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Geometry & Optics: Homothety, Perspective, Telescope Principles

Cruel Destination
Hello, my name is Bryan and this is my story.
A day like any other I directed in the recess of classes to the second floor a favorite of the whole
school, the last room, no one was using it, it is the best place to be alone and I do not relate to
more people. Open the door I see a girl sent on the floor crying, I approached him and asked:
What are you crying?
You do not mind
- me if I care, because I can not leave you here alone, you are in my favorite place, is the only part
of the school where I can be, find a girl as beautiful as you in the makes me very happy, You're
crying I do not like it very much, I want to know why you do it, I can do something to help you
-you did not understand, there's nothing you can do for me, you do not know anything about me,
why would you want to help me?
-I already told you, I can not see a girl as beautiful as you crying and just leave her like that, that's
not my style, understand me
-which you can do for me when the doctor told me that at any moment you can stop my heart,
every time I remember it I can not bear to know that I die at any moment, so I come here when I
remember it
- if your heart can stop at any moment because you waste your days crying, there is no duty to
have a big smile on your face that distances all that sadness and you can enjoy what you have of
time to the maximum
-Yes, I am right for not being sure, I am sure to be enjoying with my colleagues and my family to
the maximum, thanks for remembering me because I return the message instead of crying
-Nothing if you need something here every day during recess
-ok, goodbye ... I forgot, my name is Luisa
-My is Bryan, bye.
Since that day has been a week, every day come from a worm during the recess, he realized that
he had no friends, he asked me to allow him to be my friend, I did not deny since he is very
beautiful, he said If Saturday at his house, that I was waiting at the bus stop to take and introduce
myself to his family, I gladly accept, we spent the best Saturday of all, he asked me to do a portrait
(by the way I draw) that I would pose for Me on Monday during the recess.
Unfortunately I did not come to class today, I do not know what happened, I hope nothing bad,
since I ask everyone for her and they do not know why she did not attend, I was told it was very
strange because she never missed a class, even sick Venia , Had something serious for what he did
not attend, do not pay attention, I just kept begging God to be well and waiting for me to come
back, to make that beautiful portrait of his face.
I spent a week and not see her, when I got home I was given a letter from her, I was told that she
was seriously hospitalized, that at this time only save herself with a heart transplant, but a
compatible person is not found. Soon I would die, I ran to my house and locked myself in my room,
opening the letter I found these words:
Dear Bryan
Maybe I did not tell you but I fell in love with you because there was no one else to address me
the way you did it, you do not care what it was, I just want to help, you do not want to see me cry,
although now I I'm the one who does not want you to cry for me, because if you're reading this
letter you already know what a point of your giving me and I hope you enjoy your life like I did
when I was by your side, I felt that my heart was never I would stop, Sadly the truth is that it
happens late in the day and you knew it so you do not have to waste your life crying for me and
apply what you once told me (you should have a big smile on your face that distances all that
Sadness And you can enjoy what you have of time to the maximum) I hope you do, thanks for
ATT: Luisa
-because this had to happen just when we met, because he can not find someone who can give
him his heart. Are you sure someone is in this situation?
Bryan went to the hospital where Luisa was, with the doctor, he had to do a lot of paperwork but
he achieved his goal, to donate his heart to his dear Luisa, but before this he told his whole family
not to tell him About What happened, to tell him that he had moved from school.
Five months later Luisa left the hospital, she asked her family for Bryan, they said what he told,
asked for the person who donated her heart, said they did not know who it was.
Luisa continued her life hoping to meet Bryan again. Not knowing that he was no longer in this
Although his family knew that he was gone happy, because he could save the life of the person he
loved, although he had to give his.
But he just thought that he would continue to live in the body of his beloved, since this tend