Subido por Diego Kietzmann

57-Kietzmann et al. 2021 YCRES 104950

Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
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Upper JurassiceLower Cretaceous calpionellid zones in the Neuque
Basin (Southern Andes, Argentina): Correlation with ammonite zones
and biostratigraphic synthesis
lez Tomassini c,
Diego A. Kietzmann a, b, *, Maria Paula Iglesia Llanos a, b, Federico Gonza
n Reijenstein
Ivan Lanusse Noguera , Dolores Vallejo , Herna
gicas, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabello
n II, Intendente
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Departamento de Ciencias Geolo
noma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Güiraldes 2160, C1428EHA, Ciudad Auto
sicas, Ambientales y Aplicadas de Buenos Aires (IGeBA), Ciudad Universitaria, Pabello
CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Geociencias Ba
noma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
II, Intendente Güiraldes 2160, C1428EHA, Ciudad Auto
noma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
YPF S.A, Bv. Macacha Güemes 515, C1106BKK, Ciudad Auto
n 925, C1008, Ciudad Auto
noma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chevron Argentina, Pres. Tte. Gral. Juan Domingo Pero
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 21 November 2020
Received in revised form
30 June 2021
Accepted in revised form 30 June 2021
Available online 8 July 2021
This work presents the first regional biostratigraphic study on the calpionellid zones and assemblages of
n Basin, Southern Andes, Western Argentina.
the Tithonianelower Valanginian interval in the Neuque
n Basin is mainly represented by the Vaca Muerta
The lower Tithonianelower Valanginian in the Neuque
Formation, which is a thick sucession (100e1250 m thick) of rhythmic marlstone and limestone alternations corresponding to the distal hemipelagic facies of a carbonate ramp. This formation is one of the
most important unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs in the world and has become a relevant target in
Argentina during the last decade. The Vaca Muerta Formation is characterized by an abundant fossil
content and a remarkable stratigraphic continuity along several hundred meters, encompassing the
Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. The detailed study of seven outcrop and well sections (three of them
studied for the first time herein), allowed the elaboration of a reliable stratigraphic scheme based on the
correlation of ammonites, microfossils, magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy. The Vaca Muerta
Formation contains moderate to poorly preserved calpionellids. Despite that, twenty-six calpionellid
species and five calpionellid biozones known in the Tethyan regions have been identified: Chitinoidella,
Crassicollaria, Calpionella, Calpionellopsis and Calpionellites. Additionally, nine subzones were recognized:
Slovenica, Boneti, Remanei, Massutiniana, Alpina, Elliptica, Simplex, Oblonga, and Darderi. These results
allow chronostratigraphic correlations between the Tethys and the Southeastern Pacific domains.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary
Vaca Muerta Formation
1. Introduction
Calpionellids represent a well-known group of planktonic protozoa widely distributed in the Tethyan Realm during the Late
JurassiceEarly Cretaceous. They are often used during the latest
* Corresponding author. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exgicas, Ciudad Universitaria,
actas y Naturales, Departamento de Ciencias Geolo
n II, Intendente Güiraldes 2160, C1428EHA, Ciudad Auto
noma de Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
E-mail addresses: (D.A. Kietzmann), mpiglesia@ (M.P.I. Llanos), (F.G. Tomassini), ivan. (I.L. Noguera), (D. Vallejo), (H. Reijenstein).
0195-6671/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
years in assessing Upper JurassiceLower Cretaceous biostratigraphy, due mainly to their rapid evolution, widespread paleogeographic distribution, as well as similar stratigraphic ranges in
remote areas, and accordingly, allow reliable long-range correlations between the Tethyan provinces (e.g., Benzaggagh, 2020; Grün
and Blau, 1997; Lakova and Petrova, 2013; Michalík et al., 2009;
Remane, 1971; Scott, 2019; and references therein). Reports of
calpionellids in mid and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
are scarce and had been practically unknown in Argentina until
ndez Carmona et al., 1996; Ferna
ndez Carmona
recent times (Ferna
and Riccardi, 1998, 1999; Kietzmann et al., 2011a; Kietzmann, 2017;
pez Martinez et al., 2017).
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
n Basin (western Argentina) and location of the studied sections: 1) Tres Esquinas, 2) Arroyo Loncoche, 3) Cuesta del Chihuido, 4) Las Loicas, 5) Cara Cura,
Fig. 1. Map of the Neuque
6) Puerta Curaco. 2, 3, and 6 are sections studied in this work. 1, 4, and 5 are previous studied sections mentioned in the text. Gray lines indicate thermal maturity curves based on
vitrinite reflectance equivalents: oil and wet-gas window between 0.6 and 1.3%VRr, and gas window between 1.3 and 2%VRr. FTB: fold and thrust belt.
The Jurassic and Cretaceous successions in the Andes Domain
are characterized by hundreds to thousands of meters thick marine
deposits bearing abundant fossils, intercalated with ashes from the
volcanic arc on the west. This is observed in the Tithonianelower
Valanginian deposits, made up of thick rhythmic marlstones and
limestones succession known as Vaca Muerta Formation, encompassing the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary (J/K boundary). Because
of the increase in global ammonite provincialism during these
times, only some ammonite and nannofossil species allow interregional correlations between the Andes and the Tethys regions.
n Basin, the location of the Jurassic/Cretaceous
In the Neuque
boundary has been largely discussed among Argentinean biostratigraphers and is still a matter of debate (Leanza, 1996; Riccardi,
2008, 2015; Vennari et al., 2014; Aguirre Urreta et al., 2019). In
Faunal interchangees during the Mesozoic between the Southeastern Pacific and the Tethys oceans were continuous throughout
the Central Atlantic and around Australasia (Riccardi, 1991; Crame,
1999). Cosmopolitan faunas and floras would have been distributed
along the Hispanic Corridor, interpreted as a narrow, embryonic
Atlantic seaway that would have been open during the Pliensbachian, in consonance with the Mozambique Corridor, that was
opened during the OxfordianeKimmeridgian. There are ample
evidences of these connections documented from micro- and
macrofossils in the Andean back-arc basins (e.g., Riccardi, 1991;
Damborenea, 1993, 2002; Ballent et al., 2011; Damborenea et al.,
n Ba2013). Therefore, the finding of calpionellids in the Neuque
sin is to be expected, but its importance lies in the fact that marks
the southernmost record beyond the Tethys.
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
n Basin through a north-south cross section and lateral facies variations
Fig. 2. (A) Chronolithostratigraphic chart for the Upper JurassiceLower Cretaceous succession in the Neuque
(modified from Leanza et al., 2020); B-D) Panoramic views of outcropping sections of the Vaca Muerta Formation: (B) upper part of the formation (Spiticeras damesi to Neocomites
wichmanni Zones) at Cuesta del Chihuido section, showing middle to outer ramp facies; (C) Arroyo Loncoche section, showing middle to outer ramp facies; (D) Puerta Curaco
section, showing outer ramp to basin facies with subvertical dip.
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
n Basin, and correlation with the standard
Fig. 3. (A) Summary table showing ammonite, seismic horizons and microfossil zones of the early Valanginian stage in the Neuque
ammonite zones according to Aguirre Urreta (2013). Regional seismic horizons defined by Desjardins et al. (2018), and microfossil zones according to their correlation to Andean
ammonite zones: (5) Nannofossil zones after Ballent et al. (2011), (6) organic-walled dinoflagellates zones after Volkheimer et al. (2011); (7) Calcareous dinoflagellate zones after
Ivanova and Kietzmann (2017), (8) calpionellid zones. Gray shading indicates that no data is available. (B) Summary table showing ammonite, magnetostratigraphy, seismic and
n Basin, and correlation with the standard ammonite zones. (1e2) Andean ammonite biozones, 1 according to
microfossil zones of the Tithonian and Berriasian stages in the Neuque
Vennari et al. (2014) and Vennari (2016), 2 according to Riccardi (2015), (3) magnetostratigraphic calibration after Iglesia Llanos et al. (2017). 4), Regional seismic horizons defined
by Desjardins et al. (2018). 5e9) Distribution of microfossil zones according to their correlation to Andean ammonite zones calibrated by magnetostratigraphy: (5) Nannofossil zones
after Ballent et al. (2011), (6) organic-walled dinoflagellates zones after Volkheimer et al. (2011); (7) Calcareous dinoflagellate zones after Ivanova and Kietzmann (2017) and
pez Martínez et al. (2017), correlated according to
Kietzmann et al. (2018a), (8) calpionellid zones after Kietzmann (2017) and Kietzmann et al. (2018b), (9) calpionellid zones after Lo
this authors to ammonite zone distribution of Vennari et al. (2014).
2. Geological setting and chronostratigraphic framework
recent years, several magnetostratigraphic studies have been carried out in the Vaca Muerta Formation tied to ammonite biozones,
to determine the exact position of the J/K boundary (Amigo et al.,
2016; Iglesia Llanos and Kietzmann, 2020; Iglesia Llanos et al.,
2017; Kohan Martínez et al., 2017, 2019), which so far, had not
been thoroughly supported by cosmopolitan micro- and macrofossils. Calpionellids reported by Kietzmann (2017) in sections of
this formation allowed the recognition of the lowermost upper
Tithonian Chitinoidella Zone, although restricted to Chitinoidellidae, and with several out-of-age chitinoidellid specimens. Another
recent study regarding calpionellids of this geological unit is that
pez Martínez et al. (2017), who studied few samples from a
from Lo
short stratigraphic interval of the Las Loicas section (Fig. 1).
The main goal of this study is to establish the stratigraphic
distribution of calpionellids and their TithonianeBerriasian bion Basin. For that purpose, several thin sections
zones in the Neuque
were analized from seven stratigraphic sections in outcrops and
wells, located mostly in the northern part of the basin. Further
interpretations were provided for some calpionellid species that
stratigraphically extend outside of their known age in the Tethys
areas. These results could hopefully allow to establish a clearer
chronostratigraphic scheme for the Andes region and a better
correlation with that of the Tethys, although more detailed studies
regarding calpionellid assemblages from the Vaca Muerta Formation are needed.
n Basin was developed as a retro-arc basin at the
The Neuque
Pacific margin of South America throughout Mesozoic and Cenozoic times (Fig. 1). The basin was subjected to different tectonic
regimes, which exerted a first-order control in the structure and
sedimentary evolution (Legarreta and Uliana, 1991, 1996). The
earliest tectonic regime exerted an overall compression during the
Late TriassiceEarly Jurassic, bringing about a set of narrow, isolated
depocenters bounded by large strike-slip fault systems and filled
with continental to marine deposits of the Precuyano Cycle (D'Elia
et al., 2012, 2020; Gulisano, 1981; Gulisano et al., 1984a; Vergani
et al., 1995). Deposition during the Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous was controlled by thermal subsidence accompanied by local
tectonic events, making up the continental and marine siliciclastic,
carbonate and evaporitic sediments of the Cuyo, Lotena, and
Mendoza Groups (Gulisano et al., 1984b; Mitchum and Uliana,
1985; Vergani et al., 1995; Zavala et al., 2020). From the Late
Cretaceous to the Cenozoic, the basin was affected by a generalized
compression, which resulted in the formation of an extensive fold
and thrust belt (Ramos, 2010).
The Andean Mountain range between 34 and 39 S can be
divided in two sectors. The western sector corresponds to the main
cordillera and is characterized by a complex evolution that involves
periods of out-of-sequence thrusting, and pulses of relaxation of
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
Catutos section, the sampled interval spans a part of the Tithonian.
Only 4 normal and 4 reverse polarity zones were identified and
assigned to the M22 to M20 Chrons. Magnetostratigraphic studies
on these three sections were complemented by cyclostratigraphic
analysis, resulting in a robust chronostratigraphic framework
(Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017; Kietzmann et al., 2015, 2018a). In the
subsurface wells, three well cores at El Trapial area, spaning the
early Tithonian-early Berriasian interval were studied (Iglesia
Llanos et al., 2015; Costanzo-Alvarez et al., 2019), involving 9
normal and 8 reverse polarity zones, which were correlated to the
M22-M16 Chrons.
Calcareous nanofossils studies were also carried out on several
sections of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Bown and Concheyro,
2004; Kietzmann et al., 2011b; Scasso and Concheyro, 1999;
Vennari et al., 2014, 2017). The most important events of this fossil
group are: the first occurrence (FO) and last occurrence (LO) of
Polycostella beckmannii Thierstein, Hexalithus noeliae Loeblich and
Tappan, Polycostella senaria Thierstein, Umbria granulosa Bralower
and Thierstein, Eiffellithus primus Applegate and Bergen, Eiffellithus
windii Applegate y Bergen, Rhagodiscus asper (Stradner) Reinhardt,
Cruciellipsis cuvillieri (Manivit) Thierstein, Nannoconus wintereri
Bralower and Thierstein, Nannoconus kamptneri minor Bralower,
Nannoconus steinmannii Kamptner, and Nannoconus kamptneri
€nnimann. It is worth noting that none of these events could be
n Basin (e.g.,
realibly documented at a regional scale in the Neuque
Vennari et al., 2017). Concerning calcareous dinoflagellate cysts,
eight events were recently reported by Ivanova and Kietzmann
(2017) for the lower Tithonian-lower Valanginian interval (Fig. 3),
nek, Paraincluding the FO of Committosphaera pulla (Borza) Reh
stomiosphaera malmica (Borza) Nowak, Colomisphaera tenuis (Nagy)
nek, StoNowak, C. fortis Reh
anek, Stomiosphaerina proxima Reh
miosphaera wanneri Borza, Colomisphaera conferta Reh
anek, and
Carpistomiosphaera valanginiana Borza, that allowed the characterization of seven calcareous dinocyst zones, previously recognized in the Tethyan Realm. These biozones have been
subsequently reported in several sections throughout the basin
(Ruffo Rey et al., 2018; Kietzmann et al., 2018b), even as far as the
Antarctic Peninsula (Kietzmann and Scasso, 2020), which makes
this fossil group very consistent, although we are aware that further
studies are mandatory on the issue.
In addition, a regional seismostratigraphic framework (Fig. 3)
consisting of 13 key seismic horizons has recently been established
through cooperation between 15 oil companies and the University
of Buenos Aires (Desjardins et al., 2018). Such horizons crosscut
almost 300 km of a continuous seismic line, that was successfully
extrapolated up to the surface in Puerta Curaco. Horizon ages were
assigned according to the ammonites collected from different well
the compressive structure (Zapata and Folguera, 2005). This sector
show heights of 2000 to 3000 m, and higher peaks such as the
Domuyo volcano (4709 m), which is the highest mountain in the
Patagonian Andes. The eastern sector corresponds to the Agrio,
Chos Malal, and Malargüe fold and thrust belts (Fig. 1) characterized by a major exhumation during the Late Cretaceous, exposing
n Basin. The Agrio fold and
the Mesozoic deposits of the Neuque
thrust belt is a thin-skinned mountain belt with an average altitude
of c. 1200 m. The Chos Malal and Malargüe fold and thrust belts are
thick-skinned mountain belts with an average altitude of c. 1600 m
(Rojas Vera et al., 2016).
These geological conditions allowed the Vaca Muerta Formation
to become a prolific oil- and gas-producing resource, characterized
by high organic content (3e12% of TOC) and a large thermal
maturity gradient running east to west (Craddock et al., 2019;
Legarreta and Villar, 2015; Sylwan, 2014). Most of the Neuque
Embayment area is in the oil window with vitrinite reflectance (Ro)
between 0.6% and 1.3% (Fig. 1), namely maximum burial temperatures for maturation between approximately 60 and 150 C. Outcrops from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt also display stages of
immaturity/early maturity to mid-maturity for oil at different
depth ranges (Fig. 1). By contrast, outcrops from the Chos Malal and
Agrio fold and thrust belts are overmatured (dry gas window stage)
and were submitted to temperatures between 150 and 200 C (e.g.,
Capelli et al., 2018; 2021a,b; Legarreta and Villar, 2015; Sylwan,
During the early Tithonianeearly Valanginian, the onset of
narrow corridors carving the volcanic arc, connected the basin with
the Proto-Pacific Ocean, prompted the deposition of shallow marine sequences forming the Lower Mendoza Subgroup (Legarreta
and Uliana, 1996). In the Malargüe Subbasin (Mendoza Platform,
Fig. 2), the Lower Mendoza Subgroup is conformed by the continental deposits of the Tordillo Formation, then by basinal to middle
carbonate ramp sequences of the Vaca Muerta Formation (lower
Tithonianelower Valanginian), and middle to inner ramp oysterdeposits of the Chachao Formation (lower Valanginian) (e.g.,
n embayMitchum and Uliana, 1985) (Fig. 2). At northern Neuque
ment, sediments corresponding to a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate
shelf, were deposited from the late Berriasian to the early Valanginian and assigned to the Quintuco and Vaca Muerta Formations
(Gulisano et al., 1984b; Mitchum and Uliana, 1985; Kietzmann et al.,
2016) (Fig. 2).
n Basin, Tithonian and Berriasian intervals (Fig. 3)
In the Neuque
were divided, for the first time, into eight ammonite biozones by
Leanza (1945, 1980) on the base of autochthonous species, with
minor modifications in some subzones (e.g., Zeiss and Leanza,
2008; Vennari, 2016). Such biozonation poses a real challenge in
the correlation with the Tethysian Standard biozones, bringing to
various correlation schemes. Currently, two correlation schemes
(Vennari et al., 2014; Riccardi, 2015) are in use, which differ in the
range of some biozones, and particularly most relevant discrepancy
lies arround the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary (Fig. 3).
