recognized as an issue in
rural areas, despite the %disguised
unemployment% of rural laborers having
little to do, especially in conditions of
Impact of unemployment on
Individual = failure to meet financial
obligations such as purchasing food to
feed oneself and one?s family, and
paying one?s bills, failure to ma"e
mortgage payments or to pay rent
may lead to homelessness.
 #ocietal & rising unemployment
increases the crime rate
!oss of privacy
!ac" of housing contributes directly to
crime, stress, and family brea"down
#hortage of livable housing leading to
growth of slums
Human beings have a right to lead a
life of dignity
Transport or transportation is the
movement of people and goods from
one place to another.
 6ecause of the much higher densities
of people and activities in cities,
transportation is a "ey issue.
Inade9uate8 lac" of public transport
creates commuting problems leading
to loss of efficiency.
#ocial Effects & /overty
/overty is generally defined at the
individual or family level as not having
enough money to buy basic necessities.
 /overty is caused by lac" of opportunities
 /overty causes malnutrition and illness@ it
is a ma>or source of mental stress and
loss of self&esteem which may lead to
depression, and have a further negative
impact on health.
#ocial Effects & Crime
inancial insecurity
5o welfare systems in place
!ac" of meaningful wor" A!ow importance
to meaningful wor" and high importance
to higher profits and greater efficiencyB
$nonymity &direct correlation between
higher crime rate and higher rootlessness
Urbanization in India
In India, about D of the population
lives in cities.
<he process of urbanization is still
nascent in the Indian context.
$ncient India was a civilized society with
many urban centers and centers of learning.
Early Urbanization & *ohen>odaro
& anau>
& U>>ain
'eligious Centers & 6odh Faya
& Ga
sity towns & <a"shas
*ughal Cities
atehpur #i"ri
<he seven cities of :elhi
Colonial Cities = :elhi, /ondicherry,
Cantonment <owns = 6angalore,
#ecunderabad, 5agpur,!uc"now
Hill 'esorts = #himla, 5ainital,
:ar>eeling, )oty, odai"anal
/orts = #urat, *umbai, Calicut,
ol"atta, Gizag, Chennai
Effects of Colonization
Introduction of estern systems of
*acaulization Aafter !ord *acaulayB of
Indian Education
:evelopment of labor force& s"illed8
Independent India
$dministrative capitals = Center
Center 7
Industrial <owns = 6hilai, 'our"ela,
(amshedpur, $hmedabad, #urat,
*egacities = *umbai, :elhi, ol"atta,
Chennai, 6angalore, Hyderabad
'apid Urbanization& rate of
urbanization increasing
<he process of urbanization is still
nascent in the Indian context.
<his explains the focus of global
attention on the developing nations.
<here are huge profits to be made in
the process of development.