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Charting the New Testament: Index of Key Terms
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list of apostles in, 13-4 (//
miracles in, 13-11 (//
speeches of Paul in, 15-13 (//
speeches of Peter in, 13-6 (//
Alexandria, demographics of, 6-1 (//
Alma, conversion of, 15-17 (//
angels, statements by, 8-3 (//
animals, 2-8 (//
Antioch, demographics of, 6-1 (//
Antioch-Caesarea, demographics of, 6-2 (//
New Testament, 18-10 (//
Old Testament, 2-3 (//
apostle, work of, 14-3 (//
lists of, 13-4 (//
passages about, 7-10 (//
Apostles' Creed, 18-8 (//
apostolic fathers, 18-1 (//
armor, Roman, 5-3 (//
army, Roman, section 5
arrest of Jesus. See Jesus Christ
Articles of Faith and Paul, 15-16 (//
Asia Minor, map of, 6-2 (//
Athanasian Creed, 18-8 (//
Athens, demographics of, 6-3 (//
atonement. See Jesus Christ
baptism, 12-11 (//
of Jesus. See Jesus Christ
battles in Judea, 5-4 (//
Beatitudes, 9-2 (//
Beroea, demographics of, 6-3 (//
canonization of, 18-5 (//
and history of King James Version, 18-6 (//
missing scriptures of, 18-9 (//
word counts of, section 11
birth of Jesus. See Jesus Christ
bishop, duties of, 12-9 (//
Book of Mormon, 9-1 (//, 9-2 (//, 10-18
(//, 15-17 (//
business, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (//
Caesar, family of, 4-1 (//
Jewish, 1-4 (//
Roman, 1-6 (//
canonization of the Bible, 18-5 (//
celebrations, Jewish, 1-5 (//
chiasmus, 15-18 (//, 15-21 (//
Chief Priests, 3-7 (//, 3-9 (//
questions of, 9-17 (//
children, teachings concerning, 9-12 (//
of Christian persecutions, 18-2 (//
of New Testament books, 13-2 (//
of New Testament era, 1-1 (//, 1-3 (//
of New Testament events, 13-1 (//
of Paul's life, 15-2 (//
of the progression of creeds, 18-8 (//
of rulers in Galilee, 4-9 (//
church policies and practices, 12-12 (//
distribution of, 6-4 (//
of Paul, 15-1 (//
rights of Romans, 4-6 (//
city life, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (//
clocks, 1-7 (//
coins, 2-7 (//
Colossians, overview of, 14-6 (//
congregation, counsel to a, 14-2 (//
conversions of Paul and Alma, 15-17 (//
converts, instructions to, 14-1 (//
Corinth, demographics of, 6-3 (//
1 Corinthians
overview of, 14-2 (//
chiasmus in, 15-18 (//
2 Corinthians, overview of, 14-3 (//
country life, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (//
courtroom in Priene, pictures of, 15-12 (//
creeds, comparison of, 18-8 (//
crucifixion. See Jesus Christ
Damascus, demographics of, 6-1 (//
Dead Sea Scrolls, 2-3 (//
demographics of Roman Empire, section 6
disasters in Jerusalem, 3-11 (//
passages about, 7-10 (//
questions of, 9-17 (//
divinity of Jesus Christ, 8-1 (//, 8-2 (//
doctrinal chapters, 12-13 (//
Eastern provinces, map of, 6-1 (//
Ego eimi. See I am
acting with Chief Priests, 3-9 (// (2‒3)
questions of, 9-17 (// (6)
emperors, Roman, 4-2 (//
empire, Roman government during, 4-4 (//
Ephesians, overview of, 14-7 (//
Ephesus, demographics of, 6-2 (// (1)
Epistles, overviews of, section 14
Essenes, 3-1
family life, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (1)
