Subido por Miguel Ramírez

Dijkstra's Graph Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Tree & Shortest Path

Numerische Mathematik 1, 269-271 (1959)
A Note on Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs
\Ve consider n points (nodes), some or all pairs of which arc connected by a
branch; the length of each branch is given. \Ve restrict ourselves to the case
where at least one path exists between any two nodes. \Ve now consider two
Problem 1. Construct the tree of minimum total length between the n nodes.
(A tree is a graph with one and only one path between every two nodes.)
In the course of the construction that we present here, the branches are
subdivided into three sets:
I. the branches definitely assigned to the tree under construction (they will
form a subtree);
II. the branches from which the next branch to be added to set I, will be
III. the remaining branches (rejected or not yet considered).
The nodes are subdivided into two sets:
A. the nodes connected by the branches of set I,
B. the remaining nodes (one and only one branch of set II will lead to each
of these nodes).
We start the construction by choosing an arbitrary node as the only member
of set A, and by placing all branches that end in this node in set II. To start
with, set I is empty. From then onwards we perform the following two steps
Step 1. The shortest branch of set II is removed from this set and added to
set I. As a result one node is transferred from set B to set A.
Step 2. Consider the branches leading from the node, that has just been transferred to set A, to the nodes that are still in set B. If the branch under consideration is longer than the corresponding branch in set II, it is rejected; if it
is shorter, it replaces the corresponding branch in set II, and the latter is rejected.
\Ve then return to step 1 and repeat the process until sets II and Bare empty.
The branches in set I form the tree required.
The solution given here is to be preferred to the solution given by J. B.
KRUSKAL [ 1] and those given by H. LOBERMAN and A. WEINBERGER [2]. In
their solutions all the - possibly ½n (n -1) - branches are first of all sorted
according to length. Even if the length of the branches is a computable function
of the node coordinates, their methods demand that data for all branches are
stored simultaneously. Our method only requires the simultaneous storing of
Numer. Math. Bd. 1
the data for at most n branches, viz. the branches in sets I and II and the branch
under consideration in step 2.
Problem 2. Find the path of minimum total length between two given nodes
P and Q.
We use the fact that, if Risa node on the minimal path from P to Q, knowledge
of the latter implies the knowledge of the minimal path from P to R. In the
solution presented, the minimal paths from P to the other nodes are constructed
in order of increasing length until Q is reached.
In the course of the solution the nodes are subdivided into three sets:
A. the nodes for which the path of minimum length from P is known; nodes
will be added to this set in order of increasing minimum path length from node P;
B. the nodes from which the next node to be added to set A will be selected;
this set comprises all those nodes that are connected to at least one node of
set A but do not yet belong to A themselves;
C. the remaining nodes.
The branches are also subdivided into three sets:
I. the branches occurring in the minimal paths from node P to the nodes
in set A;
II. the branches from which the next branch to be placed in set I will be
selected; one and only one branch of this set will lead to each node in set B;
III. the remaining branches (rejected or not yet considered).
To start with, all nodes are in set C and all branches are in set III. We now
transfer node P to set A and from then onwards repeatedly perform the following
Step 1. Consider all branches r connecting the node just transferred to set A
with nodes R in sets B or C. If node R belongs to set B, we investigate whether
the use of branch r gives rise to a shorter path from P to R than the known
path that uses the corresponding branch in set II. If this is not so, branch r is
rejected; if, however, use of branch r results in a shorter connexion between P
and R than hitherto obtained, it replaces the corresponding branch in set II
and the latter is rejected. If the node R belongs to set C, it is added to set B and
branch r is added to set II.
Step 2. Every node in set B can be connected to node P in only one way
if we restrict ourselves to branches from set I and one from set IL In this sense
each node in set B has a distance from node P: the node with minimum distance
from P is transferred from set B to set A, and the corresponding branch is transferred from set II to set I. We then return to step 1 and repeat the process
until node Q is transferred to set A. Then the solution has been found.
Remark 1. The above process can also be applied in the case where the length
of a branch depends on the direction in which it is traversed.
Remark 2. For each branch in sets I and II it is advisable to record its two
nodes (in order of increasing distance from P), and the distance between P and
that node of the branch that is furthest from P. For the branches of set I this
Two Problems in Connexion with Graphs
is the actual minimum distance, for the branches of set II it is only the minimum
thus far obtained.
The solution given above is to be preferred to the solution by L. R. FORD [3]
as described by C. BERGE [4], for, irrespective of the number of branches, we
need not store the data for all branches simultaneously but only those for the
branches in sets I and II, and this number is always less than n. Furthermore,
the amount of work to be done seems to be considerably less.
[1] KRUSKAL jr., J.B.: On the Shortest Spanning Subtree of a Graph and the
Travelling Salesman Problem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 7, 48-50 (1956).
[2] LOBERMAN, H., and A. VVEINBERGER: Formal Procedures for Connecting Terminals with a Minimum Total ,vire Length. J. Ass. Comp. Mach. 4, 428-437
[3] FORD, L. R.: Network flow theory. Rand Corp. Paper, P-923, 1956.
[4] BERGE, C.: Theorie des graphes et ses applications, pp. 68-69. Paris: Du nod 1958.
Mathematisch Centrum
2e Boerhaavestraat 49
(Received ]1tne 11, 19:WJ
Druck tier Univ,,rsitiitstlruckerei II. Htilrtz
AG., Wilrzburg