Subido por Catherine Condori

Ejercicios para de clausulas para estudiantes de nivel intermedio

If Wish Clauses Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
1. It's too bad Helen isn't here. If she (be) ___________ here, she (know)
___________ what to do.
2. Barnie failed the test because he didn't study. However, if (study)
___________ for the test, he (pass) ___________ it.
3. An aerosol spray can will explode if you (throw) ___________ it into
4. If I (have) ___________ my camera with me yesterday, I (take)
___________ a picture of Alex.
5. I'm almost ready to plant my garden. I have lots of seeds. Maybe I will
have more than I need. If I (have) ___________ more seeds than I need. I
(give) ___________ some to Nellie.
6. I (change) ___________ the present economic policy if I (be)
___________ the president of the United States.
7. If the teacher (be) ___________ absent tomorrow, the class will be
8. That sounds like a good job offer. If I (be) ___________ you, I (accept)
___________ it.
9. I got wet because I didn't get my umbrella. However, I (get,not)
___________ wet if I (remember) ___________ to take my umbrella with
me yesterday.