Father, Heavenly, 12-2 (//
fear in the trial of Jesus, 10-12 (//
forgiveness, obtaining, 9-11 (//
fragment of Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, picture of, 18-0 (//
chiasmus in, 15-19 (//
overview of, 14-4 (//
chronology of, 1-2 (//
map of, 2-12 (//
Roman administrators of, 4-9 (//
Garden Tomb, picture of, 8-0 (//
family of Caesar, 4-1 (//
Herodian, 2-2 (//
of Jesus Christ, 8-6 (//
the Maccabeans, 2-1 (//
gifts of the Spirit, 12-10 (//
attributes of, the Father, 12-2 (//
as witness of Jesus, 8-2 (//
good Samaritan, parable of, 9-9 (//
Gospel writers
backgrounds of, 7-1 (//, 7-5 (//
biographies of, 7-1 (//
focuses of, 7-4 (//
perspectives of, 7-2 (//
and purposes for writing, 7-3 (//
vocabulary comparison of, 11-8 (//
gospel, as guidelines for living, 14-11 (//
beginnings of, 7-2 (//
containing views of the trials of Jesus, 10-1 (//, 10-3 (//, 10-6 (//, 10-9
(//, 10-11 (//
synopsis of, 7-6 (//
government, Roman, section 4
chronology of, 1-1 (//
map of, 6-3 (//
papyri of New Testament, 18-3 (//
parchments of New Testament, 18-4 (//
Greek text, King James Version comparisons with, 11-1 (//, 11-5
healings on the Sabbath, 8-13 (//
heavenly beings, statements by, 8-3 (//
chiasmus in, 15-21 (//
overview of, 14-10 (//
Herod the Great, family of, 2-1, 2-2 (//
Herod, Temple of, 3-6 (//, 3-7 (//
High Priest. See Jesus Christ High Priests, 3-7 (//, 3-8 (//
questions of, 9-17 (// (6)
holy days, Jewish, 1-5 (// Holy Ghost
gifts of, 12-10 (//
passages on the, 12-3 (//
Holy of Holies, 3-6 (//
household of God, building a, 14-7 (//
I am, use of, 8-1 (//
Isaiah, the suffering servant as Jesus in, 10-15 (//
comparison of the Sermon on the Mount, 13-12 (//
overview of, 14-11 (//
James, brother of the Lord, 13-10 (//
James, son of Alphaeus, 13-10 (//
James, son of Zebedee, 13-10 (//
jars from Israel, picture of, 15-12 (// (3)
Jeremiah, trial of, 10-16 (//
demographics, 6-1 (//
disasters in, 3-11 (//
map of, 3-5 (//
picture of, 9-0 (//
Jesus Christ
accounts of birth, 8-5 (//
arrest of, 10-7 (//
atonement of, 12-1 (//, 14-5 (//
baptism of, 8-10 (//
beatitudes of 9-2 (//
birth of, 8-4 (//
and children, 9-14 (//
comparison of, with Joseph, 8-7 (//
comparison of, with Moses, 8-7 (//
comparison of, with the suffering servant, 10-15 (//
crucifixion of, 10-14 (//
date of birth of, 8-4 (//
death of, 10-14 (//
divinity of, 8-1 (//, 8-2 (//
fear factor in trial of, 10-12 (//
as fulfillment of the law of Moses, 10-17 (//, 14-4 (//
healings by, 8-13 (//
hearing of, 10-8 (//
as High Priest, 8-15 (//
lineage of, 8-6 (//
miracles of, 7-8 (//, 8-13 (//
names and titles of, 8-16 (//
obtaining forgiveness of, 9-11 (//, 14-5 (//
parables and metaphors of, 7-7 (//, 9-6 (//,
9-10 (//
prayer of, 9-1 (//
priesthood of, 8-14 (//, 8-15 (//, 14-10 (//
prophecies about, 8-9 (//, 10-17 (//
prophesies made by, 8-9 (//, 9-18 (//
teachings of, section 9
in the temple, 8-11 (//, 8-12 (//
trials of, section 10
witnesses of resurrection of, 10-18 (//
and women, 9-12 (//
words of, from the cross, 10-14 (//
