Subido por Moien Omar

Automotive Engineering Master's Curriculum

Master Study Programme in Engineering
(Credits: 120 ECTS or 80 CP)
offered by Faculty of Engineering
Specialization: Automotive Engineering
Course name
Compulsory courses A (36 ECTS)
Philosophy of Science
English for Master Students
Modeling of Systems' Dynamic
Engineering Research
Computer-aided Measuring Systems
Fundamentals of Logistics
Study of Patenting
Computer Aided Design
Compulsory and elective courses B (34.5 ECTS)
Specific theoretical courses (compulsory)
Transport Managenent and Logistics
Technical Service of Automobiles
Traffic Control and Modelling
Restricted elective courses
Analysis of Constructions of Automobiles
Theory of Automobiles
Electrical System of Vehicles
Repair of Automobiles
Specialised Automobiles
Technical Diagnostics of Automobiles
Warehouse Management
Alternative Fuels and Oils
Engineering Technology
Project Engineering
Transport Engineering Service
Intelligent Technologies and Systems
Ergonomics and Industrial Design
Quality Assurance Systems
Autotransport and Environment
1.; 2.; 3.; 4.
Elective courses C (3 ECTS)
To select from LAIS system
Practice (9 ECTS)
Research in Agricultural Engineering
Master Thesis
Final Examinations (37.5 ECTS)
Explanatory notes
I - test; Ia – test with grade; E - examination
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Philosophy of
FILO 5003
Course developers
Gunārs Brāzma, Leonards Leikums, Kārlis Lūsis
Course abstract
Master students acquire understanding of the relation between philosophy and science, knowledge on
scientific epistemology and methodology. The course pays attention to the history of science and to the
place of science and technology in human culture. Students develop skills in analysing the
contemporary problems concerning the development of science. In addition to lectures the course
includes discussions in seminars and presentations of students’ papers.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge: on epistemology, methodology and history of science.
Skills: to formulate problems concerning the development of science and technology, to analyse them,
to compare views.
Competences: to evaluate knowledge on philosophy and history of science, to evaluate skills in
analysing problems concerning the development of science and technology, to integrate knowledge
and skills in further professional career.
Compulsory reading
1. Rosenberg A. Philosophy of science: a contemporary introduction. Routledge, 2000.
2. The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Science. Ed. by Machamer P. and Siberstein M.
Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
3. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science. Ed. by Psillos St. and Curd. M.
Routledge, 2008.
4. Dusek V. Philosophy of Technology: an introduction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
Further reading
1. Praktiskā filosofija. Jelgava, LLU, 2008.
2. Zinātnes filozofija. LLU, 2011.
3. Lindberg D. The Beginnings of Western Science. The University of Chicago Press, 2007.
4. Žurnāls Terra.
5. Žurnāls Zvaigžņotā debess.
6. Žurnāls Scientific American.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
English for Master
Course developers
Aija Pētersone
Course abstract
The Study Process of English for Master Students develops students’ competence working with
authentic research texts for specific purposes, ensuring further development of foreign language skills
and abilities on the basis on knowledge obtained, improving also the skills of independent work that
ensures the development of positive thinking, attitude and motivation to the chosen research field and
research work (working out Master’s thesis).
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course students will have (knowledge, skills, competences)
Knowledge. Terminology of ecology, environmentally friendly agriculture technologies, alternative
energy, alternative fuels; the knowledge of the structure of a scientific article in a foreign language,
scientific language style, the knowledge of academic plagiarism.
Skills. – Students are able to apply both the provided knowledge and independently acquired
knowledge in their professional activities and academic studies, applying communicative skills, which
help Master students to conduct and actively participate in discussions, to express their standpoint, to
oppose properly, to formulate questions clearly and logically, to make presentations, to write abstracts,
scientific articles, annotations, reports; students are able to find necessary information in a foreign
language on-line and in other sources, to compile information from several sources, to structure, to
classify, to appraise the information; students are also able to continue independently the improvement
of the skills acquired in the study process in their further professional activities and lifelong education.
The communicative, information and self-guidance competence have been improved.
Compulsory reading
Rosen L.J. The Academic Writer's Handbook. UK, 2009, 578 pp.
Hunter J.I. Academic Writing in a Foreign Language. USA, 2007, 388 pp.
3. Uwe Flick. An Introduction to Qualitative Research. USA, 2009, 504 pp.
4. Matthew D., Sutton C.D. Social Research. The Basics. London, 2004, 385 pp.
Further reading
1. EC (2001) Green Paper- Towards a European Strategy for the security of energy supply. Office
for Official Publications of the European Communities- Luxembourg, 2001.
2. Kultar Singh. Quantitative Social Research Methods. USA, 2007, 431 pp.
3. Haygarth P.M., Jarvis S.C. Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality. UK, 2002, 502 pp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Modeling of Systems'
Course developers
Aivars Kaķītis, Imants Nulle
Course abstract
The objective of Course is to give students knowledge in Modeling of Systems' Dynamic. Students
obtain principles of solving of diferential equations for mechanical, electromechanical and
hydrodinamic systems. Students obtain skills in systems' modelling using Matlab-Simulink tools and
usage of sofware Cosmos Works and Cosmos Motion.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students get deep theoretical and practical knowledge to make models of technical
systems, writing differential equations of mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems. They obtain
knowledge to use software Matlab-Simulink, CosmosWork and Cosmos Motion for system modelling
and engineering calculations. The knowledge gained as a basis for further research and development of
creative thinking.
Skills. Master students are able to creatively apply this knowledge to generate models of technical
systems. Skills to build different types of models and change its parameters in software MatlabSimulink, CosmosWork and Cosmos Motion are achieved. Master students are able to perform
evaluation of simulation results and analyse obtained data.
Competences. Students are able to apply professional knowledge and skills of Modeling of Systems'
Dynamic in practical work and studies to critically analyse complicated engineering and technical
systems, determinate its limits, create and evaluate models of systems. Participants of studying course
are competent to argue accepted decisions and analyse different ways to solve the system.
Compulsory reading
1. Sham Tickoo, D. Saravanan. SolidWorks 2008 for designers. Schererville: ADCIM
Technologies, 2008 – 880 p.
2. Introducing COSMOSWorks. Dassault Systemes. California: Structural Research and Analysis
Corporation, 2004 – 166 p.
3. Steven T. Karris. Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications. United States of
America: Orchard Publications, 2008 – 716 p.
Further reading
1. Sham Tickoo. SolidWorks 2006 for Designers. CADCIM Technologies, USA. 2005. -560 p.
2. David C. Planchard Marie P. Planchard. Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2006 and
MultiMedia CD. Schroff Development Corp, 2005. – 620 p.
3. David M. Auslander. Mechatronics: A Design and Implementation. Methodology for Real
Time Control Software. University of California, 1997.-223 p.
