CHAPTER 8 THERMAL PROPERTIES OF FOODS Thermal Properties of Food Constituents ................................ Thermal Properties of Food ..................................................... Water Content ........................................................................... Initial Freezing Point ................................................................ Ice Fraction ............................................................................... Density ...................................................................................... Specific Heat ............................................................................. 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.7 8.7 Enthalpy .................................................................................... 8.8 Thermal Conductivity ................................................................ 8.9 Thermal Diffusivity .................................................................. 8.17 Heat of Respiration ................................................................. 8.17 Transpiration of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ........................ 8.19 Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient .......................................... 8.24 Nomenclature .......................................................................... 8.27 HERMAL properties of foods and beverages must be known to perform the various heat transfer calculations involved in designing storage and refrigeration equipment and estimating process times for refrigerating, freezing, heating, or drying of foods and beverages. Because the thermal properties of foods and beverages strongly depend on chemical composition and temperature, and because many food items are available, it is nearly impossible to experimentally determine and tabulate the thermal properties of foods and beverages for all possible conditions and compositions. However, composition data for foods and beverages are readily available from sources such as Holland et al. (1991) and USDA (1975). These data consist of the mass fractions of the major components found in food items. The thermal properties of food items can be predicted by using this composition data in conjunction with temperature-dependent mathematical models of the thermal properties of the individual food constituents. qÜÉêãçéÜóëáÅ~ä=éêçéÉêíáÉë=çÑ=ÑççÇë=~åÇ=ÄÉîÉê~ÖÉë=íÜ~í=~êÉ=çÑíÉå êÉèìáêÉÇ=Ñçê=ÜÉ~í=íê~åëÑÉê=Å~äÅìä~íáçåë=áåÅäìÇÉ=ÇÉåëáíóI=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~íI ÉåíÜ~äéóI=íÜÉêã~ä=ÅçåÇìÅíáîáíóI=~åÇ=íÜÉêã~ä=ÇáÑÑìëáîáíóK=få=~ÇÇáíáçåI=áÑ íÜÉ=ÑççÇ=áíÉã=áë=~=äáîáåÖ=çêÖ~åáëãI=ëìÅÜ=~ë=~=ÑêÉëÜ=Ñêìáí=çê=îÉÖÉí~ÄäÉI áí=ÖÉåÉê~íÉë=ÜÉ~í=îá~=êÉëéáê~íáçå=~åÇ=äçëÉë=ãçáëíìêÉ=îá~=íê~åëéáê~íáçåK _çíÜ=çÑ=íÜÉëÉ=éêçÅÉëëÉë=ëÜçìäÇ=ÄÉ=áåÅäìÇÉÇ=áå=ÜÉ~í=íê~åëÑÉê=Å~äÅìä~J íáçåëK= qÜáë= ÅÜ~éíÉê= ëìãã~êáòÉë= éêÉÇáÅíáçå= ãÉíÜçÇë= Ñçê= Éëíáã~íáåÖ íÜÉëÉ=íÜÉêãçéÜóëáÅ~ä=éêçéÉêíáÉë=~åÇ=áåÅäìÇÉë=Éñ~ãéäÉë=çå=íÜÉ=ìëÉ=çÑ íÜÉëÉ= éêÉÇáÅíáçå= ãÉíÜçÇëK= få= ~ÇÇáíáçåI= í~ÄäÉë= çÑ= ãÉ~ëìêÉÇ= íÜÉêãçJ éÜóëáÅ~ä=éêçéÉêíó=Ç~í~=Ñçê=î~êáçìë=ÑççÇë=~åÇ=ÄÉîÉê~ÖÉë=~êÉ=éêçîáÇÉÇK ture in the food. At the initial freezing point, a portion of the water within the food crystallizes and the remaining solution becomes more concentrated. Thus, the freezing point of the unfrozen portion of the food is further reduced. The temperature continues to decrease as the separation of ice crystals increases the concentration of the solutes in solution and depresses the freezing point further. Thus, the ice and water fractions in the frozen food depend on temperature. Because the thermophysical properties of ice and water are quite different, the thermophysical properties of frozen foods vary dramatically with temperature. In addition, the thermophysical properties of the food above and below the freezing point are drastically different. T t^qbo=`lkqbkq Because water is the predominant constituent in most foods, water content significantly influences the thermophysical properties of foods. Average values of moisture content (percent by mass) are given in Table 3. For fruits and vegetables, water content varies with the cultivar as well as with the stage of development or maturity when harvested, the growing conditions, and the amount of moisture lost after harvest. In general, the values given in Table 3 apply to mature products shortly after harvest. For fresh meat, the values of water content given in Table 3 are at the time of slaughter or after the usual aging period. For cured or processed products, the water content depends on the particular process or product. fkfqf^i=cobbwfkd=mlfkq qeboj^i=molmboqfbp=lc=clla= `lkpqfqrbkqp Foods and beverages do not freeze completely at a single temperature, but rather over a range of temperatures. In fact, foods high in sugar content or foods packed in high syrup concentrations may never be completely frozen, even at typical frozen food storage temperatures. Thus, there is not a distinct freezing point for foods and beverages, but an initial freezing point at which the crystallization process begins. The initial freezing point of a food or beverage is important not only for determining the proper storage conditions for the food item, but also for calculating thermophysical properties. During the storage of fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, the commodity temperature must be kept above its initial freezing point to avoid freezing damage. In addition, because there are drastic changes in the thermophysical properties of foods as they freeze, knowledge of the initial freezing point of a food item is necessary to model its thermophysical properties accurately. Experimentally determined values of the initial freezing point of foods and beverages are given in Table 3. Constituents commonly found in food items include water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and ash. Choi and Okos (1986) developed mathematical models for predicting the thermal properties of these food components as functions of temperature in the range of –QM to NRMø` (see Table 1); they also developed models for predicting the thermal properties of water and ice (Table 2). Table 3 lists the composition of various food items, including the mass percentage of moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and ash (USDA 1996). qeboj^i=molmboqfbp=lc=clla In general, the thermophysical properties of a food or beverage are well behaved when the temperature of the food is above its initial freezing point. However, below the initial freezing point, the thermophysical properties vary greatly due to the complex processes involved during freezing. The initial freezing point of a food is somewhat lower than the freezing point of pure water due to dissolved substances in the mois- f`b=co^`qflk To predict the thermophysical properties of frozen foods, which depend strongly on the fraction of ice within the food, the mass fraction of water that has crystallized must be determined. Below The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 10.9, Refrigeration Application for Foods and Beverages. Copyright © 2002 ASHRAE 8.1 8.2 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 1 Thermal Property Models for Food Components (−40°C ≤ t ≤ 150°C) Thermal Property Food Component Thermal Property Model Thermal conductivity, W/(m· K) Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber Ash k = 1.7881 × 10−1 + 1.1958 × 10−3t − 2.7178 × 10−6t 2 k = 1.8071 × 10−1 − 2.7604 × 10−3t − 1.7749 × 10−7t 2 k = 2.0141 × 10−1 + 1.3874 × 10−3t − 4.3312 × 10−6t 2 k = 1.8331 × 10−1 + 1.2497 × 10−3t − 3.1683 × 10−6t 2 k = 3.2962 × 10−1 + 1.4011 × 10−3t − 2.9069 × 10−6t 2 Thermal diffusivity, m2/s Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber Ash α α α α α Density, kg/m3 Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber Ash ρ = 1.3299 × 103 − 5.1840 × 10−1t ρ = 9.2559 × 102 − 4.1757 × 10−1t ρ = 1.5991 × 103 − 3.1046 × 10−1t ρ = 1.3115 × 103 − 3.6589 × 10−1t ρ = 2.4238 × 103 − 2.8063 × 10−1t Specific heat, kJ/(kg·K) Protein Fat Carbohydrate Fiber Ash cp = 2.0082 + 1.2089 × 10−3t − 1.3129 × 10−6t 2 cp = 1.9842 + 1.4733 × 10−3t − 4.8008 × 10−6t 2 cp = 1.5488 + 1.9625 × 10−3t − 5.9399 × 10−6t 2 cp = 1.8459 + 1.8306 × 10−3t − 4.6509 × 10−6t 2 cp = 1.0926 + 1.8896 × 10−3t − 3.6817 × 10−6t 2 = 6.8714 × 10−8 + 4.7578 × 10−10t − 1.4646 × 10−12t 2 = 9.8777 × 10−8 − 1.2569 × 10−10t − 3.8286 × 10−14t 2 = 8.0842 × 10−8 + 5.3052 × 10−10t − 2.3218 × 10−12t 2 = 7.3976 × 10−8 + 5.1902 × 10−10t − 2.2202 × 10−12t 2 = 1.2461 × 10−7 + 3.7321 × 10−10t − 1.2244 × 10−12t 2 Source: Choi and Okos (1986) Table 2 Thermal Property Models for Water and Ice (−40°C ≤ t ≤ 150°C) Thermal Property Thermal Property Model kw = 5.7109 × 10−1 + 1.7625 × 10−3t − 6.7036 × 10−6t 2 Thermal conductivity, W/(m·K) Thermal diffusivity, Water Density, ρw = 9.9718 × 102 + 3.1439 × 10−3t − 3.7574 × 10−3t 2 kg/m3 Specific heat, kJ/(kg·K) (For temperature range of −40°C to 0°C) Specific heat, kJ/(kg·K) (For temperature range of 0°C to 150°C) cw = 4.0817 − 5.3062 × 10−3t + 9.9516 × 10−4t 2 cw = 4.1762 − 9.0864 × 10−5t + 5.4731 × 10−6t 2 Thermal conductivity, W/(m·K) kice = 2.2196 − 6.2489 × 10−3t + 1.0154 × 10−4t 2 Thermal diffusivity, Ice α = 1.3168 × 10−7 + 6.2477 × 10−10t − 2.4022 × 10−12t 2 m2/s α = 1.1756 × 10−6 − 6.0833 10−9t + 9.5037 × 10−11t 2 m2/s ρice = 9.1689 × 102 − 1.3071 × 10−1t cice = 2.0623 + 6.0769 × 10−3t kg/m3 Density, Specific heat, kJ/(kg·K) Source: Choi and Okos (1986) the initial freezing point, the mass fraction of water that has crystallized in a food item is a function of temperature. In general, food items consist of water, dissolved solids, and undissolved solids. During the freezing process, as some of the liquid water crystallizes, the solids dissolved in the remaining liquid water become increasingly more concentrated, thus lowering the freezing temperature. This unfrozen solution can be assumed to obey the freezing point depression equation given by Raoult’s law (Pham 1987). Thus, based on Raoult’s law, Chen (1985) proposed the following model for predicting the mass fraction of ice xáÅÉ in a food item: 2 x s RT o ( t f Ó t ) x ice Z -------------- --------------Ms Lo tf t where ñë jë o qç iç íÑ Z Z Z Z Z Z ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ëçäáÇë=áå=ÑççÇ=áíÉã êÉä~íáîÉ=ãçäÉÅìä~ê=ã~ëë=çÑ=ëçäìÄäÉ=ëçäáÇë ìåáîÉêë~ä=Ö~ë=Åçåëí~åí=Z=UKPNQ âgLEâÖ=ãçäˇhF ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=OTPKO h ä~íÉåí=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=Ñìëáçå=çÑ=ï~íÉê=~í=OTPKO=h=Z PPPKS âgLâÖ áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ÑççÇI=ø` (1) í Z ÑççÇ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉI=ø` The relative molecular mass of the soluble solids within the food item may be estimated as follows: 2 x s RT o M s Z ------------------------------------Ó ( x wo Ó x b )L o t f (2) ïÜÉêÉ=ñïç=áë=íÜÉ=ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ï~íÉê=áå=íÜÉ=ìåÑêçòÉå=ÑççÇ=áíÉã ~åÇ= ñÄ= áë= íÜÉ= ã~ëë= Ñê~Åíáçå= çÑ= ÄçìåÇ= ï~íÉê= áå= íÜÉ= ÑççÇ EpÅÜï~êíòÄÉêÖ=NVTSFK=_çìåÇ=ï~íÉê=áë=íÜ~í=éçêíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=ï~íÉê=áå=~ ÑççÇ=áíÉã=íÜ~í=áë=ÄçìåÇ=íç=ëçäáÇë=áå=íÜÉ=ÑççÇI=~åÇ=íÜìë=áë=ìå~î~áä~ÄäÉ Ñçê=ÑêÉÉòáåÖK The mass fraction of bound water may be estimated as follows: x b Z 0.4x p (3) where xé is the mass fraction of protein in the food item. Substitution of Equation (2) for relative molecular mass into Equation (1) yields a simple method for predicting the ice fraction as follows (Miles 1974): Thermal Properties of Foods Table 3 Food Item 8.3 Unfrozen Composition Data, Initial Freezing Point, and Specific Heats of Foods* Moisture Content, Protein, % % xp xwo Fat, % xf Carbohydrate, Fiber, % % xc xfb Ash, % xa Initial Specific Heat Specific Heat Freezing Above Below Point, Freezing, Freezing °C kJ/(kg·K) kJ/(kg·K) Latent Heat of Fusion, kJ/kg Vegetables Artichokes, globe Artichokes, Jerusalem Asparagus Beans, snap Beans, lima Beets Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Collards Corn, sweet, yellow Cucumbers Eggplant Endive Garlic Ginger, root Horseradish Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce, iceberg Mushrooms Okra Onions Onions, dehydrated flakes Parsley Parsnips Peas, green Peppers, freeze-dried Peppers, sweet, green Potatoes, main crop Potatoes, sweet Pumpkins Radishes Rhubarb Rutabaga Salsify (vegetable oyster) Spinach Squash, summer Squash, winter Tomatoes, mature green Tomatoes, ripe Turnip greens Turnip Watercress Yams 84.94 78.01 92.40 90.27 70.24 87.58 90.69 86.00 92.15 87.79 91.91 88.00 94.64 90.55 75.96 96.01 92.03 93.79 58.58 81.67 78.66 84.46 91.00 83.00 95.89 91.81 89.58 89.68 3.93 87.71 79.53 78.86 2.00 92.19 78.96 72.84 91.60 94.84 93.61 89.66 77.00 91.58 94.20 87.78 93.00 93.76 91.07 91.87 95.11 69.60 3.27 2.00 2.28 1.82 6.84 1.61 2.98 3.38 1.44 1.03 1.98 1.50 0.75 1.57 3.22 0.69 1.02 1.25 6.36 1.74 9.40 3.30 1.70 1.50 1.01 2.09 2.00 1.16 8.95 2.97 1.20 5.42 17.90 0.89 2.07 1.65 1.00 0.60 0.90 1.20 3.30 2.86 0.94 0.80 1.20 0.85 1.50 0.90 2.30 1.53 0.15 0.01 0.20 0.12 0.86 0.17 0.35 0.30 0.27 0.19 0.21 0.30 0.14 0.22 1.18 0.13 0.18 0.20 0.50 0.73 1.40 0.70 0.10 0.30 0.19 0.42 0.10 0.16 0.46 0.79 0.30 0.40 3.00 0.19 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.54 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.35 0.24 0.10 0.20 0.33 0.30 0.10 0.10 0.17 10.51 17.44 4.54 7.14 20.16 9.56 5.24 8.96 5.43 10.14 5.20 9.20 3.65 7.11 19.02 2.76 6.07 3.35 33.07 15.09 8.28 10.01 6.20 14.15 2.09 4.65 7.63 8.63 83.28 6.33 17.99 14.46 68.70 6.43 17.98 24.28 6.50 3.59 4.54 8.13 18.60 3.50 4.04 10.42 5.10 4.64 5.73 6.23 1.29 27.89 5.40 1.60 2.10 3.40 4.90 2.80 3.00 3.80 2.30 3.00 2.50 1.80 1.70 3.60 2.70 0.80 2.50 3.10 2.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.60 1.80 1.40 1.20 3.20 1.80 9.20 3.30 4.90 5.10 21.30 1.80 1.60 3.00 0.50 1.60 1.80 2.50 3.30 2.70 1.90 1.50 1.10 1.10 3.20 1.80 1.50 4.10 1.13 2.54 0.57 0.66 1.89 1.08 0.92 1.37 0.71 0.87 0.71 1.00 0.82 0.55 0.62 0.41 0.71 1.41 1.50 0.77 2.26 1.53 1.00 1.05 0.48 0.89 0.70 0.37 3.38 2.20 0.98 0.87 8.40 0.30 0.89 0.95 0.80 0.54 0.76 0.81 0.90 1.72 0.58 0.90 0.50 0.42 1.40 0.70 1.20 0.82 −1.2 −2.5 −0.6 −0.7 −0.6 −1.1 −0.6 −0.8 −0.9 −1.4 −0.8 −0.9 −0.5 −0.8 −0.6 −0.5 −0.8 −0.1 −0.8 — −1.8 −0.5 −1.0 −0.7 −0.2 −0.9 −1.8 −0.9 — −1.1 −0.9 −0.6 — −0.7 −0.6 −1.3 −0.8 −0.7 −0.9 −1.1 −1.1 −0.3 −0.5 −0.8 −0.6 −0.5 −0.2 −1.1 −0.3 — 3.90 3.63 4.03 3.99 3.52 3.91 4.01 3.90 4.02 3.92 4.02 3.90 4.07 4.01 3.62 4.09 4.02 4.07 3.17 3.75 3.70 3.82 4.02 3.77 4.09 3.99 3.97 3.95 — 3.93 3.74 3.75 — 4.01 3.67 3.48 3.97 4.08 4.05 3.96 3.65 4.02 4.07 3.89 4.02 4.08 4.01 4.00 4.08 3.47 2.02 2.25 1.79 1.85 2.07 1.94 1.82 1.91 1.85 2.00 1.84 1.89 1.74 1.86 1.98 1.71 1.83 1.69 2.19 1.94 2.12 1.86 1.90 1.91 1.65 1.84 2.05 1.87 — 1.94 2.02 1.98 — 1.80 1.93 2.09 1.81 1.77 1.83 1.92 2.05 1.75 1.74 1.87 1.77 1.79 1.74 1.88 1.69 2.06 284 261 309 302 235 293 303 287 308 293 307 294 316 302 254 321 307 313 196 273 263 282 304 277 320 307 299 300 13 293 266 263 7 308 264 243 306 317 313 299 257 306 315 293 311 313 304 307 318 232 Fruits Apples, fresh Apples, dried Apricots Avocados Bananas 83.93 31.76 86.35 74.27 74.26 0.19 0.93 1.40 1.98 1.03 0.36 0.32 0.39 15.32 0.48 15.25 65.89 11.12 7.39 23.43 2.70 8.70 2.40 5.00 2.40 0.26 1.10 0.75 1.04 0.80 −1.1 — −1.1 −0.3 −0.8 3.81 2.57 3.87 3.67 3.56 1.98 2.84 1.95 1.98 2.03 280 106 288 248 248 8.4 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 3 Food Item Unfrozen Composition Data, Initial Freezing Point, and Specific Heats of Foods* (Continued) Moisture Content, Protein, % % xp xwo Fat, % xf Carbohydrate, Fiber, % % xc xfb Ash, % xa Initial Specific Heat Specific Heat Freezing Above Below Point, Freezing, Freezing °C kJ/(kg·K) kJ/(kg·K) Latent Heat of Fusion, kJ/kg Blackberries Blueberries Cantaloupes Cherries, sour Cherries, sweet Cranberries Currants, European black Currants, red and white Dates, cured Figs, fresh Figs, dried Gooseberries Grapefruit Grapes, American Grapes, European type Lemons Limes Mangos Melons, casaba Melons, honeydew Melons, watermelon Nectarines Olives Oranges Peaches, fresh Peaches, dried Pears Persimmons Pineapples Plums Pomegranates Prunes, dried Quinces Raisins, seedless Raspberries Strawberries Tangerines 85.64 84.61 89.78 86.13 80.76 86.54 81.96 83.95 22.50 79.11 28.43 87.87 90.89 81.30 80.56 87.40 88.26 81.71 92.00 89.66 91.51 86.28 79.99 82.30 87.66 31.80 83.81 64.40 86.50 85.20 80.97 32.39 83.80 15.42 86.57 91.57 87.60 0.72 0.67 0.88 1.00 1.20 0.39 1.40 1.40 1.97 0.75 3.05 0.88 0.63 0.63 0.66 1.20 0.70 0.51 0.90 0.46 0.62 0.94 0.84 1.30 0.70 3.61 0.39 0.80 0.39 0.79 0.95 2.61 0.40 3.22 0.91 0.61 0.63 0.39 0.38 0.28 0.30 0.96 0.20 0.41 0.20 0.45 0.30 1.17 0.58 0.10 0.35 0.58 0.30 0.20 0.27 0.10 0.10 0.43 0.46 10.68 0.30 0.90 0.76 0.40 0.40 0.43 0.62 0.30 0.52 0.10 0.46 0.55 0.37 0.19 12.76 14.13 8.36 12.18 16.55 12.68 15.38 13.80 73.51 19.18 65.35 10.18 8.08 17.15 17.77 10.70 10.54 17.00 6.20 9.18 7.18 11.78 6.26 15.50 11.10 61.33 15.11 33.50 12.39 13.01 17.17 62.73 15.30 79.13 11.57 7.02 11.19 5.30 2.70 0.80 1.60 2.30 4.20 0.00 4.30 7.50 3.30 9.30 4.30 1.10 1.00 1.00 4.70 2.80 1.80 0.80 0.60 0.50 1.60 3.20 4.50 2.00 8.20 2.40 0.00 1.20 1.50 0.60 7.10 1.90 4.00 6.80 2.30 2.30 0.48 0.21 0.71 0.40 0.53 0.19 0.86 0.66 1.58 0.66 2.01 0.49 0.31 0.57 0.44 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.80 0.60 0.26 0.54 2.23 0.60 0.46 2.50 0.28 0.90 0.29 0.39 0.61 1.76 0.40 1.77 0.40 0.43 0.39 −0.8 −1.6 −1.2 −1.7 −1.8 −0.9 −1.0 −1.0 −15.7 −2.4 — −1.1 −1.1 −1.6 −2.1 −1.4 −1.6 −0.9 −1.1 −0.9 −0.4 −0.9 −1.4 −0.8 −0.9 — −1.6 −2.2 −1.0 −0.8 −3.0 — −2.0 — −0.6 −0.8 −1.1 3.91 3.83 3.93 3.85 3.73 3.91 3.71 3.85 2.31 3.70 2.51 3.95 3.96 3.71 3.70 3.94 3.93 3.74 3.99 3.92 3.97 3.86 3.76 3.81 3.91 2.57 3.80 3.26 3.85 3.83 3.70 2.56 3.79 2.07 3.96 4.00 3.90 1.94 2.06 1.91 2.05 2.12 1.93 1.95 1.98 2.30 2.25 4.13 1.96 1.89 2.07 2.16 2.02 2.03 1.95 1.87 1.86 1.74 1.90 2.07 1.96 1.90 3.49 2.06 2.29 1.91 1.90 2.30 3.50 2.13 2.04 1.91 1.84 1.93 286 283 300 288 270 289 274 280 75 264 95 293 304 272 269 292 295 273 307 299 306 288 267 275 293 106 280 215 289 285 270 108 280 52 289 306 293 Whole Fish Cod Haddock Halibut Herring, kippered Mackerel, Atlantic Perch Pollock, Atlantic Salmon, pink Tuna, bluefin Whiting 81.22 79.92 77.92 59.70 63.55 78.70 78.18 76.35 68.09 80.27 17.81 18.91 20.81 24.58 18.60 18.62 19.44 19.94 23.33 18.31 0.67 0.72 2.29 12.37 13.89 1.63 0.98 3.45 4.90 1.31 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.16 1.21 1.36 1.94 1.35 1.20 1.41 1.22 1.18 1.30 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 3.78 3.75 3.74 3.26 3.33 3.71 3.70 3.68 3.43 3.77 2.14 2.14 2.18 2.27 2.23 2.15 2.15 2.17 2.19 2.15 271 267 260 199 212 263 261 255 227 268 Shellfish Clams Lobster, American Oysters Scallop, meat Shrimp 81.82 76.76 85.16 78.57 75.86 12.77 18.80 7.05 16.78 20.31 0.97 0.90 2.46 0.76 1.73 2.57 0.50 3.91 2.36 0.91 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.87 2.20 1.42 1.53 1.20 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 −2.2 3.76 3.64 3.83 3.71 3.65 2.13 2.15 2.12 2.15 2.16 273 256 284 262 253 Beef Brisket Carcass, choice Carcass, select 55.18 57.26 58.21 16.94 17.32 17.48 26.54 24.05 22.55 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.80 0.81 0.82 — −2.2 −1.7 3.19 3.24 3.25 2.33 2.31 2.24 184 191 194 Thermal Properties of Foods 8.5 Table 3 Unfrozen Composition Data, Initial Freezing Point, and Specific Heats of Foods* (Continued) Food Item Liver Ribs, whole (ribs 6-12) Round, full cut, lean and fat Round, full cut, lean Sirloin, lean Short loin, porterhouse steak, lean Short loin, T-bone steak, lean Tenderloin, lean Veal, lean Pork Backfat Bacon Belly Carcass Ham, cured, whole, lean Ham, country cured, lean Shoulder, whole, lean Sausage Braunschweiger Frankfurter Italian Polish Pork Smoked links Moisture Content, Protein, % % xp xwo Fat, % xf Carbohydrate, Fiber, % % xc xfb Ash, % xa Initial Specific Heat Specific Heat Freezing Above Below Point, Freezing, Freezing °C kJ/(kg·K) kJ/(kg·K) Latent Heat of Fusion, kJ/kg 68.99 54.54 64.75 70.83 71.70 69.59 69.71 68.40 75.91 20.00 16.37 20.37 22.03 21.24 20.27 20.78 20.78 20.20 3.85 26.98 12.81 4.89 4.40 8.17 7.27 7.90 2.87 5.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.34 0.77 0.97 1.07 1.08 1.01 1.27 1.04 1.08 −1.7 — — — −1.7 — — — — 3.47 3.16 3.39 3.52 3.53 3.49 3.49 3.45 3.65 2.16 2.32 2.18 2.12 2.11 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.09 230 182 216 237 239 232 233 228 254 7.69 31.58 36.74 49.83 68.26 55.93 72.63 2.92 8.66 9.34 13.91 22.32 27.80 19.55 88.69 57.54 53.01 35.07 5.71 8.32 7.14 0.0 0.09 0.0 0.0 0.05 0.30 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.70 2.13 0.49 0.72 3.66 7.65 1.02 — — — — — — −2.2 2.17 — 2.80 3.08 — 3.16 3.59 2.98 — 3.37 3.10 — 2.31 2.20 26 105 123 166 228 187 243 48.01 53.87 51.08 53.15 44.52 39.30 13.50 11.28 14.25 14.10 11.69 22.20 32.09 29.15 31.33 28.72 40.29 31.70 3.13 2.55 0.65 1.63 1.02 2.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.27 3.15 2.70 2.40 2.49 4.70 — −1.7 — — — — 3.01 3.15 3.10 3.14 2.95 2.82 2.40 2.31 2.37 2.36 2.43 2.45 160 180 171 178 149 131 Poultry Products Chicken Duck Turkey Egg White White, dried Whole Whole, dried Yolk Yolk, salted Yolk, sugared 65.99 48.50 70.40 18.60 11.49 20.42 15.06 39.34 8.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.79 0.68 0.88 −2.8 — — 4.34 3.06 3.53 3.32 2.45 2.28 220 162 235 87.81 14.62 75.33 3.10 48.81 50.80 51.25 10.52 76.92 12.49 47.35 16.76 14.00 13.80 0.0 0.04 10.02 40.95 30.87 23.00 22.75 1.03 4.17 1.22 4.95 1.78 1.60 10.80 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.64 4.25 0.94 3.65 1.77 10.60 1.40 −0.6 — −0.6 — −0.6 −17.2 −3.9 3.91 2.29 3.63 2.04 3.05 3.01 3.07 1.81 2.10 1.95 2.00 2.25 3.79 2.54 293 49 252 10 163 170 171 Lamb Composite of cuts, lean Leg, whole, lean 73.42 74.11 20.29 20.56 5.25 4.51 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.06 1.07 −1.9 — 3.60 3.62 2.14 2.14 245 248 17.94 0.85 81.11 0.06 0.0 0.04 — 2.40 2.65 60 51.80 36.75 79.77 53.75 41.46 48.42 54.14 29.16 39.16 39.38 37.21 19.80 24.90 17.27 7.55 24.94 20.05 19.42 35.75 22.15 21.54 28.43 24.26 33.14 0.42 34.87 27.44 27.25 21.60 25.83 31.25 30.64 27.45 0.46 1.28 1.85 2.66 2.22 0.49 2.22 3.22 1.30 2.00 3.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.68 3.93 0.69 1.17 3.94 3.79 2.62 6.04 5.84 6.44 3.53 — −12.9 −1.2 — — −7.4 — — −6.9 −16.3 −10.0 3.10 2.77 3.73 3.16 2.87 3.03 3.15 2.58 2.80 2.80 2.78 3.34 3.07 1.99 2.91 2.77 2.82 2.46 2.94 2.75 3.36 2.88 173 123 266 180 138 162 181 97 131 132 124 80.57 73.75 57.71 2.96 2.70 2.05 11.50 19.31 37.00 4.30 3.66 2.79 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.67 0.58 0.45 — −2.2 — 3.73 3.59 3.25 2.16 2.21 2.32 269 246 193 Dairy Products Butter Cheese Camembert Cheddar Cottage, uncreamed Cream Gouda Limburger Mozzarella Parmesan, hard Processed American Roquefort Swiss Cream Half and half Table Heavy whipping 8.6 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 3 Unfrozen Composition Data, Initial Freezing Point, and Specific Heats of Foods* (Continued) Food Item Moisture Content, Protein, % % xp xwo Fat, % xf Carbohydrate, Fiber, % % xc xfb Ash, % xa Initial Specific Heat Specific Heat Freezing Above Below Point, Freezing, Freezing °C kJ/(kg·K) kJ/(kg·K) Latent Heat of Fusion, kJ/kg Ice Cream Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla 55.70 60.00 61.00 3.80 3.20 3.50 11.0 8.40 11.00 28.20 27.60 23.60 1.20 0.30 0.0 1.00 0.70 0.90 −5.6 −5.6 −5.6 3.11 3.19 3.22 2.75 2.74 2.74 186 200 204 Milk Canned, condensed, sweetened Evaporated Skim Skim, dried Whole Whole, dried Whey, acid, dried Whey, sweet, dried 27.16 74.04 90.80 3.16 87.69 2.47 3.51 3.19 7.91 6.81 3.41 36.16 3.28 26.32 11.73 12.93 8.70 7.56 0.18 0.77 3.66 26.71 0.54 1.07 54.40 10.04 4.85 51.98 4.65 38.42 73.45 74.46 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.83 1.55 0.76 7.93 0.72 6.08 10.77 8.35 −15.0 −1.4 — — −0.6 — — — 2.35 3.56 3.95 1.80 3.89 1.85 1.68 1.69 — 2.08 1.78 — 1.81 — — — 91 247 303 11 293 8 12 11 4.42 5.42 6.5 1.55 4.82 3.65 19.95 13.04 25.80 23.68 7.75 14.29 52.21 62.64 49.24 49.66 67.64 61.87 20.40 15.30 16.14 21.51 18.24 18.34 10.90 6.10 8.50 8.00 7.60 4.80 3.03 3.61 2.33 3.60 1.56 1.86 — — — — — — 2.20 2.09 2.23 2.08 2.17 2.09 — — — — — — 15 18 22 5 16 12 Candy Fudge, vanilla Marshmallows Milk chocolate Peanut brittle 10.90 16.40 1.30 1.80 1.10 1.80 6.90 7.50 5.40 0.20 30.70 19.10 82.30 81.30 59.20 69.30 0.0 0.10 3.40 2.00 0.40 0.30 1.50 1.50 — — — — 1.90 2.02 1.83 1.77 — — — — 36 55 4 6 Juice and Beverages Apple juice, unsweetened Grapefruit juice, sweetened Grape juice, unsweetened Lemon juice Lime juice, unsweetened Orange juice Pineapple juice, unsweetened Prune juice Tomato juice Cranberry-apple juice drink Cranberry-grape juice drink Fruit punch drink Club soda Cola Cream soda Ginger ale Grape soda Lemon-lime soda Orange soda Root beer Chocolate milk, 2% fat 87.93 87.38 84.12 92.46 92.52 89.01 85.53 81.24 93.90 82.80 85.60 88.00 99.90 89.40 86.70 91.20 88.80 89.50 87.60 89.30 83.58 0.06 0.58 0.56 0.40 0.25 0.59 0.32 0.61 0.76 0.10 0.20 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.21 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.29 0.23 0.14 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.00 11.68 11.13 14.96 6.48 6.69 9.85 13.78 17.45 4.23 17.10 14.00 11.90 0.0 10.40 13.30 8.70 11.20 10.40 12.30 10.60 10.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.20 1.00 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.22 0.82 0.29 0.36 0.31 0.41 0.30 0.68 1.05 0.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.81 — — — — — −0.4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3.87 3.85 3.77 3.99 3.99 3.90 3.81 3.71 4.03 3.73 3.81 3.87 4.17 3.90 3.83 3.95 3.89 3.90 3.86 3.90 3.78 1.78 1.78 1.82 1.73 1.73 1.76 1.81 1.87 1.71 1.84 1.80 1.78 1.63 1.76 1.79 1.73 1.77 1.76 1.78 1.76 1.83 294 292 281 309 309 297 286 271 314 277 286 294 334 299 290 305 297 299 293 298 279 Miscellaneous Honey Maple syrup Popcorn, air-popped Popcorn, oil-popped Yeast, baker’s, compressed 17.10 32.00 4.10 2.80 69.00 0.30 0.00 12.00 9.00 8.40 0.0 0.20 4.20 28.10 1.90 82.40 67.20 77.90 57.20 18.10 0.20 0.0 15.10 10.00 8.10 0.20 0.60 1.80 2.90 1.80 — — — — — 2.03 2.41 2.04 1.99 3.55 — — — — 2.17 57 107 14 9 230 Nuts, Shelled Almonds Filberts Peanuts, raw Peanuts, dry roasted with salt Pecans Walnuts, English *Composition data from USDA (1996). Initial freezing point data from ASHRAE (1993). Specific heats calculated from mathematical models given in this chapter. Latent heat of fusion was obtained by multiplying water content expressed in decimal form by 334 kJ/kg, the heat of fusion of water (ASHRAE 1993). Thermal Properties of Foods tf x ice Z ( x wo Ó x b ) 1 Ó --t 8.7 Unfrozen Food (4) Because Equation (4) underestimates the ice fraction at temperatures near the initial freezing point and overestimates the ice fraction at lower temperatures, Tchigeov (1979) proposed an empirical relationship to estimate the mass fraction of ice: 1.105x wo x ice Z ---------------------------------------0.8765 1 H -----------------------------ln ( t f Ó t H 1 ) (5) Fikiin (1996) notes that Equation (5) applies to a wide variety of food items and provides satisfactory accuracy. Example 1. A 150 kg beef carcass is to be frozen to a temperature of −20°C. What is the mass of the frozen water and the mass of the unfrozen water at −20°C? Solution: From Table 3, the mass fraction of water in the beef carcass is 0.58 and the initial freezing point for the beef carcass is −NKTø`. Using Equation (5), the mass fraction of ice is 1.105 × 0.58 x ice Z ------------------------------------------------------ Z 0.52 0.8765 1 H -------------------------------------------ln ( Ó 1.7 H 20 H 1 ) The mass fraction of unfrozen water is ñì=Z=ñïç=−=ñáÅÉ=Z=MKRU=−=MKRO=Z=MKMS The specific heat of a food item, at temperatures above its initial freezing point, can be obtained from the mass average of the specific heats of the food components. Thus, the specific heat of an unfrozen food item cu may be determined as follows: cu Z (7) where cá is the specific heat of the individual food components and xá is the mass fraction of the food components. A simpler model for the specific heat of an unfrozen food item is presented by Chen (1985). If detailed composition data is not available, the following expression for the specific heat of an unfrozen food item can be used: 3 c u Z 4.19 Ó 2.30x s Ó 0.628x s (8) where cì is the specific heat of the unfrozen food item in âgLEâÖ⋅hF and xë is the mass fraction of the solids in the food item. Frozen Food Below the freezing point of the food item, the sensible heat due to temperature change and the latent heat due to the fusion of water must be considered. Because latent heat is not released at a constant temperature, but rather over a range of temperatures, an apparent specific heat must be used to account for both the sensible and latent heat effects. A common method to predict the apparent specific heat of food items is that of Schwartzberg (1976): 2 The mass of frozen water at −OMø` is RT o c a Z c u H ( x b Ó x wo )∆c H Ex s ------------2 Ó 0.8∆c Mw t ñáÅÉ ×=NRM=âÖ=Z=MKRO=×=NRM=Z=TU=âÖ The mass of unfrozen water at −OMø` is (9) where ñì ×=NRM=âÖ=Z=MKMS=×=NRM=Z=VKM=âÖ abkpfqv Modeling the density of foods and beverages requires knowledge of the food porosity, as well as the mass fraction and density of the food components. The density ρ of foods and beverages can be calculated accordingly: (1 Ó ε) ρ Z -------------------∑ xi ⁄ ρi ∑ ci xi (6) where ε is the porosity, xi is the mass fraction of the food constituents, and ρi is the density of the food constituents. The porosity e is required to model the density of granular food items stored in bulk, such as grains and rice. For other food items, the porosity is zero. pmb`fcf`=eb^q Specific heat is a measure of the energy required to change the temperature of a food item by one degree. Therefore, the specific heat of foods or beverages can be used to calculate the heat load imposed on the refrigeration equipment by the cooling or freezing of foods and beverages. In unfrozen foods, specific heat becomes slightly lower as the temperature rises from 0°C to 20°C. For frozen foods, there is a large decrease in specific heat as the temperature decreases. Table 3 lists experimentally determined values of the specific heats for various foods above and below freezing. Å~ Z ~éé~êÉåí=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~í Åì Z ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=ÑççÇ=áíÉã=~ÄçîÉ=áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí ñÄ Z ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ÄçìåÇ=ï~íÉê ñïç Z ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ï~íÉê=~ÄçîÉ=áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí ∆Å Z ÇáÑÑÉêÉåÅÉ=ÄÉíïÉÉå=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~íë=çÑ=ï~íÉê=~åÇ=áÅÉ=Z Åï=−=ÅáÅÉ b Z ê~íáç=çÑ=êÉä~íáîÉ=ãçäÉÅìä~ê=ã~ëëÉë=çÑ=ï~íÉê=jï=~åÇ=ÑççÇ=ëçäáÇë=jë Eb Z jï LjëF o Z ìåáîÉêë~ä=Ö~ë=Åçåëí~åí=Z=UKPNQ âgLEâÖ=ãçäˇhF qç Z ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=OTPKO h í Z ÑççÇ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉ The specific heat of the food item above the freezing point may be estimated with Equation (7) or Equation (8). Schwartzberg (1981) expanded on his earlier work and developed an alternative method for determining the apparent specific heat of a food item below the initial freezing point as follows: Lo ( to Ó tf ) c a Z c f H ( x wo Ó x b ) -----------------------to Ó t (10) where ÅÑ íç íÑ í iç Z Z Z Z Z ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=Ñìääó=ÑêçòÉå=ÑççÇ=áíÉã=EíóéáÅ~ääó=~í=−QMø`F ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=Mø` áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ÑççÇI=ø` ÑççÇ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉI=ø` ä~íÉåí=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=Ñìëáçå=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=PPPKS âgLâÖ Experimentally determined values of the specific heat of fully frozen food items are given in Table 3. A slightly simpler apparent specific heat model, which is similar in form to that of Schwartzberg (1976), was developed by Chen 8.8 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) (1985). Chen’s model is an expansion of Siebel’s equation (Siebel 1892) for specific heat and has the following form: 2 x s RT o c a Z 1.55 H 1.26x s H -------------2 Ms t (11) Unfrozen Food For food items that are at temperatures above their initial freezing point, enthalpy may be obtained by integrating the corresponding expression for specific heat above the freezing point. Thus, the enthalpy of an unfrozen food item H may be determined by integrating Equation (7) as follows: where Å~ ñë o qç jë í Z Z Z Z Z Z H Z ~éé~êÉåí=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~íI=âgLEâÖ⋅hF ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ëçäáÇë ìåáîÉêë~ä=Ö~ë=Åçåëí~åí ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=OTPKO h êÉä~íáîÉ=ãçäÉÅìä~ê=ã~ëë=çÑ=ëçäìÄäÉ=ëçäáÇë=áå=ÑççÇ=áíÉã ÑççÇ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉI=ø` ∑ Hi xi Z ∑ ∫ c i x i dT (14) where Há is the enthalpy of the individual food components and xá is the mass fraction of the food components. In the case of the method of Chen (1985), the enthalpy of an unfrozen food may be obtained by integrating Equation (8): If the relative molecular mass of the soluble solids is unknown, Equation (2) may be used to estimate the molecular mass. Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (11) yields 3 H Z H f H ( t Ó t f ) ( 4.19 Ó 2.30x s Ó 0.628x s ) (15) where ( x wo Ó x b )L o t f c a Z 1.55 H 1.26x s Ó --------------------------------2 t (12) Example 2. A NRM=âÖ lamb is to be cooled from NMø`=íç=Mø`. Using the specific heat, determine the amount of heat which must be removed from the lamb. Solution: From Table 3, the composition of lamb is given as follows: xïç xé = 0.7342 = 0.2029 xÑ = 0.0525 x~ = 0.0106 e eÑ í íÑ ñë ÉåíÜ~äéó=çÑ=ÑççÇ=áíÉãI=âgLâÖ ÉåíÜ~äéó=çÑ=ÑççÇ=~í=áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉI=âgLâÖ íÉãéÉê~íìêÉ=çÑ=ÑççÇ=áíÉãI=ø` áåáíá~ä=ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉ=çÑ=ÑççÇ=áíÉãI=ø` ã~ëë=Ñê~Åíáçå=çÑ=ÑççÇ=ëçäáÇë The enthalpy at the initial freezing point Hf may be estimated by evaluating either Equation (17) or (18) at the initial freezing temperature of the food as discussed in the following section. Frozen Foods bî~äì~íÉ=íÜÉ=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=ä~ãÄ=~í=~å=~îÉê~ÖÉ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉ=çÑ=EM H=NMFLO=Z=Rø`K=cêçã=q~ÄäÉë=N=~åÇ=OI=íÜÉ=ëéÉÅáÑáÅ=ÜÉ~í=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÑççÇ=ÅçåJ ëíáíìÉåíë=ã~ó=ÄÉ=ÇÉíÉêãáåÉÇ=~ë=ÑçääçïëW Åï Z QKNTSO=− VKMUSQ=×=NM−RERF=H=RKQTPN=×=NM−SERFO Z QKNTRV=âgLEâÖ⋅ΚF Åé Z OKMMUO=H=NKOMUV=×=NM−PERF=J=NKPNOV=×=NM−SERFO Z OKMNQO=âgLEâÖ⋅ΚF For food items below the initial freezing point, mathematical expressions for enthalpy may be obtained by integrating the previously mentioned apparent specific heat models. Integration of Equation (9) between a reference temperature Tê and the food temperature T leads to the following expression for the enthalpy of a food item (Schwartzberg 1976): H Z ( T Ó Tr ) RT o2 × c u H ( x b Ó x wo ) ∆c H Ex s ------------------------------------------------ Ó 0.8 ∆c (16) 18 ( T Ó T ) ( T Ó T ) o r o ÅÑ= Z NKVUQO=H=NKQTPP=×=NM−PERF=J=QKUMMU=×=NM−SERFO Z NKVVNQ=âgLEâÖ⋅ΚF Å~ Z NKMVOS=H=NKUUVS=×=NM−PERF=J=PKSUNT=×=NM−SERFO Z NKNMOM=âgLEâÖ⋅ΚF Generally, the reference temperature Tr is taken to be 233.2 K (−40°C) at which point the enthalpy is defined to be zero. By integrating Equation (11) between a reference temperature Tê and the food temperature T, Chen (1985) obtained the following expression for enthalpy below the initial freezing point: The specific heat of lamb can be calculated with Equation (7): Å=Z=∑Åá ñá=Z=EQKNTRVFEMKTPQOF=H=EOKMNQOFEMKOMOVF H=ENKVVNQFEMKMRORF=H=ENKNMOMFEMKMNMSF Å=Z=PKRV=âgLEâÖ⋅ΚF The heat to be removed from the lamb is as follows: x s RT o2 H Z ( t Ó t r ) 1.55 H 1.26x s H -------------- M s tt r n=Z=ãÅ∆q=Z=NRM=× PKRV=ENM=− MF=Z=RPVM=âg bkqe^imv The change in enthalpy of a food item can be used to estimate the energy that must be added or removed to effect a temperature change. Above the freezing point, enthalpy consists of sensible energy, while below the freezing point, enthalpy consists of both sensible and latent energy. Enthalpy may be obtained from the definition of constant-pressure specific heat: ∂H cp Z ∂T p Z Z Z Z Z (13) where cp is constant pressure specific heat, H is enthalpy, and T is temperature. Mathematical models for enthalpy may be obtained by integrating expressions of specific heat with respect to temperature. (17) where e Z ÉåíÜ~äéó=çÑ=ÑççÇ=áíÉã o Z ìåáîÉêë~ä=Ö~ë=Åçåëí~åí qç Z ÑêÉÉòáåÖ=éçáåí=çÑ=ï~íÉê=Z=OTPKO=h Substituting Equation (2) for the relative molecular mass of the soluble solids Më simplifies Chen’s method as follows: ( x wo Ó x b )L o t f H Z ( t Ó t r ) 1.55 H 1.26x s H ---------------------------------tr t (18) As an alternative to the enthalpy models developed by integration of specific heat equations, Chang and Tao (1981) developed empirical correlations for the enthalpy of food items. Their enthalpy correlations are given as functions of water content, initial and final Thermal Properties of Foods 8.9 temperatures, and food type (meat, juice or fruit/vegetable). The correlations at a reference temperature of −QRKSø` have the following form: H Z H f ( yT H ( 1 Ó y )T z ) The mass fraction of bound water is given by Equation (3): xÄ = 0.4xé = 0.4 × 0.1748 = 0.0699 The enthalpy of the beef carcass at −OMø` is given by Equation (18) for frozen foods: (19) H Ó20 Z [ Ó 20 Ó ( Ó 40 ) ] 1.55 H ( 1.26 ) ( 0.4179 ) where H = enthalpy of food item, kJ/kg Hf = enthalpy of food item at initial freezing temperature, kJ/kg T = reduced temperature, T = (T - Tr)/(Tf - Tr) Tr = reference temperature (zero enthalpy) = 227.6 K (-45.6°C) y, z = correlation parameters ( 0.5821 Ó 0.0699 ) ( 333.6 ) ( Ó 1.7 ) Ó ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z 48.79 kJ/kg ( Ó 40 ) ( Ó 20 ) The enthalpy of the beef carcass at the initial freezing point is determined by evaluating Equation (18) at the initial freezing point: By performing regression analysis on experimental data available in the literature, Chang and Tao (1981) developed the following correlation parameters y and z used in Equation (19): H f Z [ Ó 1.7 Ó ( Ó 40 ) ] 1.55 H ( 1.26 ) ( 0.4179 ) Meat Group: y Z 0.316 Ó 0.247 ( x wo Ó 0.73 ) Ó 0.688 ( x wo Ó 0.73 ) z Z 22.95 Ó 54.68 ( y Ó 0.28 ) Ó 5589.03 ( y Ó 0.28 ) ( 0.5821 Ó 0.0699 ) ( 333.6 ) ( Ó 1.7 ) Ó ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z 243.14 kJ/kg ( Ó 40 ) ( Ó 1.7 ) 2 (20) 2 The enthalpy of the beef carcass at NMø` is given by Equation (15) for unfrozen foods: H 10 Z 3 ( 243.14 ) H [ 10 Ó ( Ó 1.7 ) ] × [ 4.19 Ó ( 2.30 ) ( 0.4179 ) Fruit, Vegetable, and Juice Group: 3 y Z 0.362 H 0.0498 ( x wo Ó 0.73 ) Ó 3.465 ( x wo Ó 0.73 ) z Z 27.2 Ó 129.04 ( y Ó 0.23 ) Ó 481.46 ( y Ó 0.23 ) 2 Ó ( 0.628 ) ( 0.4179 ) ] Z 280.38 kJ/kg 2 (21) n=Z=ã∆eZ=ãEeNM=−=e−OM F Z=NRMEOUMKPU=−=QUKTVF=Z=PQITMM=âg They also developed correlations to estimate the initial freezing temperature TÑ for use in Equation (19). These correlations give TÑ as a function of water content: Meat Group: T f Z 271.18 H 1.47x wo (22) Fruit/Vegetable Group: 2 T f Z 287.56 Ó 49.19x wo H 37.07x wo Thus, the amount of heat removed during the freezing process is qeboj^i=`lkar`qfsfqv Thermal conductivity relates the conduction heat transfer rate to the temperature gradient. The thermal conductivity of a food depends on such factors as composition, structure, and temperature. Early work in the modeling of thermal conductivity of foods and beverages includes Eucken’s adaption of Maxwell’s equation (Eucken 1940). This model is based on the thermal conductivity of dilute dispersions of small spheres in a continuous phase: (23) 1 Ó [ 1 Ó a ( k d ⁄ k c ) ]b k Z k c -----------------------------------------------1 H ( a Ó 1 )b Juice Group: 2 T f Z 120.47 H 327.35x wo Ó 176.49x wo (24) In addition, the enthalpy of the food item at its initial freezing point is required in Equation (19). Chang and Tao (1981) suggest the following correlation for determining the enthalpy of the food item at its initial freezing point HÑ=: H f Z 9.79246 H 0.405096x wo (25) Table 4 presents experimentally determined values for the enthalpy of some frozen foods at a reference temperature of −QMø` as well as the percentage of unfrozen water in these foods. Example 3. A 150 kg beef carcass is to be frozen to a temperature of −20°C. The initial temperature of the beef carcass is 10°C. How much heat must be removed from the beef carcass during this process? Solution: From Table 3, the mass fraction of water in the beef carcass is 0.5821, the mass fraction of protein in the beef carcass is 0.1748 and the initial freezing point of the beef carcass is −NKTø`. The mass fraction of solids in the beef carcass is xë = 1 − xïç = 1 − 0.5821 = 0.4179 (26) where k kc kd a b Vd Vc = = = = = = = conductivity of mixture conductivity of continuous phase conductivity of dispersed phase 3kc /(2kc + kd) Vd /(Vc + Vd) volume of dispersed phase volume of continuous phase In an effort to account for the different structural features of foods, Kopelman (1966) developed thermal conductivity models for homogeneous and fibrous food items. The differences in thermal conductivity parallel and perpendicular to the food fibers are accounted for in Kopelman’s fibrous food thermal conductivity models. For an isotropic, two-component system composed of continuous and discontinuous phases, in which the thermal conductivity is independent of the direction of heat flow, Kopelman (1966) developed the following expression for thermal conductivity k: 2 1ÓL k Z k c ------------------------------2 1 Ó L (1 Ó L) (27) 8.10 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 4 Enthalpy of Frozen Foods Food Item Water Content (% by mass) Fruits and Vegetables Applesauce 82.8 Temperature (°C) −40 −30 −20 −18 −16 −14 −12 −10 −9 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 102 21 73 7 87 15 87 15 67 5 97 19 100 20 101 21 119 29 90 17 70 — 81 12 123 32 102 23 75 8 110 23 77 8 94 17 94 17 70 — 105 20 108 22 109 23 129 33 97 18 74 — 88 14 133 36 111 26 81 10 120 27 83 10 101 18 102 18 74 — 115 23 118 25 120 26 142 37 105 20 79 9 95 16 149 40 121 28 87 12 132 30 90 12 110 21 111 20 79 — 125 26 129 28 132 29 159 42 115 23 86 11 102 18 166 47 133 33 93 14 152 37 99 15 125 25 124 24 85 — 141 31 146 33 150 35 182 50 129 27 94 13 114 20 190 55 152 39 103 16 175 44 108 17 140 30 139 29 93 11 163 38 170 40 173 43 214 61 148 33 103 16 127 24 225 67 176 48 114 18 210 57 123 20 167 38 166 37 104 14 196 49 202 51 207 54 262 78 174 42 117 19 150 30 276 86 212 61 131 24 286 82 155 29 218 57 218 53 125 20 263 71 274 75 282 80 326 100 231 61 145 28 191 43 317 100 289 90 166 33 339 100 243 58 348 100 357 100 184 37 349 100 348 100 343 100 329 — 340 100 224 53 318 86 320 — 319 100 266 65 343 — 381 100 352 — 361 — 390 100 353 — 352 — 347 — 333 — 344 — 371 100 367 100 324 — 323 — 382 100 118 27 116 24 112 26 113 31 84 — 137 34 136 31 129 32 138 40 — — 177 48 177 44 165 44 180 55 89 — 298 92 307 90 284 87 285 95 — — 323 100 337 100 318 100 304 100 93 — Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — 23 6 19 — 21 — 21 — 18 — 23 5 23 5 23 6 25 8 20 — 19 — 20 — 26 9 23 6 20 — 51 9 40 — 45 — 46 — 39 — 50 8 50 8 51 9 57 14 47 7 40 — 44 5 58 15 51 10 42 — 58 10 45 — 50 7 51 7 43 — 55 10 57 9 57 10 65 16 53 8 44 — 49 — 66 17 56 12 47 — 65 12 50 — 57 8 57 8 47 — 62 12 64 11 64 12 74 18 59 9 49 — 54 6 76 19 64 14 52 5 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen 0 10 0 8 0 10 0 10 0 96 19 10 19 8 19 10 19 10 19 96 42 11 42 9 41 11 42 11 42 97 47 12 47 10 46 12 47 12 47 98 53 59 12 13 53 59 11 11 52 58 12 13 52 58 13 14 53 62 99 100 66 14 66 12 65 14 65 15 66 — 74 16 73 13 72 15 72 16 70 — 79 17 77 14 76 16 76 17 72 — 84 18 82 15 81 17 81 18 74 — 89 19 88 16 86 18 88 20 — — 96 21 95 18 93 20 95 22 79 — 105 23 104 20 101 22 105 24 — — 0 — 0 — 0 20 Whole egg, w/shellc 66.4 Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) % water unfrozen Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 0 18 — 18 — 19 — 17 39 10 39 — 40 — 36 43 — 43 — 45 22 40 48 — 48 — 50 — 45 53 — 53 — 56 24 50 58 — 59 — 62 — 55 65 13 65 16 68 27 61 68 — 68 — 72 28 64 72 — 71 — 76 29 67 75 — 75 — 80 31 71 81 18 80 — 85 33 75 87 20 85 21 92 35 81 Bread White bread Whole wheat Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Enthalpy (kJ/kg) 0 0 17 17 35 36 39 41 44 48 49 56 56 66 67 78 75 86 83 93 104 117 124 128 131 134 137 95 106 119 135 150 154 157 160 163 Asparagus, peeled 92.6 Bilberries 85.1 Carrots 87.5 Cucumbers 95.4 Onions 85.5 Peaches, without stones Pears, Bartlett 85.1 83.8 Plums, without stones Raspberries 80.3 82.7 Spinach 90.2 Strawberries 89.3 Sweet cherries, without stones 77.0 Tall peas 75.8 Tomato pulp 92.9 Fish and Meat Cod 80.3 Haddock 83.6 Perch 79.1 Beef, lean, freshb 74.5 Beef, lean, dried 26.1 Eggs Egg white 86.5 Egg yolk 50.0 Egg yolk 40.0 37.3 42.4 73 84 95 14 17 19 55 61 69 5 6 — 64 73 82 9 11 14 64 72 81 9 11 14 51 57 64 — — — 71 81 91 14 16 18 72 82 93 13 16 18 73 83 95 14 17 19 84 97 111 20 23 27 65 75 85 10 13 16 54 60 66 — 6 7 60 67 76 7 9 11 87 100 114 21 26 29 73 84 95 16 18 21 57 63 71 — 6 7 −8 Source: Adapted from Dickerson (1968) and Riedel (1951, 1956, 1957, 1959). b Data for chicken, veal, and venison nearly matched the data for beef of the same water content (Riedel 1957) c Calculated for a mass composition of 58% white (86.5% water) and 32% yolk (50% water). 96 109 134 210 352 23 28 40 82 100 91 99 113 155 228 22 27 34 60 100 99 109 128 182 191 38 45 58 94 100 88 98 117 175 281 Thermal Properties of Foods 8.11 where kÅ is the thermal conductivity of the continuous phase and LP is the volume fraction of the discontinuous phase. In Equation (27), the thermal conductivity of the continuous phase is assumed to be much larger than the thermal conductivity of the discontinuous phase. However, if the thermal conductivity of the discontinuous phase is much larger than the thermal conductivity of the continuous phase, the following expression is used to calculate the thermal conductivity of the isotropic mixture: 1ÓM k Z k c ------------------------------1 Ó M(1 Ó L) (28) where M = LO(1 − kÇ /kÅ) and kÇ is the thermal conductivity of the discontinuous phase. For an anisotropic, two-component system in which the thermal conductivity depends on the direction of heat flow, such as in fibrous food materials, Kopelman (1966) developed two expressions for thermal conductivity. For heat flow parallel to the food fibers, Kopelman proposed the following expression for thermal conductivity kZ: kd 2 k = Z k c 1 Ó N 1 Ó ----- k c When foods consist of more than two distinct phases, the previously mentioned methods for the prediction of thermal conductivity must be applied successively to obtain the thermal conductivity of the food product. For example, in the case of frozen food, the thermal conductivity of the ice and liquid water mix is calculated first by using one of the earlier methods mentioned. The resulting thermal conductivity of the ice/water mix is then combined successively with the thermal conductivity of each remaining food constituent to determine the thermal conductivity of the food product. Numerous researchers have proposed the use of parallel and perpendicular (or series) thermal conductivity models based on analogies with electrical resistance (Murakami and Okos 1989). The parallel model is the sum of the thermal conductivities of the food constituents multiplied by their volume fractions: k Z (29) where N O is the volume fraction of the discontinuous phase in the fibrous food product. If the heat flow is perpendicular to the food fibers, then the following expression for thermal conductivity k ⊥ applies: 1ÓP k ⊥ Z k c -----------------------------1 Ó P(1 Ó N) v ∑ xi ki (35) v where x i is the volume fraction of constituent i. The volume fraction of constituent i can be found from the following equation: xi ⁄ ρi v x i Z ------------------------∑ ( xi ⁄ ρi ) (36) (30) where P = N(1 − kÇ /kÅ). Levy (1981) introduced a modified version of the MaxwellEucken equation. Levy’s expression for the thermal conductivity of a two-component system is as follows: k 2 [ ( 2 H Λ ) H 2 ( Λ Ó 1 )F 1 ] k Z --------------------------------------------------------------( 2 H Λ ) Ó ( Λ Ó 1 )F 1 (31) where Λ is the thermal conductivity ratio (Λ = kN/kO), kN is the thermal conductivity of component 1, and kO is the thermal conductivity of component 2. The parameter FN introduced by Levy is given as follows: 2 8R 2 2 1 F 1 Z 0.5 --- Ó 1 H 2R 1 Ó --- Ó 1 H 2R 1 Ó --------σ σ σ 0.5 (32) 2 (Λ Ó 1) σ Z -----------------------------------------2 (Λ H 1) H (Λ ⁄ 2) (33) 1 k Z -----------------------v x ( ∑ i ⁄ ki ) (37) These two models have been found to predict the upper and lower bounds of the thermal conductivity of most food items. Tables 5 and 6 list the thermal conductivities for many food items (Qashou et al. 1972). Data in these tables have been averaged, interpolated, extrapolated, selected, or rounded off from the original research data. Tables 5 and 6 also include ASHRAE research data on foods of low and intermediate moisture content (Sweat 1985). Example 4. Determine the thermal conductivity and density of lean pork shoulder meat that is at a temperature of −QMø`. Use both the parallel and perpendicular thermal conductivity models. xwo = 0.7263 xp = 0.1955 xf = 0.0714 xa = 0.0102 In addition, the initial freezing point of lean pork shoulder meat is –2.2°C. Because the temperature of the pork is below the initial freezing point, the fraction of ice within the pork must be determined. Using Equation (4), the ice fraction becomes and RN is the volume fraction of component 1, or Ó1 (34) Here, xN is the mass fraction of component 1, ρN is the density of component 1, and ρO is the density of component 2. To use Levy’s method, follow these steps: NK Calculate the thermal conductivity ratio Λ The perpendicular model is the reciprocal of the sum of the volume fractions divided by their thermal conductivities: Solution: From Table 3, the composition of lean pork shoulder meat is: where ρ1 1 R 1 Z 1 H ----- Ó 1 ----- x1 ρ2 2. Determine the volume fraction of constituent 1 using Equation (34) PK Evaluate σ using Equation (33) QK Determine FN using Equation (32) 5. Evaluate the thermal conductivity of the two-component system via Equation (31) tf x ice Z ( x wo Ó x b ) 1 Ó --t tf Z ( x wo Ó 0.4x p ) 1 Ó --t Ó 2.2 Z ( 0.7263 Ó ( 0.4 ) ( 0.1955 ) )1 Ó ---------- Z 0.6125 Ó 40 The mass fraction of unfrozen water is then x w Z x wo Ó x ice Z 0.7263 Ó 0.6125 Z 0.1138 8.12 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 5 Food Itema Fruits, Vegetables Apples Apples, dried Apple juice Apple sauce Apricots, dried Beans, runner Beets Broccoli Carrots Carrots, puree Currants, black Dates Figs Gooseberries Grapefruit juice vesicle Grapefruit rind Grape, green, juice Grape jelly Nectarines Onions Orange juice vesicle Orange rind Peas Peaches, dried Pears Pear juice Plums Potatoes, mashed Potato salad Prunes Raisins Strawberries Thermal Conductivity of Foods Thermal TemperaWater Conductivity ture, Content, % W/(m·K) °C by mass Referenceb 0.418 0.219 0.559 0.631 0.504 0.564 0.389 0.435 0.549 0.375 0.398 8 23 20 80 20 80 20 80 29 23 9 — 41.6 87 87 70 70 36 36 — 43.6 — 0.601 0.385 0.669 1.26 0.310 0.337 0.310 0.276 0.462 0.237 0.567 0.639 0.496 0.554 0.396 0.439 0.439 0.391 0.585 0.575 0.435 0.179 0.480 0.395 0.315 0.361 0.595 0.550 0.629 0.475 0.532 0.402 0.446 0.247 1.09 0.479 0.375 0.336 1.10 0.96 0.338 0.502 28 −6 −16 −8 −17 23 23 −15 30 28 20 80 20 80 20 80 25 20 8.6 8.6 30 30 −13 −3 7 23 8.7 20 80 20 80 20 80 −16 −13 2 23 23 −14 −15 20 8 87.6 — — — — 34.5 40.4 — — — 89 89 68 68 37 37 — 42.0 82.9 — — — — — — 43.4 — 85 85 60 60 39 39 — — — 42.9 32.2 — — 41.0 — 35 35 35 2 −9 35 35 3 −15 20 −15 6 −15 20 −15 6 −15 3 −15 6 4 6 77.7 0.0 20 9 9 76.4 72 75 75 79 79 76.5 76.5 79 79 76 76 74 74 67 62 55 Strawberry jam Squash Meat and Animal Byproducts Beef brain 0.496 Beef fat 0.190 0.230 Beef fat ⊥a 0.217 0.287 Beef kidney 0.524 Beef liver 0.488 Beef, lean =a 0.506 1.42 Beef, lean =a 0.430 1.43 Beef, lean =a 0.400 1.36 Beef, lean ⊥a 0.480 1.35 Beef, lean ⊥a 0.410 1.14 Beef, lean ⊥a 0.471 1.12 Beef, ground 0.406 0.410 0.351 Gane (1936) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1949) Remarks Tasmanian French crabapple, whole fruit; 140 g Density = 0.86 g/cm3 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.35 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.38 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.45 Sweat (1974) Sweat (1985) Smith et al. (1952) Sweat (1974) Smith et al. (1952) Smith et al. (1952) Smith et al. (1952) Smith et al. (1952) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Smith et al. (1952) Bennett et al. (1964) Bennett et al. (1964) Riedel (1949) Density = 1.32 g/cm3 Density = 0.75 g/cm3; machine sliced, scalded, packed in slab Density = 0.56 g/cm3; heads cut and scalded Density = 0.6 g/cm3; scraped, sliced and scalded Density = 0.89 g/cm3; slab Density = 0.64 g/cm3 Density = 1.32 g/cm3 Density = 1.24 g/cm3 Density = 0.58 g/cm3; mixed sizes Marsh, seedless Marsh, seedless Refractive index at 20°C = 1.35 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.38 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.45 Turrell and Perry (1957) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1974) Saravacos (1965) Bennett et al. (1964) Bennett et al. (1964) Smith et al. (1952) Eureka Density = 1.32 g/cm3 Sweat (1985) Sweat (1974) Riedel (1949) Density = 1.26 g/cm3 Valencia Valencia Density = 0.70 g/cm3; shelled and scalded Refractive index at 20°C = 1.36 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.40 Refractive index at 20°C = 1.44 Smith et al. (1952) Smith et al. (1952) Dickerson and Read (1968) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Smith et al. (1952) Sweat (1985) Gane (1936) Density = 0.61 g/cm3; 40 mm dia.; 50 mm long Density = 0.97 g/cm3; tightly packed slab Density = 1.01 g/cm3 Density = 1.22 g/cm3 Density = 1.38 g/cm3 Mixed sizes, density = 0.80 g/cm3, slab Mixed sizes in 57% sucrose syrup, slab Density = 1.31 g/cm3 Lentz (1961) 12% fat; 10.3% protein; density = 1.04 g/cm3 Melted 100% fat; density = 0.81 g/cm3 Density = 0.86 g/cm3 89% fat Poppendick et al. (1966) Poppendick et al. (1966) Lentz (1961) 8.3% fat, 15.3% protein; density = 1.02 g/cm3 7.2% fat, 20.6% protein Sirloin; 0.9% fat Hill et al. (1967) 1.4% fat Hill et al. (1967), Hill (1966) 2.4% fat Hill et al. (1967) Inside round; 0.8% fat Hill et al. (1967), Hill (1966) 3% fat Lentz (1961) Flank; 3 to 4% fat Qashou et al. (1970) 12.3% fat; density = 0.95 g/cm3 16.8% fat; density = 0.98 g/cm3 18% fat; density = 0.93 g/cm3 Poppendick et al. (1966) Poppendick et al. (1966) Thermal Properties of Foods 8.13 Table 5 Food Itema Beefstick Bologna Dog food Cat food Ham, country Horse meat ⊥a Lamb ⊥a Lamb =a Pepperoni Pork fat Pork, lean flank Pork, lean leg =a Pork, lean =a Pork, lean leg ⊥a Pork, lean ⊥a Salami Sausage Veal ⊥a Veal =a Poultry and Eggs Chicken breast ⊥a Chicken breast with skin Turkey breast ⊥a Turkey leg ⊥a Turkey breast = ⊥a Egg white Egg, whole Egg yolk Fish and Sea Products Fish, cod ⊥a Fish, cod Fish, herring Fish, salmon ⊥a Fish, salmon ⊥a Seal blubber ⊥a Whale blubber ⊥a Whale meat Dairy Products Butterfat Butter Buttermilk Milk, whole Milk, skimmed Milk, evaporated Thermal Conductivity of Foods (Continued) Thermal TemperaWater Conductivity ture, Content, % W/(m·K) °C by mass 0.364 3 53 0.297 20 36.6 0.421 20 64.7 0.319 23 30.6 0.326 23 39.7 0.480 20 71.8 0.460 30 70 0.456 20 72 1.12 −15 72 0.399 20 71 1.27 −15 71 0.256 20 32.0 0.215 3 6 0.218 −15 6 0.460 2.2 — 1.22 −15 — 0.478 4 72 1.49 −15 72 0.453 20 76 1.42 −13 76 0.456 4 72 1.29 −15 72 0.505 20 76 1.30 −14 76 0.311 20 35.6 0.427 25 68 0.385 25 62 0.470 20 75 1.38 −15 75 0.445 28 75 1.46 −15 75 0.412 0.366 0.496 1.38 0.497 1.23 0.502 1.53 0.558 0.960 0.420 20 20 3 −15 4 −15 3 −15 36 −8 31 69−75 58−74 74 74 74 74 74 74 88 — 50.6 0.534 1.46 0.560 1.69 0.80 0.531 1.24 0.498 1.13 0.197 0.209 0.649 1.44 1.28 3 −15 1 −15 −19 3 −15 5 −15 5 18 32 −9 −12 83 83 — — — 67 67 73 73 4.3 — — — — 0.173 0.179 0.197 0.569 0.580 0.522 0.550 0.586 0.614 0.538 0.566 0.606 0.635 0.486 0.504 0.542 0.565 6 −15 4 20 28 2 20 50 80 2 20 50 80 2 20 50 80 0.6 0.6 — 89 90 83 83 83 83 90 90 90 90 72 72 72 72 Referenceb Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Griffiths and Cole (1948) Hill et al. (1967) Remarks 22% fat; density = 0.95 g/cm3 Density = 1.05 g/cm3 Density = 1.00 g/cm3 Density = 1.24 g/cm3 Density = 1.14 g/cm3 Density = 1.03 g/cm3 Lean 8.7% fat Hill et al. (1967) 9.6% fat Sweat (1985) Lentz (1961) Density = 1.06 g/cm3 93% fat Lentz (1961) 3.4% fat Lentz (1961) 6.1% fat Hill et al. (1967) 6.7% fat Lentz (1961) 6.1% fat Hill et al. (1967) 6.7% fat Sweat (1985) Woodams (1965), Nowrey and Woodams (1968) Hill et al. (1967) Density = 0.96 g/cm3 Mixture of beef and pork; 16.1% fat, 12.2% protein Mixture of beef and pork; 24.1% fat, 10.3% protein 2.1% fat Hill et al. (1967) 2.1% fat Walters and May (1963) Walters and May (1963) Lentz (1961) 0.6% fat 0−30% fat 2.1% fat Lentz (1961) 3.4% fat Lentz (1961) 2.1% fat Spells (1960−61), Spells (1958) Smith et al. (1952) Poppendick et