calendar, 1-4 (//
celebrations, 1-5 (//
religious sects, 3-1
Jews, questions of, 9-17 (// (5‒6)
1 John, overview of, 14-13 (//
2 John, overview of, 14-14 (//
3 John, overview of, 14-14 (//
background of, 7-1 (//, 7-4 (//
focus of, 7-4 (//
perspective of, 7-2 (//
purpose for writing, 7-3 (//
signs in book of, 9-10 (//
and the trials of Jesus, 10-1 (//, 10-6 (//
word counts of, 11-1 (//
John the Apostle, 13-9 (//
biography of, 7-1 (//
theology of, 12-5 (//
John the Baptist, 7-9 (//, 13-9 (//
John the Beloved, 13-9 (//
John Mark, 13-9 (//
John the Revelator, 13-9 (//
Joseph Smith
and explanation of the Revelation of John, 17-5 (//
and explanation of the Wheat and Tares, 9-8 (//
Joseph Smith Translation
on the baptism of Jesus, 8-10 (//
on the Beatitudes, 9-2 (//
on the trials of Jesus, 10-2 (//
Joseph, comparison of, with Jesus Christ, 8-7 (//
Josephus, comparison of, with Luke, 13-3 (//
Jude, overview of, 14-14 (//
battles in, 5-4 (//
chronology of, 1-1 (//, 1-3 (//
map of, 2-11 (//
Roman administrators of, 4-8 (//
Julius Caesar, family of, 4-1 (//
King James Version
canonization of, 18-5 (//
Greek comparisons, 11-1 (//, 11-5 (//
Greek sources of, 18-3 (//, 18-4 (//
history of, 18-6 (//
Laodicea, demographics of, 6-2 (// (3)
last words in New Testament, 18-12 (//
and Jesus, section 10
and Paul, 15-6 (//
Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (2)
Roman, 4-7 (//
of theft and robbery, 3-12 (//
leaders, teachings for, 9-5 (//, 14-12 (//
legion, 5-2 (//
length measurements, 2-10 (//
Levitical and Melchizedek priesthoods, 11-6 (//
Lord's Prayer, 9-1 (//
love, message of, 14-6 (//, 14-13 (//
background of, 7-1 (//, 7‒5 (//
biography of, 7-1 (//
comparisons of, with Josephus, 13-3 (//
focus of, 7-4 (//
list of apostles in, 13-4 (//
and overlap with Mark and Matthew, 11-7 (//
perspective of, 7-2 (//
and purpose for writing, 7-3 (//
and the trials of Jesus, 10-1 (//, 10-5 (//
use of Mark in, 7-5 (//
word counts of, 11-1 (//
Maccabean dynasty, 2-1
manuscripts of New Testament, 18-3 (//, 18-4 (//
of Asia Minor, 6-2 (//
of Eastern provinces, 6-1 (//
of Galilee, 2-12 (//
of Greece, 6-3 (//
of Jerusalem, 3-5 (//
of Judea, 2-11 (//
of Paul's first missionary journey, 15-8 (//
of Paul's second missionary journey, 15-9 (//
of Paul's third missionary journey, 15-10 (//
of Paul's voyage to Rome, 15-11 (//
of places of Paul, 15-7 (//
of Roman army distributions, 5-5 (//
of Roman Empire, 5-6 (//
background of, 7-1 (//, 7‒5 (//
biography of, 7-1 (//
focus of, 7-4 (//
list of apostles in, 13-4 (//
Luke's use of, 7-5 (//
perspective of, 7-2 (//
and purpose for writing, 7-3 (//
and the trials of Jesus, 10-1 (//, 10-4 (//
vocabulary of, 11-6 (//
word counts of, 11-1 (//
marriage, and teachings of Peter and Paul, 15-15 (//
Mary of Bethany, 13-8 (//
Mary, a follower of Jesus, 13-8 (//
Mary Magdalene, 13-8 (//
Mary, mother of James, 13-8 (//
Mary, mother of Jesus, 13-8 (//
Mary, mother of John Mark, 13-8 (//
Mary, a Roman Christian, 13-8 (//
background of, 7-1 (//‒7-4 (//
biography of, 7-1 (//