4. Henry J. Ricardo. A Modern Introduction to Differential Equations. Second Edition. Elsevier
Academic Press, 2009. – 518 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Engineering Research
Course developers
Maris Kirsis
Course abstract
Students get acquainted with the basics of engineering research. They gain knowledge about the
methods of research. Students acquire the planning and realisation of experiments, as well as
evaluation and interpretation of the obtained results.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
 knowledge in the basics of engineering research;
 skills to choose the methods of research;
 competences in the planning and realisation of experiments, as well as evaluation and interpretation of
the obtained results.
Compulsory reading
1. The essence of research methodology: a guide for master and PhD students in management
science. – Springer, 2007. – 478 p.
2. C.R.Kothari. Research methodology: methods and techniques. – 2008 - 418 p.
3. W.Goddard, S.Melville. Research Methodology. – 2004. – 160 p.
4. J.Bell. Doing your research Project. – Open University press, 2005. – 267 p.
Further reading
1. J.Holman. Experimental methods for engineers. – 1997. – 603 pp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Measuring Systems
Course developers
Aivars Kaķītis
Course abstract
The objective of Course is to give students knowledge in experimental methods, measuring technique,
data acquisition and computer based measuring systems. Students obtain theoretical principles of
Performance characteristics of instruments, sensors, signal conditioning, virtual measurements and
data evaluation software and programming tools.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge on measuring non-electrical
quantities with electrical measurement techniques and principles of virtual instruments. Students
acquire knowledge how to use data loggers and LabView software for data acquisition, data processing
and regression analysis of data. The knowledge gained as a basis for further research and development
of creative thinking.
Skills. The ability to creatively use their knowledge in experiments planning and selecting and
designing appropriate measuring systems. Students are able to perform experimental data evaluation,
error measurement and the defining of regression equations.
Competences. Students are capable of independent critical analysis of use of various sensors for
measuring of a dynamic process, and evaluation of a measuring system with virtual instruments in the
different experiments. Master students are able to base their decisions, and integrate knowledge
acquired of other areas and study courses to plan necessary experiments and data treatment of their
research work.
Compulsory reading
1. Alan S Morris, Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.,
475 p.
2. Holman J. P., Experimental methods for engineers, sixth edition, 1996., McGraw-Hill, USA,
616 p.
3. SPSS Regression Models™ 13.0. SPSS Inc., USA, 2004, 70 p.
4. Semyon G. Rabinovich. Measurement Errors and Uncertainties. Theory and Practice. Third
Edition. Springer, 2005, - 313 p.
Further reading
1. Seippel, Robert G., Transducers, sensors&detectors. A Prentice-Hall Company, Reston,
Virginia, 1983., 299 p.
1. Doebelin E. O., Measurement systems, application and design, fourth edition, 1990., McGrawHill international editions, USA, 960 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Fundamentals of Logistics
Course developers
Gints Birzietis
Course abstract
In this study subject students learn basics of logistics, acquire knowledge about essence of logistics
and their concepts. Additionally there are analyzed core components of logistics, as well as
management. The course also deals with number of important logistics elements – transportation, order
processing, inventory management, warehouse facilities, packaging and material handling..
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students will have wider knowledge about the essence of logistics, their components, and
principles of operations and interaction of different activities within the supply chain. Students also
will have knowledge about the newest concepts of logistics.
Skills. Students will be able to solve the typical logistic related problem situation and apply the
acquired knowledge in research and development of innovative solutions.
Competences. Students will be able to manage and transform complex and unpredictable situations in
logistic chain as well as will use acquired knowledge for reviewing the strategic performance of
companies working within the supply chain.
Compulsory reading
1. Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management. Volume 2. Ed. by A.M.Brewer, K.J.Button,
D.A.Hensher. Amsterdam, Pergamon 2001. 545p.
2. Ballou Ronald H. Business logistics management. Planning, organizing and controlling the supply
chain. 1999. 681p.
Further reading
Further reading
1. City Logistics. Network modelling and intelligent transport systems. Ed. by E.Taniguchi,
R.G.Thompson, Tadashi Yamada, J.H.R.van Duin. Amsterdam, Pergamon 2001. 252p.
2. Information Systems in Logistics and Transportation. Ed. by B.Tilanus. Oxford, Pergamon 1997.
3. Ihde Goesta B Transport, Verkehr, Logistik. Muenchen Vahlen. 1991. 275s.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Course title
Study of Patenting
Study of Patenting
Course developers
Ēriks Kronbergs
Course abstract
Course contain the main Intellectual property law concepts, Latvian laws and international treaties
protecting the copyright. Patent role in the design. Inventions and Patents. Patent search in the Internet
and libraries. Patent filing and priorities right. Prototype and similar patent finding. Writting the
descriptions and claims, their legal significance. Trade marks and registered designs. Intellectual
Property Protection on the Internet.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have :
Knowledge: Study of Patenting course provides knowledge of Intelectual Property Rights and it
Skills: Patent searching and filing skills are very important for machine design, manufacturing and
service. Internet access to patent funds is useful for further creative work.
Competences : Acquiring the Author's right and registered Intelectual Property Rights students obtain
competence for it ussage in economics.
Compulsory reading
1. Andy Gibbs, Bob DeMatteis. Essentials of Patents. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. 270 p.
2. Curtis Cook. Patents, profits and power: how intelectual propertu rules the global economy. Great
Britain: Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King’s Lynn, 2002. 202 p.
3. Jae Hun Park. Patents and Industry Standards. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 2010. 238 p.
4. Timothy Lee Wherry. Intellectual property : everything the digital-age librarian needs
to know. American Library Association. 2008. 141 p.
5. Graham Dutfield and Uma Suthersanen. Global Intellectual Property Law. Edward Elgar Publishing
Limited. 2008. 370 p.
Further reading
1. Bob DeMatteis. Student Inventor’s Journal. IPT Co, USA. 2008. 37 p.
2. Machines & Inventions. Factoscope. Saddleback Educational Publishing. 2008. 64 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Computer Aided Design
Course developers
Ilmārs Dukulis
Course abstract
The purpose of the course is to obtain extended understanding on the concept of computer aided design
and spheres of usage in solving of engineering problems, as well as basic principles of computer aided
system selection. Practically master course students acquire the possibilities of drawing of different
shapes and components using AutoCAD, AutoDesk Inventor or equivalent packages.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. Knowledge about the systemic approach to the engineering problem solving, the concept
of computer aided design and spheres of different CAD system usage, the basic principles of computer
aided system selection and evaluating methods.
Skills. Skills in the use of various software applications related to the computer aided design sphere, to
choose an appropriate of them basing on the problem nature, to create technical documentation, for
example, drawings and specifications, and to present them.
Competences. Competence, working in group or independently, to use the information technology
facilities for the solving of engineering problems and to manage them, as well as to convince others
and argue own viewpoint.
