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2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications
Equipment Reliability Optimization Using Predictive Reliability Centered
2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA) | 978-1-6654-2895-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICIEA52957.2021.9436745
Kimuel Kier Mercado Rosita; Maria Victorina Rada
School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
Mapúa University
658 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines
falls under continuous operations with reliability being
indicative of the regular maintenance required to ensure
smooth operation. Consistent maintenance ensures that
machines operate optimally thereby introducing the concept
of maintainability [2]. Maintainability in this case is defined
as the potential to keep equipment in a specified desired state
within strict tolerances using predetermined methods [3].
Maintenance is an important consideration in the
enhancement of equipment reliability. Measures such as
mean time to repair (MTTR) help define the reliability of a
given component [4]. MTTR is easily determined using the
number of repair hours and the total number of repairs within
a specified period, means the higher the MTTR the greater it
affects the production. Another measure mean time between
failure (MTBF) is determined by dividing the total number
of operation hours within a predetermined period by the
number of failures [5]. Values such as the MTBF reciprocal
are important in the determination of a machine’s reliability
by isolating the episodes of failure in comparison to the sum
of the time where operations are optimized. Information
technology comes in handy in developing maintenance
schedules. Diverse information technology tools are used to
determine reliability. SAP is one such tool that can be
customized for the collection of reliability data by analyzing
maintenance reports as well as the general output of
Applying reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)
demonstrated that the MTBF for the plant equipment can be
improved, and the probabilities work will be developed by
applying RCM in ABC manufacturing companies. Currently,
breakdown maintenance, preventive maintenance, and
corrective maintenance are generally practiced in these
companies. Existing machine equipment is frequently
challenged by sudden failures, manpower crisis, and unusual
spares consumption, which directly affect production
capacity and operational expenditure. RCM can be the
gateway to overcome this situation. This study provides
guidance for adopting RCM principles and implementing
RCM in other industries. Reliability-centered-maintenance
programs feature three stages: decision, analysis, and action.
Customized RCM methodology has seven steps, and within
these stages, it can assure that RCM programs are
successfully implemented.
Equipment reliability depends on several factors that
need to be optimized, which translates into achieving the
maximum or minimum value of their operation parameters.
Abstract—Extending the work of (Prasetyo &Rosita, 2020) in
this study, the application of Reliability Centered Maintenance
(RCM) to optimize equipment reliability is presented through
a framework developed for ABC manufacturing company.
ABC company is a well-established manufacturing company in
the middle east that already has their current maintenance
strategy to maximize their equipment reliability but based on
the data collected from SAP on where they stored their
historical data from maintenance and operation, their MTBF
is low and their MTTR is quite high. This is because of their
high machine downtime hours and repeated failures.
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) integrates
Maintenance, Proactive Maintenance and Condition Based
Maintenance to increase the machines performance and the
component will function in the required manner over its design
life-cycle with a very less amount of machine downtime and
parts failure. To implement RCM in ABC manufacturing
company and apply the developed framework, the failure
modes collected from SAP was analyzed using Failure Mode
and Effect Analysis (FMEA) with the help of RCM Logic tree
analysis for decision making and establishing maintenance
criticality criteria. The last part of this paper shows the
possible maintenance selection task for each failure modes that
the company can consider, challenges in implementing RCM
are also explained which might influence the plan of adopting
the RCM process in an already established organization. It is
also worth mentioning that the developed framework can be
apply also in different manufacturing industries that want to
implement Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM).
Keywords-component; reliability centered maintenance;
maintainability; MTTR;MTBF; failure; reliability; machine;
Reliability is an indispensable attribute that plays a
critical role in the life cycle, inherent properties, and the
ability of equipment in engineering. Reliability is a measure
of an equipment’s ability to operate efficiently within set
limits and confines of time [1]. Optimizing reliability is
paramount for the successful operation of equipment and the
minimization of costs associated with downtime and
unexpected breakdowns. Equipment is grouped based on the
duration of time spent during operations with items falling
under either intermittent or continuous work schedules.
Equipment that spends most of its time running effectively
978-1-6654-2895-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
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To get decent profitability, a company needs high production
machinery’s reliability and availability levels. Optimal
benefits are realized when reliability is designed into a piece
of equipment. However, it is important to improve
equipment reliability throughout an equipment’s life to meet
a company’s goals and objectives. Reliability-centered
maintenance can be better understood as preventive
maintenance where a systematic approach is developed to
ensure equipment is maintained in a cost-effective manner
effectively avoiding total disruption of operations [6]. There
are many that can affect equipment reliability to achieve high
equipment reliability. Engineering design, Materials used,
manufacturing process, equipment operation
maintenance tasks are some of the issue that needs to be
addressed to achieve such very high equipment optimization
[7]. But, taking consideration of those issues is not as easy as
we think it will require many information, modelling,
analyzing samples, testing data more research analysis and
possible reengineering. Maintenance and maintainability are
two other issues which are also important in the context of to
meet product reliability [7].
A piece of equipment’s complexity continues to increase
as its age increases, and machine failure’s implications
become ever more critical [7], mentioned that consequences
of failure will vary depending on the involvement of the
stakeholders. Every failure has an economic impact not only
in the loss of production but also with the service level
agreement to customers and may also possibly lead to safety
and environment issues. These issues contribute highly to
destroy company’s image and KPI’s if not properly managed
by the key players of the organization. Failures cannot be
entirely prevented but it is possible to reduce it damaged
when they occur which is one of the purposes of
maintenance and reliability analysis.
The main problem addressed in this study can be defined as
• How can equipment reliability be optimized by using
predictive reliability-centered maintenance?
This study’s objectives are to develop a framework of
RCM that can be used in ABC manufacturing company
which will also be applicable in other similar industry to
optimize their equipment reliability, apply, and evaluate the
development framework based on company’s current
strategy, and find out the challenges present for successful
implementation of RCM in the existing system to optimize
the equipment reliability. While it is not a new concept,
many companies are not able to integrate reliability-centered
maintenance in their daily operations. The impact that it has
on equipment reliability is therefore overlooked with
consequences that include higher operation and maintenance
costs as well as downtime. Extending our previous work [8],
this study carried out the comprehensive literature review of
works related to RCM; then reliability analysis has been
implemented using RCM framework steps specifically
developed for the current plant strategy. The proposed work
aims to provide guidelines and suggestions for implementing
predictive RCM in ABC manufacturing companies’
maintenance department, thus optimizing equipment
RCM seeks to prevent failure. RCM considers every
aspect of failure despite their impact. Critical and non-critical
reliability issues as well as the life of machines are some of
the considerations of RCM [9]. RCM is designed to avoid
equipment failure by working to predict and therefore avoid
issues that can lead to breakdowns. The outcome is an ability
to extend the machine’s operational life cycle while avoiding
the complete disruption of production lines owing to failures
that can be easily rectified. The proactive nature of RCM
ensures that maintenance schedules are created and
timeframes for inspections and repairs slotted during periods
of low productivity to minimize chances of halting
production. By determining the likelihood of failure,
corrective action in the form of maintenance can be
introduced thereby enhancing reliability even for old
equipment [9]. Failure either in quality of the production
process due to breakdowns, slow production, or even the
complete stalling of operations are all justifications
underpinning the importance of RCM in relation to
Reliability-centered maintenance identifies all the
reasons and can help to understand the reason of system
function failure and what is the best approach to be used to
address the failure. Its concept is quite simple, and its
working method is defined by the following four features
• Preserving functions.
• Identifying failure modes that can make the system
• Failure consequences identification and prioritizing
based on function criticality.
• Selecting applicable and effective preventive
maintenance action to prevent that prioritize
functional failure.
These demonstrate RCM as to prioritize functional
importance need to be maintained and focus resources on
those maintenance works that promote system reliability.
There are seven questions that can support RCM process
which will directly involve its function, assets, and the
under-review system/ equipment, which listed as follows
• Based on the asset current operating context, what
are the functions and standard operating performance
• The possible ways that the system/ equipment will
fail during normal operation (function failure)?
• Contributing factors that results to failure (failure
• Effects of each failure (failure effects)?
• What impact that each failure gives (failure
• What are the predictive actions that can be done to
prevent the failure (tasks/intervals)?
• What are the alternatives in case the proactive did
not work or can be seen (default actions)?
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A. Reliability Centered Maintenance Framework
The optimum goal of Reliability – centered maintenance
is to improve productivity, minimize maintenance cost while
maximizing equipment reliability. It can be done by doing
predictive, time- based, condition based, proactive and
reactive maintenance tasks [12]. By using the systematic
approach organization can preserve the whole system
function and it can also help in looking for the correct failure
modes. An RCM’s program unfolds three stages: decision,
analysis, and action. These stages have corresponding steps
that need to be followed to ensure a successful RCM
program. The proposed methodology was designed after a
qualitative and quantitative observation in ABC
manufacturing company relative to its profile and
maintenance strategy. To optimize equipment reliability a
detailed RCM framework steps to be carried out are listed
below and the framework shown in Fig. 1.
• Equipment Selection
• Defining system boundaries
• Identify important functionalities.
• Functional failure identification
• Identifying and evaluating the effects of failure
• Identifying failure modes
• Task Selection
Figure 2. SAP netweaver dashboard
In maintenance field the machine performance can be
calculated through Meantime between failure and Meantime
to repair, this is the basic key performance indicator to assess
equipment reliability. Many maintenance organizations use
SAP as their CMMS to calculate MTBF and MTTR.
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
is a tool that support maintenance and for this study alone
SAP is the one that serves as CMMS in ABC manufacturing
company which helps activities of the maintenance [13],
Figure 2 shows the SAP Dashboard in most maintenance
After a successful gathering of data using SAP and
following of detailed RCM framework, we will be having a
list of maintenance tasks which will be allocated in an
applicable and cost-effective way. Here, applicable means
that the tasks should be able to prevent failures or pull-out
hidden failures while effective is related to the cost
effectiveness of the alternative Preventive Maintenance
strategies or will serve as a new Predictive Maintenance
Model. It is important and necessary to assign maintenance
activity to every failure mode because that activity should
prevent the occurrence of the failure mode in the most
structured way.
This part of the paper presented all the RCM steps that
needs to follow for the entire analysis.
Figure 1. Reliability centered maintenance framework
Equipment Selection
Equipment selection and gathering data from
maintenance and operation is considered the most important
step in an RCM analysis [13]. A piece of equipment can be
chosen through the following criteria:
• Repeated failure happened recently.
• More corrective maintenance was performed.
• Total maintenance cost is high (spare parts usage is
• Mean time between failures is low.
• Mean time to repair is high.
• High safety concerns.
• High environmental effects.
Data iof Reliability as per SAP
SAP NetWeaver is the utilized software to collect
information’s from ABC manufacturing company. It is a
company that depends on their production into their
automated machinery. ABC manufacturing company are
bonded by SAP to integrate their historical data performed
by the maintenance and operations team, that includes
important details like actual work out in the machine which
is vital in computing Meantime between failure and
Meantime to repair.
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B. Defining Sytem Boundaries
This step identifies what of the equipment needs to be
included in the RCM analysis and what does not. Boundary
definition also consists of both input and output interfaces
and the established system interactions, which is especially
important if two adjacent pieces of equipment or systems are
selected. To define system boundaries this study uses an IPO
model. Fig. 3, shows the system boundaries of the study
through Input, Process and Output (IPO) of ABC
Manufacturing Company.
E. Identifying and Evaluating the Effects of Failure Mode
This step clarifies what the consequences are when
failure occur including observation of the incident and the
possible impact can occur in the production line. Safety
impact assessment of the incident are also needed to take
consideration. The step unfolds as follows:
• Recording the information regarding the failure.
• Consequence of each failure.
• Assessing the failure.
Figure 4. Failure mode and equipment analysis form
Figure 4 shows the template for creating the failure
effects in every functional location of tricot feed machine.
Identifying/Analyzing Failure Modes through
After knowing the system function and the functional
failures that might happen in the equipment, the next step in
the RCM analysis is to go more specific. The systematic
approach of FMEA analysis is presented in. Here, all the
equipment items are selected one by one for in depth
analysis. Collected failure modes in each functional location
are detected through SAP where the historical failures of the
company are recorded. Then, every failure mode is evaluated
by detecting their causes of failure and failure effects at the
local and system level or end effects. The whole process is
repeated as necessary until all equipment items and
associated failure modes have been evaluated.
Figure 3. System boundaries
C. Identifying Important Functionalities
This step is about the information regarding the system
understudy main functionality, information as follows:
• Function description.
• Function representation.
• Function interface.
• Function equipment.
• Function history.
D. Functional Failure Identification
Functional failure is an asset's inability to meet the
expected structured performance. In this step, the overall
goal is to identify the functional failure. Generally,
functional failures in each discussed function there is a
possibility of at least two functional failure this might cause
a partial or complete loss. There are guides that can be used
to identify the functional failure from the function, listed
• Nothing from the function.
• Less than the standard parameter of system
• More than the standard parameter of system
• Functional operation done prematurely.
• Function’s fail due to over usage (e.g., too long
• Operational irregularity of the function.
• Other functional failure that happened which is still
appropriate within its functional group.
There is a need to document all functional failure in a
complete functional failure statement including its
functional deviation to have a realistic analysis.
Figure 5. Failure mode and equipment analysis form
Figure 5 shows the FMEA form that will be filled up to
input all failure modes of the machine as the proponent of
the research study.
After collecting and filling up all FMEA analysis every
failure mode will be numbered sequentially using their
failure ID. In getting the criticality analysis of the equipment
to satisfy the Failure Modes and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA). Each failure mode was listed based on their
functional location. The numbering will be used as a pointer
of every failure mode for evaluation of the criticality or risk
priority of the failure- influenced by severity of the failure,
occurrence of the failure and detection of the failure. On
which, ranking of failure consequences is categorized by the
severity index, while the occurrence on the other hand serves
as an index which defined the number of failure occurrences
happened, and the probability that a failure can be detected is
dictates by the detection index assuming that it has occurred.
The good practice is that annually occurrence index should
be re-evaluated, SAP plays an important role to evaluate it. It
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means that FMEA analysis is dynamic and should be
monitored regularly. These parameters are measured in a
scale of 1 to 10 where 1 indicates the lowest importance and
10 indicates the highest importance as per failure
characteristics, [14].
Using the criteria for ranking failure mode assessment
tailored from Machinery FMEA (MFMEA) the risk priority
number is being calculated. (MFMEA) is a type of FMEA
that focuses on design that improves the reliability and
maintainability of the machinery for long term plant usage,
[15]. Table I (a, b, c) shows the classification criteria for
each of these parameters. Risk Priority Number (RPN) can
be computed by multiplying the three mentioned indices,
these are Severity (S), Occurrence (O) and Detection (D) and
group the indices values by four. The purpose of getting risk
priority number is to be categorized and prioritized each
failure accordingly in the maintenance task allocation. It is
computed as:
function/ R(t) = 78%)
System Parameter is within specified limits; during normal
maintenance adjustment can be done
System Parameter is not within specified limits, but it is
possible to adjust during normal production and there will be no
impact or downtime.
Downtime up to 15 min with no production of defective parts
Downtime of 30 - 60 min with no production of defective parts
or the production of defective parts for up to 30 min
Downtime of 60 - 120 min or the production of defective parts
for up to 60 min
Downtime of 2 - 4 hours or the production of defective parts for
up to 2 hours
Downtime of 15 - 30 min with no production of defective parts
Downtime of 8+ hours or the production of defective parts for
over 2 hours
High severity: affects operator, plant, or maintenance personnel
safety and/or effects noncompliance with government
regulations with warning
Very high severity affects operator, plant, or maintenance
personnel safety and/or effects noncompliance with government
regulations without warning
RPN = S x O x D
Occurrence of the failure is every month
function/ R(t) = 60%)
Occurrence of the failure is every week
function/ R(t) 37%)
Occurrence of the failure is every day
function/ R(t) = 20%)
Occurrence of the failure is every shift
function/ R(t) = 5%)
Occurrence of the failure is every hour
function/ R(t) < 1 or some MTBF)
Occurrence of the failure is every 5 years (Reliability
function/ R(t) = 98%)
Occurrence of the failure is every 2 years (Reliability
function/ R(t) = 95%)
Occurrence of the failure is every year (Reliability
function/ R(t) = 90%)
Occurrence of the failure is every 6 months (Reliability
function/ R(t) = 85%)
The machine design will detect the possible causes and
other failure almost every time thus machinery controls
is not necessary.
Machinery controls will prevent an imminent failure
and isolate the cause
Machinery controls will provide an indicator of
imminent failure
Machinery control will isolate the cause and failure
mode after the failure has occurred, but will not prevent
the failure from occurring
Nothing in the current design can detect the failure
After identifying the criticality of each failure mode, data
will be used in the maintenance selection task selection step
process where all failure modes are relisted. Since criticality
of each failure modes are grouped it will be useful to identify
the new frequency of the task.
G. Maintenance Task Selection
The last step of the RCM framework is the Maintenance
tasks selection. This selection identifies which is the most
suitable maintenance program for the company to be able to
preserve the system function of the failure modes based on
the FMEA. Afefy, 2010, explains an RCM logic tree analysis
as shown in Figure 6, it is used for finding the best strategy
of failure management. Each of the failure mode is placed
into the top box of the decision tree, where the first thing to
know is if the failure is hidden from normal operation
perspective, those that can be seen by the operators during
their normal duties. Also, from the figure, decision bins: 1.)
Safety, 2.) outage-related, or economic-related were noticed
and carried out sequentially. Each question is answerable
with yes or no.
From the RCM logic tree analysis, proper failure
management strategy will be derived whether it is a
Condition-based, Interval based, run to fail, failure finding or
to Redesign the system. After selection of failure
management strategy maintenance tasks are allocated with
them to preserve the function. Maintenance tasks are selected
by considering the technical and economic feasibility of the
system. In Figure 7, maintenance selection task form is
Occurrence of the failure is every 3 months (Reliability
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governed by the technical characteristic of the task in which
the main purpose is to prevent the failure, [16]. If a proactive
maintenance task cannot be found which is both technically
feasible and worth implementing, then relevant default action
must be taken.
