GUÍA PEDAGÓGICA Teacher: MSc. Hellennys Rangel English VETERINARY MEDICINE Guía Pedagógica de Inglés MÓDULO 1 Subproyecto: Inglés Técnico 2. Contenido: Predicción Inferencia claves directas. Tema: Scanning and Skimming. Referentes Teóricos: Traducir diversos tipos de textos de forma comprensiva y utilizando diferentes bibliografías. Atividad a Realizar: Identificación en inglés dentro del texto. c Idicadores a Evaluar: Estrategia de Evaluación n-Cumple con las indicaciones dadas. (0,5pts) -Es organizado y creativo. (0,5 pts) -Manejo teórico. (1pts). - Traducción de texto. (1pto) - Responde con coherencia. (7ptos). Fecha de Entrega: 15 DE MAYO del 2022. Ponderación e Instrumento de Evaluación: Taller Estructurado 10pts Otros: Solo la actividad deberán enviarlo al aula virtual Classroom. Observación: Debe leer minuciosamente las indicaciones de la clase y del trabajo a entregar. Los plagios y copias se evaluaran con 01pto meno, no prestar trabajos con el fin de evitar esto. Hacerlo individualmente o en pareja. NO MAS. IDENTIFIQUESE EN LA ACTIVIDAD ENVIADA CON NOMBRE, APELLIDO, CEDULA, SECCIÓN. A continuación se le facilitará información relevante que podría ayudarlos a realizar la a ctividad evaluadora, cabe destacar que no hay problemas si el estudiante desea hacer su propia investigación sobre el contenido, siempre y cuando se acople a las necesidades del mismo. 1 MODULE 1ST CLAs ESTILOS DE LECTURA LOCALIZAR INFORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA EN UN TEXTO - SCANNING Scanning es una técnica de lectura que se usa cuando se quiere encontrar información específica en un texto de forma rápida. Como efectuar la técnica de Scanning: a. Al iniciar debes pensar en la información que necesitas, para no distraerte con información innecesaria. b.- Trata de recordar la(s) pregunta(s) que quieres responder. Ej.: Si la pregunta se relaciona con “¿Cuándo…?”, deberás buscar años o fechas. Si la pregunta se relaciona con “¿Dónde…?”, deberás buscar lugares, etcétera. c.- Apóyate en los encabezados para ir directamente a la sección que pueda tener la respuesta. d. Ignora las secciones del texto que creas que no tienen la información necesaria. LECTURA RÁPIDA DE UN TEXTO – SKIMMING Se refiere al proceso de leer sólo las ideas principales que se encuentran en un texto y así obtener una idea general del contenido de dicho documento. Como efectuar la técnica de Skimming: a.- Leer y entender el título b.- Leer la introducción o el primer párrafo. c.- Leer la primera oración de cada párrafo (o un párrafo si y uno no) d.Leer encabezados, títulos y subtítulos. e.- Observar cualquier ilustración, tabla o gráfica. f.- Identificar cualquier variante en la tipografía (negritas, cursivas, etc.) g.Leer el resumen o último párrafo. DENTIFIQUESE Veterinary Medicine Name and Last Name: Luis Davila Chadian Azuaje .D.: I 26.372.826 28.487.069 Section: D-02 -ENGLISH 2 ACTIVITY: 1.- El siguiente ejercicio tiene como objetivo el que utilices las estrategias “skimming” y “scanning”. Antes de Leer Discute con tus compañeros acerca de las razas de perros que conoces y sus características, los perros callejeros no cuentan. Mientras lees Recuerda que las palabras cognadas te ayudarán a entender mejor las descripciones de las razas. ACTIVIDAD 2 Traduzca al español el siguiente cuadro. Qualities and defects of breeds A Breed B PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION Well proportioned in spite of its size. 1 LEONBERGER 2 ST. BERNARD Sturdy, strong and muscular. 3 NEWFOUNDLA ND AND LANDSEER Elegant in appearance, agile in movement. 4 PYRENEAN MOUNTAI N DOG Strong and muscular. 5 BOXER Strong and hardy. Agile in movement, proud of bearing. 6 DOBERMANN (Dobermann Pinscher) Elegant and lithe in build, well muscled. 7 SCHNAUZER Strong and hardy, compact in build. 8 GREAT DANE Strong and elegant, proud of bearing. 9 HOVAWART Strong and hardy. C Main physical defects D Qualities E Defects F Head resembling a St. Bernard; tail curled over the back; white markings on the coat. Fond of its owner, highly intelligent. Wary of strangers, cannot bear to be chained up. Avalanche dog. Sway back; tail curled over the back; curly or excessively long coat; self-coloured coat or lack of white. Sway back; weak loins; tail curved over the back in action; cow hocks; presence of dew claws; feet turning outwards. Excessively heavy head; pronounced stop; round, prominent eyes; undershot jaw; cow hocks; absence of two sets of dew claws at the back. Heavy appearance; light nose; light eyes; haw showing; tongue and teeth visible when the mouth is shut; missing teeth; tail set low; white marking on the coat; covering more than one third of the total surface area. Heavy appearance; excessively large head; pronounced stop; light eyes; overshot or undershot jaw; presence of dewlap; incorrect stance; straw- colored coat; white markings on the chest; tan markings not clearly defined. Docile, faithful, courageous and generous. Faithful and courageous. Sometimes irritable in hot climates. Mountain rescue. None. Sea rescue. Gentle, calm, affectionate, courageous. None. Excellent guard dog. Obedient and intelligent, easy to train. Wary of strangers. Excellent guard dog. Intelligent, lively, courageous, faithful easy to train. Reacts aggressively to provocation. Excellent bodyguard. Wrinkles on the forehead; light eyes; undershot jaw; presence of dewlap; cow hocks; wavy coat; atypical colouring. Snipy muzzle; missing teeth; overshot or undershot jaw; even bite; short neck; presence of dewlap; sway back; incorrect stance; curled tail; colour not conforming to the standard. Undershot or overshot jaw; ears wide apart; sway back; bind legs not well angled; tai curled over the back, Lively, faithful, easily trainable. Sometimes restless and dangerous with strangers. Obedient and faithful to its owner, docile and eventempered. Suspicious of strangers. Resistant to adverse weather conditions, killer of vermin. The poorly developed sense of smell does allow it to recognize even its owner in the dark. Intelligent and obedient. Retains its happy-golucky puppy temperament too long. Note Excellent guard dog. 10 ROTTWEILLER Strong but of rather heavy build. LEONBERGER Bien proporcionad o a pesar de su tamaño San Bernardo Robusto fuerte y musculoso Terranova y landseer Elegante en apariencia, ágil en movimiento Gran pirineo Fuerte y musculoso Boxer Fuerte y resistente. Agil en movimientos, orgulloso de porte Doberman De complexión elegante y agil, bien musculada Schnauzer Fuerte y resistente de constitución compacta Gran danes Fuerte elegante orgulloso porte Hovawart Fuerte resisente y de y curly coat. Long muzzle with excessively drooping lips; narrow skull; light eyes; light build; thin tail. Cabeza parecida a la de un San Bernardo cola enroscada sobre la espalda; marcas blancas en el pelaje Intelligent; faithful to its owner. Aggressive and dangerous with strangers. Aficionado a su dueño, altamente inteligente Influenciado/afectado: cola enroscada sobre la espalda: pelaje rizado o excesivamente largo: abrigo del mismo color o falta de blanco Influenciado: lomos débiles, cola curvada sobre la espalda en acción, corvejones de vaca: presencia de garras de rocios: pies girando hacia afuera Cabeza excesivamente pesada; parada pronunciada; ojos redondos y prominentes; mandibula inferior; corvejos de vacas; ausencias de juego de garras de rocio en espaldas Aspecto pesado; nariz ligera; ojos claros; lengua y dientes visibles cuando la boca esta cerrada; dientes faltan: cola de implantación baja: marca blanca en el pelaje; cubriendo mas de uno de la superficie total Aspecto pesado: cabeza excesivamente grande; parada pronunciada ojos claros; mandibula superior o inferior presencia de parpado; postura incorrecta marcas blancas en el pecho marcas de bronceado no claramente definidas Arrugas la frente ojos claros, mandíbula inferior, presencia de papada corvejones de vacas abrigo ondulado Dócil, fiel valiente y generoso Desconfiado de los extraños no puede soportar estar encadenado A veces irritable en climas cálidos Fiel y valiente Ninguno. Hocico puntiagudo dientes que faltan mandibula superior o inferior incluso morder cuello corto presencia de papada influenciado postura incorrecta; cola rizada color no conforme a la norma Good guard dog, even used by the police in some states. Perro de avalanchas. Rescate de montañas Salvamento marino. Suave, Ninguno