Compulsory reading
1. Omura G. Mastering AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2010. – Wiley, 2009. – 1224 p.
2. Hamad M. M. AutoCAD® 2010 Essentials. – Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010. – 384 p.
3. Learning AutoCAD® 2010, Volume 1. Autodesk Official Training Guide. – Autodesk, Inc., 2009. –
460 p.
4. Learning AutoCAD® 2010, Volume 2. Autodesk Official Training Guide. – Autodesk, Inc., 2009. –
370 p.
5. Finkelstein E. AutoCAD 2010 & AutoCAD LT 2010 Bible. – Wiley, 2009. – 1299 p.
Further reading
1. Dukulis I. Pamati darbā ar AutoCAD 2010: mācību līdzeklis. – Jelgava, 2010. – 136 lpp.
2. Banach D.T., Jones T., Kalameja A.J. Autodesk Inventor 2009 Essentials Plus. – Autodesk Press,
2008. – 856 p.
3. Tickoo S., Saravanan D. SolidWorks 2008 for designers. – Schererville: CADCIM Technologies,
2008 – 880 p.
4. Waguespack C. Mastering Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor LT 2009. – Sybex, 2008.
– 1024 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Transport Managenent and
Course developers
Gints Birzietis
Course abstract
Students learn management and organizational issues of freight and passenger transportation both in
the state level and international level, as well as in level of separate transport modes and enterprises,
topics related to management and organization of transportation process in logistic systems, applying
principles and elements of logistics in freight and passenger transportation.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students will have wider knowledge in management and organizational issues of freight
and passenger transportation both in the state level and international level. Students also will have
knowledge in management and organization of transportation process in logistic systems, applying
principles and elements of logistics in freight and passenger transportation..
Skills. Students will be able to solve the typical transport related problem situation in logistic system
and apply the acquired knowledge in research and development of innovative solutions within the
passenger and freight transport systems.
Competences. Students will be able to manage and transform complex and unpredictable situations in
transportation systems as well as will use acquired knowledge for reviewing the strategic performance
of transport and logistic companies working within the logistic chain.
Compulsory reading
1. Handbook of transport systems and traffic control. Edited by Kenneth J. Button, David A. Hensher.
Amsterdam [etc.]: Pergamon, 2001., 602 p. [656; 02/688]) 425.-439.lpp.
2. Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management. Volume 2. Ed. by A.M.Brewer, K.J.Button,
D.A.Hensher. Amsterdam, Pergamon 2001. 545p.
3. C.F.Daganzo. Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations. Oxford, Pergamon 2000.
4. Hanbook of Transportation Engineering. Editor Myer Kutz. McGraw-Hill. NewYork. 2004.
Further reading
1. Handbook of Transport Modeling. Volume 1. Ed. by D.A.Hensher, K.J.Button. Amsterdam,
Pergamon 2000. 666p.
2. Vrenken H., Macharis C. Wolters P. Intermodal Transport in Europe. EIA Brussels. 2005. 267 p.
3. Praude V., Beļčikovs J. Loģistika. – R.:Vaidelote. 2003. – 541. lpp.
4. Sprancmanis N. Transporta pakalpojumu ekonomika un organizācija. – R: Rīgas Tehniskā
universitāte, 2001. – 283. lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Technical Service of
Course developers
Vilnis Pīrs
Course abstract
In this study course Maser degree students acquire vehicle technical maintenance as a component of
fleet infrastructure. They acquire analysis of vehicle maintenance and repair systems. Students
acquaint oneself with methodology of determination of maintenance schedule, work load and quality.
They achieve knowledge about structure, models and personnel of service enterprises as well as about
analysis of organization of technological processes and performing technologies, and vehicle parts,
supply management and service systems.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Masters degree students get more deeply theoretical and practical knowledge and
understanding of formation principles of automotive technical service, maintenance and repair system.
The acquired knowledge can be served as a basis for further creative and professional development.
Skills. Masters degree students can creatively avail their knowledge in development and drafting new
service and repair techniques. Students can unaided use theory, methods and problem-develop skills to
realize research or highly qualified professional functions.
Competences. Master degree students can without assistance to analyse difficult scientific and
professional problems, develop technical service repair and maintenance programs. They is able to
analyze and improve technological processes in service.
Compulsory reading
1. Fisher R. etc. (2006) Modern Automotive Technology, Fundamentals, service, diagnostics.
Germany: Europa – Lehrmittel. 688 p. ISBN 3-8085-2301-8.
2. Automotive Handbook. (2007) 7th ed. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bentley publishers. 1196 p.
3. Суханов Б.Н. и.др. (1991) Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей. Пособие по
дипломному проектированию. Москва: Транспорт. 160 с.
4. Напольский Г.М. (1993) Технологическое проектирование автопранспортных предприятий и
станций технического обслуживания. Москва: Транспорт. 272 с.
Further reading
1. Техническая эксплуатация автомобилей: Учебник для вузов; под ред. Е.С.Кузнецова.Москва: Транспорт. 1991.- 413 с.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Traffic Control and Modelling
Course developers
Ruslans Šmigins
Course abstract
Study subject deals with theoretical fundamentals of road traffic, elements of transport flow theory and
measures for traffic management.There are presented the idea about driver’s work psychology and the
role of man factor in road traffic; deal with main technical means of road traffic management and
methods of information acquiring about traffic flow.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students gets theoretical knowledge of road traffic fundamentals, operations, procedures
and traffic model creation using programmes VISUM and VISSIM.
Skills. Students are able to apply their proficiency solving traffic flow in town and suburban areas.
Their are capable to analyse and evaluate acquired information.
Competences. Students are able to define and analyse complex problems of traffic control and
simulation. They are capable to fortify their position and integrate their knowledge into other fields
and further studies.
Compulsory reading
1. Garber N. J. Traffic and highway engineering. 2010, 1229 p.
2. PTV Vision – Tutorial VISUM 10 Quickstart. PTV AG, Karlsruhe, 2007, 99 p.
3. Slinn M., Guest P., Matthews P. Traffic engineering design: principles and practice. Elsevier,
2005, 232 p.
4. Mannering F. L. Principles of highway engineering and traffic analysis. New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 2005, 372 p.
5. Handbook of transport systems and traffic control /edited by Kenneth J. Button, David A.
Hensher. Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001, 602 p.
Further reading
Garber N. J. Traffic and highway engineering. 2010, 1229 p.
Daganzo C. F. Fundamentals of transportation and traffic operation. Emerald Inc. 2008, 366 p.
PTV Vision – Tutorial VISUM 10 Quickstart. PTV AG, Karlsruhe, 2007, 99 p.
Mannering. F. L. Principles of highway engineering and traffic analysis. New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 2005, 372 p.
5. Handbook of transport systems and traffic control / edited by Kenneth J. Button, David A.
Hensher. Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001, 602 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Analysis of Constructions of
Course developers
Doc. Zigurds Miķelsons
Course abstract
Working processes, loading regimes, and constructions of automobiles, their systems and mechanisms.
Analysis methods of different constructions and working processes.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Master degree student become more profound in development tendencies of constructions
of automobiles, analyzes of constructions of automobiles and working principles of them.