al. (1966) Density = 0.98 g/cm3 32.7% fat; 16.7% protein, density = 1.02 g/cm3 Lentz (1961) 0.1% fat Long (1955), Jason and Long (1955) Long (1955) Smith et al. (1952) Density = 0.91 g/cm3; whole and gutted Lentz (1961) 12% fat; Salmo salar from Gaspe peninsula Lentz (1961) Lentz (1961) Griffiths and Cole (1948) Griffiths and Hickman (1951) 5.4% fat; Oncorhynchus tchawytscha from British Columbia 95% fat Density = 1.04 g/cm3 Density = 1.07 g/cm3 Smith et al. (1952) 0.51% fat; density = 1.00 g/cm3 Lentz (1961) Hooper and Chang (1952) Riedel (1949) Leidenfrost (1959) Riedel (1949) 0.35% fat 3% fat 3.6% fat Riedel (1949) 0.1% fat Riedel (1949) 4.8% fat 8.14 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 5 Thermal Conductivity of Foods (Continued) Thermal TemperaWater Conductivity ture, Content, % Food Itema W/(m·K) °C by mass Milk, evaporated 0.456 2 62 0.472 20 62 0.510 50 62 0.531 80 62 Milk, evaporated 0.472 23 67 0.504 41 67 0.516 60 67 0.527 79 67 Milk, evaporated 0.324 26 50 0.340 40 50 0.357 59 50 0.364 79 50 Whey 0.540 2 90 0.567 20 90 0.630 50 90 0.640 80 90 Sugar, Starch, Bakery Products, and Derivatives Sugar beet juice 0.550 25 79 0.569 25 82 Sucrose solution 0.535 0 90 0.566 20 90 0.607 50 90 0.636 80 90 0.504 0 80 0.535 20 80 0.572 50 80 0.600 80 80 0.473 0 70 0.501 20 70 0.536 50 70 0.563 80 70 0.443 0 60 0.470 20 60 0.502 50 60 0.525 80 60 0.413 0 50 0.437 20 50 0.467 50 93−80 0.490 80 93−80 0.382 0 40 0.404 20 40 0.434 50 40 0.454 80 40 Glucose solution 0.539 2 89 0.566 20 89 0.601 50 89 0.639 80 89 0.508 2 80 0.535 20 80 0.571 50 80 0.599 80 80 0.478 2 70 0.504 20 70 0.538 50 70 0.565 80 70 0.446 2 60 0.470 20 60 0.501 50 60 0.529 80 60 Corn syrup 0.562 25 — 0.484 25 — 0.467 25 — Honey 0.502 2 80 0.415 69 80 Molasses syrup 0.346 30 23 Angel food cake 0.099 23 36.1 Applesauce cake 0.079 23 23.7 Carrot cake 0.084 23 21.6 Chocolate cake 0.106 23 31.9 Pound cake 0.131 23 22.7 Yellow cake 0.110 23 25.1 White cake 0.082 23 32.3 Grains, Cereals, and Seeds Corn, yellow 0.140 32 0.9 0.159 32 14.7 0.172 32 30.2 Flax seed 0.115 32 — Oats, white English 0.130 27 12.7 Referenceb Riedel (1949) Remarks 6.4% fat Leidenfrost (1959) 10% fat Leidenfrost (1959) 15% fat Riedel (1949) No fat Khelemskii and Zhadan (1964) Riedel (1949) Cane or beet sugar solution Riedel (1949) Metzner and Friend (1959) Density = 1.16 g/cm3 Density = 1.31 g/cm3 Density = 1.34 g/cm3 Reidy (1968) Popov and Terentiev (1966) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Kazarian (1962) Griffiths and Hickman (1951) Oxley (1944) Density = 0.15 g/cm3, porosity: 88% Density = 0.30 g/cm3, porosity: 78% Density = 0.32 g/cm3, porosity: 75% Density = 0.34 g/cm3, porosity: 74% Density = 0.48 g/cm3, porosity: 58% Density = 0.30 g/cm3, porosity: 78% Density = 0.45 g/cm3, porosity: 62% Density = 0.75 g/cm3 Density = 0.75 g/cm3 Density = 0.68 g/cm3 Density = 0.66 g/cm3 Thermal Properties of Foods 8.15 Table 5 Thermal Conductivity of Foods (Continued) Thermal TemperaWater Conductivity ture, Content, % Food Itema W/(m·K) °C by mass Sorghum 0.131 5 13 0.150 22 Wheat, No. 1 Northern 0.135 34 2 0.149 — 7 hard spring 0.155 — 10 0.168 — 14 Wheat, soft white winter 0.121 31 5 0.129 31 10 0.137 31 15 Fats, Oils, Gums, and Extracts Gelatin gel 0.522 5 94−80 Margarine Almond oil Cod liver oil Lemon oil Mustard oil Nutmeg oil Olive oil Olive oil Peanut oil Peanut oil Rapeseed oil Sesame oil aThe 2.14 1.94 1.41 0.233 0.176 0.170 0.156 0.170 0.156 0.175 0.168 0.166 0.160 0.156 0.168 0.169 0.160 0.176 −15 −15 −15 5 4 35 6 25 4 7 32 65 151 185 4 25 20 4 94 88 80 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Referenceb Miller (1963) Remarks Hybrid Rs610 grain Moote (1953) Babbitt (1945) Values taken from plot of series of values given by authors Kazarian (1962) Values taken from plot of series of values given by author; Density = 0.78 g/cm3 Lentz (1961) Conductivity did not vary with concentration in range tested (6, 12, 20%) 6% gelatin concentration 12% gelatin concentration 20% gelatin concentration Density = 1.00 g/cm3 Density = 0.92 g/cm3 Hooper and Chang (1952) Wachsmuth (1892) Spells (1960-61), Spells (1958) Weber (1880) Weber (1886) Wachsmuth (1892) Weber (1880) Kaye and Higgins (1928) Wachsmuth (1892) Woodams (1965) Kondrat’ev (1950) Wachsmuth (1892) Density = 0.82 g/cm3 Density = 1.02 g/cm3 Density = 0.94 g/cm3 Density = 0.91 g/cm3 Density = 0.91 g/cm3 Density = 0.92 g/cm3 Density = 0.91 g/cm3 Density = 0.92 g/cm3 symbol ⊥ indicates heat flow perpendicular to the grain structure and the symbol = indicates heat flow parallel to the grain or structure. quoted are those on which given data are based, although actual values in this table may have been averaged, interpolated, extrapolated, selected, or rounded off. bReferences Table 6 Food Item Apple Peach Pears Beef =a Egg albumin gel Turkey =a Turkey ⊥a Potato starch gel a The Thermal Conductivity, W/(m·K) 0.0156 0.0185 0.0282 0.0405 0.0164 0.0185 0.0279 0.0410 0.0431 0.0186 0.0207 0.0306 0.0419 0.0451 0.0382 0.0412 0.0532 0.0620 0.0652 0.0393 0.0129 0.0287 0.0443 0.0706 0.0861 0.0927 0.0170 0.0174 0.0221 0.0417 0.0586 0.0091 0.0144 0.0291 0.0393 Thermal Conductivity of Freeze-Dried Foods Temperature, Pressure, °C Pa Referenceb 35 2.66 Harper (1960, 1962) 35 21.0 35 187 35 2880 35 6.0 Harper (1960, 1962) 35 21.5 35 187 35 2670 35 51000 35 2.13 Harper (1960, 1962) 35 19.5 35 187 35 2150 35 68900 35 1.46 Harper (1960, 1962) 35 22.7 35 238 35 2700 35 101 000 41 101 000 Saravacos and Pilsworth (1965) 41 4.40 Saravacos and Pilsworth (1965) — 5.33 Triebes and King (1966) — 15.0 — 467 — 2130 — 98 500 — 5.60 Triebes and King (1966) — 18.9 — 133 — 1250 — 87 600 — 4.3 Saravacos and Pilsworth (1965) — 181 — 2210 — 102 700 Remarks Delicious; 88% porosity; 5.1 tortuosity factor; measured in air Clingstone; 91% porosity; 4.1 tortuosity factor; measured in air 97% porosity; measured in nitrogen Lean; 64% porosity; 4.4 tortuosity factor; measured in air 2% water content; measured in air Measured in air Cooked white meat; 68 to 72% porosity; measured in air Cooked white meat; 68 to 72% porosity; measured in air Measured in air symbol ⊥indicates heat flow perpendicular to the grain structure and the symbol = indicates heat flow parallel to the grain or structure. quoted are those on which given data are based, although actual values in this table may have been averaged, interpolated, extrapolated, selected, or rounded off. b References 8.16 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Using the equations presented in Tables 1 and 2, the density and thermal conductivity of the food constituents are calculated at the given temperature −QMø`: Z=VKVTNU=×=NMO=H=PKNQPV=×=NM−PE−QMF=−=PKTRTQ=×=NM−PE−QMFO= Z=VVNKMQ=âÖLãP ρï ρáÅÉ= Z=VKNSUV=×=NMO=−=NKPMTN=×=NM−NE−QMF= Z=VOOKNO=âÖLãP ρé= Z=NKPOVV=×=NMP=−=RKNUQM=×=NM−NE−QMF Z=NPRMKS=âÖLãP ρÑ= Z=VKORRV=×=NMO=−=QKNTRT=×=NM−NE−QMF= Z=VQOKOV=âÖLãP ρ~= Z=OKQOPU=×=NMP=− OKUMSP=×=NM−NE−QMF= Z=OQPRKM=âÖLãP â ï= Z=RKTNMV=×=NM−N=H=NKTSOR=×=NM−PE−QMF=−=SKTMPS=×=NM−SE−QMFO Z=MKQUVV=tLEã⋅hF âáÅÉ= Z=OKONVS=−=SKOQUV=×=NM−PE−QMF=H=NKMNRQ=×=NM−QE−QMFO= Z=OKSPO=tLEã⋅hF âé= Z=NKTUUN=×=NM−N=H=NKNVRU=×=NM−PE−QMF=−=OKTNTU=×=NM−SE−QMFO= Z=MKNOSS=tLEã⋅hF âÑ= Z=NKUMTN=×=NM−N=−=OKTSMQ=×=NM−PE−QMF=−=NKTTQV=×=NM−TE−QMFO= Z=MKOVMU=tLEã⋅hF â~= Z=PKOVSO=×=NM−N=H=NKQMNN=×=NM−PE−QMF=−=OKVMSV=×=NM−SE−QMFO= Z=MKOSUV=tLEã⋅hF Using Equation (6), the density of the lean pork shoulder meat at –40°C can be determined: xi ∑ ---ρ-i 0.6125 0.1138 0.1955 0.0714 0.0102 Z ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------922.12 991.04 1350.6 942.29 2435.0 Z 1.0038 × 10 Ó3 1Óε 1Ó0 - Z 996 kg/m 3 ρ Z ------------------- Z -------------------------------Ó3 x ⁄ p × 1.0038 10 ∑i i Using Equation (36), the volume fractions of the constituents can be found: x ice ⁄ ρ ice 0.6125 ⁄ 922.12 v - Z 0.6617 x ice Z ---------------------- Z -----------------------------------Ó3 x ⁄ ρ ∑ i i 1.0038 × 10 xw ⁄ ρw 0.1138 ⁄ 991.04v x w Z ------------------- Z -----------------------------------Z 0.1144 Ó3 x ⁄ p ∑ i i 1.0038 × 10 Using the perpendicular model, Equation (37), the thermal conductivity becomes: 0.6617 0.1144 0.1442 0.0755 0.0042 1 Z ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------- H ---------------k Z ------------------v 2.632 0.4899 0.1266 0.2908 0.2689 ∑ xi ⁄ ki k Z 0.527 W/(m·K) Example 5. Determine the thermal conductivity and density of lean pork shoulder meat that is at a temperature of −QMø`. Use the isotropic model developed by Kopelman (1966). Solution: From Table 3, the composition of lean pork shoulder meat is xïç = 0.7263xÑ = 0.0714 xé = 0.1955x~ = 0.0102 In addition, the initial freezing point of lean pork shoulder is −2.2°C. Because the temperature of the pork is below the initial freezing point, the fraction of ice within the pork must be determined. From Example 4, the ice fraction was found to be ñáÅÉ=Z=MKSNOR The mass fraction of unfrozen water is then ñï=Z=ñïç=−=ñáÅÉ=Z=MKTOSP=−=MKSNOR=Z=MKNNPU Using the equations presented in Tables 1 and 2, the density and thermal conductivity of the food constituents are calculated at the given temperature, −QMø` (refer to Example 4): ρw = ρice = ρp = ρf = ρa = 991.04 kg/m3 922.12 kg/m3 1350.6 kg/m3 942.29 kg/m3 2435.0 kg/m3 xa ⁄ ρa 0.0102 ⁄ 2435.0 v - Z 0.0042 x a Z ------------------- Z -----------------------------------Ó3 ⁄ p x ∑ i i 1.0038 × 10 Using the parallel model, Equation (35), the thermal conductivity becomes: k Z v ∑ xi ki Z ( 0.6617 ) ( 2.632 ) H ( 0.1144 ) ( 0.4899 ) H (0.1442)(0.1266) H ( 0.0755 ) ( 0.2908 ) H ( 0.0042 ) ( 0.2689 ) k Z 1.84 W/(m·K) kw = 0.4899 W/(m·K) kice = 2.632 W/(m·K) kp = 0.1266 W/(m·K) kf = 0.2908 W/(m·K) ka = 0.2689 W/(m·K) Now, determine the thermal conductivity of the ice/water mixture. This requires the volume fractions of the ice and the water in the two component ice/water mixture: x ice ⁄ ρ ice 0.6125 ⁄ 922.12 v x ice Z ---------------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.8526 xi 0.1138 ------------------------------- H 0.6125 ∑ ---ρ-i 991.04 922.12 Note that the volume fractions calculated for the two component ice/water mixture are different from those calculated in Example 4 for the lean pork shoulder meat. Because the ice has the largest volume fraction in the two component ice/water mixture, consider the ice to be the “continuous” phase. Then, L from Equation (27) becomes v 3 L Z x w Z 0.1474 2 L Z 0.2790 xp ⁄ ρp 0.1955 ⁄ 1350.6 v - Z 0.1442 x p Z ------------------- Z -----------------------------------Ó3 1.0038 × 10 x ⁄ p i i ∑ xf ⁄ ρf 0.0714 ⁄ 942.29v x f Z ------------------- Z -----------------------------------Z 0.0755 Ó3 x ⁄ p ∑ i i 1.0038 × 10 Ó1 L Z 0.5282 Because káÅÉ > kï and the ice is the continuous phase, the thermal conductivity of the ice/water mixture is calculated using Equation (27): 2 1ÓL k ice/water Z k ice ------------------------------2 1 Ó L (1 Ó L) 1 Ó 0.2790 Z 2.632 -------------------------------------------------------- Z 2.1853 W/(m·K) 1 Ó 0.2790 ( 1 Ó 0.5282 ) The density of the ice/water mixture then becomes v v ρ ice/water Z x w ρ w H x ice Z ( 0.1474 ) ( 991.04 ) H ( 0.8526 ) ( 922.12 ) Z 932.28 kg/m 3 Thermal Properties of Foods 8.17 Next, find the thermal conductivity of the ice/water/protein mixture. This requires the volume fractions of the ice/water and the protein: v xp xp ⁄ ρp 0.1955 ⁄ 1350.6 Z -------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.1567 xi 0.1955 0.7263--------------∑ ---ρ-i 1350.6- H --------------932.28 x ice/water ⁄ ρ ice/water 0.7263 ⁄ 932.28 v x ice/water Z ------------------------------------------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.8433 0.1955 xi ---------------- H 0.7263 ---------------∑ ---ρ-i 1350.6 932.28 Note that these volume fractions are calculated based on a two component system composed of ice/water as one constituent and protein as the other. Because protein has the smaller volume fraction, consider it to be the discontinuous phase. 3 v L Z x p Z 0.1567 v Z ( 0.9242 ) ( 997.83 ) H ( 0.0758 ) ( 942.29 ) Z 993.62 kg/m xa ⁄ ρa 0.0102 ⁄ 2435.0 v x a Z -------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.0042 xi 0.0102 ---------------- H 0.9932 --∑ ρi 2435.0 --------------993.62 v x i/w/p/f x i/w/p/f 0.9932 -------------------------------ρ i/w/p/f 993.62 Z ----------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.9958 xi 0.0102 0.9932--------------∑ ---ρ-i 2435.0- H --------------993.62 2 2 2 1ÓL k ice/water/protein Z k ice/water ------------------------------2 1 Ó L (1 Ó L) 1 Ó 0.2907 Z 2.1853 -------------------------------------------------------1 Ó 0.2907 ( 1 Ó 0.5391 ) Z 1.7898 W/(m·K) The density of the ice/water/protein mixture then becomes v ρ ice/water/protein Z x ice/water ρ ice/water H x p ρ p Z ( 0.8433 ) ( 932.28 ) H ( 0.1567 ) ( 1350.6 ) 3 Next, find the thermal conductivity of the ice/water/protein/fat mixture. This requires the volume fractions of the ice/water/protein and the fat: xf ⁄ ρf 0.0714 ⁄ 942.29 v x f Z ------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.0758 xi 0.0714 0.9218--------------∑ ---ρ-i 942.29- H --------------997.83 v x i/w/p x i/w/p ⁄ ρ i/w/p 0.9218 ⁄ 997.83 Z ------------------------------- Z --------------------------------------- Z 0.9242 xi 0.0714 0.9218 ---------------- H ---------------∑ ---ρ-i 942.29 997.83 3 v 3 L Z x a Z 0.0042 L Z 0.0260 L Z 0.1613 Thus, the thermal conductivity of the ice/water/protein mixture becomes Z 997.83 kg/m 3 Finally, the thermal conductivity of the lean pork shoulder meat can be found. This requires the volume fractions of the ice/water/protein/fat and the ash: L Z 0.2907 L Z 0.5391 v v ρ i/w/p/f Z x i/w/p ρ i/w/p H x f ρ f v L Z x f Z 0.0758 2 L Z 0.1791 L Z 0.4232 Thus, the thermal conductivity of the ice/water/protein/fat mixture becomes 2 1ÓL k i/w/p/f Z k i/w/p ------------------------------2 1 Ó L (1 Ó L) 1 Ó 0.1791 Z 1.7898 -------------------------------------------------------1 Ó 0.1791 ( 1 Ó 0.4232 ) Z 1.639 W/(m·K) The density of the ice/water/protein/fat mixture then becomes Thus, the thermal conductivity of the lean pork shoulder meat becomes 2 1ÓL k pork Z k i/w/p/f ------------------------------2 1 Ó L (1 Ó L) 1 Ó 0.0260 Z 1.639 -------------------------------------------------------1 Ó 0.0260 ( 1 Ó 0.1613 ) Z 1.632 W/(m·K) The density of the lean pork shoulder meat then becomes v v ρ pork Z x i/w/p/f ρ i/w/p/f H x a ρ a Z ( 0.9958 ) ( 993.62 ) H ( 0.0042 ) ( 2435.0 ) Z 999 