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KYC Individual Dec 2020

KYC/Account Application Form – Individuals
This Account Application Form must be completed by the potential customer (“Customer”, “you” or “your”) in English and
submitted to Malca-Amit Far East Limited (“Malca-Amit”, “we” or “our”). The required information is requested:
to assist Malca-Amit to comply with its obligations under applicable laws to which we are subject, including but not
limited to anti-money laundering, counterterrorism financing, customs, transportation safety and security laws and
to facilitate the set-up and ongoing maintenance of Customer’s account with Malca-Amit; and
to provide our services to fulfil our contract with the Customer.
Malca-Amit reserves the right to require additional information or clarification on information provided, and to reject
applications that are incomplete or unaccompanied by the required supporting documentation. Any agreement entered into
between Malca-Amit and Customer, or any obligation to provide any services thereunder, is conditioned upon the submission
of an Account Application Form which has been completed to the satisfaction of Malca-Amit, and to Malca-Amit’s approval of
the Customer at its sole discretion. Malca-Amit is under no obligation to provide reasons for the rejection of a Customer.
Part I: Customer Information
Customer’s Name
Residential Address
Previous addresses in the
past five years
Contact Phone Number
Email Address
Part II: Politically Exposed Persons*
If the Customer is a Politically Exposed Person, please provide the following:
1. Source of wealth or funds.
2. Bank statements for all accounts held.
Part III: Supporting Documentation
Please attach all specified documents:
 Copy of valid passport
 Proof of residential address, e.g. utility bill, bank statement, tax bill, etc.
Part IV: Declaration
Customer, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally represents that the information provided in this form is true, accurate and
complete. Customer also agrees that if requested to do so by Malca-Amit, it will provide such further information and/or
documents as Malca-Amit may need to verify the above information. If the Customer does not agree to provide the said
information and/or documents, the Customer understands that Malca-Amit may not be able to provide the relevant services
requested. Customer confirms that it has read and understood the Privacy Information Collection Statement (“PICS”) in Part
V below, and consents to the collection, use and disclosure of personal data as described therein, including with respect to
offshore transfer. Customer further warrants that it will provide the necessary notifications (including the PICS) to and obtain
the necessary consents in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws from any other individuals’ whose
personal data Customer provides to Malca-Amit, such that Malca-Amit is not in breach of relevant laws in using such data as
described herein.
Signature of Customer:
Printed Name:
A Politically Exposed Person is an individual who is or has been entrusted with prominent public functions, for example heads of state or of government,
senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state owned corporations, important political party officials.
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Initialed by Malca Amit: _________
Initialed by Customer: __________
Part V: Privacy Information Collection Statement (PICS)
Malca-Amit Far East Limited (“Malca-Amit”, “we”, “our”) respects individuals’ right to privacy. We act as a “data user” within
the meaning of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“PDPO”), a “Controller” within the
meaning of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and in the equivalent capacity as defined in other jurisdictions. Our
privacy statement outlines our policy and responsibilities on the collection, use or disclosure of personal data provided by the
Customer (“you”, “your”).
Purposes of collection and use:
We process the personal data provided by the Customer in this form and additional information collected from time to time
in relation to our services for the purpose of set-up and ongoing maintenance of Customer’s account with Malca-Amit,
providing our services to fulfil our contract with the Customer, and for fulfilling our legal obligations under applicable laws and
regulations to which we are subject, including but not limited to anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing laws,
customs, transportation safety and security laws and regulations. We may also obtain data about the Customer from other
sources including but not limited to anti-fraud databases, sanctions lists, court judgements and similar databases, identity
checking providers, as well as publicly available information from the internet. Only with your written consent, we may also
use the contact details provided in this form for direct marketing purposes, as set out separately below. Please note that it is
mandatory for you to provide the personal data requested in this form. In the event that you do not provide such personal
data, we may not be able to provide you with our services.
Disclosure of personal data:
In order to fulfil the above purposes, Malca-Amit may share your personal data as described above with the following third
parties located in or outside Hong Kong:
 Other companies within the Malca-Amit International Network™ (see
for details), and our parent and group companies (“Network Agents”);
 Malca-Amit’s insurers and reinsurers;
 Third party shipping, storage, logistics and security services providers engaged from time to time to provide services
on Malca-Amit’s behalf;
 Identity checking providers; and
 Customs, legal and regulatory authorities on their request or otherwise in accordance with our legal obligations.
Offshore transfer:
In order to fulfil the above purposes, your personal data may be transferred to countries or territories where our Network
Agents are located (see details at the above link) which do not have data protection laws which are substantially similar to, or
serve the same purposes as the laws in your country, and may not provide the same standard of protection.
Individual rights:
Individuals whose data has been provided to us may be entitled to ask us to provide access to their information, to correct it,
erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of this information to them or to other organizations. Individuals
may also have rights to object to some processing activities, and, where we have asked for consent to process their data, to
withdraw this consent. These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that we
have a legal requirement to process the data. In accordance with the terms of the PDPO, Malca-Amit reserves the right to
charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. To make a request to exercise these rights, please
contact our Privacy Officer at For more information on Malca-Amit’s privacy practices you may
consult our privacy policy, available at
Part VI: Direct Marketing
Keen to stay on top of the latest industry news and service innovations we have to offer? Only with your written consent,
Malca-Amit may use and may disclose to Network Agents (as defined above) the personal data provided in this form for the
purposes of sending you direct marketing messages about secure logistics and storage products, services and events offered
by the Malca-Amit International Network™ . We may not so use or disclose personal data for direct marketing purposes
unless we have received consent.
☐ I hereby consent to receive direct marketing messages as described above. I do not object to the use and disclosure
to Network Agents of the personal data provided in this form or from time to time for this purpose.
Consent to the use and disclosure of personal data for direct marketing purposes may be further communicated, amended or
withdrawn any time without charge by contacting with a copy to
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Initialed by Malca Amit: _________
Initialed by Customer: __________