Skills. Master degree student is able to define technical parameters of ground motor vehicles, to
compare them, evaluate and to carry out calculations of labor process and construction.
Competences. Acquired knowledge gives possibility to unaided analyze technological problems of
automobile constructions, to avail in other study courses acquired knowledge to work out methodology
and data processing in analyzes of several constructions of automobiles.
Compulsory reading
1. Halderman J.D. (1996) Automotive Chassis Systems: Brakes, Steering, Suspension and Alignment.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 404 p.
2. Fischer R., Gscheidle R., Heider U. ect. (2006) Modern Automobile Technology: Fundamentals,
service, diagnostics. 1st edition. Germany, Haan-Gruiten: Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Neurney,
Vollmer GmbH & Co. 688 p.
3. Осепчеров В.В., Фрумкин А.К. (1989) Автомобиль. Анализ конструкций, элементы
расчета. Москва: Машиностроение. 304 с.
4. Makartchouk A. (2002) Diesel Engine Engineering: Thermodynamics, Dynamics, Design, and
Control. New York, Basel: Marcel Dekker Inc. 375 p.
Further reading
1. Zhao F., Harrington D.L., Lai M-C. D. (2002) Automotive Gasoline Direct-Injection Engine. SAE
International. 372 p.
2. Роговцев В.Л., Пузанков А.Г., Олдфильд В.Д. (1991) Устройство и эксплуатиция
автотранспотрных средств. Москва: Транспорт. 432 стр.
3. Blīvis J., Gulbis V., Kažoks J., Melgalvs J. (1988) Traktori un automobiļi. Konstrukcija un teorija.
Rīga: Zvaigzne. 246 lpp.
4. Blīvis J., Gulbis V. (1991) Traktori un automobiļi. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 520 lpp.
5. Miķelsons Z., Pīrs V. (2008) Spēkratu konstrukcijas. Jelgava: LLU. 199 lpp.
6. Pommers J.G., Liberts G. (1985) Automobiļa teorija. Rīga: Zvaigzne. 245 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Theory of Automobiles
Course developers
Dainis Berjoza
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to acquire the properties and their impact on automobile operation as
well as calculation of different automobile units and systems. The knowledge is sequentially
supplemented by laboratory work that is carried out in laboratories and road condition tests.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. A master student obtains extended theoretical and practical knowledge, an understanding
of the exploitation characteristics of automobiles that correspond to the latest achievements of science
in the theory of automobiles. The knowledge obtained serves as a basis for further research and
development of creative thinking.
Skills. A master student is able to use the knowledge obtained in the theory of exploitation of
automobiles in a creative way while conducting experimental studies and performing calculations to
compare, assess, and analyse various vehicles. A master student is able to convincingly explain and
discuss complicated topical issues concerning the theory of automobiles, develop an original
methodology for experimental research of automobiles, and process and analyse data obtained in
Competences. A master student can independently and critically analyse complicated engineering
problems in the theory of automobiles, justify the decisions made, integrate the knowledge of this
course with that obtained in other fields and courses to develop a methodology and process data to
determine various parameters for the exploitation characteristics of automobiles.
Compulsory reading
1. Wong J.Y. Theory of ground vehicles, 4th ed. Ottawa: Canada – John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2008. 592
2. Genta G. Motor vehicle dynamics Modeling and simulation. World Scienntific Publishing Co. 2003.
530 p.
3. Gillespie T. D. Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics. Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 1992.
495 p.
4. Haberle G. und andere Tabellenbuch Elektrotechnik. Deuchland: Europa – Lehrmittel, 2007. 472 p.
5. Bonnick A. Automotive Science and Mathematics. USA: Elsevier. 2008. 241 p.
6. Automotive Handbook. 7-th edition. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bently publishers, 2007, 1196 p.
Further reading
1. Berjoza D. Automobiļu teorija. Metodiskie norādījumi kursa darba izstrādei, uzdevumi un
laboratorijas darbi. Jelgava: LLU 2007. 54 lpp.
2. Berjoza D. Automobiļu teorija. Mācību grāmata Jelgava: LLU 2008. 200 lpp.
3. Pommers J., Liberts G. Automobiļa teorija. – R.: Zvaigzne, 1985.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Electrical System
of Vehicles
Course developers
Ainārs Galiņš
Course abstract
The aim of the study course is to acquire theoretical analyzes of basic systems of electrical
equipment of vehicle: current sources, starting and ignition systems. Inspection and control systems of
vehicle: information system, engine, transmission, and support equipment, brake, stability and speed
control. Anti theft protection and comfort equipment in vehicle.
Electronic systems that are used in vehicles, their characteristics. Comparators and integrators,
logic elements. Converters of physical measurements, their characteristics and use. Switchboards, their
electrical schemes. Structure of electronic control units, formers of signal and analog-digital
converters. Memory and processors, cascades of outlets. Characteristics, bases and interpolation.
Examples for use of electronic control units.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students acquire an in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, understanding of the
motor vehicle electrical design and operation, the latest technical solutions. The knowledge gained as a
basis for further practical work and research.
Skills. Student able to creatively use their knowledge of motor vehicle electrical performance
evaluation of the experimental studies, calculations and analysis. Capable of reasoned and explain a
motor vehicle electrical work arrangements. Capable of generating electrical testing of experimental
methodologies, process and analyze experimental results.
Competences. Graduates are able to independently determine and analyze operation of electrical
equipment of motor vehicle and find failure causes, the decision made to use other fields and courses
to acquire knowledge.
Compulsory reading
1. Automotive Electrics Automotive Electronics © Robert Bosch GmbH, 2006. – 503 p.
2. Automotive Handbook. 7-th edition. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bently publishers, 2007, 1196 p.
3. In-Vehicle Networks and Software, Electrical Wiring Harnesses, and Electronics and Systems
Reliability. SAE, 2004, pp.443
Further reading
1. Galiņš A. Spēkratu elektroiekārtas. Mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 298 lpp.
2. Galiņš A. Spēkratu elektroiekārtas: Laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi, to izpildes metodika un
palīgmateriāli. Jelgava: LLU, 2008. – 40 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total contact hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Repair of Automobiles
Course developers
Aleksandrs Galoburda
Course abstract
In this study course students acquire types and methods of machine repairs, methods and forms of
renewal of mates, renewal methods of components. Technical diagnosis of aggregates of automobiles
and basic rules of their montage.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, and competences:
Knowledge. Student acquires advanced theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of
machine repair possibilities using new technologies and materials, renovating of parts. The acquired
knowledge will serve as a basis for further creative research.
Skills. Master Degree student will be able to use acquired knowledge creatively for research on
machine repair technology and calculations for improvement of various machine units and mates
durability. Student will be able to justify choice of materials for friction pairs, determine the roughness
of their surfaces, as well as to choose heat treatment type. Student will be able to develop original
methods for the study of friction pairs, process and discuss the obtained results.