comparison of, with James, 13-12 (//
focus of, 7-4 (//
list of apostles in, 13-4 (//
overlap with Mark and Luke, 11-7 (//
perspective of, 7-2 (//
and purpose for writing, 7-3 (//
and the trials of Jesus, 10-1 (//, 10-3 (//
word counts of, 11-1 (//
measurements, 2-10 (//
Melchizedek and Levitical priesthoods, 11-6 (//
menorah, picture of, 2-0 (//
of Jesus, 7-7 (//
of Paul, 15-12 (//
Miletus, demographics of, 6-2 (// (2)
Roman, section 5
Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (5)
in the book of Acts, 13-11 (//
of Jesus, 7-8 (//, 8-13 (//
in the book of John, 9-10 (//
orders of, 3-4 (//
teachings of, 3-10 (//
missing scriptures, 18-9 (//
instructions, 14-9 (//
work of Paul, 15-3 (//
money, 2-6‒2-7
Moses, comparison of, with Jesus Christ, 8-8 (//
of Jesus, 8-16 (//
meanings of, 13-5 (//
Nicean Creed, 18-8 (// (3)
Nicomeida, demographics of, 6-2 (// (2)
oarsmen on Greek ship, picture of, 15-12 (// (4)
Old Testament
Apocrypha, 2-3 (//
Pseudepigrapha, 2-3 (//
quotations of, 2-4 (//‒2-5 (//
olive oil, 2-9 (//
parables, 9-6‒9-10
list of, 7-7 (//
Passover, Jesus as fulfillment of, 10-17 (//
Paul, section 15
and the Articles of Faith, 15-16 (//
citizenship of, 15-1 (//
conversion of, 15-17 (//
maps of journeys of, 15-7 (//‒15-11 (//
metaphors of, 15-12 (//
missionary work of, 15-3 (//
and speeches in Acts, 15-13 (//
and teachings about marriage, 15-15 (//
and teachings about women, 15-14 (//
theology of, 12-6 (//
vocabulary of, 11-9‒11-10
as witness of Jesus, 8-2 (//
people, questions of, 9-17 (// (4)
Pergamum, demographics of, 6-2 (// (1)
persecutions, chronology of, 18-2 (//
1 Peter, overview of, 14-12 (//
2 Peter, overview of, 14-13 (//
and denial of Jesus, 10-13 (//
speeches of, in Acts, 13-6 (//
teachings of, about marriage, 15-15 (//
teachings of, about women, 15-14 (//
theology of, 12-4 (//
three affirmations of, 13-7 (//
as witness of Jesus, 8-2 (//
Pharisees, 3-1, 3-3 (//
acting with Chief Priests, 3-9 (// (3)
chiasmus in, 15-20 (//
overview of, 14-7 (//
Philippi, demographics of, 6-3 (//
Philippians, overview of, 14-6 (//
of coins, 2-7 (//
of courtroom in Priene, 15-12 (// (2)
of fragment of Epistle to the Philippians, 18-0 (//
of Garden Tomb, 8-0 (//
of jars from Israel, 15-12 (// (3)
of Jerusalem, 9-0 (//
of menorah, 2-0 (//
of oarsmen on Greek ship, 15-12 (// (4)
of olive press, 2-9 (//
of Roman armor, 5-3 (//
of sheep, from Constantinople, 15-12 (// (1)
of soldiers from Ephesus, 15-12 (// (5)
of stadium of Aphrodisias and of Delphi, 15-12 (// (6)
of synagogue, 2-0 (//
of temple of Apollo, 6-0 (//
plants, 2-8 (//
policies and practices, 12-12 (//
population, distribution of, 6-4 (//
pressing olives. See olive oil
instructions for, 14-8 (//‒14-9 (//
of Jesus Christ, 8-14 (//, 14-10 (//
Levitical and Melchizedek, 11-6 (//
offices of, 12-8 (//
organization of, 3-7 (//
about Jesus Christ, 10-17 (//
concerning children, 9-12 (//
concerning women, 9-12 (//
made by Jesus Christ, 8-9 (//, 9-18 (//
provinces, Roman governance of, 4-5 (//
Pseudepigrapha, 2-3 (//
asked by Jesus, 9-16 (//
asked of Jesus, 9-17 (//