kg/m 3 qeboj^i=afccrpfsfqv For transient heat transfer, the important thermophysical property is thermal diffusivity α, which appears in the Fourier equation: 2 2 2 ∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T Z α H 2H 2 2 ∂θ ∂x ∂y ∂z (38) where x, y, z are rectangular coordinates, T is temperature, and θ is time. Thermal diffusivity can be defined as follows: k α Z -----ρc (39) where α is thermal diffusivity, k is thermal conductivity, ρ is density, and c is specific heat. Experimentally determined values of the thermal diffusivity of foods are scarce. However, thermal diffusivity can be calculated using Equation (39), with appropriate values of thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density. A few experimental values are given in Table 7. eb^q=lc=obpmfo^qflk All living food products respire. During the respiration process, sugar and oxygen are combined to form COO, HOO, and heat as follows: 8.18 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 7 Food Item Fruits and Vegetables Apple, Red Delicious, wholea Apple, dried Applesauce Apricots, dried Bananas, flesh Cherries, fleshb Dates Figs Jam, strawberry Jelly, grape Peachesb Peaches, dried Potatoes, whole Potatoes, mashed, cooked Prunes Raisins Strawberries, flesh Sugar beets Meats Codfish Halibutc Beef, chuckd Beef, roundd Beef, tongued Beefstick Bologna Corned beef Ham, country Ham, smoked Ham, smokedd Pepperoni Salami Cakes Angel food Applesauce Carrot Chocolate Pound Yellow White a Data Thermal Diffusivity of Foods Thermal Diffusivity, mm2/s Water Content, % by mass 0.14 0.096 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.096 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.13 85 42 37 37 80 80 44 76 76 — 35 40 41 42 — 43 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 840 856 — — — — 1323 — — 1050 1319 1241 1310 1320 960 1259 1040 to 1070 0 to 30 23 5 65 5 65 23 5 65 0 to 30 23 23 20 20 2 to 32 23 0 to 70 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.13 78 78 43 32 92 — — — — — — — — — 1219 1380 — — 5 65 23 23 5 0 to 60 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.093 0.13 81 81 76 66 71 68 37 65 65 65 72 64 64 32 36 — — 1 16 4 13 — — — — — — 14 — — — — 1070 1060 1090 1060 1050 1000 — — 1030 — 1090 1060 960 5 65 40 to 65 40 to 65 40 to 65 40 to 65 20 20 5 65 20 5 40 to 65 20 20 0.26 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 36 24 22 32 23 25 32 — — — — — — — 147 300 320 340 480 300 446 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 c Stored are applicable only to raw whole apple. harvested. b Freshly CSHNOOS + 6OO → 6COO + 6HOO + OSST=âg Temperature, Fat Content, Apparent °C Reference % by mass Density, kg/m3 Bennett et al. (1969) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Parker and Stout (1967) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Bennett (1963) Sweat (1985) Minh et al. (1969) Mathews and Hall (1968) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1969) Slavicek et al. (1962) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Dickerson and Read (1975) Dickerson and Read (1975) Dickerson and Read (1975) Dickerson and Read (1975) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1969) Riedel (1969) Sweat (1985) Riedel (1969) Dickerson and Read (1975) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) Sweat (1985) frozen and thawed prior to test. d Data are applicable only where the juices exuded during heating remain in the food samples. EQMF In most stored plant products, little cell development takes place, and the greater part of respiration energy is released in the form of heat, which must be taken into account when cooling and storing these living commodities (Becker et al. 1996a). The rate at which this chemical reaction takes place varies with the type and temperature of the commodity. Becker et al. (1996b) developed correlations that relate a commodity’s rate of carbon dioxide production to its temperature. The carbon dioxide production rate can then be related to the commodity’s heat generation rate due to respiration. The resulting correlation gives the commodity’s respiratory heat generation rate W in tLâÖ as a function of temperature t in ø`: g 10.7f 9t W Z ------------ ----- H 32 3600 5 (41) The respiration coefficients f and g for various commodities are given in Table 8. Fruits, vegetables, flowers, bulbs, florists’ greens, and nursery stock are storage commodities with significant heats of respiration. Dry plant products, such as seeds and nuts, have very low respiration rates. Young, actively growing tissues, such as asparagus, broccoli and spinach, have high rates of respiration, as do immature seeds such as green peas and sweet corn. Fastdeveloping fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, have much higher respiration rates than do fruits that are slow to develop, such as apples, grapes, and citrus fruits. Thermal Properties of Foods 8.19 Table 8 Commodity Respiration Coefficients (Becker et al. 1996b) Respiration Coefficients Commodity Apples Blueberries Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrots Grapefruit Grapes Green peppers Lemons Lima beans Limes f g 10-4 5.6871 × 7.2520 × 10-5 0.0027238 6.0803 × 10-4 0.050018 0.0035828 7.056 × 10-5 3.5104 × 10-4 0.011192 9.1051 × 10-4 2.9834 × 10-8 2.5977 3.2584 2.5728 2.6183 1.7926 1.9982 3.033 2.7414 1.7740 2.8480 4.7329 In general, most vegetables, other than root crops, have a high initial respiration rate for the first one or two days after harvest. Within a few days, the respiration rate quickly lowers to the equilibrium rate (Ryall and Lipton 1972). Fruits, however, are different from most vegetables. Those fruits that do not ripen during storage, such as citrus fruits and grapes, have fairly constant rates of respiration. Those that ripen in storage, such as apples, peaches, and avocados, exhibit an increase in the respiration rate. At low storage temperatures, around 0°C, the rate of respiration rarely increases because no ripening takes place. However, if fruits are stored at higher temperatures (10°C to 15°C), the respiration rate increases due to ripening and then decreases. Soft fruits, such as blueberries, figs, and strawberries, show a decrease in respiration with time at 0°C. If they become infected with decay organisms, however, respiration increases. Table 9 lists the heats of respiration as a function of temperature for a variety of commodities, and Table 10 shows the change in respiration rate with time. Most of the commodities in Table 9 have a low and a high value for heat of respiration at each temperature. When no range is given, the value is an average for the specified temperature and may be an average of the respiration rates for many days. When using Table 9, select the lower value for estimating the heat of respiration at the equilibrium storage state and use the higher value for calculating the heat load for the first day or two after harvest, including precooling and short-distance transport. During the storage of fruits between Mø`=~åÇ=Rø`, the increase in the respiration rate due to ripening is slight. However, for fruits such as mangoes, avocados, or bananas, significant ripening occurs at temperatures above NMø` and the higher rates listed in Table 9 should be used. Vegetables such as onions, garlic, and cabbage can exhibit an increase in heat production after a long storage period. qo^kpmfo^qflk=lc=cobpe=corfqp= ^ka sbdbq^_ibp The most abundant constituent in fresh fruits and vegetables is water, which exists as a continuous liquid phase within the fruit or vegetable. Transpiration is the process by which fresh fruits and vegetables lose some of this water. This process consists of the transport of moisture through the skin of the commodity, the evaporation of this moisture from the commodity surface, and the convective mass transport of the moisture to the surroundings (Becker et al. 1996b). The rate of transpiration in fresh fruits and vegetables affects product quality. Moisture transpires continuously from commodities during handling and storage. Some moisture loss is inevitable and can be tolerated. However, under many conditions, the loss of moisture may be sufficient to cause the commodity to shrivel. The resulting loss in mass not only affects appearance, texture, and flavor of the commodity, but also reduces the salable mass (Becker et al. 1996a). Respiration Coefficients f Commodity Onions Oranges Peaches Pears Plums Potatoes Rutabagas (swedes) Snap beans Sugar beets Strawberries Tomatoes g 10-4 3.668 × 2.8050 × 10-4 1.2996 × 10-5 6.3614 × 10-5 8.608 × 10-5 0.01709 1.6524 × 10-4 0.0032828 8.5913 × 10-3 3.6683 × 10-4 2.0074 × 10-4 2.538 2.6840 3.6417 3.2037 2.972 1.769 2.9039 2.5077 1.8880 3.0330 2.8350 Many factors affect the rate of transpiration from fresh fruits and vegetables. Moisture loss from a fruit or vegetable is driven by a difference in water vapor pressure between the product surface and the environment. Becker and Fricke (1996a) state that the product surface may be assumed to be saturated, and thus the water vapor pressure at the commodity surface is equal to the water vapor saturation pressure evaluated at the product’s surface temperature. However, they also report that dissolved substances in the moisture of the commodity tend to lower the vapor pressure at the evaporating surface slightly. Evaporation that occurs at the product surface is an endothermic process that cools the surface, thus lowering the vapor pressure at the surface and reducing transpiration. Respiration within the fruit or vegetable, on the other hand, tends to increase the product’s temperature, thus raising the vapor pressure at the surface and increasing transpiration. Furthermore, the respiration rate is itself a function of the commodity’s temperature (Gaffney et al. 1985). In addition, factors such as surface structure, skin permeability, and air flow also effect the transpiration rate (Sastry et al. 1978). Becker et al. (1996c) performed a numerical, parametric study to investigate the influence of bulk mass, air flow rate, skin mass transfer coefficient, and relative humidity on the cooling time and moisture loss of a bulk load of apples. They found that relative humidity and skin mass transfer coefficient had little effect on cooling time, whereas bulk mass and airflow rate were of primary importance to cooling time. Moisture loss was found to vary appreciably with relative humidity, airflow rate, and skin mass transfer coefficient; bulk mass had little effect. They reported that an increase in airflow results in a decrease in moisture loss. The increased airflow reduces the cooling time, which quickly reduces the vapor pressure deficit, thus lowering the transpiration rate. The driving force for transpiration is a difference in water vapor pressure between the surface of a commodity and the surrounding air. Thus, the basic form of the transpiration model is as follows: m· Z k t ( p s Ó p a ) (42) ïÜÉêÉ= m· áë=íÜÉ=íê~åëéáê~íáçå=ê~íÉ=ÉñéêÉëëÉÇ=~ë=íÜÉ=ã~ëë=çÑ=ãçáëJ íìêÉ=íê~åëéáêÉÇ=éÉê=ìåáí=~êÉ~=çÑ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ëìêÑ~ÅÉ=éÉê=ìåáí=íáãÉK qÜáë= ê~íÉ= ã~ó= ~äëç= ÄÉ= ÉñéêÉëëÉÇ= éÉê= ìåáí= ã~ëë= çÑ= ÅçããçÇáíó ê~íÜÉê=íÜ~å=éÉê=ìåáí=~êÉ~=çÑ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ëìêÑ~ÅÉK=qÜÉ=íê~åëéáê~íáçå ÅçÉÑÑáÅáÉåí= âí= áë= íÜÉ= ã~ëë= çÑ= ãçáëíìêÉ= íê~åëéáêÉÇ= éÉê= ìåáí= ~êÉ~= çÑ ÅçããçÇáíóI= éÉê= ìåáí= ï~íÉê= î~éçê= éêÉëëìêÉ= ÇÉÑáÅáíI= éÉê= ìåáí= íáãÉK qÜÉ=íê~åëéáê~íáçå=ÅçÉÑÑáÅáÉåí=ã~ó=~äëç=ÄÉ=ÉñéêÉëëÉÇ=éÉê=ìåáí=ã~ëë çÑ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ê~íÜÉê=íÜ~å=éÉê=ìåáí=~êÉ~=çÑ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ëìêÑ~ÅÉK=qÜÉ èì~åíáíó= Eéë= −= é~F= áë= íÜÉ= ï~íÉê= î~éçê= éêÉëëìêÉ= ÇÉÑáÅáíK= qÜÉ= ï~íÉê î~éçê=éêÉëëìêÉ=~í=íÜÉ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ëìêÑ~ÅÉ=éë=áë=íÜÉ=ï~íÉê=î~éçê=ë~íJ ìê~íáçå=éêÉëëìêÉ=Éî~äì~íÉÇ=~í=íÜÉ=ÅçããçÇáíó=ëìêÑ~ÅÉ=íÉãéÉê~íìêÉX íÜÉ=ï~íÉê=î~éçê=éêÉëëìêÉ=áå=íÜÉ=ëìêêçìåÇáåÖ=~áê=é~=áë=~=ÑìåÅíáçå=çÑ íÜÉ=êÉä~íáîÉ=ÜìãáÇáíó=çÑ=íÜÉ=~áêK 8.20 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 9 Heat of Respiration for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Various Temperaturesa Heat of Respiration (mW/kg) Commodity 0°C 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C Reference Yellow, transparent Delicious Golden Delicious Jonathan McIntosh Early cultivars Late cultivars Average of many cultivars Apricots 20.4 10.2 10.7 11.6 10.7 9.7-18.4 5.3-10.7 6.8-12.1 15.5-17.0 35.9 15.0 16.0 17.5 16.0 15.5-31.5 13.6-20.9 15.0-21.3 18.9-26.7 — — — — — 41.2-60.6 20.4-31.0 — 33.0-55.8 106.2 — — — — 53.6-92.1 27.6-58.2 40.3-91.7 63.0-101.8 166.8 — — — — 58.2-121.2 43.6-72.7 50.0-103.8 87.3-155.2 — — — — — — — — — Wright et al. (1954) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) IIR (1967) IIR (1967) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Artichokes, globe 67.4-133.4 94.6-178.0 16.2-291.5 22.9-430.2 40.4-692.0 — Asparagus 81.0-237.6 162.0-404.5 318.1-904.0 Sastry et al. (1978), Rappaport and Watada (1958) Sastry et al. (1978), Lipton (1957) Apples 472.3-971.4 809.4-1484.0 — Avocados *b *b — 183.3-465.6 218.7-1029.1 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Biale (1960) Bananas, green Bananas, ripening Beans Lima, unshelled *b *b *b *b †b †b 59.7-130.9 37.3-164.9 87.3-155.2 97.0-242.5 — — IIR (1967) IIR (1967) 31.0-89.2 58.2-106.7 — 296.8-369.5 393.8-531.5 — Lima, shelled 52.4-103.8 86.3-180.9 — — 627.0-801.1 — 252.2-276.4 350.6-386.0 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Tewfik and Scott (1954) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Tewfik and Scott (1954) Ryall and Lipton (1972), Watada and Morris (1966) Snap *b 101.4-103.8 162.0-172.6 Beets, red, roots Berries Blackberries Blueberries Cranberries 16.0-21.3 27.2-28.1 34.9-40.3 50.0-68.9 — — Ryall and Lipton (1972), Smith (1957) 46.6-67.9 6.8-31.0 *b 84.9-135.8 27.2-36.4 12.1-13.6 155.2-281.3 — — 208.5-431.6 101.4-183.3 — 388.0-581.9 153.7-259.0 32.5-53.8 — — — Gooseberries 20.4-25.7 36.4-40.3 — 64.5-95.5 — — Raspberries 52.4-74.2 91.7-114.4 82.4-164.9 243.9-300.7 339.5-727.4 — Strawberries 36.4-52.4 48.5-98.4 145.5-281.3 210.5-273.5 303.1-581.0 501.4-625.6 IIR (1967) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Anderson et al. (1963) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Smith (1966) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), IIR (1967), Haller