v. 7^ c THE COMMON SPIDERS OF THE UNITED STATES By « 8 « 5 JAMKS 7 H. EMERTON » Boston, U.S.A., and London GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS Cbe Sitbcnacttm |)rc60 Entered at Stationers' Hall Copyright, JAMES H. 1902, by E.MERTON ALL RItlHTS RESERVED 24.12 BiomedicaJ Library US' FS3C. PREFACE There either are are few books on the large American and expensive works or published by scientific societies, and so public. Since publishing Canadian spiders emy from 1882 in to 1894, my I special papers known to else little New papers on the Transactions of the and these spiders, England and Connecticut Acad- tJie have had frequent the calls for a smaller and simpler book to meet the wants of readers who, without making a special study of the subject, about spiders in general and often meet with. It is want to know a little especially those species that they hoped this book will answer the pur- pose and help to lessen the prejudice against spiders, and lead to a more general acquaintance with them, knowledge of birds and The butterflies. like the popular characters used in the descriptions are, as far as possible, those that can be seen without microscopic examination and without in the handling of small animals. the form and markings of The much illustrations, experience which show every species, are from drawings and photographs, a large part of my own them made new for this book. J. April, 1902. H. EMERTON. CONTENTS Introduction p^^e Number and Names of Spiders Anatomy vii viii Silk and Spinning Organs x Colors and Markings ..... .......... ..... .......... .......... ......... .......... ......... Habitats of Common Spiders Cobwebs Catching and preserving Spiders The Drassid.e Clubiona The Dysderidte The Thomisid^ Misumena Xysticus Philodromus The Attid^ The Lycosid^ Lycosa Pardosa dolomedes Ocyale xii-xiv xvi xvii 1-21 15 22 24-40 25 30 35 41-66 67-90 .......... .......... 68 78 85 88 OXYOPES 88 The AgalenidyE The Theridid^ gi-io6 107-133 no Theridium .119 Steatoda Pholcus scytodes xi 128 . . . . . . . . . .131 CONTENTS vi ......... The Linyphiad/E LiXVPHIA . . . . . . . . Page 134-153 .134 . Erigoxe The 14S EPEiRiDyE 154-204 Round Webs of the Epeikid.e 15 5- '59 Species of Epeira 1C0-181 .......... The Three Species of the Genus Zilla acrosoma . . . Argiope Amaurobius Uloborus Hyptiotes Filistata 198-204 ... ....... CiNiFLONiD/E, OR Cribellata Dictyna 188 192-198 Tetragnatha The 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 .......... . . . . . . . . 205 213 . . . 205-220 . . . . . . . 218 220 INTRODUCTION This book common the of the is designed to make the reader acquainted with spiders most likely to be found over a large part United States as neighborhood of any Local collections show that and but few such collections ; is not yet possible to in any particular it kinds of spiders that live the in the country there are at least three city in hundred species of spiders or four have been made, Georgia and as far west as far south as Rocky Mountains. the all the how far tell place, or The species which them well known and Rare and doubtful species any species extends over the country. are here described and figured are have been described in other are omitted, though some the most common. A books. of these large of all may number in time prove to be among of spiders are too small to be easily seen, and most of these are omitted, only a few representative species being described. no common names, Spiders have, unfortunately, except such indefinite ones as " the garden "the black spider," "the jumping spider," and the Even "tarantula" has become only a nickname for any large spider. The names of spiders, like those of other animals, have been given to them independently by different persons, so that many of them have more than one name, and the more common the spider the larger the number of names. In this book only one name is usually given to each species, and the name used is one that has been published with a description of the species in some other well-known book. Readers who are interested in the names of species and in comparing spider," like. the classifications of different naturalists are referred to a INTRODUCTIOxN viii " Catalogue of the Described Araneae America," by George Marx, of Temperate North Proceedings of in the tJie United XationalMnseum, 1890, which is a useful index to what has been published on American spiders. The front half of a spider's body, called the cephalothorax, States contains in one piece the head and thorax, the only outward division between them being shallow grooves from the middle In the middle of the cephaloback to the front legs. thorax is usually a groove or depression, under which, inside, is a muscle that moves the sucking apparatus by which food is of the drawn At the mouth. into the sides of the thoracic part are four pairs of legs, and on the head part are a pair of palpi The and a pair of mandibles. legs have seven joints: (i) the coxa, the thick basal joint, having chanter, a short joint coxa ; (3) moving very of the the patella and tibia. (2) freely on the end the troof the and The (7) femur; (5) tibia, joined closely to ; -pa1pj are like the front of the the moving with it up and down (6) the metathe tarsus, moving together on the end of the small legs and have one less joint The mandibles head (fig. 2). They are than the walking legs. joint stout moving up and directions; (4) the patella, all down on the end ; motion; the femur, the largest joint of the leg, moving with the trochanter in tarsus little and the end The claw has near its of the poison gland. are close together at two-jointed, the basal joint or claw slender and sharp-pointed. point a small hole, which The poison the outlet is kills or disables the insects which are captured by the spider. Its effect on the human sometimes it has no effect at skin varies in different persons ; all of ; oftener it causes some soreness and itching like the stings mosquitoes and bees, and cases have been known in which it Spiders caused serious inflammation which lasted a long time. seldom to bite, and only them being in defense, the bites so often the work commonly charged of other animals. INTRODUCTION On IX the front of the head are the eyes, usually eight in number, differing in size and arrangement according TARSUS to the CLAW or MANDIBLE MANDIBLE mAxilla LABIUM y^ OPENING OrAIR SACS EPIGYNUM ^i MANDIBLES TRACHEA CLAW Mf\--VsPlNIMERETS Fig. Fig. I. 2. Diagram of the under side of a spider, with the legs removed except one. Front of head, showing the eyes and mandibles. kind of spider. distances. The sight of spiders is distinct for only short Spiders of middle size can see each other, and the INTRODUCTION X insects which they eat, at a distance of four or five inches, but beyond that do not seem to see anything clearly. At the ends of the feet are two claws, curved and with teeth along the inner edge, and in many spiders there is a third shorter claw between them (fig. 212). The claws are sometimes surrounded by a brush of flattened hairs (figs. 104, 14). 1 The basal joints of the palpi are flattened and have their inner edges extended forward chew the food. Between the maxillae is a small the labium, and between the legs is a larger oval so that they can be used as jaws to press or These are called the m.axillse. piece called piece called the sternum. The hinder abdomen, is connected with It has at the the cephalothorax by a narrow stem (fig. i). hinder end the spinnerets, three pairs of appendages having at half of the body, the their ends a number of microscopic tubes through drawn out. When not in use the spin- great which the thread is nerets are folded together, so that the smaller inner pair are concealed. i The thread of spiders resembles that spun by caterpillars in making their cocoons, and can be manufactured in the same way into silk cloth. The spider's thread is composed of a great number of finer threads passing from the body through separate tubes and uniting into one before they have time to dry. This can be seen by examining the attachments of spiders' threads to glass. All the spinning tubes are not alike, but on certain parts of the spinnerets are larger or differently shaped tubes, and these are the outlets spider's of glands of different kinds in the abdomen, and are used in making different kinds of threads for certain parts of the webs, nests, or cocoons. \ In front of the spinnerets on the under side opening to the tracheae, or air-tubes of the abdomen on the under skin, at the side is (fig. i). At is a small the front a transverse fold of the ends of which are the openings of the air-sacs or INTRODUCTION lungs, xi and between them the opening of organs (fig. The i). latter is covered in the reproductive females by an appa- sometimes large and complicated, called the epigynum. Its presence shows that the fermile is full grown. Young Male spiders have the ends of the palpi spiders do not have it. ratus, enlarged, and under the terminal joint what is known as the The pres- palpal organ, sometimes very complicated in shape. ence of these Young males organs shows that the male is flill grown. that have nearly reached maturity have the ends Male spiders almost always have the body smaller and the legs longer than females of the same of the palpi simply enlarged. species. The colors of spiders are partly in the skin itself and partly and scales that cover in the hairs it. covered with hair of some kind, but fine and short that the skin is it has little effect in Almost all spiders are some species it is so on the sometimes with scales somewhat like those of butterflies, The tened and feathered or toothed on the edges. spiders are very varied, and in many spiders, as brilliant as those of butterflies. common colors are grays or plants and stones is uniform the spiders is live. over the body, except that darker toward the head and the ends of the common marking flat- color* of The most and browns, resembling the ground among which all and species, especially of the jumping the color In others color. entirely covered with hairs of various lengths Sometimes it is a little The most abdomen over feet. a spot on the front of the the spider's heart, sometimes merely a translucent part of the skin and sometimes a definite color spot darker in the middle and outlined with a lighter shade or white. The hinder half of the abdomen is often marked with several pairs of spots, becoming smaller toward the end, and these spots may be united into a pair of stripes or a more complicated pattern. (See figures.) The legs are often marked wi|h rings of color, INTRODUCTION xii almost always at the ends of the joints. markings there are in some common Besides these spiders strong contrasts of color, such as bright red or yellow spots on a black ground. among males, especially In the the Attidas, there are often shining and scales that reflect different colors in a bright light, tufts of black or white hairs about the head and front legs. Spiders live in kinds of places. all Certain species are attached to houses and seldom found far from them, and The of these occur over a large part of the world. in the corners of rooms are chiefly the work of tcpidarionun light many webs TJieridiiim 112), occasionally of Steatoda borealis (p. 119) (p. and Steatoda triangiilosa about the stairs In cellars the thin webs 121). (p. and shelves are those of the long-legged PJiolcns pJialangioidcs (pp. the (p. 129) or of LinypJiia nebidosa or mi7iuta and the thick 144, 145), beams are those side of houses live webs flat corners and between in of Tegenaria dcrJiaviii (p. 96). two jumping Epiblemutn scenicinn (p. 60), spiders, the On a small grav species the color of weathered wood, and the other, JMarptiisa faniiliaris Some of the houses. round-web spiders The great live in st7-ix, hide in cragks and at night round webs porches, barns, and bridges. part of the country Epeira cinerea Epeu'a globosa (p. 174) is (p. (p. in cellars, (p. 160), make their In the northern often found on the outside of houses, (p. 215), a large imported species, and several Dictyna on the outside 61). 165) has the same habit. and so are Zilla atrica and Zilla x-notata ferox (p. numbers about three brown species, Epeira sclopetaria patagiata, and in the out- most common being of houses, (p. is 185). Amajirobiiis sometimes found 206) live in great numbers in corners of windows, under the edges of shingles, or in cracks of walls, spreading their webs wherever there is room for them and gathering dust they often make a distinct spot on the states Filistata hibernalis (p 220) is wall. so that In the southern one of the most common INTRODUCTION spiders about houses. Its webs often make dust a foot or more in diameter. the ground furnish Steatoda borealis viarniorata 119), (p. and places, (p. 122). (p. 50) silk and large jumping tripjinctatiis (p. make under stones near the ground. Drassiis saccatns tJicsima atra (p. Lycosa nidicola (p. 5), (p. 69), Phidippus mystaceus large nests of The ground Lycosa conmiimis and cinerea under shelters of this kind. live spiders. Latrodcctiis mactans is GnapJiosa conspersa 6), of and guttata 121), (p. 2), white spiders, and Pros- run on the ground and hide under stones. tensis (p. 69), polita (p. 70), Xysticus number (p. spiders, 51), (p. round spot of 122) are found in such the South, so, especially in The a Stones and sticks lying on shelter for a great 120) and Asagena anicricana (p. xiii The (p. (p. 75), Lycosa pra- 74) are often found crab spiders of the genus under stones, but oftener under bark farther from the ground. In the summer, plants of all kinds from grass to trees are full (pp. 68 to 84) run among the short grass. The small species of Linyphia (p. 34) and Erigone (p. 148) make their flat webs close to the ground among small plants. LinypJiia viarginata, commit Jiis, coccinea, 2ind phrygiana of spiders. The Lycosas 1 make among plants and rocks, a foot or two above the The Theridiums (p. no) live between leaves and on theirs ground. the ends of twigs, covering them with webs that only show when the dew 91 to 95) makes webs on the grass and anywhere else where it can find a The jumping spiders (p. 41) run about place to fasten them. for their prey on plants, and some of them have silk nests among the leaves. The Misumenas (p. 25) live among flowers and wait for insects to alight within reach. The webs of Dictyna (p. 206) are commonest on the ends of grass and twigs, and are known by the dust that they gather. The round-web spiders mature in the middle of the summer, and its flat is on them. Agalc7ia jicBvia (pp. INTRODUCTION xiv then Epeh-a trivittata and i66) (p. is found on grass, (p. 171) in hidden nests near their webs. later and sylvatica, Epeira msidaris nordnianni Cyclosa conica trees. Uloborus woods. (p. (p. 162) (p. 183), kinds of bushes all and 169) and Epeira tvifolunn live Acrosoma Epeira angiilata, among bushes and spiiiea (p. 190), and among low bushes in openings of the 218) lives among the lower dead branches 216) live (p. Hyptiotes of pines, perching (p. on the end of a twig which it exactly matches in color. The marshes Tetragnathas and ditches. are the (p. of great Epeira gibberosa their horizontal numbers (p. marshes and open of spiders. 175) and/'/rt:«V/(« and oblique webs among the The two places. home The 198) live there, especially along the streams tall (p. 176) make grass in open swarm in autumn become conspicuous by and when they disappear leave over species of Argiope (pp. 193 to 198) fields and in and bright colors, winter their brown cocoons (pp. 197, 200) fastened to the grass. The moss and dead leaves in the woods are alive with spiders even in summer some species always live there, and in winter the young of those that in warm weather live among the bushes find shelter where they can remain torpid through their size ; the cold season without freezing. The eggs of spiders are covered with silk, which varies much Some spiders hang in it in stones, and others carry shape and color different species. the web, others attach it it to plants or about with them either in the mandi- bles or attached behind to the spinnerets. in the in forming a cocoon The young remain cocoon until they are able to run about, and after com- ing out of the cocoon keep together for a short time, sometimes web which they make common, sometimes in a nest made by the mother, and in some species on the mother's back, but they soon scatter and hunt their own food or make in a in cobwebs, according to the habits of the species. INTRODUCTION XV mature and breed at different them living only one season. Those Different kinds of spiders times of the year, most of that mature late, winter as eggs, sclopctaria Some \ikt_^ga/eua \m^E and Lycosa species, like and Argiope, pass the mature nidicola, pass early, Epeira like the winter half grown. Thcridiuin tcpidarioruvi the year, and eral times in Jicevia those that (p. 1 1 2), breed sev- and young are found old at all seasons. The (i) spiders are naturally divided into two groups of families: the hunting spiders, which run on the ground or on plants, among come within their reach (2) the cobweb spiders, which make webs to catch insects and live all the time in the web or in a nest near it. The hunting spiders include: (i) the Dysderidae (p. 22), a catching insects wherever they find them, or waiting leaves and flowers few species with six until insects ; eyes only and with four breathing holes at abdomen (2) the Drassidas (p. i), or ground spiders, which live among stones and dead leaves or among plants, making tubular nests and flat ^gg cocoons but the front end of the no cobwebs ; (3) ; the Thomisidas (p. 24), the flat and crab-like spiders living on plants or under bark and stones; (4) the Attidae (p. 41), the jumping spiders, with wide heads and large front eyes, many of them brightly colored and active in their habits; (5) the Lycosidae (p. 6^), the long-legged running spiders, living on the ground and, a few of them, in holes and carrying about their round ^gg cocoons attached to the spinnerets. The cobweb spiders include : (i) the Agalenidae (p. 91), mak- webs on grass or in corners of houses, with a tube at in which the spider lives; (2) the Therididac (p. 107), round spiders with flat or irregular webs in corners and on ing flat one side plants; (3) the Linyphiadae spiders of a great number (p. 134), with fiat webs, small of species living near the ground INTRODUCTION xvi and shady places in spiders (5) ; ; the Eipeiridae (4) 154), the (p. round-web the Cribellata, having a calamistrum (see p. 205) on the hind legs and making rough webs that gather dust. Cobwebs are of four principal kinds 1. The fiat webs, closely woven of long threads crossed by : ones finer in all directions and connected with a tubular nest where the spider hides, and from which it runs out on the upper side of the web after insects that may fall upon it. These are made by Agalena and Tegenaria (pp. 91 to 104). The 2. net-like meshes, sometimes in 3. smooth threads of in large curved sheet held out by threads The spider lives on the under side, back These are made by Therididae and Linyphiadae directions. all downward. (pp. made webs, in a fiat or 107, 134). The round webs, made from a of threads radiating common center and crossed by circular loops and spirals, part of which are adhesive. 4. The webs bands of The tion is of the Cinifionidae, composed in part of loose silk (p. 205). simplest and best to put them way to preserve spiders for examina- in alcohol. It kills them immediately and keeps their form and markings and, to a great extent, their colors. or jars. They may be kept It is alive for a few days in glass bottles make holes in the covers, or to They need water, and this can be fur- not necessary to feed the spiders often. nished them conveniently by putting a piece of wet paper or rag in the bottle. If one wishes to find what spiders they must be looked for at The house and watched all cellar should until they are fully live in his times and in all neighborhood, kinds of places. be looked over and the spiders grown. The outside of the house and fences should be looked over occasionally only those spiders being taken that are full in the same way, grown, unless they INTRODUCTION are of new or rare kinds. A great xvii many spiders may be found on the garden fences of a shady street, especially summer and again in the autumn. more in active The writer always carries two small common homeopathic medicine one a are the middle of the day and more likely then be wandering about. to bottles, in the early At both seasons they holding one vial, drams and half full of alcohol, the other a straight tube vial, without any neck and about the same size, that is kept always dry and occasionally wiped out to remove the threads or two that are made in it. The dry bottle is placed quickly over the moved about until the spider is coaxed to go into it. spider and The bottle is then turned up and closed with a finger until the other bottle can be uncorked and the spider shaken into the alcohol. In the fields and along the country roads the stones and sticks that have been lying for some time on the ground should be carefully lifted and searched, both on the under surface and on the ground below. The stones and sticks should be turned back into the same places so that other spiders may find at once comfortable places to hide under. new ground, are dropped on are fit to use again. may be it Among trees If they a year before they and shrubs the best things are to be found by moving slowly about and watching and cobwebs without disturbing them. webs can be best seen when moving toward the light. for spiders, nests, greatest number of spiders can usually be The The found along paths and the edges of woods, and paths through the woods are the best places for many ground spiders. Spiders should be looked for in the same way in grass, by creeping along on the ground or by sitting down and watching until something walks into view ; or the grass and weeds may be swept with a cotton bag, fastened on a hoop like a dip net, with a short handle, and the spiders picked out with a dry bottle from among: the leaves and insects that will be g-athered INTRODUCTION xviii Bushes may be swept with them. in the same way, or may be shaken over an open umbrella, or a piece of cloth or paper. when In numbers can be found for some years in the woods. A common coal sieve is fine enough to hold the leaves while the spiders and sticks and dirt pass through, and may be picked over on a cloth or carried home in a bag and examined in the house. The sifting should be repeated several winter, spiders are torpid, great by sifting the dead leaves that have been lying times, as many of the spiders hold to threads and become loosened only after much among shaking. In the following pages a general description by descriptions family, followed the leaves is given of each of the species belonging to it, with a figure of each species placed as near as possible to the In description. some cases, where the genera are large and well defined, separate descriptions are given of each genus, but where the genus is not easy to distinguish or represented by only a few species, there is no separate generic description, and the species are placed next to those of other genera to which they are most closely related. If the names of spiders are known, they can readily be found by the index at the end of the book. If information is sought about an unknown spider, the illustrations through the book furnish the most convenient index, as the general form and proportions of spiders and the arrangement of their eyes usually show to what family they The ground belong. described spiders and those without cobwebs are and the sedentary species living in webs in the Readers unfamiliar with the subject are the book. first, last half of advised to read first the descriptions of the families and com- pare with them the spiders that they find in their borhoods. of The distinctness, looked for. figures are in and spiders most cases enlarged of much own neigh- for the sake smaller size must be THE COMMON SPIDERS THE DRASSID/E ^ The Drassidae, like the Lycosidae though (p. 15), make some genera, are equally like (p. 6"]), Anyphaena common in (p. are ground spiders, 12) summer on and Clubiona They bushes. nests in the form of a bag or flattened tube, but no cobwe55Tor catching and are commonly found running about among dead leaves and short grass and sometimes even on bare ground and sand. In form they are usually two or insects, three times as long as they are wide, like the Lycosidas The but more often flattened on the back. little in length, and the first and second pairs are directed ward, the third and fourth backward. are short, giving feet them (p. 6^), legs differ but for- Their hairs and spines a smooth, velvet-like appearance. The have two claws, with a bfush of flattened hairs under them, like the Lycosidae (p. Thomisidas and Attidas 6j), large and strong and are together as eyes are all of about the (p. 41), but unlike the The mandibles are wide as the head. The which have three claws. about the same size and arranged in two rows same length and not far apart, but between dif- ferent species there are slight differences in their arrangement. The colors are usually dull gray, brown, and black, with markings or none. as in Micaria (p. 9) A few few species are very brightly marked, and Poecilochroa (p. 4). There are three groups among the Drassidae Gnaphosa, Poecilochroa, Pythonissa, and I. Prosthesima, Drassus, which are generally dark in color and flattened above. : THE COMMON SPIDP:RS with the cephalothorax narrow in front and the eyes covering about half the width of the head and differing in their relative positions among The labium the different genera. is long and the maxillae slightly widened at the end, or with the outer (9 corners rounded off and sometimes a OO O qOOO crease or depression The joints of the first legs are thickened times the middle. in in the some- middle. ower spinnerets are longer than others and flat on the end. '^ Geotrecha, Micaria, 2. Agroeca, and Anyphaena, body the is The the Phrurolithus, in which the less flattened, the legs longer, and movements quicker. The colors are and more varied. The labium is lighter short and the maxill?e with straight sides. »^. Clubiona, Chiracanthium, and Trachelas, in which the colors are plain and light, the eyes spread over more than half the front of the head and close to its front edge. long as it is in The labium tracted at the base. The — flnaphosa conspersa. female enlarged four times. 3, 4, 5. 4, the eyes seen from in front. 5, the maxillae, labium, and ends of the mandibles from below. 3, and wide y as maxillae are narrow in the middle and Figs. is Drassus, but con- flat at the ends. Gnaphosa conspersa. — Half an inch long and rusty black in color. In alcohol the legs and cephalothorax The whole and cephalothorax The body is The abdomen are about the same size and a little flattened. The upper row legs are stout and all nearly the same length. of eyes is nearly straight and the lateral eyes much farther are dark reddish brown and the abdomen gray. covered with fine black hairs. THE DRASSID^E from the middle pair than these are from each other (fig. 3). The middle eyes are oval and oblique, diverging toward the front. The maxillae are large, and rounded on the outer The mandibles are large and strong, with a wide, corners. flat, serrated tooth (fig. 5) under the claw. The cocoon is white and spider. with a diameter as great as the length of the flat, The female, as far as have observed, I makes no nest, but partly lines with silk a shal- low hole, in It lives \\ which she nurses her cocoon. ^^ under stones and leaves as far Rocky Mountains lives species, A Oregon. GiiapJwsa ^\i -"^ Columbia, and on in British the Pacific coast in ^ ^X, north as the White Mountains and west to the similar qq q^ O^Oq %^^ smaller and bnnnalis, on the top of Mount Washing- ^^^, ton and as far north as Labrador. Tythonissa imbecilla. inch quarter of an brown orange bright long, cephalothorax — About on the and legs and blue black on the abdomen, with a few white hairs around The the muscular spots. with fine long hairs a legs little are covered darker in color The cephalothorax than the skin. behind and more narrowed in is wide front than in Figs. 6, 7, 8. and the The eyes (fig. lateral eyes of 6) are close together, both rows are larger than the middle pairs and a on the head. The little farther back — 7, female enlarged four times. Gnaphosa. Pytho- iiissa imbecilla. 6, the eyes seen from in front. 8, the maxillae, la- bium, and ends of mandibles from below. maxillas (fig. 8) are short and wide, and bent toward each other so that they nearly meet The front edges are nearly straight and in front of the labium. The sternum is wide the outer corners only slightly rounded. and almost circular. from the base The to the tip. tarsus of the female palpi tapers — THE COMMON SPIDERS Poecilochroa variegata. This • one of is I the The cephalothorax colored of the family a o o little is most brightly bright orange, darker toward the eyes. abdomen is The black, with three trans- verse white stripes and a T-shaped white mark between the second the On stripes. abdomen first and the front of the white stripes are sometimes tinged with orange. The femora of the first and second legs are black. The distal end of the femur and both ends of the tibia of the fourth legs are black. Other parts of the legs are lo orange-colored. The cephalothorax in Prosthcsiina 9, 10, INe- 1 1. cilochroa variegata. — female II, larged 9, four maxillae en- (fig. eyes from in front. labium, atra and lo) are long outer corners. times. and widened The two rows of eyes at the (fig. 9) are almost straight, the upper one longer than 10, maxill?E, and ends bles quarter of an is is narrower than Gnaphosa couspersa, and the sternum longer and narrower. The inch long. Figs. The female of mandifrom below. the lower. Poecilochroa bilineata. —A little smaller than P. variegata, but with the abdomen longer. Cephalothorax and abdomen both white at the sides and in the middle, with two black stripes nerets. from the eyes nearly to the spin- The abdomen covered with long is hairs, black in the stripes the light portions. in Fig. 12. Fig. with white hairs. Poecilochroa bilineata. Upper and under views of female without legs, times. tiie enlarged four and silvery white The legs are gray, The under side is light g^^y, with tWO black StripeS at the sidcS of the abdomcu that do not quite reach the . spmnerets. The spinnerets are unusually — I THE The long. eyes DRASSID.-E arranged as are 5 varicgata, in the middle eyes being even more distinctly farther apart than they are from the less OOOq lateral eyes. '^ Prosthesima atra. — Black, than a third of an inch long. may be mistaken for a small Gnaphosa conspersa, but, besides the small abdomen It oooo and the size, is usually longer in proportion and the head narrower is The Gnaphosa. color than is in usually black and less likely to be gray in the young and rusty in the old, but the feet and abdomen are sometimes yellowThe eyes (fig. 14) are closer together and the two rows more nearly of the In alcohol the cephalothorax same length. and legs are blacker than in Gnaphosa and less brown. The maxilla; (fig. are a little longer J b^' ^ 15) under side of the ish in the young. \ and less /-. rounded T-> 1 at 1 the outer corners than in • Gnaphosa or rythonissa. T-1 1 he T1 1 mandibles 14, 15- '6. I'-s- Prosthesima atra. 16, female '^^''g'^d 14, en- four times. eyes seen from in front. i5,max- Wix, labium, and r- (fig. i 5) are without the large teeth under the claw that ends of mandibles ^™'" ^^^'^o\s. Gnaphosa and Pythonissa have, and they more than in those genera. It lives on the ground and under are turned forward stones. The cocoon is white or pink, attached by the under surface, with the upper side convex and thickened the middle, sometimes with a attached to Prosthesima it. ecclesiastica. in dirt little — Black, with white markino-s ° along ^ the middle of the _ back. One-third of an inch long, a little Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Prosthesima ecclesiastica.— Upper and under views of female enlarged four times. THE COMMON SPIDERS The larger than P. atra and smaller than Gjiaphosa coiispersa. cephalothorax is proportionally longer and narrower and the sternum narrower and The cephalothorax round than less The the middle. in stripe P. atra in (fig. i8). the sides, with a whitish dull black at is legs are also dull black and, like the cephalothorax, turn brown The abdomen in alcohol. is black, with a bright white stripe in the middle that extends from the front end about twothirds its length ; and (fig. is is The under 17). hinder end, just at the over the spinnerets, another white mark side of the abdomen dark at the sides and light in the middle. The eyes and maxillae are as in P. atra, the rounded at the ends. maxillae a little less Drassus saccatus. and long, head is pale, — Four-fifths of an inch without markings. The shorter and wider than in GnapJiosa conspersa and ProstJicsima atra, and the Both eyes cover a larger part of the head. rows the of eyes (figs. 2, 19) The middle upper middle highest. pair are oval front. The and turned apart toward the eyes lateral diameter from the middle Fig. 19. Drassus saccatus. — Female enlarged three times. For eyes and mouth parts see figs, and 2 in Introduction. i illae (fig. sides. i) are curved, with are twice pair. are widened at the ends on both The labium is as wide as it is the tip. The color is The front marked at light gray, with short of the head, the feet, and the mandibles and maxillae are darker and browner. is long, narrowed toward the end but truncated fine hairs all over the body. abdomen their The max- The only with the usual four muscular spots and sometimes a few transverse dark markings toward the THE DRASSID/E The hinder end. The male legs are long and tapering in both sexes. more slender than the female, and smaller and is end very the male palpi are long, with the They silk enlarged. under stones, and make a large transparent bag of which the female makes her cocoon of ^ live in eggs, and Early out. with stays it come the young until summer the in female often male and a together in the nest, even live before the female - little Geotrecha crocata. is mature. — Black, with the ends of the legs light yellow and a bright red spot on abdomen. the end of the It is about a third of an inch long. The legs are slender the body not at is cephalothorax is all flattened. and The two-thirds as wide as long, oval behind and narrowed in front of the legs, where the sides nearly parallel. nearly twice as of the The abdomen is The long as wide. are so far under the body that they little from above. abdomen is a spot At the , head are /^ front oval and spinnerets show but end of the larger below than above, where the skin is thicker and harder and browner in color than the rest. The cephalothorax is dark brown or black, as are also the femora of all the legs and of the palpi. The ends of figs. 20 21 22. Geo trecha crocata. 22, female enlarged four times. 20, eyes seen from in front. 21, maxillae, labium, and ends of mandibles from below. the third and fourth legs are a brown and the ends of the first and second legs and The abdomen is deep black except a bright light yellow. lighter palpi red spot at the hinder end, which varies in broken into several spots, or The eyes (fig. is size, is sometimes sometimes wanting altogether. 20) are near together, the upper row curved THE COMMON SPIDERS down The the ends. at maxillae are straight, with the sides and the labium nearly parallel, The shorter than wide. is males are usually smaller than the females and have the red These spiders live among stones in dry open spot larger. flat, by are easily alarmed and They places. rapidly. parchment-like cocoons found on stones are this species. — The same size as G. crocata but much and with two white stripes across the abdomen Geotrecha bivittata. lighter colored, (fig. The probably made move very The cephalothorax 23). it is a little is in narrower behind than The femora orange to dark brown. all little side of the patella legs are yellow, — Upper Geotrecha bivittata. and under views of female The hind yellow. brown, with a Fig. 24. of the legs are striped lengthwise with brown and Fig. from Its color varies crocata. stripes on the legs are yellow on the upper and The tibia. other sometimes with brown under The white side. marks on the abdomen extend underneath halfway to the middle The line. enlarged four times. sternum and under side are It lives »^ under leaves — A quarter of an and resembling an ant both in the middle. is in size inch long or and color (fig. twice as long as wide, and only a It is brown. at all seasons. Micaria longipes or aurata. cephalothorax light 28). little highest in the middle, curving less, The widened downward both ends. The front row of eyes (fig. 25) is nearly straight and the upper row curved, with the middle eyes highest and at the eyes men is all farther apart than in the lower row. The abdo- one-half longer than the cephalothorax and about as wide, blunt at both ends and drawn above its at a point a third of in a little at the sides and length from the front. The The colors legs are long and slender, the fourth pair longest. THE DRASSID^ are light yellow brown, with gray hairs and scales which on abdomen have green and red the The metallic reflections. legs are darker from before backward, the front pair light all with longitudinal pairs yellow except and the third and fourth the femur, brown stripes that nearly cover the tarsal joints. abdomen has The a pair of transverse white near the constricted part and stripes another pair less distinct at the front The under side is as dark as the The white markings 'extend underneath halfway to the middle line. The maxillae are nearlv end. upper. and a straight on the outer edge toward each other at the ends. narrowed end and a wide the at is is than longer and farther south (probably what described by aiwatus), that the epigynum and markings are the same, and like that of longipes. is abdomen, and femora lothorax, orange color, with The reflections. of all brilliant spinnerets The on the cepha- the legs are yellow are black, and there are five or six transverse black marks is Hentz under the name Herpyllus seems to belong to this species Its size 27). green little an orange-colored Micaria from Long Island, N.Y., bright widened 26). (fig. There (fig. little The labium hinder half of the and Micaria FiGs.25,26, 27, 28. longipes. — 28, Male en- larged four times. 25, eyes seen from in front. 26, and ends of mandibles from below. 27, Southern variety, Mix rLoloredj cana aurata. orange, with black and maxilla;, labium, abdomen and some irregular black spots around the white bands. i / —A Phrurolithus alarius, , small and very white markings. -xi u'«-^ gray and white marked with and having on the abdomen iridescent green . , active spider 1 1 1 scales (fig. 31). THE COMMON SPIDERS lO The cephalothorax head is is nearly as wide behind as The long. is it The eyes 30) about half as wide as the thorax. small a spider, and cover more than half (fig. are large for so The the width of the head. middle eyes upper the of row are oval and turned 30 liquely, diverging The labium front. and Agroeca and Anyphsena, in The and second (fig. 32). legs are long and slen- der, except the tibia and metatarsus of the which are twice as pairs, same thick as the short is the maxillae straight, as but wider at the base first ob- toward the joints of the other legs and have on the under side two rows strong spines is (fig. The cephalothorax 29). light yellowish, with a black line edge each side, The abdomen is and two on the light gray stripes. gray, with transverse white markings that vary greatly in of in size and shape The abdomen different individuals. is covered with scales that change from grayish green to pink with the motions of the spider. The legs are pale, tibia of the Figs. 29, 30, 31, 32. rolithus alarius. Phru- — spines. in front. 30, eyes show from 32, maxiiire labium, and mandibles. ends except the patella and which are black or pair, dark gray, with the tip of the tibia white. ^i. female in a natural position, with legs drawn up over the back, enlarged eight times. 