Like any other strategy, when implementing something
there are challenges that we need to understand before we
can implement RCM in one organization, listed below are
the challenges in implementing RCM in ABC manufacturing
1) Benefits to the company: The fruit of using RCM
cannot be seen in a short period of time it is derived over a
medium to long term period which means gains of applying
RCM could not be experienced by the company immediately
which other company will not take a risk.
2) Already established PM Program: Significant
changes need to do in the whole plant including work
practices, the inter relationships between maintenance and
operation and other branch that maintenance department are
involved, they all need to adopt and adjust.
3) Operation discipline: Significant changes Data
collection for the ABC manufacturing company is vital part
for this analysis. Some equipment failure data cannot be
analyzed correctly due to poor practice of the operation
whenever they raise a Work Notification for the job. Work
Notification will serve as the failure modes that will be use in
the analysis. Machine wise failure data history is highly
important for this study and insufficient or incorrect data is a
big challenge of implementing RCM.
4) Organizational factor: Organizational factor factors
play an important role as they are the who define the
responsibilities, authorities build communication path which
are essential for successful implementation of RCM. Any
misunderstanding might result to internal resistance and lack
of commitment.
5) Financial
commitment is also involved while on process specially the
trainings and other project costs.
Figure 6. RCM Logic Tree Analysis [16]
Figure 7. Maintenance Task Selection Form
Here, each strategy is written in abbreviated form where
maintenance tasks are consists of Interval-based (IB), Run to
failure (RTF), Condition-based (CB), Redesign (RD) and
failure finding (FF). For Interval-based task; age of
deterioration is identified, and the task takes place before that
period or simply replaced when necessary. Condition based
task; a reasonable time left after the detection method until
the failure happens so that the task can be carried out. Failure
finding type of maintenance task considers troubleshooting
and functional testing of the equipment including the
protective features and interlocks. Then, for non- critical
item or machine parts if there is no suitable task found then
run to fail is the suggested task given that it is easily can be
seen by the operator during their normal duties. Redesigning
the system is the least thing to consider because of high cost,
this task is most suitable if the failure is repeated and all of
the preventive tasks are already considered and monitored.
Task frequency is also identified based on the extracted
generic failure data, Original equipment manufacturers
recommendation, current task intervals and invaluable team
experience. The outcome of the maintenance selection task
can be considered by the company specially the task and its
schedule so they can update their current Preventive
Maintenance strategy. One of the main purposes of RCM is
to provide simple, precise and understandable criteria for
deciding which (if there’s any) of the proactive task is
technically beneficial in any given situation and if so, how
often they should be done by the maintenance organization.
The technical feasibility of proactive maintenance task is
According to Prasetyo and Rosita, 2020, the opportunity
of optimizing equipment reliability with the help of RCM is
very huge. It also not only for automated machine but even
for other type of industry (Prasetyo & Rosita, 2020). This
paper shows how one manufacturing company with existing
preventive maintenance strategy can utilize their data from
SAP to optimize their equipment reliability through RCM.
The ultimate goals of RCM analysis discussed in this
paper are how the company can identify the failure modes in
their equipment, their consequences and to create the most
effective and applicable maintenance task to minimize the
equipment failure risk and downtime using the tailored RCM
framework. This will allow machine to perform in the most
reliable way for plant long term usage which can help to
increase the maintenance Meantime Between failure
(MTBF) and decrease the Meantime to Repair (MTTR). For
the company to successfully implement the RCM, correct
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implementation and understanding is vital from managerial
level up to the operator. The managerial level should
understand that there will be huge changes in the work
practice, inter relationships between maintenance and other
processes and departments involved. The managerial level
should understand that proper staff training is required
whenever one company wish to implement RCM and the
benefit cannot be seen in a short-term implementation. The
operators should be disciplined in doing their work orders
raising because it will serve as a failure mode that will be
used for RCM analysis. Lastly, financial commitment is also
involved while process is ongoing.
It is recommended to continuously monitor the derived
maintenance selection task; it is necessary for continuous
improvement of this study. Extended supporting efforts
should be arranged to collect the results for necessary
updates of the task selection. By following correct RCM path
this program can help to improve machine reliability and can
make business more competitive in the global market. Future
researcher can consider exploring other reliability
optimization technique/tools and utilize SAP to do their
The filled-up copy of the forms discussed in this paper
will be done by one of the authors of this paper in his thesis
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