Competences. Master Degree student will be able to analyze complex technical problems
independently in the field of friction pairs, such as the effect of dislocation umber on the durability.
Student will be able to justify the choice of method for increase of dislocation number making machine
repair in various cases.
Compulsory reading
1. A.Galoburda Automobiļu remonts. Jelgava, LLU. - 2008.
2. Ковалевский А.А., Ткаченко А.А. Опыт разработки и внедрения технологии восстановления
деталей машин и механизмов методом плазменного напыления покрытий. Р.: ЛатНИИНТ
3. Л.С.Ермолов и др. Основы надежности сельскохозяйственной техники. М., Колос – 1982.
Further reading
1. Cikovskis V. Motori. Rīga: Jumava, 2000.
2. Krick R. Modern automotive technology. The Good heardt - Willcox Co, 1ne. TenlexPark, Illinois.
2003. CD.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Žurnāls "Автомобиль и сервис"
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Course developers
Maris Kirsis
Course abstract
Students get acquainted with the friction, wear, and lubrication theory. They obtain knowledge about
friction and wear of ceramics and plastic matrix composites, lubricants and their application and
synthetic lubricants. Students acquire the wear resistant coatings and surface treatments, monitoring,
maintenance and failure patterns.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
 knowledge in the friction, wear, and lubrication theory;
 skills in monitoring of wear and surface treatments adjustment;
 competences in the maintenance of wear surfaces and failure patterns.
Compulsory reading
1. T.Mang, W.Dresel. Lubricants and Lubrication. – Wiley-VCH – 2007 – 890 p.
2. A.Caines, R.Haycock. Automotive lubricants reference book. – SAE – 2004 – 720 p.
3. Modern tribology handbook. – STLE –2001 – 741 p.
Further reading
E.Richard Booser. Tribology data handbook. – CRC Press, New York. – 1997 – 1099 p.
Д.Н.Гаркунов. Триботехника. – М.: Машиностроение, 1985. – 424 с.
Tribology Transactions Journal.
Tribology Letters - an official journal of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
6. Tribology & Lubrication Engineering - the official technical magazine of STLE.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Specialised Automobiles
Course developers
Gints Birzietis
Course abstract
This study subject deal with several types of specialized vehicles, its constructive features, advantages
and application area. Deal also with classification and coding of vehicles used in practice. In practical
works students choose appropriate vehicle for selected type of freight and haulage, they also calculate
necessary number of vehicles and other parameters.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students will have deeper knowledge in several types of specialized vehicles, its
constructive features, advantages and application area. Students also will have knowledge in
classification and coding of specialized vehicles used in practice.
Skills. Students will be able to solve the specific freight transportation related problem situation and
apply the acquired knowledge in research and development of innovative solutions within the specific
freight transport systems.
Competences. Students will be able to manage and transform complex and unpredictable situations in
specific freight transportation as well as will use acquired knowledge for reviewing the strategic
performance of transport companies specializing in specific freight transportation.
Compulsory reading
1. Yearbook of road transport law 1995.
2. Jame William Fitch. Motor Truck Engineering Handbook. Fourth edition. SAE 1994., 443 p.
Further reading
1. Methodische Lsungswege zum Rechenbuch Kraftfochrzengtechnik. Lihrmitlil 1999.
2. М.И.Грифф, Р.А.Затвон, В.Ф.Трофименков. Автотранспортные средства с грузоподъемными
устройствами. Москва., ‘‘Транспорт’’ 1989
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Technical Diagnostics of
Course developers
Vilnis Pīrs
Course abstract
In this study course Maser degree students get more deeply acquired with process of diagnosis of
automobiles and aggregates as well as with methods of diagnosis utilizing up-to-day diagnostically
tools. In laboratory assignments students have possibility to perform practically all parts of diagnostics
process – diagnosis, determination of diagnosis, forcast of remaining resource as well as acquaint with
up-to-date diagnostically tools.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Masters degree students get more deeply theoretical and practical knowledge,
understanding of automotive technical diagnostics, methods and equipment of diagnostic. The
acquired knowledge can be served as a basis for further creative and professional development.
Skills. Master degree student can creatively avail their knowledge of automotive diagnostics, can
independently use the theory, methods and problem-develop skills to realize research or highly
qualified professional functions. Ability to evaluate and to make a decision in difficult situations.
Competences. Master degree students can without assistance analyse difficult scientific and
professional problems, justify decisions, and, if it is necessary, perform a thorough analysis of
problems. They can integrate different fields of knowledge to improve professional skills and
development af new diagnostics methods.
Compulsory reading
1. Halderman J. D. (2008) Automotive Technology : Principles, Diagnosis, and Service,.3rd ed. USA:
Pearson Education. 1488 p. ISBN 978-0-13-175477-5.
2. Bauer H. (2004) Automotive Electric Automotive Electronics. 4th ed. Robert Bosch GmbH. 503 p.
3. Fisher R. etc. (2006) Modern Automotive Technology, Fundamentals, service, diagnostics.
Germany: Europa – Lehrmittel. 688 p. ISBN 3-8085-2301-8.
4. Automotive Handbook. (2007) 7th ed. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bentley publishers. 1196 p.
Further reading
1. Berjoza D., Tupiņš J. (2007) Spēkratu tehniskā diagnostika. Jelgava: LLU. 220 lpp.
2. Tupiņš J. (2007) Mašīnu tehniskā apkalpošana // Laboratorijas darbu uzdevumi un to izpildes
metodika. Jelgava: LLU. 95 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Warehouse Management
Course developers
Doc. Jānis Tupiņš
Course abstract
Classification of the freights used in agriculture. Types of storehouses. The work technology in the
storehouses. Characteristics of the storing materials and calculations of its optimum size. Calculations
of the storage area and equipment. Regulations for the storage of different groups of goods.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Master degree student become more profound in resource management, choose of
warehousing economy and its practical development.
Skills. Master degree student is able to choice more eligible method of resource management. He is
able to define additions of storage resources. He can perform handling of received freights.
Competences. Master degree student is able to substantiate necessity of warehousing, its location and
assortment of stored goods. He is able to carry a decision about warehousing service and wellhead
Compulsory reading
Tempelmeier H. (2008) Material – Logistik. Berlin: Springler. 518 S.
Zhengxin C. (2001) Intelligent Data Warehousing. United States: CRS Press. 256 p.
Naddor E. (1971) Lagerhaltangssysteme. Leipzig: BSB B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft. 322 S.
Frazelle E.H. (2001) World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling. New York: McGraw-Hill.
242 p.
Further reading
7. The Warehouse Management Handbook. (1998) 2nd edition. Tompkins Press. 980 p.
8. Брагин Г.Г. и.др. (1985) Складское хозяйство и транспортно-экспидиционные работы. 3-е
изд., перераб. и доп. Москва. Агропромиздат. 240 стр.