29, one of the front legs to first of The tibia and patella of the second pair are marked with It lighter gray in the Hvcs amoHg stoncs , ,. in . same way. opcn ground, and , j_ -ct. ruus short distanccs With great swittness. When tibiae Still it Hcs closc to a stouc, with the drawn up over the back. THE Agroeca pratensis. —A DliASSIDyE light-colored little the next species, AnypJicBua incerta. The cephalothorax long. highest near the is II It is about a The head dorsal groove. more than it is The front row of eyes in incerta. is is the higher (fig. an inch and in front contracted in °o00o'' ^3 nearly straight, the middle pair only little is resembling fifth of wide behind and low front of the legs a spicier, The upper row 33). longer and more curved, with the eyes all about the same distance apart, the middle much separated as in incerta. The abdomen is widest behind, but not as The spinnerets are twowide as in incej'ta. The legs are long, jointed, as in Anyphaena. pair not so the fourth pair longest, and are a The than those of incerta. little thicker coxae of the hind legs almost touch, and the sternum and nearly round (fig. is 36). short and the maxillae straight, as in phaena. short The labium The cephalothorax, legs, parts are light brownish yellow. is Any- and mouth The cephalo- thorax has a fine dark line on each side and two broken longitudinal stripes made up of gray marks radiating from the dorsal groove. The abdomen has two rows markings on a light of gray oblique ground. The general Figs. 33, 34, 35, 36. — Agrceca pratensis. eyes from in front. maxilla", among little is leaves like a small Lycosa. and short grass. It lives There is 34, ends of mandibles. 35, back of female enlarged four times. appearance 33, labium, and 36, under side of female as far back as the epigynum. difference between male and female. Anyphaena incerta. — About a with gray markings. fifth of an inch long, light yellow, The cephalothorax is three-quarters as wide as long, rounded at the sides and highest in the middle. The front of the head is very low, so that the eyes nearly. THE COMMON SPIDERS 12 The row of eyes is nearly straight. longer and more curved, with the middle eyes highest and farthest apart (fig. 39). touch the mandibles. The upper row is front The abdomen is large the female, in widest behind the middle, and a The labium behind. pointed little is not longer than wide, and the maxillae are straight, with sternum as '^ ^ is num and and wide oval, not so short The opening in pratcnsis. air-tubes of spinnerets (fig. instead of 38), just in front of the spinnerets, as The the halfway between the epigy- is The most spiders. The the sides parallel. it is in spinnerets are two-jointed. legs are slender and tapering, the fourth longest in females and the first in males. The cephalothorax has two longitudinal broken gray bands. The abdomen has of spots in the middle to the middle. Anyphaena incerta. palpus of 37, — male. under side of female as far forward as end of sternum. 39, eyes from in front. oblique lines calcarata. — The same size color as A. iiicerta, with longer legs. markings same The 41 Figs. 37, 38, 39, 40, 41. The under the abdomen halfway of spots extend is of are row and oblique rows of smaller spots each side. Anyphaena a double the in both and The species. plainest difference between the females in the epigynum, the hard and dark parts which are larger and longer in incerta. 38, Another 40, which in calcarata extends between the hind legs (fig. 42). In incerta it is more pointed at the hinder end and shorter (fig. 38). The difference between female four times. illae, enlarged 41, max- labium, and ends of mandibles. slight of the sternum, farther difference is in the shape THE DRASSID/E 13 the length of the legs in the two species, which in the females, slight is greater in is the males, the legs of calca- The rata being the longer. palpi of the males differ con- In siderably. hiccTta (fig. 37) the tibia of the palpus has a large process on the outer side close to the tarsus and extending along its length. In 43) the corresponding process (fig. small and does not lap over the tarsus. The Figs. 42, 43. calcarata. calcarata is edge a third of its Anyphaena — 42, under side of cephalothorax of female. 43, palpus of male. coxae of the third and fourth legs of the male calcarata have little processes on 42), one on the fourth and two on the third. These do not occur the under side in inccrta. b Hilda It (fig. 14). (p. on plants lives Anyphaena rubra. — Larger than the other species, with the legs shorter. is like salta- The female about a third of an inch long, with the abdomen longer and narrower than in inccrta or saltabiinda. The opening of the air-tubes (fig. is 45) farther forward than usual, twice as far from the spinnerets as from the epigy- The num. legs comparatively short, are the longest, the fourth, being about as long as the body. widened The at the end. maxillae are The sternum a is little widest Figs. 44, 45. rubra. second legs and narrows to a point at the behind. usual, The head is a little wider than and the whole appearance more out the legs, enlarged four times. 45, under side of like Anyphaena — 44, female withabdomen, show- ing position of air-tubes. THE COMMON SPIDERS 14 The Clubiona than the other species. yellow, a little color brownish on the head and scattered spots at the sides. / made up The spots the usual pale and with two The abdomen longitudinal stripes on the cephalothorax. nearly white, with two stripes is legs, of gray spots, and turn red in alcohol. —A Anyphasna saltabunda. pale short spi- with long and slender legs der, is (fig. 46). The body is an eighth to a sixth of an inch long. The abdomen is oval, two-thirds as wide as long, and nearly as high as is wide. The cephalothorax is it three- fourths as wide as long, widest across the dorsal groove and narrowing gradually to half as wide in front. The eyes of the upper row are twice as large as those of the front row. first legs are longest in measuring in the The both sexes, female over twice the length of the body and in the males three times. The spines are very long on the legs and palpi but only a Figs. 46, 47. Anyphaena saltabunda. 46, female en- — larged 47, six little general color darker in color. is The pale yellow or white, with two broken gray stripes on the cepha- times. lothorax and two middle and several lateral palpus of male. rows of light gray spots on the abdomen. The the spinnerets are slender and two-jointed. air-tubes epigynum. is The halfway between the palpi slender, and the tibia of is process on the outer side. the male spinnerets (fig. slightly curved The opening 47) are of and the long and and has a large thin THE DRASSID^ 15 THE GENUS CLUBIONA These spiders are The ings. is most of them without mark- eyes are close to the front edge of the head and cover more than half row pale and all width its (figs. 50, 54, 56). The upper longer and the eyes .larger and the middle pair farthest The apart. distance between this pair varies according to the and more than canadensis that between the middle and In species. crassipalpis it is little lateral is eyes, while in rubra mandibles of the females swelled at the and base this swelling canadensis (fig. in it The nearly twice as great. are front, greatest in is The man- 55). dibles of the males are longer and are shaped in ways according to the species. The shape indistinct of the epigynum and variable, and males of different difficult a variety of to is fe- species are The distinguish. females of ornata and exccpta are known by their markings and those of rubra by their size and resemblance to the male. The females of crassipalpis and Fig. 48. Female Clubiona crassipalpis, enlarged four times. tibialis are doubtful. The palpal organs and male palpi are of great variety and distinguish the all species without much difficulty. The Clubionas live in flat tubes of silk on leaves of low plants in summer and under bark and stones at all seasons. males of THE COMMON SPIDERS i6 Clubiona crassipalpis, without markings. —A quarter of an inch long and pale, The head sometimes a is darker than little the rest of the body, and the man- and ends of the male palpi dibles are always darker. The eyes of the upper row are almost equidistant, the middle pair only a little farther apart than they are from the lateral The mandibles eyes. (figs. of the male 49, 50) are elongated as usual, narrowed toward the end, and thickened in front just above the middle. On the outer side sharp ridge in front is a that from extends the base of the claw halfway The up the mandible. inner edges of the manthin and inbackward toward the mouth, but there is dibles are clined no line or ridge between the thick and thin portions Figs. 49, 50, 51, 52. Clubiona crassipalpis. 49, head and mandibles of — male from the left side. 50, head and mandibles of male from in front. 51, palpus of male. maxillae, 52, labium, and as species. male in some other The (fig. palpi of the 51) have the patella and tibia both short. The tibia is wid- ened on the outer side ends of mandibles. and laps over the extending Clubiona in a blunt hook for half tibialis. — Quarter "^ its tarsus, length. ... of an inch long, the same size and color as crassipalpis, with figs. 53, 54. ciubiona pav''so7n"ie'show^ '"g head large tibia. 54, and mandibles of male. THE DRASSID/E 17 no markings and no dark color except on the mandibles and male palpi. The middle eyes are a little farther apart than The male mandibles in crassipalpis. narrower than 54) are (fig. in crassi- palpis and without the sharp ridge on the outer side, but on the inside they are sharply hollowed out with a ridge between the thick outer and thin inner portions. The male palpi (fig. 53) have the patella about as long as wide, as tibia very large, with a hook is usual place on the outer much the The tarsus of the tibia. Clubiona canadensis. without markings. equidistant, leers CI dibles side in the and a larger process, which extends forward over tarsus. in the middle where the it and canadensis, but the crassipalpis is in as it is — Quarter (fig. and thickened of an inch long The upper eyes are and nearly they are in crassipalpis, but and palpi are shorter. i- long rests against the process The male man- i- FiGs.55,56, 57. Qfia canadensis. 56) are much ^ like those of crassi- palpis, but have not so sharp a ridge on the The male palpi (fig. 57) have the outer side. patella longer than wide and the tibia wider ciubi — 55 show mandibles. 56, head and mandibles of male. head of female, ing the swelled 57, palpus of male. The upper than long, with two processes on the outer side. along the outer side extending tibial process is a simple point of the tarsus for quarter of its length. The under twice as long, with a projecting corner at its process is base and running forward to a sharp point, with a round notch halfway between The female has the head wider and the the point and base. mandibles very The fourth leg much is swelled in front at the base (fig. longest and about as long as the body. 55). — THE COMMON SPIDERS i8 Clubiona rubra. — Smaller than the other an inch long. fifth of species, a sixth to a light yellow Cephalothorax brown, darker Abdomen toward the front. pale in front and darkened with brownish red at the sides and behind and along the The hind middle middle of the back. eyes are nearly twice as far apart as they are from the lateral eyes. fourth sexes, are legs longest in The both and there 59 Figs. 58, 59. Clubiona rubra. head and mandibles 59. palpus of male. 58, front of of male. islittledifference the length of in the legs of the two sexes. are but The mandibles little of the female swelled in front, not much and the male more than those of the male, mandibles 58) are only a little nar- rowed (fig. at the ends. have the tibia very The male palpi (fig. much widened on 59) the outer side, with a short tooth in the middle and two larger short processes on the outer The side. palpal organ has a large dark- colored process in the middle. num is The epigy- pointed behind, with a notch in the middle and two black spots under the skin 62 Figs. 60, 61, 62. ornata. toward the front of the abdomen. Clubiona omata. — This is one of the few Clubionas that have markings on the abdo- The general color is pale as but the abdomen has a dark stripe men. usual, — 60, Clubiona back of fe- male enlarged four times show markings. 61, palpus of male. 62, front of head and mandibles of to male. in the middle, broken into spots behind and bordered by pale yellow. At oblique dark and light transverse markings. These marks are the sides are THE DRASSID^ different of sizes The abdomen than in most different in The different ways. length is 19 individuals and connected in from a third to half an inch. wide across the middle and more pointed behind is The species. front middle eyes are about as far apart as in tibialis and nearer than in rubra. are not much The swelled in front. than those of the female, with the longest, pair fourth pair dibles (fig. while is the in legs of the first female the The male man- longest. The mandibles male are longer '^oOOo' \^ 62) are narrow at the end and hollowed on the inner edges as in tibialis, between the thick and the thin portions. The male palpi (fig. 61) have two processes on the outer with a sharp ridge side of the tibia longer than and shorter than is a little in caiiadciisis. rubra in The tibia widened toward the end and Clubiona excepta. —A third of an inch ings on the abdomen. light yellow The palpus back of female enlarged four times to show markings. 65, cephalotho- brown, and the legs are more deeply colored with yellow than in most species. is of 64, of male. long and with very distinct gray mark- is — head and mandibles of 6j, front male. curved outward. rax Figs. 63, 64, 65. Clubiona excepta. white, with sometimes a yellow The abdomen mark on the the abdomen, and on the hinder half of the front of abdomen ^5 is a middle row of gray spots and a row of larger transverse spots on each side. The fourth legs are longest in both sexes. male palpi have the tibia tibia longer than usual and patella and The about the same length. with two teeth (fig. 64). The The tibia tarsus is has a small process oval and narrow and the palpal organ small. Trachelas ruber. — One-third of an inch long, with the cephalo- thorax short and wide like Clubiona, and the deep orange-brown THE COMMON SPIDERS 20 The cephalothorax color of Dysdera. is almost as wide as long, The head and widest opposite the second legs. quarters as wide as the thorax and as is three- high in the middle halfway between the eyes and the dorsal The groove. the head front of low, as in The front is Clubiona. row of eyes little is a curved, so that the middle pair are half their diameter higher than the The upper row is much longer lateral. and the lateral eyes are farther from the midTra- Fig. 66. dle than these chelas ruber, enlarged four are from each times. The other. labium and maxillse are _, , . , , , like those of . , Clubiona and the palpi very slender. The first pair of legs are thicker than de. — 67, The second thickened. pair are also The brown, darkest thorax is legs somewhat are on the front orange pair. viri- female o Q 000c enlarged four times. the others and as long as the fourth. 68, from in eyes front. 69, maxillae, labi- um, and mandibles from below. The cephalo- dark brown and finely roughened over the whole surface, without hairs except pale, FiGs.67,68,69. chi- racanthium - in front. The abdomen is with no markings except over the dorsal vessel and the THE BRASS D^ 21 I Some light-colored individuals have Under stones and leaves. muscular spots. colors paler. Chiracanthium viride. — This all the has the color and general appear- ance of the Clubionas, but the legs are longer and the The body are considerably longer than the fourth. first is legs shorter and the abdomen is female a third of an inch long and the front legs (fig. ^y) is wider and thicker two-fifths of an inch. The Clubiona. but the sternum maxillae is The eyes (fig. and labium are shorter and rounder. narrowed and the eyes cover almost in the middle. The 68) are arranged as in like those of Clubiona, The head its is but whole width. little The upper spinnerets are longer than the lower and distinctly two- The jointed. The color in spines of the legs are small and inconspicuous. life is greenish white, the mandibles brown, and the stripe over the dorsal vessel darker than the rest of the abdomen. The male has the front legs nearly three times as long as the much longer than in the The mandibles are also elongated, as in the males of Clubiona. The male palpi have the tarsus long, with a pointed body, though the other legs are not female. process that extends backward over the tibia between two processes on that joint. THE DYSDERID.E '' The Dysderidse are a small family of spiders resembling their general appearance the Drassidas, but differing in several from them They have important characters. six eyes instead of the usual eight, in only and they have four breathing holes in the front of the abdomen, two of them leading to the usual lungs and the others to the air-tubes, which in most spiders open just in front of the spinnerets. Dysdera interrita. — Six eyes close together on the front of the Length half an abdomen a head. with the inch, little longer than the cephalothorax. The coxae and patellae are un- usually long, especially on the front legs, and the unusually short Figs. 70, 71, 72. interrita. (fig. tarsi are The 70). mandibles are long and inclined nv'sdera — 70, enlarged forward. 71, head and eyes from in front. 72, under side enlarged The maxillae are long, four times. si.x a little widened and pointed times. labium is in the middle The at the ends. long and narrow, and forked at the end (fig. 72). The skin around the base of the legs is thick and hard, so that the sternum appears to extend between them (fig. 72). There are two tracheal openings 22 just behind THE DYSDERID^ 23 The cephalothorax and legs are The abdomen is the the openings of the lungs. orange brown, darker toward the front. same color, Ariadne but so pale as to be almost white. bicolor. — Six eyes three in pairs, the is side pairs The length separated by their diameter from the middle pair. about a third of an inch, the cephalothorax and abdomen about The the same length. thorax cephalo- long and the head wide. is The maxillae are long and narrow. The sternum is widest opposite the third legs (fig. 74), and ends behind The in a blunt point. second, first, and third legs are directed forward, the first longest and pair The stoutest. and second legs are a little thickened in the middle and have four pairs of spines on the under side, and the metatibiae of the first tarsus of the same hinder pairs of legs eight The cephalothorax and The abdomen purplish brown, darker in front. is the middle and In the male the head more narrowed and the The The legs are yellow brown, darker toward the front. toward the pairs. spinnerets are very small. front legs is longer. front metatarsi are curved at the base I'iGS. 73, 74. color. — 73, enlarged 74, under Ariadne biupper side four times. side. and have a tooth each side, the inner one farthest from the tibia. joint, as it is in the The Mygales. palpal organ is outside the tarsal • THE THOMISID^ The and have a sidewise gait second legs are often and flat, short, and widened behind, and crab-like appearance. The first and Thomisidae are generally all much larger than the third and fourth, the legs extend sidewise from the thorax and not for- ward and backward, as they do in the Drassidas (pp. 1-2 i). The They are genfeet have two claws and a thick brush of hairs. erally smooth or covered with very short and fine hair, and often have coarser hairs scattered at considerable distances from each The eyes are small and in two slightly other over the back. curved rows, the upper one longest and often much longer than The mandibles the front row. the end. Most The of the species Xysticus and brown, (p. 30) like Misumena is belong to the three following genera is flat, : with short legs, and marked with gray bark and stones. 25) (p. is much second legs are there are small and narrowed toward maxillae are narrow at the end and slant inward. white or brightly colored. The first and longer than the third and fourth, and great difference between the sexes, the females being large and light colored, while the males are small, and yellow or green, with red and Philodromus legs, the (p. 35) brown markings. is generally small, with long slender The second pair longest. colors are generally light gray and brown, sometimes with iridescent scales. Besides the larger genera are several other spiders belonging to this family. Tinar2is caiidatits (p. 38) resembles Philodro- mus outline, but has besides the caudate in color and a very different head and thorax, and the hind legs 24 abdomen much shorter ' THE THOMISID.'E than the first and second. Ebo 25 latitJiorax (p. 38) is a small Philo- dromus, with a wide body and exaggerated second legs. T/iajiatus lycosoidcs (p. 40) is like a stout Philodromus, with rough hairs TihcUns duttonii and markings, resembling some Lycosidas. (p. 39) is a long straw-colored spider, resembling Philodromus in its feet two black and head, but having a long slender abdomen, with spots. THE GENUS MISUMENA The Misumenas are the most conspicuous spiders family, and are among the few that are popularly They grow to a large size and are white or brightly and noticed. colored, open places in live of their on flowers. The males and females differ widely. The males mature early and remain small, and are marked with a variety of colors in spots and bands, the W|hile females grow several times lose great part their in as large, markings, and become In both white or yellow. sexes the two front pairs ^:- of legs are much than the two hinder pairs, and often differently col- Fig. 7v among in ored. In the young the colors are variable and there sexes. The Misumenas especially on 1'^ longer large flat Misumena Ji^^ aleatoiia. — Natural size, flowers of thoroughwort, holding a fly her mouth. is less difference between the on plants, among the flowers, clusters, like those of carrot and live THE COMMON SPIDERS 26 They stand among the thoroughwort. hind legs, with the front legs extended or bent in awkward positions, and wait for insects Whether within their reach. like themselves menas is of all colors by the flowers, holding to alight spiders prefer flowers an unsettled question any at ; and stiff on the flowers colored Misu- rate, and both sexes have been found on white Occasionally individuals are flowers. found on flowers of exactly the same color as themselves for ; example, deep yellow J/. aleatoria on the wild indigo, Baptisia tinctoria, and the reddish J/, aspcrata on the flowers of sorrel, The acctosella. Rumcx adult fe- males of vatia and aleatoria are easily each other. mistaken for Both vary in color from white to deep yellow, and size, tinguished larged 78, four times, _ head. as is perhaps common species. Aspcrata large as the others, and does not lose entirely the red markings of the stiff differ- q^^q J^ the shapC of the the most The female seldom grows to a large by the male enlarged four times. The scattered The males of grow but they can be dis- hairs also distinguish abdomen and it legs. from the others. the different species are distinct enough one from the other, though they differ widely from the females. shape of the head and the markings around the eyes are The much the same in both sexes, and by these males and females of the same species may be recognized. f THE THOMISID^ Misumena vatia the largest species and lives is first all over this sometimes half an inch long, and legs spread an inch and a half (fig. "jy). It is white, with country and Europe. the 27 It is sometimes a crimson spot on each side of the abdomen and another on the front of the head between the upper eyes. The sides of the thorax are a little darkened with yellow or brown, which extends around the head to a opaque white spot under distinct and between the eyes (fig. 'j6). This white spot widens below over the mandibles and above under the eyes and around the eyes of the The shape of this mark and the greater height of the head upper row. distinguish this species from alca- On toria (figs. 79, 80). the thorax also a distinct is The first usually a white spot. legs have mark on the upper is the back of opaque and second light side, brown but this sometimes absent. The male (fig. 78) is only a quar- ter or a third as long as the adult 82. Misumena aleatoria. 79, front of The female. Figs. 79, 80. Si, front legs are pro- portionally longer than in the fe- eyes. larged — head anc 80, female en- four times. female with dark markings. 82, male enlarged four times. 81, male, and the abdomen smaller and more pointed behind. The males marked with reddish brown on a are strongly The thorax is light ground. dark at the sides, while the front of the head white like that of the female. Misumena as is large mon. It aleatoria. as is vatia, — The female and in of this species some places is grows nearly much more com- white or yellow, but does not have the crimson THE COMMON SPIDERS 28 markings at the The head (fig. front, 79) and there abdomen sides of the is is a rounder than in between the eyes. vatia and much lower in or narrow white stripe under the eyes that man- divides at the sides, one branch passing around over the The dibles and the other close under the eyes. sides of the The cephalothorax are gray or green. men gray color in (fig. it 81), such individuals the legs are also marked with brown The males ored little the middle, but sometimes in has two rows of dark brown spots and abdo- usually has no markings except a (fig. at the ends of the joints. are very small and strikingly col- 82). The two front pairs of legs are brown, the cephalothorax green, and the abdomen yellow. The shape of the head and the white under the eyes are the same as in the female. Misumena asperata. — The males and fe- males of this spider are more alike than vatia and alcatoria. The in adult females are always pale and sometimes white, but seldom lose entirely the reddish Figs. 83, 84. asperata. — Misumena 83, enlarged four times. 84, male enlarged four Both sexes are covered with short legs. female stiff hairs about their length apart all the Upper part of the body and legs. usual color The thorax markings. bands around the is is pale yellow, reddish at the sides. over The with dull red The abdomen has two red bands or rows of spots on the hinder half, meeting behind. In front are a middle pair of spots and two side bands that spread apart in the middle and meet again at the spinnerets. The tibia and tarsus of the front legs are marked with a narrow red ring at the base and a wider ring near the end of each joint. The female is a quarter of an inch long and the THE THOMISID/E male about half that length. like 29 The markings male are of the those of the female, but the spots are larger and more The male deeply colored. palpi are larger than in the other species. The male J/, spinosa of Georgia resembles aspcrata, but the legs are much longer and the ends of the palpi smaller. Synema parvula. A common species in the South. Length about one-eighth of an inch. The thorax is as wide as long, round and high in the middle, The abdomen is as — wide as long, widest across the The pointed behind. fourth legs are not middle, and a little and third more than two-thirds as long as the first and second, and lighter colored. The thorax little is orange-colored, a the sides, and darker at with a dark brown line on the edges over the around rings light The abdomen yellow in legs. the eyes. white or light is front, There are Synema Figs. 85, 86. parvula. and has a wide — Enlarged eight times. black or brown band across the per side. 86, 85, up- under side. hinder half, not reaching back to the spinnerets, front. On and sometimes partly divided by a notch the front half of the abdomen are spots and usually several opaque white marks. side of the abdomen there is On legs are orange brown, with the The males little The are a from the females. The front femora darker on the front and other joints are a little the under a dark band on each side extend- ing back to and partly surrounding the spinnerets. rear edges. in some small dark little darker at the ends. smaller and darker in color, but differ THE COMMON SPIDERS 30 THE GENUS XYSTICUS In these spiders the general appearance abdomen and wide. is not much The first The crab-like. is larger than the thorax, and both are flat and second legs are a third longer than the third and fourth. various shades of i;pots and bands. leg The colors are usually brown and gray, On small in the upper side of each usually a light line, with dark is lines on each side of often sidewise, the The it. legs gait is kept close to the ground, so that the spider can move in a narrow crack. They live under stones and bark and leaves, and some, like trignttatus, on low The males have longer legs and smaller abdomen and all the dark plants. markings larger and darker than the females. In triguttatiis there is great difference between the sexes, but in most species very tiis as in liniba- little, and stomacJiosus. The head is generally low, and the four middle eyes form a rectangle a than high Figs. 87, 88. sus. — 87, Xysticus stomachofemale. Both enlarged four 88, male. Xysticus (fig. 97). stomachosus. little —A wider middle- sized and light-colored species, with times. gray markings on a light ground, the markings most distinct on the hinder legs and abdomen. The middle of the thorax is lighter than the sides, and there is a small dark spot in the middle and a larger one on each toward the hinder end (figs. 87, 88). The third and fourth legs have a distinct dark spot at the ends of femur, patella, and side THE THOMISID^ The abdomen tibia. is light, 31 with a few small spots at the front end and three pairs of dark transverse bands on the hinder The half. and and hairs are short marked is in abdomen the spots on the The male fine. has longer legs the same way, with larger and extended farther forward, Xysticus limbatus. — This, is one of the largest species, the females reaching a length of a third to half an inch (figs. 89, 90). The thorax is it one- "^ eighth of an inch wide and nearly as The abdomen is a little wider The legs are short, long. at the the hinder end. longest half The whole body length. The about color is an inch is hairy. in brown, the markings dark on a light ground, best shown by the figures. The middle of the head and thorax is more fully covered by the dark markings than variation in There is great the color, and young spiders are usually adults. Adult males and females in Vn; other species. and July. Xysticus gulosus. lighter — This is ^' than in June a very distinct species and less variable in markings than lunbatus and stomacJiosns. The color is i'lGS. 89, 90. 89, female. male. brown or gray, with indistinct darker mark- Xys- ticus limbatus. — 90, Both en- larged four times. The whole body is covered with fine brown spots and has at the hinder end of the thorax and on the legs traces of the same markings that show There are a few transverse more distinctly in stomachosus. ings (figs. 91, 92). THE COMMON SPIDERS 32 dark lines on the hinder half of the abdomen and less distinct longitudinal lines at the sides of the front half. The male is a fourth smaller than the female, with smaller abdomen and more slender legs, but the a same colors and markings. It is usually found under bark or stones which it closely resem- bles in color. Xysticus nervosus. — This species, the females of large as as liuibatus. is a pale which are nearly The color is light brownish with yellow, small spots of lighter and darker color scattered all over the body, and there are traces of the mark- ings which distinct species On the more are other in (figs. 93, 94). the hinder half of abdomen are three or four pairs of Figs. 91, 92. gulosus. Xysticus — 91, female. 92, male. Both en- larged four times. * very indistinct trans- The versc markings. i legs are i •, i marked with i irregular dark and light spots, without any first distinct rings or markings, and the and second pairs are darker than the others. In the male the first and Figs. 93, 94. Xj'sticus nervosus. Both 94. male. 93, female. enlarged four times. second legs are twice as long as the third and longer and more slender than It lives on fences and under bark. — in the other species THE THOMISID/E Xysticus triguttatus. — This is small a and common very The female spider living on grass and low bushes. fifth of 33 about a an inch long and the male as large but with a smaller The abdomen. is difference in the color of the sexes is so great that they may easily be mistaken for different species. females the The 95) are straw-colored, (fig. abdomen almost white, and the thorax and legs brownish yellow. There are three black spots at the back of the thorax and indistinct darker bands at the sides. On the abdomen are two black spots near the front end and three pairs of broken transverse stripes behind. The male {fig. 96) has the femora of Fk;s. 95, 96, 97. — 95, female. Xysticus triguttatus. Both en96, male. larged four times. much enlarged to head show eyes and 97, front of the two front legs dark brown, the mandibles. rest female or a little darker. dark brown, except it is a little lighter, abdomen of the like is the middle, where in as in the female. male the The thorax is The strongly marked with transverse black and white stripes, irregular toward the front end. Xysticus quadrilineatus. — Quarter of an F1G.9S. inch long, with the thorax a tenth of an Xysticus quadriiine- atus, enlarged four times. inch wide and the head unusually wide in front. The color is brown markings and black spots. The cephalothorax has four narrow brown stripes, one on each side light yellow, with light THE COMMON SPIDERS 34 and the others running back from the lateral there are also two fine brown lines sometimes close to the edge eyes (fig. 98) ; extending from the middle eyes to the dorsal groove, but usually There is a brown spot just behind the broken in the middle. dorsal groove and two others in the middle of the cephalothorax. On abdomen there the two in the are two black spots at the front middle and two near the hind end, besides There several smaller ones along the sides. brown are four light lines across the hinder each with a white line behind half, brown at the sides are oblique nating with white. light line along The the it, and lines alter- legs have a distinct dorsal and are side covered with fine brown spots without any other markings. Xysticus versicolor. (Coriarachne) — The abdomen, and legs are all much flattened, the head is low, and the upper thorax, and lower eyes nearer together than other species. gray in (figs. 99, 100). bark can - 99, fe- male. 100, male. Both enlarged four times. On legs at the end of each joint the thorax front of the abdomen. is spider This unpainted be seen. pairs of and the usual dark marks on the abdo- a white spot in the middle under the Around this spot and behind the eyes black extending in spots along the sides. in or hardly ground Light individuals have black spots on the three and the Xysticus Fi(;s. 99, 100. versicolor. - is On spiders in are black and colors irregular spots on a light wood these men. The In dark females most males the dark spots are so large that the whole is nearly black. is depressa, a is common spider, and a similar common in Europe. equally species, Coriarachne THE THOMISID/E 35 THE GENUS PHILODROAIUS In these spiders there less difference in length is the front and hind legs than in legs are long Misumena between The or Xysticus. and slender, the second pair longest, and the body small is and and flat, abdomen pointed behind. The colors are brown and gray, the and the whole body often is covered with fine flattened hairs that in the males are iridescent. P/nlodro7)U(s vulgaris lives usually on houses and fences, but the other species on plants. Philodromus vulgaris. — About an inch long, the legs of cjuarter of the female spreading over an inch and those of the male an inch and a quarter (figs. often stand with sidewise, flat loi, all against a wall or fence which they closely resemble When They 102). the legs extended in color. freshly molted they are cov- ered with fine gray hairs of the color of weathered boards, that obscure most of the markings. Older spiders 102 or those wet with alcohol are covered with small gray spots forming a stripe in the middle of the front of the abdomen and pattern abdomen a on the hinder herringbone half. are dark and form Figs, ioi, 102, 103, 104. vulgaris. loi, male. — Philodromus 102, female. Both enlarged four times. 103, tibia of the male palpus. 104, one of the feet. The edges of the back of the a sharp line against the light THE COMMON SPIDERS 36 color under surface. the of The thorax darker is the in The middle and at the sides in irregular spots of gray. legs are spotted and darker toward the ends of the joints. The under side of body and legs Philodromus is ornatus. light — This colored. is a small species about one-eighth of an inch long. The female is very distinctly marked with dark brown on a white ground The middle Fig. 105. ornatus. of the thorax sides brown nearly men is Philodromus — Female enthis 105). to the edge. The abdo- white, with a distinct also an indistinct but (fig. white and the brown band on each side from the front more than half its length backward. Sometimes there is larged six times. middle, is brownish pattern in the usually is absent in adults, and the middle the is entirely white. Under abdomen the lateral brown bands extend backward and meet around the spinnerets. The abdomen is wider than — most species, nearly as wide as it is long across in the hinder is half. The male very differently colored. The legs and thorax are orange brown, darker the sides of the at thorax and toward the ends of The abdomen darker brown and the legs. is strongly iridescent with — Figs. io6, 107. Philodromus lineatus. 106, female. Both enlarged six times. 107, male. red and green in a bright light. In alcohol it shows indistinctly I THE THOMISID/E 37 The legs are longer and the same markings as the female. abdomen narrower, the Philodromus lineatus. larger than in or life lighter than oniatiis, as in males of other species. — The the brown markings are a little lighter, and, is when freshly killed, purplish in the parts. The markings are less distinct in oniatns, the brown and white The abdo- running into each other. men female of this species has a brown band each side, often broken into several spots, and a brown band ing back half in the its are several lighter 107). middle extend- length, behind which marks Between these are oblique lighter markings of spots. The io6, (figs. several and rows legs are light gray, darker toward the ends of the Philodromus Figs. ioS, 109, no. pictus. 1 10, adult female. io(), male without the legs. loS, mark- — joints. Philodromus pictus. abdomen of a young All enlarged six times. ings of the — female. Female about one-fifth of an inch abdomen nearly twice long, the as long as the thorax, with the widest Fig. III. Ebo latithorax, enlarged part across farther forward species (fig. 1 middle the than in most Legs and brown 10). palpi pale yellow with fine twelve times. spots. Thorax light yellow in the middle and reddish brown at the sides, covered with fine spots. Abdomen dull red at the sides middle, with a dark mark two dark marks behind it in the and bright yellow in the middle of the front half and on the hinder half. The eyes are THE COMMOxN SPIDERS In some specimens, usually surrounded by distinct light rings. immature, the abdomen has a more distinct yellow and red pattern (fig. The male abdomen less io8). darker and the 109) has the thorax and legs (fig. bright red and yellow than the female, sometimes gray and iridescent. Ebo latithorax, — In color and general appearance this resem- is at once distinguished by the length which are more than twice as long as any bles Philodromus, but second of the legs, The thorax is wider and the abdomen is wider than in Philodromus. The head is narrow and rounded in front. The of the others iii). (fig. front middle eyes are largest The and farthest forward. colors are gray and white, with black spots in the darker parts, The length much over an eighth of as in Philodromus. not is an inch and the length of the longest legs quarter of an inch. Tmarus "3 der — 112, Figs. 112, 113. Tmarus caudatus. female enlarged six times. 