Concerning magnetostratigraphy, three recent studies were
carried out in outcrops of the Vaca Muerta Formation: Puerta
Curaco (Amigo et al., 2016; Kohan Martinez et al., 2019), Arroyo
Loncoche (Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017) and Los Catutos (Kohan
Martinez et al., 2018), but only Puerta Curaco and Arroyo Loncoche sections involve the J/K boundary. In the Puerta Curaco,
which represents the lower Tithonianelower Valanginian interval,
8 normal and 9 reverse polarity zones were preliminary identified
(Amigo et al., 2016; Kohan Martinez et al., 2019), but magnetostratigraphic investigations are still in process. At the Arroyo Loncoche section, the sampled interval spans the lower
Tithonianeupper Berriasian and bears 11 reverse and 10 normal
polarity zones correlated with the M22 to M15 Chrons. At Los
3. Materials and methods
Almost 600 thin sections made from limestone and marlstone
belonging to seven sections of the Vaca Muerta Formation were
studied for microfacies analysis, following standard criteria. For
calcareous microfossils, we used a petrographic microscope Leica
DM 750 with attached digital camera and processed the data with a
software for micrometric measurements. The studied material from
well logs is housed at the YPF Technical Repository, Avellaneda,
Buenos Aires, Argentina under the collection code HGTC. Thin
sections from outcropping stratigraphic sections are housed at the
Palaeontology colleccion of the University of Buenos Aires under
the code BAFC-LD.
Calpionellid determination and their taxonomic follow the
systematics criteria from Colom (1948), Tappan and Loeblich
(1968), Remane (1964, 1971, 1978), Borza (1969) and Trejo (1976),
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
represented by the Virgatosphinctes andesensis to Neocomites
wichmanni Zones (Kietzmann et al., 2014, 2018a, b). Calpionellid
assemblages were studied through 68 thin sections. Cyclostratigraphic data determine a duration of 10.25 Ma (Kietzmann et al.,
2015, 2018a, b).
among others. These include: 1) lorica-wall texture, 2) lorica
morphology, 3) collar morphology, and 4) lorica width/length ratio.
To work out the new data that could establishing calpionellid
n basin, we take into considbiostratigraphic zones in the Neuque
eration all biozonation schemes synthesized by Lakova and Petrova
(2013). Hence, we have favored those events that were independent of paleoenvironmental conditions, such as FO and LO, and
above all, to account for their regional representativeness
throughout the studied sections.
4.3. Puerta Curaco section
At Puerta Curaco section (Fig. 6), with coordinates
37 220 26.1900 S, 69 560 17.2200 W, the Vaca Muerta Formation involves
a rhythmic succession of c. 400 m-thick that consists of decimetric
marlstone and limestone, corresponding to basinal to distal outer
ramp setting. Ammonite biozones span from Virgatosphinctes
andesensis Zone to the Spiticeras damesi Zone (lower
Tithonianeupper Berriasian). The stratigraphic succession continues with the Quintuco Formation (c. 300 m-thick) that consists
of mudstone and sandstone of prodelta facies (Kietzmann et al.,
2016; Capelli et al., 2018). Ammonite species characterize the
Neocomites wichmanni Zone and lower part of the Lissonia riveroi
Zone, indicating the lower Valanginian (Leanza and Hugo, 1977;
Mitchum and Uliana, 1985; Kietzmann et al., 2016, 2018c). In
addition, 6 of the 13 key regional seismic horizons were placed
within this section (Kietzmann et al., 2018c). For the microfossils, a
total of 90 thin sections were studied from this section.
4. Studied sections and blocks
4.1. Arroyo Loncoche section
At Arroyo Loncoche section (Fig. 4), with coordinates 35 360
00.7500 S, 69 370 32.2600 W, the Vaca Muerta Formation shows c. 280
m-thick, which constitutes one of the most studied sections in the
n basin in terms of biostratigraphy (ammonites and miNeuque
crofossils), polarity zones, and cyclostratigraphy. Here, the Tithonian and Berriasian succession consists of a rhythmic alternation of
decametric marlstone and limestone beds representing basinal to
distal middle ramp deposits (Kietzmann et al., 2008; 2011b, 2014).
The lower Valanginian is conformed by oyster-dominated shallow
water limestones assigned to the Chachao Formation (Legarreta
and Kozlowski, 1981).
Ammonite species ranges from the lower Tithonian to the upper
Berriasian, represented by Virgatosphinctes andesensis to Spiticeras
damesi Zones (Kietzmann et al., 2008, 2011b, 2014, 2018a, b). The
top 15 m-thick interval of the section is covered by debris from the
Chachao Formation and likely corresponds to the lower Valanginian Neocomites wichmanni Zone. Nannoplankton is poorly
represented, although a few important bioevents were recognized
(Kietzmann et al., 2011b): FO of Polycostella beckmannii, and Polycostella senaria. Calcareous dinoflagellate cyst studies reveal a
relatively rich assemblage of 24 known species (Ivanova and
Kietzmann, 2017), that allowed to distinguish six zones, ranging
from the Carpistomiosphaera tithonica to the Colomisphaera conferta
Zones (lower Tithonianelower Valanginian). Likewise, 11 poorly
preserved known calpionellid species allowed the identification of
the Chitinoidella and Crassicollaria Zones (Kietzmann, 2017).
Magnetostratigraphic results indicate the Vaca Muerta Formation encompassed the M22r.2r to M15r Subchrons (Iglesia Llanos
et al., 2017). Coupled to the paleomagnetic data, the analysis of
24 samples (Kietzmann 2017) and 60 thin sections obtained from
paleomagnetic sample horizons (Fig. 4), allowed to adjust the positions of bioevents. On the other hand, cyclostratigraphic results
allow to recognize 24 low-frequency eccentricity cycles that imply a
duration of ~10 Ma (Kietzmann et al., 2011b, 2015; 2018b).
4.4. El Trapial block
n province (c.
This block is located in the northwestern Neuque
37 S, 69 W; ~900 m a.s.l), to the south of the Colorado River (Fig. 1).
The cored interval of the Vaca Muerta Formation is c. 450 m-thick
(between 2300 and 4000 m from the surface) and is characterized by a rhythmic alternation of marlstone and limestone.
Ammonites span the Virgatosphinctes andesensis Zone to the Neocomites wichmanni Zone (Fig. 7), indicating a TithonianeEarly
lez Tomassini et al., 2015). A regional
Valanginian age (Gonza
magnetostratigraphic scale was constructed using magnetic polarity zones isolated from three well cores at El Trapial block.
Altogether, the well cores span the lower Tithonianeupper Berriasian interval and involve 9 normal and 8 reverse polarity zones
correlated to the M22 to M16 Chrons (Iglesia Llanos et al., 2015).
Additionally, 13 key seismic horizons are precisely located within
this block (Vallejo et al., 2018). For micropaleontological analysis,
44 thin sections from cores and side well cores were studied from
one well (Fig. 7).
4.5. Narambuena block
This block (37 S, 68 300 W) is located to the east of El Trapial
n province. Cored thickness and
(Fig. 1), in northwestern Neuque
stratigraphy are similar to those of El Trapial well cores. Ammonite
data are not published yet, but 13 key seismic horizons are precisely
located within different wells. Two hundred thin sections were
analysed for micropaleontological assemblages, belonging to cores
and side well cores of three different wells. Biostratigraphic results
are given in Figures 8, 9 and 10.
4.2. Cuesta del Chihuido section
This section (Fig. 5), with coordinates 35 44 0 49.380 S, 69
W, is located in the southern end of the Malargüe anticline, 20 km south of the previous section. Its stratigraphic succession, of 185 m-thick, is almost identical to that of the Arroyo
Loncoche section (Kietzmann et al., 2014). Ammonites and cyclostratigraphic studies were performed, as well as a detailed paleomagnetic sampling, but numerous cenozoic dykes and sills have
remagnetized the entire section. So, it was not possible to obtain a
magnetostratigraphic scale for this section. Ammonite species
indicate biozones of the lower Tithonian to lower Valanginian,
340 37.32
5. Stratigraphic distribution of the calpionellid taxa
We have recognized seven species of the family Chitinoidellidae
(Fig. 11), and 19 of the family Calpionellidae (Figs. 12e15). Chitinoidellids include Borziella slovenica (Borza), Chitinoidella boneti
Fig. 4. Arroyo Loncoche section (lower Tithonianeupper Berriasian). From left to right: Andean ammonite zones, low-frequency eccentricity cycles, magnestostratigraphy, litholog,
and location of the studied samples (data from Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017; Kietzmann et al., 2014, 2015, 2018a), distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones.
Out-of-age specimens are indicated with white circles and dotted gray lines, indicate likely reworking.
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
Fig. 5. Cuesta del Chihuido section (lower Tithonianelower Valanginian). From left to right: Andean ammonite zones, low-frequency eccentricity cycles, litholog, and location of the
studied samples (data from Kietzmann et al., 2014, 2015; 2018a), distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones. Out-of-age specimens are indicated with white
circles and dotted gray lines, indicate likely reworking. Abbreviations: slov.: slovenica, e.: elliptica, obl.: oblonga, dar.: darderi, Cts.: Calpionellites.
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Fig. 6. Puerta Curaco section (lower Tithonianelower Valanginian). From left to right: Andean ammonite zones, litholog, and location of the studied samples (data from Kietzmann
et al., 2018c), distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones and subzones. Out-of-age specimens are indicated with white circles and dotted gray lines, indicate likely
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Crassicollaria is also represented by distinctive species, such as
Cr. brevis Remane, Cr. colomi? Doben, Cr. intermedia Durand Delga,
Cr. massutiniana (Colom), and Cr. parvula Remane (Fig. 14). Cr. brevis,
Cr. intermedia, Cr. massutiniana and Cr. parvula occur within the
Windhauseniceras internispinosum and Corongoceras alternans
Zones (upper Tithonian), the lastest two species are more common.