quotations of Old Testament, 2-4 (//‒2-5 (//
religious groups, Jewish, 3-1‒3-3 (//
religious practices, 12-12 (//
repentance, steps of, 9-11 (//
Republic, Roman government during, 4-3 (//
resurrection, witnesses of, 10-18 (//
Revelation of John, section 17
comparison of, with Genesis, 17-3 (//
number seven in, 17-1 (//
seven churches in, 17-2 (//
temple imagery in, 17-4 (//
robbers, 3-12 (//
Roman armor, picture of, 5-3 (//
Roman army, section 5
arrangement of, 5-2 (//
descriptions of, 5-1
placement of, 5-5 (//
calendar, 1-6 (//
chronology, 1-1 (//‒1-3 (//
citizenship, 4-6 (//
citizenship of Paul, 15-4 (//
demographics of, section 6
distribution of citizenship, 6-4 (//
emperors, 4-2 (//
Empire, map of, 5-6 (//
government, section 4
Romans, overview of, 14-5 (//
Sabbath, healings on, 8-13 (//
Sadducees, 3-1‒3-3 (//
Sanhedrin, acting with Chief Priests, 3-9 (// (2)
Sardis, demographics of, 6-2 (// (3)
acting with Chief Priests, 3-9 (// (3)
questions of, 9-17 (// (6)
scriptures, missing, 18-9 (//
sects, Jewish, 3-1‒3-3 (//
Sermon on the Mount, 9-1 (//‒9-4 (//
in James, 13-12 (//
Sermon on the Plain, 9-4 (//
churches in Revelation, 17-2 (//
number, in Revelation, 17-1 (//
words from the cross, 10-14 (//
sheep, from Constantinople, picture of, 15-12 (// (1)
slaves, distribution of, 6-4 (//
Smyrna, demographics of, 6-2 (// (1)
soldiers from Ephesus, picture of, 15-12 (// (5)
sower, parable of the, 9-6 (//
of Paul in Acts, 15-13 (//
of Peter in Acts, 13-6 (//
Spirit, gifts of, 12-10 (//
Spirit, Holy. See Holy Ghost
sports, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (6)
stadium of Aphrodisias and of Delphi, picture of, 15-12 (// (6)
struggles, overcoming, 14-1 (//
synagogue, picture of, 2-0 (//
synopsis of the four Gospels, 7-6 (//
Tarsus, demographics of, 6-2 (// (2)
taxes, 2-6 (//
earthly and heavenly, in Revelation, 17-4 (//
of Herod, 3-6 (//‒3-7 (//
Jesus in the, 8-11 (//‒8-12 (//
temple of Apollo, picture of, 6-0 (//
testimonies. See witnesses
theologies, 12-6 (//
1 Thessalonians, overview of, 14-1 (//
2 Thessalonians, overview of, 14-1 (//
Thessalonica, demographics of, 6-3 (//
thieves, 3-12 (//
timekeeping, 1-7 (//
1 Timothy, overview of, 14-8 (//
2 Timothy, overview of, 14-9 (//
tithing, 2-6 (//
titles of Jesus, 8-16 (//
Titus, overview of, 14-9 (//
travel, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (4)
trial of Jesus, section 10
comparison of, with trial of Jeremiah, 10-16 (//
trials of Paul, 15-6 (//
vices, 12-15 (//
village life, Paul's metaphors of, 15-12 (// (7)
virtues, 12-14 (//
vocabulary distribution, section 11
volume measurements, 2-10 (//
warning, voice of, 14-14 (//
weapons, Roman, 5-3 weights, 2-10 (//
wheat and tares, parable of, 9-7 (//‒9-8 (//
final testimonies of, 18-11 (//
of divinity of Jesus, 8-2 (//
precreedal statements of, 18-7 (//
of resurrection of Jesus, 10-18 (//
and Jesus Christ, 9-12 (//
and teachings of Peter and Paul, 15-14 (//
word counts, section 11
words. See last words in New Testament
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