113, left side of the is colored, or projection round — This dromns vulgaris and abdomen. guished from caudatus. about as large as but spi- PJiilo- similarly may be distin- abdomen and the short tail The thorax is over the spinnerets (fig. 113). it by the height of at the sides and square its in front, and the mandibles are inclined forward so that they can be seen from above. The two rows and of eyes are farther apart than in Philodromus, the lateral eyes of both rows are raised on tubercles. the eyes are several black spots that extra eyes, and there are similar spots on the thickly on the front pairs. On Among may be mistaken legs, for most the back of the thorax are THE THOAIISID/E The abdomen radiating white lines. marked behind with two or three lines On 112). (fig. ,.///, pale, .#/ mm abdomen. gray under the of third and fourth legs are shorter than the and second, the first front and in pairs of indistinct transverse without spots except a wide middle The light is the under side the whole body and legs are band 39 differ- ence being greater than in Philodro- mus and 114 than in Misumena. less Tibellus duttonii. — This is a very The body on bushes and grass. common is spider slender, from a third to half an inch long, and a tenth of an inch wide 115). (fig. The thorax an eighth of is an inch long, widest across the hinder half and narrowed toward the front, where it eyes of hinder row is the sides and a is The 116). (fig. The abdomen little is pointed behind. straight at The color light gray or yellow, with a darker gray line the in middle, toward the eyes. the thorax lines. its off twice as long as the front row and the eyes larger. all curved strongly are cut is Both rows nearly straight over the mandibles. On are divided into At the two sides of longitudinal other the abdomen, one-third length from the hinder end, is a pair of small round or oval black spots. The legs are light gray, with Figs. 114, 115, 116. — of the feet. no markings except a few black 115, 116, front of head, showing eyes and mandibles. hairs. Thanatus Tibellus female enlarged four times. 1 14, one duttonii. coloradensis or lycosoides. — In color appearance this resembles Philodromus, but is and not as general flat, and THE COMMON SPIDERS 40 the legs are not as long and slender. light gray, with a distinct wide The general color is light stripe in the middle of the thorax, and a dark brown pointed stripe with white edges middle of the front half of the abdomen in the head is a little (fig. 117). The longer and higher than in most Thomisidae, and a little longer and not so much widened behind. much as in Philodromus, but larger and nearer The whole body is hairy, with longer and darker together. The males differ but hairs scattered among the short ones. the abdomen The eyes little is are from the females except and darker They color. for Philodromus (p. live in having a little 35) or for Ocya/c uiidata (p. 88). ^- Fig. 117. longer hairs on plants and may be mistaken Thanatus coloradensis, enlarged four times. THE ATTIDAL The many of them brightly movements and living in open places low plants. They are usually short and Attidae are jumping spiders, colored and quick in their among the tops of stout spiders, with a large cephalothorax, which is wide in front, where the eyes have a peculiar arrangement in three rows (fig. 1 1 8), somewhat as in the Lycosidae, but with the middle eyes of the front row much the largest, so that at first sight many of them appear to have only two eyes. The eyes of the second row are very small and hard to see, and those of the third row are far back on the head and usually turned a backward. The little front legs are usually thicker The than the others, especially in the males. relative length of the legs is variable, the first pair being commonly the longest, but some- times the fourth and even in some species the third pair. The feet have two claws, with Front of head of Phidippus niystaceus, showing eyes and man- Fig. 118. dibles. I many fine teeth and a thick brush of hairs. The Attidae are usually thickly covered with hair or scales, often brightly colored or iridescent, and their appearance is often entirely changed by rubbing or wetting. They walk backward or sidewise as well as forward, and many them jump great distances. They make no cobwebs, but some species make silk tubes or bags on plants or under stones of in which they hide to molt or lay their eggs or to pass the There are often great differences in color and mark- winter. ings between the sexes, and the males have peculiar bunches 41 THE COMMOxX SPIDERS 42 and color spots on the legs and head. of hairs At the mating time some of the males have peculiar ways of approaching the female, holding their legs extended sidewise or over their heads such ways as to in display orna- their These mating habits have been well described by G. W. Peckham, who has made a special study of this family, in the ments. Occasional Papos of tJic Wisconsin A^atnral History Society, of Milwaukee, in 1889. This family is largely represented in more southern countries, and our species belong Fic.. 1 19. to a great number members live farther south. Attus Attiis palustris of genera palustris. most — Large of whose females are enlarged six times. quarter of an inch long, the males a The cephalothorax smaller. shorter in proportion to which Saitis pnlcx, it its is little a quarter longer than wide, width than in the next species, much The two sexes resembles. resemble each other in mark- ings, but the females are lighter and browner and the males The cepha- narrow white darker and grayer. lothorax middle has a widened opposite line, the dorsal eyes, and a shorter J^ white line just below the eyes The on the sides (fig, edge of cephalothorax the On also white. ., e . 1 11 119). the is abdomen . the front middle spot is figs. 120, 121. Saitispuiex.— 120, female. 121, male. Both enlarged six times. not so distinct as in pulex, but in place of Behind these is it are two white spots. a large transverse light marking, sometimes THE ATTID/E 43 The legs are dark or light gray, without The male palpi are smaller than in markings. broken into two spots. any distinct pulcx, though the males are and makes nests among the This is one Saitis pulex. — is larger. Pa/itstris lives on plants leaves. of the smallest of the family. It The about a sixth of an inch long, sometimes even smaller. colors are various shades of gray like ground, and the when still it is hard to it but lind, an active is spider and exposes by jumping itself in open places. The cephalotho- rax half longer is than wide, longer and narrower than Habrocestum in and Attus. The abdomen usu- ally is shorter than the cephalothorax and wider I20, I2i). Figs. 122, 123. (figs. — Habrocestum auratum. 122, male. Roth enlarged eight times. 123, female. The cephalothorax has a large light-colored triangle in the middle, covering the head between the eyes in front and ending in a point behind. In alcohol this spot disappears, especially in the males, and the head appears black between the eyes and light behind and at the sides. middle middle. stripe, The front half of the lightest at the edges Behind this is a abdomen has and darker gray a light in the transverse white spot nearly the THE COMMON SPIDERS 44 abdomen and behind several smaller light whole width of the markings. In the male these markings are brighter and the surrounding dark color blacker than it The in the females. legs are marked with indefinite spots of dark gray on a lighter The ground, the contrast stronger in the males. hairs all over the body are short and fine and the spines on the legs distinct, especially in the males. Habrocestum auratum. white hairs that give ings. — In it The markings life this spider covered with bluish is a light gray color and obscure the markof the male are so much stronger that those of both sexes can be best understood by describing the male first (fig. 122). The cephalothorax has a white middle back from the front eyes and two distinct white stripes from the lateral front eyes back the whole lenofth. In the middle of the stripe for a short distance head are two small white spots and just behind them between the posterior eyes two curved white lines. show Down males. the The indistinctly latter in meeting the eyes. fe- at the sides of cephalothorax are stripes marks the in white front under The abdomen has a white line extending entirely around and first legs of male Habrocestum auratum to show differences between this species and the next. Figs. 124, 125. Third — 124, third leg. it and a middle stripe of varying width. The female (fig. 123) has 125, first leg. only faint indications of the markings of the cephalothorax, usually a little lighter color in The white stripe the middle and at the sides below the eyes. around the abdomen is broken into three pairs of oblique white markings and the middle stripe into several spots or pairs of THE There spots. ATTID.-E nothing distinctive is 45 in the markings of the under side or of the legs except the ornaments of the male. The (fig. front legs of the male species are this 125) in much ornamented. The femur has long black hairs on the side. The long black hairs under patella has beneath, a spot of short black hairs on the inner and a crest of long white hairs mixed with shorter black on the upper side. side, The tibia covered is with long black hairs except at the tip, There white. the third leg is where they are nothing peculiar about (fig. The form and 124). general appearance can best be understood from the figures. At the mating time the males, as they approach the females, hold the front legs extended sidewise and lifted a little from the ground, with the tibia nearly horizontal and the tarsus turned downward. In this position they advance slowly, at the same time running rapidly sidewise from one side to the other and at short intervals abdomen and the front legs They go almost close jerking the slightly upward. enough to touch the quickly retreat. Habrocestum peregrinum. female — This and then is about Figs. 126, 127, 128. Habrocestum peregrinum. female enlarged 128, — six leg. times. third 126, 127, first leg. the same size as aiiratn^n and looks very much like it. distinct light The mark female, at any rate in alcohol, has a in the more middle of the cephalothorax, curving — THE COMMON SPIDERS 46 under the eyes and pointing forward in the middle (fig. 128). The abdomen has light markings in the middle similar to those of aiiratiivi, but those at the sides are less distinct. The male has the white stripes in the middle and around the abdomen like auratiim. The cephalothorax has the same white lines at the sides under the eyes and at the posterior end. It does not have a middle white stripe on the head between the eyes or two white spots just behind as aiiratmn has, but the it, marking behind the eyes is in The the female. is more distinct, as it front legs of the male ornamented with long hairs (fig. 127) are not like auTatnni, but the third legs have a very peculiar shape, the patella being wide and with a dark spot (fig. in The shape 126). shown by the flat, the middle of the front side figure. of joint this When best is approaching the female he holds up the front legs and draws in the third pair so that the ornamented patellae show from in front. Habrocestum splendens. —A little larger than the other species, with the female distinctly Fig. 129. Habrocestum splendens. Male enlarged eight times. marked with black and white and the male with brilliant red The females and iridescent scales. are about a quarter of an inch long, sometimes longer, and the males are a the female is little smaller. The cephalothorax covered with brown scales mixed with black Across the middle, just behind the dorsal eyes, is a light of hairs. band that curves behind the eyes and extends forward in the middle. The abdomen has a white band in front, one on each one in the middle, the rest being deep black. side, and The shape of these markings varies and the black parts are often broken into two rows of spots. The cephalothorax of the male is covered with dark iridescent scales, with blue, green, and purple THE ATTID^ The abdomen reflections. mixed with scales is 47 covered with bright red shiny- fine black hairs. It is lighter in front and the sides, and in the middle shows indis- at tinctly through the scales dark those of the female (fig. 129). markings The like legs are dark like the cephalothorax. Mr. Peckham says that when the male approaches the female he lifts his abdomen into an almost vertical position so that the red color shows from in front. Then he on the tips of his feet and, with the rises front legs off the ground and pointing for- ward, he dances back and sidewise in front of forth her, gradually drawing At inter- nearer. vals Neon Figs. 130, 131. nellii. — 131, female enlarged sixteen times. 130, side of he stops and turns his back to her, then faces her and dances again. cephalothorax, show- Neon ing position of eyes. is nellii. — This one of the small- est spiders of the family, only a tenth an inch of color is in length. The cephalothorax being a it The general dark gray, darkest toward the head. little is high, the highest part behind the middle, from which curves downward to the front eyes and slopes abruptly backward (fig. 130). The eyes are large and prominent, the front row nearly straight and as wide as the widest part of the cephalothorax. are The Fig. 132. tini. Zygoballus betenlarged — Female eight times. posterior eyes nearly as large as the front middle pair and are in the THE COMMON SPIDERS 48 The abdomen middle of the cephalothorax. a is longer little and wider than the cephalothorax (fig. 131). The cephalothorax is smoky gray, darker toward the front and darker in males than females. in a The abdomen is gray, with yellowish markings Common herringbone pattern through the middle. stones and leaves at sons. Zygoballus is bettini. under sea- all — This a very beautifully colored spider, having in life spots of white hairs and shining scales of the color of of both sexes in copper and The cephalothorax bronze. is high and wide the middle and slopes from steeply the down posterior eyes under the front of the abdomen (fig. The 132). top of the cephalothorax between nearly square. the The the eyes is posterior eyes are almost full width of the cephalo- thorax apart, and the front row of eyes is nearly as long. The cephalothorax Fig. Phidippus multiformis. — Female enlarged six times. brown covered with scales. except the dark femora of the first ends of the joints of the fourth pair. are a little pair The legs is dark iridescent are pale, and dark spots on the In the male all the legs darker than in the female and without the spots on The abdomen of the female is light brown, marked with white in a row of irregular spots. In the male the abdomen is brown, covered with shining scales and with a the fourth leg. THE ATTID.'E 49 white band around the front and two white spots on each The mandibles ends to make room for the long claw. at the angle is a large tooth, and there shape on the middle of the under — This Phidippus multiformis. throughout the summer. females are so side. male are much elongated and bent apart of the It is is At the inner another one of complicated side. a very matures common in July, spider on plants and the males and alike as to be taken little The males for different species. (fig. 134) are black, with white and orange markings on the abdomen, while the females are brown mixed with black, white, and yellow scales and small white spots. The usual length is about a third of an inch in both sexes. thorax is The cephalo- nearly as broad as long, and the abdomen of the female as wide as the thorax and a The is little longer. general color of the adult female yellowish brown, with black and white markings of the (fig. 133). abdomen is Around the front a white band, and on the back are two indistinct longitudinal black stripes in which are four pairs of white spots. is The Fig. 134. tiformis. are most brightly colored maturity, and then there orange scales spots are in their more shapes, the most The mul- enlarged six times. general brown color produced by a mixture of scales and hairs The females Phidippus — Male is just of various colors. before reaching a large proportion of yellow and covering and the black stripes and white distinct. common The hairs and scales are of various being that of slightly flattened hairs. yellow and orange scales are wider and less pointed, and THE COMMON SPIDERS 50 Under the abdo- the white spots have short and wide scales. men The the color is light gray, with two parallel darker stripes. legs are pale in the middle of the joints and dark toward the ends and covered with gray and black hairs. The palpi are light yellow. In alcohol the orange color disappears almost entirely, the black and white markings become less distinct, and colors browner. The colors of the male (fig. all the 134) are entirely The cephalothorax and legs to the end of the tibia The palpi are black, with a stripe of white scales on upper side. Around the front end of the abdomen is a different. are black. the the sides are bright orange red and the middle Between the orange and black are three pairs of white They make a bag of white silk spots. among leaves, in which in the early summer a male and female may sometimes be found together and in which the female The young later makes a cocoon of eggs. hatch soon and become half grown before white stripe black. ; winter. Phidippus mystaceus. —A stout species half an inch long, gray and hairy, in alcohol turning gray at The abdomen brown. is light the sides and dark in the middle, with four pairs of white spots, the third pair largest Phidippus myenlarged six is (fig. 135). The cephalothorax The round and nearly as wide as long. front row of eyes is little longer than half the greatest width of the cephalothorax. The cephalothorax and in front flat on top for almost its whole length The mandibles are large and bright metallic green in The legs are stout and short, the fourth pair (fig. 118). height. front is about twice the diameter of the largest eyes in THE ATTID^ 51 beyond the spinnerets. The first and fourth pairs are of the same length, but the first are twice as thick as The legs are without markings and darker toward the fourth. The abdomen is longer than the cephalothorax and the head. There is little difference as wide or wider. extending little between the sexes, the males being only a little Usually darker colored and larger in front. found under stones in a thick silk nest. — Black, Phidippus tripunctatus. with three bright white spots on the back of the abdo- men inch long Though fied, Large females are 136). (fig. and the males a the general color is half an smaller. little black, it is modi- especially in fresh specimens, by white The hairs on parts of the body. grayish in legs are toward the ends. the joints of the middle and black There are white hairs on the front of the head and upper side of the and a white band around the front palpi of times. The abdomen correspond the abdomen, plainest in the males. three large white spots on the second and third pairs (fig. 133), small and inconspicuous. winter half grown On or almost This is a common spider all over under stones and sticks and passes the — Very half an inch in length. males 135) and vuiltiforniis though generally present, are the under side of the abdomen in a thick silk bag. Plexippus puerperus. yellow, the pairs, are usually two gray stripes. It lives to in niystaccns (fig. and the other the country. Fig. 136. Phidippus tripunctatus, enlarged six white, variable in The females size, (fig. from a third to 137) are pale, light with a few black spots, while the 138) have the cephalothorax and legs brown, sometimes almost black. In both sexes the mandibles are large and the cephalothorax high and flat on the top as far back as (fig. THE COMMON SPIDERS 52 The the hinder eyes. The other. front middle eyes nearly touch The middle the front ones. eyes are nearer the In the males the front than the dorsal. lateral each diameter higher than lateral eyes are half their eyes are nearly their diameter above the mandibles, and below them f'Y a white band and a line of white is head hairs from the middle down to the base of the first legs. The legs of the are rather slender in both sexes and long The in the males. fourth pair are longest in females, and in Plexippus puerenlarged Fig. 137. perus. — Female males the fourth six times. length. of the abdomen sexes, with two are much light stripes, first the are and same The markings alike more in both definite in the males, bordered by a few small black spots irregularly arranged. the abdomen is long, The stem thorax appear farther apart than many cephalothorax in In the females the species. is pale, of and the abdomen and with a few gray figs. 138, 139. perus.— 138, times. 139, male. Plexippus puer- male enlarged six front of head of THE ATTID^ spots from the middle toward the sides. 53 In the males the legs brown except the inner half of the femur of the third and fourth, which is light like the abdomen. The male cephalothorax is dark and has a square white spot between the eyes, two white lines pointing up from the third and fourth legs each side, and two short white lines under the dorsal eyes. The under side of the thorax and legs is dark or light like the upper are dark side. The under side of the abdomen is usually darker in the middle and sometimes has a few black This spots each side. is a common spider in the southern states and has been found as far south as Brazil. Dendryphantes taris. — This spider many resembles in ways the next cies, spe- DendrypJiantcs cestivalis, half mili- but larger is one- and has Figs. 140, 141. — Dendryphantes niilitaris. 140, female. Both enlarged six times. 141, male. a shorter and wider cephalothorax. and black hairs. The general color is brown, covered with gray The abdomen of the female is brown, with white at the front end and four pairs of oblique white marks the middle and four at the sides (fig. 140). in In the male the cephalothorax has a white band on each side under the eyes and a white band around the abdomen, with a dark middle area The dark parts of the legs and cephalothorax are (fig. 141). darker than the same parts in the female. The palpi are THE COMMON SPIDERS 54 slender in both sexes, and small for so large in the male the palpal organs are The mandibles a spider. male the of are widened at the end and have a strong projection with two teeth on the inner corners. Dendryphantes One the of Attidae, on all and small aestivalis. — common most kinds of bushes and one of trees, the most variable in size and \ Large females are color. from a to a quarter of fifth an inch long, and the males The females are smaller. of two into each other. The are which run varieties, light variety (fig. 144) has the light parts white or light yellow and the dark parts dark brown covered with white The cephalothorax covered color The with and hairs scales, so the dark that shows between them legs are light yellow cent, indistinctly scales. dark brown, thinly is places. in and translu- ringed with brown at the base and, near the tip of each joint, white hairs. are light and without rings except on the femur and patella. The all Figs. 142, 143, 144. Dendryphantes aestivalis. 142, — male. female. of 143, dark variety of 144, light variety female. All enlarged six times. covered with The palpi abdomcn brighter is • 1 greenish r • yellow r than 1 • 1 the i brown spots, the second pair largest, connected with a paler brown middle marking. The abdomen has beneath a purple brown stripe in the middle and oblique brown marks at the sides. thorax, with tour pairs or purplish Sternum, maxillae, and mandibles light brown. The dark THE ATTID/E variety (fig. and hairs 143) more generally smaller and covered with longer is The legs and palpi are more distinctly ringed The dark spots on the abdomen are larger and scales. with brown. the 55 closely connected, markings appear so that as light spots on a dark ground. In alcohol they become bright red and afterward fade to a dull red color that remains for a long time, both varieties in this con- much dition looking The males extremely from the sight, first The females. in the alike. 142) differ, at (fig. legs are ringed as female and the brown parts are wider and less obscured by white hairs, while the white parts are cephalothorax is The whiter. dark brown, with a white on each side under the eyes bending toward each other but not connected. stripe The front of the head is have the femur dark brown and white tibia are at the end. The palpi at the The base with white hairs on the upper is around the is patella brown, and the tarsus abdomen white sides. in and also white covered with long white hairs. The side. front and The middle dark brown, with a few yellow and brown, is Figs. 145, 146, 147, 148. Icius palmariini. Both en146, female. 145, male. larged six times. 147, front of head of — male. 148, abdomen of female to show a variety of marking. and greenish area is scales. The brown often notched at the sides in four points and sometimes indistinctly divided into four pairs of spots, as in the female. The male palpi are large for the size of the spider, palpal organ extends back beyond the tibia. and the THE COMMON SPIDERS 56 — Icius palmarum. This is very common on trees and bushes, and may be mistaken for Dendryphaiites csstivalis, which it much resembles. It differs from cestivalis in both sexes in being a smaller and little more slender and In the males the head colored. and darker colored than the females lighter in wider, the front legs longer is and the mandibles longer in cEstivalis, and more nearly horizontal. The living female has the legS sometimes a body and palpi transparent white, darker at the ends of the joints. The whole covered with light gray or white scales mixed with fine is black hairs. in little The abdomen has a row of darker triangular spots the middle and oblique rows of small spots at the sides. alcohol the legs become yellow and the as in cBstivalis, afterward fading to a dirty yellow. ings of the abdomen become more distinct viduals form four large dark In body red, The mark- rest of the and brown in some indi- spots. The males have the front legs very dark brown. The other legs are transparent white. The cephalothorax and abdomen are dark reddish brown mixed with shining greenish white scales and sometimes copper red around the eyes. On each side is a white stripe the whole length of the body, the mandibles, maxillas, and palpi Some males show indistinctly female. tus. — Male enlarged or less length. and markings of the The mandibles abdomen of the like the male are longer than those of the female and more six times. little below The dorsal Icius mitra- in front are dark brown. the eyes. Fig. 149. two meeting turned In forward according to their some the mandibles are only a longer than those of the female, and in these the patella tibia of the front legs are not much longer than the femur. In others, usually larger spiders, the mandibles are nearly as thp: attid^ 57 long as the cephalothorax and extend forward horizontally, the maxillae are longer, and the tibia legs have the patella one and a half times as long as the femur. longer in width than has first pair of the proportion in to legs The female is its and cestivalis front and stouter. The epigynum has two small anterior openings directed for- ward instead other, as in toward each of and the next species low bushes This cBstivalis. summer. all Icius mitratus. on live — This species closely resembles Icius palma- ritviy differing mainly in color. The legs are all white in both _ figs. 150, 151. 151, male. iduseiegans.- 150, female. Both enlarged six times. and the mandibles of the male are white and not long and horizontal, as sexes, in palnianivi. it is difficult The females resemble palniarum to tell them apart. The cephalothorax is a trifle wider, and the abdomen narrower, and the front legs longer than in The general color is whiter, and the spots on the palmaruni. abdomen are more distinct, as in fig. 148. The male has the so closely that legs white or a little greenish, with long white hairs, those on the front legs longer than the diameter of the legs. of the body is white, except a light of the cephalothorax hairs, and abdomen, covered with rest middle light yellow through which three or four dark spots show indistinctly on the abdomen or brown The stripe in the (fig. when approaching 149), When fighting with other males, the female, the hairy front legs are straightened and extended sidewise. Icius elegans. —A little bronze green spider, from a sixth to a quarter of an inch long. The cephalothorax is two-thirds THE COMMON SPIDERS 58 and as wide as long, with the sides nearly straight parallel in The abdomen of the female is oval and nearly twice as long as wide. The color is bronze green, changing in some lights to copper red. The legs are yellow, with longitudinal dark stripes, except the female but widened behind the middle in the male. the which are dark brown. femora, front The males are much more brightly colored. The legs are orange, darker toward the ends, with fine dark longitudinal stripes. The ends of the front tibiae are dark brown and have long brow^n hairs on the inner and upper side. The palpi are orange, darker toward The the end. sides and hinder part of the cephalothorax are orange, and there is a white line over the The upper part of the cephalothorax and abdomen is covered coxae. On with greenish yellow scales. the front of the head are two tufts of long hairs, yellow mixed with black, pointing forward inward between lateral eyes. of Fig. 152. Maevia vittata. Female enlarged — six times. the purple little an iridescent The abdomen side, all is and the the colors become In dull. are slender, and the claw short and strongly longer and hollowed a male has the others. spot. the hinder end is sternum and coxae are orange. In the male the mandibles curved inward toward the point. are a abdomen little the middle and green on the under alcohol The mandibles On and a first pair of legs little much on the inner side. The longer and larger than the In the female the fourth legs are longest. THE ATTID/E Maevia vittata. of an inch long — This is 59 a brightly colored spider about a third and with unusually long legs for the fourth pair longest in the females and the of equal length in the males. The female this family, first (fig. — and fourth 152) has the and palpi translucent yellow or greenish white. They are marked with indistinct light gray rings and black spots at the base of the hairs and spines. The cephalothorax is dark brown between the eyes and translucent like the legs in legs the thoracic part. There is a fine black line in the middle and one on each side and a few gray marks radiating from the dorsal groove. Thewholetop the cephalothorax of is covered with green- ish yellow scales mixed with gray hairs. The eyes and are black, sometimes there red stripe eyes at the sides. abdomen is a under the is The Figs. 153, 154. times. of head. 153, — Maevia vittata. Males enlarged six dark variety with long hairs on front 154, light variety colored like the female. covered in the middle and at the sides are gray and mixed with black hairs. There are two longitudinal bands of light red and indistinct angular marks of the same color in the middle of the hinder half. On the under side the colors are light gray and yellow, with spots of darker gray on the abdomen. with scales which THE COMMON SPIDERS 6o The males One are of two very different colors. The resembles the female. kind (fig. abdomen red bands on the i 54) are up into rows of spots connected with the middle broken The gray angular markings. and black spots on the legs and cephalothorax are larger, and there are several black marks on the front of the abdomen. The bright are palpi orange hook black and a black spot on the with yellow, the tibial The inner side of each joint. black spots varies size of the in different individuals, and so this passes into the other variety (fig. Figs. 155, 156. Epiblemum — 56, 153), in thorax and sceni- cum. 155, female. male. Both enlarged six times. which the cephalo- abdomen are entirely black and the palpi black, except a few orange hairs on the outer side. The black cephalothorax and abdomen The dark greenish shining scales. legs are covered with this variety in are transparent white except the hairs, and on the front of the head are three tufts of long hairs which are wanting in the light- colored males. Epiblemum scenicum, — This is the common spider that lives on houses and fences (fig. gray and white It is 155). about quarter of an inch long, the cephalothorax half longer than wide, and the abdomen a little wider and longer. around and above the eyes is white. on each side of the cephalothorax, and spots, there The front There in the one each side of the dorsal groove. is is side. The head a white stripe middle two white On the a white stripe across the anterior end, and marks on each of the abdomen two oblique legs are gray, with white rings not — THE ATTID/E 6l On some indimarks are more definite than on others, the gray ground having but few white scales mixed with it. In yellow and white others scales are very distinctly marked, and the palpi white. viduals the white largely mixed with the gray, and so the contrast with the white spots The males less. is 156) differ but (fig. or markings from little in size, color, the females, but the male mandibles are much larger and extend horizon- tally in front of the head, sometimes two-thirds as long as the cephalotho- This rax. common European, a is as well as American, spider. It is occasionally found on the ground or on plants, commonly on and but about houses. Marptusa familiaris. — This is another common species on fences and the outside of houses grown it is (fig. 157). When half an inch long. whole body much is flattened, full The and both the cephalothorax and abdomen are widened cephalothorax is middle. the in rounded The at the sides and three-quarters as wide as long, and the abdomen it is long. The is half as wide as legs are long and stout, the fourth pair one-half longer than the abodmen. The general color Marptusa familiaris. Female enlarged six times. Fig. 157. is gray and white hairs. gray, with long The cephalothorax band along the edge on each side, which is has a dark brown larger and darker in THE COMMON SPIDERS 62 The abdomen has the males. the middle a yellowish white in marking covering half its width, the front half straight and the The legs are darker at the hinder half notched at the sides. ends of the joints and light in the middle. The under side of the abdomen has Hyctia pikei. a dark middle stripe. — A slender species a quarter to a third abdomen twice of an inch in length, with the and as the cephalothorax, seed or piece of straw IS in general (fig. as long appearance like The whole body 158). covered with silvery white hairs mixed with a few loino:er black ones. The markings of the back in the male are a dark middle stripe on the abdo- men, partly divided by notches into four spots and a fine middle line and two less distinct side lines In the female the on the cephalothorax. on the abdomen is less definite and is broken up into spots, and in young spiders the stripe whole body is The pale yellow or greenish. front legs are as long as the abdomen in both sexes, colored brown, and with the middle joints They are not much used in bemg extended straight forward and walk- thickened. ing, enough to clear the walks with the other raised ground while the spider six. The other legs are pale and slender. The elongated shape of this spider distin- guishes ]'iG. 1 58. pikei, Hyctia enlarged it from The markings and eight times. pairs pointing increase the long appearance. legs the other all common the position of the legs, two forward The and two The labium and backward, basal joints of the fourth are brought close together, and those of the almost as close. Attidae. first pair maxillae are a little longer than usual and are partly covered by the first legs. THE ATTID^E ^i common on sand grass, where nothing and the young lying lengthwise on the leaves could hardly be seen. They mature in the middle of the summer. When the male approaches the female he raises I have found this spider else grows, the front legs at an angle of sixty degrees with each other, abdomen the raises a and little, advances by short runs, twitching the front legs and abdomen every few moments. Cyrba taeniola. —A nearly black, spider, small flat the females quarter of an inch long, and the males a sixth of an inch The cephalothorax its 159). one-half than wide, very low and longer flat, (fig. is with the sides parallel for half length. The front middle eyes are large and close together, the 100 159 — Figs. 159, 160. Cyrba tEniola. female enlarged eight times. profile to show 159, 160, lateral eyes half flatness of the back. large from them. The as and a first little separated legs are twice as thick as the others and have the femora flattened, but in the female the fourth legs are longest. The abdomen thorax and a all over the cephalothorax without 162 as wide as the cephalo- is little longer. body are black, is markings. The Figs. — hairs short. The smooth, and The abdomen i= IS 162. 