3D Design & Printing Rubrics Bcg nning Oeve oplng Profic ent Mastery Empathlze Asks the user provided questions and rocords responses Suggests and asks quostions of the usar and records responsos Makes observations and asks quest ons to ga n insights into user needs Usos observations. questioning and other methods to gain insights into user needs that they hadn t prev ous y cons dered. Doflno Shares informat on about Suggests problems that the the userwithout identf yng user may have. a prob em. C ear y art cu ates a prob em theusor needs solved. C ear y art cu ates a user need by torming an act onab e probtem statement. Ideat• Exp ains an idea suggested by someono else Suggests an idea for so v ng the problem. Generales at loast S possible idoas lnclud ng some origina ideas f0< solv ng the prob em. Gcnerates at la. ast 10 creative. or ginal and innovatrv0 ideas for so ving the prob em. Protot� Croates a model. Creatos a model related to the problem. Produces a mode or prototype that represents a proposed so ution Produces a wor1'ing model or prototype that can be used to fullytest the proposed so ution Tost Shows the user their model. Asks the user what they think of their model. Tests prototype andseeks feedback from u ser Des gns tests to determ ne how well specific aspects of the solut on meats user needs Coll:aboration Completes taskswith direction that contr butc towards the group solv ng the probklm. Completes task to contribute towards the group sotv ng theproblem Works coll aboratively with a Acts as a leader in a group group to solvo the problem. to collaborat vely so ve the prob em. ©Mak.er .sEmp r e2020 MAKERS tt. EMPIRE s,tt,,,i..r-,.,PE�i4tt