Cr. parvula appears with remarkably higher abundance throughout
the Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, where also Cr. colomi? appears.
Some Tithonian species such as Cr. brevis (Fig. 6) have been found in
Berriasian levels, which suggests reworking.
Other typical genera of Calpionellidae include Lorenziella Knauer
and Nagy, Calpionellopsis Colom and Calpionellites Colom (Fig. 15).
Genus Lorenziella, is represented by scarce Lorenziella hungarica
Knauer and Nagy that appears within the Spiticeras damesi Zone
(upper Berriasian). On the other hand, Calpionellopsis, often abundant, is represented by Calpionellopsis simplex (Colom) and Calpionellopsis oblonga (Cadisch). Cps. simplex appears within the
Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, and Cps. oblonga within the upper
Spiticeras damesi Zone. Finally, some specimens assigned to Calpionellites darderi (Colom) were recognized within the Neocomites
wichmanni Zone (lower Valanginian).
Doben, Chitinoidella elongata Pop, Chitinoidella hegarati Sallouhi,
Boughdiri and Cordey, Dobeniella cubensis (Furrazola-Bermúdez),
nek), and Popiella oblongata Reh
Longicollaria cf. insueta (Reh
(Fig. 11). Most of these species have been previously reported at the
Arroyo Loncoche section (Kietzmann, 2017). The new data presented here help adjusting the stratigraphic distribution of the
above-mentioned species. In addition, some chitinoidellid species
previously described, as Dobeniella cf. pinaraensis (Kietzmann, 2017,
. 4.20), were attributed to Longicollaria cf. insueta based on a new
well-preserved material. The species Dobeniella cubensis and
Popiella oblongata are reported here for the first time in the Neun Basin. The first chitinoidellids appear with low abundance
within the lower part of the Vaca Muerta Formation (Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone to Aulacosphinctes proximus Zone) and are represented by L. cf. insueta and B. slovenica. The remaining species
appear in the basal part of the Windhauseniceras internispinosum
Zone, showing a slight increase in abundance and diversity. In the
studied sections, chitinoidelids reach the Corongoceras alternans
zone (upper Tithonian) and they were found in abnormal position
in higher stratigraphic levels of early Berriasian age (Kietzmann,
2017). These occurrences were carefully re-analyzed in this work,
concluding that chitinoidellid specimens within the upper Corongoceras alternans Zone and the lower Substeueroceras koeneni
(upper Tithonian) are most likely reworked specimens, but those
reaching the Berriasian levels are certainly diagenetically modified
calpionellid specimens. Therefore, the latter specimens should be
reassigned to the Family Calpionellidae (see section 7).
With regards to the calpionellids, most of the typical Tethyan
species could be identified in the studied sections, although their
abundance and diversity are markedly low compared to the genera
of the Tethys (Figs. 12e15). Typical calpionellid species from the
Upper JurassiceLower Cretaceous transition are often well pren Basin, including representative species of
served in the Neuque
the genera Calpionella Lorenz, Crassicollaria Remane, and Tintinnopsella Colom. The first occurrence of calpionellids starts with the
genus Tintinnopsella, represented by small variety of T. carpathica
(Murgeanu and Filipescu) and T. remanei Borza. Specimens of
T. carpathica specimens show a characteristic increase in size
through the mid Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, suggesting an early
Berriasian age. T. remanei occurs at the lowermost upper Tithonian
Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, reaching hardly the higher
part of the lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone (Figs. 4
and 5). It is worthy to remark that since this species is characteristic of the base of the Crassicollaria Zone, its finding in uppermost
upper Tithonian (upper Crassicollaria Zone) and lower Berriasian
(Calpionella Zone) levels would indicate reworked material. Typical
Cretaceous species of this genus also include T. doliphormis (Colom),
T. longa (Colom) and T. subacuta (Colom).
Calpionella includes C. grandalpina Nagy, C. alpina Lorenz,
C. elliptalpina Nagy, C. elliptica Cadisch, and C. minuta Housa
(Fig. 13), which show a rather consistent stratigraphic distribution
with respect to the Tethys regions. C. grandalpina occurs within the
upper Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone. Its abundance diminishes immediately before the J/K boundary and reaching the
lower Berriasian within the Substeueroceras koeneni Zone. C. alpina
is found firstly in the upper Corongoceras alternans Zone and continues along the Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, where a remarkable
increase in its abundance is observed. C. elliptalpina is restricted to
the upper Corongoceras alternans and lower Substeueroceras koeneni Zones, and within the upper part of the latter zone, C. minuta
and C. elliptica are also found.
6. Calpionellid biozones
The basis of the calpionellid biostratigraphic backbone for the
Tethyan Realm proposed by Allemann et al. (1971), Remane (1971),
and Remane et al. (1986) has been improved over the years, and
subdivisions of standard zones has provided a more refined
framework (Andreini et al., 2007; Benzaggagh, 2020; Benzaggagh
and Atrops, 1995; Grün and Blau, 1997; Lakova and Petrova, 2013;
Lakova et al., 1997, 1999; Pop, 1994a,b, 1997; Reha
Michalík, 1997; Remane et al., 1986; Trejo 1980; among others).
n Basin, the complete Tethyan calpionellid bioIn the Neuque
zonation was not properly demonstrated yet, and therefore all the
cited biozonations were considered. The following zones and subzones were recognized after a regional analysis and correlation
between the studied sections (Fig. 16).
6.1. Chitinoidella Zone
The base of the Chitinoidella Zone (sensu Enay and Geyssant,
1975) is marked by the FO of chitinoidellids, located in the middle part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone within the Vaca Muerta
Formation. The upper boundary is marked by the FO of hyaline
calpionellids in the mid-up Windhauseniceras internispinosum
Zone. The zone additionally includes L. cf. insueta, B. slovenica, Ch.
boneti, Ch. hegarati, Ch. elongata and D. cubensis.
n Basin by
The Chitinoidella Zone was recognized in the Neuque
Kietzmann (2017), who has recognized two subzones. The lower
subzone contains L. cf. insueta and B. slovenica, which are reported
in the Dobeni Subzone of the Thetys. So far, it is remarkable to
n Basin of the typical small size
notice the absence in the Neuque
species of the Dobeni group, L. dobeni and D. colomi, which are the
most characteristic species of the Dobeni Subzone in the Tethys
regions. The upper subzone contains Ch. boneti, Ch. hegarati, Ch.
elongata, and L. cf. insueta. These four species are characteristic of
the Boneti Subzone in the Tethys.
In this study we recognized two subzones for the Chitinoidella
Fig. 7. Representative well logs from the El Trapial block (lower Tithonianeupper Berriasian). From left to right: Regional seismic horizons, Andean ammonite zones identified from
lez Tomassini et al., 2015; Vallejo et al., 2018), magnetostratigraphy (Iglesia Llanos et al., 2015; gray intervals ¼ Cenozoic volcanic intrusives), and
well cores (data from Gonza
location of the studied samples, distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones.
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2) Crassicollaria massutiniana Subzone: The subzone starts with
the FO of C. grandalpina and C. alpina. The upper boundary is
marked by the LO of C. elliptalpina. This subzone is equivalent to
the Crassicollaria massutiniana Subzone defined by Lakova
(1993), and contains, but not registered in all sections: Cr.
massutiniana, Cr. intermedia, Cr. brevis, Cr. parvula, Cr. colomi, and
C. elliptalpina, as well as reworked specimens of D. cubensis,
B. slovenica, and Ch. boneti. This subzone corresponds to the
uppermost Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone and the
lowermost Substeueroceras koeneni Zone. C. elliptalpina is
restricted to the uppermost part of this subzone. The occurrence
of this species in the lower Substeueroceras koeneni Zone is a
n Basin.
reliable regional event in the Neuque
1) Borziella slovenica Subzone: This subzone contains B. slovenica
and L. cf. insueta. This interval can be correlated to the Borziella
slovenica Subzone defined by Sallouhi et al. (2011) in northern
Tunisia. The Subzone spans the middle part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone to the transition between Aulacosphinctes
proximus and the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zones. In
contrast with the Tunisian subzone, the Slovenica Subzone in the
n Basin does not contain the most representative species
of the genera Longicollaria, Carpathella, Daciella and Dobeniella.
n Basin, this subzone extends up to the
Moreover, in the Neuque
base of the Boneti Subzone, since the species D. bermudezi, D.
tithonica, and D. colomi that characterizes the following Bermudezi Subzone in Tunisia, have not been found in Argentina.
Therefore, the Tethyan Dobeni Subzone would be substituted in
n Basin by the Slovenica Subzone.
the Neuque
2) Chitinoidella boneti Subzone: It is represented by the species Ch.
boneti, Ch. hegarati, Ch. elongata, L. cf. insueta, and D. cubensis. Its
starts at the FO of Ch. boneti and its upper boundary corresponds
to the FO of the calpionellids with hyaline lorica, including
T. remanei. This subzone corresponds to the Chitinoidella boneti
Subzone in the Tehtys regions (Borza, 1984; Borza and Michalík,
1986; Benzaggagh and Atrops, 1995). The Boneti Subzone corresponds approximately to the lower half of the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone.