tranquilo,cariñ oso, valiente Excelente perro guardian Obediente e inteligente, fácil de entrenar Excelente perro guardián Cuidado con los extraños Inteligente Reacciona vivaz valiente, agresivamente fiel fácil de a provocación entrenar Excelente guardaespal das Vivaz fiel fácilmente entrenable A veces inquieto y peligroso con extraños Obediente fiel a su dueño dócil incluso templado Desconfiado de los extraños Resistente a condiciones climatológic as adversas exterminado r de alimañas El sentido del olfato poco desarrollado permite reconocer incluso a su dueño en la oscuridad Excelente perro guardian Orejas muy separadas Inteligente y influenciado atar las piernas obediente mal anguladas. Conserva su temperamento de cachorro feliz y afortunado demasiado tiempo Rottweiler Fuerte pero complexión bastante pesada Hocico largo con labios excesivamente caidos, cráneo estrecho luz ojos construcción ligera cola delgada Inteligente fiel Agresivo a su peligroso propietario extraños y con Buen perro guardián incluso utilizado por los policías en algunos estados. ACTVIDAD 3 Localiza la siguiente información en la tabla acerca de “Qualities and defects of breeds”. Escribe el número y la letra que correspondan. Ejemplo: I.- Son de movimiento ágil y tienen una apariencia elegante. B II.- Los ejemplares de esta raza tienen un color atípico. C III.- Son bien proporcionados. B 3 7 1 IV.- Sirven para rescate en las montañas. F 2 V.- Tienen como características la docilidad y la obediencia. D VI.- Son excelentes guardianes. F 5 VII.- Se les considera sin ningún defecto. E 2 VIII.- Son robustos y fuertes. B 10 IX.- Los usa la policía en algunos estados. 8 3 F X.- Reaccionan de forma agresiva ante la provocación. E 6 ACTIVIDAD 4 .- Ahora, elige 3 razas de gatos, 3 de caballos, 3 de toros, 3 de vacas o el animal de tu preferencia con tus propias palabras descríbelos brevemente como lo muestra el cuadro anterior presentado en la clase. EN TOTAL HARA 12 RAZAS. En inglés y español. NO DEJES NINGUNA CUALIDAD O DEFECTO SIN LLENAR. NO COPIAS GRACIAS. Qualities and defects of breeds A 1 B Breed PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION LEONBERGER Well proportioned in spite of its size. 2 Border collie 3 Alaskan Malamute Strong and elegant C Main physical defects Head resembling a St. Bernard; tail curled over the back; white markings on the coat. D Qualities Defects E Note Fond of its owner, highly intelligent. Wary of strangers, cannot bear to be chained up. Avalanche dog. Border collies have a They are protective They need to be well longer tail that reaches of their family and socialized from a young down to their hocks. territory and make age to avoid shyness The head is like that excellent guard around strangers, and they of a collie, and the dogs. They will should receive obedience body is slightly longer take care of the training than it is tall. children of the family. Noted for its corpulent The Alaskan Docile, sociable Regarding the behavior of appearance malamute is a large, and affectionate the Alaskan Malamute very strong and robust dog, especially with other pets, it should dog that is adapted to with their owners always be under the pull very heavy loads and even with supervision of the owner such as sleds and up strangers. since, due to its strong to 40 kilograms. hierarchy instinct, it can His chest is deep and be involved in aggression F They are shepherds and were raised to work with sheep, they can take care of any type of flock and even the children of the family. sled dog or for carrying weights is also a good rescue dog, as well as for people with physical disabilities strong, and his body is muscular but not hypertrophic. 