I.E. ROBERTO VELANDIA MOSQUERA- CUNDINAMARCA GUIA DIDACTICA. DOCENTE /CARLOS MENA GUIA No 2 CYCLE IV CLASS- SUBJECT ENGLISH GOAL STUDENT MUST IDENTIFY AND GIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILY. COMPETENCES STUDENT IS IN THE CAPACITY TO EMIT CONCEPTS OF SITUATIONS ACCORDING TO THE MOMENT. DIDACTIC STUDENT MUST USE DICTIONARIES, VIDEOS AND TECHNOGICAL RESOURCES AS STRATEGY(CONSTRUCTIVISM) A MEANS OF SUPPORT TO CARRY OUT THE DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES. TIME 1 MONTH RESOURCES PROFESIONAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER, STUDENT, DICTIONARIES, PENS, GUIDES, AND VIDEOS. ASSESSMENT GIVE THEIR OWN PERSONAL INFORMATION AND OTHERS. DUE DATE JULY 11th / 2020 FAMILY MEMBERS 1. Study this family tree and write the correct words. 1. Susan is Maggie's ____MOTHER____________. 2. Martin is Tim's _GRANDFATHER_____________. 3. Peter is Mary's ________________. 4. Tim is Ana's ________________ . 5. Joan is Maggie's _GRANDMOTHER_______________. 6. Maggie is Tim's _________________. 7. Bob is Ana's_________________. 8. Mary is Maggie's _________________. 9. Mary is Peter's _________________. 10. Peter is Tim's__FATHER_________________. 11.Susan is Martin's __________________. 2.Carefully read and complete the actvidty using family members.Think and answer: 1.She is your mother's mother. She is your... mother aunt grandmother X sister 2.He is your uncle's son. He is your... nephew cousin X twin grandson 3.She is your grandma's only daughter.She is your... aunt sister mother father 4.He is your mother's son. He is your... brother sister cousin niece 5.She is your uncle's wife. She is your... sister granny mother aunt 6.He is your mother's husband. He is your. 7.He is your brother's son. He is your NEPHEW 8.Your mother and father are your. 9.He is your father's brother. He is your. 10.She is your father's daughter. She is your. SISTER NAME: CAROS MENA GRADE/GOUP FIRST INSTANCE: UPLOAD FILE TO TEAMS ASSIGNMENT PLATFORM. TURN IN BY MEANS OF TEACHER:CARLOS MENA WHATSAPP:3227674347, EMAIL TO: cmena0261@gmail.com SCORE: FEEDBACK: