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Auditor Code of Conduct: Integrity & Professionalism

Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct
Dear ….
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation during our auditor’s visit
to your factory. At the same time, we would like to remind you about our Code of
Integrity and Professional Conduct regarding “Gifts and Gratuities”. Everyone in our
company, including our auditors/inspectors, fully understands the company policy
and would appreciate your compliance to avoid any misunderstanding.
While we respect that certain practices vary between different cultures, we also ask
you to understand that we cannot allow any practice that might undermine or be
perceived to undermine our commitment to integrity. Under the procedures our
auditors / inspectors are required to report any potential intimidation or any offers of
benefits / entertainment to their local management and this in turn will be forwarded
to our principals. The audit company may also take further action against any parties
who offer such inducements.
We also assure you that our auditors have been fully trained on correct audit a
procedure which includes the auditor not requesting any personal benefits as part of
the audit process. If you have any concerns on this point, please contact the office
names on this document.
Again, thank you for your support and cooperation. Please indicate your
understanding by signing on the space provided below.
Yours sincerely
I understand and agree to abide by the auditors Code of Integrity and Professional
Signature & Company Stamp: ________________________________
Factory Name: _______________________________
Date: ________________
Name of Supplier Representative: _______________________
Position: ________________
4. Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct for an Auditor / Audit Company