6.3. Calpionella Zone
The base of the Calpionella Standard Zone (sensu Allemann et al.,
1971) is marked by the acme of C. alpina, which is particularly
observable in the Loncoche section and in well 3 from the Narambuena block. This event is situated at the lower part of the
Substeueroceras koeneni Zone in Arroyo Loncoche, whereas in the
well 3, this limit is found 20 m above the T5 seismic horizon. In
other studied sections, the lower boundary of the Calpionella Zone
is marked by the LO of C. elliptalpina located just below the acme of
C. alpina and is an event that have a regional consistency in the
n Basin. Its upper boundary is defined by the FO of Cps.
simplex, within the Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone.
The Calpionella zone contains T. carpathica, T. doliformis, C.
grandalpina, C. alpina, C. minuta, C. elliptica, Cr. parvula, and
reworked Cr. brevis, and Cr. colomi?. The zone is characterized by the
higher abundance of Cr. parvula and isometric shaped C. alpina and
the disappearance of Cr. massutiniana, Cr. intermedia, and
C. elliptalpina. In the Tethys, the Calpionella Zone is divided into
three or four subzones (e.g., Lakova and Petrova, 2013, and references therein), although in the Neuquen basin we could recognize a
single consistent event that divides the zone in two subzones:
6.2. Crassicollaria Zone
The base of this zone corresponds to the FO of Calpionellidae,
represented by the almost co-occurrence of T. carpathica and
T. remanei within the upper half of the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone. In the Tethys, the Crassicollaria Zone extends up
to the acme of the small spherical forms of C. alpina. In the Andes,
the situation is somehow different, for even though C. alpina becomes more abundant along the Substeueroceras koeneni Zone. The
acme of the spherical forms of this species does not seem to be
definitely documented all over the basin. Despite that, the upper
boundary of the zone can be situated at the LO of C. elliptalpina,
which is an event that is consistent at a regional scale, and that
coincides with the extinction of the most typical Tithonian species
of the genus Crassicollaria (e.g., Benzaggagh and Atrops, 1995;
Benzaggagh et al., 2012; Lakova and Petova, 2013; Kowal-Kasprzyk
and Reh
a, 2019). Therefore, the zone can be correlated to the
Crassicollaria Standard Zone as defined by Allemann et al. (1971).
Its specific assemblage is composed of T. carpathica, T. remanei, C.
grandalpina, C. alpina, C. elliptalpina, Cr. massutiniana, Cr. brevis,
and Cr. parvula, and at its base contains a few species of chitinoidellids, including Ch. boneti, Ch. elongata, Ch. hegarati, D.
cubensis, and P. oblongata.
In the Tethys, this zone is divided in two or three subzones. In
n Basin only two subzones can be identified, following
the Neuque
the division criteria from Lakova and Petrova (2013), which are
from base to top:
1) Calpionella alpina Subzone: Its lower boundary is marked by the
acme of C. alpina and/or the LO of C. elliptalpina, whereas its
upper boundary is located by Pop (1974) at the FO of C. elliptica.
The Alpina Subzone was characterized within most part of the
Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, where C. alpina and Cr. parvula are
dominant. The subzone involves the latter species' acme, the FO
of C. minuta and contains T. carpathica, and T. doliformis.
2) Calpionella elliptica Subzone: Its lower boundary is marked by
the FO of the index species; its upper boundary is located by Pop
(1974) at the FO of Cps. simplex. The Elliptica Subzone ranges
from the upper part of the Substeueroceras koeneni Zone to the
lower part of the Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone. Within the
subzone, we noticed a decrease in the abundance and diversity
of calpionellids. It also contains T. carpathica.
6.4. Calpionellopsis Zone
1) Tintinnopsella remanei Subzone: Its lower boundary is marked
by the first occurrence of T. remanei and T. carpathica. The upper
boundary is marked by the FO of C. grandalpina. Therefore, this
subzone corresponds to the Tintinnopsella remanei Subzone
defined by Remane et al. (1986). Within this subzone we occasionally find Cr. intermedia, Cr. massutiniana, and Ch. boneti. The
subzone corresponds to the upper Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone.
The base of the Calpionellopsis Standard Zone (sensu Allemann
et al., 1971) is marked by the FO of Cps. simplex, whereas its upn
per boundary has not been accurately determined in the Neuque
Basin. The zone spans the Spiticeras damesi Zone and the lower part
of the Neocomites wichmanni Zone. It comprises Cps. simplex, Cps.
oblonga, L. hungarica, T. carpathica, T. longa, T. subacuta,
T. doliphormis, C. alpina, C. minuta, and C. elliptica. In the Neuquen
Fig. 8. Well log number 1 from the Narambuena block (lower Tithonianelower Valanginian). From left to right: Regional seismic horizons, location of the studied samples, and
distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones. Abbreviations: rem.: remanei, Cts.: Calpionellites.
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basin, based on the occurrence of a consistent event within this
zone, we divided the Calpionellopsis Zone into two subzones.
1) Calpionellopsis simplex Subzone: The lower boundary of the
subzone (sensu Remane et al., 1986) is marked by the FO of its
index species, and the upper boundary by the FO of Cps. oblonga.
The Subzone spans the upper Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone
and the most part of the Spiticeras damesi Zone. It contains
T. carpathica, T. longa, T. subacuta, C. alpina, C. minuta, C. elliptica
(only at the basal part of the subzone), and L. hungarica.
2) Calpionellopsis oblonga Subzone: Its lower boundary is defined
by the FO of its index species; the upper boundary is defined by
the FO of Cts. darderi (Remane et al., 1986). The subzone spans
the uppermost part of the Spiticeras damesi Zone to the lowermost part of the Neocomites wichmanni Zone. It contains Cps.
simplex, L. hungarica, T. carpathica, T. longa, and T. subacuta.
6.5. Calpionelllites Zone
The base of the Calpionellites Standard Zone (sensu Allemann
et al., 1971) is marked by the FO of Cts. darderi; the upper boundn Basin. The
ary has not been accurately determined in the Neuque
zone was recognized so far in the upper part of the Neocomites
wichmanni Zone. It also contains L. hungarica, and T. carpathica. This
interval can be assigned to the Darderi Subzone.
7. Remarks on the stratigraphic range and identification of
certain chitinoidellid and calpionellid specimens previously
n Basin
reported from the Neuque
In previous papers by the authors (Kietzmann, 2017; Kietzmann
et al., 2011a), several species of chitinoidellids were described from
the Arroyo Loncoche and Cara Cura sections. In these two sections,
typical species of the Chitinoidella Zone (lowermost upper Tithonian) were reported within younger stratigraphic levels, up to the
lower Berriasian. This anomalous stratigraphic distribution of this
n Basin (Kietzmann,
fossil group, previously reported in the Neuque
2017), could be partly explained by submarine erosion and
n Basin
reworking from older stratigraphic levels of the Neuque
margin, where the interval comprising the upper Windhauseniceras
internispinosum Zone to the Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone is
characterized by pronounced forced regressions (Mitchum and
lez et al., 2018). This geological phenomenon
Uliana, 1985; Gonza
would satisfactorily explain the presence of out-of-age chitinoidellid species within a limited stratigraphic interval since there is
no evidence of important hiatuses or pronounced erosion. For
example, despite the missing taphonomic evidence supporting
reworking of out-of-age species, the presence of some specimens of
B. slovenica, Ch. boneti, Ch. hegarati and D. cubensis in the Massutiniana Subzone, and those of T. remanei in the Alpina Subzone, in
Arroyo Loncoche and Cuesta del Chihuido sections (Figs. 4 and 5)
can be explained by this process. In fact, these two sections
represent the most proximal facies corresponding to outer to
middle ramp setting (Kietzmann et al., 2014, 2016) among the
seven studied sections, and within these deposits, a clear increase
of out-of-age chitinoidellid specimens is observed. While in the
Puerta Cuaraco section and the El Trapial and Narambuena blocks
the facies consists of basinal to outer ramp deposits and shows only
a few out-of-age species. However, although erosion and reworking
Fig. 9. Well log number 2 from the Narambuena block (lower Tithonianelowermost
Valanginian). From left to right: Regional seismic horizons, location of the studied
samples, distribution of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones. Abbreviations: dar.: darderi, Cts.: Calpionellites.
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Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
Fig. 10. Well log 3 from the Narambuena block (lower Tithonianelowermost Valanginian). From left to right: Regional seismic horizons, location of the studied samples, distribution
of identified calpionellid species, zones, and subzones. Abbreviations: dar.: darderi, Cs.: Calpionellites.