161, Hasarius hoyi. 161, young female enlarged abdomen six times, 162, of adult female to show difference in markings dark gray, with two rows of white spots often indistinct and The legs have the femora and patella and second pairs black or dark brown and the perhaps sometimes absent. and tibia of first THE COMMON SPIDERS 64 The under Other joints light and black at the ends. The sternum black. side is very short, so that the basal joints of is the front legs touch each other. Hasarius colors, ho3ri. — This white and orange brown usual, may be known by species — the dark portions brown These i6i, 162). (figs. brighter and the markings more distinct In front around the eyes the cephalothorax white hairs. At its peculiar or black and the light parts is colors are, as in the males. covered with the sides a white band extends backward under the eyes, turning inward but not reaching the middle There is a light band, part white and part orange, line. around the abdomen and several angular marks middle, two of them In alcohol, and less united into a large spot. plainly seen when in the the hinder half, sometimes in a light band under alive, is the hairs, extending across the middle of the cephalothorax and forward on the sides under the eyes. In females these markings are all less distinct, but traces of be found in most them can individuals. The more brownish, and the markings of the abdomen smaller and more uniform in shape. The colors are markings of the legs are dark on the middle joints and light at the base and on the tarsi, with strong contrasts in color in the males and' formica. times. Figs. 163, 164. Svnemosvna female enlarged eight 164, side of female. — 163, inch for large females. Synemosyna to be often formica. little in ^j^-^ The males — A small mistaken for one the females. spccies is of are smaller. spider so (fig. The length about a quarter of an 163). much It is like an ant as about quarter THE ATTID^ an of long inch and very flat, in front, The stem in the middle. and widened behind so that of the thorax The cephalothorax slender. narrowed behind and the abdomen deep depression 65 is and each has a of the abdomen is it is nearly as wide as the ends and abdomen, which it connects. The front middle eyes are large and cover two-thirds of the width of the front of the head, and the rest of the The legs are all slender, the hind The general color is black, with yellow- eyes are small. pair longest. ish or orange-white markings. white spot There is a triangular in front of the dorsal groove, and one on each side widening downward under the posterior On eyes. the abdomen there is a white stripe extending downward from the dorsal depression on each side and uniting neath (fig. half of the in a large white patch under- In pale individuals the whole front 164). abdomen is light yellow or Fig. 165. Lyssomanes viridis, en- larged six orange brown. The second legs are entirely white, the others partly black. The male has the head higher and is darker and more slender. times. colored This spider not only resembles an ant in form and color but moves it like can do first an ant. so, It does not jump like most Attidae, though but walks and runs irregularly about and lifts its legs high like the antennae of ants. Lyssomanes viridis. southern states. —A bright green spider The arrangement common of the eyes differs the in from that usual in the Attida; by the front lateral eyes being higher and closer together, so that they are over and behind the front middle pair (fig. 165). The cephalothorax is narrow in front, — much more than half as wide as it is across the middle. The abdomen is narrower than the thorax and more than twice as long as wide. The female is a third of an inch in length, and the male quarter of an inch. The legs are long and slender, not THE COMMON SPIDERS 66 the first pair longest and thickest, length and in the female a little the male half an inch in in shorter. In the female the mandibles are vertical and about as long as the height of the In the male they are as long as the cephalothorax, curved head. apart, The and extended almost horizontally color markings. is light transparent green, in front of the head. sometimes without any Usually there are four pairs of small black spots on the abdomen, and there are black spots around the eyes, except around the front live pair, where there is on low bushes and mature early a little in orange color. the summer. They THE LYCOSIDyE The rate, Lycosidas are among the those most often seen. commonest spiders, or, at any Most of them live near the ground and move actively about without attempting to conceal themselves. Their colors are black and white or the colors of the ground, stones, and dead leaves, sometimes nearly uniform over the body, all in other kinds arranged in a distinct pattern, with strong contrasts between the light and dark parts. some species the markings are brighter and more The on the under side than on the back. fourth pair longest. The In characteristic legs are long, the spines on the legs are long and often when the spider make them appear darker colored than the skin, and stand out from the legs and and second legs are more covered with is active they The larger. and have the spines shorter and less easily seen than the third and fourth. The feet have three claws, the under one small first and covered by the surrounding iar fine short hairs The eyes have hairs. a pecul- arrangement, the front row being small and nearly straight, the middle pair of the upper row just above them and larger, while the lateral eyes of this upward on the in three rows of row are carried back and sides of the head so that the eyes are really four, two, and two (fig. In those species 170). with low heads, like Dolomedes, the upper row of eyes curved and much smaller, is less and the whole arrangement resembles The body is abdomen about as long and that in Tibellus and others of the Thomisidse. usually long and the head high, the as wide as the cephalothorax Our largest spiders and as thick as it belong to this family. is wide. The females carry their eggs in round cocoons attached to their spinnerets, 67 THE COMMON SPIDERS 68 and the young for a short time after coming out are carried Dolomedes and Ocyale about on the back of the mother. carry their cocoons in the mandibles and spin a loose web in bushes, where the young live for a time after leaving the cocoon. most species pass the winter half grown and mature the next summer. Most of the little spiders seen spinning their threads on the tops of plants and fences in the The young Indian Most of summer are of these Pardosa, the first young Lycosidae. spiders belong to two genera, Lycosa and including the larger species, with the eyes covering only a small part of the front of the head and the front row about the same length as the second the other, ; Pardosa, consisting of comparatively small species, with the four upper eyes very large and covering the whole top of the head and the front row much shorter than the second. THE GENUS LYCOSA The genus Lycosa includes spiders that differ greatly in the In general, they proportions of different parts of their bodies. compared are large and stout and their legs short much Pardosa and Dolomedes, the front legs being not than the body. (fig. (fig. in longer In the short and stout species, like pratcnsis 170), the eyes cover only a small part of the head, while in the longer legged and more slender species, is to those of 181), they are larger downward those species with large eyes. The commimis apart. The head in front, but less so and spread farther highest behind and rounded like spines of the legs are comparatively small and on the two front pairs concealed by the surrounding hairs. feet The fine flattened hairs sometimes form a thick brush on the under up from the claws as far as the shades of brown and gray. tibia. The on the front side, extending colors are all THE LYCOSID^ Lycosa long ; nidicola. — When grown three-quarters full the legs short, the longest an color 69 of an inch The inch in length. On dull yellow or greenish brown. is the cephalothorax there is a narrow yellow and one on each side and on the front of the abdomen stripe in the middle 166), (fig. the usual pointed stripe, dark at the edges On and bordered by lighter bands. hinder half of The cross marks. abdomen the and the spines short and hardly The under side of the abdomen ings, 167) (fig. is at visible. middle light in the and darker mark- are without legs the are indistinct the sides and marked with small brown spots. The Figs. i66, 167. nidicola. enlarged Lycosa — 166, female twice. males and young are lighter and more plainly marked than the adult female s. 167, under side of abdomen. This spider lives under stones and other shelters in a shallow nest, lined with female be found with her cocoon of in Ihe — A light 111 cephalothorax as wide as - 1 small species, four- and dark markings. 1 Lycosa 70. pratensis. e n • 1 11 1- 1 1 1 has a middle light band the eyes, narrowed a little — female 168, an inch long, yellowish brown, with indistinct _,, Figs. 168, 169, the summer. Lycosa pratensis. fifths to half the woods where the 168 may eggs early in silk, 1 three a r ged times. 169, side of cephalothorax. 17O) front of head and mandibles. in front of the dorsal groove and broken in the middle by two brown spots (fig. 168). The sides of the cephalothorax near THE COMMON SPIDERS 70 the edge are faintly lighter than the The abdomen has rest. a pointed middle stripe, dark at the edges, extending back half its The length, and behind this four or five dark cross stripes. legs are darker toward the ends ; the femora are marked with two broken dark bands, and the patella and tibia of the third and fourth legs have faint dark rings. The spines are small and, on the two front pairs of legs, hardly visible among the other hairs. The under side is light colored, with The epigynum the ends of the legs darker. The males short and wide. differ little This does not seem to be a females. very active spider and under stones. Lycosa polita. ^I'-^-*,.! a short-legged size in and hairs color are very *?/\ short and often entirely absent from the t^^'l cephalothorax, which ^*|-'ili'C« The i'^g- which Fig. 171. Ly- TOW is (fig. is smooth and shin- eyes are very close together, two especially the f H is The Lycosa pratensis. /fY commonly found is — This resembling species is from the much of the middle row, shorter than the front The ccphalothorax and i/i). brown without any some individuals there are irregular dark marks along the sides of the thorax and broken rings on the legs. The abdomen is gray, light in the middle, with dark transverse marks behind U ^^^^, P°''^^' three times, legs are often light markings, but and closely placed dark spots medicinalis and in much The abdomen at the sides, Amaurobius. as in Tegenaria is light under- neath, with a darker middle line and irregular oblique rows of spots at the sides. Lycosa nidifex. — This spider lives in sandy regions, — the females in holes ten or twelve inches deep, the adult males 1 THE on the surface of the LYCOSID.-E ground. The males five-eighths of an inch long and spread colored like the sand, —a little 7 (fig. 174) are half or in Fig. 172. the There is a middle of the abdomen edged with black and Mouth it are redder sometimes in the middle spots and on the femora, and gray at the sides. spot They two inches. of hole of Lycosa nidifex in sand, ran out from the hole and back again. and footprints of the spider One-third the real where size. a black band on each side of the head divided in front, the branches extending to the lateral eyes of both rows. ends of the palpi and the spinnerets are black. The The mandibles are black, except in the middle, where they are covered with bright yellow hairs. On pairs of legs, sternum, the under side and mouth (fig. 175) the two front parts are black, the hinder THE COMMON SPIDERS legs and abdomen (fig. 173) The is color lighter larger, light sand color, like the back. — three-quarters more gray is behind, as the in light gray & or of an inch or slate color, in the middle, band broken a middle dark in length. darker in front and The cephalothorax has a and the abdomen male. band The female more by three at the sides or four pairs of light spots. The two pairs front of legs are thicker than the others and more closely covered with hair in both sexes. In August the males wander about on Though the sand and are easily caught. their color marks more is of the much like the sand, the back and legs make them easily seen than L. cinerea and other sand spiders. 177) live holes three-quarters of an inch wide in and ten inches or more deep. is (fig. The females held together by silk, The sand which is very thin below but thicker toward the opening. Sometimes bits of sticks and straw are fastened around the hole, but as often Fig. 173. Lycosa fex. nidi- — Fe- male en1 a r g e d twice. come it is entirely clean and not concealed in any way. The females keep near their holes and drop into them at the least fright. As one walks across the neighborhood no spiders are to be seen, only open holes. After a short time they to the surface, at first slowly, but sometimes, as they see the place clear, with a sudden jump, and stand over the hole ready to drop back into it. The color of the females the abdomen are larger and thorax and front legs is is more The markings of more distinct, but the black on the less marked than in the males. gray or slate color than that of the males. THE LYCOSID^ — This is one of the largest spiders living northern states, and it resembles in size and color the Lycosa carolinensis. in the famous Tarantula of southern female is sometimes over an Europe |i|j inch fourth legs an inch and a half three The inches. V\ inch. brown, like the fur of a males with length, it The the spreads over males have the legs as measuring The color is smaller, in 175). (fig. long, so that long but more slen- the 73 "V;^ ^^^^ ^X f\\\ and the body is thr( th''^^-qu^rters of an S^^y mixed with mouse, than lighter der, n^ Uftik the :he VV\A(C1\ ,1 females. On the under side the whole body is black, including the first and second joints of the legs and the The legs gray, with maxillae. are light dark bands ends of the /^ at the The man- joints. dibles are brown, with orange- yellow There hairs is on the front. sometimes a yellow on the ends of the little first and second legs and palpi of figs. 174,175. Lycosa nidifex.- the male. male. The female makes a hole, male. .^^^ back of 175, under side of Both enlarged 174, ' but not a deep one, and hides in it with her eggs, but is often found running about on the ground. Lycosa cinerea. and sandy The — A common spider on beaches fields all general color is over this country and in Europe (fig. dirty white covered with small black 177) and THE COMMON SPIOERS 74 gray marks, so that, when i\ lies it can hardly be distinguished from on the sand, flat The body it. is it half an inch long, and the fourth legs nearly The under an inch. side is white or gray, and the whole body covered with white and gray hairs. The On joint. marked with legs are two or three to each indistinct dark rings, the cephalothorax the spots radiate irregularly from the dorsal groove the space between the eyes is the mandibles are dark brown. ings of up Fir.. 176. nensis. Lycosa the abdomen are broken is little female to show the black markings. The mark; into small spots, so that there caroli- — Under side of ; dark, and of the usual fig-ures. The male paipi are long and slender and the ends very small. Lycosa kochii. common a is species in the woods, colored brown and gray, and is like dead leaves is — This 179). It half an inch long when full grown, and the (fig. fourth quarters of an inch. are larger than legs three- The upper half the width of the head, as in cephalothorax eyes m pratensis and nidicola, and cover is light gray in communis. The the middle and dark the sides and around the front of the head. at The legs are gray, lighter toward the body and darker toward the ends, marked with indistinct rings, two or three to each joint. •' The abdomen _ is gray, with broken darker gray markings form- mg ^, T r indistmctly a row of transverse marks . • . 1 m • 1 the ^^'''^- 7'"- ''^- cosacmerea. female four times. maxiiia;. ^y- — 177, enlarged 178, — THE LYCOSID^ The middle. sides 75 are darkest toward the front The under end, where there are two black spots. side lighter than is 1 the The epigynum back. 80) differs from that of the related species, having the middle lobe narrow in front and wide and triangular Lycosa communis. at the end. — This is a common spider in pastures, running in grass or hiding under It varies in stones. color from light gray to almost black, but the markings are almost always the same and distinct. there is On the thorax a middle stripe ex- tending forward to the eyes, and a narrower one between the eyes to the front of the head (fig. At the 181). sides are light stripes nearly as wide as the middle one Figs. 179, 180. kochii. — 1/9, extending female enlarged twice. iSo, under the eyes epigynum. to the front of the head. On the front pointed stripe abdomen the large. The is light stripes at the side of wide and distinct, uniting it are on the hinder half of the abdomen into ;. a middle stripe, broken some- times into a row of four or spots. light five In dark individuals this marking is yellow and more Ly- 181. 182. cosa communis. 181, female en- larged three times. 182, front of showing eyes head THE COMMON SPIDERS 76 On Strongly defined than in lighter ones. in the thorax, especially there are usually two or three light light colored-spiders, marks radiating from the dorsal groove. The legs, except the ends of the first and second, are marked with rings at the ends and middle of the joints, indistinct in light spiders and brighter in dark ones. The length The two-fifths to half an inch. is legs are long, The second the fourth pair three-quarters of an inch in length. row of eyes is a little wider than the first, and the second eyes are large and their diameter apart On under side the of the dark stripes meeting (fig. abdomen are 182). two at the spinnerets so as to form a horseshoe-shaped figure, but in some very dark individuals the whole under side of the abdomen behind the epigynum There dark colored. is between the sexes. The females carry eggs in June and July. Lycosa scutulata. This is a large and wellmarked species, over half an inch in length and is difference little — with hind legs over an inch long Fig. 1S3. 183). (fig. Lycosa scutulata. — Fe- male enlarged twice. The The cephalothorax legs are yellowish gray without markings. is dark gray, with a light middle stripe and one on each side extending There under the eyes to the front of the head. narrow light line on the edge of the thorax the middle of the abdomen is at is also the sides. a In a dark stripe, with five or six pairs of light spots, those of the front pair being only partly inclosed by the stripe. are narrower light dark oblique lines. bands, On At the sides of the middle stripe and beyond these fine and body is light the under side the whole light gray. In the males the front legs are darker colored than the others. a little longer The male and much palpi are slender. THE LYCOSID^ and the eyes is 77 The second row tarsi small for so large a spider. a — The female may Lycosa ocreata. L. kocJiii of wider than the front row. little 179) or couwiiinis (fig. easily be (fig. mistaken for young 181), but the male is con- spicuous on account of the dark head and front legs and espethe cially covering of thick black hairs on the has a stripe, in tibiae of the The cephalothorax first pair. distinct \ middle light narrower and straighter the male The middle 184, (figs. 185). abdomen of the is yellow, with the pointed stripe only a little darker and marked At with black spots around the edges. the sides the in spots, and abdomen in the is brown, broken middle of the hinder The half are three or four cross marks. legs are yellowish and ringed with gray in the females. and the sides In the males the femora of the thorax are darker brown, and the tibiae of pair dark and thickly covered with The male palpi thickened and The front sexes. much the front hairs. have the patella and tibia Figs. 1S4, 1S5. Ljxosa ocreata. 184, female enlarged eight times. 1S5, cephalothorax and front legs of male. — about as wide as long. legs are plainly thicker The second row length of either sex is a of eyes little is than the second wider than the leg is about half an inch. both The The legs The longest over quarter of an inch. are slender and thinly covered with long fine hairs. in first. THE COMMON SPIDERS 78 THE GENUS PARDOSA of comparatively them long legged and iists Df lead high in front, and is upper eyes large ;he four pread over the whole front head c runt (fig. row than horter ow. The The 200). of eyes is the plainly second colors are gener- dark, often black, and with ally white markings. The spines of the legs are long, even on the front pairs, and the whole body often covered is To with long hairs. show the comparative size of the dif- ^86 ferent species of this genus, the figures Ficis. i86, 187, 188. lapidicina. larged four times. side of same Pardosa — 186, female en- real scale, of lapidicina. an inch pair The color is with black black, the whole (fig. long three-quarters of legs, the fourth ings When J the — Four -fifths and with long an inch long, body being covered hairs that obscure the 186). times all the size. Pardosa iSS, epigvniim. made on four 187, cephalothorax. being wet, the are few light mark- looked at closely, especially after legs appear a little lighter colored toward THE LYCOSID^ 79 the ends, and the femora faintly marked with light rhigs. the middle of the cephalothorax there In a large light spot, is widest just in front of the dorsal groove, and at the sides are rows of irregular On light spots. spots four pairs of light the abdomen are three or near together in the front half, and behind are two rows of On spots meeting over the spinnerets. under side the color on the back. The color, varies according to age, the as in in the figure in shape. (fig. It grecnlandica is is 189), for (fig. from the female. quite constant which The male This spider in the hottest from Connecticut most among lives and driest places to Labrador. species resembles lapidicina little is it differs little Pardosa albomaculata or greenlandica. a shown distinguishes this species from likely to be mistaken. gray stones and while color, The epigynum i88), spiders, all young and freshly molted having a deeper black older ones are gray. the a lighter gray than is (fig. — This 186), but is larger and not quite as long legged. marked with bright white spots on a black ground. There are two rows of white spots on the abdomen, and It has longer hairs and is 190 others along the sides of the cephalothorax and on the legs it (fig. 189). Wet in alcohol shows similar irregular markings on the abdomen as lapidicina, Pardosa greenlandica. 1S9, female enlarged four times. 190, epigynum. Figs. 189, 190. — but the light spots on the thorax are smaller, the middle one extending forward only to the dorsal groove. and distinct. Its The epigynum outline has been (fig. compared 190) to is large that of a decanter, narrow in front and rounded out at the sides behind. THE COMMON SPIDERS 8o There is a long narrow middle lobe, generally end, but varying num much At in shape. are two small depressions. of glacialis (fig. widened at the the front end of the epigy- resembles the epigynum It 192), but always longer and is narrower and has the middle lobe straighter and more White Mountains, on bare Rocky Mountains, Canada, and distinct. stones. Greenland. Pardosa glacialis or brunnea. of some — One-third Color dark brown with an inch long. light markings. In the mid- dle of the cephalothorax stripe, is a light widening and fading out toward the eyes and divided by a dark middle line, widest in front and extending back as dorsal groove side is a (fig. light far as the On 191). stripe each extending under the eyes to the front of the head. — 191, female n'^ enlarged four times. 192, epigy- times there are four or and some- pairs of small In alcohol there are obscure cross markings and black spots. dinal dark is five the mid- spots of white hairs on the hinder half. num. there The abdomen has dle pointed stripe light colored, Figs. 191, 192. Pardosa glacialis. The and legs are light lines. marked with On longitu- the under side usually a light middle stripe on the front of the sternum, and the middle whole body is of the hairy ; abdomen is lighter than the rest. The there are long black hairs on the front of the head, and the spines are long and colored like the legs. The epigynum (fig. 192) has a narrow middle lobe transparent at the end so that it is difficult to see, and dark brown pieces at the sides, with the outer ends turned forward. The shape THE LYCOSID/E can best be understood from the 8i The epigynum figure. but distinguishes this species plainly ixovcv greenlandica with which and black palpi are large the ends, 190), likely to The male be associated. at (fig. is it varies, the tarsus oval and pointed, and the tibia short Figs. 193, 194, 195, 196. Pardosa tachypoda. 193, female enlarged — four times. long. This spider 194, ceph- alothorax and palpus of male. 195, epigynum. 196, palpus of male. is common and as thick as has been found all over Canada and in the as far north as Green White Mountains and h found as far south as Connecticut. Pardosa tachypoda or montana. — This is Canadian and White Mountain spider foun as far south as Massachusetts is (fig. 193). It smaller than either s^reenlandica ox glacialis ^^^^- '97, 198, 199, 200, Pardosa 201. and larger than The are colors species, but the ,. . , . and 7iigropalpis more the like legs are darker , distmctly rmged. ,^, The ,. albopatella. , light last two and more , . markmgs J. of pallida. —197, female enlarged ^£""tZ 199, '""Z'Tt side 01 female. back of male. 200, front of head. 201, end palpus of male. of THE COMMON SPIDERS abdomen are less distinct and more The epigynum (fig. 195) has a character- the cephalothorax and broken and irregular. istic shape different from any of the allied two species, the anterior depressions being wide apart and the middle ridge narrow and rounded at the end. The male palpi (fig. 196) are rather slender, as in lapidicina, and uniformly colored, and the differences between the than in Jiigropalpis all sexes are less strongly marked and albo- \ patella. Pardosa pallida. — One-fifth of an inch long and brightly marked with black and brown on a light yellow ground 197, cephalothorax rower than (figs. The 199). in is nar- most The cephalothorax has two wide gray stripes species. and a fine black line on the edge at The abdomen has the middle each side. pointed stripe light brown with a broken black edge. On each side made up is a black band, of spots closer toward the middle and more scattered toward the sides. The spots near the body. not dark colored. On legs are light yellow, with a The few black spines of the legs are long but the under side there are dark spots on the sternum near the base of each leg, and sometimes two rows of spots or of the two bands nearer the middle. abdomen On the under side are two black stripes, sometimes connected THE LYCOSID^ In the males behind. dark markings (fig. 199) the colors are darker and the The ends larger. 83 and of the palpi are large covered with black hairs. In one freshly molted young male there was hardly any The male palpi were dark trace of the spots on the sternum. black gray with except hairs, the which was tarsus, light colored, with a dark spot in the middle and a few black The hairs. markings of the abdomen were very indi tinct, and the light color brownish, while the thorax and legs are slightly The green. first femora were black toward the end. Pardosa nigropalpis. About quarter long. of — an inch Black and gray. The male with head and palpi black (fig. 203). In the female the cephalothorax has a large light middle stripe, widest between the eyes and the dorsal groove, and a narrow light stripe on each side the middle for its (fig. 202). whole length in divided by faint cross lines of gray. spotted with black. The The abdomen is light in an irregular stripe partly The legs are faintly sides are darker and marked with darker In the male the contrast between the light and dark rings. markings is greater, the markings of the cephalothorax are smaller and brighter, and the head and palpi are black and covered with black hairs. Pardosa albopatella. bling it in — Smaller shape and color than P. nigropalpis, but resem- (figs. 205, 206). The middle stripe THE COMMON SPIDERS 84 of the cephalothorax abdomen The middle narrower. is narrower and brighter is stripe of the the front end. at The femora are distinctly marked with four rings, and the other In the male the ends of the legs are pale, joints less plainly. without rings, and the rings of the femora are broken into spots except on the front legs, where the femora are black. palpi The tibia dark, and the tarsus is toward the shape of dark is at the base and white tip. Pirata piraticus. grass in The 206) have the femora black and the patella white. (fig. —A - small and active spider living in short summer and under leaves in winter. The colors and the body are much like Lycosa prateiisis (fig. 168), but the legs are proportionally larger and longer, and the colors The brighter. length is about a quarter of an inch. front and second rows of eyes are of the of the second row large and their diameter apart V The eyes\ s of the upper row are nearly and twice as e c o n d, \\ f^', yellow, with far or (fig. 209). as large as those of the The apart. gray The same length, those black color is pale The markings. cephalothorax has a narrow light line in the middle and one on each side In the middle of the front of the is At the the middle. cus. — 208, "n row if ^"" female en 209, ' behind and outside of _ these are dark markings becoming smaller behind. The larged three times. of spots sides of this are light stripes that unite behind, ^ n 208). abdomen a light stripe with dark edges, which tapers into a line or Figs. 208, 209. Pirata pirati- (fig. legs have conspicuous dark spines, especially the hinder pair, and are faintly marked with rings front of head or sometimes are without markings. Dolomedes and Ocyale other Lycosidae. and the eyes all They are differ more more nearly in many respects from the flattened, have the of the same size. head lower, The front row THE LYCOSID^ and near together. of eyes are small 85 The upper row about is twice as long and strongly curved, and the eyes are nearly equal in size and twice as large as those of the front row In Dolomedes the lower eyes are 214, 216). In Ocyale they high as the top of the head. farther apart, and the head resembles (figs. about half as ^ "% are lower and still more Tibellus of the Thomisidae. Both Ocyale and Dolomedes resemble this family in their flattened body and wide thorax. Dolomedes sexpunctatus. Dark greenish gray or, in young — spiders, yellow, with a silvery white line each side the whole length of the body, meeting in front under the eyes and reach- ing back to the spinnerets (fig. middle of the In 210). the cephalothorax On line. is a narrow light the hinder half of the abdomen are four pairs of small white spots, and sometimes another pair near the front end. On the under side the general color is lighter, and there are the sternum is (fig. 211). six dark spots on The cephalothorax three-quarters as wide as long, but looks Figs. 210, 211, 212. Dolomedes sexpunctatus. 210, female enlarged — twice. narrower on account of the white The abdomen is in tetiebrosus (fig. female is proportionally longer than easily on of 211, under cephalothora.x. one of the feet, side 212, showing three claws. 213). The full-grown six-tenths of an inch long, with a spread of an inch and three-quarters. are very stripes. common it, In winter and spring the half-grown young everywhere. It lives near water and runs each foot making a depression on the surface with- out becoming- wet. THE COMMON SPIDERS 86 I Figs. 213, 214. Dolomedes tenebrosus. female enlarged twice. Figs. 215, 216. enlarged twice. Ocyale — 213, 214, front of head. undata.— 216, front of head. 215, female §// THE LYCOSID^ Dolomedes tenebrosus. spreading its one of our largest spiders, is legs over four inches. The dark gray. — This 87 legs are indistinctly The is light and marked with light and color dark rings and have long dark spines The thorax is 213). (fig. dark in the middle and lighter toward On the eyes. each side are light bands that extend around under the eyes and meet in front. The abdo- men has three pairs transverse of dark stripes, each with a light border The on the hinder edge. cephalothorax is four- tenths of an inch long and three-tenths wide, half as wide in front, straight It is rounded dle, but and just is and nearly on the front edge. nearly not in the mid- very high, behind the eyes flat. The under side of the thorax and legs colored, without is light markings, the abdomen a Fig. 217. Xest of the young of Ocyale undata One-third the real size. little darker. The abdomen long as the thorax, widest across the middle, and a behind. The male has longer strongly marked bunch ; legs and is little The male is as pointed more slender and under the fourth femora near the end of stiff hairs. in a wild-rose bush. is a palpi are long, with large tarsi and palpal organs and a long hook on the outer side of the tarsus. They live near water, on the ground or low bushes. ; THE COMMON SPIDERS 88 The female bushes, in which the young live for bunch some time after hatching. of silk in the large and makes a carries her cocoon in her mandibles Ocyale undata. — When full grown over thorax quarter of an inch, and the first half an inch long, the and fourth legs an inch The thorax is almost as wide as long, and the head not much more than half as wide (fig. 215). The abdomen is long and narrower than the thorax and a little pointed behind. The long. color is a light brownish yellow, with a wide darker band on the middle and browner This band both thorax and abdomen. of is bordered by a white line a in and out toward the spiders the color the middle is stripe little lighter curved In younger tail. and yellower has the edges more undulating, and in very young ones it is serrated or even broken up into spots. The legs, which are plain in adults, are sometimes marked with rings in the young. The front end of the stripe is These sometimes divided into two. spiders live on bushes, without any web, until they have young. part of flat summer In the latter the females carry their cocoons under them, holding on with When the mandibles. the young are about to hatch the female builds a of Oxyopes Figs. 218, 219. cus us.— 218, female enlarged salti six ix times. 219, front of head. web through, 217) three or four inches (fig. in which she leaves the cocoon, ^^^ ^^g young COmC OUt and of salticus. livC for a •' _ time together Oxyopes mass — The eyes are in in the web. three rows, the front one two small eyes, the second of four eyes, and the upper of The head is wide and less separated from the thorax two. THE LYCOSID.t than Lycosa and very high in two-thirds as wide behind as The cephalothorax in front. male of the the cephalothorax, but that of the female It The behind. legs are slender, the nearly of the The first is smaller than wider and longer. is widest in the middle, rounded in is is long and rounded both in front and The abdomen 218). (fig. 89 and pointed front, v pair longest, but same length and with very all long spines. colors and markings are very The variable. legs are white or The pale yellow, with black spines. body are the same brown and black markings. There are usually four brown stripes on light parts of the with color, the cephalothorax from the eyes backward, and two black eyes (fig. down abdomen front The most 219). is from the lower lines in front the mandibles the of constant mark of the a pointed middle spot extending as far as the middle of the back. This is generally surrounded by light color, and at the sides are narrow oblique brown marks. There are sometimes fine black lines on the under sides of the femora and a wide black ^_'.f:..f.^°: viridans. The middle stripe under the abdomen. males are sometimes colored like the female, and vary from of the body abdomen and this to black A pale. states in the early very common ^ Oxyopes Young female enlarged four times. palpi, with the rest species in the southern summer, running on low bushes. There is another Oxyopes about the same size that has been found a few times as far north as Oxyopes (Peucetia) viridans. spider in the South. It is spots and black spines. New England. — This It is a common and conspicuous a bright transparent green, with red grows to a length of three-quarters THE COMMON SPIDERS 90 of an inch, but when it is is found in great numbers only a quarter of this size early in the (fig. 220). summer, The head is narrower than in O. salticus, and the lateral eyes so high that they appear to belong to the upper rather than the middle The abdomen is the same width as the back part of the row. cephalothorax and tapers a first color pair of legs is is little toward the spinnerets. longest and the second next. The The general green, with the space between the eyes red, red spots and black spines on the legs, and two rows of red spots on the abdomen, sometimes united into a stripe, with pairs of white spots surrounded by red. THE AGALENID^ The larger cobwebs Fig. 221. Web of barns Agalenidas that are so of and are Agalena nsevia in They resemble some cellars. marked off makers of the flat wide the grass and in the corners long grass, seen from above. One-third the real size. of the Drassidce, Anypha^na (pp. 1-14). The head is by shallow grooves from the thorax, and especially Agroeca and large and the common on 91 THE COMMON SPIDERS 92 is often contracted behind the eyes, so that The mandibles than in front. much it is narrower there are large and, in the females, The arrangement of the Drassidas. The upper spin- swelled at the base in front. eyes differs little from that the in nerets are longer than the others and have the terminal joint Fig. 222. The Web m .\u;,iJi-ii,i spider stands in its ii.t . m m -Idu nl,l^^, usual place at the uu the ^idc mouth ut a of its tube. hill, seen from the side. Half the real size. narrowed toward the end, with the spinning tubes on the inner side. The feet have three claws, like the Lycosidae, and do not have the brush of hairs males and females differ legs and smaller Agalena which it naevia. abdomen and — This spider makes on common little in size, grass, in the Drassidas. The but the males have longer large and complicated palpi. known everywhere by its web, among stones and weeds, and in is THE AGALENIDyE 93 (figs. 221, 222). It varies greatly in size and color. Large females may be three-quarters of an inch long, with legs measuring an inch and a quarter, while others may be full grown houses In color some are pale yellow with gray at half that size. markings, and others reddish brown with the markings almost Whatever the black. they color, are thickly covered with fine gray The cephalothorax has two hairs. longitudinal gray stripes and a black line along the side is (fig. edge on each The head 223). high and a little darker in front. Both rows of eyes are strongly curved, with the middle eyes highest, so that the mid- dle eyes of the lower row and the lateral of the row form straight 224). dibles upper a nearly line (fig. The manare stout, much swelled in front, and not covered with hair. Figs. 223, 224. End . of palpus of Agalena male Agalena naevia. naevia. — 223, female en- twice. front of larged The abdomen is 224, gray or head. black at the sides and lighter brown in the middle, with two rows of white or lightcolored spots. The upper spinnerets are more than twice as long as the others, and the terminal joint the basal. The legs are large much longer than and long, the fourth pair almost THE 94 COIvn^ON SPIDERS The twice as long as the body. marked with dark legs are rings at the ends of the joints and lighter rings in the middle femur and tibia. On the under side the coxae are light colored and the sternum dark, and there is a broad dark middle band on the abdomen from the hinder legs to the spinof The males nerets. legs and smaller black (fig. tube are as large as the females, with longer coiled one and The web 225). Fu;. 220. The male abdomen. (fig. a 222) Newly made edge half is flat of arrangement web in which the spider and September in a flat hides. of the adult Agalena naevia, it is fastened, with a tube at The eggs are laid in silk, August in some often mixed with dirt. spiders die before winter, and females are The young hatch often found dead on or near their cocoons. in the to showing cocoon, attached by one side sheltered place and covered with Most under the tarsus turns and shaped according of the threads. the surrounding objects to which one side of palpi have a very large winter and leave the cocoon early in the spring, and soon begin to build their webs among the short grass. The webs become more distinct when covered with dew, but, though too transparent to be seen at other times, they remain in the same places throughout the summer and are repaired THE AGALENID/E and enlarged as the spider grows. should be destroyed, the spider is 95 If, however, the able in one day to web make The new one as large as the old, but thin and transparent. web contains many long threads crossing it from one side a Fig. 227. Web Agalena naivia in a plant of golden-rod two showing upper threads. One-fourth the real of feet to above the .ymuiid, size. the other and nearly parallel, and these are crossed in all The directions by finer threads (fig. 226). from the lower spinnerets, the upper pair being held up over The fine threads are spun from the the back, out of the way. long threads are spun upper spinnerets, which are swung from side to side as the THE COMMON SPIDERS 96 spider It moves along. There nothing adhesive about the web. is may alight to rest may have a good Where chance to run after them. the web is made under plants or serves merely as a clearing where insects and the spider rocks a great number upward from carried of threads are help in stopping insects they do (See p. in 135.) species Linyphia. — This barns in 227), as (fig. the webs of Tegenaria derhamii. mon which may it, is and a comcellars, and has probably been imported from Europe, where it is even more com- The head mon. is as in T. mcdicinalis. are swelled less in high and wide, The mandibles front and the eyes are closer together than species, in that and cover more than the width of the head cephalothorax is (fig. half The 229). shorter and wider across the hinder half and the abdo- men shorter than in viedicinalis, and the legs are longer and more hairy. The of colors are lighter and the hairs female Figs. 228, 229. Tegenaria derhamii. 228, female enlarged four — times. 