9. Beļčikovs J., Praude V. (2003) Loģistika. Rīga: Vaidelote. 541 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Course developers
Dace Rotgalve
Course abstract
The aim of study course is to give understanding and knowledge about trade management of new and
second-hand automobiles, circulation of documentation in automobile trade and registration, as well as
arrangement of auto salons, dealer centers and sales places. Students get the view on foreign
automobile producers and dealer companies in Latvia.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students will acquire highly specialized knowledge and understanding in the
organization and development of the car and its spare parts sales. The acquired knowledge will be the
basis for further research and development of creative thinking.
Skills. Students will be able to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in the organization of new and
second hand car sales. They will be able to explain and discuss the complex or systemic aspects of the
marketing field.
Competences. Graduates will be able independently and critically analyze the problems related to
automobile and their aggregate trade issues. They will be able to justify their decisions, organizing car
sales outlet, as well as, if necessary, carry out further analysis.
Compulsory reading
1. Kotler P. Marketing Management, N.J.: - 2003 – p.685.
2. Kotler, P., Keller, K. Marketing management. Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2006. p. 729
3. Kent, R. Marketing research: approaches, methods and applications in Europe. London: Thomson
Learning, 2007. p. 592
Further reading
1. Berjoza D., Kunkule D. Tirgzinība autotransportā. Jelgava. – 2007. – 120 lpp.
2. Blaits Dž. Mārketings: rokasgrāmata. R., Zvaigzne ABC. – 2004. – 284 lpp.
3. Tirgzinības pamati. R., SIA „J.L.V.” – 2002. – 305 lpp.
4. Birzietis G., Kunkule D. Transporta ekonomika. Jelgava. – 2007. – 81 lpp.
5. А.П.Панкрухин. Маркетинг - практикум: ситуационные задания, кейсы, тесты. – Москва:
ИМПЭ, 1998. - 160 с.
6. Филип Котлер. Основы маркетинга. Перевод с английского В.Б.Боброва. Ростинтэр Москва,
1996. - 698 с.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Alternative Fuels and Oils
Course developers
Ruslans Šmigins
Course abstract
Study subject deals with theoretical fundamentals of alternative fuels and oils. The aim of this course
is to provide students with knowledge in biofuels for the IC engines, basic concepts, history, usage
spheres and possibilities, as also socio-economic and ecologic aspects of it usage. The course takes a
look on the biofuels, produced in Latvia: rapeseed oil, biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills and competences):
Knowledge. Students has extended knowledge about biofuels for the internal combustion engines,
history, production, usage spheres and possibilities, as also socio-economic and ecologic aspects of it
Skills. Students are able to apply their proficiency making researches and they are capable to analyse
and evaluate acquired new information.
Competences. Students are able to define and analyse complex problems of producing and using
biofuels and oils. They are capable to fortify their position and integrate their knowledge into other
fields and further studies.
Compulsory reading
1. Kemp W.H. Biodiesel: basics and beyond – a comprehensive guide to production and use for the home
and farm / Aztext Press, Ontario, 2006, 588 p.
2. Pahl G. Biodiesel: growing a new energy economy / Chelsea Green Publishing, 2005, 281 p.
3. The biodiesel handbook / editors Knothe G., Van Gerpen J., Krahl J.: AOCS, 2005, 302 p.
4. Alternative diesel fuels / edited by Daniel J. Holt.: SAE, 2004, 270 p.
5. CI engine performance for use with alternative fuels / SAE, 2008, 390 p.
6. Bechtold, R.L. Alternative fuels guidebook: properties, storage and vehicle facility modifications –
Warendale: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1997, 204 p.
Further reading
1. Gulbis V. Iekšdedzes motoru biodegvielas: mācību grāmata. Jelgava: LLU, 2008, 322 lpp.
2. Gulbis V., Birzietis G. Par biodīzeļdegvielas kvalitāti, lai tuvinātu biodīzeļdegvielas īpašību kopumu
fosilās dīzeļdegvielas īpašībām. ”Uzņēmumu Vadības Institūts” – Rīga, 2006, 116 lpp.
3. Kalniņš A. Ekonomiskais vērtējums par Vācijas pieredzi rapša eļļas degvielas un biodīzeļdegvielas
pielietošanas lietderību Latvijas apstākļos / LATBIO Konsultāciju centrs. – Rīga: 2006, 129 lpp.
4. Kalniņš A. Biodegviela: ražošanas un izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā: saimnieciski – ekonomiskais
novērtējums / Arnis Kalniņš. – Rīga: 2005, 166 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Engineering Technolog
Course developers
Gunārs Vērdiņš
Course abstract
Study subjects adreses technical, organizational, planning and economic problems that led to the need
for quality machine manufacturing aspecified size, given time, with minimal labor and material
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowlegde, skills, competences):
Knowlegde. The Students acquires knowlegde of the processing accuracy, parts size distribution,
trimming the theory, the processing of CNC control machines.
Skills. Students learn to develop the necessary components for making map, select tools and cutting
Competences. Students are able to create different types of technological processes of manufacture of
parts, capable of analizing the options and choose the best solution.
Compulsory reading
1. Metall Cutting Theory and Practice. David A. Stephenson, John S. Agapion. 2006. CRC Press.
2. Metall Cutting Principles. Milton C. Shaw. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2005. 650 p.
3. Tabellenbuch Metall. Lektorat:Ulrich Fischer, Reutlingen.VERLAG EUROPA LEHRMITTEL.
43.Auflage. 2005.
4. J.Krizbergs. Datorizētā projektēšana (CAM). Rīga.-2006. RTU. 270 lpp.
Further reading
1. Metall Cutting Principles. Milton C. Shaw. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 2005. 650 p.
2. Metall Cutting Theory and Practice. David A. Stephenson, John S. Agapion. 2006. CRC Press.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Project Engineering
Course developers
Dainis Berjoza, Ilmārs Dukulis
Course abstract
The purpose of the course is to obtain extended understanding on the usage of project management
theory in solving of engineering problems. Practically master course students acquire the possibilities
of defining, planning and development of project using the application software MS Project or similar.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. Knowledge and understanding of project management historical aspects in engineering
sciences, detailed knowledge about engineering project development, management, and realization,
and the structured knowledge of the use of project design and planning techniques, project
implementation and financing.
Skills. Skills to integrate engineering knowledge in the primary analysis and preliminary study of the
project, to independently carry out sophisticated, cross-disciplinary, multi-level structured projects
related to monitoring and management of engineering systems and control structures, specific skills of
a project management software use, the ability to discuss about administration aspects of complex
technical projects.
Competences. Competence, working in a group or independently, to formulate and analyze potential
problem solutions related to various engineering fields and degrees of complexity, to use the project
development and planning methods, to work out the activities of technical projects, and to monitor and
manage them, to argue the decisions made during the project, and to understand the potential impact of
the engineering project on the environment and society.