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Fig. 11. Chitinoidellids from the Vaca Muerta Formation. (AeF) Borziella slovenica (Borza): (A) lower Tithonian, middle part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone, Arroyo Loncoche
section, sample AL26 (BAFC-LD21), (B) lower Tithonian, middle part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC10 (BAFC-LD38), (CeF) lower Tithonian,
Aulacosphinctes proximus Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, samples CH8 (BAFC-LD49) and CH10 (BAFC-LD50), (CeD) lowermost upper Tithonian Windhauseniceras internispinosum
Zone, Cuesta del Chiuido section, sample CH13 (BAFC-LD51), (F) upper Tithonian, Corongoceras alternas Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL35 (BAFC-LD24); (GeL) Chitinoidella boneti Doben: (G) Lowermost upper Tithonian, lower part of the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL 30 (BAFC-LD22), (HeJ) upper
Tithonian, Corongoceras alternas Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, samples AL35 (BAFC-LD24) and AL38 (BAFC-LD26), (K) upper Tithonian, Corongoceras alternans Zone, Cuesta del
Chihuido section, sample CH25 (BAFC-LD53), (L) possible reworked specimen from the lower Berriasian, Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample A45 (BAFCLD29); (MeO) Chitinoidella elongata Pop: lowermost upper Tithonian Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, (MeN) Puerta Curaco section, sample PC18 (BAFC-LD40), (O) Arroyo
Loncoche section, sample L74 (BAFC-LD36); (PeR) Chitinoidella hegarati Sallouhi, Boughdiri and Cordey: (P) uppermost upper Tithonian, Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone,
Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH13 (BAFC-LD51), (Q) lower Tithonian, uppermost part of the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, Arroyo loncoche section, sample AL30
(BAFC-LD22), (R) oblique section, upper Tithonian, Corongoceras alternans Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL34 (BAFC-LD23); (S) Dobeniella cubensis (Furrazola-Bermúdez):
possible reworked specimen from the uppermost upper Tithonian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL38 (BAFC-LD26). (TeV) Longocollaria cf. insueta
nek): (T) lower Tithonian, Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC10 (BAFC-LD38), (U) lower Tithonian, uppermost part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli
Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC12 (BAFC-LD39), (V) lowermost lower Tithonian, Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC20 (BAFC-LD41),
: (W) lowermost lower Tithonian, Aulacosphunctes proximus Zone, Arroyo loncoche section, sample AL30 (BAFC-LD22), (X) lowermost lower
(WeX) Popiella oblongata Rehakova
Tithonian, Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH24 (BAFC-LD52). Scale bar: 50 mm.
After a revision of the material studied previously by
Kietzmann (2017), and the examination of the new thin sections
from that interval, we have demonstrated that several specimens
with dark lorica, given the impression of chitinoidellids, are rather
calpionellids with loricas that are diagenetically modified.
Organic-rich marine deposits, like that of the Vaca Muerta
can explain the presence of some out-of-age specimens, these
processes can hardly explain clarely the presence of chitinoidellids
within the uppermost lower Berriasian levels. The recognized hiatuses within the Vaca Muerta Formation involve no more than
400e800 ka (Kietzmann et al., 2018a). Therefore, it cannot explain
reworking of species that are 5e7 Ma older.
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Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
Fig. 12. Calpionellids from the Vaca Muerta Formation (Genus Tintinnopsella Colom): (AeF) Tintinnopsella carpathica (Murgeanu and Filipescu): (A) upper Tithonian Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC20 (BAFC-LD41), (B) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC27 (BAFCLD42), (C) lower Berriasian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 38, (D) deformed specimen from the lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, El Trapial block,
HGTC13038 - 35, (EeF) upper Berriasian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 32; (GeI) Tintinnopsella remanei Borza: (G) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block,
HGTC15008 - 7, (H) upper Tithonian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 9, (I) upper Tithonian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC1511 - 9; (J-L) Tintinnopsella
doliformis (Colom): lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL49 (BAFC-LD32) and AL50 (BAFC-LD33); (MeR) Tintinnopsella longa (Colom):
(MeN) upper Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 39 and 40, (O) upper Berriasian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 31, (oeq) upper Berriasian
Spiticeras damesi Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH56 (BAFC-LD57), (R) upper Berriasian, El Trapial block, HGTC13038 - 39; (SeX) Tintinnopsella subacuta (Colom): (S)
lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH53 (BAFC-LD56), (T) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 37, (U)
upper Berriasian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 31, (V) upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC45 (BAFC-LD47), (W) upper
Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, El Trapial block, HGTC13038 - 40, (X) upper Berriasian Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH57 (BAFC-LD58).
Scale bar: 50 mm.
et al., 2018, 2021a,b; Catalano et al., 2018; Fortunatti et al., 2018;
Lanz et al., 2021). The studied stratigraphic sections of the Vaca
Muerta Formation show high organic matter thermal maturity,
ranging between the oil/wet-gas window and the gas window
(Fig. 1), and isotopic signatures indicating that the Vaca Muerta
Formation reached temperatures of 150e195 C (Catalano et al.,
Formation, are subjected to a variety of early and late diagenetic
processes affecting mineral compositions, organic matter transformation and authigenic mineral precipitations. Previous petrographic and geochemical studies indicate that marlstone and
limestone reached deep burial conditions and have been affected
by several stages of diagenesis during their burial history (Capelli
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
8. Correlations between calpionellids, ammonite, and
polarity zones
2018; Weger et al., 2019; Lanz et al., 2021). During burial
diagenesis, compaction and thermal maturation of organic matter
produces acidic poral water promoting the dissolution of calcium
carbonate. Under these conditions, fine-grained limestone tends to
recrystallize forming microspar mosaics, and a series of mineral
and textural transformations occur in the particles contained
within the lime mud. In the studied samples, three main neomorphic processes are recognized that distort the original
composition and textures of the hyaline loricas: micritization,
chloritization, and pyritization.
Micritization in the deep burial stage occurs by partial dissolution of skeletal grains associated with recrystallization and crystal
diminution, but it can also occur without a dissolution stage,
associated with decomposition of organic matter producing the
simultaneous growth of microcrystalline carbonate or a micrite
residue (Purdy, 1968; Flügel, 2004). The observation of new material from the Vaca Muerta Formation allowed us to recognize this
type of process in lower Berriasian micritic loricas. When the
dissolution of the hyaline wall is complete, and the micritic residue
has been preserved, it becomes difficult to establish the original
texture of the wall. Nevertheless, in many specimes, relics of the
original hyaline lorica are still recognized (Fig. 17aeC) allowing to
identify this process. Another criterion is the thickness of the wall,
which in specimens formed by the micritic residue turns out to be
30e60% less thick than expected (Fig. 17A,B).
Similarly, replacement processes are common within the Vaca
Muerta Formation. Autigenic chlorite shows pervasive distribution
within the lime mud matrix at certain stratigraphic intervals. These
chlorites are Mg-rich mineral species that are consistent with burial
paleotemperatures and organic maturation of the Vaca Muerta
Formation and have been interpreted as the neoformation of clays
that were formed during early diagenesis from the abundant volcanic glass contained in the fine-grained matrix (Capelli et al.,
2021b). Fully or partially chloritized calpionellid specimens have
been observed in the studied samples (Fig. 17D,E). These specimens
are easily recognizable when the micritic matrix is recrystallized to
granular calcite, but they can be easily confused with microgranular
calcite in dark colored samples, rich in organic matter. Autigenic
pyrite also shows pervasive distribution within the lime mud matrix, particularly in transgressive system tracts. It occurs as framboidal aggregates and as cubic crystals depending on the time of
formation during diagenesis (Kietzmann et al., 2020). As with
chlorite replacements, pyrite replacements are easy to identify
when the matrix is recrystallized (Fig. 17F), but they can become
difficult in very dark samples, with high organic matter and
disseminated pyrite.
The mentioned diagenetic modifications have led to misidentification of some species and represent a real problem that must be
carefully evaluated. Concerning to the species mentioned by
n Basin, the
Kietzmann (2017) for the Berriasian of the Neuque
presence of Ch. boneti, Ch. hegarati, Ch. elongata, B. slovenica, and
C. rumanica should be discarded, because their original loricas are
diagenetically modified, and these species should be assigned to
species of genera Tintinnopsella, Lorenziella and Calpionella. On the
other hand, specimens assigned to B. slovenica are too large for this
species and must be regarded as oblique sections of Tintinnopsella.
Lastly, the specimens reported as Dobeniella cf. pinnaraensis
(Kietzmann, 2017, . 4.19) from the base of the Vaca Muerta Formation (middle part of the V. andesensis Zone) are of doubtful
assignment and could be diagenetic modifications of other grains
showing by chance a form close to that of chitinoidellids, associated
with the accumulation of autigenic minerals between the intercrystalline spaces of pseudosparite crystals. Therefore, these specimens cannot be considered until new well-preserved specimens
will be found.