229, front of head. a middle row more or front (fig. of 228). whole the is The body longer. two-fifths of an inch long. The cephalothorax is pale, with two gray stripes. The abdomen is marked with a series of gray spots, formed of less connected with two side rows ; the abdomen often pale, with the markings faint The legs are long, the first and fourth pairs nearly the THE AGALENID^ twice the length of the body. They are 97 marked with faint rings at the ends and two in the middle of each joint. palpi are long and slender in gray The both sexes, and those of the tibia of about the same length and each nearly twice as long as wide. There are no processes on male have the patella and the patella, but two small teeth on the tibia near tarsus is Web Fig. 230. The webs ings, its end. The small and narrow, not as long as the patella and tibia. are made of Tegenaria derhamii in corner of cellar. in all parts of cellars sometimes forming a shelf in and unswept as flat as those of A. ncEvia, but with a similar tube on the sheltered side beams and (fig. floors, 230). build- the corner, not as large or The webs more most often spread under fastened up by threads at the sides and edges, and, as they gather dust, hang down by its weight and become THE COMMON SPIDERS 98 I'Kj. 231. \\ cij (ii i L-guiiaiia deihamii with spider Old cocoons hanging Fig. 232. Web of in month of tulje. at the left. Tegenaria derhamii curving downward on each side. THE AGALENID/E 99 Old webs are repaired and extended until The tube is silk and dirt. generally smaller and less funnel shaped where it enters the torn and tangled. they become as thick as cloth with web than The web that of Agalena. is not as as that of flat Agalena, curving usually down from the tube and up in front of up abruptly is at it, often turning Sometimes the edge. it fastened up in the middle of the front edge and curves side (fig. downward each 232). shows Fig. 231 common form in web a of the most the corner of a cellar, with the spider standing at the mouth and the remains of egg of the tube, cocoons hung up web was at least the at left. This a year old, and the front edge had just been extended with and transparent clear while the silk, middle was black with coal dust. Fig. 232 another web in the same is with the front edge fastened up cellar, to the boards above. It drawn is tightest in the middle and curves down on each /^ side. Tegenaria (Caelotes) medicinalis. gray large among spider living It is half 233). The head and the eyes cover a little constricted in Figs. 233. 234. Tegenaria medicina- woods, and under an inch long, with the legs of the female not (fig. the in rocks, in hollow trees, loose bark. 233 —A is much longer lis. — 233, female four adult enlarged times. cephalothorax young female show 234, of to spots. large and wide, little more than front of half its width. It is a the legs and raised above the thorax as far back as the dorsal groove. The abdomen of THE COMMON SPIDERS lOO the females The is large and oval, widest across the hinder half. spinnerets are small, but plainly two-jointed, and the upper The pair longest. general color brown, covered with gray is light yellow the cephalo- hairs, abdomen grayer, than The cephalothorax has two indistinct The abdomen is marked with a gray stripes. thorax browner, and the the legs. series of gray spots of irregular shape, smallest toward the front and larger and darker toward The the end. more legs are faintly ringed with gray, distinctly in the young. The males are as large as smaller abdomen and longer the females, with legs. The palpi have the patella and tibia short, much not longer than wide The 235). tella Fig. 235. male Palpus of (fig. pa- has a short on the process Tegenaria outCr sidc near medicinalis. The the end. tibia is of shown is complicated shape, as in the figure. tarsus twice as long as the tibia and patella together, narrow tip. is The with The a long palpal organ large and complicated, with a long fine tube that can seen from above, where it be curves Figs. 236, 237. Two forms of epigynum of Tegenaria medicinalis. around the base of the tarsus. The epigynum ness and color varies in appearance according to the thickof different parts. The two figures show THE AGALENID^ common varieties (figs. 236, 237). lOI This species and longitaisus are both easily mistaken for Aniaurobius sylvestris and ferox, which are situations. same size and color and live in the same Amaurobius does not have the long upper spin- of the nerets like Tegenaria, the eyes are lower on the front of the head, and there are larger light-colored markings on the The young of Tegenaria vicdicinalis front of the abdomen. Fig. 23S. Web of Tegenaria medicinalis in a hollow of a rock, the front edge held up by threads running across the hollow, and the mouth of the tube showing behind it. are pale, with light gray markings, and the cephalothora.x is marked with spots radiating from the dorsal groove (fig. 234). The web of this spider is not flat like that of Agalena, but curved in various shapes according to the place where it is an open level place near the nest, the web spreads across it, but usually curves upward at the edges and is fastened to surrounding stones and weeds. Where the built. If there is spider lives in the cracks of a wall or rock, the net spreads THE COMMON SPIDERS I02 along the surface of the rock, held away from a short dis- it tance by threads fastened to projecting points on the stone (figs. 239, 240). This species is sometimes mistaken for the longer legged and more hairy Tcgcnaria makes derJianiii (fig. 228), that webs in barns and similar cellars. Tegenaria (Caelotes) longitarsus. — Smaller than nicdicinalis ; about two-fifths of an inch in length. The head and the mandibles of the is very wide, female more swelled in front than in nicdicinalis, and the eyes are smaller and cover less than half the width of the The 245). head (figs. cephalothora.x 244, darker is colored in front and does not have the two longitudinal stripes seen nalis The 241). (fig. in mcdici- are legs only marked with gray in the middle The abdomen is marked with gray, in a series of dark and light spots, as in other species, and of more faintly of the joints. Fig. 239. Sections of webs of Tegenaria and Agalena. — Agalena navia h, common form of Tegenaria der- rt, ; hamii, with the edge lower than the tube c, Tegenaria, with the edge higher than the tube d, Tegenaria, with the edge carried up a long the face of a rock c, Tegenaria, with the edge carried down as well ; regular shape than in mcdicinalis. . epigynum .... is • i die bar covered with hair forked at the hinder end male The i light colored, with a mid- and slightly The 242). way from the (fig. differs in the usual ; female and has the palpi shorter than ; ^^"P" The mcdiciiialis. patella has a short process directly forward (fig. tarsus has a projcc- on the outer side that points 243). Tegenaria (Cicurina) complicata. young The tion at the base that covers the tibia. — A small spider, resembling the of the larger species of Tegenaria, found usually under THE AGALENID^ dead leaves in woods 246). (fig. It is 103 a fifth to a quarter of an inch long, with the longest legs one and one-half times as long The as the body. and the stout, spines of the third and fourth legs are long and there are long abdomen. The color abdomen, which has Fig. 240. and both vary large and conspicuous wide, and the tibia where it is all the legs and pale yellowish brown, lighter on the gray markings. The sexes are is The in size. (figs. much palpi of the males are very 248, 249). narrower at the The patella is short and end and wide toward the has a short process on the outer side. under side of the that on Web of Tegenaria medicinalis, with the front edge carried up along the face of a rock. See diagram (fig. 239, d). alike, base, is faint fine hairs tibia is a On the long thin appendage of irregular shape nearly as long as the tarsus. The tarsus itself is long THE COMMON SPIDERS I04 24S 247 249 — Figs. 241, 242, 243, 244. 245. Tegenaria longitarsus. 241, back of female. 242, epigynum. 243, palpus of male seen from above. 244, head of Tegenaria medicinalis. 245, head of Tegenaria longitarsus. Figs. 246, 247, 24S, 249. Tegenaria 247) epigynum. complicata. 248, 249, male palpus. — 246, female enlarged four times. — THE AGALENID^ 105 and narrow, and the palpal organ large and complicated, with a long fine tube that extends from the base along the outer back to the hard appendages side and epigynum in the middle. The 247) has a small, transverse, oval opening at (fig. the hinder end, in front of which the coils of long tubes can be seen through the skin. New England Agalenidre PI. VII, fig. 2 is the epigynum and not of Ccslotcs longitarsiis. Hahnia bimaculata. The Hahnias resemble Tegenaria, but are much smaller and have the spinnerets extended in a line across men (fig. 251). HaJinia bimathe under side of the abdoIn of this species — ciilata is Caelotes an inch long, with the abdo- about one-eighth of men large and (fig. 250). cephalothorax is widest oval, behind, as it is in The bright orange brown, and the legs and abdomen pale yellow- fa The ish with gray markings. legs are ringed with gray, the longer joints having two rings, men and the abdo- has a pattern of light yellow and gray spots. The are long and all spinnerets nearly straight in a line, half as Hahnia bimaculata. Figs. 250, 251. 250, female enlarged twelve times. long as the width of the abdomen. The under side showing the peculiar arrangement of the spinnerets. 251, outer or upper pair are half as long as the The abdomen, and the two tracheal opening is joints are nearly of equal length. in the middle of the abdomen, nearer the epigynum than the spinnerets. long, widest opposite the second legs. The sternum is as wide as The maxillae are straight THE COMMON SPIDERS io6 in front and have a is where some other species there slight projection at the outer corners, there are two or three In stiff hairs. a longer process at these corners. is common in winter under stones and under summer it makes webs close to the ground, among This spider leaves. In short and thin grass and moss. Hahnia long; The cinerea. much color — About a twelfth of an smaller than bimaculata is inch 251). dark gray, the cephalothorax and legs brownish, and the legs a ends of the (fig. joints. lighter at the little The abdomen has a row of The spin- angular light spots in the middle. 2-2. Hahnia cinerea, enlarged FiG ^ercts are in not quite as straight a line as in Mmacuhita, the outer pair being a little higher sixteen times. and farther behind the next. ing is tracheal open- not as far forward as in bimaculata, being nearer the spinnerets than the epigynum. appendages of patella and tibia and softer and more curved. and The leaves. The male palpi have the longer than in bimaculata, They are found under stones THE THERIDID/E The Therididae are the builders of the loose and apparently irregular among webs in the upper corners of rooms, in fences and and between the leaves and branches of low trees rocks, a^ Fig. 253. Webs of Theridiuni in a fog, These webs are too on the tops fine to of burnt bushes. Half the real be noticed in dry weather. 107 size. THE COMMON SPIDERS io8 They are generally small, soft, and light-colored spiders, with the abdomen large and round and the legs slender and usually without spines. The eyes are all about the same and bushes. size and in two rows across the front of the head, with the two rows near together and often touching The mandibles are weak and without teeth at each other. The maxillae are pointed at the end and turned the end. lateral eyes of the Fig. 254. Webs of Theridium in a fog, One-third the real Most inward toward each other. on the tops of golden-rod. size. of the Therididae live always back downward. The webs have in some part a more closely woven place under which the spider stands, sometimes in the middle of the web, sometimes in in their webs, hanging by their a corner out of sight. is without other shelter, Where it or sand carried into the is feet, the spider's usual standing place often concealed by pieces of leaves web by the spider, and sometimes THE THERIDID.^ made loosely into a made The tent. in large outer part meshes, but is 109 the of web sometimes is usually in a distinct sheet spreading from the nest and held out by threads in directions. The cocoons are round and web, several being made Fig. 255. Web of in the soft and hang same season by one Theridium tepidariorum Half the real in a in all the spider. dark corner. size. Several of this family, like Spintharus and Euryopis, have the abdomen smaller and flatter than usual and the fourth legs longer, so that they are better fitted for walking. found on plants, and little is known about their webs. They are THE COMMON SPIDERS no THE GENUS THERIDIUM The Thericliums are small soft-bodied spiders, making large and loose webs without any large slightly closer portion connected with the web. and nipicola large loose webs, in which Fig. 256. Web of They have (fig. little all but only a among (fig. rocks, 258) making the spider often stands without abdomen high the in a corner of a front in trellis. A little less and than spider stood in the close part near the middle. toward the spinnerets. 262) has the species are The silk, TJieridium tcpidariorum young Theridium tepidariorum the real size. tapering a sheet of 261) live in houses or (fig. any covering. flat where the spider stands, or a nest or tent abdomen of Theridiinn globosum The other abdomen round and brightly the same shape. small and have the THE THERIDID^ colored. make They live in more open places on I I I plants, where they nests in which they are partly hidden, and carry their webs over the neighboring leaves and twigs (figs. 253, 254). THE COMMON SPIDERS 112 The male length of the body. longer legs. The 259) (fig. is shorter and has color varies from dirty white to almost black. The cephalothorax yellow brown, and the legs light yellow, is with brown or gray rings at the ends and the middle of the joints. In the males the legs are orange brown, darker at the ends of the The abdomen joints. is high and narrows in front toward the spinnerets. In dark and well-marked specimens the has, on the hinder part, abdomen six transverse black marks curved upward, thicker in the middle, and partly connected by black spots the ends (fig. 260). These marks are most sharply defined on the hinder edge, where they are bordered by silver white. The upper mark often forms a conspicuous black at and white spot abdomen. the center of the in In light individuals markings are smaller and It Figs. 258, 259, 260. rhendiumtepidariorum, male. 260, makes Qf rooms, web a large in the corners Under furniture, and male in the abdomen angles of fences and between stones of It usually stands in the female seen from (fig. behind. most sheltered part 255). a part of it is more of the web, closely the rest, but not enough so to conceal the spider. makes the web above, and then the 258, fe259, 260 ally all less definite. it in an open place where there sometimes carries a piece where woven than It is occasion- no shelter of leaf into the web and hides under it, as is the usual habit with some allied species. The webs of the young are usually more regular in form than those of adults (figs. 256, 257). often occupy the same web A for a long time. male and female The eggs are THE THERIDID.^ 113 laid in brownish pear-shaped cocoons, in the same season by one spider and hang species is found — This resembles easily mistaken for the grow which are made This in the web. over the world. all Theridium rupicola. is sev'eral of young closely tcpidariornni of that species. It and does not larger than an eighth of an inch The long. colors are like tcpidarioTiim, usually dark gray with black spots, the back abdomen sometimes almost The legs are distinctly ringed of the white. with light and dark. the abdomen is In the middle of a pointed hump, the front part generally black and the hinder part white It (fig. under stones lives rocks, in Fig. 261. Theiidium nipicola, enlarged eight times. 261). webs like and amon<r those of tcpidariormn, often containing grains of sand which look as as sand falling into such placed there by the spider, if web would go through without a sticking to the threads. Theridium globosum. abdomen — This another species with a high is like tepidariovum. It is about a twelfth of an inch long and almost as high abdomen pointed is a little toward hinder part is (fig. 262). The flattened behind and the spinnerets. The white, with a large black spot in the middle, below which is some- times a smaller black spot. Sometimes there is around the light area. 262. Theridium globosum, enlarged eight Fig. a bright white line The front upper part of times. abdomen is yellowish gray, and the The cephalothorax is orange brown, between the eyes. The legs are the under except part a brown. black orange brown. spot THE COMMON SPIDERS 114 Theridium long, differens. — Female and the male smaller. about one-eighth of an The abdomen is inch round, and the middle stripe often very brightly colored, with white or yellow at the Fig. 263. edges and red Web abdomen is the stripe. of Theridium in the middle (fig. differens in the top of a 264). young pine The tree. rest of the Half the real size. reddish brown, darkest next to the white edge of There are no In males the stripe on the marks on the under side. is obscure, and the whole Sometimes, especially 265). distinct abdomen abdomen dark reddish brown (fig. THE THERIDIDyE 115 young spiders, the abdomen is entirely yellow, with indistinct brown markings. The cephalothorax is orange brown, often in darker in the middle, but with no distinct stripe. The legs and palpi are yellow in females and orange brown in males, slightly darker at the ends of the They The epigynum has no open- joints. are on the inner ings in sight. side in the transverse fold across the abdomen. The palpal organ (fig. 266) has two appendages at the end, one hard and roughened and the other soft. The web is on low plants of all kinds, usually two or three feet from the ground (fig. There is sometimes a small tent, 263). often hardly deep enough to cover the from which the web spreads two spider, or three inches, according to the shape of the The cocoons plant. of eggs are white and nearly as large as the and are attached in the nest. murarium. Theridium — Length one-eighth of an inch, with the The nearly spherical. gray. at the The spider, about abdomen general color is legs are pale, with dark bands end and middle of each joint. The 266 cephalothorax is pale, with a dark line in -1 "in "J i.-L the middle and one on each side, the differens. 1 1 there is (fig. 267). an undulated middle stripe, stripe the abdomen toward the white black stripe in is at On 265, male the edges and the both sides of this nearly black and becomes gradually lighter The sternum is pale, with The under side the middle. sides. female en- enlarged eight times. 266, end of palpus of male. ^^111 the abdomen On front end, and reddish in the middle. — 264, i.^ged eight times. middle line sometimes divided into two near the eyes Theridium Figs. 264, 265, 266. a black edge and of the abdomen THE COMMON SPIDERS ii6 is gray, with a long black spot in the middle and a smaller one There is little difference in size or color The epigynum (fig. 269) has two round over the epigynum. between the sexes. The palpal organ holes, wide apart, near the thickened edge. (fig. 268) is shorter and simpler than it is in differeiis. This is a round-bodied spider of the same Theridium spirale. — and murarium. The cephalothorax is orange brown above and below, with an indistinct dark stripe as wide The abdomen has a in front as the eyes and narrowed behind. middle stripe like difsize as diffcrcns fcrc7is, nearly as wide in front as it is in the The abdomen middle (fig. 271), rest of the gray, is ward the darkest The stripe. sometimes with pale, to- legs are faint gray rings at the ends and middle of each the FiGs. 267, 268, 269. Theridium murarium. 267, female enlarged eight times. 268, end of palpus of male. 269, epigymim. — joint. The middle stripe of abdomen is sometimes red- dish as in iHurariitin, but oftcncr . , , , , g^ay. With a dark spot near the front end. The males (fig. 270) have the same color and markings as the female and are sometimes more distinctly marked. The male palpi (fig. 272) are very large, and the palpal organ has a long tube coiled on the under and outer side. (fig. The openings of the epigynum 273) are about their diameter apart. Theridium frondeum. — White, light yellow, or greenish white, with black markings that are very variable (fig. 274). Usually the cephalothorax has two fine black lines running back from the eyes and uniting behind the dorsal groove, and black edges. The legs are usually darkened with brown at the ends of the THE THERIDIU/E The abdomen joints, a and has on the back by brownish translucent spaces, with two black spots large and round, is band undulated li^ht 117 bordered just over the spinnerets. Sometimes there are black spots in the translucent spaces, especially toward the hinder end, and these be united into black stripes. two In may long some in- dividuals of either sex the black on the cephalothorax forms a wide band in the 271 mM Figs. 270, 271, 272, 273. Theridiiim spirale. 270, male. 271, female. Both enlarged — eight times. of palpus 2/3' 272, of end male. epigynum. middle, almost covering the back, and a black stripe of similar width extends backwards on the abdomen Varieties Theridium frondeum.— of marking, enlarged four times. These black- for half its length. striped individuals have markings. Fig. 274. all The males have the other variations of color and all the colors and spots brighter The and the legs longer than the females. mandibles of the male are longer than those of the female and have at the base, in front, a low conical point. This species ^ tains to in July is and is found from the White Moun- New England it matures found on bushes all summer. Alabama. In ^, Fig. 275. Thendium unimacuiat, eight times."^^^ . THE COMMON SPIDERS ii8 Theridium unimaculatum. and markings from all — This little the others, and species differs in color may almost always be distinguished by the white abdomen, with a black spot in the Fig. 276. Web of Steatoda borealis on the face of a conglomerate rock from which a pebble has dropped out. Half the real size. center of the back. The females in the cavity are a twelfth of an inch long and the males smaller. The cephalothorax is orange yellow, with a black spot around the eyes, extending back in a point as far as the dorsal groove, and there is also a fine black line THE THERIDID^ The along the edges. and darker in legs are orange, lighter in the female the male, with the male much stouter. 119 The sternum This spider makes a web, first is and second pairs in the orange, with black edges. among like the other small species, small leaves and winters under dead leaves on the e:round. THE GENUS STEATODA Steatoda has the legs shorter and stouter than Theridium, The abdomen It is oval and often a is smooth and shining, the some species is is and scattered so thick and hard, and in marked with hard projections and depressions. head hairs being fine The thorax as to be hardly visible. flattened on the back. little The generally narrow, and the front middle eyes are in several species larger than the others and farther forward and wider apart. In other species about the same consist of a all size. flat the eyes are The webs sheet supported and held down by threads. Steatoda borealis. — This is a dark reddish-brown spider, quarter of fk iGS. 277, 278, 279. Steatoda borealis. — 277, fean inch long, living among stones male. 278, male. Both enlarged or in the corners of fences and four times. 279, eyes. window frames, generally well concealed by its web or nest. The cephalothorax is orange brown and covered with short stiff brown hairs. The head one-third as wide as the thorax and a little is higher, the eyes near together, with the front middle pair projecting forward beyond the mandibles rings, (fig. 279). The legs are brown, with faint darker and are thickly covered with hairs. The abdomen is dark THE COMMON SPIDERS I20 chocolate brown, sometimes without any light marks on the upper side, but usually there a light line running around is the front half and another in the middle, extending back half the length of the The On abdomen and usually broken into several spots. four depressed spots on the the under side there The sexes are male color, but the palpi of the (fig. cephalothorax, and the terminal joint cated. all The web consists of a directions, but structure is Steatoda cephalothorax is much side, meeting and alike in size 278) are longer than the is very large and compli- sheet, held out flat by threads often so crowded into a corner that is hard to understand guttata. are distinctly marked. on each a light stripe is behind the spinnerets. abdomen — Only (fig. one-tenth in its 276). of an inch The long. high, with scattered hairs, at the base of each of which is a horny ridge. The cephalothorax is dark brown, with the legs lighter and more yel- The abdomen low. at the front end, its is nearly spherical and hard where there is abdomen is a ring around Sometimes the attachment to the thorax. bright yellow or orange, without markings on the back, but oftener it partly is brown, with two or three pairs of silvery white Figs. 2S0, 281. steatoda guttata. 280, female enlarged — eight times. head and eyes 281, spots (fig. 280). The malcs and females are alike . in sizc ^ .; color, seasons and mature — About , and the palpi of the males are large, as in borcalis. t> ' at all Steatoda mannorata. and They live under J in stones April and May. a quarter of an inch long. The cephalothorax and legs yellowish brown. Cephalothorax smooth, Legs covered with fine hair. The abdomen is usually nearly covered by an oblong dark spot darkened at the edges, where it is bordered by silvery white (fig. 283). The middle is lighter, with a central dark stripe. In some individuals the dark markings are broken up into four pairs of black spots with a few hairs. THE THERIDID^ 121 (fig. 282). The head is wider and the eyes smaller and farther apart than in the other species, and the front middle eyes are partly connected with a middle line the smallest. males The head is wider in 284) than in females, and {fig. the mandibles larger. stones and leaves at under lives It seasons and all occasionally on bushes. Steatoda grown, is — This, corollata. a when full than marmo- larger little rata and darker colored, and the legs The are shorter and stouter. thorax is dark brown, and cephalo- the legs lighter brown, with dark rings at the ends of the joints. The abdomen is Figs. 2S2, 2S3, 284. Steatoda marmorata. 282,283, markings of the abdomen of the female enlarged twice. 284, — head of the male. yellowish at the sides and has four or yellow spots, or pairs of spots, along the middle five irregular brown oval patch which nearly covers the middle of In young specimens the abdomen is lighter, with the back. of a dark The several pairs of dark spots. are all nearly the same size, eyes the front middle pair slightly larger and farther forward than the others. It lives under stones, like the other species. Steatoda triangulosa. fifth 286 '^5 v- a Fig. 285. — Back Steatoda corollata. of a small female sleudcr than , „ 1 is a an inch _ enlarged four times. Fig. 286. Steatoda triangu- — female he legs are \longer and more ^ .^^ long. ° c- — The of an inch to a quarter of losa. Back of female enlarged four times. r • . ^^^t . pair in the Other species, the • twlCC aS ^i i i i loug aS the body. The ccphalothorax ... slightly is oraugc brown, rough in females and with short ridges at the base of the hairs in males. , The front middle eyes are not larger than the others and are not as far forward as in THE COMMOxN SPIDERS 122 The borealis. legs are light yellow, with slightly darker rings ends of the at the There are thickened brown spots joints. the base of the hairs The abdomen over the body. all is at light broken into brown stripes partly spots and sometimes connected together 286). yellow, with two irregular (fig. as long as the are small the at The femur palpi of the male are of the second legs and This spider end. lives in around houses, window frames and similar Fig. 287. Asagena americana. Back of female enlarged places, like bore- — The ^g^ ullS. eight times. cocoons are white and hang in the web. — This Asagena americana. re- sembles Steatoda, but the abdo- men is longer and more the whole appearance some the of Steatoda, with is its it usually web under like Like Drassidae. is and flatter, found stones. It about a sixth of an inch long. The cephalothorax dark red- is dish brown, slightly rough in the females and with sharp points along the sides in the males. The m brown and the males have two rows of legs are yellow small teeth under each femur. They Figs. 288, 289, 290, 291. Latrodectus mac288, female enlarged twice. tans. 289, — under side of abdomen. abdomen spots. of 291, back of 290, young female with four red markmgs of abdomen of male. are stout, as in Steatoda marmoi'ata, and differ and dark brown in little color, in length. The abdomen is oval with two white spots across the — — THE THERIDID^ middle (fig. The 287). front of the head The eyes are The males have third as wide as the thorax. all about the same size. 123 is rounded and a close together and the cephalothorax larger and rougher, but in size and color resemble the females. Latrodectus This is mactans. the largest spider of the family. It is some- times half an inch long, with the abdomen round and the whole body black, except a bright red spot underneath and one or more red spots over the spinnerets and along the middle of the back 289, 290). (figs. The spots turn yellow or white in alcohol. The cephalothorax is about as wide as long, and the grooves between the head and thorax are deep. The lateral eyes are farther apart than usual in this family. the male are The legs of much larger Figs. 292, 293, 294, 295. Argyrodes trigonum. 292, side of female enlarged eight times, the dotted line showing the abdomen bent dovvn^vard. 293, tip of abdomen seen from above. 295, cephalothorax 294, top of cephalothorax. of male. than those of the female, and each joint is orange brown The abdomen ends. of the in the middle and black at the male has a row of red and white spots some females and across the front end, and along the sides four pairs of stripes, red in the middle and white at the edges (fig. 291). The young of both sexes are colored somewhat like the male and, when very small, have in the very middle little line, as black on them. do, The males vary much in size, some THE COMMON SPIDERS 124 This spider being only a quarter as large as the female. makes its nest among loose stones, on plants, or in houses. Around that its hiding place widens into a flat it or spins a large funnel-shaped tent curved sheet of web, closer in texture toward the tube and more open toward the edges, It is spreading two or three feet over plants and stones. found all over the United States, as far north as Massachusetts and New Hampshire and south through Florida, the West Indies, and South America, as as Chile. It is far everywhere feared and dangerous, prob- as poisonous ably on account of and conspicuous large size its colors, as there is no good reason for considering it more poisonous than other Argyrodes trigonum. —A spiders. little yel- low triangular spider, with a high, pointed abdomen Large 292). (fig. females measure an eighth of an inch from the head to the spinnerets and nearly as Web of Argyrodes trigonum In the between two maple leaves. middle of the web are two egg cocoons and above them the spider. Fig. 296. , ^'^'^ LUe soinnercts to SpmnereiS LO the . , of the tened and notched in the middle (fig. the part of the head around the eyes tin Lip the UlC of VL ScCU frOm aboVC, the abdomCll. end much from is , , abdomen 293). . is a Tin little flat- In the female slightly raised and the lower part of the front of the head carried forward a little beyond it (fig. 294). In the males there are two horns on the head, one between the eyes and one below them (fig. 295). The color is light yellow, sometimes with a metallic luster, as though light gilded. brown On stripes, the sides of the the back of the cephalothorax are three and sometimes there are dark spots abdomen and over the spinnerets. The at legs THE THERIDID^ 125 are slender, without markings, the front pair longer than the The abdomen is movable and is sometimes curved downward when the spider is disturbed in the They make webs web, as shown by the dotted line in fig. 292. others. Theridium, between branches of shrubs like those of and also point of the among (fig. 296) the upper threads of the webs of larger spiders. They have been found in the Agalena, Theridium, and webs of Linyphia, in the looser parts, out of reach of the maker of the web. Hanging in the web, they look like straws or the scales of pine buds that have fallen into The it. cocoons of eggs hang in the web have a peculiar shape (fig. 296), the upper part conical and the lower part contracted into a narrow neck. The species is England and is common found all in New over the country as far south as Florida, Argyrodes nephilae. as large with the as — This is about Argyivdes trigomini, hump silver white and the under side of the body black or dark brown (fig. The 297). 297 299 Figs. 297, 29S, 299. Argyrodes nephilje. Both en298, male. 297, female. larged eight times. 299, head of male. — hump ends in a blunt round point. The front of the head is more nearly vertical than in trigoimm, and the upper part projects forward, carrying with middle eyes. In the male there are two horns it the front in front of the upper one carrying the middle eyes of both rows (fig. 299). The cephalothorax is black or dark brown above and below. The abdomen is black on the under side, including eyes, the the spinnerets, and there back to the tip of the is hump. a black middle stripe extending The basal joints of all the legs THE COMMON SPIDERS 126 The are white. little brown third and fourth legs are light colored, with a ends of the at the darker, and the first The second joints. legs are pair are almost black, except at the ends. The males are colored like the females, but have the abdomen not much larger than the cephalothorax (fig. 298), and the hump This is a southern species and is said to live among rounded. the outer threads of webs of large Epeiridae. make webs of its at Charleston, own, and S.C, in I It does, however, have seen the adults of both sexes these webs away from any other spiders. 300 Figs. 300, 301. Argyrodes fictilium. — 300, female enlarged eight times. 301, top of the cephalothorax. Ai-gyrodes fictilium. abdomen is — In this species the pointed much more elongated than hump on in trigonum, in the some spiders to eight or nine times the length of the cephalothorax (fig. 300). The tip is rounded pointed in the larger ones. inclined than that of trigonum in The (fig. young specimens and sharp front of the head is more 301). The colors are light yellow and silvery white, with three darker lines on the cephalo- thorax and a faint middle line on the abdomen. very slender and long in proportion to Found rarely from New England to the Alabama. The legs are long abdomen. THE THERIDID^ Spintharus flavidus. The cephalothorax —A 127 sixth to a quarter of an inch long. nearly circular, and the head small and is narrow Argyrodes, with the hinder like that of The abdomen middle eyes very far apart. widest across the front third, where thirds as wide as (fig. On 302). point over the back the the it spinnerets abdomen and marked with white stripes each between them a large pattern is two- is and from here long, is it a blunt to tapers it is flat side, and in black and red, lighter toward the middle, where there are two or three pairs of white spots. legs are slender like Argyrodes, the four larged tibiae of and fourth same length and twice pairs the as long as the Fig. 302. Spintharus flavidus, en- first The those of the second first pair. The and second legs Fig. 303. Euryopis funebris, enlarged are bright orange color, and the four times. times. rest, like The male yellow. the cephalothorax, pale has longer legs and more They live on low plants, and unknown. They have been found slender abdomen. the web is from Massachusetts to Alabama. Euryopis funebris. with a flat —A little abdomen pointed behind and dered with a silver-white stripe. an eighth of an inch long. is small and as wide as rounded. a little The dark-colored spider, The head is it is It is bor- ^ almost The cephalothorax long, with the sides half as wide as the thorax, Fig. 304. Theridula sphaerula, enlarged four times. raised and extended forward over the mandibles (fig. 303). front middle eyes are largest and are farther apart and farther forward than the others. The abdomen is flat and THE COMMON SPIDERS 128 nearly as wide in the middle as and tapers to a point long, it is behind. The is black or dark gray. thorax yellowish under the abdomen and black is abdomen has and inside The cephalo- The in front. a bright silvery stripe around the hinder half, broken by this the color is black, The middle. general color legs and palpi are light spots in the light yellow, with dark rings on The the ends of the joints. legs are longest. from bushes It is fourth shaken summer, or from dead leaves on the ground in winter, and its web is unknown. It is found from the White Mountains to Alabama. in Theridula sphaerula. very and distinct — This nized species, although than (fig. a tenth of an it is is less long inch The cephalothorax 304). a recog- easily is yellow, with a wide black stripe The abdomen in the middle. is high and round and wider than Fig. 305. Pholcus phalangioides. young female hanging slight in its —A a natural position web. in elevation at yellowish gray, is it ; middle and There each side. around the spinnerets. long is it with a greenish white spot in the The legs black a is also are light a on a spot black yellow. In spot the male the light parts of the cephalothorax and legs are orange and the markings of the abdomen less distinct than in It lives on bushes all over the country. This is a large pale spider, with legs Pholcus phalangioides. color, the female. — • so long that nickname of it is often confounded with Phalangium, under the "daddy longlegs." The body inch long, and the longest legs two inches. is quarter of an The abdomen is THE THERIDID^ 129 about three times as long as wide and nearly straight The cephalothorax sides unless full of eggs. and Around the eyes behind. fiat the head is is at the nearly round raised and in the males separated at the sides from the rest of the head. The middle pair of eyes are not higher than the tops of the The mandibles lower lateral eyes. and front of the head, in the The tooth near the base. are nearly as high as the males they have a small conical color is pale brown, covered with fine gray hairs, and the whole body and legs are translucent. The head a little darker is around the eyes, and there is a large gray patch in the middle of the cephalothorax. The abdomen marked only is by a translucent middle line This over the dorsal vessel. common is a house in America and Europe, and spider, probably imported. lives It where there light and makes but in cellars is little large, loose, flat webs, where there is horizontal a convenient place, or irregular to surrounding objects The fit (fig. spider hangs in the into 308). web abdomen directed upward, and when alarmed with the swings so that itself it around rapidly is phalangioides. Pholcus — 306, female and male natural size, and cephalothorax of female much enlarged. 307, mandibles of male. can hardly be seen. The egg cocoon and Figs. 306, 307. is so thin that it does not conceal the eggs carried about in the spider's mandibles until the hatch out. young THE COMMON SPIDERS I30 Pholcus cornutus. — A small species from the southern states, with a body about a tenth of an inch long and the legs from half to three-quarters of it is nearly triangular Web of Pholcus phalangioides (fig. little In front it is little between them groups. just The mandibles cellar. higher than wide forward toward the mandibles. 310) are raised a humped on between two shelves in a The eyes from the head, three large eyes almost touching each other in a group on each pair is seen from the side The cephalothorax is as wide The head is small and marked by a shallow groove on each side. and inclined a side, so that 309). (fig. as long and nearly circular. Fig. 30S. The abdomen an inch. the back and short on the under side, and a small above the lower eyes of the larger are three-quarters as high as the head, with a small tooth on the inner corners and, in the males, a THE THERIDID.