Compulsory reading
1. Cleland D. I. Project management: strategic design and implementation. – New York: McGraw-Hill,
2007. – 523 p.
2. Gray C.F. Project management: the managerial process. – Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 2006. – 574
3. Kerzner, Harold. Project Management: a Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and
Controlling. USA, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 5th ed. 1995. P. 1152
4. Мазур И. И., Шапиро В. Д., Ольдерогге Н. Г. Управление проектами. Москва: Омега – Л,
2005. 664 с.
Further reading
1. Бэгьюли Ф. Управление проектом. – Москва, 2002 – 202 с.
2. Колтынюк Б. А. Инвестиционные проекты. Санкт- Петербург, 2000.
3. Кортер Дж., Марквис А. Microsoft Project 2003. – Москва: Лори, 2004. – 641 с.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Transport Engineering
Course developers
Dace Rotgalve
Course abstract
The course of studies supplies theoretical and practical knowledge in transport engineering service
operations. Practical work is organized in the form of role plays. The acquired knowledge and skills
can be used in organization and management of transport enterprises.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Graduates will acquire highly specialised theoretical and practical knowledge and
understanding of the essence of management, regularities and management techniques of road
transport companies, that are consistent with the most recent research findings and statements in the
field of management. The acquired knowledge is the basis for further research and development of
creative thinking in transport engineering service in transport company.
Skills. Students will be able to use theoretical knowledge, techniques and problem solving skills in
order to manage the business in transport company.
Competences. Graduates will be able of independently and critically analyze the problems related to
transport company management. They will be able to contribute in development of management
techniques of transport companies.
Compulsory reading
1.Pasquier, Martia. Marketing management and communications in the public sector. Florence:
Routledge, 2009
2. Small business and entrepreneurship / edited by Robert A. Blackburn and Candida G. Brush. Los
Angeles : Sage, 2008.
3. Human resource management in the public sector / edited by Rona S. Beattie and Stephen P.
Osborne. London ;New York : Routledge, 2008.
Further reading
1. Vadīšanas pamati. Mācību grāmata Profesionālo studiju studentiem un maģistrantiem. Sast.
Mag.oec.,asoc. prof. U.Ivans un Dr.oec., doc. S.Ruskule. Malnava 2006. – 546 l
2. Vadīšana. Mācību līdzeklis LLU studentiem un maģistrantiem un lauku uzņēmēju kvalifikācijas
paaugstināšanai. Sastādīja S.Ruskule. Jelgava. 2005. – 56lpp.
3. Forands I. Personālvadība. R., Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 2000. – 79 lpp.
4. Reņģe V. Organizāciju psiholoģija. Rīga; Kamene. 2004.
5. Pīkeringa P. Personāla vadība. - Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2002. - 125 lpp.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Intelligent Technologies
and Systems
Course developers
Genādijs Moskvins
Course abstract
The master study course allows to expand and to deepen knowledge of general principles in area of
designing, analysis, construction and simulation of intelligent technologies and systems (ITS), about
actual problems of (ITS), practical solutions and new possibilities for development of (ITS) in
agriculture, about the basic elements of (ITS), the neural networks, the fuzzy logic, about SCADA
(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) data visualization
and monitoring systems
Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge - about the general principles of (ITS), elaboration, action, control and application to solve
the theoretical and practical tasks in field of (ITS) engineering and to improve their operation quality.
Skills - to choose (ITS) complex, elements and components, to analyze their work process, algorithms,
operations in static and dynamic modes, to compose optimal (ITS), structure, functional and block
diagrams, to evaluate quality of (ITS) operation.
competence - to select an appropriate principles for (ITS) elements, components and devices, methods
for elaboration, action, control and application , methods for identifying the parameters , principles of
control to interpret the operation data and to perfect their quality.
Compulsory reading
1. Moskvins G. Intelektuālās sistēmas un tehnoloģijas. Mācību grāmata. ISBN 978-9984-784-62-5,
Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 136 lpp.
2. Moskvins.G. Automatizācija. Mācību grāmata. ISBN 978-9984-784-81-6, Jelgava: LLU, 2008. 120
3. George F. Luger. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving 6th
Edition, ISBN-10: 0321545893 ,ISBN-13: 978-0321545893 . Boston [etc.] : Pearson/Addison Wesley,
2009. 784 754 p.
4. S. Russell and P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3rd Edition 2009. ISBN-10:
0136042597, ISBN-13: 978-0136042594 , 1152 p.
Further reading
1. Moskvins G. Mākslīgā intelekta aktualitātes. No: Zinātnes filozofija. Jelgava: LLU, 2011. lpp. 95106.
2. Moskvins G. Haoss, antihaoss, fraktāļi. Ieskats nanotehnoloģiju attīstībā. No: Zinātnes filozofija.
Jelgava: LLU, 2011. lpp. 107-131
3. Siliņš E. Lielo patiesību meklējumi. Rīga: Jumava, ISBN 9789984051864, 2006. 512 lpp.
Periodicals and other sources
1. Artificial Intelligence. An International Journal. ELSEVIER, ISSN: 0004-3702.
2. Information Technology, List of free Information Technology magazines
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Ergonomics and
industrial Design
Course developers
Aivars Kaķītis
Course abstract
The objective of Course is to give students knowledge about principles of Beauty in techniques. On the
basis of Perception of surrounding environment, Composition principles and requirements of
Ergonomics acquire skills to design machines, equipment and interiors.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Students acquire deep theoretical and practical knowledge on principles of human’s
perception of surrounding environment. They gain knowledge of light, color, form and space impact
on the human senses. Students acquire knowledge on composition principles and requirements of
ergonomics based on anthropological parameters of human body. The knowledge gained as a basis for
further design of equipment and interior.
Skills. The ability to creatively use their knowledge in the equipment and machinery design and
interior design. Students are able to use principles of ergonomics to design comfortable interior and
human friendly technique.
Competences. Master students are able to analyze and evaluate technical equipment design. Students
are capable to use Ergonomics principles to minimize adverse effects of the environment on people
and thus to enable each person to maximize his or her contribution to a given job. Master students are
able to base their decisions, and integrate knowledge acquired of other areas and study courses to
design technical equipment according laws of beauty and anthropological parameters.
Compulsory reading
5. Bernhard E. Bürdek. Design: History, Theory and Practice of Product Design. Birkhäuser
Basel; 1 edition, 2005, 544 p.
6. R. S. Bridger. Introduction to ergonomics. CRC Press, 2008, – 776 p.
7. Raymond Loewy. Industrial Design. Amazon, 2007, – 256 p.
8. Dan Cuffaro. Process, Materials, and Measurements. Amazon, 2006, – 264 p.
Further reading
2. V. Šusts, Telpas uztvere un kompozīcija, Zvaigzne, 1979, 127 lpp.
3. William H. Cushman, Daniel J. Rosenberg. Human Factors in Product Design. Publisher:
Elsevier Science Pub Co, 1991.
