Subido por Juan Caballero

Implementation of a VS Food Mobile Application in the district of villa el Salvador.

Implementation of a VS Food Mobile Application
in the district of villa el Salvador.
Gabriel Antonio Mayhua Morales
Facultad de Ingeniería y
Universidad Autónoma del Perú
Lima, Perú
Gianfranco Risco Bendita
Facultad de Ingeniería y
Universidad Autónoma del Perú
Lima, Perú
Abstract-This paper presents the implementation of a
mobile application to optimize the sales flow in a small
company related to the food business.
Due to the pandemic originated by Covid19, which
unbalanced the order and brought with it a negative effect, this
caused the low performance and sales of several companies
decreased, consequently, it caused them to change course or
cease activities due to sanitary measures. This led several
companies to innovate in their field or use virtual commerce to
start up and generate new sales through this method. This
mobile application was developed with the Scrum methodology,
since it was better adapted to our work.
Keywords—e-commerce, mobile application, Food store, online
In this work we develop the implementation of a Web
Platform to exponentiate sales in a company in the city of
Lima, this Platform was developed with the Scrum
methodology. given that the statistics seen for this type of
platform are the most convenient according to the researched
and information.
Technology is nowadays a fundamental part of the
different operations of a company or business. In turn, it
helps to disseminate the different products and services to
consumers in order to generate higher sales. Therefore, we
have e-commerce, which is defined as the use of the Internet
and the web to do business, focused on commercial
operations that are carried out digitally between individuals
and organizations [1]
Miguel Angel Cano Lengua
Facultad de Ingeniería y
Universidad Autónoma del Perú
Lima, Perú
Scrum, being an agile development methodology, is
based on the idea of creating short development cycles,
called iterations, which in Scrum are called "sprints". It is
necessary to know the phases that define the agile
development cycle. Therefore, in the present work the
following will be used [4,5]:
1) Concept
The characteristics of the product are defined and the
team in charge of its development is assigned [3].
2) Speculation
The product will be built from the main ideas and will
check what has been done and its impact on the environment
3) Exploration
The product is increased by adding the functionalities of
the speculation phase [3].
4) Review
The team reviews everything that has been built and
contrasts it with the desired objective [3].
5) Closing
A version of the desired product will be delivered on the
stipulated date. With this version there will still be changes,
the final product has to become the desired final product [3].
Due to the health crisis, many companies have chosen to
implement an e-commerce system to stay relevant in the
market. As a result of this pandemic, information and
communication technologies have been implemented.
We implemented this mobile application with the
purpose of understanding that all customers need to make
purchases virtually and with easy access, it will allow small
and medium companies to offer their products and obtain
greater benefits, they will also have the various promotions
and discounts, managing to capture the largest number of
potential buyers [3]
The following sections were considered for this work: in
section 2 the Scrum Methodology was developed where the
phases and sprints were seen, in section 3 the virtual store
was implemented indicating the architecture of the mobile
application, as well as the design and development.
Subsequently, in section 4, the results obtained on potential
buyers and user satisfaction with the interaction in the
virtual store were detailed, the conclusions of the work are
also obtained and finally the references are presented.
Fig. 1: Agile development cycle
Scrum manages these iterations through daily meetings,
one of the main elements of this methodology.
in nature because it is developed in an adaptable way to the
needs of the business. In addition, Scrum does not follow old
models, but rather focuses on projects with a model focused
on continuous product development [7].
Therefore, Scrum inherently minimizes risk due to its
flexibility, feedback, development team ownership,
transparency, and its iterative delivery of sprints. [8].
Fig. 2: Scrum Main Cycle
Therefore, in the present work the following will be
used [0]:
III.1. Mobile system architecture
Mobile application architecture refers to the building or
structural systems and design elements that make up a
mobile application. It also encompasses the techniques,
processes and components used during application
development. This server will request and receive data from
the database using the Java programming language.
A. Product Backlog
Is the ordered list of everything the product owner
thinks the product needs. [3].
B. Sprint Backlog
The sprint backlog reflects the requirements as seen
from the development team's point of view. It consists of
the list of tasks into which the user stories to be carried out
in the sprint are broken down. [3].
C. Sprint planning meeting
Is a meeting that has a fixed duration of no more than 8
hours, divided into two equal parts of 4 hours. The first part
serves to select the Product Backlog and the second part to
prepare the Sprint Backlog. [3].
D. Sprint Daily Meeting
In this meeting, team members share development
information and collaborate to make the necessary
adaptations, thus increasing their productivity. [2].
E. Review and retrospective
In this meeting, it will serve to make decisions that will
help choose the most appropriate path to achieve the goals.
In the retrospective, the team will discuss issues related to
the recently completed sprint and what changes could be
made to make the next sprint better and more productive.
Fig. 4: Mobile system architecture
III.2. Design and development
We want to create a website for the sale of products of a
private company located in Lima, therefore, the design and
development must be according to the needs of the company.