^ 131 long curved horn projecting forward near the base of each mandible The 311). (fig. are very slender and trans- legs parent, slightly brown, with colored darker rings at the ends of the femur and There tibia. around a is dark eyes and head, the mark forming behind them a middle line that widens toward the hinder end of the cephalo- The abdomen thorax. is gray, marked on the upper side with three or four pairs of darker spots lighter spots, and behind with somewhat like Tlicridimn tepidariorum. Scy tode s thoracica. Pholcus corof female enlarged four times. 310, back Figs. 309, 310, 311. nutus. — 309, 311, front of of female. dibles side male, of man- showing the curved horns. This is — a very peculiar spider, prob- ably imported from Europe, and found in cellars and inch long when closets. full It is grown. about quarter of an The cephalothorax and abdomen are both round and nearly of the same size. The cephalothorax is low and narrow in front and slopes upward to the highest point opposite the third legs (fig. 313), and from there falls abruptly behind. number, and the the head in The eyes are six in three pairs, the middle pair lowest lateral pairs (fig. 312). wide apart The at the sides of front of the head below the eyes projects forward figs. 312, 313. Scytodes thoracica. 312, female enlarged eight times. 313, side of cephalothorax. — beyond the mandibles. The legs are slender and tapering, the tarsus and metatarsus not more than THE COMMON SPIDERS 132 The half as thick as the tibia. color pale yellow or white, is with black or gray spots, in a regular pattern on the cephalo- thorax and abdomen, and in rings on the legs. Mimetus same size riorujii, interfector. — This is about the and color as Theridium but it tcpida- has a round and Epeira-like abdomen and spiny legs like Epeira or Linyphia. The length is nearly a quarter of The cephalothorax an inch. is one and a half times as long as wide, widest behind and narrow The manand dark colored, except in front (fig. 314). dibles are long The cephalothorax a spot near the base. is whitish, with a stripe of the eyes to the dorsal groove. men is brown from The abdo- small, widest in front, like that of Epeira ajignlata, with two prominent corners. The markings — a central the edges stripe, (figs. are also like Epeira, with dark spots along 314, 315). The color gray and brown in the darker parts. Figs. 314, 315. Mimetus interfector, enlarged four showing markings two different individ- times, of uals. is The legs are light yellow, with dark rings at the ends of the joints. It lives on bushes and occasionally on houses and fences, where among it has been found in webs those of Thcridimn tepida- riorum. Ero thoracica. bles the — This spider resem- young — Figs. 316, 317. Ero thoracica. 316, back of female enlarged eight times. \\i, side of female. of TJicridiuvi tcpidariornni, but the colors are brighter, and the hairs longer and coarser. It is an eighth to THE THERIDIDyE The cephalothorax a sixth of an inch long. in the middle as it is nearly as high is long and slopes at a sharp angle under abdomen the front of the 133 (fig. 317). The head is lower than the middle of the thorax, and the front middle eyes project beyond The abdomen the mandibles. humps on of is as high as long and has a pair The cephalothorax the highest part. is light yellow, with a dark irregular stripe on each side and a middle by a crescent-shaped mark on the highest part. is white, with brown spots of various shapes. line crossed The abdomen The front half of each hump is dark brown, and a dark line extends from there down the sides the abdomen times reddish. abdomen. (fig. 316). The Stiff brown hairs are scattered legs are ringed with in is unusual in this family. winter under leaves in woods. It is all brown and have coarse brown hairs and long spines on the which At the back of are several transverse stripes, which are some- tibia over the yellow, and and tarsus, found under stones and It lives also in Europe. THE LINYPHIAD^ The Linyphiadae consist of a great number of species of small spiders living, for the most part, in shady woods, among the lower branches of plants, under leaves, and in caves and They differ from the Therididag generally in having the body cellars. more elongated, the legs stouter and with more spines, the mandibles larger and stronger and furnished with teeth around the claw, and the maxillae straighter and not inclined inward toward the labium. phia and which and allies, its — LinyThere are two groups among them, which are comparatively large and some of the open woods, with large cobwebs, and Erigone live in its allies, which are short grass, dead all leav^es, very small spiders, living mostly The and moss. narrower bodies and stouter in have resembling the Drassidae. legs, Their colors are generally plain and difficult to latter usually dull, and the females are distinguish from each other, while the males often have peculiar modifications of the head and proportionally very large and complicated palpi. The webs usually have a large flat sheet, supported above and below, under which the spider lives. Some have the sheet of web curved upward or downward. marginata forms a dome-shaped web four or by threads five species LiiiypJiia inches in diameter. THE GENUS LINYPHIA These spiders vary in size like the species of Theridium, from a quarter of an inch to a tenth of an inch long. ance they differ greatly from Theridium 134 ; In appear- the cephalothorax is THE LINYPHIADyE 135 longer and higher in front, the legs are long and slender, with distinct spines, on the back as and the abdomen pointed toward the spinnerets. Fig. 31S. but often is sometimes a little in Steatoda, but oftener high in front in color Web of The sexes differ Linyphia marginata. and markings. The Half the real flattened and a little little in size. size. palpal organs and the terminal joints of the palpi of the males are very large and complicated, and in the smaller species form the best means of distinocuishinsT them. There are a great number of minute THE COMMON SPIDERS 136 species of Microneta, Bathyphantes, and other allied genera, common but only the larger and more Linyphia marginata. shady woods spiders in of — This all are here described. one of the most is common web through the summer. It is a sixth an inch long, with slender legs, the longest of which are The cephalothorax is two-thirds as wide usually half an inch. brown and the The abdomen is flat on top as long, the middle of edges light. it and widest and thickest behind, the colors and purplish brown light yellow In the middle there (fig. 319). a dark stripe, con- is sisting usually of three parts united narrow and behind line, At the dark spot. sides are several dark all connected with the dark The color of the under side. and spines In the males 319 Figs. 319, 320. Linyphia marginata. 319, female — enlarged eight times, showing markings baclc. of the 320, side of abdo- the fine marks middle of its lives web. all It brood marginata the in June, common and their in form of a dome hung between rocks and plants, (fig. so transparent that the sun shines upon 318) it. it is The in the threads are easily escapes The meshes fine, notice and unless are larger than in L. phry- web-making species. The depth and width the dome depend somewhat on the shape of the opening giana and other of time in August and September. of L. seldom much concealed by leaves. web the matures are a few This spider has at the sides. no nest, but four or five inches in diameter, the easily seen. abdomen narrower, with only light the young The web and not the colors are darker and all men. small webs in legs are markings, and the light yellow without hairs by a another is ones lengthwise and the stripes, the front hinder vertical, this flat THE LINYPHIAD/E in which porting is it made, and the number and length of the sup- threads vary according spider stands apparently dome. 137 all the to Insects flying near touch the threads above the and, their flight being broken, drop dome The surroundings. the time under the top of the down among dome closer threads where they are caught by the Remains of insects and other rubbish are cut loose from the web and dropped. The and, finally, to the itself, spider and taken through the meshes. Beginning of a web of Linyphia marginata. Fig. 321. webs seem a new one to is be used for a long time, but soon made, either in if they are injured the night or day, and the remains of several old webs are often seen hanging torn below a new one. The dome is begun flat and at the top and extended downward by inclined threads, an inch or two long, which are crossed by shorter threads in all directions (fig. 321). The spider works very rapidly, but I have never seen a dome finished, the spider always working a few minutes and then resting a long time. THE COMMON SPIDERS 138 Linyphia communis. legs a little shorter. —A The little smaller than marginata, with colors are the same light yellow purplish brown, but the markings are distinctly different. cephalothorax Fig. 322. is Web of uniform light brownish yellow. and The The middle Linyphia communis between the branches of a spruce Half the real size. tree. abdomen extends the whole length of the upper and connects with several narrow brown stripes that extend stripe of the side down the and sides (fig. less enlarged 323). The abdomen behind than in is more regularly oval marginata, but the upper part extends back farther over the spinnerets. The under side is THE LINYPHIAD^ 139 dark brown. The male is smaller than the female, with the head higher and the abdomen narrower. The palpi of the male are unusually small for the genus cointniinis Below and supported by threads above. distant, is (fig. The web 324). of 322) consists of a horizontal sheet, convex below (fig. upper threads down fall to this, about an inch Insects flying between the another sheet of web. the sheet below and are taken through by the spider, as they are in the dome of marginata. —A little L. com^nunis and Lin3rphia mandibulata. larger than marginata, with the head longer and more distinct thorax, and the from abdomen the larger and flattened on the top (figs. Figs. 323, 324. Linyphia back — 323, communis. of female enlarged eight times. 324, profile of male. 326, 327). a sixth The length is an inch. The cephalothorax of about is dark orange brown, and the legs a lighter shade of the same The color. length of the legs is about as in cotmminis, shorter than viargijiata and pJirygiana. The abdomen is dark brown, often almost black, with several white spots, usually two across the front end and several others around the sides sometimes forming a In the males the narrow, and the only markings are usually the two (fig. 326), complete light stripe around the middle. abdomen is The spots on the front end. and narrow ; the head is cei^halothorax of the male is long extended forward, and the mandibles The mandibles inclined backward toward the maxillae. are more than half as long as the cephalothorax and widened at the ends, with four teeth on the inner corner (fig. side of the mandibles, near the middle, is The webs 329). On the inner a large blunt tooth. and near the ground, on short grass and leaves and across little hollows in the sod (fig. 325). The webs are flat THE COMMON SPIDERS I40 are not as large as those of pJirygiana, and the spider has no nest, but stands always in the alarmed. It lives all web and drops suddenly when over the eastern part of the country and resembles closely the Linyphia pnsilla of Europe. Linyphia coccinea. — About a red and orange color. Fir.. T- Web of The sixth of an inch long size and bright and length of legs are about young Linyphia mandibulata in short grass near the ground. About the real size. the same as in cojuDiunis. The legs are light orange, the cephalothorax a deeper shade of the same color, and the abdo- men light red. The palpi have the ends black, are sometimes streaked with black. and the legs The hinder middle eyes are THE LINYPHIAD/E 141 twice as large as the others and twice as far apart as the front middle The pair. space between and around the middle eyes is black. The top of the abdo- men is a little flat- tened and extended back in a blunt black point over the spinnerets 330). (fig. tle (fig. The male 331) differs lit- from the female except in the more slender abdomen and longer legs. The male — Figs. 326, 327, 328, 329. Linyphia mandibulata. 326, markings of abdomen of female enlarged eight times. 327, side of abdomen. and palpus of male. 329, palpi are as long as those of the female ends. 328, cephalothora.x mandibles of male. The blackened and only a little point on the end of the thickened at the abdomen is less distinct in the male than the female. The web little is a concave, not as deep as that of inarginata and with smaller meshes. low plants. It is This is made among a common species in the South. Linyphia phrygiana. of Figs. 330, 331. 330, female, twelve times. — Linyphia coccinea. 331, male enlarged the most common is one species and in the woods and around It is larger than inaj'gitiata Hvcs both houses. — This THE COMMON SPIDERS 142 and coninuinis, measuring a cephalothorax is of fifth an inch length. in The light yellow, with a black line in the middle, forked at the front end, and another at the sides near the edge The of the thorax. legs are light yellow, with a dark ring at the end of each joint and at the middle of each tibia and metatarsus. Fig. 332. The legs are also Web marked with dark of Lin\ phia phrygiana in a barberry bush. spots, especially The spider stood under the upper part of the inclined sheet close to the stem. on the femora, and the spines are black and conspicuous. The abdomen is yellowish, with brown spots at the sides and beneath, and along the middle bone stripe (fig. 333). back is a dark The head of the of the brown or red herringmale that of the female and has a crest of stiff hairs. (fig. is higher than The male palpi 334) have a long spur on the patella and have the end small, linyphiad^ thp: The web like coimminis. (fig. A times over a foot across. 143 332) is a large flat sheet, somecorner of it usually runs under a stone or other hiding place, and here the spider stands, often making a Linyphia little tent in connection with the web. (Stemonyphantes) trilineata. — About quarter of an inch long, with a large oval and comparatively short color the gray, cephalothorax with three dark lines, and the abdomen with three rows dark spots partly connected in The legs are abdomen The legs. yellowish light is of lines. marked with dark rings on the ends and middle of the joints, more distinctly on the under than on 333 Figs. ^^3^ 334giana. The sternum the upper side. in is light middle and black around the the a edge, and the and beneath. — 334 Linyphia phry333, markings of abdo- men enlarged eight times. 334, palpus of male. abdomen has irregular black spots at the sides The male has longer legs and wider thorax and smaller abdomen. It lives under stones and logs and winters under leaves both in this in the woods. It Linyphia (Bathyphantes) nebulosa. sixth of an inch. with is common country and Europe. — Length a Color light brownish yellow, gray markings (fig. 338). Some are almost white, and others are dark, with the black spots covering a large part of the body. Fig. 335. trilineata. Linyphia — Mark- The ings of abdomen en- larged eight times. cephalothorax is dark on the edges and has a dark middle stripe, forked toward the The abdomen eyes. has six or seven pairs of more or less connected with a dark middle abdomen and sternum have black spots dark individuals, run together, making these parts irregular dark spots, line. The under which, in entirely black. side of The legs have dark rings on the ends and THE COMMON SPIDERS 144 middle of and femora the The tibiae. spines are long and darker than the The skin. num is epigy- folded twice, so that only part of seen ex- is it tending out from the under side of the abdomen The palpus of Figs. 336,337,338. Linyphia nebuiosa. 336, male. 337, female en- — larged t wei ve mes. ti markings of abdomen. •1^8, of back places about houses. It is The web imported. is (fig. 339) has large and complicated the end. In at nrgneral *=* in the ., angle cellars in 340, 341). male the appendages is less common is (figs. rounder than shape ' it is next spccies, and the ^^11 at the base of the tarsus prominent. This spider r ^ ^i. and other damp and shady common in Europe and is perhaps flat, like that of L. pJirygiana, and often large for the size of the spider, sometimes covering a pail or box a foot wide. Linjrphia (Bathyphantes) minuta. — One-eighth a little of an inch long, smaller than nebuiosa. The cephalothorax lowish brown, yel- is darker at the edges, but without any middle line. markings of nearly cover appears light tism, The dark the abdomen it, dark markmgS so that gray it with . instead of 340 341 — Fi^s. 339, 340, 341. i.inyphia nebuiosa. 339, palpus of male. 340, epigvnum from below. 341, epigymim from the right side. THE LINYPHIAD^ 145 dark with light mark- ings, as in nebulosa. The legs are light brownish yellow, with dark rings on the ends and middle of the The epigynum losa (fig. is femora and folded twice, as The male 343). palpi tibiae. in (fig. nebu- 344) have a general resemblance to those of nebulosa, but large there The differences. are tarsal some hook distinct is very and has a longer and narrower point than nebulosa. The tarsus has on the outer side near the base a conical point roughened with short ridges. — of abdomen of more prominent is 344 Figs. 342, 343, 344. Linyphia minuta. 342, side female. 344, 343' epigynum. of palpus of male. nebulosa. places often in end is company with is than in and similar cellars Linjrphia (Drapetisca) socialis. distinct species white and in this species It lives in This nebulosa. — This very marked with gray and often found on the bark of trees without any web. of a tenth to an eighth It is The an inch in length. cephalothorax white is with black edges, a black spot in front under the eyes, and a black mark in the middle, from which indistinct lines radiate toward the edge. The men k is Incf wir1p<5t widest just hehind oenina the tne middle (fig. It is 345). abdo- white, . mottled With gray, and has a Figs. 345, 346, 347. ,^^^ markings of Linyphia socialis.— back of abdomen en- larged eight times. 346, side of female. 347, front of female dibies, and paipi. showing eves, man- THE COMMON SPIDERS 146 black stripe on each side and several pairs of black spots in the middle, connected with a middle line. The legs are white, with a gray ring at the end and middle of The each joint. legs and palpi spines are long on the (fig. The mandi- 347). bles have an oblique dark stripe The of teeth in front of the claw. epigynum 346) (fig. is and and a row several long hairs in front large and ex- tends obliquely backward away from abdomen and curves inward again the the at end. northern lives It part of over the all country this and Europe, under leaves and sometimes on Linyphia signls. — 348rfemale twelve times. men of(ffemale. , 350, trees, it is occasionally found OU the bark without any WCb. _!.• Linyphia ^ t • '^ epigynum. eighth socialis, where in- enlarged 340, side of abdo^^' of /tt«i _i.. \ (Helophora) r / \ •_ and the — An a an inch long, as long as The cephalothorax and abdomen gray or white, some- but more slender. light yellow, • • insignis. & legs are times without markings and sometimes with gray stripes at the sides and two or three pairs of gray marks across the hinder half (fig. The 348). lothorax of cepha- the male is twice as wide across the middle as at The legs are without markings. The epigynum is long and (fig. 350) straight, the head. extending back- ward close to the — Figs. 351, 352, 353. Linyphia concolor. 351, end of palpus of male. 352, side of epigynum. 353, epigynum from below. abdomen for half its length. The tibia THE LINYPHIAD.'E of the palpal organ has a short, pointed process, extending from the side directly outward webs among low Linyphia 147 (fig. They 348). live in flat plants. (Diplostyla) concolor. — About a twelfth of an inch long, a little smaller than nigrina, with long slender legs, and abdomen slightly pointed toward the spinnerets and not much larger than the cephalothorax. The color is light yellow the — Figs. 354, 355, 356, 357, 358. Linyphia nigrina. 354, side of male. 356, end of palpus 355, markings of back of female. of male. 357, 358, epigynum. 355 The epigy- 352, 353) has a long, slender, flexible process on the brown, the abdomen gray without any markings. num (figs. outer edge that extends backward to the middle of the abdo- men, and under it is another shorter one not easily seen. tarsus of the male palpus than that of nigrina. leaves in winter Linyphia all (fig. 351) is The longer and more tapering Adults of both sexes are common under over the northern part of the country. (Diplostyla) nigrina. —A tenth of Cephalothorax and legs light yellow brown. an inch Abdomen long. dark THE COMMON SPIDERS 148 gray or black, with five or six transverse light markings, usu- ally in the male and often in the female broken into pairs of spots (fig. two The abdomen is high in front and a little The epigynum (figs. 356, 357) has 354). 355). pointed behind (fig. flexible processes, one over the other, extending backward, the tip of the inner one extending beyond the outer. tarsus of the male palpus (fig. 356) is short and truncated, with tube twisted in a circle around the end. its The It lives under leaves in winter. THE GENUS ERIGONE The Erigones few of them will are near the ground Fig. 359. Web all very small spiders, and for this reason in grass, moss, of Erigone dentigera like those of Linyphia, fully searched for. There is when the Erigones appear during: the fine live, for the most part, and dead leaves, with small among stems About the webs They be described. of grass close to the ground. real size. and are seldom seen unless careone season of the year, however, in immense numbers. weather that comes after the first This is frosts in THE LINYPHIAD/E October and November, when they, young many of in larger kinds of spiders, 149 company with the come to the tops of posts and fences and, turning their spinnerets upward, allow threads to be drawn out by ascending currents of sometimes spiders are air, until the lifted off their feet and carried long dis- Though tances. not so easily seen, the same perform- ance is going on at the tops of grass and bushes, and at times the whole country is covered with threads of silk, and the threads the air tangle in to- gether into flakes, which fall, at Fig. 360. Erigone dentigera trying to fly. Enlarged eight From a photograph on Boston Common. times. length sometimes from great heights. This appearance is called England "gossamer" and in Germany the "flying summer" and the "old woman's summer." Why the spiders spin the thread and what use it is to them to be blown about are unknown. At the time of the autumn flights great numbers of these spiders may be seen on fences and doorsteps in city streets wherever there is a neighboring park or grass plat, and in the spiders probably live the rest of the year among this grass near the ground. — These spiders are a tenth of an inch to a twentieth of an inch long and generally dark Erigone longipalpis brown in color, and dentigera. with the cephalothorax smooth and shining. THE COMMON SPIDERS ISO In some, especially the larger males, the cephalothorax same bright orange and the legs partly of the females vary considerably in size, The color. much but are otherwise is alike. The peculiarities are in the males. The head is about half the length of the cephalothorax and abruptly raised and rounded on the top Along the sides 361). (fig. the thorax are of small pointed teeth of various sizes in a single irregular The mandibles ened row are very thick- middle and have a row of in the teeth on the front outer side The 362). (fig. much palpi of the males are as long as the complicated (fig. 364). sometimes whole body and of a The femur shape. is curved upward and forward and has a row The of little teeth patella and on the under tibia The about as long as the femur. patella has at the Figs, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365. gone dentigera. — 361, Eri- side of male. 362 back of cephaiothorax of male enlarged sixteen times. 364, man363, female. dible of male, -iGi, maxilla of male. (fig. end a straight tooth downward with directed The 361). g^j where it of the tarsus. side. are together tibia is a short point widened at the Spreads around the base ' The maxillas are much thickened and the bases of the palpi spread wide apart palpi are usually carried doubled up (fig. 365). in front of the head, The with the curved ends of the femora just below the eyes and the palpal organs over the ends of the mandibles. The legs of Erigone are only moderately long, and they walk easily, like the small Drassidae. They move slowly and are not easily frightened, so that at the time of flying they can be closely watched. THE LINYPHIAD^ 151 — This is one of the few species Erigone autumnalis. gone that can be distinctly separated from the others. in the same places and in the autumn found with is flights. It is of Eri- It lives lojigipalpis only a twentieth of an inch long, but can be distinguished by its head. light color The and bright yellow palpi of the males have the tibia shorter than the patella and the tooth on the patella turned more forward than in longipalpis, with a longer and sharper from the base to the Ceratinella laetabilis. 367 Erigone autumna- Figs. 366, 367. lis. — 366, under side of cephalo- 367, palpus of thorax of male. male. point tip tapering (fig. 367). — This about —a — but much is the same size as fissiceps, six- teenth of an inch long, darker colored, and the males do not have horns or humps on the head, The cephalothorax and sternum brown, and the legs dark orange. ened on the abdomen circle (fig. are dark The thick- 368) is dark orange brown and the thinner In the female the parts gray. thick circle is usually wanting and the whole abdomen dark gray, with lighter spots around the muscular marks. also stem the of the abdomen and under spinnerets The head is in both sexes. slightly behind the eyes, a in There are hardened spots around the elevated little more the male than in the female. The male palpi (figs. 369, 370) 369 Figs. 368, 369, 370. — 368, 368 Ceratinella laetabilis. outline of side of female enlarged sixteen times. 369, 370, end of male palpus. — THE COMMON SPIDERS 152 are shorter and stouter than those oi fissiccps. It lives in leaves and moss, sometimes under stones, and found flying dead is sometimes little spiders are the autumn. in — These Ceratinella fissiceps. among the smallest species, measuring only a sixteenth of an The cephalothorax and abdomen are short and round, and the abdomen has a inch in length. round thickened spot on the back, more deeply orange colored than the part around it. The head is black around the eyes, and a black 372 Fuis. 371, 372, 373. extends backward half the line 371 Ceratinella fissiceps. — 371, varieties in the form of the head. 372, 373i palpus of male. length of the ccphalothorax. head of the The male extends forward over the mandibles, carrying with it the front middle eyes, and above the hind middle eyes. pairs of lateral it is a rounded hump with The eyes are opposite the crease between humps the (figs. 371). The female has at the same point a slight crease the across head and an elevation before and behind They it. are common on low bushes summer and under leaves very in in winter, ally and are occasion- seen the in autumn flio-hts '^ ' Cornicularia , _ ^ The directa. , ^ , males and females are of the Cornicularia directa. Figs. 374, 375, 376. 375, head 374^ male enlarged sixteen times. of male showing the double horn. 376. head „f male from above. THE LINYPHIAD/E same size thorax is The cephaloThe abdomen than the rest. The and about a twelfth of an inch long. brown, varying in different individuals. gray, with the muscular spots lighter is 153 cephalothorax long, narrowing gradually toward the head. is In the males there the eyes, a is a slender horn extending forward between thickened at the end and covered on the upper hairs in rows (fig. '})76). Under this horn is a little side with stiff smaller one about half as long and close against In females it (fig. 375). horns the are absent, but the shape of the head and arrange- ment of the eyes are the same, except that the eyes are closer together. There are several other species some with laria, similar horns of Cornicu- and others with single horns on the heads of the They males. are found under leaves in among winter, on plants and fences, and the flying spiders in autumn. ^ Ceratinopsis interpres. tenth of an inch. with a little — Length Figs. 377, 37S. about a Color bright orange, "^^^^^^^'/^^ head '"'^ "^ of P''p"' In the female the height of the head equals the spinnerets. is Ceratinopsis — 377, black around the eyes and the length of the mandibles, and in males the sexes interpres. about the same. it is greater. The upper middle The size of eyes are a little larger and farther apart than the front middle pair, and between them in the is a flattened space covered with male than in the female (fig. the femur as thick as the femur of the very short and wide, with a edge. They in winter. live little on low bushes stiff 377). black hairs, longer The male first palpi have leg and the tibia recurved point on the front in summer and under leaves THE EPEIRID^ The Epeiridae are the makers of the familiar round cobwebs. Like the Therididse and the Linyphiadae, they live always in webs or nests back downward or, when in the round web, head downward. The cephalothorax is generally short, as in Therididae, and low and wide in front, with the eyes near the front edge, the lateral pairs close together and farther from their The the middle eyes than the latter are from each other. The mandibles are large and strong. as short as wide, at and maxillae are short, often parallel or a little divergent and rounded The labium the ends, never pointed or turned inward. is shorter than wide and rounded or slightly pointed at the end. The more commonly than legs are usually long and, in the other cobweb spiders, stout and furnished with spines. Most and its of the allies, common species belong to the genus having rounded abdomens and stout Epeira legs, some them with humps and spines and peculiar angular forms of The colors are often bright, and those of the abdomen arranged in a triangular or leaf-shaped pattern. In Meta (p. 190) and Argyroepeira (p. 191) the abdomen is more elongated and the form and marking more like Linyphia. In of the abdomen. Tetragnatha abdomen (p. 201) the whole body is long and slender, the several times as long as the cephalothorax, and the maxillas and mandibles, especially in the males, The colors are much more uniform and the markings elongated. faint, usually among which they consist of a number light gray, yellow, or green, like the plants live. The round webs of the Epeiridae of radiating lines, varying in different species seventy, crossed by two spirals, — an 154 from a dozen to inner spiral that begins THE EPEIRID/E in the at to center and winds outward, and an outer spiral that begins the edge of the made of when a sticky liquid. Fig. 379. Web is it and dust like the rays, outer spiral thread, which, The web and winds inward. smooth thread The it. is made fresh, In the finished of is of Epeira strix covered with more inner spiral will elastic is not stick and sticky covered with fine drops of web (figs. 379, 380) the outer dew hanging between One-third the real spiral 155 the rails of a fence. size. covers three-quarters or more of the diameter and the inner spiral a quarter or before the sticky thread the whole of the outer it and is less, is but in the unfinished put in, web (fig. 381), the inner spiral covers nearly cut out, piece by piece, to make room for spiral. In beginning a web, after the radiating threads are finished, the spider fastens them more firmly at the center and corrects THE COMMON SPIDERS 156 the distances between them by several short, irregular threads (fig. 379) and then begins the inner spiral with the turns, at first close together and then widening, in some species gradually, in others suddenly, until they are as far apart as the spider can Fig. -580. Finished web of Epeira sclopetaria witli unusually small number of rays. The spider hangs in the center, head downward, in its customary position. The lower half of the web is wider than the upper half, as it usually is. The cross threads with tri- angles at the ends are caused by two or more threads sticking together in the middle. reach with the spinnerets on one and the front feet on the next, and so goes on nearly abruptly (fig. 381). to the outside of the web, The then begins, sometimes at where spider usually rests a it stops moment and another part of the web, the outer THE EPEIRID^ sticky spiral. In the outermost parts of the forms several loops it 157 (fig. 381, /; to/), filling in web it usually the corners until approaches the inner spiral and finds room to pass completely Fig. 381. Unfinished web of Epeira sclopetaria showing the completed inner spiral ending at a. The outer spiral began at b, went to c, and returned to d; turned and went to c, and then to/; and from there nearly around the web to g. From ^ it returned to tlie lower part of the web and made loops at i and/, and then started around the web until it was stopped at k. around the web. As soon way cut out, and by the time the outer spiral a part of it is finished the inner near the center. is as the inner spiral is found in the is reduced to the small and close portion THE COMMON SPIDERS 158 While the temporary made spirals are as far apart as possible, the threads of the outer spiral are placed as close together as they can be without danger of their sticking to each other, closer together toward the center of the and usually a little web than they are at the outside. the rays of the with the body slightly web the spider and second first In fastening this thread to feels for the last thread first feet, and, having found of the fourth pair at a short distance turns the from the point where the After taking hold of the ray with the thread crosses. last it, around and grasps the ray with the nearest foot down fourth foot, the spider turns the abdomen so as to place the spinnerets against the ray and fastens the thread to it, at the same time holding the thread off with the other fourth foot to prevent making is done web seems to be The whole it. done entirely by feeling and as well in the dark as in daylight. When fresh anything around sticking to its of the the web is spider is made every active and the food supply good, a day, the old one being torn down and In tearing down a web (fig. 382) the spider thrown away. walks out from the center on one of the rays and gathers in what web he can reach with the front feet, chews it into a ball, and drops it then, ; having put in new rays in the web and tears cleared space, he goes to another part of the down another piece. The variations between chiefly (p. 191), most is in the central gibberosa (p. the webs of different species are portion. 177), In the and placida (p. webs 178), of Jiortornni which spend of their time in the web, the close part of the inner spiral very large, circular, and finely finished, usually showing no trace of the wide temporary spirals. very large, and there and outer spirals. is The number a wide clear space In Argiope the inner spiral and widens gradually until it of rays is between the inner is very large almost touches the outer spiral. THE EPEIRID^ It has a closely woven mat of white silk the center and two zigzag bands extending up and down. and Acrosoma have a hole the middle, the irregular center being entirely removed. The webs in in 159 Fig. 382. new of Tetragnatha, Meta, Epeira sclopetaria tearing down an old web and beginning a new one. Five made and a quarter of the old web remains at the right. rays have been Insnlaris and trifoliiim live always in tent-shaped nests, with a thread, or several threads, leading to the center of the web. have a similar thread from nest to web, and leave open a segment of the web through Globosa, labyrinthea, which it passes. and Zilla THE COMMON SPIDERS i6o web Insects flying through the and, trying to free themselves, at the center of the web fall strike the sticky threads against others. movements feels the The spider of the insect and goes toward it by the nearest ray and, drawing out silk from the spinnerets, throws it around the insect until it is tied Adult male Epeiridae are seldom seen in webs of their fast. them do occasionally make webs. The male for instance, sometimes makes a web E. nearly as large as that of the female and stands in it own, but some of sclopetaria, waiting for insects to be caught. » The Three House Epeiras sclopetaria, patagiata, — These and : E. strix. are the round-web spiders most commonly found about houses, barns, and They fences. are about the same sIVjA all size, third of an inch <'W.:^^% X^ length, a in and of various shades of brown, with a scalloped distinct mid- dle stripe on the abdoFigs. 383, 384, 385. 383, Epeira sclopetaria. Epeira patagiata. 3S5. Epeira strix. stripe broken side, so as to at (fig. 384) is form two separate The 383) has the middle one covering the front figures, of the abdomen. In patagiata in In sti'ix (fig. 385) the middle stripe the others and usually lighter in color. color of sclopetaria inclines to black, with the light yellow. alcohol, (fig. the edges of the stripe are usually entire and-j'/77.i' whole length. narrower than Sclopetaria the edges just in front of the middle of each and the other the hinder half for their men. 3S4, Patagiata is and the middle oftener stripe reddish is brown, marks especially in often dark and uniform in THE EPEIRID/E broken by spots and transverse marks than color, less The others. and the front legs of strix shorter and of strix is more plainly marked The cephalothorax stouter. the others, much not the in front legs of sclopetaria are longer than those of the other species, than l6l with three longitudinal stripes. There difference in the markings of the under side. is The epigynum has two hard brown prominences at each side, with a soft finger-like appendage between. In sclopetaria and sti-ix this finger is slender and tapers slightly toward the end. In patagiata it is wide at the end and flattened. In the palpi of the males there is a similar difference. Those of sclopetaria and strix are much alike, but that of patagiata has much thicker and more curved. northern species, common in Canada and found the forked hook at the base Patagiata is a occasionally as far south as Massachusetts and is also common north of Europe. in the New York. Sclopetaria It also a is European species, and is seldom found far from houses. It is more common north, but has been found as far south as Norfolk, Va. Strix is common all over the country, both around houses and in bushes. The webs of these spiders rays, and the inner (figs. 379, have usually from twelve spiral is The webs 380). to twenty and carelessly finished small are made usually at nightfall, very young individuals beginning to spin soon after sunset, and larger ones beginning later, often waiting until dark, but spin their webs at any time full grown them will occasionally They stand in the web those that are some of day. of during the night, but seldom during the daytime, going then to their usual nests or hiding places, sometimes, especially with Epeira strix, a long distance from the web. As a rule, they have no special thread by which to enter or leave the web, but use any one of the rays which may be convenient, always injuring the web more or less ; but occasionally, if THE COMMOxX SPIDERS l62 Epeira sclopetaria has a nest make the web near it the center of the web, as The eggs species. Fig. 386. in large, in a convenient situation, he will and have a thread direct from the nest to is the usual habit in some other of sclopetaria are laid in the early Egg cocoon of summer Epeira sclopetaria under the edge of a clapboard. Natural size. round, white cocoons (fig. 386). fastened in sheltered places on the walls of houses and covered with a loose mass of silk threads. The (fig. caria Annulate Epeiras. 