Subido por Juan Eduardo Eguiguren

Peter Molyneux Interview

1) First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. You remember
Fable right? It has been six months since the release of this game and still a few
people linger on trying to squeeze out the last bits of juice and secrets from it.
After all this time, how do you feel about the finished product… was it close to
your original ideas or did it evolve into something completely different?
2) As we mentioned, people are still playing this game frantically looking for
secrets. Everything from the Sandgoose, the Better Bard, even giant caterpillars
smoking pipes atop mushrooms. If you will allow an answer, is there anything
else to look for in this game or any clues we might have missed out on?
3) What was the hardest part of your job in the creation of Fable? Specifically
speaking on the implementation of certain effects and/or ideas.
4) How was your experience in the creation of such a highly awaited for role playing
game? Do you have any plans on creating any more rpgs, or a more important and
hopeful question, what are your thoughts on a sequel to Fable?
It has been a great 4 years watching this creation grow from the simplest of ideas unto
one of the games which has marked gaming history. A few months ago you
announced that you were going to keep your thoughts to yourself until they have been
implemented and fully tested. On our behalf we wish you wouldn’t compromise to
this, since we love to languish on all the most bohemian and grand ideas even if they
end up only being an unfinished dream.
If there are any other words you would wish to express, or any news, jokes,
anecdotes, etc, your fans are always eager to listen and learn.