This work presents a comprehensive calpionellid biozonation
n Basin in the Southern Andes (Fig. 18), based on the
for the Neuque
systematic sampling of several sections and regional correlations,
focused to provide more reliable correlations with the biozones of
the Tethyan Realm. Particularly, calpionellids have proved to be
very helpful and are consistent with other stratigraphic frameworks used over the last years for the Vaca Muerta Formation
(Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017; Kietzmann et al., 2015, 2018a,b; Riccardi
2008, 2015).
n Basin spans the middle
The Chitinoidella Zone in the Neuque
part of the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone to the lower part of the
Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone (. 3, 19). From ammonite
biostratigraphy, the Pseudolissoceras zitteli Zone is correlable to the
Semiforme and/or Fallauxi Standard Zones (Leanza, 1996; Riccardi,
2008, 2015; Vennari 2016). This zone was also correlated to the
uppermost M22n and M21r Subchrons by Iglesia Llanos et al. (2017)
and Kohan Martínez et al. (2018). In addition, the base of the
n Basin almost coincides with the
Slovenica Subzone in the Neuque
FO of Polycostella beckmanni, placed within the M21r Subchron at
Arroyo Loncoche, and the FO of the dinoflagellate cysts Colomisphaera tenuis (Ruffo Rey et al., 2018). The Boneti Subzone coincides
with the presence of the ammonite Simplisphinctes neuquensis
within the Windhauseniceras internispinosum Zone (Zeiss and
Leanza, 2008), a distinctive marker of the lower Microcanthum
riz, 1978; Benzaggagh and Atrops.,
Zone in the western Tethys (Olo
1997; Zeiss and Leanza, 2008; Riccardi, 2015). The Chitinoidella
Zone in the Andes is also characterized by abundant ossicles of
saccocomid crinoids (Kietzmann and Palma 2009) and involves the
FO of Colomisphaera fortis (Ruffo Rey et al., 2018), which occur
within the upper M20r (lower Microcanthum Zone) in the Tethys
(Lukeneder et al., 2010). The biggest difference with the Tethyan
regions is at the base of the zone, which is located within the mid
M21n Subchron, corresponding to the upper Fallauxi ammonite
Standard Zone (Benzaggagh and Atrops, 1995; Michalík et al., 2009;
et al., 2019;
Sallouhi et al., 2011; Lakova et al., 2017; Svobodova
Wimbledon et al., 2020). However, the boundary between the
Dobeni and Boneti Subzones is placed within the uppermost M21r
Subchron, corresponding to the uppermost Ponti ammonite Standard Zone (Benzaggagh and Atrops, 1995; Sallouhi et al., 2011;
Lakova et al., 2017) in both regions.
The following zone corresponds to the Crassicollaria Zone, since
the Preatintinnopsella andrusovi Zone has not be recognized yet in
the Andes. The Crassicollaria Zone spans the middle part of the
Windhauseniceras internispinosum to the lower part of the Substeueroceras koeneni Zones, considered to be correlatable with the
upper Microcanthum to lower Jacobi Zones, equivalent to the upper
M20n to mid M19n Subchrons (Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017; Iglesia
Llanos and Kietzmann 2020). This ranges and calpionellid assemblage of the Crassicollaria Zone in the Andes, are similar to that
reported for this zone in the Tethys (Grabowski et al., 2010a,b;
et al.,
Lakova et al., 2017; Michalík et al., 2009, 2016; Svobodova
2019; Wimbledon et al., 2020). In addition, in the upper part of
the Corongoceras alternans Zone (equivalent, in this paper, to the
upper Massutiniana Subzone), Vennari et al. (2017) recorded the FO
of the nannofossil Hexalithus noeliae. Also, the latest isolated Saccocoma ossicles (Kietzmann and Palma, 2009) were reported in this
subzone (Fig. 18).
pezAt Las Loicas section of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Lo
Martínez et al. (2017) reported the assemblage of C. alpina, Cr.
parvula, Cr. colomi, Cr. massutiniana, Cr. brevis, T. remanei, and
T. carpathica in the uppermost Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, which
interpreted as the Colomi Subzone (upper Crassicollaria Zone). The
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Fig. 13. Calpionellids from the Vaca Muerta Formation (Genus Calpionella Lorenz): (AeF) Calpionella grandalpina Nagy: (p) upper Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone, Arroyo
Loncoche section, sample AL36 (BAFC-LD25), (BeC) Possible reworked specimens from the lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL50
(BAFC-LD33), (DeE) upper Tithonian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 24 and 25; (GeL) Calpionella alpina Lorenz: (G) upper Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone,
Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH34 (BAFC-LD54), (h) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 13, (I) Tithonian/Berriasian boundary, well 3 of the
Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 17, (J) Tithonian/Berriasian boundary, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 27, (k) upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, Puerta Curaco
section, sample PC45 (BAFC-LD47), (K) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, well 1 of El Trapial Block, HGTC13038 - 33; (MeR) Calpionella elliptalpina Nagy: (M) upper
Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL38 (BAFC-LD26), (N) upper Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample
CH24 (BAFC-LD52), (O) upper Tithonian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH36 (BAFC-LD55), (P) Tithonian/Berriasian boundary, Substeueroceras
koeneni Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC27 (BAFC-LD42), (Q) Tithonian/Berriasian boundary, Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, well 3 of El Trapial Block, HGTC13038 - 15, (R)
upper Tithonian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 25; s-x) Calpionella elliptica Cadisch: (SeT) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section,
sample AL50 (BAFC-LD33), (UeV) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL51 (BAFC-LD34), (W) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni
Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC45 (BAFC-LD47), (X) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 24; y-d’) Calpionella minuta Housa: (YeZ) lower
Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL47 (BAFC-LD30) and AL48 (BAFC-LD31), (A’) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block,
HGTC15008 - 34, (B’) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC44 (BAFC-LD46), (C’) lower Valanginian Neocomites wichmanni Zone, Puerta
Curaco section, sample PC60 (BAFC-LD48); (D’)) recrystallized specimen from the upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC44 (BAFC-LD36). Scale
bar: 50 mm.
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Fig. 14. Calpionellids from the Vaca Muerta Formation (Genus Crassicollaria Remane): (AeC) Crassicollaria brevis Remane: (AeB) upper Tithonian, well 3 of the Narambuena block,
HGTC15116 - 13, (C) possible reworked specimen from the upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC39 (BAFC-LD44); (DeF) Crassicollaria intermedia
Durand-Delga: (D) upper Tithonian Corongoceras alternans Zone, El Trapial bloc, HGTC13038 - 27, (EeF) upper Tithonian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 13; (GeL)
Crassicollaria colomi? Doben: (GeI) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, sample 20; (J) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 35, (K) lower
Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH47 (BAFC-LD60), (L) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample
AL52 (BAFC-LD35); (MeR) Crassicollaria massutiniana (Colom): (M) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 14, (N) upper Tithonian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 18, (O) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 15, (P) possible reworked specimen from the lower Berriasian Substeueroceras
koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL50 (BAFC-LD33), (Q) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 14; (R) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the
Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 8; (SeX) Crassicollaria parvula Remane: (S) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 18, (TeU) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL42 (BAFC-LD27), (W) lower Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL43 (BAFCLD28), (X) lower Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 21, (W) upper Tithonian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 13; Scale bar: 50 mm.
The following Calpionella Zone spans the lower Substeueroceras
koenenielower Argentiniceras noduliferum Zones, which correponds
to the mid M19n.2n to M16r Subchrons (Iglesia Llanos et al., 2017;
Iglesia Llanos and Kietzmann, 2020), and is therefore correlatable
with the lower Jacobi and Occitanica ammonite Standard Zones, as
it occurs in the Tethys region (Elbra et al., 2018; Grabowski et al.,
2010ab, 2016; Lakova et al., 2017; Michalík et al., 2009, 2016;
et al., 2019; Wimbledon et al., 2020). These results
would indicate that only Alpina and Elliptica Subzones are
assignment of this zone is controversial because it has been based
on a few specimens and questionable identification (Kietzmann
and Iglesia Llanos. 2018). For instance, specimens assigned by
pez-Martínez et al. (2017) to the illustrated specimen of Cr.
massutiniana is most likely Cr. parvula, and the illustrated specimen
of T. remanei could be an oblique section of T. carpathica. Therefore,
it would be important to study a larger number of samples from Las
Loicas section, since the association of Cr. Parvula, T. carpathica and
C. alpina could be indicating the Calpionella Zone.
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Fig. 15. Calpionellids from the Vaca Muerta Formation (Genera Lorenziella Knauer and Nagy, Calpionellopsis Colom, and Calpionellites Colom): (AeF) Lorenziella hungarica Knauer and
Nagy: (A) uppermost lower Berriasian, Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample L190 (BAFC-LD37), (B) upper Berriasian, Spiticeras damesi Zone, Cuesta del
Chihuido section, sample CH57 (BAFC-LD58), (CeD) upper Berriasian, well 1 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 35, (E) lower Valanginian, well 2 of the Narambuena block,
HGTC15113 - 50, (F) lower Valanginian, Neocomites wichmanni Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH68 (BAFC-LD59); (GeL) Calpionellopsis simplex (Colom): (G) upper
Berriasian, uppermost Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, Puerta Curaco section, sample PC36 (BAFC-LD43), (HeI) upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, Puerta Curaco section,
sample PC42 (BAFC-LD45), (JeK) upper Berriasian Spiticeras damesi Zone, El Trapial block, HGTC13038 - 39, (L) upper Berriasian, well 2 of th Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 44;
(MeR) Calpionellopsis oblonga (Cadisch): (M) upper Berriasian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 47, (N) upper Berriasian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 33, (O) upper Berriasian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 35, (P) lower Valanginian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 49, (Q) lower Valanginian, well 1 of
the Narambuena block, HGTC15008 - 48. (R) deformed specimen from the lower Valanginian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 39; (SeX) Calpionellites darderi (Colom):
(S) lower Valanginian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 40, (TeU) lower Valanginian Neocomites wichmanni Zone, Cuesta del Chihuido section, sample CH68 (BAFCLD59), (V) lower Valanginian, well 3 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15116 - 39, (W) lower Valanginian, well 2 of the Narambuena block, HGTC15113 54, (X) lower Valanginian, well
2 of th Narambuena block, HGTC15113 - 55. Scale bar: 50 mm.
