Subido por david VARGAS

Personal Likes: Sports and Animals Learning Activity

Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2
Evidence: Personal likes / Evidencia: Gustos
1. The sport that I like the most is soccer, since I have been practicing
it since I was little, I have a great love for this sport.
2. American football is a sport that I quite like, from the shape of the
ball to the uniforms that are striking.
3. BMX is another of the sports that I like, since that sensation of
adrenaline and speed fascinates me.
4. Basketball is another of the sports that I like, it goes at a different
pace than soccer and in a smaller space where you have to be more
5. Boxing is a sport that I like but only for training, since I am not a fan
of punches.
1. The animal that I like the most is the jaguar, well felines are special
but I like the jaguar as well as its spots.
2. The rabbit is another animal that I like because of its ears and how
cute they look.
3. Dogs are very nice pets, I like how faithful and playful they are.
4. Cats are my favorite pets since I have a cat, I like that they are
independent and how soft they are.
5. I like fish, they give me a feeling of calm and peace, I like their