4 5 6 7 8 9 with other animals, another reason why it needs an experienced owner. The body of the Persian It is characterized by These cats are The bridge of the nose Persian cats are very Persian cat cat is muscular and being medium to large familiar, they love should end between the calm and ideal to have rounded and has a in size. It has a round, to be with children. eyes, this famous stop them as the only robust bone structure. massive head and a It's a lap cat should not be located animal at home. wide skull. The above the upper eyelid or They are very forehead is rounded below the lower eyelid. attached animals. and the cheekbones This gives Persian cats a are strong and very distinctive prominent. It has a appearance, although it short muzzle and a can lead to known health strong, full chin. problems Bengal They are muscular and Being a hybrid breed, they are funny cats, These cats are selfHis closeness to the their structure is very Bengals are usually as well as confident, rather dominant family will always robust larger than other cats; intelligent and bold and sometimes somewhat drive him to look for Its agile and athletic aggressive, which is why his owner body can weigh up to problems can arise if they 7 kg and measure up are socialized with other to 70 cm in length. Its territorial cats. legs are long and muscular and its head, in comparison, rather small; her high, almond-shaped cheekbones and large eyes, usually blue or green, stand out. Siamese Elegant, slender, In addition to its It is one of the None. stylish, flexible and athletic build, the most His desire to learn well-muscled long, straight nose and communicative makes him an ideal striking head shape breeds and meows companion are unmistakable at a considerable features of the breed. volume. friesian They have a compact With a wide neck and he is docile, calm None. and muscular body a height that goes and intelligent. Excellent for show from 1.65 to 1.75 m. riding and dressage The pigmentation that competitions. it presents in its fur is totally black, accepting only a white star on the forehead smaller than 3.2 cm. Quarter Horse Modern Quarter Horses This breed is It is a very Due to its surprising they are popular as are short and stocky, characterized by sensitive and muscular mass, it is a cowboy horses, to with a muscular build having a welltreatable animal. relatively low horse for work on ranches and large, broad chests. proportioned head, a what it weighs. driving cattle good insertion of this in the neck, neither too thin nor too thick. Broad chest and a good thorax. Looking at it as a whole it is harmonious and attractive. Norwegian Fjord The legs and forearms The Norwegian sociable character Fjord is a brave horse but very versatile, capable Horse are broad and Fjord horse has a and closeness to with a strong personality of being ridden or muscular; the knees are very characteristic man hitched for both work developed and flat in coat color, usually and sport and leisure. front. called Elizabethan, Despite its modest more rarely mousesize, it can easily colored. This coat is carry a teenager or a due to the dun gene grown man and pull and comes in five heavy loads. different shades 10 Belgian blue 11 Holstein Because of its muscular appearance it is known as "double muscled". The purple coat with white The meat of spots is the most common; this breed is this coat gives it a blue hue. lean (little fat) White is not uncommon. and of good The hair is of medium quality. length and stiffness; It is born in a fairly loose skin of medium thickness, with light pigmentation. The horns are small and curved as in Dutch Friesians. Holsteins are elegant, Angular, broad, emaciated The Holstein large animals with body; considering the breed is the color patterns of period of lactation. most black and white or Long emaciated neck, well productive of red and white. implanted. Relatively large all dairy body capacity in proportion to size; deep, medium-wide breeds barrel, large girth. Udder of great capacity and good shape, strongly attached; Medium nipples and placement in square and plumb very well irrigated. The Hereford is a Most of the cattle are of has a good medium to large excellent constitution, being character and sized breed. deep and wide in the thorax temperament and abdomen. Their temperament and character are good as they are calm and easy to handle. Double-muscled His cows may temperament is experience docile. dystocia None. Holstein is the most profitable breed, and therefore the most widespread in the world. None The females are characterized by being excellent mothers, and they also maintain good body conditions while they are nursing their young. . 12 Hereford