et al. (1941) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), IIR (1967), Maxie et al. (1959) Broccoli, sprouting 55.3-63.5 102.3-474.8 — Brussels sprouts Cabbage Penn Statec White, Winter White, Spring Red, Early Savoy 45.6-71.3 95.5-144.0 187.2-250.7 283.2-316.7 267.2-564.0 — Sastry et al. (1978), Smith (1957) 11.6 14.5-24.2 28.1-40.3 22.8-29.1 46.1-63.0 28.1-30.1 21.8-41.2 52.4-63.5 46.1-50.9 75.2-87.3 — 36.4-53.3 86.3-98.4 70.3-824.2 155.2-181.9 66.4-94.1 58.2-80.0 159.1-167.7 109.1-126.1 259.5-293.4 — 106.7-121.2 — 164.9-169.7 388.0-436.5 — — — — — Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) IIR (1967) Sastry et al. (1978), Smith (1957) IIR (1967) IIR (1967) Carrots, Roots Imperator, Texas Main Crop, U.K. 45.6 10.2-20.4 58.2 17.5-35.9 93.1 29.1-46.1 117.4 86.8-196.4 at 18°C 209.0 — — — Scholz et al. (1963) Smith (1957) Cauliflower, Texas Cauliflower, U.K. 9.2 52.9 22.8-71.3 19.9 60.6 58.2-81.0 — 100.4 121.2-144.5 64.0-83.9 136.8 199.8-243.0 — 238.1 — — — — Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Scholz et al. (1963) Smith (1957) Celery, N.Y., White Celery, U.K. 21.3 15.0-21.3 32.5 27.2-37.8 — 58.2-81.0 110.6 115.9-124.1 at 18°C 191.6 — — — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Smith (1957) Celery, Utah, Can.e Cherries, sour 15.0 17.5-39.3 26.7 37.8-39.3 — — 88.3 81.0-148.4 — 115.9-148.4 — 157.6-210.5 Nantes, Can.d 515.0-1008.2 824.9-1011.1 1155.2-1661.0 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Morris (1947), Scholz et al. (1963) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Hawkins (1929) Thermal Properties of Foods 8.21 Table 9 Heat of Respiration for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Various Temperaturesa (Continued) Heat of Respiration (mW/kg) Commodity 0°C 5°C 10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 12.1-16.0 28.1-41.7 — 74.2-133.4 83.4-94.6 — 126.1 230.4 332.2 483.0 855.5 1207.5 *b *b 68.4-85.8 at 13°C 71.3-98.4 92.1-142.6 — — 23.5-39.3 65.5-68.4 145.5-187.7 168.8-281.8 252.2-281.8 8.7-32.5 17.5-28.6 27.2-28.6 32.5-81.0 29.6-53.8 — 8.2 16.0 — 47.0 97.0 114.4 3.9-6.8 9.2-17.5 2.42 29.6-34.9 — 74.2-89.2 5.8 3.9 *b *b 24.2 8.3 29.6 28.1-48.5 *b 14.1 9.7 *b *b 32.0 19.6 48.5 58.2-86.3 *b 22.8 21.3 *b *b 78.1 38.9 93.1 159.1-202.2 *b — — 34.9 37.8 97.0 — 145.5 245.4-346.7 47.0 — — 52.4 47.0 132.4 51.9-57.3 — — 67.4 — — 64.5 56.7 — — — — 77.1 27.2-50.0 31.0 39.8-59.2 39.3 81.0-118.8 64.5 114.4-121.2 106.7 178.0 168.8 — 2.4 at 27°C 68.4 — *b *b 86.8 61.6 *b *b 116.9 105.2 7.8-17.0 — 186.7 131.4 17.5-31.0 133.4 297.8 203.2 20.4-55.3 222.6-449.1 434.5 321.5 44.6-134.8 356.0 Melons Cantaloupes *b 25.7-29.6 46.1 99.9-114.4 132.4-191.6 184.8-211.9 Honeydew — *b 23.8 34.9-47.0 Watermelon *b *b 22.3 — 23.8-44.5 83.4-129.5 89.0 210.5 225.6-270.1 — 311.6-403.6 — 2.4 *b *b 4.8 — *b 9.7 259.0 — 9.7 432.6 64.5-115.9 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Sastry et al. (1978), Scholz et al. (1963) 59.2-70.8 78.1-102.3 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Scholz et al. (1963), Pratt and Morris (1958) 51.4-74.2 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Scholz et al. (1963) 492.7-673.7 762.7-940.8 Hruschka and Want (1979) 782.2-938.9 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Smith (1964) 14.5 — IIR (1967) 774.5 1024 at 29°C Scholz et al. (1963) 114.4-145.5 121.2-180.9 Maxie et al. (1959) 14.7-28.1 33.0 195.9-288.6 62.1 67.4 37.8 44.6-64.5 427.4-661.9 95.5-127.1 64.0-137.2 — — 50.0 83.4 at 27°C 231.6-460.8 290.0-622.2 89.2 105.2 at 27°C 81.0 107.7 52.4 62.1 — 115.9-291.0 581.7-756.8 914.1-1012.0 — — — — Cherries, sweet Corn, sweet with husk, Texas Cucumbers, Calif. Figs, Mission Garlic Grapes Labrusca, Concord Vinifera, Emperor Thompson seedless Ohanez Grapefruit, Calif. Marsh Grapefruit, Florida Horseradish Kiwi fruit Kohlrabi Leeks Lemons, Calif., Eureka Lettuce Head, Calif. Head, Texas Leaf, Texas Romaine, Texas Limes, Persian Mangoes Mintl Mushrooms Nuts (kind not specified) Okra, Clemson Olives, Manzanillo Onions Dry, Autumn Spicef Dry, White Bermuda Green, N.J. Oranges, Florida Oranges, Calif., W. Navel Oranges, Calif., Valencia Papayas Parsleyl Parsnips, U.K. Parsnips, Canada Hollow Crowng 6.8-9.2 10.7-19.9 — 8.7 10.2 21.3 31.0-65.9 51.4-202.2 107.2-174.6 9.2 18.9 36.4 18.9 40.3 *b 13.6 34.9 *b *b 33.5 *b 98.0-136.5 195.9-252.3 388.8-486.7 34.4-46.1 26.2-51.9 60.6-78.1 10.7-24.2 18.4-45.6 — Reference Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Micke et al. (1965), Gerhardt et al. (1942) Scholz et al. (1963) Eaks and Morris (1956) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Claypool and Ozbek (1952) Sastry et al. (1978), Mann and Lewis (1956) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Lutz (1938) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Pentzer et al. (1933) Wright et al. (1954) Wright et al. (1954) Haller et al. (1945) Haller et al. (1945) Sastry et al. (1978) Saravacos and Pilsworth (1965) Sastry et al. (1978) Sastry et al. (1978), Smith (1957) Haller et al. (1945) Sastry et al. (1978) Watt and Merrill (1963), Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Scholz et al. (1963) Scholz et al. (1963) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Gore (1911), Karmarkar and Joshe (1941b) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Scholz et al. (1963) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Haller (1945) Haller (1945) Haller (1945) Pantastico (1974), Jones (1942) Hruschka and Want (1979) Smith (1957) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) 8.22 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 9 Heat of Respiration for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Various Temperaturesa (Continued) Heat of Respiration (mW/kg) Commodity 0°C Peaches, Elberta 11.2 Peaches, several cultivars 12.1-18.9 Peanuts 0.05 at 1.7°C Curedh — Not cured, Virginia Bunchi Dixie Spanish — Pears Bartlett 9.2-20.4 Late ripening 7.8-10.7 Early ripening 7.8-14.5 Peas, green-in-pod 90.2-138.7 Peas, shelled Peppers, sweet Persimmons Pineapple, mature green Pineapple, ripening Plums, Wickson Potatoes Calif. White, Rose, Immature Mature Very mature Katahdin, Can.j Kennebec Radishes, with tops Radishes, topped Rhubarb, topped Rutabaga, Laurentian, Can.k Spinach Texas U.K., Summer U.K., Winter Squash Summer, yellow, straight-neck Winter Butternut Sweet Potatoes Cured, Puerto Rico Cured, Yellow Jersey Noncured Tomatoes Texas, mature green Texas, ripening Calif., mature green Turnip, roots Watercressl aColumn 5°C 19.4 18.9-27.2 10°C 46.6 — 15°C 101.8 98.4-125.6 — — — — — — — — — 15.0-29.6 17.5-41.2 21.8-46.1 163.4-226.5 — 23.3-55.8 21.9-63.0 — 140.2-224.1 234.7-288.7 20°C 25°C Reference 181.9 266.7 at 27°C Haller et al. (1932) 175.6-303.6 241.5-361.3 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) — — — 0.5 at 30°C 42.0 at 30°C 24.5 at 30°C Thompson et al. (1951) Schenk (1959, 1961) Schenk (1959, 1961) 44.6-178.0 89.2-207.6 — 82.4-126.1 97.0-218.2 — 101.8-160.0 116.4-266.7 — 530.1-600.4 728.4-1072.2 1018.4-1118.3 — — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) IIR (1967) IIR (1967) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Tewfik and Scott (1954) 1035-1630 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Tewfik and Scott (1954) 130.0 — Morris (1947) 59.2-71.3 86.3-118.8 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968), Gore (1911) 71.8 105.2 at 27°C Scholz et al. (1963) 118.3 185.7 Scholz et al. (1963) 53.3-77.1 82.9-210.5 Claypool and Allen (1951) *b — *b 17.5 42.7 — 67.9 34.9-41.7 *b *b 5.8-8.7 *b *b 11.6-26.7 165 22.3 26.7-33.9 38.3 53.8 35.4-36.9 *b *b *b *b *b 43.2-51.4 16.0-17.5 24.2-39.3 5.8-8.2 34.9 17.5-20.4 15.0-20.4 11.6-12.6 10.7-12.6 56.7-62.1 22.8-24.2 32.5-53.8 14.1-15.1 41.7-62.1 19.7-29.6 20.4 — — 91.7-109.1 44.6-97.0 — — 41.7-91.7 19.7-34.9 20.4-29.6 23.3-30.1 12.6-26.7 207.6-230.8 82.4-97.0 91.7-134.8 31.5-46.6 53.8-133.7 19.7-47.0 27.2-35.4 — — 368.1-404.5 141.6-145.5 118.8-168.8 — — — — — — 469.4-571.8 199.8-225.5 — — — 34.4-63.5 136.3 81.0-95.5 328.3 173.6-222.6 530.5 — — — Scholz et al. (1963) Smith (1957) 51.9-75.2 86.8-186.7 202.2-306.5 — 682.3 549.0-641.6 at 18°C 578.1-722.6 at 18°C — Smith (1957) †b †b 103.8-109.1 222.6-269.6 252.2-288.6 — Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) *b *b — — — 219.7-362.3 Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) *b *b *b *b *b *b †b †b *b 47.5-65.5 65.5-68.4 84.9 — — — — — 160.5-217.3 Lewis and Morris (1956) Lewis and Morris (1956) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) *b *b *b 25.7 44.5 *b *b *b 28.1-29.6 133.6 *b *b *b — 270.1-359.1 headings indicate temperatures at which respiration rates were determined, within 1°C, except where the actual temperatures are given. bThe symbol * denotes a chilling temperature. The symbol † denotes the temperature is borderline, not damaging to some cultivars if exposure is short. cRates are for 30 to 60 days and 60 to 120 days storage, the longer storage having the higher rate, except at 0°C, where they were the same. d Rates are for 30 to 60 days and 120 to 180 days storage, respiration increasing with time only at 15°C. eRates are for 30 to 60 days storage. fRates are for 30 to 60 days and 120 to 180 days storage; rates increased with time at all temperatures as dormancy was lost. gRates are for 30 to 60 days and 120 to 180 days; rates increased with time at all temperatures. 60.6 102.8 126.6 at 27°C 79.1 120.3 143.1 at 27°C — 71.3-103.8 88.7-142.6 63.5-71.3 71.3-74.2 — 403.6-581.7 896.3-1032.8 1032.9-1300.0 hShelled Sastry et al. (1978) Sastry et al. (1978) Sastry et al. (1978) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Hruschka (1966) Van den Berg and Lentz (1972) Scholz et al. (1963) Scholz et al. (1963) Workman and Pratt (1957) Lutz and Hardenburg (1968) Hruschka and Want (1979) peanuts with about 7% moisture. Respiration after 60 hours curing was almost negligible, even at 30°C. iRespiration for freshly dug peanuts, not cured, with about 35 to 40% moisture. During curing, peanuts in the shell were dried to about 5 to 6% moisture, and in roasting are dried further to about 2% moisture. j Rates are for 30 to 60 days and 120 to 180 days with rate declining with time at 5°C but increasing at 15°C as sprouting started. k Rates are for 30 to 60 days and 120 to 180 days; rates increased with time, especially at 15°C where sprouting occurred. l Rates are for 1 day after harvest. Thermal Properties of Foods 8.23 Table 10 Commodity Apples, Grimes Days in Storage Change in Respiration Rates with Time Heat of Respiration, mW/kg of Produce 0°C 5°C 7 8.7 38.8 at 10°C 30 80 8.7 8.7 51.9 32.5 1 4 16 133.3 74.2 44.6 177.9 103.8 77.1 Reference Commodity Harding (1929) Garlic Days in Storage 0°C 5°C Reference 10 11.6 26.7 Mann and Lewis (1956) 30 180 17.9 41.7 44.6 97.9 1 5 10 50.4 26.7 23.8 59.2 0.4 44.6 1 — 5 10 — — 115.9 at 15°C 85.8 65.5 1 30 120 4.8 7.3 9.7 — — — Plums, Wickson 2 6 18 5.8 5.8 8.7 11.6 20.8 26.7 Potatoes 2 6 10 — — — 17.9 23.8 20.8 Strawberries, Shasta 1 2 5 52.1 39.3 39.3 84.9 91.2 97.9 Tomatoes, Pearson, mature green 5 — 15 20 — — 95.0 at 20°C 82.9 71.3 Lettuce, Great Lakes Artichokes, globe Rappaport and Watada (1958) Olives, Manzanillo Asparagus, Martha Washington 1 3 16 237.6 116.9 82.9 31.2 193.0 89.2 Lipton (1957) Beans, lima, in pod 2 4 6 88.7 59.6 52.4 106.7 85.8 78.6 Tewfik and Scott (1954) Blueberries, blue crop 1 2 21.3 7.9 17.0 — — — Broccoli, Waltham 29 1 4 8 — — — 216.7 130.4 97.9 Corn, sweet, in husk 1 2 4 1 2 12 152.3 109.1 91.2 38.8 35.4 35.4 — — — — Onions, red Figs, Mission Scholz et al. (1963) Claypool and Ozbek (1952) — In its simplest form, the transpiration coefficient kí is considered to be a constant for a particular commodity. Table 11 lists values for the transpiration coefficients kí of various fruits and vegetables (Sastry et al. 1978). Because of the many factors that influence transpiration rate, not all the values in Table 11 are reliable. They are to be used primarily as a guide or as a comparative indication of various commodity transpiration rates obtained from the literature. Fockens and Meffert (1972) modified the simple transpiration coefficient to model variable skin permeability and to account for air flow rate. Their modified transpiration coefficient takes the following form: 1 k t Z ---------------1 1 ----- H ---ka ks (43) where k~ is the air film mass transfer coefficient and kë is the skin mass transfer coefficient. The air film mass transfer coefficient k~ describes the convective mass transfer which occurs at the surface of the commodity and is a function of air flow rate. The skin mass Heat of Respiration, mW/kg of Produce Pratt et al. (1954) Maxie et al. (1960) Karmarkar and Joshe (1941a) Claypool and Allen (1951) Maxie et al. (1959) Workman and Pratt (1957) transfer coefficient kë describes the skin’s diffusional resistance to moisture migration. The air film mass transfer coefficient k~ can be estimated by using the Sherwood-Reynolds-Schmidt correlations (Becker et al. 1996b). The Sherwood number is defined as follows: k a ′d Sh Z ---------δ (44) where k a′ is the air film mass transfer coefficient, d is the diameter of the commodity, and δ is the coefficient of diffusion of water vapor in air. For convective mass transfer from a spherical fruit or vegetable, Becker and Fricke (1996b) recommend the following Sherwood-Reynolds-Schmidt correlation, which was taken from Geankoplis (1978): Sh = 2.0 + 0.552ReMKRPScMKPP EQRF In the equation Re is the Reynolds number (Re = u∞d/ ν) and Sc is the Schmidt number (Sc = ν/δ) where u∞ is the free stream air velocity and ν is the kinematic viscosity of air. The driving force for k~′ is concentration. However, the driving force in the transpiration 8.24 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 11 Commodity and Variety Apples Jonathan Golden Delicious Bramley’s Seedling Average for all varieties Brussels Sprouts Unspecified Average for all varieties Cabbage Penn State Ballhead Trimmed Untrimmed Mammoth Trimmed Average for all varieties Carrots Nantes Chantenay Average for all varieties Celery Unspecified varieties Average for all varieties Grapefruit Unspecified varieties Marsh Average for all varieties Grapes Emperor Cardinal Thompson Average for all varieties Transpiration Coefficient, ng/(kg·s·Pa) 35 58 42 42 3300 6150 271 404 240 223 1648 1771 1207 2084 1760 31 55 81 79 100 204 123 Transpiration Coefficients for Fruits and