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Biotechnology in Aquaculture & Marine Environments

Food security is a major issue in Developing
nations, Ethiopia is no exceptional to this
Agricultural sector- constraints
Fisheries and Aquaculture -additional food
production sectors
However, contribution by Capture Fisheries
for increased fish production is uncertain
In recent years, the aquaculture industry is
rapidly increasing globally.
The major limitation in the aquaculture
industry is the occurrence and spread of
diseases in fishes
This affects the production rate, incurring a
huge financial loss
It has been estimated that the aquaculture
industry faces a total loss of more than US $6
billion per year due to frequent outbreaks of
diseases primarily caused by bacterial, viral,
fungal and/or parasitic attacks
Although, aquaculture has proved to be a
significant contribution, it is also facing some
serious setbacks
So there is need to increase aquaculture
production though advanced techniques
It is in this context, Biotechnology plays a
major role
Various biotechnological aspects that could
increase aquaculture production include
Bioactive compounds
PCR -techniques for WSS
Waste water treatment
Biofilters in aquaculture
Hormones for induced breeding
Transgenic fish production
Triploidy, Polyploidy, Gynogenesis
Monosex, Super male, Super female production
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity can be defined as species
richness of
 Plants
It is the total sum of genes, species
and ecosystems.
It is declining due to:
 Habitat transformation
 Over exploitation
 Alien species introduction
 Environmental degradation
 Pollution and
 Climate Change( carbon emissions
from fossil fuels and livestock
Terrestrial (Mainly forest ecosystem)
Aquatic Ecosystem (Freshwater, brackish water and
Marine Habitat as Sources of Drugs
( Bioactive Compounds)
Sea covers more than 70 % of the earth’s surfac
Marine habitats are rich sources of biological and
chemical diversity.
It contains 300,000 described species of plants and
Yet to describe several species from
plankton to mammals.
Marine organisms offer several chemical
compounds but only very few chemicals
have been purified as drugs
Organisms are living in different strata of
the marine environment
They are swimming and sessile attached
to organisms and substrata
Marine bacteria
 Marine fungi
 Marine algae(Seaweeds)
 Marine Protozoans
 Sea grasses
 Marine sponges
 Sea fans/ Gorgonids
 Corals
Sea hares and nudibranchs
 Bryozoans
 Tunicates
 Echinoderms
 Some fish species
 Mangroves
Generally MM are described as causative
agents of diseases
More than 50 000 natural products were
discovered from micro organisms
More than 10 000 products are biologically
active and more than 8000 are antibiotics
99% of the marine microorganisms are not
studied for their potential commercial
Marine Sponge(N. magnifica )-Compound
Latrunculin inhibits fungal pathogens E.
salmonis, B. demigrans and Saprolegnia sp
Marine sponge (Callyspongia sp)- Compound
Polyhydroxy isocopalane, inhibits viral
pathogen WSSV in shrimp.
Marine sponge (Geodia barretti )-Compound
Barettin inhibit Cyprid larvae of barnacle
Marine sponge (C. hooperi ) Compound Diterpene isonitrile, inhibit the settlement of
diatom Nitzschia closterium
Fungi (Asteromyces cruciatus) =
 Dinoflagellate (Gymnodinium) =
 Microalgae (Alcyonaceans )=
 Sponge( Bugula neritina) =
 Gorgonids=
 Soft coral=
 Bryozoans=
 Ascidian(Tunicates) =
Macrolides and