390), Hordmaniii (fig. men, and 392) in — E. (fig. angulata (fig. 387), cinerca (fig. 389), silvatica 391), and corti- have the humps on the front of the abdo- all young spiders this is the widest part. Angulata, and cinerca grow to a large size. Cinerca is light colored and lives in great numbers about houses and barns silvatica, in northern New England. Angnlata and silvatica are amons: trees and are dark colored like bark. found Anzulata has a THE EPEIRIU^ 163 yellow stripe on the sternum and yellow spots under the between the spinnerets and epigynum. num and abdomen Silvatica has the ster- under side of the abdomen brown, without any distinct The male angulata has markings. second leg nearly as long as the male silvatica has the second shorter than the first tibia. the thickened tibia of the The tibia of the first leg. tibia less thickened and a fourth The male aiigulata has spines under the coxae of the second legs, but spines are so small as to be hardly visible. a pair of long in silvatica these E. nordnianiii is a smaller species, about as large as sclopctaria and strix, with gray colors and generally distinct marking both above light and below. E. corticaria is not more than half as large as and might be mistaken for the young of that species, but the colors are lighter and the rings on the legs narrower silvatica The epigynum and more numerous. caria is and the middle appendage if broken is often wanting as off. Epeira nordmanni. and a of corti- nearly as large as that of silvatica, — This The abdomen angulata. is a little smaller longer legged than cinerea and little is longer than in humps in not more than those species and has two similar front half (fig. The female is The colors are white and The cephalothorax is light 387). an inch long. gray or black. 11 gray, darkest at the sides, but without stripes. 1 1 1 he legs have a dark • rmg 1 at the ends and a lighter one in the middle of each joint. ' " abdomen has hinder — f/^^^^aie to the top of the humps is an indistinct dark area extending and, in the middle, inclosing a bright, long, white spot, with a round spot on each side united with it. enlarged twice. a distinct middle stripe on the In front there half. The Epeira nordmanni. Upper and under markings Fic.s.387, 388. The sternum is sometimes dark brown, without any stripe. THE COMMON SPIDERS 164 The under the side of which are four yellow abdomen has a middle dark area in two behind the respiratory spots, just openings and two farther back, halfway to the spinnerets. Epeira angulata and silvatica. haps varieties of the same trees and — These species, grow spiders, which are per- live usually among large to over half an inch in length. The abdomen has two slight humps on the The colors are dark, like the bark of trees. The cephalothorax is dark brown, with front. traces of darker lines in the middle and at sides. at the in The its legs are brown, with darker rings ends of the joints and less distinct rings The abdomen has front. The middle the middle. yellow spot in a bright stripe is darker brown than the rest and has a scalloped edge marked by a dark and light line, may be entire or broken into lines The under side of the abdomen is which of spots. black or brown, with sometimes several yellow spots. The sternum is uniform brown in silvatica and has a yellow middle stripe The males 390 — Figs. 389, 390. 3S9, Epeira angulata. Epeira 390, tica. silva- Both enlarged twice. angulata. are about half as large, with the legs longer, The especially the front pairs. second legs first pair, and more numerous than a is first, tibia of the twice as thick as that of the little bent, with the spines stouter in the female. In the male of the angulata variety the tibia of the second pair as that of the in are colored like the females and but in silvatica it is is nearly as long On distinctly shorter. the under side of the coxae of the second legs is which The epigynum is longest in the angulata variety. a conical spine, is small for so large a spider and has a long slender finger in the middle. These spiders are found singly or in small — THE EPEIRIDyE 165 numbers, usually in the woods, sometimes between trees high above the ground. Epeira cinerea. This large spider is common — part of New grows the abdomen humps on the proportionally front part (fig. and long white hairs scattered The cephalothorax body. markings all a is The 391). dirty white, with grayish is lives it and with two small larger than angnlata color northern three-quarters of an inch in to with length, in the York, where numbers about barns and houses. in great It New England, from Maine to hung webs in over the little dark- but has no distinct stripes. ened at the sides, The legs have gray rings at the ends and Fig. 391. Epeira cinerea. Back of female enlarged twice. middle of each in some joint, which are hardly visible individuals and almost black in others. The markings The abdomen has a are like those of aiigulata, but paler and often indistinct. sternum is brown, and the under side of the central dark stripe bordered by curved yellow markings. lata, at The epigynum but the finger the end. is is small, as in angii- flattened and turned The male is up colored like the female, with the hairs on the legs coarser and darker. The tibia of the second legs the male is not thickened or modified as is in The webs resemble angnlata. of E. sciopctaria, Fig. 392. caria. Epeira corti- — Back of female enlarged eight times. Epeira corticaria. habits, in the web night and at daytime ; and it has no special thread from the web to the nest. This is a small species about quarter of an — inch in length, with the as wide as long it it those and the spider has similar standing in the usually leaving of (fig. 392). abdomen angular in front, where it is The colors are generally lighter and 1 THE COMMON SPIDERS 66 brighter than in angiilata or silvatica. the cephalic part brown and The cephalothorax The legs has the sides pale. are marked with broken brown rings at the ends and middle of each joint. The abdomen is brown of various shades, with light markings on the front part that are often bright red or yellow. There is a narrow light line across the abdomen from the middle to each hump and around the outer side of In front of these it. abdomen light lines the generally darker, ex- is cept a light spot, some- times cross shaped, in the middle. The hinder half of the abdomen has sometimes an indistinct middle The stripe. under side of the abdo- men has the usual mid- dark dle area, with a curved yellow mark each side of of the it. The epigynum ally absent, as if finger is usu- broken off. Epeira trivittata Figs. 393, 394, 395. Epeira trivittata, enlarged four times. 394, male. 393, female. 395, markings — of under side of abdomen. domiciliorum. spiders, and — These which may be considered varieties one species, are among the most common of Epeiridoe, at least in the northern part of the country, the smaller variety, trivittata^ quarter of an inch long, living in small bushes and marsh grass, and the larger variety in trees and fences. The abdomen is THE EPEIRID^ only a in longer than wide and little The instdaris and thaddeus. proportionally smaller than legs are long and slender, the The pair being nearly twice as long as the body. first most commonly the is 167 abdomen light yellow, with brown markings. color is Sometimes thickly spotted with red, especially toward the is latter part of the summer, and domicilioruiu has usually gray The cephalothorax has and even black markings. three dark and the legs have brown or the joints. The back of the abdomen stripes not very sharply defined, gray rings at the ends of has a row of light spots in the middle, sometimes united into a stripe, and on each side of this a row of dark The spots nearly surrounded by lighter color. sternum bright yellow in the middle, and is the under side of the abdomen has a dark center and two or three pairs of yellow spots. The males usually are females, but resemble ings. On single row them smaller in color than the under side of each femur second legs of long spines. The the and markis a tibia of the curved more in the small than is the large variety and has a row of strong o o spines on the inner side. in -' The webs are made fk,. 396. Epeira F^^te^sis, enlarged tour times. usually just before dark, and the spider stands in them more in the night than during the daytime. Sometimes they make a thread from the center of the the nest, but this with (fig- is not a regular habit, as it is web to iiisularis 397)- Very young spiders make proportionally larger nests, often on the ends of grasses, where their round webs are destroyed every Some of them mature as early as June, and day by the wind. others, especially of the domicilionnn variety, as late as August. Epeira pratensis. trivittata, and — This is the same size and color as Epeira lives, like that species, in grass and low bushes. THE COMMON SPIDERS i68 The cephalothorax and abdomen is dull are both slightly longer than more uniform. The cephalothorax yellow, with a middle and two lateral stripes, but these in trivittata, and the color is absent often are are legs in The light specimens. colored like the cephalothorax, sometimes a little darker at the ends of the joints. men The abdo- has a middle dark stripe, at the sides of which are two narrow bright yellow lines, which are sometimes bordered with red. Outside of the middle stripes are six pairs of black spots partly sur- rounded by yellow. On the under side the ster- num has a yellow stripe in the middle, and the abdomen two curved yellow I'iG. 3^7. Web of Epeira insularis, with nest above covered with leaves and several threads leading from the nest to the center of the web. One-third the real size. narrower than and the marks, spots. the body in tibiae of which may be broken In is the into male longer and the femiale and longer than the male trivittata, the second legs are a little thickened and curved as in trivittata. Epeira insularis or marmorea. — The three-quarters of an inch long, the adult females are half to abdomen large and oval, and THE EPEIRID.^ 169 bright yellow or orange color, with brown or purple markings (fig. The cephalothorax 398). yellow, with slightly dull is The femur and the middle and at the sides. darker lines in patella of the legs are bright orange, darker toward the ends. all The other joints are white, with brown ends. The light parts abdomen are bright yellow marked with brown. In the of the a narrow deeply scalloped stripe, bordered middle is yellow line, by a wide brown outside of which are oblique yellow and In the middle of the stripe markings. is a row of light spots, each connected at the sides with two others, smaller and round, forming a large figure abdomen is is The males circular yellow spots. about are 399) The females. as half tibiae of long the under side the middle. The (fig. the as on the The inner side short and stout. the in the second legs are thickened, and the spines of On at the anterior end. brown and bright yellow dark brown, with two semi- the sternum coxae second legs have a conical spine near the base. This spider lives in bushes three or four feet high. makes 397), a tent of leaves in which it It (fig. usually stands out of sight, holding a thread which leads to the center of the nest. spiders make Young larger tents in proportion to their size and make them (fig. 400). the first of is entirely of silk Figs. 398, 399. twice. Epeira insularis, enlarged — 398, female. In Massachusetts and Connecticut September. It is found all it 399, male. matures about over the country, and probably a variety of the European Epcira marmorea. THE COMMON SPIDERS I/O Epeira thaddeus. insiilaris, —A small species resembling the young but with less distinct markings on the back. of Full- grown females are about quarter of an inch in length, with the abdomen large and round (fig. 401). The colors are orange Fig. 400. Web of young Epeira insularis, showing the nest above and the straight thread Half the real size. leading from the nest to the center of the web. The two front pairs of legs tibia orange, darker toward the and light yellow like iiisnlaris. have the femur, patella, and femur and patella The orange. The other joints are white, with dark rings at the ends. The tibia of the fourth pair has a wide dark ring at the end. ends. third and fourth legs have the THE EPEIRID^ The abdomen is 171 white or light yellow on the upper brown underneath, the edge side, and the dark color coming far of enough up to be seen from above, around the sides and front (fig. 401). Under the middle of the abdomen is a yellow spot just behind the 401 a Figs. 401, 401 a. Epeira thaddeus, enlarged four times. 401 epigynum(fig.40i<'7). In individuals there is sometimes light, so that around the middle of the abdomen. near the web and it like insiilaris. Epeira trifolium, some a trace of markings on the hinder part of the under side is abdomen, and there is the a dark ring This spider makes a tent lives in — This is one of the largest species of the family, from half of measuring to three-quarters inch long, with an a large round abdomen, usually of a purplish brown color, and legs strongly marked with black rings (fig. The 403). thorax cephalo- white, with three is wide black stripes. The legs are white, with a black the end of each ring at joint and the in fourth the middle of femur. The Fig. 402. back of the abdomen varies in color from dark purplish brown Epeira trifolium in its nest in a plant Natural size. of golden-rod. to light gray or white, or THE COMMON SPIDERS 1/2 sometimes light yellow, and the same individual will change The usual markings are four white from light color to dark. spots and a middle row of smaller spots, with several oblique rows still All trace smaller. of the usual wanting except in very young individuals. The under side of middle stripe the is abdomen is dark brown, and the usual semicircular yellow marks are absent except males (fig. as long as young. the in The more than half the females and slender and 404) are not The markings light colored. are like those of the female, but less distinct. The tibiae of the second legs are not thickened or modified in shape as they are in the male ijisularis. makes dom web a large stands in tent above the leaves, silk, Trifoliiim in bushes, but selIt it. web has near by a (fig. made 402) drawn together and of lined with connected with the center of the web by remains a strong thread, and in this it usually tent with one foot on the thread, so that Figs. 403, 404. Epeira trifolium, enlarged twice. 403, female. 404, male. — it feels when anything caught. The is spiders mature in September, when the males may sometimes be seen about the nests of the females. In October they Fig. 405. Epeira dis- plicata, enlarged four times. lay their eggs and Epeira displicata. all die before winter. — Large females are quarter but they are usually smaller. of an inch long, The cephalothorax and legs are THE EPEIRID.^ brownish yellow, without markings. 173 The abdomen light yellow or crimson, the latter color Sometimes there are two white young. At the sides hinder half abdomen pairs of is oval and more common in the lines in the middle. the of of the are three round black spots surrounded by lighter rings (fig. 405). The under side of the abdomen is a little darker than the upper side, with no distinct markings. The male has the legs and cephalotho- rax darker brown than the female, and the black spots on the abdomen larger surrounded more tinctly and dis- with white, which sometimes forms a stripe on each side. The the second tibiae not thickened. webs of legs are The are usually small and among leaves. Epeira globosa or triaranea, — Length about a quarter of an The abdomen is round and as inch, the male a third smaller. wide as long, and in the female large for the size of the spider. THE COMMON SPIDERS 174 The front half of the abdomen nearly covered by four white, is yellow, or pink spots, partly united into a rectangular figure surrounded by an irregular black line half has (fig. 407). The hinder three or four pairs of black spots. The general color is light brownish yellow. The cephalothorax has a fine middle line from the eyes to the dorsal groove and indisdark marks tinct The first at the sides of the head. and second legs have slightly darker riugs at the end and middle of each joint, the Fig. 407. Epeira giobosa, enlarged four ^^jj-^i times. ^^^ fourth pairs ^ The male only. at the ends of the joints •" is marked like the female and has the tibia of the second legs slightly curved and thickened with large spines on the inner side. This spider makes a very large tent, out of which a strong From 406). web extends downward, sometimes covering half of the round web (fig. 406). Opposite the thread leading to the tent, a segment of the round web is left thread runs to the center of the round web (fig. the tent a loose and irregular open or partly open without any sticky threads. Epeira labyrinthea, irregular web — This which in is spider makes thread with the small round web below, in The female is a The abdomen is oval and Epeira globosa. long. a large a tent connected by a much fifth of as an inch not unusually Fig. 40S. large, as thorax is it is in long, globosa (fig. dark brown lighter at the sides, 408). in The cephalo- the middle and and almost white Epeira labyrinthea, en- larged four times. in front around and behind the eyes. The legs are white, with narrow dark brown rings at the ends of the joints and wider yellow first and second pairs. The abdomen is marked with four long white spots in front and a dark brown middle band behind. At the sides the abdomen rings on patella and femur of the THE is EPEIRID.'E light brown 175 On or yellow. the under side the ends of the mandibles and the The sternum is white middle stripe. The maxillae are black. with a men black, abdo- has a short middle white stripe sur- rounded by a large dark and there spot, are several yellow spots along the sides and around the spinnerets. The round web of this spider is not large, generally three or four inches in diameter, but the and Fu;. 409. Web of I'.p^^ini labyrinthea with large irregular web around irregular part covering it sometimes as much as across, where the shape ment above may be much larger, six inches of the surround- One seg- at the upper part of the round web ing plants allows the One-third the real nest. partly it (fig. 409). size. is Zilla (p. 185), is of the summer several small, cocoons (fig. is Epeira gibberosa. then — A small and among grass and in bushes in open adult female to a quarter of to- regularly made. light-colored species living The In the last web above 410), which smaller and less 173) and the nest, flat, strung are gether in the irregular the tent (p. to often covered by a large spreading tent. which brown partly open, as in globosa and here a strong thread passes is fields. from a sixth an inch long, and the male smaller. The cephalo- thorax and legs are light greenish yellow, and the ' abdomen . gray, or )"^^^ °^ Epeira labyrinthea with upper part over the spider's nest. One-third the real size. ^^''- .4^°- string of cocoons in the . light yellow covered with lighter THE COMMON SPIDERS 1/6 spots and black and yellow markings marked with two is parallel lines (fig. The abdomen 411). on the hinder half and three The smaller black spots in front, the latter often absent. parallel lines are sometimes broken up into rows may form part of several marks. The cephalothorax has these of spots, and transverse black and yellow a narrow black the line in middle from the dorsal groove nearly to the eyes. The feet are black toward the claws, and the spines of the legs are long The and black. first and second femora have a longitudinal The abdo- than wide. The black line on the under side. men is oval, half longer cephalothorax high is the middle and in slopes forward toward the eyes almost as steeply as backward (fig. 413) is (fig. The web 412). horizontal or inclined, with a round well-defined central portion, middle of which is opaque screen that nearly 411 Figs. 411, 412. Epeira gibberosa, enlarged eight times. — 41 1, back of female. side view to the covers web In the finished spider. the in sometimes a round there is usually no trace of the temporary spiral, but sometimes, as in the figure, a 412, show humps on it the cephalothorax. is left, showing how from the closer starts abruptly it spirals little of that form the The outer spirals are very fine and close number of rays unusually large, sometimes as center of the web. together and the many as sixty. Epeira placida. — This is a small spider, about a fifth of an inch long, with the longest legs about a quarter of an inch. The cephalothorax against the is high in abdomen very much The abdomen is paratively short oval, the as it middle where is \\\ and widest behind. gibbcrosa The and tapering, and the femora it (fig. rests 412). legs are com- thick. The THE EPEIRID^ brownish yellow, with three brown stripes. same color, a little darker at the ends of the The abdomen has a middle brown stripe, narrow in cephalothorax The 177 is legs are the joints. front and widening to the middle, from which spinnerets, keeping about the it extends to the same width, with a row of black spots on the edge at each side and a pair of white spots in the Fig. 413. Web of Epeira gibberosa, showing the round center of the iniiLi spiral, tlie great number of rays, and the closeness of the spirals. Torn in several places by use. Half the real size. middle (fig. The 414). and underneath it is sides of the abdomen are white or yellow, brown, with two white stripes in the mid- and four white spots around the spinnerets. The male is marked like the female and has no peculiar modifications of the legs. This spider matures early, sometimes before the dle first of June in Massachusetts, and half-grown young are THE COMMON SPIDERS 178 found autumn. in the The web is like that of gibberosa, with a large, round, and close inner spiral from which, in the unfin- The web ished web, the temporary spiral starts abruptly. made may be low bushes and in —A is vertical or inclined. yellow spider, a sixth to a fifth of an inch long, with the abdomen angular behind and at the Epeira scutulata. sides light and as wide as long (fig. The cepha- 415). half as wide in front as lothorax is and the lateral eyes are as far it is behind, from the middle The front legs are a fourth longer than the second. The eyes as they are from each other. general color light yellow, the legs darker at is the ends of the joints, with long black spines. Epsira Fig. 414. piacida, enlarged ^hc head has few brown or red marks behind a the cycs and back to the dorsal groove, but these eight times. • i t^i The i are often entirely absent. abdomen is lighter across the front the two corners, and there In front of distinct white transverse stripe. each corner is black a spot, between sometimes a is and there is generally a row of small black spots around the front of the abdomen, and two rows behind converging toward hinder rows of the the spots generally longest, spinnerets. middle In the pair are and sometimes these are The under side has no The epigynum is dark at the only pair present. distinct markings. the sides, and the finger end and turned a little is short and outward. flat at Fig. 415. Epeira scu- tulata, enlarged four the times. The male has the legs longer, and the cephalothorax wider behind. abdomen is not much angular than in the female. female, some The larger than the cephalothorax and less The colors are the individuals being light and some same dark. as in the THE EPEIRID/E Epeira parvula. — A common spider all 179 over the country, with abdomen wide in front and bluntly pointed behind, gray and brown colors and a great variety of markings. The length the is quarter to three-eighths of an abdomen two-thirds inch, with the as long and as wide across the The abdomen front. behind as it pointed end little is is is as high in front, and the 41^ sometimes turned a upward, as it is front of the head is in conica. Figs. 416, 417, 418. Markings of the abdomen of Epeira parvula, enlarged twice. The narrow, not more than half as wide as the The front legs are half longer than the The cephalothorax is gray, darker at the sides, and sometimes with a few black spots. The legs are irregularly back of the thorax. body. marked with rings and spots, and the femora are dark toward the end. The abdomen is commonly gray, with a tapering scalloped middle stripe and a distinct dark middle spot and two large light spots at the front end (fig. 416). Sometimes there ^ a is middle narrow dark stripe the whole length of the abdomen 418), and sometimes the middle white or light yellow. the head a little all (fig. is The males have narrower and more pointed, the legs longer, and the second tibiae slightly The webs Epeira thickened, but not curved. are in low bushes. stellata. —A brown spider, a quarter to a third of an inch long and Fig. 419. Epeira stellata, enlarged four times. rax is in front, and the The humps cephalotho- on the outer sharp The legs are short and usually drawn up and partly wide corners. nearly as broad, with pointed around the abdomen. lateral eyes are concealed under the abdomen. The abdomen has a sharp point THE COMMON i8o in front that SPIDPZRS extends over the cephalothorax as far as the base and a large point behind, with a smaller one sides are five pairs of points, and over the The these another pair a little higher on the back. of the first legs, under first it. of Fig. 420. At the Unfinished web of Epeiia stellata with the spider hanging near Half tlie real size. cephalothorax is brown, lighter in center. the middle and darker at the sides, and covered with short gray hairs. marked with tlie The abdomen is lighter and darker spots of brown, the front part generally dark with a very light middle spot, and the hinder half showing traces of the usual middle stripe of Epeira. The THE EPEIRID.^ I8l legs have dark rings at the ends and middle of the joints. among low bushes lives the country. often leaves a web unfinished with the inner as in it, • is about a quarter of an inch is narrow behind but not pointed, and front nearly as wide as long. The middle is brown or gray. in nearly covered by in color a of various shades of lothorax is — white, yellow, or pink — surrounded by darker a triangular light spot, different spiders, spiral still cover- the South and as far north as in The body N.Y. The abdomen long. It over 420. fig. — Common Epeira verrucosa. Island, all This spider, as well as several other species, ing a large part of Long a foot or two from the ground The cepha- yellow or light gray, with sometimes some darker spots in the middle, are colored like the thorax, with darker rings at the ends of the joints and the middle of the in first and second femora. The spines are slender and colored like the The abdomen hairs. has a prominent tubercle behind, at the end of the light spot, and under line it two in the middle others. At the sides near the posterior end are two pairs and some- 421 — Figs. 421, 422, 423. Epeira verrucosa. 421, female enlarged twice. 422, under side of female. 423, male enlarged twice. of tubercles, times two other pairs farther forward, and two at the corners of The colors of the under side are as variable the light spot. as those above, — sometimes light without distinct markings. THE COMMON SPIDERS 182 and sometimes almost black at the sides, The epigynum around the spinnerets. on the sternum, and 422) has a slender (fig. pointed finger reaching halfway to the spinnerets. The male (fig. 423) has the head narrower than the female, and the abdomen as small as the cephalothorax. The legs are longer and more slender, with the metatarsus of the second pair curved inward, and a long forked spine on same the inside of the tibia of the Larinia directa. — This legs. elongated Epcira pratensis is about as long much resembles a 2iS (p. 167). It pratensis, a quarter to a third of an inch, but very slender, — not much more than wide as long color (fig. 425). yellowish is a quarter as The but general pale translucent, marked with very tinct black spots. The and dis- spots are usually in six pairs on the abdomen, sometimes so small as to be hardly sometimes so large as to be the most distinct part of the spider. visible, Figs. 424, 425, 426, Larinia di427. recta. 424, male with one front leg to show its great In — length. 425, female each 427 showing the spots. 426, female with four larg3 spots on the back. 427, under side. All enlarged four times. pairs of individuals there of black spots with the legs of one side drawn up in a natural position, some so leg, is a row on the upper side of that when these are drawn up over the back hardly anything is visible except the spots. In some individuals the first and third spots on the abdomen arc very large and the others very small (fig. 426). The sternum is nearly twice as long as wide, with the sides of the front half parallel. the sides. On dark stripes. the under side of the In the male (fig. abdomen It is darker at are two parallel 424) the front legs are nearly first nor three times the length of the body, but neither the THE EPEIRID/E the second pair curved or thickened. is Carolina, Georgia, and hump found It is in South Alabama. — This spider may be Icnown Cyclosa conica or caudata. blunt conical 183 at the by the hinder end of the abdomen, extend- ing upward and backward over the spinnerets (figs. 428, 429). Full-grown females are about quarter of an inch long. The color is a mixture of gray and white, different individuals varying from almost white to almost black. The cephalothorax is longer than wide, the front part narrow, and the top of the front of the head extended forward beyond The hump on the base of the mandibles. the abdomen and is rest of the into abdomen and abdomen the of size, slopes gradually In light individuals the markings it. there considerably in varies generally about half as long as the is are obscure, dark distinct a but usually middle stripe, figs. 428, 429. Cyciosa enlarged four "^"'*^=^' times. widest near the base of the hump. under side is The black, with a pair of very distinct across the middle. The cephalothorax without stripes, sometimes a little is light spots dark gray or black lighter around the eyes. The legs are white, with dark rings at the end of each joint and in the On middle of each except the femora. the first and second femora the dark rings are very wide, covering The males have the sometimes more than half the joint. cephalothorax darker and narrower in front, and the abdomen smaller, with only a slight the time in the web. hump. The web, in and other rubbish and, of eggs. it The spider seems to live inner spiral gradually from the center outward. silk across the The is There large and widens is usually a line of which are fastened parts in all of dead insects the middle of the summer, the cocoons spider, standing in the middle of this band where crosses the center of the web, looks like part of the rubbish. THE COMMON SPIDERS i84 When down this band of rubbish is new web made across it. A peculiarity an old web is torn of this spider is that the inner spiral has one, and some- times two, loops in it, making place, web and the Fig. 430. Half-finished web of wider than it is young Cyclosa conica, showing The the lower half. it high sticks inner spiral has a loop in the left in of the (fig. 430). and rubbish across left side. THE THREE SPECIES OF THE GENUS ZILLA We have three species of much alike The males palpi, They that also it is Zilla, the females of which are so almost impossible to tell them resemble each other closely except which are distinctly different in apart. in their the different species. are of moderate size, the largest about three-eighths of an inch long, and in general appearance resemble the genus Steatoda of the Therididae (p. 119). The abdomen is large and oval and a little flattened. The legs are slender and of moderate length, like those of Epeira. The head is rounded in front, and the lateral eyes are not separated farther from the THE EPEIRID.C 185 The mandibles The both small. The color middle pairs than they are from each other. are large and thickened in the middle toward the front. epigynum and the spinnerets are of all the species is gray, with sometimes a little yellow The cephalothorax has or pink in the lighter parts. usually, but not always, a dark border at the and a middle dark line that widens and becomes lighter toward the eyes. The abdomen sides has a wide middle stripe like Epeira, scalloped at the sides and crossed at the hinder end by two In front or three pairs of transverse spots. it is almost white or tinted with pink or yellow, and Fig. 431. narrows almost to a point, with a much darker Female Zilla atrica, spot each side. en- larged four times. The sternum underneath. abdomen the The The abdomen sides of the marked with oblique dark marks is that has a light middle stripe. are extend Under a dark middle stripe, with light each side of it. legs are pale, with nar- row gray rings at the end and middle of each joint. These three species seem to be the same as three found in Europe, — Z. atrica, • x-notata, and Z. Africa found is at Z. viontaiia. Ipswich and Salem on the coast of Massachusetts, x-notata at Woods Hole on the south coast of Massachusetts, and Fig. 432. Middle of web of Zilla atrica with the open segment and thread to the nest at montana in the White Mounthe left. tains and Adirondacks. Wherever found they are in large numbers, atrica and x-notata living on the outside of houses, and montana in trees and rocks. THE COMMON SPIDERS i86 The webs of Zilla (fig. 432) have a segment threads, sometimes for left without cross whole length, and sometimes only the part of it nearest the center. Opposite this open segment a thread leads from the center of the web to the nest (fig. 433), its which a tube of silk open at both is ends. The of the differences between the palpi males are very the palpi In atrica plain. 434) are as long as the (fig. whole body, with the femur and tibia both slightly curved and the tarsus and palpal organ small and In x-jwtata of x-7iotaia. palpus (fig. like that 435) the as long as the cephalothorax, is and the tarsus and palpal organ small and The round. fourth longer moitana (fig. front than legs in 435c?) the palpus is and the sus and palpal organ larger. a In atrica. shorter, the tibia thicker, is little are still tar- There difference in the shape of the epigynum of the different species, but that of viontana is twice as large as that of x-iiotata or atrica. Singa Fig. 433. Tubular nest of pratensis. Singas inch long, with are an smooth bodies and small Epeiridae a sixth or Zilla atrica. bright colors. — The fifth of among grass and other small plants in When full grown the females of S. pratensis an inch long, with the abdomen oval and marked They live low open ground. are a fifth of with a double white stripe in the middle and a single one on each side. The cephalothorax is yellow, between the middle eyes not extending with a to the little black lateral pairs. THE EPEIRID/E The 187 The markings. legs are yellow, without rings or other abdomen yellow brown, darker toward the hinder end, with is white or light yellow stripes. yellow-brown darker color, in The under side is the same two narrow, the middle, with curved, light lines from the spiracles to the spinnerets. marked The males are the same way in and have a smaller abdo- men and on the longer Singa variabilis. a is spines legs. —-This smaller than little pratoisis, usually about a sixth an of The legs inch and long. cephalo- thorax are bright orange ^T,, , The color. , , (fig. 4::;, Male palpi Zilla x-notata. of 21113.-434, ziiia montana. 4 5;(?, Zilla front of the head between the eyes entirely F'gs. 434, 435, 435(7. atrica. , black, is black. The abdomen is usually but occasionally has bright yellow markings 436) arranged somewhat as is in pratensis. Sometimes there a wide middle stripe, with narrower ones at the sides and two underneath. Sometimes there are only the two stripes, Markings Fig. 436. back the of of the Singa variabilis. same varieties. and there are all lateral variations between these markings. The males are colored in the same way and have They are smaller than the males of pratensis, but have the palpal organs as large or larger. THE COMMON SPIDERS THE GENUS ACROSOMA These are small spiders, with the abdomen extended back half its length beyond the spinnerets, brightly colored, flattened above, and furnished with several pairs of pointed The cephalothorax is longer than in Epeira and processes. Fig. 437. Argiope and widest and have only fine Web of Acrosoma the in and middle. soft hairs. spinea. The legs are slender The webs (fig. 437) are inclined and have a hole in the middle surrounded by several turns of smooth thread like burrs or seeds. ; At when hanging in it the spiders look a slight alarm they will sometimes drop to the ground and hide under the nearest shelter. THE EPEIRID/E — This Acrosoma mitrata. is The abdomen does spinea. 189 a smaller species than nigosa or not extend as far backward as in the other species, but comes farther forward so as to cover half the cephalothorax (fig. The abdomen 438). truncated behind, with two pairs of pointed is processes at the corners, one pair below the other. In front, the the thorax. brown, as in abdomen is a little narrowed over The legs and cephalothorax are The abdomen the other species. Acro- Fig. 438. two or three black spots along the middle and five light yellow, darker behind, with is pairs of or six elongated dark The under side other species. is along the mitrata, enlarged sides. as far north as Connecticut. — This has pairs in the on the abdo- five pairs of spines places as those of spinea and the same other two pairs behind and under the last of the three. the four times. black mixed with yellow spots, as in the Common Acrosoma rugosa. men, three spots soma humps and spines are about the The cephalothorax and The colors are brown in spots and marks some individuals being white, yellow, and those of All size. legs resemble those of spinea, but the legs are shorter. like same spinea, almost white, and others as nearly black. The males have a long slender abdomen without humps Acrosoma spinea. Acrosoma enlarged fj-Qj-j-^ four times. its ^\ j;|-,g a common — This spider commou two long spreading points behind smaller spines on the front of is it spider as is occasion- distinguished specics by the shape of in front and has There is a pair of the abdomen and another near abdomen, which the middle of each side. is Connecticut, where ally found. Fig. 439. rugosa, This or spines. far north as is (fig. The middle narrow 440). of the abdomen is white I THE COMMON SPIDERS go The spines are black at the points and bright There are several black spots on the back, and gray marks at the sides. The under side of the abdomen is darker than it is above and marked with black and yellow spots. The cephalothorax and legs are light or bright yellow, red at the base. brown, the thorax with lighter edges. The young have the abdomen longer, with the posterior spines short The and blunt. third and fourth legs are whitish, with dark longitudinal stripes. 440 Figs. 440, 441. 442 Acrosoma spinea. 440, female enlarged four times. — 441, male enlarged four times. less than half grown. are The males smaller than the females and re- 442, young semble the young. The abdomen in place of The is a little 444 the spines three pairs of low humps. front legs are dark, and the hinder legs light, as in the young. in widened behind and has The web 437) has a hole the middle, across which the spider hangs. Meta menardi. (fig. — This spider lives in caves and similar cool and shady places in various parts of this country and also in In general Europe. when young, The abdomen is appearance, especially one of Linyphia. longer than wide, high in front, and behind it reminds 445 Figs. 443, 444, 445. Meta menardi, enlarged four times. 443. 444, half-grown young. 445, back of adult female. — tapering a little The eyes are lateral eyes almost as near the middle pairs as they are to each other. near The mandibles (fig. 445). together, are Ions:, the thickened in front near the THE EPEIRID^ base, and slightly turned outward at 191 the ends and strongly toothed on the inner side about the claw. and a also long is of the body. female is an half widened inch male the length, little at the ends. The legs are long, The full-grown very deep. a The maxillae are The dorsal groove the front pair twice the length in third shorter, but with legs nearly as long. is gray, The general color the lighter parts translucent and yellowish. The cephalothorax has three gray stripes, more distinct the young, a middle from the eyes in stripe to the dorsal groove, and one on each side In the of the thorax. young 444) the markings of the abdomen are two large dark (fig. spots near the front end and several other pairs, toward smaller becoming the hinder end. In adults these mark- ings unite stripe more into a middle like Epeira, with a light middle spot in front and several middle spots and Figs. 446, 447. Argyroepeira hortoriim, enlarged four times. 