Vegetables Commodity and Variety Leeks Musselburgh Average for all varieties Lemons Eureka Dark green Yellow Average for all varieties Lettuce Unrivalled Average for all varieties Onions Autumn Spice Uncured Cured Sweet White Spanish Cured Average for all varieties Oranges Valencia Navel Average for all varieties Parsnips Hollow Crown Peaches Redhaven Hard mature Soft mature Elberta Average for all varieties Transpiration Coefficient, ng/(kg·s·Pa) 1040 790 227 140 186 Commodity and Variety Pears Passe Crassane Beurre Clairgeau Average for all varieties Plums Victoria Unripe Ripe Wickson Average for all varieties 8750 7400 Potatoes Manona Mature Kennebec Uncured Cured Sebago Uncured Cured Average for all varieties 96 44 123 60 58 104 117 Transpiration Coefficient, ng/(kg·s·Pa) 80 81 69 198 115 124 136 25 171 60 158 38 44 1930 917 1020 274 572 Rutabagas Laurentian 469 Tomatoes Marglobe Eurocross BB Average for all varieties 71 116 140 Note: Sastry et al. (1978) gathered these data as part of a literature review. The averages reported are the average of all published data found by Sastry et al. for each commodity. Sastry et al. selected specific varietal data because they considered then to be highly reliable data. model is vapor pressure. Thus, the following conversion from concentration to vapor pressure is required: 1 k a Z ---------------- k a′ RH O T (46) 2 where R H O is the gas constant for water vapor and T is the absolute 2 mean temperature of the boundary layer. The skin mass transfer coefficient kë , which describes the resistance to moisture migration through the skin of a commodity, is based on the fraction of the product surface covered by pores. Although it is difficult to theoretically determine the skin mass transfer coefficient, experimental determination has been performed by Chau et al. (1987) and Gan and Woods (1989). These experimental values of kë are given in Table 12, along with estimated values of the skin mass transfer coefficient for grapes, onions, plums, potatoes, and rutabagas. Note that three values of skin mass transfer coefficient are tabulated for most commodities. These values correspond to the spread of the experimental data. proc^`b=eb^q=qo^kpcbo=`lbccf`fbkq Although the surface heat transfer coefficient is not a thermal property of a food or beverage, it is needed to design heat transfer equipment for the processing of foods and beverages where convection is involved. Newton’s law of cooling defines the surface heat transfer coefficient h as follows: Table 12 Commodity Skin Mass Transfer Coefficient Skin Mass Transfer Coefficient ks , µg/(m2 ·s·Pa) Commodity Low Mean High Apples Blueberries Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Grapefruit Grapes Green Peppers Lemons Lima Beans Limes Onions Oranges Peaches Pears Plums Potatoes Rutabagas (swedes) Snap Beans Sugar Beets Strawberries Tomatoes 0.111 0.955 9.64 2.50 31.8 1.09 — 0.545 1.09 3.27 1.04 — 1.38 1.36 0.523 — — — 3.46 9.09 3.95 0.217 0.167 2.19 13.3 6.72 156. 1.68 0.4024 2.159 2.08 4.33 2.22 0.8877 1.72 14.2 0.686 1.378 0.6349 116.6 5.64 33.6 13.6 1.10 0.227 3.39 18.6 13.0 361. 2.22 — 4.36 3.50 5.72 3.48 — 2.14 45.9 1.20 — — — 10.0 87.3 26.5 2.43 Source: Becker and Fricke (1996a) Standard Deviation 0.03 0.64 2.44 2.84 75.9 0.33 — 0.71 0.64 0.59 0.56 — 0.21 5.2 0.149 — — — 1.77 20.1 4.8 0.67 Thermal Properties of Foods 8.25 Table 13 1 Product Apple Jonathan 2 3 4 Surface Heat Transfer Coefficients for Food Products 5 6 Air t = 27 0.0 0.39 0.91 2.0 5.1 0.0 0.39 0.91 2.0 5.1 0.0 0.39 0.91 2.0 5.1 1.5 4.6 1.5 4.6 0.0 1.5 3.0 4.6 0.27 N/A Spherical 52 Air ∆t = 22.8 t = −0.6 57 70 75 64.5 kg* 85 kg* Cylinder 38 Water ∆t = 25.6 t=0 Air t = −19.5 N/A ∆t = 45 1.8 0.3 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2-8 Air t=4 Eggs, Jifujitori 34 Air Eggs, Leghorn, Italy Figs 44 Air ∆t = 45 2-8 Spherical 47 Air t=4 Fish N/A Pike, perch, sheatfish Grapes Cylinder 11 Air N/A Air t=4 58 62 Apple Red Delicious 63 72 76 Beef carcass Cucumbers Hams, boneless processed Hams processed 7 Shape and ∆ t and/or Velocity of Reynolds Length, Transfer Temp. t of Medium, Number h, mma Medium Medium, °C m/s Rangeb W/(m2 ·K) G* = Air 0.4-0.45 * G = Geometrical factor for shrinkfitted plastic bag N/A Air ∆t = 132 t = 150 t = −23.3 t = −48.3 t = −51.1 t = −56.7 t = −62.2 1.10 1.50 1.75 2.50 0.97-6.6 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 N/A 0.61 N/A N/A 600015000 800025000 N/A 500035000 N/A 100086000 N/A 11.1 17.0 27.3 45.3 53.4 11.2 17.0 27.8 44.8 54.5 11.4 15.9 26.1 39.2 50.5 27.3 56.8 14.2 36.9 10.2 22.7 32.9 34.6 90.9 79.5 55.7 21.8 10.0 18.2 19.9 21.3 23.1 26.6 N/A N/A 23.8 26.2 27.4 32.7 N/A 30.7 33.8 37.8 40.7 42.3 N/A 20.39 20.44 19.70 19.99 18.17 8 Nu-Re-Pr Correlationc 9 10 Reference Comments N/A Kopelman et al. (1966) N/A indicates that data were not reported in original article N/A Nicholas et al. (1964) Thermocouples at center of fruit N/A Fedorov et al. (1972) Nu = 0.291Re0.592Pr0.333 Dincer (1994) *For size indication Diameter = 38 mm Length = 160 mm Nu = 0.46Re0.56 ±1.0% Chuma et al. (1970) Nu = 0.71Re0.55 ±1.0% Chuma et al. (1970) Nu = 1.560Re0.426Pr0.333 Dincer (1994) 5 points in correlation Nu = 4.5Re0.28 ±10% Khatchaturov (1958) Nu = 0.291Re0.592Pr0.333 Dincer (1994) 32 points in correlation Nu = 0.329Re0.564 N/A 5 points in correlation Diameter = 11 mm Length = 22 mm Clary et al. (1968) G = 1/4 + 3/(8A2) + 3/(8B2) A = a/Z, B = b/Z A = characteristic length = 0.5 min. dist. ⊥to airflow a = minor axis b = major axis Correlation on 18 points Recalc with min. distance ⊥to airflow Calculated Nu with 1/2 char. length Van den Berg 38 points total and Lentz Values are averages (1957) 8.26 2002 ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI) Table 13 Surface Heat Transfer Coefficients for Food Products (Continued) 1 Product Meat 2 3 4 5 6 7 Shape and ∆ t and/or Velocity of Reynolds Length, Transfer Temp. t of Medium, Number h, mma Medium Medium, °C m/s Rangeb W/(m2 ·K) 8 Nu-Re-Pr Correlationc 9 Reference 10 Comments Slabs 23 Air t=0 0.56 1.4 3.7 N/A 10.6 20.0 35.0 N/A Oranges Grapefruit Tangelos bulk packed Spheroids 58 80 53 Air ∆t = 39 to 31 t = −9 0.11-0.33 35000135000 *66.4 Nu = 5.05Re0.333 Bennett et al. (1966) Bins 1070 × 1070 × 400 mm. 36 points in correlation. Random packaging. Interstitial velocity. *Average for oranges Oranges Grapefruit bulk packed Spheroids 77 107 Air ∆t = 32.7 t=0 0.05-2.03 18018000 N/A Nu = 1.17Re0.529 Baird and Gaffney (1976) Peas fluidized bed Spherical N/A Air t = −26 to −37 1.5-7.2 ±0.3 10004000 N/A bulk packed Spherical N/A Air t = −26 to −37 1.5-7.2 ±0.3 10006000 N/A Pears Spherical 60 Air t=4 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 N/A 12.6 14.2 15.8 16.1 19.5 Potatoes Pungo, bulk packed Ellipsoid N/A N/A Air t = 4.4 0.66 1.23 1.36 Poultry Chickens and turkeys 1.18 to 9.43 kg* ** ∆t = 17.8 * N/A 420 to 473 N/A Lentz (1969) Vacuum packaged * Moderately agitated Chickens 1.1 to 2.9 kg Turkeys 5.4 to 9.5 kg **CaCl2 Brine, 26% by mass Soybeans Spherical 65 Cylinder 46 Air N/A 6.8 N/A Nu = 1.07Re0.64 Otten (1974) Water 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.05 12004600 N/A 272 205 166 N/A Dincer (1993) 8 points in correlation Bed depth: 32 mm Diameter = 46 mm Length = 155 mm Spherical 70 Air t=4 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 N/A 10.9 13.1 13.6 14.9 17.3 Karlsruhe substance Slab 75 Air ∆t = 53 t = 38 N/A N/A 16.4 N/A Milk container Cylinder 70 × 100 70 × 150 70 × 250 Air ∆t = 5.3 N/A Gr = 106– 5 × 107 N/A Nu = 0.754Gr0.264 Leichter et al. (1976) Acrylic Ellipsoid 76 (minor axis) G= 0.297 − 1.0 Air ∆t = 44.4 2.1-8.0 1200050000 N/A Nu = aReb a = 0.32 − 0.22G b = 0.44 + 0.23G Smith et al. (1971) G = 1/4 + 3/(8A2 ) + 3/(8B2) A = minor length / char. length B = major length / char. length Char. length = 0.5 × minor axis Use twice char. length to calculate Re Acrylic Spherical 76 Air t = −4.4 0.66 1.23 1.36 1.73 370010000 15.0* 14.5 22.2 21.4 Squash Tomatoes aCharacteristic Nu = 3.5 × 10−4Re1.5 Kelly (1965) Nu = 0.016Re0.95 20 points in correlation Bed depth: 670 mm Bed: 50 mm deep Kelly (1965) Nu = 1.560Re0.426Pr0.333 Dincer (1994) Nu = 0.364Re0.558Pr1/3 Minh et al. (1969) Use interstitial velocity to calculate Re (at top of bin) Bin is 760 × 510 × 230 mm *Each h value is average of 3 reps with airflow from top to bottom Nu = 1.560Re0.426Pr0.333 Dincer (1994) Cleland and Earle Packed in aluminum foil (1976) and brown paper Nu = 2.58Re0.303Pr1/3 Minh et al. (1969) length is used in Reynolds number and illustrated in the Comments column (10) where appropriate. length is given in column 2, free stream velocity is used, unless specified otherwise in the Comments column 10. = Nusselt number, Re = Reynolds number, Gr = Grashoff number, Pr = Prandtl number. bCharacteristic cNu 3000-9000 *14.0* 19.1 20.2 Radford et al. (1976) Emissivity = 0.7 300 points in correlation L = characteristic length. All cylinders 70 mm dia. Random packed Interstitial velocity used to calculate Re Bin dimensions: 760 × 455 × 610 mm *Values for top of bin Thermal Properties of Foods q = hA(të − t∞) 8.27 EQTF where q is the heat transfer rate, të is the surface temperature of the food, t∞ is the surrounding fluid temperature, and A is the surface area of the food through which the heat transfer occurs. The surface heat transfer coefficient h depends on the velocity of the surrounding fluid, product geometry, orientation, surface roughness and packaging, as well as other factors. Therefore, for most applications h must be determined experimentally. Experimentalists have generally reported their findings as correlations, which give the Nusselt number as a function of the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number. Experimentally determined values of the surface heat transfer coefficient are given in Table 13. The first two columns of the table describe the product used in the experiment and its shape and size. Columns 3 through 6 describe the experimental conditions used to determine the surface heat transfer coefficient. Column 7 gives the experimentally determined values of the surface heat transfer coefficient, and Column 8 contains the reported Nusselt-ReynoldsPrandtl correlation, if any, and its associated error. Columns 9 and 10 state the source from which the surface heat transfer coefficient data and/or correlation was obtained as well as additional comments. The following guidelines are important for using Table 13: 1. Use a Nusselt-Reynolds-Prandtl correlation or a value of the surface heat transfer coefficient that applies to the Reynolds number called for in the design. 2. Avoid extrapolations. 3. Use data for the same heat transfer medium, including temperature and temperature difference, which are similar to the design conditions. The proper characteristic length and fluid velocity, either free stream velocity or interstitial velocity, should be used in calculating the Reynolds number and the Nusselt number. NOMENCLATURE a A b c ca cf ci cp cu d D E f F1 g h H Hf Hi k k1 k2 k a′ ka kc kd ki ks kt k= k⊥ L3 Lo m = parameter in Equation (26): a = 3kc /(2kc + kd) = surface area = parameter in Equation (26): b = Vd /(Vc + Vd) = specific heat = apparent specific heat = specific heat of fully frozen food = specific heat of i th food component = constant pressure specific heat = specific heat of unfrozen food = commodity diameter = characteristic dimension = ratio of relative molecular masses of water and solids: E = Mw /Ms = respiration coefficient = parameter given by Equation (32) = respiration coefficient = surface heat transfer coefficient = enthalpy = enthalpy at initial freezing temperature = enthalpy of the ith food component = thermal conductivity = thermal conductivity of component 1 = thermal conductivity of component 2 = air film mass transfer coefficient (driving force: vapor pressure) = air film mass transfer coefficient (driving force: concentration) = thermal conductivity of continuous phase = thermal conductivity of discontinuous phase = thermal conductivity of the ith component = skin mass transfer coefficient = transpiration coefficient = thermal conductivity parallel to food fibers = thermal conductivity perpendicular to food fibers = volume fraction of discontinuous phase = latent heat of fusion of water at Mø`=Z PPPKS âgLâÖ = mass m· M Ms Mw n Nu N2 P Pr pa ps q Q R R1 Re RH = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = transpiration rate parameter in Equation (28) = L2(1 – kd /kc ) relative molecular mass of soluble solids relative molecular mass of water normal surface vector Nusselt number volume fraction of discontinuous phase parameter in Equation (30) = N(1 – kd /kc ) Prandtl number water vapor pressure in air water vapor pressure at commodity surface heat transfer rate heat transfer universal gas constant = UKPNQ âgLEâÖ=ãçäˇhF volume fraction of component 1 Reynolds number 2O = universal gas constant for water vapor Sc Sh t tf tr ts t• T Tf To Tr T u• Vc Vd W x1 xa xb xf xfb xi xice xp xs xwo v xi y z α δ ∆c ∆H ∆T ε θ Λ ν ρ ρ1 ρ2 ρi σ = = = = = = = = = = = = Schmidt number Sherwood number food temperature, ø` initial freezing temperature of food, ø` reference temperature = –40ø` surface temperature, ø` ambient temperature, ø` food temperature, initial freezing point of food item, freezing point of water; To = OPPKO h reference temperature = OPPKO=h reduced temperature = free stream air velocity = volume of continuous phase = volume of discontinuous phase = rate of heat generation due to respiration, tLâÖ = mass fraction of component 1 = mass fraction of ash = mass fraction of bound water = mass fraction of fat = mass fraction of fiber = mass fraction of ith food component = mass fraction of ice = mass fraction of protein = mass fraction of solids = mass fraction of water in unfrozen food = volume fraction i th food component = correlation parameter in Equation (19) = correlation parameter in Equation (19) = thermal diffusivity = diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air = difference in specific heats of water and ice = cwater - cice = enthalpy difference = temperature difference = porosity = time = thermal conductivity ratio = k1/k2 = kinematic viscosity = density of food item = density of component 1 = density of component 2 = density of i th food component = parameter given by Equation (33) REFERENCES Acre, J.A. and V.E. 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