A. Product Backlog
The requirements to be listed are in accordance with the
needs of the business, for this particular job the following were
Fig. 3: Methodology proposed in Scrum
Additionally, a methodology proposed in Scrum must
integrate the artifacts with the sprints, being present in the
different phases of a project such as planning, development
and delivery [6].
It is important to note that the Scrum methodology is agile
in nature because it is developed in an adaptable way to the
needs of the business. In addition, Scrum does not follow old
models, but rather focuses on projects with a model focused
on continuous product development [7].
It is important to note that the Scrum methodology is agile
Allow registration in the VS
Food online store
Allow you to log in to your
registered account in the VS
FOOD online store.
Allow to select products from
the food catalog in the VS
FOOD online store
Allow purchase of products
from the food catalog in the
VS FOOD online store
Allow contact with the
company through the VS
FOOD online store
Allow satisfaction survey in the
VS FOOD online store
Allow customer satisfaction
report in the VS FOOD online
Buyer User
Buyer User
Buyer User
Buyer User
Buyer User
Buyer User
B. Sprint Backlog
a) Sprint 1: Buyer User Registration
In this interface the user registration in the mobile
application, as shown in the figure 3.
b) Sprint 2: Buyer User Login
In this interface the user in the mobile application.
Sprint 3: Product purchase record
In this interface, the purchase of products is registered,
as shown in figures 6 y 7.
Sprint 3: Product purchase record
To sell one or more products, the user must go to
category catalog, as shown in the figure below. 4.
d) Sprint 4: Contact with the company
In this interface the user is contacted with the company
through the mobile application.
Sprint 5: Satisfaction survey
In this interface the customer satisfaction survey about
the VS Food online store is conducted.
f) Sprint 6: Generating reports
In this interface, reports of potential buyers and customer
satisfaction about the virtual store are prepared.
C. Sprint planning meeting
We proceed to carry out the planning of the Sprints
mentioned above.
Sprint name
Buyer User
Buyer User
Contact with
the company
3 days
5 days
4 days
2 days
3 days
4 days
Fig. 6: Apparel catalog
Then, the user will select the desired product. As shown
in figure 7, the user will choose the type of beverage and the
quantity, then add it to the shopping cart, in case the user
wants to add more products, he should repeat the above
D. Sprint Execution
a) Sprint 1: Buyer User Registration
For this Sprint, the user must register their profile in the
virtual store, for this they will enter their email address and
then confirm their registration, as shown in figure 5.
Fig. 7: Selected clothing
Fig. 5: Buyer User Registration Interface
b) Sprint 2: Buyer User Login
After the registration of the buyer user, the user must
enter the registered e-mail address and the password created
after the registration confirmation.
Once the purchase is completed in the shopping cart, an
interface will be displayed as in figure 8 where it will show
the total cost of the order. In addition, it will be mandatory for
the user to fill out the billing and shipping form. In case
everything is satisfactory for the user, this will conform the
purchase order.
In conclusion, we can affirm that the mobile application
has provided us with the choice of different ways to
purchase products with accessible prices and to be able to
satisfy the user with their basic needs. It also favors us as a
possibility to reduce costs and instrument in business
This type of electronic and/or virtual commerce is being
established for certain companies that wish to innovate,
increase their growth in this area, be efficient in their
development and searches in new businesses and markets,
so that they must design and carry out their business
methods in view of the Internet as a new marketing medium.
Fig. 8: Order, billing and shipping
To finalize the product purchase registration, it would
only be pending for the user to make the full payment of the
purchase order in the banking centers or through a financial
Sprint 4: Contact with the company
In order for users to have a direct communication with the
company's managers, there is an interface where they can
enter the relevant data to make queries, doubts or questions.
This interface asks for the customer's name, e-mail
address, telephone number and the message to be sent to the
Sprint 5: Satisfaction survey
The penultimate sprint is the user satisfaction survey
regarding the virtual store. This survey consists of a form with
4 essential, concise and direct questions so that the user can
answer in a brief and quick way.
These questions refer to the interaction of the virtual store,
recommendations to people close to them, the variety of the
products presented and the opinion about the purchase
Sprint 6: Generating reports
Finally, reports are prepared regarding customer
satisfaction with the online store and potential buyers based
on the visualization and traffic when entering the web site.
These data are extracted using software that runs
synchronously with the online store.
Google Analytics was used to extract data from the
website. This tool provided us with the exact number of users
between certain dates, the average interaction time within the
virtual store, users by country of origin, among other data.
In order to know customer satisfaction, Google Forms
was used, this tool allows us to create forms and then extract
the answers in a direct, simple and practical way.
E. Review and retrospective
As a last phase, a review of all the previous sprints will be
performed to make sure that everything is according to plan.
Likewise, a retrospective review is performed to detect
strengths and opportunities for improvement both for the
development team, as well as during the development of the
sprints. [3]
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