446, under side of female. 447, — back of female. pairs of spots diminishing The legs have gray rings at the ends and middle The webs are horizontal or inclined, according joints. They shape of the rocks on which they are built. backward. of the to the resemble the webs of Tetragnatha, having a small central spiral with a round hole in the middle, across which the spider holds THE COMMON SPIDERS 192 herself. This spider matures late the summer, and makes in large, loose, the autumn or early in and transparent cocoons, hung near the webs. Argyroepeira spider, with hortorum. slender — This legs is a and green silver-white and a long abdomen resembling The Tetragnatha. body of the female is about a quarter of an inch the long, men abdo- twice as long as wide, and blunt at both ends (fig. twice The 447). legs pair of first are long as the as body, the second a fourth shorter (fig. The 446). legs are darker toward the ends. The bright green, cephalothorax is green, with a darker stripe in the middle and one on each side. part is of the The upper abdomen silver white, with a dark line through the middle, giving off four pairs of branches at the Fig. 44S. Argiope riparia in the middle of the web. Natural size. At the abdomen sides. sides of the are yel- low stripes extending downward, and toward the hinder end two bright copper-red The colors of the under side are as bright as those spots. THE EPEIRID/E 193 above and are more plainly seen as the sp ider hangs The web. basal joints of the legs are light in color, sternum and mouth parts dark. The abdo darker from front to back, where it is around the spinnerets. is men is in its and the green, almost black In the middle a large double spot of bright copp red, and the red spots body show at the end of from below as plainly as from above, and around the middl spot are several small spots of bright The yellow. and spines of hairs legs are so fine that they do not On affect the general color. side of the femur fourth leg there of th much the front the a fringe is of long hairs extending half its The males length. are half as large as the females, with longer and more slender legs and palpi, and the same small The webs colors. nearly hole in are with horizontal, the a center, and under the round web is often web. a large irregular The round web may be a foot in diameter, or small as hardly to cover the •"iGS. may be so spider. The it webs have a large number of rays, the spirals are very close together, as gibbcrosa (fig. 413). The smooth in circular 449, 450. riparia. Argi- — 449, female. 450, male enlarged twice. and the central and very regularly woven, show trace of the beginning of the temporary is ope webs of Epeira web part of the ing usually spirals, no and THE COMMON SPIDERS 194 between is it and the sticky circles there is a wide space in which nothing but the bare rays. Argiope riparia. — This and the next species are among the It and most conspicuous of the round-web spiders. lives among grass and low bushes in open fields and meadows, It matures especially along the borders of ponds and ditches. largest Middle of web of Argiops riparia, natural size. The large inner spiral ends at h and the outer spiral at a. At f, r, are thickened spots on the rays where the inner spiral was attached while the web was making. Fic. 451. Large females are nearly an inch long, with the front legs longer than the body The cephalothorax is nearly as wide as long and (fig. 449). in the northern states about the first of August. covered with silvery white hairs, except around the eyes. The front legs are entirely black, and the others are black, except the femora, which are light red or yellow. The abdomen is THE EPEIRID/E behind and square in front, with two small There is a black stripe in the middle the abdomen, narrowed between the humps and widened in oval, a little pointed humps of 195 at the corners. the middle, where Fig. 452. includes two pairs of yellow spots. it Rudimentary web of the female at the left male Argiope riparia of the natural shows the difference between the webs of Along size. Part of the of the two sexes. web the sides are two bright yellow bands or rows of irregular spots. The color underneath is black, with a yellow stripe on the sternum and two wide yellow stripes on the abdomen, with small yellow spots between differ considerably and at from the adults. the sides. Until nearly The young full grown Till-: 196 COMMON SPIDERS the legs are distinctly marked with dark rings on the ends and middle of each joint. When very young the abdomen is and the markings gray, without the The male (fig. 450) is of the adult. yellow and black strong slender, the color Fig. 453. Web is pale, of .-Vrgiope riparia in an oval opening among plants from which the drawn away by the leaves have been spider. At the left of the web is a screen of irregular threads. only a fourth as long as the female, similarly colored, but with the markings less distinct and the palpi very large. In the mid- summer they live near the webs of the females, where they make small and imperfect webs of their own (fig. 452). The females make webs, sometimes two feet in diameter, with dle of the THE EPEIRID/E a zigzag band (fig. 448) of white silk 197 up and down across the middle, and a round thick spot where the spider stands. inner spiral of these webs their diameter The 452). (fig. The very large, covering a quarter of is outer spiral comes very near but the spider sometimes passes it, through the narrow space between them from one web side of the The web the other. to usually a is and on one or both little inclined, sometimes has a screen of irregular threads two or three inches sides distant from are often it 453), but these (fig. These spiders absent. have no nest and stand in the center of the the time all web (fig. 448). Sometimes the spider draws away the grass and leaves so as to make an oval opening large enough for the web (fig. 453). In September the eggs are laid in large pear- shaped cocoons with a brown paperlike surface, hung by threads among the grass and bushes (fig. 454). The young hatch during the winter and remain in the cocoon until May. The adult spiders disappear in October and probably all Argiope transversa. is a little matures a Fig. 454. die before winter. — This pointed than that of riparia is of Argiope grass. Natural size. It lives in about September white or light yellow, and marsh species smaller than riparia. little later, Egg cocoon riparia in i. (fig. 455). crossed by a the same places and The abdomen is more The ground color is great number of black transverse lines, which are sometimes obscured, especially in THE COMMON SPIDERS 198 young spiders, cephalothorax by a thick covering is The dark markings on the sides show indistinctly. bands light yellow, with black The femora joint. The of silvery-white hairs. covered with white hairs through which the of the at the legs are ends and middle of each legs are sometimes entirely first The young have the back entirely The markings of the under side white. The male are similar to those of riparia. black. 456) (fig. is colored like the female, but The only a fourth as large. is legs are yel- marked with black spots, but have no It has the same habits as riparia. It remains in its web later in the season, and makes a cocoon flattened on the top low, rings. (fig. 458) instead of narrowed to a neck, like those of riparia. This species often makes marsh grass, which fastens with silk it (fig. its web in draws away and As 457). the sur- rounding grass becomes long and weak, it sometimes a in basket falls of enough together Figs. 455, 456. versa.' — 455, ^°'^ t"wice'' to fastened firmly remain standing. THE GENUS TETRAGNATHA Argiope transfemale. away, leaving the web grass 456, e"i=^--g«d ^^g Tetragnathas are slender, usually straw-colored spiders, living in their webs among The legs water. long and abdomen the cephalothorax narrow, and the The mandibles are large in both sexes, and in the the long grass in are slender, cylindrical. meadows and near males are very long and furnished with long teeth and along the inner margin. When pairing, at the end the male and THE EPEIRID/E 199 female hold each other by the ends of the mandibles. are in two rows nearly equal and between the Web slender in of both sexes, and The eyes and the distance lateral pairs varies in different species. are long and Fig. 457. parallel, in The palpi the males their Argiope transversa in an opening among marsh grass, covered above by wilted ends of grass leaves. proportions differ according to the species. long and slender, and vary in The legs are also length from grallator, where the legs ten times as long as the cephalothorax, female has the first to laboriosa, in which they are seven times as long. are generally inclined and may be The webs nearly horizontal or nearly THE COMMON SPIDERS 200 vertical, The The according to the place where they are made inner spiral is small and has a hole in the middle spider stands in the web with (fig. 459). (fig. 460). the legs extended forward and backward close other, except each to the at ends, where they are turned outward (fig. 459). On account of their similar size and color, the species look at much alike, ferences in first sight but there are dif- the arrangement of the lateral eyes and the length of the legs, palpi, and mandibles. Tetragnatha grallator spider grows to inch — This be half an inch long, with the an . and a legs first The half. mandibles of the female are as long as the cephalothorax, and those (figs. of the 461, 465). male longer In both sexes they are inclined forward, so as to be nearly horizontal spread apart at the ends. Fig. 458. Egg cncdon in marsh ot and The Argiope transversa lateral eyes are near together, grass. so that they almost touch, and the upper row when seen from above palpi of both sexes are over is nearly straight. The one and a half times as long as the cephalothorax, and in the males sometimes twice as long (fig. as 465). the The femur. patella The and color tibia together are nearly as is sometimes light yellow, long but often gray, with a broken middle stripe of darker gray on the THE EPEIRID.-E 201 stripes on the cephalothorax. The abdomen is generally enlarged a little in the front third (fig. 461). The males are smaller and more slender than the females, with abdomen, and three longer legs and mandibles. Tetragnatha extensa. — Female an inch long, with the abdomen is first leg three-quarters of an inch. Web The shorter than in grallator, about twice as long as the cephalothorax, and not as Fig. 459. a quarter to three-eighths of much widened of Tetragnatha in tansy plants, sho\ in front (fig. 462). .1 ii-. usual position. The mandibles are two-thirds as long as the cephalothorax and The lateral eyes are near together. not much inclined forward. The colors are often dark, dull yellow brown or gray, with THE COMMON SPIDERS 202 three on the cephalothorax and lines a middle dark stripe on the abdomen, with a light silvery stripe on each side. The male is smaller and more slender, with the legs longer. The male palpi are one-half longer than the cephalothorax, the femur forming nearly half its length (fig. 466). Tetragnatha laboriosa. shorter legs and Fig. 400. 1 lie —A little smaller mandibles, the latter than cxtoisa, short enough same web shown in hig. 459, treated so as to show and the hole in the middle of the web. female to be almost vertical (fig. 463). The abdomen with in the >pinil is pro- portionally longer than in cxtcjisa, usually in the females three THE EPEIRID^ 203 \//] kiN> m ill 461, grallator. Figs. 465, 466. Backs 464 463 462 Figs. 461, 462, 463, 464. of females of four species of Tetragnatha. 462, extensa. 463, laboriosa. 464, straminea. Cephalothoiax, mandible, and palpus of males. grallator. 466, Tetragnatha extensa. — 465, Tetragnatha THE COMMON SPIDERS 204 The times as long as the cephalothorax. eyes is a little of curved, so that the lateral pairs of eyes are as far apart as the middle ones yellow. legs are about first The upper row seven times as long as the cephalothorax. The abdomen (fig. is The general color is light with some indistinct 467). silvery white, markings gray along the middle, and dark stripes on the under side. In the males the mandibles (fig. 467) are compared with the other species, and are about short two-thirds as long as the cephalothorax, and the tibia is very little longer than the patella. Tetragnatha straminea. —A quarter to three-eighths of an inch long, about the same size same Figs. 467, 46S. Cephalothorax, mandibles, and palpus of male. 467, Tetragnatha laboriosa. — 46S, Tetragnatha straminea. as longer than and the male palpi is (fig. The (fig. in lateral and the legs, palpi, and mandibles are farther apart than the middle pairs the abdomen laboriosa, color. all a little laboriosa, eyes are In the males 464). shorter and smaller, and the legs longer. The 468) are one and a half times the length of the cephalothorax. In females the abdomen is usually three times as long as the cephalothorax and more slender than in laboriosa. THE OR CRIBELLATA CINIFLONID.E, This group comprises several families that greatly form in and but habits, agree differ having in peculiar spinning organs, different from those of They have the usual the other spiders. and the cribellum in addition spinning organ, close -> 469), a (fig. all six spinnerets fiat, wide in front of the other spinnerets V :/j^ and covered with finer spinning tubes. 469 Figs. 469, 470. trum — 469, cribellum. of Amaurobius 470, calamis- organ they have on sylvestris. the calamistrum (fig. Besides this additional spinning 470), a row hind legs the of hairs that used to is draw out a loose band of silk from the spinnerets. Most of our species belong to the genera Dictyna and Amaurobius and resemble Tegenaria (pp. 96-99) in their feet with three claws, in the arrangement of the eyes, and in their The general form and color. belong to the small and peculiar genera others Filistata, Hyptiotes, and Uloborus. THE GENUS DICTYNA The Dictynas are all small spiders, not more than a sixth of an inch in 470 length, but open are brightly colored and live in webs where they cannot fail to be seen by any one 205 in places, THE COMMON SPIDERS 2o6 They are not easily frightened, and so their habits can be more easily watched than those of many The heads are high, arching up from the eyes to larger kinds. the highest part opposite the first legs (fig. 476). The eyes are who looks for spiders. Fig. 471. Webs of Dictyna on the side of a house. The nests were in the groove between the boards, and the webs radiated irregularly from them, crossing each other in all directions so as to appear like parts of one web. higher and the front of the head Amaurobius (fig. is The head 489). more nearly is about half as wide as the thorax and distinctly marked off from colored. The abdomen on a gray ground, as is in vertical than in it and usually lighter sometimes marked with light yellow Amaurobius, or with a light middle THE CINIFLONIU^, OR CRIBELLATA stripe of various shapes, bordered with The whole body is brown or gray large for the size of the spiders seen just is in front of the fourth metatarsus. The The cribellum The calamistrum covers about half the length of peculiarities of the species of these W^eb of Dictyna of both sexes are long (fig. it more strongly marked Fig. 472. 487). and can generally be plainly the other spinnerets. not so easy to see, but spiders are (fig. covered with fine hairs, and there are often long white hairs in rows on the cephalothorax. is 207 and a in the males. in the corner of a little The mandibles window pane. curved forward at the ends 476), but in the males they are sometimes so long that the distance from the ends of the mandibles to the top of the head is as great as the length of the cephalothorax, and the lower ends are turned forward at a sharp angle with the upper part. mandibles of the males are curved apart in the middle, The and they have at the The palpi of the males have a process on the tibia, usually base a short tooth projecting forward near the base, on the end of which are two spines (fig. (fig. 477). 478). THE COMMON SPIDERS 2o8 There is not much difference in size between the sexes, but they are often very differently colored, and the males do not have the cribellum and calamistrum, or have only rudiments of them. Some that making large webs become conspicuous from the dust which they collect. species live on walls and fences, Others prefer the tops of plants like stiff grass and the tops of golden-rod and spiraea. Others, like volupis (fig. 474), prefer leaves and the ends of growing branches. The webs irregular, but nearly round and formed by threads radiating spider's hole, are usually sometimes are from crossed the irregu- by other threads (fig. 471). This species Dictyna volupis. larly — and frondea are b'-ighter colored and more slender than muraria and voliicripes (fig. 484) and live leaves of bushes. among the The female volupis has the legs pale, almost white, and the cephalothorax light brown, darker at Fig. 473 Web of Dictyna on the end of a twig. the sides and light on the head (fig. 474). The abdomen is yellow in the middle and brown, sometimes red, at the sides. The middle yellow portion forms a regular figure differing much in different individuals. The male is quite differently colored. The cephalothorax, which is larger, is bright orange brown, without much difference between the head and the THE CINIFLONID^, OR CRIBELLATA sides (fig. 209 The legs are light orange, darker than those The abdomen is dark reddish brown, some- 475). of the female. times over the whole back, but usually with a yellow irregular The ends of the middle spot smaller than that of the female. male palpi are dark colored and as large as the spider's head The hairs are very fine and light colored and do (fig. 475). not modify the color as The length volupis of is as they do in the brown species. over an not The abdomen eighth of an inch. and not much is oval as wide or high as in vobicri- pcs and vuiraria. The head male of the is high, and the mandibles most al- as long as the cepha- lothorax half is (fig. The lower 476). turned sharply forward and flattened out The mandibles at the end. are light orange brown, so that their shape more is readily seen than in the The dark species. tooth on the front of the base of the mandibles is very large Dictyna frondea. mistaken for it. — This It is inch long, and there legs are pale, head. a in 476 Figs. 474, 475, 476, 477, 478. Dictyna volupis. Both enlarged 474, female. 475, male. eight times. 476, side of male. 477, front of head of male enlarged sixteen times, showing curved mandibles. 478, palpus of male. — this species little is less is 477). is likely to difference between the sexes. gray be smaller, not over a tenth of an and the cephalothorax The abdomen (fig. resembles volupis and at light The brown, lighter on the the sides, not as red as in THE COMMON SPIDERS 2IO volupis, and the middle bright yellow (fig. light stripe narrower and not as is The sternum and under side of the 479). abdomen are gray, as dark as the upper part and sides, while in volupis they are The males have generally lighter. the cephalothorax larger, and that and the legs a little brighter colored than in the female, The mandibles and the abdomen darker. are not as long as in the male volupis, and the ends male palpi are much the of smaller and the tibia longer and straighter than in volupis (fig. 481). Dictyna cruciata. — About inch long, with the oval, as nuiraria. in a tenth of an abdomen large and The cephalothorax brown above and below, and the legs the same color, but still lighter. The abdomen is gray beneath and at the sides, and silvery white on the back, sometimes light is over the whole upper surface, but oftener Figs. 479, 480, 481. — 479, frondea. of the Dictyna markings widened in a stripe the middle so as in to abdomen enlarged eight times. 480, cephalo- thorax andip; palpus of male. palpus of male. 481, palpui form a white cross on ^ & crrouud J' tr. The males colored, with the light spot on the smaller. The male slender, the palpi are 482). & t / (fig. V are darker abdomen short and ends large and rounded and carried close to the head Dictyna volucripes and Figs. 482, 4S3. cruciata. (fig. muraria. 483). — These two Dictj'na — 4S2, female enlarged eight times. 483, cephalothorax and palpi. gray spiders are the walls they common Dictynas on and fences and on the ends of grass and weeds, where to the places where they make webs shaped according THE CINIFLONID/E, OR CRIBELLATA live, having some in usually hides (fig. web part of the Some 473). I a hole in which the spider allied species webs on cular 21 make nearly cir- walls, with the hole much near the center, and gather so dust as to appear like a spot of dirt 4^*^ ]\^lHcripcs is of an inch viuraria an eighth browner alike. fences. is an of and inch. common more commarked much grayer and Both species are The cephalothorax about a is length, in and more in color on plants, and miiraiia mon on Voh(cripes 471). (fig. sixth is dark brown, partly covered with light gray hairs, some of which in The some The front form roughly three stripes on the head. abdomen is large and round, females nearly as wide as long. half has a middle dark shapes, and the Figs. 4S4 48^ 4S6 tyna volucnpes female enlarged hmder spot half of various two rows of Die — 4S4, eight male palpus of Dictjiia volu tibn of cripeb 4S6 male pilpus of Dict>na times 4S!; tibia of mm 11 11 spots connected in Fig. 487. Varieties of marking on the abdomen of Dictyna muraria. pairs with a middle forming a figure much like the markings of several The legs are dark gray or species of Epeira (figs. 484, 487). line, brown, covered with fine hairs, the first pair not much longer THE COMIMON SPIDERS 212 than the body. In the females the mandibles are a ened in the middle. little thick- In the male they are elongated and turned forward at the ends and curved apart in the middle, and have a small tooth on the front near the base. Fig. 48S. Web of The Amaurobius sylvestiis The palpi of the males on a rough conglomerate rock. spider had a nest in a crack at one side. 485, 486) are short, with the patella as wide as it is long and wider than the femur and tibia. The tarsus is half longer (figs. than wide and pointed at the end. In the tibia there is a little difference between the species that can be seen by looking at the palpi from the side ; in volucripcs there is a stout process THE at CINIFL(3NID/E, the base as long as the tibia is tionally longer is itself 21 and pointing upward at a 485) in muraria the corresponding proshort and turned forward, and the tibia seems propor- right angle with cess OR CRIBELLATA it (fig. ; The 486). (fig. cribellum in both these species large and can easily be seen in front of the The other spinnerets. calamistrum extends over half the length of the fourth metatarsus, which in volncripes is slightly curved. Amaurobius — This is sylvestris. common the Amaurobius the northern the country. part of resem- It our species of Tegenaria bles 228, 233) and for over all them. may (figs. easily be mistaken does not have long It upper spinnerets like Tegenaria, and the eyes are lower on the front of the The females head. (fig. 489) are inch long, and the two-fifths of an males a third of an inch, but with much The head longer legs. . . female is of the Figs. • 1 1 almost as wide as the mid- die of the thorax, half its width. cover and the eyes ' The front row 489,490. — 4^9' Amaurobius processes of the tibia. of eyes are within their diameter of the front of the head. is low in front dorsal groove. sylves- female enlarged four times. 490, male palpus without *^^ terminal joint to show the *"^- The head and higher halfway between the eyes and the The mandibles are much swelled at the base in front, as they are in Tegenaria medicinalis. The abdomen is THE COMMON SPIDERS 214 oval, widest behind, The or longer. and usually as long as the cephalothorax more than legs are not a fourth longer than The the body, and slender for so large a spider. rax cephalotho- dark brown, darkest in front, and the legs are a is The abdomen lighter brown, without markings. row a double is little gray, with of oblique yellow or white markings on the hinder half and two curved marks color on the front. of the same These spots sometimes run together, so that the whole middle of the abdomen The males have light colored. is the head narrower and the thorax wider Fresh part of the web Fig. 4gi. of Amaurobius and the legs all longer than the sylvestris. female, and the cephalothorax and The male mandibles are not so dark colored. patella as short as wide, and the tibia palpi have the very short and wide, with a short hook on the outer and a longer and more slender one on the inner a side, as the from in The epigynum has 490. fig. by two meet behind, and by middle lobe inclosed small lateral lobes that this shown the female next fcrox. The that is can be species, distinguished — Amaurobius (fig. 469) is sometimes covered by a fold of the skin, so it cribellum not readily seen. The cala- mistrum (fig. 470) is a close row of curved hairs on the upper side of the fourth metatarsus, about half cribellum is its Fig. 492. Tibial joint of male .\maurobius ferox for comparison with that of Amaurobius sylvestris length. rudimentary, and there is In the (fig. 490). male the no calamistrum. This spider makes a large loose web under stones and sticks (fig. 488). In the parts freshly made the loose bands of silk can be seen running irregularly about on the other threads (fig. 491). THE CINIFLONIDyE, OR CRIBELLATA Amaurobius ferox. — This imported species, as a it lives houses and the head a is little The of the legs. probably an is Europe. in larger than sylvestris little much in more common is 215 It grows 489), and (fig. more narrowed in front and markings are colors but the abdomen as in sylvestris, is often darker, and the middle light stripe on more front the has a larger The epigynum distinct. middle lobe, and the lobes are straighter and do not The males middle. females the and have longer. legs colored are the The meet thorax palpi of have the tarsus short and round. lateral in the like wider the and the male The tibia 492) has only a small short hook on the inner side, and a large blunt process on the (fig. The male outcr sidc. Fig. 493. Amaurobius americana, enlarged palpi and the epigynum thcSC easily from the laSt SpCcicS. distinguish i ^ j (Titanceca) americana. Quarter Amaurobius tour times. — of an inch long thorax, which and deep black, except the cephalo- is dull orange color, but covered, like the rest of the body, with long black hairs (fig. 493). Some individuals have a few light gray spots in pairs on the abdomen. The shape of the cephalothorax and abdomen are Amaurobius tris, like sylves- and the legs are same proporlength and stouter. The palpi of the tional of the female have the Fig. 494. showmg Female Uloborus plumipes, enlarged eight times, the tuft of hairs on the front legs and the cala- mistrum on the fourth tibia legs. and tarsus a little thickened. The THE COMMON SPIDERS 2l6 metatarsus of the fourth legs has the calamistrum more distinct than in others of the family, and the metatarsus appears thicker up and down than particularly the it is The male has sidewise. which the first pair, of the legs longer, and metatarsus are tibia more elongated than the other joints, and have many small spines on the under side. The male palpi have the tarsus Horizontal web of Uloboius near the ground, one side attached spiral is finished over only half the diameter of the web. Fig. 495. to The outer tree. loose silk runs across the web, figure is about the real and in the middle is a fallen A a peculiar zigzag spiral. line of The size. large and round, supported by a wide and very complicated tibia. It lives under stones Uloborus plumipes. of the Epeiridae, gnatha. The and narrow is in Tetragnatha. is it like those resembles a Tetra- about a quarter of an inch long, The cephalothorax front and extends forward, in the middle, and the back part and dryest places. makes a round web, and when hanging adult female like in the hottest — Uloborus - is low in beyond the mandibles, widened and swelled up on each side I THE CINIFLONID^, OR CRIBELLATA 217 where the abdomen extends over it (fig. 494). The abdomen is slightly notched in front and covers the cephalothorax a The abdomen is widest and thickest in quarter of its length. The eyes are the front third and has there a pair of humps. in two rows, those of the upper row largest and on the top of the head, with the lateral pair The farthest back. front row are on the edge of the head close to the mandibles. The first pair of legs is the longest and is twice as long as the second. It has at the end of the tibia a brush of long coarse The hairs. colors are various shades of brown, from almost black. to light very The cephalothorax has a light mid- The dle stripe. legs have the joints light in the middle and black at the ends, except the first leg, which sometimes has the tarsus and metatarsus white, and the rest of the leg dark brown. The fourth meta- is curved in on the outer where the calamistrum is The male is smaller placed. tarsus side, Fig. 496. Web of young Uloborus in a raspberry bush. The lower half of the web is much wider than the upper. A band of silk runs across the middle and draws up with it some of the lower spirals. Half the real size. than the female, the legs are longer, the abdomen and is smaller humped, the first legs do not have the brushes on the tibia, and the fourth legs do not have the calamistrum. The webs resemble those of Epeira and Tetragnatha, and are horizontal or inclined. They are often left unfinished, less distinctly THE COMMON SPIDERS 211 with several turns of the wide temporary spiral (fig. in still them Sometimes there are zigzag lines of loose silk across 495). the center or in a middle spiral, and when the eggs are laid the long cocoons are fastened in a web line of silk across the 497). When this is done the center of the radii of the is (fig. web usually at the upper part, instead of in the middle, and the whole It is Fig. 497. Web of old uioborus. The spider is in the middle and at the left are three egg cocoons. One-third the real size. web all is one-sided. over the coun- usually in shady woods, try, in found bushes, or in the lower branches of trccs, especially in the loWCr dead '^ branches of pines. Hyptiotes cavatus. — This peculiar spider resem- and color the end of one of the dead pine branches among which it It is a sixth of an inch long. lives. bles in shape The cephalothorax is as ^ U wide as long, highest in the middle, and hollowed behind under the abdomen. men is The oval, thickest behind, abdo- and flat- tened in front, and has on the back four pairs of slight elevations, on which are a few stiff hairs (fig. 498). The and thickest in the midThe tapering toward the claws. legs are short dle, Fig. 498, 499. Hyptiotes cavatus. enlarged eight times. 499, end of hind leg, showing calamistrum. — 498, female hind metatarsi are curved in at the calamistrum (fig. 499). The eyes are arranged as in Uioborus, but are farther apart and farther back on the cephalothorax. THE CINIFLONID/E, OR CRIBELLATA 219 The male is half as large as the female, the abdomen and the humps lower. The web (fig. 500) consists of four rays crossed by The point where the rays meet is or more threads. Ik;. 500. to a thread of a twig. Webs of Hyptiotes in the top of a bush. which extends Here it a dozen attached real size. to the spider's roost, usually the end holds on by the hind feet and draws the thread tight with the fore feet. web Half the smaller, When an insect strikes the the spider lets go with the hind feet and ward by the contraction of the web, and slides is jerked for- along toward its THE COIVIMON SPIDERS 220 and takes it out of the web to its web has been described by Wilder The cross threads are in the Popular Science MontJdy in 1875. made separately, beginning with the longest. They are begun center, where it finds the prey The making perch. of this on the upper ray, the spider walking toward combing out the threads with its until it reaches a point where it the center, hind legs, can cross to the next. It is found all over the country, usually in the pine woods. Filistata hibernalis. I \-|I mon house — One of the most com- spiders in the southern states, making webs in corners and on walls and Vil fences fi If I an inch long, but the legs are so long and (fig. that stout 501). appears it which first leg, The body is much the longest, larger. The about twice is The the length of the body. about half is palpi are as long as the cephalothorax and thicker than /|^v 1 I front of I palpi, is flat web is maxillae are inclined the labium. and narrowed The cephalothorax in front between the and the mandibles are small. one group, close The together. eyes are in The color is ings, and the whole body is covered with The calamistrum is very short hairs. fine Fig. 501. Filistata hibernalis, enlarged twice. The most spiders. in toward each other so that they meet in dark gray, without any mark- and near the base of the fourth metaThe tarsus, where it can easily be seen. short, from the spider's wall forms sometimes like that of Dictyna, radiating irregularly hiding place, and a circle a foot or dust and is when more this in is on a flat diameter, which becomes filled enlarged and thickened as the spider grows. with INDEX Abdomen, the body, Acrosoma, posterior half of the Bathyphantes, see under Linyphia, 143, X. 145- i8S. mitrata, iSg. Bites of spiders, viii. Breathing holes, x. rugosa, 189. spinea, 190. Adult characters of spiders, Agalena naevia, 93. xi. Caelotes, see under Tegenaria, 99. Agalenidae, 91. Calamistrum, 205. Catalogue of American spiders, Age Cephalothorax, of spiders, xv. Agroeca pratensis, Ceratinalla fissiceps, 152. 11. Air-sacs, x. Air-tubes, laetabilis, 151. Ceratinopsis interpres, 153. x. Amaurobius americana, 215. ferox, 215. of spiders, Anyphasna Chiracanthium viride, 21. Ciniflionidae, 205. Claws, sylvestris, 213. Anatomy viii. viii. viii-xi. calcarata, 13. incerta, 12. X. Clubiona, 15. canadensis, 17. crassipalpis, 16. rubra, 13. excepta, 19. saltabunda, 14. ornata, 18. Argiope, 194. cocoons rubra, 18. of, 197, 200. tibialis, 16. riparia, 194. Cobwebs, transversa, 198. Cocoons, webs Colors, of, 192, 194, 196, 199. Argyrodes, 123. fictilium, 126. nephilae, 125. trigonum, 124. xvi. xiv. xi. Coriarachne depressa, Cornicularia directa, 152. Coxa, the first Argyroepeira hortorum, 191. Ariadne bicolor, 123. Crab Asagena Cribellum, 205. aniericana, 122. 34. versicolor, 34. joint of the leg, viii. spiders, see Thomisida?, 24. Cribellata, 205. Attidae, 41. Cyclosa conica, 183. Attus palustris, 42. Cyrba ta;niola, 63. THE COMMON SPIDERS 222 Daddy longlegs, see Pholcus, 128. Dendryphantes, Epeira pratensis, 167. sclopetaria, 160, 161. 53, 54. aestivalis, 54. scutulata, 178. militaris, 53. silvatica, 164. Dew on cobwebs, 107, 108. stellata, 179. Dictyna, 206-211. strix, 160, 161. cruciata, 210. thaddeus, 170. frondea, 210. triaranea, see globosa, 173, 174. volucripes, 211. trifolium, 171, 172. volupis, 209. trivittata, 166. Diplostyla, see under Linyphia, 147. = Linyphia concolor, 147. = Linyphia nigrina, 147. verrucosa, 181. concolor Epeiridae, nigrina Epiblemum scenicum, Dolomedes sexpunctatus, Epigynum, 85. autumnalis, 151. viii. Drapetisca socialis = Linyphia dentigera, 149. socialis, longipalpis, 149. 145- Drassida;, Ero i. Drassus saccatus, Dysdera 60. xi. Erigone, 148. tenebrosus, 87. Dorsal groove, 54. 1 thoracica, 132. Euryopis funebiis, 127. 6. interrita, 22. Eyes of spiders, ix. Dysderidae, a family of spiders with six Feet, eyes, 22. X. Femur, Ebo Eggs of viii. Filistata hibernalis, 220. latithorax, 37. spiders, xiv. Flat webs, 134; see Agalenidae, 91: Linyphia, 100. Epeira, 160-180. angulata, 164. Flower spiders, see Misumena, caudata or conica, see Cyclosa, 1S3. Flying spiders, Erigone, 151. Lycosa, 68. cinerea, 165. corticaria, 165. directa, see Larinia directa, 1S2. Geotrecha domiciliorum, see trivittata, 167. gibberosa, 175, 176. conspersa, Gossamer, insularis, 169. Ground labyrinthea, 174. 3. 2. 149. spiders, Lycosida;, 67. Drassidae, i. insularis, 169. nordmanni, 163. parvula, 179. patagiata, 160, 161. placida, 176. 7. Gnaphosa brumalis, globosa, 173. marmorea, see bivittata, 8. crocata, displicata, 172. Habrocestum auratum, 43, 44. peregrinum, 45. splendens, 46. Hahnia bimaculata, 105. 25. . INDEX Lycosa ocreata, Hahnia, cinerea, 106. Hairs, ']']. polita, 70. xi. pratensis, 69. Ilasarius hoyi, 63, 64. Head, viii. Helophora 223 scutulata, 76. see insignis, Linyphia Lycosidae, 67. in- Lyssomanes signis, 146. House spiders, xii. Hunting spiders, xv. Maevia Hyctia Male piivei, 62. viridis, 65. vittata, 59. spiders, xi. Hyptiotes cavatus, 218. Mandibles, Icius elegans, 57, 58. Markings, mitratus, 57. Marptusa palmarum, Marx, George, viii. of Tetragnatha, 203, 204. 56. xi. familiaris, 61. Jumping Metatarsus, x. Larinia directa, 182. longipes, 8. 8. Mimetus interfector, Misumena, 25. viii. Linyphia, 134. bucculenta 190. viii. Micaria aurata, Latrodectus mactans, 122, 123. Legs, = 132. trilineata, 143. Names of spiders, Neon nellii, 47. coccinea, 140. communis, North viii. Maxillas, x. spiders, see Attidas, 41. Meta menardi, Labium, of spiders of list America, 138. concolor, 147. Nests of spiders, insignis, 146. Number mandibulata, 139. marginata, 136. Ocyale undata, 88. Qxyopes minuta, 144. nebulosa, 143. ' vii. xiv. of spiders, vii. salticus, 88. viridans, 89, 90. nigrina, 147. phrygiana, 141, 143. Palpal organ, socialis, 145. Palpi, trilineata, 143. Pardosa, 78. albomaculata Linyphiads, 134. Lungs, X. Lycosa carolinensis, xi. viii. = greenlandica, 79. albopatella, 83. 73, 74. brunnea = glacialis, 80. cinerea, 73, 74. glacialis, 80. communis, greenlandica, 79. 75. kochii, 74. lapidicina, 78. nidicola, 69. montana nidifex, 70, 72, 73. nigropalpis, 82. = tachypoda, 8 1 . THE COMMON SPIDERS 2 24 Pardosa Steatoda triangulosa, 121. pallida, 8i. Stemonyphantes, tachypoda, 8i Patella, Linyphia see trili- neata, 143. viii. Pellenes, see Ilabrocestum, 44-46. Oxyopes Peucetia, see Phalangium, viiidans, 89, 90. Sternum, x. Synemosyna, 64. 12S. Phidippus multiformis, 48, 49. mystaceus, Tarantula, 50. tripunctatus, 51. Tarsus, Philodromus, 35. Lycosa see viii. Tegejiaria, 96-103. lineatus, 37. ornatus, 36. complicata, 102. pictus, 37. derhamii, 96-98. vulgaris, 35. longitarsus, 102, 104. Pholcus phalangioides, 128, 129. medicinalis, 99. Tetragnatha, 198-204. cornutus, 130. Phrurolithus alarius, extensa, 201. 9, 10. Pirata piraticus, 84. Plexippus puerperus, grallator, 200. laboriosa, 202. 52. Poecilochroa variegata, straminea, 204. 4. Thanatus coloradensis, bilineata, 4. Poison of spiders, Prosthesima 5. Theridium, no. 5. Pythonissa imbecilla, differens, 114. 3. frondeum, 116, 117. globosum, 1 13. 155-159- murarium, Salticus scenicus, see Scales, Epiblemum sceni- 1 5. spirale, 116. tepidariorum, in, 112. 60. unimaculatum, 118. xi. Scytodes thoracica, 131. Sight of spiders, verecundum variabilis, 187. x. = Theridula sphserula, 127, 128. Thomisids, Thorax, 24. viii. Spintharus flavidus, 127. Tibellus duttonii, 39. Spiral threads of cobwebs, 155-159. Tibia, Steatoda borealis, 119. Titanaeca, see corollata, 121. Latrodectus mac- tans, 122. ix. Singa pratensis, 186. Spinnerets, 1 rupicola, 113. Saitis pulex, 43. cum, 39, 40. lycosoides, 39, 40. Therididas, 107. viii. atra, ecclesiastica, Round cobwebs, carolinensis, 74- 7?,^ viii. Amaurobius americana, 215. guttata, 120. Tmarus caudatus, marmorata, 120. Tracheae, x. 38. INDEX Trachelas ruber, Trochanter, 19, 20. viii. 225 Xysticus nervosus, 32. quadrilineatus, ;^t,. stomachosus, 30. Uloborus plumipes, 216, 217. triguttatus, ^^. versicolor, 34. \Vinter habits of sliders, xv. Zilla, Xysticus, 30. 184-186. atrica, 185. gulosus, 31. montana, limbatus, 31. x-notata, 186. 186. •8 6 5 7 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY stamped "below is DUE on the last date This book ^15W 1 4 I333J JAN 2 4 W^ sa JAN 9 RECO ftOKl4RBrf Form L-9 £0m-12, '39(3386) ;JumNM(Ur ;HXJi3 URT 0>0D.3 457 1902