Subido por Mauricio Camargo

Choosing the Right Doctor: Medical Specialist Worksheet

1. One of my friends is suffering from cancer. Can you suggest me the
best ---------------------------------.
2. My child is 4 years old. She is suffering from fever. Is there any good -----------------------------------------.
3. Look at my heel. I am feeling pain due to cracks. Can you direct me to
the ---------------------------.
4. Meena is my colleague. Her behaviour is somewhat strange. I think she
is totally depressed. Shall we take her to the ----------------------------.
5. Even though I use the best toothpaste, I am suffering from toothache. I
want to go to the ------------------------- to pull out my tooth.
6. The ------------------------ has taken MRI scanning to see the function of
his nerve system.
7. Recently, my dad has got a minor heart attack. The ------------------ has
advised him to take bed rest for a month.
8. She is quite unwell. I think she is sick due to her hormone imbalance.
Her mother is going to take her to consult an ----------------------------.
9. I am poor in my eyesight. I hope to check my eye and take glasses.
Shall I see an --------------------------10.My mother always complains about pain in her eye. I should take her
to the ----------------------------.
[Cardiologist / Pediatrician / Dentist / Psychiatrist / Endocrinologist /
Dermatologist / Oncologist / Optometrist / Neurologist / Optician ]
Good Luck
Fathima Riskiya - EEC