Subido por Benicio Raffetto

Greece vs. Rome: Democracy Comparison

The democracy starts in Greece Athens
The ones considered citizens have the right to vote and
Citizens are adult free Athenian men. Women, children
attend the assembly. To be called a citizen you have to
and slaves could not participate.
be a Roman free man. You could have been a Patrician or
CItizenship is being a member of a community and a Plebeian man. Women, children and slaves are excluded.
to have rights and duties. The Athenians have a
Also there were 3 branches: are The Assembly, the
direct democracy. Greeks had three institutions.
Senate and The Magistrates. The 3 branches were
Assembly main political body all free people had
created to balance and divide power so the power is not
the right to participate. Council 500 people choose in only one person.
randomly helped decide what issue has to be
The Senate made of patricians helped pass laws and
talked in the Assembly. Courts there are different
conrtrolled foreign policy and goverment money.
courts Juries are the mayor cantitie of people and
Assembly made of plebians and citizenship that pass laws
served as juriors.
and elected Magistrates. Magistrates are elected Officials
that enforced the law and judged cases. Important
Magistrates are Consuls and Tribunes of the Plebs.
Consuls Two top officials that led the army and The
Tribunes protected tha plebs and could veto reject the
laws or actions magistrates do.