4. Design Secrets: Products From Rockport Publishers, 2003, – 208 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS credit points
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Quality Assurance Systems
Course developers
Doc. Antoņina Čukure
Course abstract
Quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled. All
the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system, and demonstrated as
needed, to provide adequate confidence that an entity will fulfill requirements for quality.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have (knowledge, skills, competences):
Knowledge. Master degree student understand principles of quality management that is orientated on
assurance of credibility about implementation of quality requirements. They know theoretical aspects
of formation of system, methods of quality ensuring and application of them for machine designing,
marketing and production.
Skills. Master degree student is able to work out technical documentation for quality assurance, to use
it in several production and rendering of service spheres, to calculate establishment coasts of quality
systems, to use statistical methods for introduction of quality systems.
Competences. Master degree student is able to avail acquired knowledge into creative activity,
designing, marketing and production and/or rendering of services in various fields.
Compulsory reading
9. Shiba S. (2006) The Five Step Discovery Process Manual with Examples. Confederation of Indian
Industry. 72 p.
10. Kvalitātes sistēmas pasaulē un Latvijā (1996) Rīga: KIF ”Biznesa Komplekss”. 24 lpp.
11. Kvalitātes vadības sistēmu ieciešana uzņēmumos (2004) Rīga: Personāla sertifikācijas institūts.
116 lpp.
12. Leilands J. (2009) Kvalitātes vadības sistēmas. Jaunā ISO 9001:2008 Standartu prasību
skaidrojums. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis. 176 lpp.
Further reading
10. Kalējs O. (2005) Kvalitātes vadības sistēma un tās izveidošana pakalpojumu jomā. Rīga:
LatConsul. 121 lpp.
11. Kvalitātes nodrošināšanas nacionālā programma (2001) Rīga. 16 lpp.
12. O’Brien J.J. ect. (1997) Construction inspection handbook total Quality management New York:
Chapman & Hall International Thomson. 663 p.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Autotransport and
Course developers
Dainis Berjoza
Course abstract
In this study subject deeper acquired are aspects of constructive, technologic and legislations of
automotive what are related with impact of automobile to environment. Analyzed and acquired in
practice determination methods of exhaust gases of motor vehicles and bringing into practice of them
is, what substantially could be useful for specialist of any sphere, which is connected with automotive.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. A master student obtains extended knowledge and an understanding of the affect of auto
transport on the environment, its reduction possibilities, detailed knowledge on possibilities to
calculate, identify, and measure the components of gas emission for motor vehicles, as well as other
factors affecting the environment and people. A master student also gains extended knowledge on the
legislation of the EU and Latvia concerning reducing the effect of motor vehicles on the environment.
Skills. A master student is able to integrate all the knowledge for calculations of gas emissions and
practical measurements, select measuring equipment and test methods appropriate for particular
conditions, work with legal acts of various complexities in the field of environmental protection, and
use standards in analysing the toxic emissions of particular vehicles. A master student is skilful in
operating stationary and portative apparatuses for measuring vehicle exhaust emissions.
Competences. A master student can independently operate various measuring apparatuses and apply
various systems of measurement related to identification and assessment of the toxic emissions of
automobiles and other kinds of pollution, use legal acts of the EU and Latvia, and is competent in the
main standards and able to operationally find and use them in analysis of experimental data.
Compulsory reading
1. Krick R. Modern automotive technology. The Goodheart-Willcox Co., 2003.
2. Ortmann R. and others. Emission –control technology for gasoline engines. 4-th edition, Robert
Bosch GmbH, 2003, 96 p.
3. Thorsten Raatz and others. Emissions-control Technology for Diesel Engines. 1-st edition. Robert
Bosch GmbH, 2005, 133 p.
4. Michael Oder and others. Gasoline – engine management Basic and components. 1-st edition.
Robert Bosch GmbH, 2001, 87 p.
Further reading
1. Diesel Particulate Emissions: Landmark Research 1994-2001. Edited by John H. Johnson. Society
of Automotive Engineers. USA, 2002, 628 p.
2. Gasoline-Engine Management. 3-rd edition. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bentley Publisher, 2006, 358 p.
3. Automotive Handbook. 7-th edition. Robert Bosch GmbH, Bently publishers, 2007, 1196 p.
4. Gscheidle R. Tabellenbuch Kraftfahrzeugtehnik. Deuchland: Europa- Lehrmittel, 2005.
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Research in Agricultural
Course developers
Dainis Berjoza
Course abstract
Master students work in internship under supervision of the internship supervisor. It is advisable to
research during the internship the spheres that are related to the theme of the master paper. The
internship can be at enterprises, companies, offices etc. the operation of which is related to auto
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. A master student obtains extended practical knowledge and an understanding of the
engineering problems related to a research topic and the possibilities of their solution. A master student
gains extended knowledge on organisation and conduction of experiments, selection of experimental
equipment, and mathematical processing and graphical presentation of the research result obtained.
Skills. A master student is skilful in applying the knowledge in organisation of experiments and
provision of experiments at enterprises or research institutions and the newest research methods, in
developing a detailed and comprehensive research methodology and introducing it, and in processing
the data obtained and presenting the result.
Competences. A master student can independently operate various measuring apparatuses and apply
various systems of measurement that are necessary for engineering research, assess, develop, and
approbate a research methodology, and make decisions related to elaboration of a research plan and its
Course title
Course code
Credit points
ECTS creditpoints
Total Contact Hours
Number of lectures
Number of hours for seminars and practical assignments
Number of hours for laboratory assignments
Master Thesis
32; 32
Course developers
Dainis Berjoza
Course abstract
The Master thesis should be elaborated in creative scientific colaboration with the scientific adviser in
the sphere that is related to the acquired study program and the research direction of the institute. The
Master thesis should show the competences and skills of the Master student in solving engineering
problems that are topical for economics and in performing research work.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the course student will have:
Knowledge. A master student obtains extended practical and theoretical knowledge and an
understanding of the research performed in a related science, the newest research technologies and
equipment and their exploitation, and processing of research data and their demonstration.
Skills. A master student is skilful in applying the knowledge in elaborating a master thesis: analysis of
an analytical situation, assessment and development of a research methodology, creation of new
knowledge based on the research performed, summarisation, assessment, and interpretation of the
results. A master student is able to defend and scientifically justify his/her own decisions made to
solve engineering problems.
Competences. A master student can independently perform and analyse engineering calculations of
various complexities and extents, conduct experimental and analytical research related to the research
topic chosen.
Compulsory reading
1. Vārtukapteinis K., Berjoza D. Metodiskie noteikumi maģistra darbu izstrādāšanai un aizstāvēšanai
akadēmiskajā maģistra studiju programmā lauksaimniecības inženierzinātne, Jelgava, 2011.
2. Dukulis I., Inženierdarba pamati. Lekciju materiāli TF mājas lapā
Further reading 1. Pommers. J, Studentu zinātniskā darba pamati. Rīga :Zvaigzne, 1989.