Subido por Leti Lozano

Understanding Emotions: A Presentation for Kids

© 2015 Eve Coates
In This Lesson We’ll Learn:
• What emotions are
• Different kinds of emotions
• How to recognize how you’re feeling
In the next lesson we’ll learn about how to deal
with difficult emotions in healthy ways.
Everyone has emotions!
Emotions make us feel certain ways inside.
Emotions are like clouds that pass by.
They come, stay for a while, and then leave.
Sometimes they only
stay for a little bit.
And sometimes they
stay for a long time.
But they are always coming, going, and changing.
Emotions are just part of being human. EVERYONE has them!
Some emotions we like to feel, and some we don’t.
But even emotions that make us feel bad are normal and even healthy.
Let’s learn about some of our different emotions!
Click on the face below that fits with happy.
Great job! You chose the right face!
What kind of things make you happy?
Make a face to show you’re happy.
Click on the face below that fits with sad.
That’s right! You chose the right face!
What kind of things make you sad?
Make a face to show you’re sad.
Click on the face below that fits with mad.
Good! You chose the right face!
What kind of things make you mad?
Make a face to show you’re mad.
Click on the face below that fits with excited.
You got it!
What kind of things make you excited?
Make a face to show you’re excited.
Click on the face below that fits with nervous.
Great job!
What kind of things make you nervous?
Make a face to show you’re nervous.
Click on the face below that fits with silly.
You’re right!
What are some things you might do if you feel silly?
What kind of things make you feel silly?
Make a face to show you’re feeling silly.
We talked about a few emotions, but there are many more. Can you think of any other emotions?
Click the boxes to see more emotions. Did you guess any of the ones above?
Let’s see if we can guess how someone might feel in certain situations.
Read the story below, then click on how you think the person is feeling.
It was almost Isabelle’s turn to get up and read her
story. Each week, one student had to get up and share
something with the class. Isabelle decided to share a
story she’d been working on for a while.
As it got closer to reading the story, Isabelle’s heart
started pounding and her palms started sweating. When
her teacher called her name to come to the front of the
class, she felt sick to her stomach.
She started walking up to the front and held up her
paper. She could hardly read the paper because her
hands were shaking so badly!
How do you think Isabelle feels right now?
Great job! You were able to guess how Isabelle was feeling.
How did you know?
Let’s try another!
Luis was playing the very last game in a soccer tournament. His
team was behind by one point, but he knew he could score a goal
if he could just get the ball.
Finally the ball came to him! He raced across the field kicking
the ball. No one was behind him! He was going to be able to
make the goal easily! He got closer and closer, and finally kicked
it into the net! HE SCORED A GOAL!
He looked around to see his team, but instead of being happy
they all looked angry. The crowd wasn’t cheering.
He looked at the goal again. Oh no! He had kicked the ball into
the wrong goal and scored a point for the OTHER team.
His cheeks started to turn red and he just wanted to hide. How
could he have made such a silly mistake?
How do you think Luis is feeling?
Great job! You were able to guess how Luis was feeling.
How did you know he was feeling embarrassed?
What do you think of when you hear the word talent?
What are some talents you have?
Many people think the only kinds of talents are things like singing, dancing,
playing musical instruments, or being good at sports.
But did you know it’s also a talent to be able to recognize how
you feel and how the people around you feel?
It’s hard for many people to know how they are feeling and be able to tell someone.
But it’s important to be able to do this.
With practice, we can ALL learn to recognize and express our feelings.
Let’s learn how to get this talent!
To get better at understanding our emotions, we need to practice noticing how our
body and mind feel when we have different emotions.
I just want to
If you’re angry, your body
might feel hot.
Your mind might make you feel
like hitting someone or
throwing something.
I really just
want to be
If you’re sad, your body
might make you lose your
Your mind might make you
want to just be alone.
If you can learn to notice how your body and mind feel when different
emotions come, you can get better at understanding and expressing your emotions.
Let’s practice recognizing how our minds and bodies feel
when we have different emotions.
You’ll listen to a story about someone doing something scary.
Try to picture how you would feel if you felt very scared.
Pay attention to how your body feels, and what your
mind might tell you while you’re scared.
Pretend you are at the pool with your friends. There’s a brand
new slide and it’s HUGE. It’s bigger than any slide you’ve ever
seen. None of your friends dare to go on the slide because it’s so
tall. They all try to get you to do it, even though it looks very
You start walking over to the slide and look up to the top. The
lifeguard up there looks tiny from way down on the ground!
There’s a tall ladder you have to climb to get to the top. You
start climbing up slowly and don’t dare to look down. You climb
higher and higher. You start to worry that you can’t climb all the
way to the top, but now you’ve gone so far it would be too hard
to go back down.
Your friends look like little ants now! You’ve only got a little
higher to climb, but then your foot slips! You almost fall, but
you barely grab onto the next bar by your hands just in time.
Finally you get your feet back on the bar and make it to the top.
You take a deep breath, happy that you’ve finally made it to the
top. But then you peer over the side of the slide and see how
steep it is. It’s so high! Can you really do this? What if you fall
off? You sit down in the slide, close your eyes, and push off!
The wind is blowing in your face as you zoom down. It feels
like you’re falling through the air, but then you reach the bottom
of the slide safely and let out a breath. You did it!
Did this story help you think about what your body and mind feel like when you’re scared?
How does your body
feel when you’re scared?
Do you hold your breath?
Do you feel butterflies in
your stomach?
Do your hands shake?
I want to go
back! This is
too scary!
What does your mind tell you
when you’re scared?
Does your mind make you
want to quit the scary thing
you’re doing?
Do you feel like hiding or running
Does your mind tell you you’re
brave and can do this?
You can learn to recognize how your body and mind feel with all sorts of emotions!
Are you ready to accept a
For the rest of the week do your best to try to recognize how your mind and
body feel when you have different emotions.
Try to notice how you feel when you’re:
Soon you’ll become an EXPERT at recognizing your emotions!
Emotions make our body and mind feel certain ways. They are always coming, going,
and changing.
Some emotions make us feel good and some make us feel bad, but even emotions that
make us feel bad can be normal and healthy.
If you pay attention to how your body and mind feel when you have different emotions, you’ll be
better at understanding and expressing your emotions.
After you get a little better at recognizing HOW you feel, we’ll learn about what to do when
you have negative emotions and how to deal with them in a healthy way.
What do I do when
I’m sad or angry?