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D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
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Fig. 17. Selected examples of diagenetically altered calpionellid specimens: (A) Partially micritized specimen of Lorenziella from the uppermost lower Berriasian (lower Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample L190 - BAFC-LD37) showing a micritic residue (black arrow) and a partially recrystallized hyaline wall (white arrow); (B)
Micritized specimen of Tintinnopsella carpathica from the uppermost lower Berriasian (lower Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample L190 - BAFC-LD37)
showing a thin wall corresponding to the micritic residue (black arrow), and relicts of the hyaline wall (white arrow); (C) Micritized specimen of Calpionella alpina from the lower
Berriasian Substeueroceras koeneni Zone (Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL42 - BAFC-LD27) showing a thin wall corresponding to the micritic residue (black arrow), and relicts of
the hyaline wall (white arrow); (DeE) Chloritized specimen of Tintinnopsella carpathica from the lower Berriasian (Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample
AL45 - BAFC-LD29); (F) Partially pyritized specimen of Tintinnopsella carpathica from the lower Berriasian (Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, Arroyo Loncoche section, sample AL50 BAFC-LD33) showing the hyaline wall (white arrow).
et al., 2017; Wimbledon et al., 2020). Also, it is possible that some of
pez Martinez et al. (2017)
the calpionellid species reported by Lo
would be reworked. The stratigraphic section of the Vaca Muerta
Formation studied by these authors at Las Loicas, is made up by
turbiditic distal outer ramp to basinal facies, yielding characteristic
sedimentary textures such as sand-sized intraclastic packstonegrainstone, and intraclastic marlstones (Kietzmann et al., 2020,
2021). These textures indicate that not all specimens would
necessarily be accumulated directly by fall-out from the water
column in this area. Such reworking processes may also have
affected the distribution of nannofossils, such as N. wintereri,
N. kamptneri minor and N. steinmannii minor, that were found in the
low Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone (transition between the Elliptica Subzone and the Simplex Subzone). In fact, N. kamptneri minor
and N. steinmannii minor were also reported in such a high
represented in the studied sections, since the Remaniella Subzone
has not been characterized. The FO Calpionella elliptica occurs in the
upper part of M17r Subchron, so it is possible that this event occurs
n Basin.
in a further down stratigraphic interval in the Neuque
However, as noted by Lakova et al. (2017), the FO of Calpionella
elliptica has been reported throughout the M17r by different
Among other evidence, Vennari et al. (2014, 2017) reported the
FO of N. wintereri, N. kamptneri minor and N. steinmannii minor
within the low Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone. These three events
occur within the M19r and M18r Subchrons (Lakova et al., 2017;
Wimbledon et al., 2020). However, Vennari et al. (2017) reported
the FO of N. kamptneri minor and N. steinmannii steinmannii within
the lowemid Substeueroceras koeneni Zone, events that occurs
within the uppermost M19n to lowermost M17r Subchrons (Lakova
Fig. 16. Correlation of studied sections. Blue and green dotted lines show the correlation between ammonite zone boundaries, solid lines indicate the correlation of seismic horizons. Calpionellid standard zones and seismic guide horizons show good consistency. In logs of some wells of the Narambuena block some of the Calpionella/Calpionellopsis
boundary zones is not well defined, as observed from the crossing of this boundary and seismic guide horizons. Ammonite zones key: Va: Virgatosphinctes andesensis, Pz: Pseudolissoceras zitteli, Ap: Aulacosphinctes proximus, Wi: Windhauseniceras internispinosum, Ca: Corongoceras alternans, Sk: Substeueroceras koeneni, An: Argentiniceras noduliferum, Sd:
Spiticeras damesi, Nw: Neocomites wichmanni. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
n basin and correlation with previous data. Magnetostratigraphy after Iglesia Llanos et al. (2017) and Kohan Martínez
Fig. 18. Biostratigraphy based on calpionellids for the Neuque
et al. (2017), cyclostratigraphy based on Kietzmann et al. (2018a,b). Other markers are included in the right column. Calcareous dinoglagellate cysts in black, nannofossils in blue,
and ammonites in green. Gray shaded intervals indicate uncertain in position of events from other authors. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Calpionellites darderi occur in the mid Neocomites wichmanni
Zone of early Valanginian age. In the sections studied, only the
Simplex and Oblonga Subzones have been characterized, with the
lower boundary of the Oblonga Subzone is located close to the
mid part of the M16n Subchron. The age of this subchron is in
accordance with that reported in the Tethys, where the base of
the Oblonga Subzone is located within the loweremiddle M16n
Subchron (Grabowski et al., 2016, 2018). Other important bioevents recognized in the Calpionellopsis Zone (Fig. 18) are the
presence of Stomiosphaera wanneri within the upper part of the
Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone, and the FO of Colomisphaera
conferta in the upper part of the Spiticeras damesi Zone (Ivanova
and Kietzmann, 2017). The FO of Stomiosphaera wanneri is
stratigraphic position (e.g., Lakova et al., 2017; Wimbledon et al.,
2020), but the FO of N. wintereri is located close to the Jurassic/
Cretaceous boundary. Nonetheless, the Argentiniceras noduliferum
Zone comprises a reverse polarity zone which was correlated by
Iglesia Llanos et al. (2017) with the M16r Subchron, and therefore,
the FO of N. wintereri occurs most likely in a lower stratigraphic
The Calpionellopsis Zone spans the upper part of the Argentiniceras noduliferum Zone and the Spiticeras damesi Zone and is
correlated with mid M16r - M14r Subchrons (Iglesia Llanos et al.,
2017) that corresponds to the upper Occitanica and Boissieri
Zones. In Cuesta del Chihuido, Puerta Curaco and El Trapial
sections, some specimens that have been assigned to the species
D.A. Kietzmann, M.P.I. Llanos, F.G. Tomassini et al.
Cretaceous Research 127 (2021) 104950
reported in Europe within the Simplex Subzone of the Calpionellopsis Zone (Wimbledon et al., 2020). However, this species
occurs in Morroco, in the upper part of the Alpina Zone and
becomes abundant from the upper part of the Elliptica Zone
and the Calpionellopsis Zone (Benzaggagh and Atrops, 1996). The
FO of Colomisphaera conferta occurs in the upper Berriasian,
uppermost Calpionellopsis Zone, Murgeanui Subzone, near the
BerriasianeValanginian boundary (Grabowski et al., 2016).
Andreini, G., Caracuel, J.E., Parisi, G., 2007. Calpionellid biostratigraphy of the Upper
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9. Conclusions
A regional biostratigraphic study based on calpionellids was
presented for the Upper JurassiceLower Cretaceous in the Neuque
Basin, Argentina, in which five calpionellid standard zones were
recognized: Chitinoidella, Crassicollaria, Calpionella, Calpionellopsis,
and Calpionellites. These zones have been correlated with ammonites and polarity zones.
The Chitinoidella Zone is divided into two subzones: Slovenica
and Boneti, which are equivalent to the Tethyan Dobeni and Boneti
Subzones, respectively.
The Crassicollaria Zone includes the Remanei and Massutiniana
Subzones. In the Calpionella Zone, we have recognized the Alpina
Subzone and for the first time the Elliptica Subzone. The Calpion
nellopsis Zone is also recornized for the first time in the Neuque
Basin, and is divided into the Simplex and Oblonga Subzones. Some
specimens of Calpionellites darderi allow characterizing the Calpionellites Zone for the first time. All these zones and subzones
present a similar calpionellid assemblages than those reported
from the Tethys regions.
The cosmopolitan character of calpionellids allows to consolin basin and longdate the chronostratigraphy in the Neuque
distance correlations between the Tethys and the Andes domains.
Except for the lower part of the Vaca Muerta Formation, the achieved correlation shows an exceptionally good consistency with the
magnetic polarity scales obtained recently in the studied basin, as
well as with the biozones of other microfossils, such as nannofossils
and calcareous dinoflagellates.
This research was supported by projects PICT 2016e3762 and
n Científica
2018e02492 financed by Agencia Nacional de Promocio
gica, Argentina. We acknowledge YPF and Chevron for
y Tecnolo
publication permission. We are especially indebted to Alberto C.
Riccardi (Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Museo, Argentina) for
the identification of the ammonites from Arroyo Loncoche and
Cuesta del Chihuido sections. We especially thank Justyna KowalKasprzyk and Mohamed Benzaggagh for meticulous and
constructive reviews that allowed to significantly improve the
original version of the manuscript. We also thank Eduardo Koutsoukos for editorial handling.
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Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at